The world expands ch.1 - The Start of it all

Story by overkrook3 on SoFurry

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#1 of The world expands

This is a story about a human trying to get along in the Sergal world, it will follow everyday life of the man and his journeys to becoming a normal in this new society

This story is one about sergals and people getting to intertwine as they have just made a pact to finally live among each other, we follow the life of one who is just unhappily getting put into the society of these strange creatures. the first 3 chapters should be up in the day this is out to give people a taste at what is gonna happen.

not all will be as long as the first chapter but they will still be out.

Quick warning to those who are against some of the stuff included in this "novel" if you want to call it that, there will be sadness, romance, sex, hints of vore since were dealing with Sergals, tons of swearing and the life of a young man on the road to living with these creatures, hope you enjoy it being my first story :D ill be uploading atleast 3 chapters a week or more depending on my work schedule

When you think about it, were all so small on this world aren't we?, it has been 8 years since life threw me one of the biggest curve balls, a curve ball that shattered my fragile life made of glass, my mom and dad were killed in a car crash, it seemed like it just happened yesterday really sometimes i still think about it and feel hopeless but my parents always told me to follow my dreams and become whatever i want to be, as corny as it sounds it always gave me a hint of hope, now to my life after this devastating moment?.

well we start off with me being adopted by my "brother's" family, as strange as it sounds when we were kids we would always call each other brothers, he may be 2 years older then me but we had the same mind set alot of the time, i was always the quiet kid and he would always be the one to get me to talk to people i had never known, he was pretty short honestly, shaggy brown hair, about 5"8 since i last saw him 2 years ago bright green eyes kind of a chubby dude in all and always had the worst sense of humor which i seemed to share with him, me? Well i take after the irish side of my family i guess, red hair, brown eyes, taller then my bro clocking in at 6"1, pretty good build if i do say so myself, slender but still big enough to have a bit of muscle and probably the most awkward human being on the planet, i was shy, quiet and had stress issues, but enough about me lets get into my life in its current state.

"Well this is exciting isn't it!? you finally get to see your Brother after two years" Becky exclaimed in the most excited tone iv heard from her

she was a good mother figure through the 8 years iv been around her she is my "mother" since her and her husband troy adopted me when my family was taken

"yeah well im just happy to see you getting out of my house...haha i kid i kid, its good to see you finally able to explore the world though and to hopefully make a name for yourself in they're society" Troy always had to add the "i kid i kid" thing to pretty much everything he said, weird but lovable man

i took a large gulp, realizing the mistake i was about to make, my brother James moved to the land of " Shander " two years ago when the creatures known as sergals opened the boarders to allow humans and sergals to more or less intertwine in society.

I had never personally seen one in the flesh besides on the computer and i was terrified realizing i was about to live among them, they were well known for being over 12 feet tall for females and 8 for males since i guess the females were supposedly the alphas of the society, the pictures iv seen make them look like a mix of various creatures, of the pictures i saw on the internet, they tended to have long fluffy hair, razor sharp claws, long tails with a particularly fluffy tip if they were female i guess, and the most terrifying jaws of any animal i had known or seen, they've been said to swallow humans whole if they did something to upset a sergal, the teeth looked like they attuned a kitchen knife set into they're jaws and they had those eyes with the slits that seemed to gaze into your soul

"Well i mean im excited to see James but...The part of being around monsters is gonna get to me eventually" it was a true statement, i was always stressed out over everything and this time, i might be pushed to my limits

Becky laughed and looked at the clock, she handed me my suitcase the keys to the only transportation i had, a motorcycle which was already on board ready for the journey to the land of these creatures, and then to finish it off my trusty skateboard, never failing unless i was acctually trying to impress someone and ending up snapping the wooden deck, "kickflips for days" was what my brother would always yell at it, never made sense but who was i to say anything?

"Well, its time for your big departure, make sure you CALL us or atleast text us when you get on the boat so we know your safe" and with that Becky gave me a hug goodbye, i was gonna just shake troys hand but he too also gave me a monster of a bear hug, i even saw tears in his eyes, and with that i was on my way, taking a taxi to a massive ship that would bring me to my new home to live with my brother in the land of monsters.

it had been a 30 minute drive, the taxi driver was an amusing guy talking about Football since i guess he was a big fan of it, i had never really gotten into sports but i had a smile plastered on my face from just hearing how excited he was to talk to someone about his passion

"Then right when he got to the end zone BAM number 22 slammed him right into it causing a point for the- Oh were here, your parents already paid for you on the way here so don't worry about that, i wish you the best of luck my friend and hope to god you dont loose anything while your there haha"

with that i stepped out of the school bus colored car and watched as it sped away only to leave me staring at the ship, it was massive to say the least, it was the SS-nova a massive cruise ship that would take me to my destination in luxury which i would need before i have my life flipped upside down

as i started up the board walk they're was a man in a white suite with stars on his shoulder, he wore the warmest smile i had ever seen and greeted each person as they climbed aboard, at that point i realized..

there was only about 10 people, on a ship that could carry atleast 2-300 easily

i stepped up and the man gave me the warm smile "Welcome aboard sir, would you mind showing me your ticket?"

i pulled the orange and white ticket out of my pocket, it had my name, date of birth and a picture of the boat i was about to board on it

he stamped it with a big red circle, "Welcome aboard Layne i hope you enjoy your stay, your room number is 401 and we'll be arriving to port Decriv in about 6 hours"

"Oh dear fucking god" i pretty much yelled in my head, i thought it would take at least a day or two so i could prepare myself for what was about to happen, but six hours!? i could barely finish a game of counter strike in that time, in fact i was going to watch the hobbit series to chill out but i guess not.

After about 10 minutes of searching i finally found my room, i walked inside to see a desk, a small black swivel chair and a large bed with a mini fridge beside it, i sighed and walked over to the chair to set up my laptop, i texted the parental's that i got aboard safely only to get some sadface emojis with "Were gonna miss our little guy, make sure you get James on skype or something with us ok?" and as soon as that came in we heard the announcement that we were setting off

"Oh boy..." were the only words that slipped out of my mouth.

It had already been 4 hours, i was shaking, shaking horribly i was terrified and nervous and this god damn boats rocking was not helping my already unsettled stomach, i was playing some counterstrike and listening to music to try and cool my nerves, James always made fun of me for playing the game but i had a good 400$ in skins already and was LEM so i stuck to playing it, but neither of these 2 things were helping, i felt like i was going to break down into tears

Fear, fear is what my life has been a lot of the time since i was so shy and this version of Fear would take its tole on me, i already felt like i was going to puke or black out the thought of having to be around these giant creatures made me scared, it sent shivers down my spine thinking about what horrible things would happen to me, i looked to the mini fridge and pulled out a dr.pepper

"oh..oh thank you lord for this gift" my love of dr.pepper was above anyone else's it was the perfect beverage and it did help me cool my nerves a little until it happened..

"Hello everyone this is your captain speaking, we will be at port Decriv in an hour so please start packing and getting ready to depart"

i felt a bit of the doctor pepper in my mouth dribble out the corner of my lips, i think i might have went into a type of shock or something because i couldn't move, after a good 4 minutes of my body being locked into a state of "what the fuck" i snapped out of it only to realize that i had just received about 20 text messages in the 4 minutes, i unlocked the new samsung i picked up only a week before to be blinded by the white messaging after putting myself in the dark room with the only light being my laptop

"WHEN THE FUCK ARE YOU GONNA BE HERE MAN!?" was the first message, from James

"at least one of us is excited..." i grumbled to myself, the rest of the text messages was just a spam of "Layne pls" for which i answered " well im about to either black out or die as soon as i get off in an hour so come be my knight in shining Armour and get ready to save me"

we always had a weird sense of humor, either people found it exceptionally funny or just plain stupid, but we always thought we were hilarious, we always did shitty impressions of accents and laughed for hours at it while other people were more then likely getting ready to blow they're brains out after listening to us

another text flew into my phone "Dude... the squad is boppin over to the house to meet you, kelly and reverend" i blanked out for a second and it seemed like my body took control to write one word... "Sergals?" was the question

and the answer was the only one i didn't wanna see "Yeah" was the only thing i got from him

with that in mind i sat, and watched the clock as time ticked by seeming to go slower and slower as my destination neared, i realized i would have to drive my bike there, so i tried to fit as much as i could in my backpack only to leave my headphones in theyre case hanging off the strap, the suitcase in the backpack made it ridculously heavy and it dropped to ass level, i went down a few flights of stairs to a big room with a car and 2 bikes, one of which being my baby girl a Kawasaki xs-650 which me and my dad made into a cafe racer when i was a kid, she was a cherry red with chrome trim and was the most beautiful bike i have ever laid eyes on

The intercom in the dark room spouted some static before the voice which i was accustomed to hearing after this journey poked on

"attention everyone, please get ready to leave the ship and if you have vehicles go to level 3 and wait till we drop the ramp to get off, thank you for your time and i hope your enjoyed the trip"

i fiddled with a hoodie for a few minutes a black hoodie with "BAKER skateboards" plastered on it, made sure my new vans were tied and then to top it off, put my bandanna over my face so no bugs would slam into my mouth while i was driving along with my helmet and goggles, i was ready, i was ready for whatever would be thrown at me me and my bike would see all of this through, i read over the laws of this land for driving apparently sergals rarely ever drove since alot of cars weren't exactly adapted to them, and then the gate started to open.

My heart was racing the man with the orange Mitsubishi next to me smiled at me "beautiful ride, just a heads up, it supposedly rains here a lot"

"great" as the ramp slowly opened i had a clear view into the city, it wasn't exactly bustling there were a few people around but...these werent exactly the "people" i was used too, claws, fur, fangs, "oh fuck" was all that i could whisper to myself i heard the orange car come to life as it slowly moved down the ramp, the other man on the motorcycle was fixing something on his front fork, with hesitation i rolled my bike off the ramp since it was a bit too steep to actually ride off of, when i got to the bottom i popped open my kickstand and checked everything over to make sure no malfunctions were gonna happen.

I opened my phone for the first time in an hour and texted James while sitting on my bike "whats the address? i just got off the ship"

Within seconds a message popped up "37 axehead road, blue house with white gutters" and with that i put my phone back in my pocket out of the corner of my eye i realized i was getting some looks from various sergals, the realization of how big they were hit me like a sack of potatoes to the head, i did my breathing exercises my doctor taught me to stay calm and with a hint of spark in me i wanted to show off at least a little.

I looked at a map i put on the side of my tank before i left home and traced a marker down where i needed to go, as soon as i found the road i needed to go down, i slammed my full body weight on the kick starter and flipped up the kickstand, my bike gave a loud growl through its open pipes when i revved it only to send the tires spinning putting me into a wheelie and sending me off to my destination, not gonna lie, i may or may not have almost flipped my bike when i did it.

it was almost 30 minutes of me getting lost, finding my way then getting lost again, half of the time i was getting odd stares out of everyone that watched especially when i was stopped at a red light, through the journey i started to realize how close they're civilization was compared to ours, coffee shops were spread out across the city, various clothing shops and restaurants too, i didn't really see the point of the traffic lights in all honesty, i saw maybe 2 cars while i was driving both of which were obviously business cars

after a while i found myself on the road that i needed to be on but i thought maybe id stop for a coffee just to see how everything worked, when the pact was made our money was swapped to a currency our civilizations could share, thank god since i was horrible with any math needed to convert my moneys worth into they re's

i pulled up to a place called "Whole time beanz" which gave me a chuckle thinking about a sergal coming up with a silly name like that, as i walked in eyes glued onto me, i was still mildly tall enough to be able to not be a midget compared to them but they were still pretty damn large, i stood in the back of the line, a male stood infront of me, he had large black ear tufts with black fur around his neck and a vibrant blue shirt with black jeans as he looked back he gave me a big smile which shocked me

"hey your the first human iv seen in here!" i froze, did it just talk to me?, then it hit me i was being rude not answering i was already nervous but i could tell by his smile he wasn't dangerous

"yeah i just got off the boat about 20 minutes ago, i need a coffee pretty bad from the 6 hour ride" i heard murmurs from people talking about me behind my back, was it weird for a sergal to talk to a human? or was it just because i was new?

he chuckled which was came out as a weird clicking noise "well you've come to the right place in my honest opinion its the best coffee shop in town"

"the luck of the irish must be with me then if i found this place out of the hundred coffee shops you guys have here" i stated that as it was fact, sergals must really like they're coffee since it seemed like there was a coffee shop every twenty meters

he smiled at me after ordering his coffee "well everyone loves coffee so the more people who serve it the better" he thanked the rather large sergal standing at the till, i had to acctually look up at her to order, her eyes clicked into mine and she gave a huge smile to show off her perfectly white fangs

"Welcome!, its nice to see a new face around here, my names beth im the owner of the shop" she seemed rather excited to have a human in the midst of all the sergals

"My names Layne, nice to meet you beth, could i get a large french vani-?" before i could even finish she darted around the corner to the back after about a minute she returned with a rather large cup of coffee, which i realized its sergal size not human sized

she gave me the warm smile and passed me the drink, then leaned in on the counter "i got you a medium since sergal size larges are probably not what your used to"

i smiled and fiddled into my pocked to get my wallet but suddenly "oh no no no you don't need to pay, first is free especially since your the first human in here, im hoping you might make this place a regular to come to, as i said its nice to see someone new here but its better to see the new one become a regular customer"

I felt pretty happy for the first time coming here i actually felt like i belonged here, i took my coffee gave her a thanks and walked over to my bike outside, i sat on the curb drinking the coffee, and my god it was the best damn coffee i had ever had, i still felt the stares of everyone on the back of neck, which did still give me a chill of fear, i was sitting for about 3 minutes texting my brother before the "man" i talked to came outside and sat beside me

"must be a hell of a change coming from wherever your from to here huh?" his piercing red eyes still freaked me out a bit but he seemed like a nice person, there was nothing to suggest danger in his look

"yeah, truth be told i was terrified to come here, im not exactly a big fan of change, and you guys do look a bit on the scary side to what im used to seeing"

he gave me yet another big smile and patted me on the shoulder "we look scary but most of us are teddy bears in wolfs clothing, ill warn you that we still do have primal instincts and to kind of watch what you say or do but either way no one is gonna just hurt you for no good reason"

it gave me a bit of confidence to hear that, the whole time i was worrying that i would come here and get turned into a chew toy the minute i stepped off the boat

"well iv gotta get going, i have a date in an hour and i wanna pick up something special for her" he did look nervous so the date must be a pretty big thing for him

"if you need help with anything give me a call, id be happy to show you around" he passed me a blue card with white writing across the top stating "Leon Mera Conscit" which i guessed was his name, he left giving me a wave and that was it for our conversation

after finishing the coffee that i swear could of been made by a god i dropped the empty cup in the nearby garbage can, got my helmet, goggles and bandanna in order i started up the bike and was on my way yet again to what was soon to be my new home.

End of ch.1

hope you enjoyed the read, new one should be up later today :)