Toil and TG Trouble 2

Story by AdventChild on SoFurry

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The next installment of my Scooby Doo TG story. Sorry that it took so long as well as it is a longer chapter. Had some writer's block for a moment and some revisions. However, for the next few chapters (or probably the rest of the story pending), I'm going to experiment with 1st person POV (from Scooby's perspective obviously) and to see how this will go and how well I do with it along with better pacing and possible shorter chapters.

While I'm working on that, I'll try to post up another one shot Digimon MG story.

She stepped onto a soft dirt path strewn with autumn colored leaves that blanket it in patches and grass that closed in on the path from the left and right. She looked back to see the witch nod and then saw her closed the portal with a flick of her wand. She got a look at her surroundings for a moment.

_'She wasn't kidding about this world being like Earth...'_she thought as she looked at the towering redwoods along with a few spruces, sequoias and other types of familiar trees with red, yellow, orange and brown foliage hanging onto the limbs that blocked partial midday sunrays. She heard a couple of blue jays and robins tweeting out tunes on the branches. She looked up to see cloud patches in against the sky blue background where a flock of birds migrated south in triangle formation.

There were the unearthly and the unfamiliar too. Looking back down she had seen were a couple of mushrooms attached to the base roots of trees that came in unusual array of colors of green, turquoise, and pink. A few exotic looking flowers came into view mingled with some ferns and bushes on her left and right that were just as colorful with bright neon colored petals with teeth like thorns on their edges and styles and stigmas that look like thin tongues. She even saw a flower engulfed a fly as it landed on the stigma which was startling to say the least.

Other weird creatures came out of a nearby hole in the ground to her left. A couple of rabbits, one gray furred with antlers and one brown and white furred mix with goat horns, popped out of it and scurried across to the other side into the bushes, barely paying attention to the observer. A family of possum-like creatures was hanging on their tails while covering their whole bodies with batwings and sleeping. Among other type of fauna has appeared were purple colored moles with flowers on their backs that been popping in and out of holes, few blue butterflies fluttered with snowflake wings that dropped an icy powder that sent a chill in the air, etc.

Despite some of the strangeness, for Scooby, the nature scene felt serene and rather relaxing. It was something that kept her mind off the predicament that she was force into even just for a moment. However, the peaceful scene was interrupted by a deafening noise that came above the treetops that scattered the animals into hiding.


Scooby flinched and ducked slightly in response and quickly looked up into the sky. She saw the yellow underbelly of a giant green scaled quadruped creature with a pair of dark leathery wings, long ivory claws on three digit feet, a long slithery tail and a long neck, and a head with a pair of ivory spikes underneath both sides of its jaws and black horns on top. It flapped its enormous wings a couple times before letting out another deafening roar and headed west away from the town to some unknown destination.

'I...I guess I should get a going...' Scooby inwardly suggested as she started to walk towards the small little village with large strides, not waiting around to become dragon chow if it decided to fly back.

She approached the town as it became much bigger as she came closer as the dirt path became more like a slightly wider man-made stone one. The path leaded her to black steel arch with a wooden sign labeled, "Lennek" and where the stone path forked into three. From there, she was able to get a better look of the small town. It looked like a town that belong in the mid to late 19th century with most of the wooden and brick buildings being two-stories at the highest and she was able to see smoke rising from some, either coming from chimneys or a fire pit. The four rows of buildings preoccupied areas surrounding both sides of each path and each building had lampposts next to their entrances that contained a small pile of strange red orange stones.

Plenty of the one story buildings were in the two center rows and by the signs and by some of the stands, it was clear that this was a marketplace. She could also spot a water fountain surrounded by four park benches in front of a two story building with a sign calling it "Town Hall". She strolled down the marketplace and took in the scenery.

There was a vegetable stand in front of some kind of grocery store with plenty of familiar looking foods inside some barrels, baskets, and boxes yet either having some kind of strange color or texture to it. Such as vegetables that look like green radishes in the shape of hearts and reddish orange potatoes, and green fruit in shape of stars and white grapes.

The butcher's next door sold a variety of meat from the littlest to largest of beasts. Meat in glass containers seemed familiar to her like ham, chicken, and turkey. Skinned meat hanged from the ceiling that belonged to something as big as a horse or cow. She could definitely smell the aroma of raw brisket emitting from the exposed entrance. She definitely drooled at the thought of eating some ribs and steaks at the end of the day for dinner.

She could even smell what she could have for desert as her snout picked up the sweet scents of the baker's across the street with its loaves and sticks of bread mingling in baskets whereas the cakes, pies, and other types of delicious pastries were kept in glass containers and counters for display and freshness. She licked her chops and tried not to drool too much.

She passed a couple of indoor and outdoor restaurants along with a grooming nail and beauty salon, a store that potion ingredients which she made a mental note to check there for listed items later, a spell book shop, a store that sold glasswork including dinner plates, vases, and windows, and a clothing store called Warlocke's Wardrobes that sold plenty of cloaks like the one she was wearing yet in different colors as well as pointy witch and wizard hats with wide brims and other kinds of mage accessories like rune stone necklaces, satchels, and crystal balls. Finally at the end of the street, there was Gareth's Gears and Weapons, a blacksmithing place just opposite of the wardrobe.

What was as interesting as the marketplace with things familiar to earth and the unfamiliar were the dog people. There were many kinds of Canisapiens of different breeds that were not too dissimilar to ones on earth that she could identify. From Afghans to Malamutes to Yorkshires, you name the breed; it can be possibly spotted in the slightly crowded market street section. Also, when the Grand Witch talked about how it was like a nudist colony? She definitely wasn't kidding! Nearly all the males and females she passed by were in the buff, exposing their fuzzy and furry breasts and genitalia for everyone to see.

Of course, there were some dogs wearing clothing which made Scooby didn't feel that she was out of place. Some male and female dogs were wearing cloaks like the one she had but in different colors like violet, red, and green and some were button down instead of zippered. Quite a few were also wearing straw hats, sailor hats, sun hats, bonnets, and of course the witch and wizard types. The dogs that own the shops had workers clothes on too. The female white and tan Brittany that ran the food stand outside the grocers wore a white apron with head covering, the grey shorthaired male Pit Bull butcher of the meat shop wore a bloodstained black apron, and the male Dalmatian wore a flour caked apron with the usual bakers cap. Gareth, the brown and black German shepherd, wore a black leather apron and gloves as he pounded away on a heated sword blade with a hammer on an anvil. Scooby felt slightly weird when she stared at the male pounding away with his muscular furred arms flexing and his pectorals moving after every breath and grunt. She just shook her head and went on after that.

She even met a new type of animal never seen back on earth that happened to pull a wooden cart driven by an old greyhound. It looked like a pachyderm with a rough grey skin and hide and quadruped. It had three thick dull claws on each foot, a long tail, and axe-like beak for a mouth. It made a low bellowing sound, like a Wookie from Star Wars, especially when she petted it. A karaboughra the greyhound called it, specifically Beatricia as it was a female.

She made it to the bench in front of the fountain and sat down, laying down the book to her side. She let out sigh in slight exasperation as well as a breath of rest. She looked around from where she sat and took in more detail of the town. To her left, there was a white two story saloon and brothel called the 'Spellbinders' Circle' and to her right, made her exclaimed to herself.

"They have a spa here?!"

As she said, there was a spa that was a huge log cabin with stone base, looking like a snow mountain resort place. There was sign hanging on the front saying "Malamut Massage Spa Specialists" with a small sign below on a two legged post outside the entrance that said "Mud Baths for 50 Bones!" It sounded dirty but relaxing to say the least.

'Now if only they had a buffet.' She thought while looking down at her furred cleavage. 'And still being a male.'

Her paw cupped her covered left breast and she gave it a light squeeze.

"Ooooh~..." she quietly moaned.

Why did female bodies have to be so sensitive? She could vaguely remember much what happened during her transformation but she remembered feeling intense pleasure as it went on and that it felt insanely good! This is definitely going to be a problem during her stay. She needed to find a way to keep her sex drive and libido in check. But where to start?

After a few minutes of pondering, a shadow loomed over in front of her. She looked up to see a female anthro poodle that appeared to be...examining her?

She looked to be around 5ft 4in height, just 4 inches below Scooby's. She had pink revealing skin around her body with tufts of white fur covering some sections. White fur was on her head, her long drooping ears, around her neck just above her bare DD breasts, her pelvis region over her cooch, around her thighs midway, around her wrists and ankles and three on her thin tail.

The poodle continued to stare at Scooby with much stern for a few more minutes.

"Um, ex-excuse me. Can...can I help you?" Scooby stuttered out.

"Can you show me your tits?" the poodle responded with a lax smile, losing the sternness her face had before.

"Wh-what?!" Scooby stammered at the request.

"Oh please! Please, can I see your breasts? I just want to see!" the poodle chirped while jumping up and down with her tail wagging excitedly.

Scooby still didn't know how to react with this. Though the commotion she had been causing was attracting unwanted attention nearby and she bashfully complied. She got up and unzipped the top of her cloak until it reached her and let her double EEs spill out in the open with a breeze causing the nips to become erect.

"Oooooo, a nice huge set! They're almost as big as Mistress's! They're natural and not magically enhanced, right?"

"N-no. Not really." Scooby answered, 'Unless potion forced transformations counts.' she inwardly added. "Um, who is this Mistress?" the Dane questioned.

"That's what the showgirls call our boss. I work at the saloon and brothel over there." the poodle pointed towards the building just towards the left. "Ever since Tamie and Maelyn have left for Barkelin, we're short on showgirls and dancers at the moment and I've been asked to get some new recruits! Oh and where are my manners? The name's Tenali by the way. What's yours?"

" name's Scooby." She said, leaving out the Doo part in case it sounded much odd or suspicious to her and others.

"Seeing that you're new here, what brings you to our little town? Here for a visit or mostly business, I guess, seeing that you have a Teleporter Tome." Tenali said as she pointed towards the book on the bench. Pretty observant this poodle is.

"Yeah, I'm on a fetch quest to get things for a witch and she told me to meet up with this Derrick for help. Do you know where he lives?"

The poodle flinched a bit at the name. "Derrick lives near the end of town where most of the houses are. I've met him few times before and he's a nice guy and all. However, I've heard some rumors about the Casanova knocking up some female apprentices. Probably not true, but just to let you know." This made Scooby slightly uneasy and made her extra cautious when she meets him.

"Well, anyways, as I said before, I'm looking for recruits and since you have the assets for it, I was wondering if you can dance?"

"Dance? Um, I'm not much of a good dancer and I'm not interested in joining, sorry. But thanks for telling me where Derrick lives so I should go now." She said while starting to walk away with her tome. However, the poodle grabbed onto her sleeve.

"Oh please! Can I at least treat you for a drink and show you the place? Maybe it'll change your mind into joining us? Please?" Tenali pleaded with the classic puppy dog eyes trick and whimpering. It definitely made it hard for Scooby to decline.

"*Sigh, Alright, I'll go but just for a drink." Scooby admitted defeat.

"Yay! You won't regret it!" the poodle took her by the hand dragged her towards the saloon.

They passed through the double door entrance that had a sign saying "No Pups Under 18 Allowed" and another that had "Today's Specials" with some alcoholic cocktails and rum. The prior sign intrigued her as aging seems to be similar to humans. How old is she now in human years? She guessed probably somewhere in her twenties judging by her body and looks.

The two dogs stepped into a large room with blue painted walls, red hanging lanterns that dimly illuminated the ceiling, and wood flooring. A bar was on the left side of the room with beer bottles that filled a back shelf with a mirror just above it. Another shelf next to it contained glass and porcelain beer mugs and cups and next to that looked like some kind of wooden ice box that most likely held some bottled, chilled drinks and pitchers. A sign above it had names of many drinks including nonalcoholic. The bar counter had beer taps labeled with many kinds of alcohol types from ale to whiskey. The bartender was a 6ft black and light brown Doberman, light brown covering his hands, feet, and chest and black covering the rest of his body that just wore a black apron and was cleaning a glass mug over a sink. The sink signaling to Scooby that plumbing seems to be present in this canine civilization. Surrounding the bar, there were plenty of wooden barstools with soft cushions on top.

On the opposite end of the room was a semi-circular stage with a red curtain backdrop that took up nearly half of the wall and a door to the right of it with a sign saying "Showgirls/Employees Only". Lamps from above shone done on two shiny bronze poles stood erect and spaced some few feet apart.

Perpendicular of the bar and the stage was the bathrooms; the male side having a simple picture of an anthro dog with a dick on the door whiles the female side having a simple picture of an anthro dog with breasts.

In the middle of it all were about ten round wooden tables scattered around the room. Their seats filled with mostly male bar patrons with some females here and there of various breeds. Some were playing cards and some used magic to levitate their card hands. Some were having arm wrestling matches; others smoked cigars and used magic to morph the smoke into strange shapes and even animals; a few were just having a jolly time chugging down beer, laughing and talking about a variety of things with their tails wagging.

"Come on and have a seat!" Tenali said as she gestured towards the seats at the bar. Scooby followed and sat next to her. The Doberman then went ahead to talk to the poodle.

"Hey, Tenali, so got a new recruit already?"

"Not really, but I'm treating her for a drink and let her watch a show to see if I could change her mind. Oh, Scooby, this is Damond. He's the owner and manager of this place."

"Um, hi, nice to meet you." Scooby said as she reached out her paw-hand for a shake.

"Nice to meet you too, my dear." He said as grabbed Scooby's hand and kissed it and gave her wink afterward.

Scooby was taken aback by the out of nowhere romantic gesture. And she thought that this Derrick was supposed to be the Casanova around here. Yet she felt some kind of warmth beneath the fur of her face. Was...was she blushing? A sense of attraction to him? No, it can't be that, right? She shrugged it off.

"Oh, Damond does this to nearly all females. It's becoming a habit for him." Tenali spoke up.

"Heh, a beautiful dame deserves the best greeting, I always say. So what do you like to drink? It'll be on the house for the newcomer."

"I'll take Applescotch Ale."

"I'll just have Starfruit juice. I'm not good with alcohol. Bad experience once." Scooby remembered what would be known as her worst New Year's Eve back on Earth where she accidentally drank two bottles of champagne, mistaking them for sparkling cider. Let's just say having a hangover and waking up in the city pound is not a good way to start off the New Year.

After finishing up their drinks, Tenali paid her tab and lead Scooby towards the stage and in front of the door.

"I like you to meet the rest of the crew." The poodle said as she opened the door to reveal some kind of large dressing room with blue walls like the main room.

Large dressers topped with vanity mirrors had small lamps for lighting along with plenty of cosmetic products from lipsticks to mascara to powder. Colorful feathered scarves hanged off of them as well as some of the full body mirrors nearby. There were boxes that seem to hold some props for show such as tassels, metal batons, and feathered headdresses. She even saw some spell books as well as books on exotic dancing. There was a grey music box with a crank on a stand with grey smooth stone like discs the size of CDs with runes along the edge next to it.

The dog showgirls were quite the beauties with such sizeable busts especially the one in the back with the FF cups. There was a tan pharaoh hound who was putting on makeup, a blond furred Papillion trying on feathered scarves in front of a full body mirror, a Dalmatian with short black hair twirling a baton near the doorway facing the stage on the left wall, a jet black cocker spaniel sat near a dresser as she read a enchantment in a spell book while smoking, and in the back was a maroon afghan hound applying powder to her face.

"Hey, girls!" Tenali spoke up catching the attention of everyone in the room.

"So you found a recruit, huh?" the Papillion spoke with a hint of Valley Girl accent.

"A Danesh? Don't see much of them in this neck of the woods." The spaniel said donning an accent that sounded similar to French. Scooby caught the Danesh and concluded that's what her breed is called.

"Bet she just dragged some poor girl against her will to be here" said the Dalmatian sarcastically.

"Well, she refused at first but I offered her a drink and a show to see what we do so she can give it a chance and she agreed. So hopefully your performance out there will change her mind about not being a showgirl. Also, her name is Scooby. Scooby, girls. Girls, Scooby." Tenali said as they greeted and introduced themselves to the newcomer and vice versa. The Dalmatian introduced herself as Cheza, the Papillion as Venira, the spaniel as Zera, the pharaoh hound as Porsha, and the Afghan as Castille.

"If she is going to be a showgirl, she definitely needs to have the right body for it. So how about you strip down for us? Hmm." The Pharaoh hound spoke which reminded Scooby of Jessica Rabbit from 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?'

Scooby tensed at the request. Again, what is up with everyone wanting to see her breasts? She still felt obliged to do it anyways as she set her book down and unzipped the cloak fully letting it furled onto the ground, revealing tits and all. She blushed beneath her furry face as all eyes were on her. Some looked on at awe and with a slight bit of jealousy in their eyes even wondered if they're real or not.

"Whoa, nice tits you got there! I'm almost jealous!" said Cheza.

"Ooh, she's almost as big as you, Castille!" Venira chirped.

"Well, the lady sure does have the body for work, but what kind of magic can you use, hon?" Castille said with a southern western accent.

"Ma-magic? Um, sorry, but I don't know any magic. I've never been taught it. My mother didn't trust it and never see any use of it so we lived out in the forest away from nearby villages and cities that were under magical influence." Scooby thought up a lie really quick. "After her death a few years ago, I had to live on my own and had to do odd jobs just eat and stay at a place for rent. Currently, I'm doing a fetch quest for a witch." She added while looking at her tome.

The others had looks of shock and sympathy on their faces about the whole story. They said their condolences for her and she thanked them for it but said it would be better to move on from that topic which they all agreed upon. That is until they noticed her S necklace where she also said that it was motherly related.

"Might as well go on stage now. Can't leave the crowd waiting." Cheza said while twirling the baton a bit and taking the music box and stand with her as she went onto the stage.

"Oh you're definitely going to enjoy this!" Tenali exclaimed as the others went to get a better view of Cheza and the audience behind the stage curtain.

After gaining the attention of the bar patrons as the lights of the bar dimmed and the ones on stage brightened, the Dalmatian took one of the discs and slid it into a slot on the side. She then turned the crank about ten times and then music started to play. The melodic sounds of string and woodwind instruments filled the room as Cheza started to dance. Twirling the baton, she swayed her hips, swishing her tail and did a belly dance, even throwing in some high kicks. She also did lewd actions with her baton while she danced such as, licking it, sliding it between her breasts, her butt and even her moist slit.

Then the real magic began. She twirled again while her hands glow a bright red. Suddenly, the baton caught on fire! Not just that though as the color of the fire changed from red to blue to purple to black to white. It didn't even seem to burn her hands in the process.

Soon, the fires extinguished and her hands glowed yellow. The baton seemed to become more flexible and malleable as she wrapped it around her neck like a scarf. She then caressed the baton with glowing blue hands. The inanimate object turned into something more animate as the coiled steal became slightly longer. One end became a rattling tail while the other end morphed into the head of a cobra; the rest of the body became scaly and thick. She still danced with the snake still coiled around her neck and she even kissed it!

As she continued entertaining the crowd with her magical exotic dancing, Scooby looked upon in awe. It was such great display of magic that she has ever seen before. It did tempt her to see if she could be able to something similar with this body. Even the dancing seemed fun to her as well. Especially playing with that rod...licking it...caressing it between her breasts and butt....inserting it in her tight pussy.

_'GAH! Stop thinking like that! You're supposed to be a guy, remember!'_she thought as she shook her head, taking a few steps back so no one could notice.

Scooby turned her attention to the audience rather than the onstage performance to keep her mind from more feminine thinking.

Bad move.

She looked at the majorly male crowd as they continued to look at Cheza's act. Some whooped and hollered from time to time and even made sexual comments towards her, but the Dalmatian continued to ignore and dance while they all stared on. It was also causing another kind of reaction to the dogs in the audience, most notably in the crotch area. Scooby could see their pricks rising from their furred sacks, which to her surprise, looked more human like with mushroom tips. Their erections stood tall and proud, ranging from 7 inches to a foot in length, with knots nears the base. She could see them massaging and stroking their shafts with pre-cum oozing from the tip and shooting out seed soon after.

So meaty... so delicious looking.

Flashes of erotic thoughts soon poured into her mind. She imagined those fleshy rods impaling her pussy hard, massaging her pussy-folds and rubbing up against her inner walls. She imagined receiving a major pounding in the tail hole while sitting on the lap of a Border terrier. She imagined sucking off a Boxer as he sat on a barstool, feeling it throb as it brushes against her tongue. She panted at those thoughts, drooling as her tongue hang out. Her face started to heat up a bit. Her tail swished back and forth excitedly, rubbing up against the cloak's material. She also felt wetness in the crotch area.

Scooby regained her senses as she shook her head and backed up a bit. She quickly ducked back into the dressing room, hoping no one has seen her. She fumbled with the zipper as she pulled it all the way down. Her tits were capped with stiff nipples and with a squeeze from her fingers, milk shot out to her surprise.

"Oooooohhhhhhh~" she moaned as her knees buckled when an orgasm hits her and her snatch became wet, soaking her inner thighs soon after.

Her hand reached to her nether regions and touched her hound honey that soaked into her fur, hearing squishing on impact. She looked at her soaked fingers with great worry.

"Oh no..." she muttered.

Then, a revelation just hit her. When she saw the showgirls for the first time, she admitted that they were beautiful and pretty but didn't have that sense of attraction towards them like when she would have had as a male. Heck, she felt a slight sense of breast envy when she saw Castille's huge mams.

However, that attraction came up when she looked at the males in the crowd. The males with furred muscles, some with a runner's build and others with body builder/gym-rat frames, with their cocks of various lengths and thickness aroused her. Her body craved for them. She couldn't get enough of it. She couldn't stop thinking about it. Her sexual appetite grew intense; it was getting harder to resist it.

'Those tasty lookin'...mmm...I like to su--... Argh! Keep it together, Scooby! You're beginning to act like Daphne!' she thought, trying to get her head cleared of any feminine ideas.

Then, applause and cheering were heard from the main room as well as the absence of music. Cheza's performance was over.

She heard Tenali walked into the room, catching the Danesh off guard. Scooby quickly zipped up her cloaked and turned to the poodle quickly. She just smiled nervously at her.

"Something wrong, Scooby? You've been shaking your head and were panting quite a bit." The poodle voiced her concerns.

"Uh...nothing! Nothing's wrong! Just have a...a slight headache." Scooby lied as she held her head for a bit. "Do you know where I can find some medicine?" she added as an excuse to leave.

"Yeah, the doctor's place is near the entrance on the left path when you enter the town."

"Thanks for that." Scooby said as she was about to leave.

"But what about my job offer? Could at least get an answer?"

"Sorry, but I...I need to think it over a bit. I'm going have to decline for now. Is that okay?"

"Oh, alright. It's understandable." Tenali said with a solemn smile.

After the two said their goodbyes, Scooby left the saloon and headed towards the doctor's place.