Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 11: Security Monitors

Story by furrywurry on SoFurry

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#11 of Plush Love Vol 2

Nathan's POV: Another cybernetic animal

"Sybernetic Security, LLC," the boxes proclaimed in bright letters. "Makers of the Finest Security Monitors on the Planet(TM)!"

Cross-legged on the living room floor, Nathan groaned at the pun and hoped the phrasing was a coincidence. He wasn't sure he could cope with another Companion.

A shadow from behind gave just enough warning.

"W'atcha got?" A warm gust of maple-scented breath tickled the side of his neck. Once was an accident, twice was a coincidence, but three times was enemy action.

"Stop doing that! I could have cut myself!" He brandished the still-closed boxcutter.

"Sorry." Luke's grin didn't look particularly repentant, though, as he knelt next to Nathan.

"It's a mobile security monitor I ordered from one of the shopping channels last night. This one's supposed to look like a Siberian husky. It should be a better disguise for Sasha. She's already gotten into the spirit of things." The husky stopped patrolling the room and came closer to watch.

"She looks kinda diffrent. I was wondering about that."

"Yeah. Apparently her fibers can shift around some. I suspect Ben's can too." He looked pointedly at the cat, who ignored the comment. The plush tiger seemed to be having too much fun rubbing his head against Luke. He couldn't have scent glands, could he? Maybe he just wanted attention.

"So open'em! Wha'd they send?" Might as well find out. What was one more cybernetic animal among friends?

The mid-sized box had a large bright label: "Open me first!" Its packing slip listed a power adaptor, documentation and software. Nathan slit open the packing envelope on the largest box. Contents: one mobile security monitor, model Canine-Siberian003, and a list of performance options. The smallest box had other options he'd ordered, like a collar, and temporary ID tags for visitors.

"Come on, open 'em! Open 'em!"

"Patience. It must have a special startup sequence to teach it who's to be trusted. I think we do want to get that right."

Nathan carefully opened the first box. "Here, make yourself useful. Plug in the power supply." Except for the power cord, it looked just like a pair of food and water dishes.

The instruction video started with standard disclaimers, including "No user serviceable parts inside. Opening unit voids all warranties." Maybe they wouldn't have to cut it open, though.

"Proper facial recognition requires the primary owner to be in front of the monitor when it is first powered on. Say 'Dog, On,' then 'Dog, Owner,' and your name." Setting the monitor's own name and teaching it to recognize friends and family were similar. Sensors would help it ignore 3D video images. Sophisticated boundary detection algorithms made starting a patrol easy, too.

Nathan fast-forwarded through most of it, but carefully watched how to set the monitor's responses. Its full threat mode was really scary: the monitor knocked the burglar down and stood on him, snarling, barking and drooling in his face. It wouldn't actually bite, though. The next lower response wasn't quite so bad. Still, the raised hackles and head-down snarling growl were not something Nathan would want to face.

The living room's other occupants were wide-eyed.

"Holy..." Luke whispered.

"I guess you never had a dog, huh? They can be pretty protective. That's a good simulation." More than good. Nathan's mouth was dry.

The default response was much more reasonable. It'd approach and bark increasingly loudly. At minimum setting, it'd just wag its tail and follow the intruder while sending a silent alarm.

"What do you think, Sasha? Would you have any problems doing any of them?"

She seemed to think it over for a while.

"Ro. Roehk 'oo."

Then she looked Luke directly in the face. "Roehk 'oo 'oo."

She poked Ben with her nose. "'Oo 'oo, 'uhee" Fuzzy? The plush tiger swatted at her lazily, then leaned against Luke again.

Time to load the software. "Sybernetic Security, LLC, waiting for connection," chimed CC. Shit!

The firewall was quiet, though, so it must not be trying to contact the company. Somebody needed to learn better English. Nathan could do without frights like that.

"They've got a lot of advertisements on the disc, too. Do you want to watch them, or shall I open the box now?" Nathan teased.

Luke just gave him a disgusted look and hugged Ben.

The security monitor was curled up in form-fitting, dark grey foam. It smelled of new plastic, not organic at all. Its black and grey facial markings were an odd mixture of fierce and cute.

"Dog, On."

It sat up and looked toward him. Whining motors were faintly audible. Probably not powered by NCFs, then. It seemed to be breathing, a nice touch. A 3D window opened in CC's screen, with Nathan's face centered.

"Dog, Owner, Nathan." His name was added to the display. Lines and dots flickered over the image, a simulated facial recognition scan popularized in recent movies.

"Reh ro, 'ahan." One of the optional extras had been a full set of vocalizations. Hopefully they were documented in a part of the video he'd skipped.

Suddenly a scratchy, wet tongue licked his face. "Ruh," it grinned at him while a crypic string of letters flickered below his image. A DNA test? That option hadn't been mentioned anywhere! It should have been absurdly expensive. Must be just a simple chemical test.

"Dog, New, Name, Cody," as he wiped his face.

"Oh, ee." "Name: Cody" appeared below the monitor's display. Obviously the voice recognition was quite good.

There were several levels of security associated with other people. He was strongly tempted to use one of the intimate ones but decided against it. Not just yet. He put a hand on Luke's shoulder. Cody looked at the young man.

"Dog, Friend, Luke." Nothing happened. Oops.

"Cody, Friend, Luke."

"Reh ro, 'ook." Lines and dots. "Friend: Luke" No other identification checks?

"Sasha, your turn."

"Cody, Toy." He patted Sasha. Flickering lines, "Mobile toy: LifeLike Plush LLC, Siberian Husky..." So the rfid option was working. But none for Nathan or Luke? Maybe they figured people had too many that'd change. He'd better check the log later. And "Mobile"? Where'd that come from?

Sasha looked at him disgustedly. "Sorry, but you're not actually a security monitor. Probably best not to confuse him, uh, it?"

"He does look like a him, doesn't he?" Luke commented.

"Yeah. I think, uh, yeah, they did." Genitals, almost hidden in the thick fur. Were intruders supposed to be more frightened of an intact male?

"Ben, your turn now. Cody, Toy." Again the pat, flicker and "Mobile toy: PCInc, Imperial Siberian Tiger..."

What next? Maybe some simple tests?

"Cody, Shake." The security monitor offered a paw and Nathan shook it solemnly.

"Cody, Heel." Nathan got up and the simulated dog followed him around the room, walking somewhat stiffly, but tail waving. The image on the screen was stable and didn't move up and down as the head bobbed.

As he got back near the couch, Nathan had an idea. Why hadn't he thought of this before?

"Cody, Stand." The monitor stopped.

"Sasha, can you tell if Cody's a Companion?"

She looked at Nathan for a minute, then almost with a shrug went to stand in front of Cody, looking into his eyes. It was as if they were having a staring contest. Lights flickered in the display.

"'Oh." She shook her head. He didn't know whether to be glad or sad.

"Oh, well. Cody, Patrol, Room." The security monitor resumed walking around the room, head turning back and forth. It paused briefly when it got to the wide archways, one into the entryway and one into the hallway across from dining room, but stayed inside the living room. "Learning lines" flickered around objects in the display as it went.

"That's it, huh?" Luke wondered.

"For now, anyhow. I want to study the video, of course. Do you?"

"Later, maybe. I've got some homework to finish. See you later?" Luke headed for the stairs, Ben following.

"Sure. Groceries."

Nathan started picking up the trash. Setting phone alerts could wait a while. Maybe his security rating would be somewhat more than adequate now.

* * *

In the early hours of Monday morning, Nathan suddenly sat up in bed, wide awake.

"Oh, shit." What would happen if they actually were burglarized?

Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 10: Nathan was Unfair

Luke hated breakfasts. Even late breakfasts. Eating breakfast meant he had to get up early and couldn't sleep in until the last possible second. Luke liked to sleep, especially since Ben had come into his life. And his dreams. Nathan was unfair....

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Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 9: A Siber Morning

Nathan woke relaxed but invigorated. "Ra ruh roo." "I love you, too," he replied, and reached out to scratch Sasha behind a furry ear. Her tail thumped the bed as she licked his face. There was something different about her. Oh, her paws. Each...

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Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 8: Bath and Aftermath

Nathan looked around with a smile. The tundra spread in all directions, covered with masses of tiny, brightly colored flowers growing among hair-fine grasses. Nearby was a grove of trees. Sasha barked, wagging her tail happily. Then she used her new...

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