The Day After...

Story by CealCrest on SoFurry

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I woke up relaxed with my boyfriend right behind me. He is a jackal with a build a little larger than mine. His fur was a dark grey with a diamond like patch of white fur on his collerbone. I pulled back the covers when I noticed his pulsating cock between my thighs. I muttered to myself quietly as to not wake him up, "I guess he's having a good dream." After I untangled myself from his arms and cock I turned and started sucking on him while he was asleep. I drew my mouth up and down on his cock while sucking on it as he was leaking precum. Then after a while I removed my mouth from his member and swallowed the pre, rubbing his side as well. Immediately after I finished rubbing his thighs he woke up and said, "Good mornin' hun." and I started to kiss him, bringing his tongue in my mouth and enjoying the time while rubbing his still hard cock. "Lets wash up," I said with love.

We soon got out of bed and made our way to the bathroom. I turned the water on warm and we both got in slowly. As soon as we were both in we faced each other and started kissing passionately again. We exchanged our tongues in our mouths and finished kissing. I then grabbed the bar of soap from the ledge and kneeled down and rubbed his feet with the bar of soap getting in between is toes and everywhere and rinsed it, than I started to lick his feet and suck on each of his individual toes as he was pawing on his stiff cock. I then moved my head up and started licking his thighs as he got faster at pawing. I then moved his hand from his cock and replaced it with my mouth. I started to suck as he placed his hand on the top of my head and said, "I love you sweetie." I then removed my mouth from his rock hard cock and turned around so that he could penetrate me. He moved forward and started placing his cock at my tailhole. He then pushed the tip slowly and continued to push his cock in. He then started to pull out and push in harder and faster then harder and faster. He then said moaned and said, "I'm gonna climax."

"Me too," I purred. He pulled his cock out one last time and pushed it in as hard and fast as he could as he came. I also came all over the bath nozzle, then we cleaned ourselves off with the bar of soap that was laying at his feet. He turned around and I rubbed the bar of soap over his back and he did the same for me. We then walked out of the shower and I grabbed a towel to dry my wet boyfriend off. I started with his head fur and ears and then his face and worked my way down to his waist and his cock which now was limp. I rubbed it a few times with the towel to get it dry and proceeded with his thighs and his legs and than his feet. I then passed him the towel and he dried me off in a similar fasion only quicker because he figured we better hurry for school. We then walked back to my room and I pulled out some clothes and got dressed. Unfortunately we couldn't find clothes that could fit him.

He then stated obviously, "Why can't we find any clothes that fit me?"

I then said, "Hold on a second let me get my dad's clothes from my mom's room."

He said softly, "Thanks," while I was leaving the room. I started to make my way to my mom's room when my brother, Joey, stopped me in the middle of the way. Joey looks the same as me except he's darker and his left eye is red instead of olive colored.

He than blatently stated, "Whats the hurry?"

I then said, "None of your bussiness."

Then he said, "How's your boyfriend doing?" I then started to walk off when he said, "You two look good when you sleep." Knowing my brother is Homophobic I continued to walk off without saying a thing. When I made it to my mothers room I opened the door and the first thing I noticed was a long wolf toy with this giant knot was laying on the floor, with lube on it on my way in and she was asleep. My mom is a tall wolf with hazel eyes and a short temper most of the time when she's not playing with toys. She also has brown fur except for a thin blonde streak on the top of her head. I snuck quietly to her closet ignoring the leather straps and strap ons on the way. I then openned the closet slowly to avoid making noise and pulled out a shirt, vest, and some pants and thought to myself, "He doesn't need underwear," and giggled slightly on my way out. I then walked back up to my room to be interupted by my baby sister.

"Whats the clothes for?" she said curiously. My sister is a small wolf taking after her mother. She also gets her fur color from dad who had tan fur. Her ears were sharp looking and she has long blong fur on her head.

"Mom said that we have to bring these new clothes up our rooms." I said teasingly. She then ran past me and ran into Moms room to be the target of her rage for being woken up early. I then made my way back up into my room and noticed my brother talking with my naked boyfriend and signeled him to leave. I then said, "Here's some clothes you can keep them." Then paused and said, "What were you two talking about."

"You," he said honestly.

"Kaykay," I said playfully as he was getting dressed. After he was all dressed we both left our room to see Joey hiding on the other side of the door listening in with a glass cup. I then tugged him out of the way and said, "We need to hurry."

"Why, School doesn't start for 4 hours," he said.

"Your a lier I checked my clock and it read five AM and I was going to walk" I said playfully knowing that school didn't start for another five hours which should be perfectly long enough to walk to school and have some fun.

"Well it isn't any earlier than what I said so I'm gonna take this as a win on my part," he said seriously thinking we are always competing.

"Whatever," I said as we passed downstairs. We started to walk towards the door when my sister walked up and asked me to sign her petition for better food at her school. I then signed playfully and passed the pen to John. He took the pen and started to write his signature. I then counted the signetures and saw that I was the two-hundreth and John was the two-hundred-first. We then gave the paper back to her.

She then said, "Aww I only needed two-hundred but I got two-hundred and one. Just that more luck." She finished with a smile on her face.

"Have fun submiting your petition little sister." I said as we left. I then said, "Wanna take the long way to school today?"

He responded with a, "Yes." and we took off for school.

While we were walking to school I said, "How do you like my brother?"

He responded, "I think he's kinda funny." and immediately said, "Should we include him in our fun," He said playfully.

I then said loudly, "He's only fifteen and I believe were both eighteen!"

"Only a suggestion," he said in a soft voice.

"He's a homophobe and he already doesn't like me as much as possible so far." I said in a normal voice.

"It didn't seem like that when we were talking before," he said calmly, "he seemed to be more comfortable with the idea than you think."

I then met him halfway with a, "We'll see."

It then felt like we were half way there and we could afford a few minutes. I asked kindly, "Wanna stop for a bit and go sit on that bench for a bit?" We then walked over to the bench and took a seat.

I reached my arm over his shoulder and grabbed the back of his head and leaned in for a kiss while my paw was reaching down his pants and fondling his sheath. He leaned forward too and I removed my paw from his pants and we embraced in a passionate kiss. He invaded my mouth with his tongue and I started sucking and licking it. After a few minutes of kissing I said, "We better hurry." I pulled some saliva going from my lips and put it in my mouth.

He responded with a, "Yeah." and we got up and continued walking for the last 2 miles. As we reached the School we held our hands and we walked through the crowd of people as we got inside the doors. The first class of the day was Math and we were both in the same class so I couldn't seem to find a way to sneak out with him. We finished our class and finished the homework before the class was over. I then switched over to Accounting class, and he moved to Art class. We both found the same thing on our minds and asked for permission to go to the bathroom. He arrived at the bathroom first and I was second. We stalled till the bunny that was here left to pick a stall. He sat down on toilet and unzipped his pants his erect cock pokeing out. I grabbed it and started rubbing it with my paw and then took it in my mouth and started sucking on it up and down and felt my erect cock pressing up against my pants. I then unzipped my pants and started pawing off while containing his cock in my mouth. I used my other paw to start rubbing his penis again and he started leaking precum into my mouth as was I on the floor. I then heard someone come in and was surprised when I noticed it was my third teacher, Mr. Duggan. He was a tall, muscly bear, whom taught Biology. I and John love him because we thought he was gay too. He seemed to have noticed us both were inside the stall and because we forgot to lock it he opened it.

He then said adoringly, "Aww young love is back 'gain."

"Why don't you join us Mr. Duggan," my dear Johnny said.

He responded with, "I don't see why not my class isn't for another thirty minutes." I then removed my mouth and turned around to unzip his pants. It seemed he wasn't wearing any underclothing either and his very large juicy cock was exposed easily. I took it in my mouth when I saw it and started sucking it while John was penetrating me with his cock. The older male was much larger than what I was used to and much much larger than my boyfriend. He grew larger then also started leaking precum. My sexy boyfriend said he was going to cum soon and I knew I couldn't last for much longer. I started swirling my tongue around my teachers large cock and my boyfriend started cumming in me. After a while Mr. Duggan also started to cum in my mouth, the salty-sweet flavour entering. I started to swallow every bit of it as I was starting to cum.

I removed my mouth to say, "Mmmmm teacher your tasty."

Mr. Duggan then said, "Thanks for helping me lighten up my day."

John then said loudly, "Ahhh I forgot about the homework that my teacher was going to give!"

I then said yelling, "Oh no me too and she said that this one was going to be half of my grade this semester."

Mr. Duggan than calmly stated, "How bout I explain you were helping me with something on your way back?"

We then said, "Thanks but out next class is waiting for us right here." in complete harmony followed by us laughing.

Our Teacher than said, "Well lets just make what we just did extra credit than,"

We than said, "Thanks," in harmony again.

All three of us took our different ways to get to the same classroom and I thought, "Why did we split up." and we made it to our room. We then were wondering why almost all the other people were absent, and our teacher who just came in said, "I gave the assignment as "Sexual Imporance to Life" and you two are gonna get an A." and winked when he said A.

We then headed to our last classroom, Politics. Oddly enough time flew by there even though we had to present our speeches for a project that was given the day before. I wasn't prepared because I was daydreaming all day that day. After school we met out in front like the day before and began to walk home. When we were almost home and coming to a splitways John said, "See ya tomorrow in the same place as always." and we embraced in a passionate kiss before we parted ways for the day.