Pawford, Ch 9: Spun Around

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#7 of Pawford

Chapter nine of a story arakupa and I had been working on (until he grew up and moved on to life outside an electronic medium), set in the Burb Dog world but detailing an entirely new friendship between Derek, a Civil Engineer, and CJ, a good-ol-boy blue collar mechanic. You can find arakupa on SF over here:

And Arakupa has the art posted for this chapter. You can find it here:

Please note that this chapter is full of adult material starting about midway through so anyone who's here JUST for the storyline (not that there's a lot of you), be warned.

Pawford Ch 9: Spun Around copyright 2015 comidacomida

One thing I learned about spending so much alone time with CJ was that, given enough drinks I tend to be much less uptight and hold far fewer reservations. Having a friend so relaxing to be around meant that I was a little more extroverted and a lot more likely to do... well... 'crazy stuff'. Take for instance that Friday night when I was visiting CJ for dinner and ended up completely naked on his sofa. I resolved not to let him see me sweat when he returned from the kitchen with two open beers (my fourth I think, and probably his sixth).

CJ had long since lost his clothes and that perhaps is what had started the successive arms race to full nudity but he seemed to be completely at home in his fur while I, on the other hand, fought hard to maintain that 'like I could care less' vibe. Still, I think I probably managed to pull it off just fine because he didn't seem to think any less of me as he plopped right down onto the couch. At first I figured he'd take the right side since I was on the left but as he handed me my beer he collapsed right next to me so that I could feel the fur of his thigh against him hip.

He remained casual about the whole thing, and it started off with a laugh. "Man... I don't think I can remember the last time I had a chance to just let it all hang out with a friend. People always seem to be so uptight about stuff like that, y'know?"

I tried to hide my eye roll behind a swig of beer. "What? Being naked around others?"

CJ chuckled sticking the neck of his own bottle into his muzzle and tilting his head back. He swallowed noisily, then chuckled again followed by a very loud belch. "Yea... something like that. I mean, people are always so caught up in their own stuff that they usually end up being embarrassed by stuff most other folk don't even notice."

I could tell he was going somewhere with it, and casually cradled my bottle in one palm. "Stuff other people don't notice? Like what?"

He stared at the TV and, for a moment I wondered if the living room light cast our reflection in its screen from his point of view. He answered my question fast enough that I didn't have to obsess over that thought. "Well... simple stuff... every day stuff... like... you ever notice how Arizona's missing his left fang?"

The question made me pause as I thought about the bar owner then slowly shook my head. "No... can't say I really have."

CJ smirked and took another swig of his beer. "TOTALLY obsessed about it... sometimes the guy doesn't even smile for a week cuz he's worried someone'll notice."

I shrugged. "Well... I haven't."

The Rottweiler nodded thoughtfully. "Yea... and does it really matter to you now that you know? I mean... knowing he doesn't have his top left canine?"


He winked. "See? It bothers him cuz he thinks others'll notice... and if they do they still don't care."

I pursed my lips in thought as I looked over at the TV as well... and noticed the lighting gave ME a view of the reflection but not much was visible. "So you're saying that people are so egocentric that they worry more about themselves than others do?"

He laughed whole heartedly at my comment and took another swig from his bottle. "Yea... I guess you could put it that way."

"Well... how would YOU put it?"

The big Rott shrugged. "Not sure, really... guess your explanation is as good as any other. But, I mean... it's like one of my most embarrassing moments from when I was a pup..."

He fell quiet at that, trailing off but once I saw the faint red shine through the brownish-gold fur on the insides of his ears I couldn't just let it go. "Oh? And what moments were those?"

His smirk turned sheepish. "Oh... just some that don't really bother mentioning."

I stuck my cold beer bottle against his side in a prodding motion; it would have had greater effect on a Human since we don't have fur, but he got the idea when I asserted "Hey... you can't just bring something up and then change the topic like that... it's unfair, Ceej"

He rolled his eyes, let out a huge breath, and then downed the rest of his beer in one go. Setting the bottle on the coffee table he announced "When I was a pup I got scared when a frog jumped out of some bushes at me and I piddled in my pants."

Not knowing what to say about that kind of announcement I elected for clarification. "Was anyone else around when that happened?"

CJ's ears turned even redder. "My brother, and two of his friends."


The Rottweiler laughed. "Yea..."

Nodding, I took another sip from my own drink. "So... everyone saw?"

Letting out a deep breath, the Dog shook his head. "Nah... just my brother. He ended up taking off his jacket and tying it around my waste so nobody'd notice and then he said goodbye to his friends and took me home so I could change."

I could tell the memory was an important one to him, but that sense of loss in his eyes whenever he thought of his brother threatened to return so I quickly changed the subject with a blatant one-up. "Back when I was growing up some friends of mine and I decided we'd go fording-- we chose a small river close to home and then crossed it on foot."

The emotional impact of the memory left the Dog's gaze as he turned to regard me, one leg coming up to curl atop the sofa; yes... he was far from bashful. "Probably fun to do on a hot day, I bet."

I nodded. "Yea... and everything was going well until I stepped on some uneven rocks and splashed down in the water. I was one of the smallest boys there and the water was moving pretty fast so down I went then away I went; the river current carried me some hundred feet or something until I could make it to shore."

He smirked. "That doesn't sound too bad."

I grinned in response. "Yea? Well tell that to a twelve year old who is bawling his eyes out in the middle of all of his friends who were already laughing at how stupid he was to get carried away by the water."

The Dog's ears lowered sympathetically. "Ouch."

I finished off my beer and set the bottle next to his. "Yea... ouch."

We were quiet for a moment until CJ raised an arm. "I went streaking in high school."

I gaped theatrically and added a very sarcastic "NO! Not YOU, CJ!"

He smirked. "What? Not surprised?"

"Nah... you seem pretty comfortable in your fur."

CJ laughed. "Yea? Well it was a dare. Two other guys and I had to go from the high school down to just past where Fielder's shop is now."

I took a moment to figure out the locations of each in town, then paused. "That's almost two miles, isn't it?"

The Rottweiler grinned. "Yea... fortunately it was midnight... but unfortunately the sheriff was patrolling while we were on the road."

"You get in trouble?"

CJ smirked. "A little... my folks weren't happy that's for sure."

I nodded at that and again a few seconds passed in silence as I figured out which of the big guns I wanted to use for beating his story. I settled on the worst. "I lost my shorts one time at a swimming hole and had to get back home."

One of his ears raised at that. "Car?"

I shook my head. "I was fourteen at the time... couldn't drive."

The other ear rose. "So just you and a towel?"

I started to blush. "It was a hot day... figured I'd dry off on the way home."

CJ looked as though he was about to laugh. "So... what'd you do?"

I ended up laughing first even as I explained. "Blazed a trail off the main road through the poison oak and brambles.

He laughed too. "And your folks?"

My blush became all the fiercer. "Never found out. I didn't tell them what happened and they just figured I'd come down with chicken pox."

"Smooth, Derrek... smooth."

I leaned back against the sofa. "Yea? Well what else do YOU got?"

CJ leaned forward slightly, resting his paws on his knees. "Almost got killed by my girlfriend's dad in high school..."

I raised an eyebrow, unsure of where he was going with it. "You and her dad didn't get along?"

He shrugged, the corner of his muzzle perking up in a reserved smirk. "Well... we did until he caught us outside his house at the end of a date... she and I were in the car and I was two-knuckles-deep in his daughter."

We both cracked up with uproarious laughter. I could only have imagined how that would have played out... and the laughter renewed when he held up his index and middle finger and made a suggestive motion with it, quite obviously implying just what it was he was up to when her dad encountered them in the car. "Oh boy... wow... just... wow!"

I had to wipe the tears from my eyes and, in that moment, the Rottweiler had slid even closer to me and one of his arms was laying across the backrest behind my shoulders. "And there was also this one time when a friend of mine uncovered the porn stash I kept under the couch..."

That reference wasn't lost to me. "Oh? And I assume you were completely embarrassed that he found out you had a thing for Human porn, huh?"

He raised both his ears and put on a very convincing innocent expression. "Why, Derrek... I haven't even told the story yet, how could you even KNOW it--"

CJ went straight to laughing the moment my light rabbit punch landed on his ribcage. "Did you forget I was THERE?"

The Dog snickered, wrapping his arm that had been at my shoulders around my neck and pulling me in for a half-hug/half-headlock. "Oh come on, Derrek... it's just a curiosity thing like I said. Don't tell me YOU'VE never been curious."

At that point I met belligerence with belligerence. I gave him a shove and announced clearly "You tell me... we were both there. Remember?"

He shrugged casually. "Yea... well... I mean, watching on a video is one thing, but watching IN PERSON is something else entirely."

I rolled my eyes. "Yea... well, correct me if I'm wrong but I recall there being more than watching involved and I remember something about the side of my face--"

CJ has the best goofy grins. "Oh yea... I DID apologize for that, right?"

"Yes... and you licked it off."

He shrugged. "There wasn't a towel around."

"You said that at the time too."

He laughed, putting his paws up defensively. "Well, that's cuz it was true!"

I shook my head. "Yea? Well I'd never done anything like that before."

The inside of CJ's ears reddened just a little more. "Me neither... but, I mean, it's not like it was bad... right?"

I smirked, deciding then and there that I had him against the ropes. "Compared to what?"

Apparently I didn't give him enough credit. "Compared to going without?"

Unable to fault his skill with elusive banter, I laughed. "Yea... I guess not."

Somehow I THINK I'd managed to anticipate what came next and yet it still caught me by surprise. "What about more than watching?"

It took a moment before I'd managed to formulate a response. "That's.... kinda what we did last time... remember?"

The Rottweiler, as if it was the most casual thing in the world responded with a simple "Well... we could always do more... if you wanted."

For the second time in a handful of minutes I was rendered silent. I looked over at CJ and saw that his eyes were focused wholly on me. It was hard for me to keep meeting his gaze but when my eyes dropped they went straight to his naked body; it was half-turned toward me with his full sheath easily visible. It suddenly felt like his casual suggestion was anything but unplanned. I could have said just about anything but what made it out of my mouth was "Like what?"

CJ laughs and, for the first time since we started discussing 'us' he actually looked a little unsure of himself. "Dunno... something? Anything? I mean... like you said, it's better than going without and I know I'M not seein' anyone right now."

I embarrassed myself with an almost girly laugh at the combined comment and sheepish expression on my friend's muzzle. Clearing my throat as I attempted to collect as much of my self respect as I could after such a sound I leaned back on the sofa, letting out a sigh. What I said next probably never would have made it out of my mouth if I was completely sober... or even at all if it had been said to anyone else but CJ. "Well... what we did last time wasn't... you know... all that bad."

The sound of his tail nub brushing against the sofa cushion made me smile and, for the first time since he brought up our prior intimate encounter I realized I'd actually been sporting an erection. He called attention to it all the more once he slid closer and slowly placed his paw against it. That was a very forward move on his part but I suppose it was the kind of ice breaker we needed; a moment later my own hand mirrored the action and I felt his warm, fuzzy sheath easily surrender its firm, slick contents into my hand. CJ let out a mrr from deep in his chest. "That's something I won't be getting used to any time soon."

I twitched and gasped at the feel of the texture of his paw pads sliding down my flesh. "Yea... I'm with you there."

CJ's grin was almost goofy as the tip of his tongue slipped out the side of his muzzle and he began panting. His eyes closed and his hips eased a little further away from the couch, pushing more of his shaft into my grasp. "I'm not objecting..."

I didn't respond, choosing instead to absorb the entirety of the situation in which I found myself. My best friend had his paw around my penis working it with surreal skill despite the differences between Human and Dog while my own fingers were gripping his slick red dog-hood. I'm not sure if he was setting the pace or I was but, it was easier than our first time and I could already feel myself working up to a release; judging from the copious little spurts of precum jetting out onto my hand I had a feeling he was right there with me.

All of the sudden, though, CJ halted and his paw left my groin completely. It was a surprise enough that I also stopped my ministrations and had to ask. "Why'd you stop?"

His sheepish grin returned as he slid his rump right off the sofa and fell into a crouching position on the floor. "I DID say I was curious... so..."

If I had lacked any understanding as to what was to come next all of that disappeared when he pushed the coffee table further away and rotated around so his nose was hovering over my lap. The words could have had many meanings but there was no question what he meant when, in the next moment his muzzle completely engulfed my member. I can't remember any other time in my life where I actually cried out so loudly in surprise but CJ obviously realized that it wasn't a cry of pain because he didn't even hesitate in his motions; his tongue slid along the underside of my flesh and I almost lost it right then and there but, somehow I managed to reserve my dignity and orgasm both.

I asked myself many times since that night how what came next happened but I never have come up with an answer that seemed to fit. Perhaps it was the right moment with the right company at the right point in my life, or maybe it was just being horny enough and drunk enough that it seemed 'right', but, some twenty or thirty seconds after having my penis in a Rottweiler's muzzle I decided that my level of participation didn't do the night justice... and so I leaned forward and slowly eased CJ's head back out of my lap.

He was confused at first, both ears razed as he gazed up at me in confusion, but, as I continued pushing him until his back lay on the ground that spark of realization struck and, by the time I was on my hands and knees next to him with my head moving toward his groin I could see that his turgid flesh was already bobbing with anticipation, little spurts of fluid emerging from it with each beat of his heart. I had no idea what I was doing but, as I slid my nose through his coarse groin fur, moving ever more purposefully toward his withdrawn sheath he didn't seem to mind letting me learn.

The moment my cheek pressed against his member he let out a groan so loud I was worried the windows were going to shake... and he only got more vocal as my pursed lips were parted by the pointed tip of his shaft. The second his penis penetrated my mouth a warm spray of his precum hit my pallet and I recoiled just a little in surprise. It was enough to make me gag.

Working past it, however, I slid my mouth further down his flesh. By that time, he had hoisted my hips into the air and carried me over right on top of him. With one knee on the carpet on either side of CJ's head, my groin was laid bare for him and he made excellent use of that access; just as I had him in my mouth he had engulfed me again with his muzzle.

Having never actually 69ed with anyone other than Liz (it didn't go very well because she hated oral sex) I didn't have the first idea of how everything would work... but that really didn't matter very much and it ended up going just fine. While not exactly a normal topic for discussion, the one time I heard anecdotes of two males in that position the guy on the bottom complained of the angle and having his mouth penetrated from above. That was apparently a Human-only problem as CJ's muzzle seemed more than capable of handling the task presented to it.

Even as I was losing myself to the feel of his tongue I was engrossing myself in the foreign experience of having a Dog's penis up against my own. Whether I was light headed from the booze or position I was almost giddy from the experience-- it was something... unique. At that point I had been supporting myself with both palms on the carpet but, as CJ's hips began shaking I remembered something that the Rott had done the last time we'd been together and the firming knot occasionally brushing my lips only reinforced that memory.

Taking one hand off the ground I balanced myself with one arm as I slid my fingers around the broadest part of his penis and began to squeeze, copying the rhythm of my mouth's movements with pressure each time I pulled back and relaxing my grip every time I slid forward. His reaction to the treatment was unmistakable. CJ's entire body stiffened and his hips came up off the ground the moment I had a tight grip of him and a whimper that was unmistakably one of pleasure vibrated against my penis. Despite the fact that I have and always will enjoy the company of women, there is something empowering and, quite frankly aphrodisiac about having a huge Dog be putty in your hands... and mouth.

I really didn't know what to expect when CJ came but I didn't have to wait long afterwards to find out. Despite the encounter we'd had previously on the couch I was too self conscious and too overwhelmed with everything else to realize that Dog semen is far thinner and less viscous than that of a Human. The moment his orgasm struck his knot was rock hard and throbbed repeatedly in my hands. The thick flesh stuck between my lips echoed the pulsing and, suddenly, it was as if the prior blasts of precum were barely dribbles. The taste was different, however, and a moment later I realized why as his shaft began unleashing his ejaculation in earnest.

CJ is a big Dog, and his volume certainly matched. My first inclination was to pull off as my mouth began to fill with the product of his orgasm but, by that point he was so caught up in his waves of euphoria that he began working my flesh like a hungry puppy and, before I could think straight he sent me over the edge and my whimpering joined his. Unable to do more than groan around the rigid member filling my mouth I let loose into his muzzle and he didn't stop until I was milked dry... it was a fair exchange though because I hadn't stopped until then either.

By the time we had both fallen spent I was covered with sweat and his fur was sticking to my abdomen. I'd literally collapsed on his abdomen and my face was stuck in the musky groin fur of Rottweiler crotch; surprisingly, I didn't mind... nor did I mind the feel of his tongue gently lapping at my emptied testicles. By the time his tongue reached my taint, however I had regained enough strength to roll off of him. We lay quietly for several seconds and I was just starting to worry that things were going to get 'weird' when he announced quiet casually "That went better than I expected."

With my panting having subsided I was able to address his comment quiet clearly with any number of snide, witty remarks. It was strange however when all I could come up with was "Yea... well YOU were better than I expected."

His ears reddened immediately and, once I realized what I'd said I'm sure my whole face did too. He laughed, picking me up off the ground and rotating me around so I could rest between him and the couch, hugged up close to his body in the crook of his arm. "Commere."

I didn't mind him licking my face... not when we'd done something much more intimate at that point. When he was done the kiss was a surprise though-- but not as much as the fact that I ended up reciprocating. CJ and I slept right there on the floor that night; it was the best sleep I'd had in a long time.