Remains of the Day (Part 2)

Story by Kijo Nemutai on SoFurry

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#2 of Remains of the Day

Raharu gasped in awe as he felt Teahd working at his member again, it was

unexpected so soon after he had just climaxed. Teahd's mouth was still so warm

so wet and inviting as it worked up and down along his shaft. She was warm

enough to almost feel like she was really alive. Raharu started to realize some

thing that never would have occured to him. His cock was hard as a rock again

in only moments from the treatment that Teahd was lavishing him in. He didn't

just climax before... He'd enjoyed it.

"How dare you..." he managed to grunt out, still feeling the strange things holding

to his wrists and his legs, keeping him so tightly in place. He faught it again, and

began to curse. "You vile creature, how dare you force your body on me.... you

have taken my.... my first time...." he found himself interrupted though as

Teahd tightened her lips around his shaft very close to the base. He could feel

her nosing into his crotch, and sucking so hard that it felt like she was trying to

suck his cock right off of his body. For a few moments, he actually feared that

was what she actually had in mind, but she pulled off, and he could hear her

speaking to him.

"Oh stop being such a baby..... You've been enjoying yourself very much..."

Replied Teahd. She looked him over. He was so beautiful, his body was chiseled

and firm to a point that she loved.... he had that perfect Bruce Lee muscle build

firm, but not over muscled. She scootched herself onto his lap, and spread her

legs, slinking her panties down from her skirt, and she lowered the cold lips of her

sex to Raharu's raging hard-on. "You just need to relax more honey.... anyways

dear, you know that I'll take good care of you..." as she spoke, she pressed her

body into Raharu's firmly, and she started to kiss him.

In her mind, Teahd was at ends with herself. There was much more to this than

just a simple fuck. She'd been waiting for this, desiring this, as long as she had

lived, and even beyond the grave. She wanted someone who would make her

complete, she wanted someone who she'd been waiting for. //I'm going to

give him the love I couldn't give... I'm going to let him have all that I wanted

to give to my love... He's so familiar...// It was personal. Even if she hadn't

seen Raharu himself before he'd entered the cemetary that night, she knew his

face, the way he walked.... he was just like his father Sayuma.

Raharu did not know what to do about the kiss that he was getting, it made him

feel strange and uneasy, Teahd's mouth was cold, and very messy, She had a

somewhat stale taste that was pungeunt... but at the same time, her lips were

very soft, and her tongue, while cold, felt nice as it slid into his mouth. Despite

himself, he found himself starting to very slowly kiss Teahd back... then it really

hit him. Slish. That sound was nice. But it felt cold.... cold pussy was taking in

his cock. Cold pussy was sucking him in. Cold pussy rubbing all over his length.

Cold pussy gripping to him from every direction that he'd never thought about

being rubbed in. Cold pussy tightly squeezing, moving up and down on his shaft.

Cold pussy, starting to warm up from the pure friction. Raharu's mind froze.

Teahd bounced herself harder and faster in Raharu's lap while she kept her kiss

locked on his lips, staying deep, she slurped at his tongue, stealing warmth from

the demon catboy, she took his hard length inside of herself. The sensations were

dulled, but they were still there... so vivid in her mind if nothing else... Teahd was

purring, thrusting, bouncing in Raharu's lap, lavishing his firm body with the press

of her own body into his, her rags of clothing slipping off in her body's frenzy of

trying to bring Raharu and herself further pleasure. It was just as she had imagined

so many times in her mind. She'd desired the handsome catboy she'd seen since

she was a little girl. She wanted to be his. She never knew that Sayuma, the un

reachable Noble, was a demon. She also didn't know, that she was with his son.

She only knew that Raharu smelled just how she'd imagined Sayuma to smell.

He felt like she'd imagined Sayuma to feel. He was everything she'd wanted and

her desire for him burned, even in unlife. Suddenly, she had to do something...

she had to see all of Raharu's face... she NEEDED it. Her hands reached for the

folds of the scarf covering his eyes...

Raharu didn't know how long it was, she only knew that his cock was being ridden

hard and fast, and that it felt better than even the mouth of the girl who had recently

stolen his virginity. He didn't know why, but something about the way she made love

made it feel to him like she needed it... like she wanted more than just his body, but

what she needed, he had no clue, no idea... he couldn't feel it. He just knew that there

was raw desire. That he could feel. The strong emotion, the lust that was offered to

his body. Then there was a moment, when he felt Teahd tensing down on him.

She was too tight, too warm from pure friction alone, and he couldn't help it. He

started to climax inside of her, hard, his member filling her corpse with the most

intense inner warmth it could possibly offer. He groaned and suddenly felt something

near his eyes... he squirmed hard... he still couldn't get away...

Teahd tore the scarf away from Raharu's face desperately... as he climaxed inside of

her only moments before, she too had climaxed, her sex was still milking at him hard

and her body was still trembling in extreme pleasure, every inch of her body felt

as though it were on fire even if she had been dead for so long. Then she saw something

that she didn't expect at all. She found herself staring into Raharu's gaze. That wasn't

what she didn't expect. What she had not expected, was the eyes that he had.

Raharu's eyes were not a set color, so to speak. They were whirls of misty rainbowed hues, constantly shifting and sliding against each other in a way that almost made looking

into his eyes like looking into an endless mirror. His eyes were relaxing, powerful deep

and quite possibly, the most beautiful thing that Teahd had ever seen in life or after it.

The power in his eyes grasped to Teahd as physically as hands might grasp one's body

and she found herself cowering in embarassment, pulling away from Raharu to stumble

momentarily.... she kneeled forward on all fours and hung her head. "Master.... forgive

me..." she murmered out in pure sincerity.

Raharu didn't expect Teahd to remove his scarf... so seeing her eyes so suddenly was a

shock to him. If he'd had any sense at the moment, he would have closed his eyes but

he found himself looking the girl over. He'd been able to hear, in some small detail what

she should look like, but that hadn't prepared him for the sight he beheld. Her body was

only lightly furred.... around her hands and wrists to her elbows, from her feet to her

knees, and she had cat's ears, and a tail. She was a perfect doll, ivory white skin that could

only be gifted by death, her eyes, a soft pink color. Her eyes matched her hair, which

flowed in long long strands all around her body. In the time it took him to behold her

beauty, his eyes had grasped control of her...

(To be continued, yet again!)

Explenation! I think it's due! If you're wondering what happened at the end here, It's because

Raharu's eyes are cursed/blessed thanks to a special pact that his father made with the

underworld itself. Raharu has eyes of a "True Master." the Curse is also a blessing. With

his eyes alone, he can make someone his servant, just by them looking into his eyes. The

curse is that when one becomes his servant in this manner, he is obligated to take care of

his new vassal whether he wishes to or not. When the bond is first made, the Victim (in this

case Teahd) has very little will power, though their true personality can be known to emerge

in time, usually after willing servitude is so much a part of their own personality that it is

not considered to be foreign to their own psyche. There are other limits/restrictions to

Raharu's power, but I'm not going to spoil serious plot points.

Remains of the Day (Part 1)

Raharu stumbled over one of the tombstones he'd been walking amongst, and he caught himself with his palms, sitting on the ground with a soft growl. He did not look around, because he wore over his eyes, a very large red scarf, so long in fact,...

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