Fun with Veemon

Story by hoeni on SoFurry

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Note: This story contains gay sex between a minor boy and a little dragon (Veemon, if you know him)and a bit of foot fetish. So, don't like it, don't read it.

The with the * I dunno in English. I simply translated it from German :3

2nd note: This is my first story ever, and since English is not my native language, don't be mad with me, if the grammar or the language is not THAT good ^^

But enjoy it, though :3

Fun with Veemon

The sun was shining, some wind blew around the trees, and their leafs made a very pleasant noise. The 5 DigiDestined, Davis, Yolei, Cody, T.K. and Kari, and their digi-partners Veemon, Hawkmon, Armadillomon, Patamon and Gatomon, were sitting on the grass, talking, having fun and eating their picnic.

Yolei always had the most food with her, because of the shop her parents had. The most popular was sushi. The digimons, especially Armadillomon, loved the small rice-rolls. "Aww, c'mon! Lemme have the last one!", begged Veemon, when the armored digimon took the last one between his claws. With a smirk on his face, Armadillomon swallowed it in one, licking his claws and laying back with a little expanded stomach.

"Hey guys! Wanna go swimming? There's a lake nearby!", Davis suggested.

If they weren't asleep already, because of the good food and the pleasant atmosphere, they would have murmured something about the fact that one should not swim after eating and some other stuff, which got on Davis's nerves.

"Oh you're all so lazy... What's with you Veemon? Will you come with me?".

"Hmm.. Yeah, sure, why not?" he replied. Although he didn't like water THAT much, he went along with Davis because he liked him. Yes, there was a deep connection between them, since Davis found the digi-armor-egg and Veemon appeared in a pillar of light.

They walked for about 15 minutes before they finally arrived at the lake. It was just wonderful there. The water had a slightly blue color and it was so clean, you could see almost to the bottom. The lake itself was surrounded by a few trees, apples, cherries, etc., each in full bloom.

Veemon was so overwhelmed of the sight, that he didn't recognize Davis had already begun undressing. He only wore his boxers when he jumped into the water, splashing water onto Veemon, who was so shocked that he stumbled and fell onto his bum.

Davis pointed at him and started laughing. Veemon blushed slightly but jumped into the water too, swimming to Davis and grabbed him on his shoulders, pushing him under water. Davis struggled and broke free from Veemon. "Aw you...!" he shouted and began to tickle Veemon, who laughed out loudly, which was rather a scream.

He squirmed so hard, that Davis accidental touched Veemon's pouch, which Davis didn't recognize, but Veemon blushed deeply and immediately got a hard-on.

Davis continued and brushed against Veemon's member again. Davis, realizing immediately what he just touched, pulled his hand away and his cheeks went red as a tomato.

And so Veemon, who turned back and looked down into the water, "I'm sorry.. I-I just.. I-I don't-"


-Veemon watched over his shoulder- "Yeah Davish?"

"Do you.. um.. do you like me? I mean more... more than like a friend?"

Veemon thought, "Could it really be possible? The tone in his voice was so calm and friendly.. No! He wouldn't be mad with me if I tell him now my feelings. The feelings I'm hiding for so long.."

"So, Davish, ya know, I think all the time I've been with you know, I had a kinda crush on ya.."

Davis was very astonished about what he just heard. Although he liked Veemon very much, maybe even more than a brother, he never thought he could be in love with him, cause he always loved Kari and everybody knew that.

As Davis was lost in his thoughts Veemon collected all his courage, grabbed Davis on his shoulders, pulled him towards his face and pressed his lips against Davis'.

It was as if the time was stopped by an indefinable power. Veemon was lost in pleasure, doing things he dreamt of for weeks now. Davis, on the other hand, was near a heart attack. He couldn't believe what his partner just did. A part of him was a bit loath. He never had any thoughts about being gay or kissing a male.

The other part liked the feeling of having Veemon's soft lips against his. As he came back to reality his eyes shot open and he broke the kiss, pushing Veemon a few centimeters away, who immediately began to sputter, "Fuck! Davish, please! I'm sorry. I-"

Davis stopped him, "Whoawhoawhoa, bud. Calm down a bit! I'm not angry with you because of the kiss. Anyway, you should know that I have a crush on Kari, but I liked your lips on mine too... Shit, I'm confused!"

"Can't it be possible, that you're bi? I know many bi-sexual digimon," Veemon said.

"Hm, maybe you're right... Ah! What the heck, Kari is out of my reach anyway. Maybe we could try it? Ya know, just to find out if I like it or not?"

The look on Veemon's face was just great, like a little girl which was just told to get a little pony.

"Yeah! Sure! I'd really love to!"

"But only with a promise", Davis warned. "We will stop if I don't want to continue, ok bud?"

"Of course! And, Davish?"


"Maybe you wanna take those off?" Veemon pointed to Davis' boxers, which were slightly tented. With one quick movement he took his blue boxers off and with a huge grin tossed it onto the earth nearby the lake.

So now, both males were naked, cheeks red and sporting erections. This time Davis grabbed Veemon by the shoulders and kissed him deeply.

Veemon pushed with his tongue against the closed lips of Davis who accepted the new sensation gladly. The two suckled on each other's tongues and shared their saliva. As they did, both males sported erections and started to grind their stiff members together, humping each other slightly.

Davis was again the one who broke the kiss, "Follow me..." He grabbed Veemon by the hand and went with him ashore. In the grass he pushed Veemon to the ground and crawled between his legs. He took the blue 7inch member and began to pull the foreskin back and forth.

Veemon began to moan silently and he bucked against Davis' fingers. The boy bent down, and nuzzled on Veemon's balls, while he jacked him faster off. Suddenly, the boy felt some fluid spurting against his face, which he gradually liked off.

It was slightly salty, but he liked it. Some more followed, making the foreskin slippery and making squishing sounds. As Veemon moaned louder, Davis asked, "Are you ok, bud?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, keep going, it feels very good and I'm close to cumming"

Davis continued to stroke Veemons prick until he felt it twitching and pulsing and he heard Veemon moan, "Aww Gawd!"

Davis stopped immediately, causing Veemon to grumble at him, "Oh Davish! Why did you stop? I was so close...!"

"I know, but I don't want you to cum like that! Let's try something different. It's your turn now, why don't you try to pleasure me with your feet?"

"And how should I do that?"

"C'mon, I'll show ya!" And with the last word, Davis stood up and took both of Veemons clawed feet and led them to his 8inch member.

He pressed the soles together and began to buck into the hole in-between, the rough underside pulling his foreskin back and forth. The digidestined began to moan loudly, smearing his sticky pre all over the sweaty soles.

Veemon liked the feeling on his feet and began to brush against the head of Davis' cock with his toes, drenching them in pre. Davis stopped humping Veemons feet and kneeled down again, taking his partner's left foot and licking over the pre-covered surface.

The taste was kinda odd, a mix of the saltyness of the pre and the bitterness of the sweaty and dirty feet. Veemon indeed loved Davis soft tongue against his soles and began to leak pre again.

When Davis was finished with the foot, he bent down and licked at Veemons tailhole, making it glisten in saliva. He pressed his lips against the hole and pressed his drool into the entrance, lubing up the inside.

Veemon, who never had anything down there, was completely overwhelmed of the new sensation he received from his partner. He moaned loudly in delight, pressing his hips against Davis' tongue.

When the boy thought, it was wet enough, he pointed with his dick against Veemons rear entrance. "So bud, I'm gonna shove my dick up your ass. Please try to relax, so it won't hurt that much, ok? I'll be careful."

Veemon nodded and Davis pushed against the hole but he couldn't get in, the resistance was too much. "Fuck, you are quite tight down there. Push down a bit, maybe I'll get in." Veemon did as he was told and with a small outcry of the blue lizard, Davis was able to push the head of his dick in. "Are you ok?"

"Y-Yes, I'm fine. Actually it feels pretty good, you can continue, if you want, but please, be slowly." And with a nod, Davis began to push his cock deeper into the ass of his digi-partner.

"Oh yeah!", he moaned while he pushed the rest of the fat prick down Veemons rear, who groaned in delight too, as Davis hit his prostate and he shot a jet of pre across his chest.

Davis pulled out, until only the head was left inside, only to push inside again. His hairy balls slapped against the underside of Veemon's tail.

With time, Davis got faster, picking up pace and Veemon in regular intervals clenched down on the cock of his friend and he could clearly feel the precum spurting into his ass.

In fact was it so much, that it dripped out of his ass and ran down Davis' balls. Then Davis bent down and pressed his lips against Veemons, pushing his tongue inside the blue lizard's mouth and suckling on its tongue, savoring the saliva.

He got even faster in fucking the little blue dragon, brushing with each thrust against his prostate, receiving loud moans from him. An additional stimulation was Davis belly, rubbing with each tilt over the horny digimon's member, making the six-pack sticky with pre.

"Oh Davish! I think I-I'm about to-to CUM!" and with the last word, the horny lizard began to buck his hips against Davis' belly, cum splattering everywhere. He even managed it to get some onto his and Davis' face.

While he was sprayed cum all over the place, his anal muscle clenched uncontrollably around Davis member. He couldn't quite handle the sudden attention and was thrown over the edge as well.

With a loud groan of satisfaction, he began shooting jet after jet of his sticky man juices into Veemon's back entrance.

When his climax finally ended, he collapsed on top of Veemon, giving him a kiss in his cheek. He rolled over and landed beside Veemon on the grass.

"Thanks bud. I think, maybe, T.K. can keep Kari since I'm no longer very confident about my sexual orientation. You are gay, right?"

"Uhm, I think so, Why did you ask?"

"Oh don't worry. Maybe I am gay too, or at least bi. But don't tell the others, will you?"

"Sure hun." And with that, Veemon cuddled against Davis, gave him one last kiss before they fell asleep.

After about 2 hours they were woken up by a Monodramon, which was drinking from the lake. They decided to head back to the place, where they had the picnic, but instead of laughing kids and their digimons, they found a letter, which told them that the others went home long ago. "Ah, the heck, let's see it positive! Now we can stay a bit longer together. Alone... " And with those final words, he gave Veemon a kiss.

Fin ^^