Morphtalk by the Blog Dog: Blogisode 5 Part 2

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#8 of Morphtalk by the Blog Dog

A commission for

Dorothy Katts (known as Dotty in the story Woman's Best Friend), a reputable clinical psychologist, takes a guest slot in her friend Pinch's blog, to describe her experience with the differences of male morph anatomy. She's also looking to get pregnant, and how better than with a good, old-fashioned packbang?

Part 2 of 2 is my Patreon account. Every dollar invested gives me that much more time for further writing.

Morphtalk by the Blog Dog

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Commissioned by Seinfeld 1999

Blogisode 5 Part 2:

All right, this is going to work. After a little reshuffling of places, everything's all set, and I'm _very_ready to go. Judging by the boys all around me, I'd say they are, too.

The only problem I've got now is making sure I don't get my laptop all messy. Right now, I've got six morph males in the room with me, plus Red and Pinch. The way this is supposed to work, I'm going to write out a description of what I've got in front of me, in my hands, then I'm going to find out what it's like on the inside.

To list off who the six morphboys are, first there's Ambrose, a Doberman Pinscher. He's tall, handsome, and has these sweet, heart-melting eyes and a really cute butt with this little "treasure tail" (what Pinch and Red call it - apparently it's pretty common among morphs) of brown fur right under his tail that highlights his buns even more. I've already described Montenegro, and while I'm sure a lot of his fans have seen him naked on screen already, indulge me anyway when I get to the details on him.

In addition to those two, there's also Osiris, Scatter, Fjord, and Cutty, which makes a really big mix of personalities and professions, to say the least. Osiris is a big, broad-shouldered lion, and I understand that he was originally decanted in Egypt for the bush wars out there, when Africa and the Middle East were going all to pieces during the height of the whyker pandemic. After the fighting ended, he focused his efforts on the conservation of the lands where he'd fought, and now he's the world's foremost expert on post-human African ecology. Mercy works with him a lot to drum up funding from wealthy American sources, using her political contacts to do as much good as she can, just like always.

Cutty, actually, is my personal friend rather than someone brought in by Mercy, Red, or Pinch, and I have to admit, if I have to get pregnant by somebody who's not Ambrose, Cutty's a good second choice. He's one of the leading world experts on both morph genetics and the whyker retrovirus, and the leading world expert on wetlands ecology. Honestly, the guy hardly sleeps, and he spends most of his time at work on any number of different research projects, so the only surprise about Cutty is that he hasn't got more degrees than he already does. I met him while roaming the university's library one evening, browsing for something fun to read, and we happened to be looking in the same aisle for the same sort of book, then struck up a conversation. This big alligator-morph is perhaps the most humble genius I've ever known personally. He's also pretty good in bed, though he's adorably shy about the whole sex thing, and we've only done it twice before now.

That leaves the friends Pinch and Red brought in. I've met them before, of course, and they're both great guys. Scatter is a civil engineer who specializes in sewers. He's also a mephimorph (a skunkboy to those not up on their terminology), a cute guy with a really boyish face and slim, hot bod. I think he wears that silly black-and-white bandanna on his head all the time to try and look older, but all it does is make him look silly. Fjord, meanwhile, is this hefty grizzly guy, an ursamorph (or bear), a construction contractor, and easily the biggest person in the bedroom right now - he's a serious endomorph, and it's easy to see how hard he's worked to keep fat from building up too heavily on his shaggy, brown-furred body, because Fjord's muscles are absolutely massive. He's got his own business, a construction company that once employed an all-morph crew to get its work done. These days he's got some humans on staff as well, but back when he first started the business, there was too much prejudice for that to happen, so he just had morphs on staff.

After some thought, I decided to do this in alphabetical order, while Red and Pinch act as "fluffers" (Red's term, not mine). That silly vixen's already got her tongue on Montenegro's balls, and her hands on Osiris and Fjord's cocks, so I don't think she or they will be having any problems staying interested. Pinch is taking it a little slower with Scatter, just stroking the guy while whispering sweet nothings in his ear as she stands behind him. Cutty's second, and he's a sort of "slow burn" guy anyway, his cock taking a really long time to get warmed up, but once he's hard, he stays that way. Ambrose, naturally, is first...and of course I would never have picked alphabetical order just for a chance to get Ambrose's sperm in me first. That would be skewing the results of this scientific inquiry, after all.

There it is: Ambrose's cock. From what I've seen, Ambrose is pretty typical for a morphboy, and his's really hot in my hands. Hotter than a human, at least from what I remember from my last time with a human boy, which was really long ago. Ambrose is telling me I'm probably right, because canomorphs do tend to have a higher body temperature than humans, and I guess he'd know, being one. A canomorph, that is.

What can I say about Ambrose's cock? Well, it's certainly a big old thing, long and thick, but that's fairly normal for all morphs. It's thrust out of a sheath, which is where it tucks in when its not ready for use. I've always thought that sheaths were cute - sort of a hideaway pocket for your goodies, until they decide to come out and say hello. Ambrose's penis is fairly humanlike in appearance, except for two big differences. The first difference is that his entire penis is the same, uniform color, which is a sort of dark pink, about what you'd expect from the glans of a Caucasian human male. This makes sense, I guess, since it's the same color as the pads of Ambrose's feet. The other big difference is that Ambrose has what I guess is a vestigial knot down at the base of his penis. It's not really noticeable when he's not erect, but right now it's about the size of a golf ball. When I squeeze it, it makes Ambrose whimper pretty easily, and he confirms that it's _really_sensitive, maybe about as sensitive as the tip of his penis.

Salty, with a little bit of a spicy tang to it, and the scent of musk. That's the taste of Ambrose's precum. Hang on a bit, though: I'm going to take my time reminding myself what he feels like on the inside.

Okay, sore now. Cutty didn't want to wait...well, that's not really fair, and it's not really true. I didn't want to wait, watching Cutty sitting there, with his big gator penis just poking out, pointing at me like he was just being patient, waiting on me. Lucky for me, neither Ambrose nor Cutty are the jealous type, but then, most morphs aren't, and even when they're from such completely different types, they all seem to have this natural instinct to try and get along, to work together, I guess it might be because they're both first generation morphs, and all first gens got some military programming to get them to work in teams better, but I don't know for sure: I could probably write a paper on the subject, and think I will. What I do know, though, is they had me every which way from here until Sunday, and I loved every second.

Ambrose on the inside...he's got this way of wiggling his hips when he's going in, and especially when he's all the way in, it just sort of drives me wild, touches spots inside of me that I didn't even know existed. It's really intense, let me tell you, and that's when he's taking it slow, trying to draw it out so I can really experience it. When he gets going, it's hard to think straight. Heck, let's be honest: I wasn't thinking at all for the last little bit, when he popped that knot of his in me. The knot's the one big thing that makes Ambrose different, and I guess it's common with most canomorphs. It's there to keep their sperm inside until it's had a chance to work its way up into a female, and I have to admit, it seems to have done its job very well. Of course, since for part of our fun it was sharing space with Cutty's cock as well, I haven't seen any of either of their sperm since they came in me.

Cutty's cock is actually all external, not at all like what I'd expected when I first met him and started trying to get him into bed with me those years ago. You'd think that an alligator would have all his goodies on the inside, just like a real reptile. Cutty, though, isn't a reptile at all: he's a mammal, even if he's a chimera, or a composite of several different sorts of creatures. From what I understand, he's got genes from pangolins, hyenas, cetaceans, and a few other creatures all mixed together to make him what he is. According to Cutty, since he's such a unique mix of genetics, there really isn't anything else like him anywhere. That means, if he wants to reproduce, the only creature he can mate with successfully is humans, his closest genetic relative.

Feeling along Cutty's penis before he started to get down and dirty with me, I couldn't help but notice how his whole shaft was mostly smooth, but also kind of bumpy, sort of like his belly scutes, except for the glans, which was the same dark green as his top scales, with a spiky-looking ridge around the corona. Let me tell you, those, but they feel _good_on the inside! They're not sharp at all, just rubbery, and they feel like a French tickler going in...and coming out...and back in again...mmm...

Sorrysorry! I'm totally not basking in gator-induced afterglow right now! Even if I do feel so very, very gooey inside after that double dose from Ambrose and Cutty at the same time. Ambrose got in two good shots before Cutty joined, and I'm afraid I got a little loud while they sandwiched me. Ambrose even kissed me just to keep all my squealing from hurting his ears. Well, that's one reason he did it, anyway - Ambrose has always been a sweetie.

Fjord's next, and he's nice and hard and ready to go from all the work Red's done on him. Giving him the once-over, I can't help but notice how...veiny he is. That's just how Fjord's built, though, an individual variation, rather than something common among ursamorphs. He's like Ambrose, actually, in how his penis is all the same color once it's out of his sheath, except he's more of a deep red...that, and he's, well, quite a bit bigger. I should have expected that from a bear, but still, it's a bit of a shock to have it all so up-close and personal like this, throbbing in my hands. One big difference between Fjord and Ambrose is that, instead of a knot, the glans of Fjord's penis is more tulip-shaped at the tip, sort of thick and bulbous. So, the big difference is, where a canomorph's cock might get stuck after it's all gone inside you, an ursamorph's cock takes some extra work to fit inside in the first place. As I found out for myself in very short order. Oh wow - I was stuffed!

Lucky for me, big as he is, Fjord's a really gentle lover. I'd have been popped right in half if he'd been even a little bit more rough than he was. Everything about the bruin is big, and you can just feel the muscle under his shaggy fur tensed and bulging like it's ready to burst, and he's going to turn into some raging beast at any moment. Even with him being so gentle, it was...really, really heady. Even typing this, I'm a little drunk on the adrenaline and endorphins, while inside my inner walls are contracting again and again, a slow gush of hot bearcum leaking from my cunny.

Montenegro's next, and I guess everybody wants to know: how's the movie star under the sheets? Well, on top of the sheets in this case, but you know what I mean. Well, he's hot, he's hung, and the first thing he did is get to work eating me out. I didn't even have to ask, either - he just got right to it with a will, like he really, really enjoyed it. That's where I learned something important about equimorphs like Montenegro: they've got these absolutely incredibly agile lips. Four-legged horses can do all sorts of things with their lips, using them sort of like the hands they don't have. Equimorphs, on the other It was like getting my cunny lips thoroughly massaged just about everywhere, all at once. And then there's the tongue! It's long and thick and sooo smooth, I was just floating on air for most of what the big guy was doing to me. So, yeah, the hype's all deserved, and it's all true.

Turns out, equimorph cocks are about as close to a human's as you can find on a morph. The head's a little broader and flatter on top, and the corona's a little more prominent, but that's really about it. Montenegro wasn't as thick as Fjord, but that's not a bad thing, not when I was still recovering from getting mauled by a grizzly in all the best ways. He took it gentle at first, using these slow, steady strokes, letting me settle into the pace and adjust before he started to pick up speed. The big stallion was firm, solid, but also yielding, his fur so smooth and soft. It was like making love to some Renaissance marble statue, or at least the fantasy of one. All the time he was servicing me (that's the term, isn't it? For a stallion covering a mare), he was kissing me. And I thought Ambrose was a good kisser! Those lips were just...I just melted. They were everywhere, my lips, my face, my neck, my breasts...

I guess Fjord got a little jealous, watching Montenegro do me, because he leaned over and started gnawing on my other breast. Turns out, bears have these awesome lips as well, almost as good as a horse's. I'm not sure if it's a matter of temperament or just the way ursamorphs are built, but Fjord didn't bother much with fine manipulation: he just engulfed my whole breast with his mouth, and started to mouth it in ways that...well, it's nothing like what any human could ever do. Then compare that to Montenegro, with his delicate suckling, his tender oral caresses. It was like getting caught in the middle of a fight between somebody with a fencing sword, and someone handling a heavy club. They both get the job done, and they both take skill, but the way they do their jobs are so very, very different.

By this point, I was pretty close to delirious, and Pinch talked the boys into letting me take a breather. At least, that's what seemed to be the case. I was out in my kitchenette, getting some juice to rehydrate a little, when Osiris came up behind me. For such a big guy, he was quiet. I seriously never heard him, certainly never saw him, and there was really nowhere for him to hide coming out of the bedroom - where I could hear Red and Pinch getting their own party going with those virile, tireless morphmales - and into the kitchen. I only noticed Osiris because I turned to look when Scatter came out, wearing nothing but that silly bandanna, and there was the big lionguy, just standing there, watching me. I think Scatter came out because he wanted to save himself for me, just like I'd wanted. That skunkboy really is a cutie, and he's as genuinely nice a guy as you could ever hope to meet. I've heard that's typical for skunks: they can trash talk with the best, and they can carry themselves with some real manly swagger, but it's all show. They're all really gentle souls on the inside, and I guess it makes them really easy to hurt...but it also makes them really easy to love.

There's something about a cat's eyes that's just so mesmerizing. Looking up into Osiris' amber-eyed gaze, right away I just felt myself starting to drift. The big cat had charisma, and he had presence, and before too long, he had me as well, and there wasn't one thing I could do about it, even if I'd wanted to try. He wanted me, but he didn't want me to think he needed me - he wanted me to want him more than he wanted me.

Silly cat.

I think the big kitty could tell what I was thinking, because that's about the time he decided to show me just how much I needed him. The countertop was chilly when he scooped me up and set my bare bottom down on top of it, but I didn't really notice, not when I had warm, muscular felimorph all over me.

Felimorphs are all about the barbs. Kitties have their claws, and the humanoid sort aren't much different, especially when it comes to sex. Thankfully, the barbs on a felimorph are like the animalistic traits on the other morphs: less than their quadruped kind, but enough in all the best ways. A felimorph's tongue, for example, is raspy, but it's more like the rasping that comes from, say, a massager: rough, but with enough give that it doesn't hurt, just adds to the stimulation. A felimorph's penis, on the other hand, has barbs, but they're not sharp at all. Instead, they're rubbery, and when they go in you, you can feel them stroking you, rasping your delicate inner walls in just the right ways. They're backwards-pointing, too, so every time Osiris pulled out, the ones on the top of his penis dragged right across my G-spot.

I'm not going to lie: he made me squirt. I just couldn't help myself. He just kept going, too, just kept

Okay, okay, I'm totally here, totally not lost in that memory. It was pretty intense, though. All I can say is that felimorphs have a lot more stamina than I expected. Well, I guess it's not exactly stamina, so much as they can orgasm, then keep right on going through two or three more one right after the other, without even pausing. It's like squeezing three normal morph orgasms into...what? Six and a half of mine, I guess.

After getting a truly royal rutting, I wasn't in the mood to do much of anything right then. Five hung, hot guys with morph levels of libido is really a lot more than any one female can handle. Not even morph females can really take all the lust that a healthy morph male can put out. I guess that's why morphs are so willing to share, or at least one really good reason: if they didn't, they'd wear each other out in short order.

Right after everything I'd been through, Scatter was actually the best possible end. That sweet skunkguy just picked me up, then settled us both down on the couch, and wrapped his big, fluffy tail around me. His fur was so very soft, I couldn't help but snuggle into it. I think I dozed off for a while, too, but I'm not really sure. Scatter gives good backrubs, incidentally, and once he got to work on me, I'm almost certain I was out like a light in no time at all.

When I was able to think again, I decided to finish up my study. After all, it's what I was there for. That, and Scatter had been so patient, and so sweet, he really deserved some loving. He'd calmed down by the time I started handling his black-furred sheath, but it didn't take much to get him plumped up. Incidentally, this let me watch a morph's penis come out of its sheath up-close and personal. It's actually pretty fascinating, watching the sheath swell up, sort of like putting your arm into a sleeve, before the clasped lips at the tip part, and the organ in question slides out. How much it comes out depends on the morphguy's arousal, of course, and I've been told by Ambrose that it comes out mostly soft when a male morph needs to urinate, just enough for him to get his business done, and then pops back into its hidey-hole.

Scatter's penis was also pretty human, except for the same uniform color as that of Ambrose, Fjord, and Osiris, but where Ambrose and Osiris had these strawberry pink penises, and Fjord's was a deep cherry red, Scatter's was a shiny licorice black.

Okay, right here is where I have to talk about taste. I guess most of the taste in a guy's precum and cum comes from diet, or at least that's what I've read and heard. I think there's an element of hormonal difference as well. With different types of morphs, there's probably some variability on that front too. Ambrose, for instance, is a little bit spicy, fairly salty, and very faintly sweet. Cutty is mostly musky, but not unpleasantly so, just sort of this taste that blends into the background. Fjord is...well, I guess I'd call his seminal fluids "robust." That's a good term for it, because, whoa, they're potent, but still not bad. Montenegro has a sort of honey undertaste to his cum, sweet in a healthy kind of way. Osiris had a definite bite to his cum, what little I got to taste of it, sort of like cayenne pepper or sharp mint. Scatter, though...Scatter was just sweet, with a hint of salty. I really don't know why, any more than I know why he smelled so very, very good when I buried my mouth against his groin, taking his cock to the roots.

The very tip of Scatter's penis was very slightly curved upward. Running my tongue along it, I could feel that his lightly-pointed glans was a little bit keratinous, firm but a little bit spongy and yielding when I pressed on it. Apparently a real skunk's penis is a lot more curved, long and slender and made for sticking way up inside a girl skunk to make sure the boy skunk gets her pregnant. Well, Scatter was long, all right, and his penis the pleasant sort of slender, the kind that fits really easily into your mouth, making it lots of fun to play around with it orally, but he wasn't quite to the silly proportions of a quadruped skunk.

Once Scatter put that smooth, shiny black penis of his into me, that's when I figured out what that pointed tip was for: wow but it did the most wonderful things to me going in! And coming back out for that matter. Scatter hardly had to move his hips to tease his cocktip over my sensitive inner spots, and with just a little bit of wriggling his hips, he had me squirming under him, my hands balled up into fists on his muscular, stripy back.


There's a gap between here and then. The asterisk is there to mark that time gap. I've just spent the last ten hours sleeping off what had to be about three or four hours of hardcore gang-banging sex with six males and two females, all of them morphs. Once I finished up my scientific inquiries, I'd had it with messing around with one or two males at a time: I wanted it all!

Right now, as sore as I feel, I think that perhaps I went a little bit overboard.

Mmm, but it's a _good_sore.

I'll find out if I'm pregnant soon enough. Some months after that, I'll find out whose baby I'm carrying. Good thing I didn't go into this experiment unprepared: I've already saved up, and I've got time set aside for maternity leave. If I'm going to get pregnant, this is honestly the best possible time in the world for it.


Yep, I'm knocked up.


It's a boy. And the ultrasound's got scales.

Congratulations, Cutty.