Uncomfortably Happy [7]

Story by Pawsroloc on SoFurry

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#7 of Uncomfortably Happy

A series about a young fox who finds himself thrown into the midst of a crazy household. How will Danny adapt to this new lifestyle? Find out for yourself!

There will be talk of death and traumatic backstory nonsense. We are at least reaching the halfway point of this series!



Panic Attack

by pawsroloc

Danny stepped into the shower, visibly shaking.

She had been a kindergarten teacher. He had always wondered what her students had been told the days following the accident.

It had all happened so fast. And all because they were too busy fighting. He knew he shouldn't have gotten into the car, but he was too angry to listen to reason. There was a sound. And then a slam. And then nothing.

Danny didn't care to adjust the temperature of the icy water. His body already felt numb all over. He just stood there, looking down into the drain.

He remembered their conversation a few days after the crash. Danny could still feel the rage he felt as he saw him. Drinking. All the blame. All the hate.

In his rage, he had muttered it under his breath. He repeated the words, letting the shower drown them out. He hadn't meant for his dad to hear them. He could still hear his father's voice demand he repeat himself.

"What did you say Danny?" The voice rang clear as day through his head.

"I dare you to fuckin' say it!" The gruff voice shouted again.

"No..." Danny whispered, his words echoing in the shower.

"Say it!" The voice screamed louder. He remembered the alcohol on his breath. It had only made Danny angrier.

"No." He said defiantly, clenching his fists. Why would he still be drinking? Even after the crash the bastard had the nerve to keep on drinking.

"SAY IT!" The voice shouted again. Tears began mixing with the cold water as Danny crumpled to the shower floor.

"It should have been you! Okay?!" Danny shouted, vision now completely blurred as water poured over him. "Alright?! It should have been you!" He repeated, slumping to the bathroom floor.

He didn't know how long he lay there. Eventually the cold water became too much to bear and Danny pulled himself off the shower floor.

He felt just like he had the morning after. When he walked into the living room and saw his dad... just...

The regret in his gut subsided the rage. He shouldn't have said those words. He knew it. But he... he...

"I'm sorry." Danny whispered, turning off the shower. His tears seemingly vanishing with the water, as if the pipes themselves controlled his ducts.

It was all coming back to him now. All too vividly. Calling Barry. Having to tell his mom what had happened. The cop who Danny had overhead muttering 'good riddance'. The funeral. But something was no longer lingering in his heart; the hate.

He grabbed a towel and stepped out of the shower. He sighed, pushing the thoughts away as he continued drying off. That was then. He was somewhere better now... right? He was happy here... or at least he could be.

Wrapping the towel around his waist, Danny walked back into his room. Seamus and Mark stood sheepishly in the center of the room. He glanced at the two of them. They in turn looked at him.

"You okay in there?" Seamus asked nervously.

"Y-yeah. Just a... bad memory." Danny said, walking over to his bed. He sat down, letting the mattress catch his weight. "So did you guys talk it out?"

"We've been... talking and..." Seamus began, glancing at the wolf for help.

"We're sorry." Mark continued, looking down at his feet.

"But it was all a big misunderstanding!" The husky blurted. "I was mad at Mark 'cuz I thought he was trying to 'claim' you or some bullshit like that."

"And I wasn't." Mark clarified. "I was just gonna say that maybe..." The wolf shifted uneasily. "... maybe you'd give Philly a chance. Before you decided who you wanted to uh... lose your virginity to."

Seamus nodded in agreement. "He's a real sweet lover. I know that he doesn't look the part but he's got a lot to give."

"He actually asked me to uh... hold off... until he got a chance to get to know you." The wolf admitted.

Danny thought back to how the doberman had acted around the tiger. The big dog liked to put on a tough guy front around others, but the man had been a nervous wreck around Matt.

The fox looked Mark in the eyes. "So you were trying to slow us down?" Danny asked.

"Yeah." The wolf nodded.

"A-and I wasn't trying to say that I got to you first or anything!" Seamus blurted. "I know it's your choice. I wouldn't want to force anything on you that you weren't ready for."

The two dogs stood staring at Danny, waiting for his response. The fox just sat there, staring at the floor.

Danny eventually looked back up at them, eyes beginning to tear up. "I'm sorry I snapped at you guys as well. That's no way to treat friends." Danny weakly smiled at the two, body visibly drooped.

"Aw, don't cry. I'm sorry Danny." Seamus said, kneeling next to Danny's bed. "We never should have started raising our voices." The husky leaned in for a hug, embracing the limp fox. The husky's pleasant scent eased Danny's distress. He took in a deep breath, appreciating Seamus' tight grip.

Eventually the husky pulled away. Danny hadn't felt this emotionally drained in a while. It had been a long time since he had thought about the accident.

"Do you want me to stay?" Seamus asked, sensing something was wrong with the fox. Danny shook his head. "I think I'd like to just be alone for a bit."

"Okay." Seamus said, patting the fox's knee. The husky turned to look at Mark. "Why don't we do that? Let's go grab some groceries or something."

Mark shrugged, seemingly oblivious to Danny's sensitive state. "Sure. Getting kind of low on food anyways."

A familiar buzzing noise awoke Danny. He looked around the room for his phone. He reached for the humming phone. It was Terry.

>>Wow. You're quite the screamer.

>>I'm hearing shouting. What's going on?

>>Are you there??

>>Did you fall asleep?


>>I'm guessing you fell asleep.

>>Text me when you get this.


>>Hey! :D

>>I heard you weren't feeling all too well?


>>Do you want an ear?


>>Awesome. I'm a good listener


Danny let his soul lay bare before the horse. He told Terry everything. How his parents split. How his mom married her co-worker, Barry. How his dad's drinking had reached its worst right before the crash... He even told Terry what he had told his dad the moments before his suicide.

And I think a part of me blames me for what i said<<

>>Have you told your mom?


>>I think you should tell her everything you told me

>>But in person, obviously


>>You have a lot on your chest

>>Serious baggage :O

>>Talk to her and let her in

>>You never know


>>Do you mind if me and Mitch stop by?

That's fine<<

Shortly after there was a knock at his door. As Danny got out of bed he realized he was still naked. He quickly pulled a pair of shorts over his junk before answering the door.

A large lion in a suit stood at the door. The big cat stared down at Danny, as if analyzing him.

"You are Danny?" The cat asked, a little unsure.

"Y-yeah. And you are Mitch? It's nice to meet you." Danny said, holding out his hand.

"You are..." The cat eyed him scrupulously. "Fantastic!" The lion shouted, clasping his large paws around the fox's outstretched hand. Mitch eagerly yanked the young man. Danny stumbled off balance as he fell into the cat's open arms. He found himself almost entirely buried in the lion's mane. The lion smelled like expensive cologne; subtle, yet distinct.

"Oh it's been so long since we've had a new roommate! How are you getting along with the others? I hand-picked a few myself, although you were purely Mark's decision. But I can see he knows how to pick 'em! You're the silent type, aren't you? Hah! I love those! All cute and shy. Look! You're blushing right now! Terry! Come over here and look at the new kid blush!" The lion spoke quickly, barely finishing one thought before picking up a new one. Danny was pushed into the hall, a stern paw on his back.

Terry opened their door and walked into the hall to join them. The beautiful horse pouted, signing quickly at the lion. The large paw quickly removed itself from Danny's back.

"Oh! My mistake little guy. I didn't know you weren't feeling so hot. Terry here..." Mitch began, watching the horse sign for a bit. "...Wants to know if you'd like to go out to dinner. Just the three of us?"

"Uh. Sure." Danny said.

The large lion smiled and turned back to Terry. "What'd I tell ya? Strong and silent type, all the way. We got a heart a gold on our hands, Terry!" The horse nodded and signed a bit more.

"So what do you want to eat Danny? Your pick."


Talking to the lion was liking talking to two people at once. In fact, it was exactly like talking to two people at once. A lot of the time Danny wondered if Mitch was actually speaking for Terry or himself. The horse constantly signed, and the lion constantly spoke.

Over dinner, Danny found himself listening to story after story of their adventures within the house. It turns out that they had been living in the house ever since their college days. The two had met in an ASL class and quickly became good friends. From Mitch's description, their love life hadn't happened all at once. Sure, they had shared plenty of partners along the way, but they didn't understand their 'togetherness' until after graduation.

"And I'm telling you Terry had this guy speaking tongues!" Mitch practically roared with laughter. Danny glanced around at the other tables, hoping no one minded the lion's magnanimous personality.

The large lion sighed, pushing his now empty plate away. "But enough about us. What about you Danny?" The two leaned in, staring intently at the fox.

"I'm just a freshmen. I haven't even had my first class yet." Danny admitted sheepishly. "There's nothing all that great about me."

The lion seemed upset with the fox's answer. "Oh come now Danny. Surely you've done something since you've gotten here?"

Danny glanced back to his last three days spent in the house. So far he had managed only really managed to have a panic attack in the shower.

He shrugged, looking between the lion and Terry. "I'm a bit of a nobody." He'd like to say the words didn't hurt, but they did.

Terry signed quickly to Mitch. "And you are okay with that?"

"N-no." Danny admitted.

"Then change it Danny! I know not everyone can be as outgoing as I am, but I know each of us can shine in our own way. You just have to find what makes you special. And do you know what the first step of that is?"

"No. What?" Danny asked.

"Confidence! You don't have to strut into a room or be able to speak in front of a large crowd to be confident! You just need to be sure of one thing: yourself."

The lion leaned in across the table. The horse quickly mimicked the action. "Do you love yourself Danny?"

"I-I don't know." Danny said.

The lion grinned. "Well then you'd better find out. The sooner you learn to love yourself, the sooner you can love others."

The two looked at one another. They reached over and grabbed each other's hands. Danny reckoned this was what Seamus had been talking about before. About love. The way the two of them looked into each other's eyes. The way they talked fluently like one person... it inspired Danny. Something inside him wanted what they had for each other.

"So then... how do I learn to love myself?" Danny asked, feeling a little foolish to be asking such a question in public.

"Well... I suppose one way is by surrounding yourself with others that care for you." The lion said thoughtfully, scratching his mane.

"Like... Seamus?" Danny asked, remembering how kind the dog had been to him.

The horse shook his head, quickly signing to Mitch. "Shay... can be quite the caretaker at times... but he isn't the only one. You should really hear the way Julius and Philly talk about you. Even Mark cares about you, in his own special way." The lion chuckled, stroking the horse's hand.

"And we care about you too. Terry here told me a little bit about your past while we were at the table. We're sorry if that was supposed to stay between you and Terry, but..." They looked at each other. "We have no secrets."

"I hope you learn to love yourself Danny. And we all do care about you Danny."


Philly was exhausted. After chasing after the tiger in what he had THOUGHT was the right direction, he had to run all the way to work in order to escape another lecture from his boss. Rush hour never seemed to end either. His work clothes still smelt like onions as he opened the front door. He squinted, making out a figure standing by the stairs.

"D-Danny?" The doberman asked, barely making out the fox's form in the dark light.

"Yeah. It's me." The fox said quietly, walking towards the tired dobie.

"What are you doing in the dark silly?" Philly asked, kicking off his shoes.

"I was just thinking that maybe you and I could hang out in the loft for a bit." Danny casually suggested as he walked towards the doberman.

"I'm a little too tired right now to-" Philly stopped talking in mid-sentence as the fox's silhouette became illuminated by the porch light. The lithe fox was in just his boxers, smiling at the doberman. His ears were folded in nervousness, betraying his confident gait.

"Are you sure?" Danny asked again, one hand resting on the dobie's side.

The doberman was frozen in place as he watched the fox brush up into him. He could feel the fox's briefs press against his thigh as Danny leaned in. His arms wrapped around the dog, pulling him closer.

"W-well..." Philly began, staring into the fox's green eyes. "Maybe we could stay up for a little bit."

Danny smiled sweetly up at the doberman before nuzzling into the dog's neck. "That's the spirit." He whispered.

Danny led the doberman up the stairs by the hand. They did their best to quietly sneak down the hall to the open loft. The large full moon helped to illuminate the dark room.

Eventually Danny found himself straddling the dobie's lap in a bean bag. He could already feel the doberman's cock poking into his thigh as he pulled Philly into a kiss. What started as one long peck quickly became two, then three. Eventually they found themselves wrapped up in each other's mouths. Danny's paws gripped the doberman's meaty pecs beneath his tight shirt. He could feel his rock hard nipples pressing into each of his palms as he gently squeezed the muscles. Meanwhile, the dobie's hands had done some exploring of their own. Each paw now rested gently on the fox's cheeks, gently squeezing Danny's bubble butt.

"Did Mark put you up to this?" The doberman asked as Danny eagerly tore off his work clothes.

Danny shook his head no, admiring the doberman's well defined muscles in the moonlight. "This was my idea. I've just had a lot on my mind today and I guess the only thing I was a hundred percent positive I wanted to do was... well... was this."

The fox tugged Philly's pants down to his knees, revealing the dobie's straining boxers. Danny cupped the package with one paw, smiling at the large dog. Philly smiled back as he watched the fox peel off his briefs. The dobie's cock stood at over eight inches, and was much wider in girth than Mark's.

"Fuck, Danny." Philly said, breathing heavily as he watched the fox slowly play with his balls. He could see the fox's briefs tenting as well. While the doberman didn't want to stop Danny's paw, he had an idea of how he wanted to spend his time with the fox.

"W-wait." Philly pleaded, just as the fox began to play with the doberman's sheathe. He wined and panted as the fox's fingers stopped in their tracks. The fox looked up at Philly curiously.

"Do you want me to stop?" Danny asked, wondering if he had done something wrong.

"No! Well... yes... just-" Philly sighed, pulling himself away from the fox's touch. He grabbed the fox by the waist. "Follow my lead." He offered, gently guiding the fox down onto the bean bag next to him. They lay on their sides, staring into each other's eyes.

"Stay right there, just like that." Philly whispered, getting up off the seat. He stepped out of his clothing before laying back down on the large bag. This time however, the fox found himself staring right into the doberman's junk. Danny realized all at once what the dog had planned.

"Oh!" Danny said, feeling the dobie's paws yank his underwear down, the cold night air suddenly hitting his warm sheathe. He followed the doberman's lead and grabbed the base of Philly's cock.

It was hard to focus on the doberman's cock as his own member was so skillfully stroked. When the doberman's maw enveloped the head of his cock, the fox couldn't help but moan out loud. Hoping not to disturb his other roommates, a quickly stifled the sound by latching onto the dobie's pecker. The two lay there, trembling and bucking into one another. The vibrations of their moans stimulated one another to new levels of pleasure. Danny could taste the doberman's pre now. He wondered if Philly was as close as he was to release when he felt a particularly strong jolt run through the cock in his mouth. At the same time, the dobie's grip on his cock tightened around Danny's knot. Danny tried his best to keep his mouth around the dobie's cock as spurt after spurt of cum filled his mouth. The grip on his knot quickly sent Danny over the edge as well. They each did their best to swallow each other's loads as they came.

The two lay there like that for some time, carefully lapping at their softening members in tandem. Eventually their stimulation was not enough to keep their cocks hard. They pulled themselves away from each other and resituated themselves. The two now sat next to each other, the doberman's arm wrapped around Danny's shoulder.

"Did you like that?" Philly asked, nuzzling into the fox's neck.

"Yeah I did. Thanks for doing this with me." Danny whispered, enjoying the intimacy of his touch.

"You want to come back to my bed with me?" Philly offered, pulling himself up off the bean bag.

Danny entertained the thought of spooning with the dog, but thought it might be best to go to his own bed for the night. "Thanks, but I think I'll pass."

The doberman looked a little disappointed as he helped the fox up. They gathered their things up and walked off down the hall. The two stopped in front of Danny's room. The dobie hugged Danny before continuing downstairs.

It looked like the wolf had fallen asleep. He tip toed over to his bed, tossing his pair of briefs into the hamper as he passed. Today had felt so long. He wondered how badly the day would have been if he hadn't had Philly there to 'lift' his spirits. He smiled, thinking back on Mitch's words as he slipped into his bed.

The sooner you learn to love yourself, the sooner you can love others.

As always, thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated!
