Events of an Uneventful Freshman Year: As Time Goes By

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#15 of Events of an Uneventful Freshman Year

Hello Everyone!

This is the second to last chapter of this series! It's been awesome writing this and getting such amazing feedback from all of you who took the time to read, comment, fave, rate, and watch me after reading this. I really really appreciate it :)


4 months later

Chris gripped the dashboard of Mitch's Jeep as they pulled up in front of a ridiculously huge house. Mitch, as new captain of the hockey team, received the LGBT student of the year award from the campus GSA for his vocal advocacy for LGBT rights and work in the community. The president of the GSA, a short, playful woman named Natalie, was throwing a house party to celebrate Mitch. As the Wolf pulled up beside the curb in the middle of a long line of cars, a low whistle escaped his lips.

"She wasn't kidding about being a trust-fund brat," Mitch chuckled, "This house is crazy."

The Wolf looked over at his boyfriend and sighed.

"You ok babe?" Mitch leaned over and kissed the human's cheek, "You haven't said too much tonight."

Chris nodded and reciprocated the canine's kiss.

"I will be," Chris sighed, "I'm just a little nervous about seeing Brutus again."

Chris and Brutus hadn't seen each other or talked since before Christmas break. Mitch had stayed good friends with Brutus, and hung out with him and his boyfriend Owen regularly. People had tried to get the pair to talk again, but Chris and Brutus were not having it.

"Is that going to be a problem?" Mitch asked, "I think he's ready to start talking to you again. I think you're ready too."

Chris hesitated for a moment and nodded.

"It won't be a problem," Chris began, "I'll hope for the best."

Mitch smiled.

"That's good," Mitch's tail wagged, "That's really good. Are you ready to head in?"

"Can I get a kiss first?" Chris asked.

Mitch leaned forward and tenderly kissed his boyfriend on the lips. Things had been good for the pair, and their young love blossomed like a spring flower as this semester went on. Chris now knew what love really was, and once he figured it out, the hard feelings he harbored towards Brutus melted away. Life was too short for stuff like that.

Chris's outlook on life had totally changed once he returned to school. He realized what he needed to do to make himself happy, and as he accomplished those tasks, he matured. He got a job, working under a grad student in the chemistry lab, and got a lot of recognition from the faculty in his school for the work he was doing. He was quickly making a name for himself as a biochemistry whiz kid.

"I love you," Mitch smiled, "So much."

Chris smiled too.

"I love you too baby," Chris opened his door, "Come on, I don't want you to miss your party."

Mitch barked affirmatively and got out of his car. Chris stayed put, and waited for the Wolf to walk around to his door. Mitch fancied himself to be a real gentleman and always tried to treat Chris the way the human deserved to be treated in any way he could. Chris didn't mind at all.

"Thank you baby," Chris said as he took the Wolf's paw and got out of the car, "You're the best."

Mitch put his arm around the human's waist and led him up the ornate brick stairs to Natalie's front door. The Wolf held the human to his side as he rang the doorbell. A few moments later, Natalie answered the door with a huge grin on her chubby face.

"Mitch!" Natalie grinned and swung her arm, spilling her crimson colored cocktail over her white dress shoes and yellow welcome mat, "I'm so happy you're here. The party's just starting!"

Chris chuckled politely. The two were in the same Medical Ethics class. They tolerated each other, but really didn't get along. The woman stood aside and let the pair into the house. It was a short walk through a hallway decorated with expensive looking paintings to get to the large sitting room. It was filled with people.

They were split into two groups. The largest, the GSA kids, was spread out over the majority of the room dancing and having a good time. The other group, the hockey team, stood quietly in the corner, trying to avoid any eye contact or conversation. Mitch kissed Chris on the cheek before walking over to them.

"You guys doing ok?" Mitch asked, "You aren't really mingling."

The guys looked back and forth at each other sheepishly for a few moments. A large Lynx stepped forward and rubbed his neck.

"We're trying," The Lynx sighed, "It's just different here. What if they try something with us?"

Mitch chuckled.

"They know you guys," Mitch began, "They know you aren't gay. If they give you problems, give them a firm no. If it happens again, get me. I'll deal with it."

"Thanks boss," The Lynx clapped the Wolf on the back, "We've been trying. Honest. We're just not used to hanging out with guys like you yet."

"Come on Scotty," Mitch smirked as a smoking hot female Rabbit walked by and winked at the hockey players, "Mingle a little. Who knows, you might get lucky."

Mitch took his leave from the guys, who quickly refilled their drinks and started mingling with the other party guests. The Wolf walked over to his boyfriend, who was leaning against the wall looking over the dancefloor. A slow R&B song came on over the speakers, and couples joined together to dance sensually with each other. Mitch stood beside the human and nuzzled his cheek.

"Normally you don't drink at these things," Mitch chuckled, "Everything all right."

Chris sighed and finished his drink.

"I'm glad he dumped me," Chris began, "He never looked into my eyes like that."

Brutus and Owen danced together, the fronts of their bodies entwined, as their hips moved in time with the music. The pair gazed lovingly into each other's eyes and shared a chaste kiss. Mitch smiled.

"It was for the best," Mitch tenderly stroked the human's arm, "Because I look into your eyes like that whenever I can."

"Do you want to dance?" Chris chuckled and held the Wolf's paw, "Cause I really want to dance."

Mitch smirked.

"I didn't know you danced," Mitch replied, "I thought you didn't like to."

"Maybe I want to dance with you," Chris blushed, "I think I'd like it."

"Not tonight," Mitch kissed the human's hand, "I want my first dance with you to be something special."

The Wolf was a romantic, and Chris loved every romantic action Mitch did for him. The human's heart swelled and thoughts of dancing on a candlelit veranda to live music filled his head. Mitch leaned forward and kissed the human.

"Come on," Mitch smiled, "Let's go talk to them. You haven't seen Owen's new prosthetic yet. He's so happy with it."

Chris smiled and nodded. With another kiss, the pair walked over to the dancing couple. Owen beamed at the sight of Mitch and Chris and broke away from Brutus.

"Chris!" Owen walked over and hugged the human tightly, "I didn't think you'd be coming. How have you been?"

Chris chuckled and hugged the Deer back.

"How's the new leg Owen?" Chris looked over the Deer's body, "Did they actually give you the right size this time?"

Owen's experience in getting a more permanent prosthetic had been a nightmare. His last doctor had sent off the wrong measurements twice. It wasn't until the Deer went to a new doctor that he was able to get one that actually fit. Owen beamed and rolled his pant leg up to show off the new one.

"It's awesome," Owen beamed, "This is the first time I've actually been able to run and dance again. My doctor said I'll even be able to play hockey again next year."

Chris chuckled.

"That's awesome," Chris replied, "I can't wait to watch you out on the ice again."

Chris looked up at Brutus.

"How are you?" Chris began, "Good, right?"

Brutus nodded and smiled as the human reached out to shake his paw.

"Very good," Brutus replied, "It's so nice to see you again."

The pair shared an awkward silence. Mitch chuckled and clapped Chris and Brutus on the back.

"Why don't we go out to the back porch?" Mitch asked, "We can all use the chance to catch up."

"Yeah that's a great idea," Owen smiled, "Let me get a fresh drink and I'll meet you guys out there."

Mitch nodded.

"I'm going to get one too," Mitch put a paw on the Deer's shoulder, "We'll see you guys in a bit."

Brutus and Chris looked at each other and wordlessly walked out to the back porch. Owen grimaced a little and looked up at the Wolf.

"You sure they're going to be alright?" Owen asked, "I think getting them to talk again is a really good idea, but I really think we should be out there with them."

Mitch shook his head.

"They need to be alone at first," Mitch began, "Time heals all wounds. They'll be just fine."

Owen sighed.

"I hope you're right," Owen replied, "This party's going to bust real quick if they start fighting."

"They won't fight," Mitch chuckled, "We've got nothing to worry about. You'll see."


"I'm sorry Chris," Brutus began as soon as the screen door to the house closed behind them, "I'm sorry things got so screwed up between us."

Chris nodded.

"I'm sorry too," The human set his drink down on the faded white railing, "I miss you a lot, Brutus. You're such a fun guy."

"We can spend time together again," Brutus chuckled, "Hell, our boyfriends hang out with each other almost as much as they spend time with us, there's no reason we can't tag along."

Chris and Brutus shared a laugh.

"How is it by the way?" Brutus asked, "You know, you and Mitch."

"Well," Chris blushed and chuckled, "We're in love Brutus. He's just, I don't know how to explain it. Ever since they made him captain of the hockey team he's just become so, purposeful and busy, it's inspiring to see him act so responsible, like a real leader. That treatment extends to me. Even in the busiest times, he always makes time for me. Always. He's never missed a date night. Ever."

"I'm happy for you," Brutus began, "Who said it first? I'm curious."

"Me," Chris laughed, "But he wanted to. They had just lost the game that would have got them into the playoffs. We were sitting in his car after the game, he was pretty beat up about it. He turned to look at me and I knew what he was about to say, just by looking at him. I just beat him to it. I've never seen anyone smile like that before. It was so worth it."

"Lovely story," Brutus chuckled, "I'll say it again, I'm happy for you."

Chris smirked and took a sip of his drink.

"I'd ask about you and Owen," The human chuckled and set his drink back down, "But after seeing the way you two were looking at each other in there. I think I know how things are going."

Brutus chuckled and rubbed his arm.

"Was it really that obvious?" Brutus smiled, "It's true, you've got the right idea."

Chris smiled and gave the Dog a friendly punch on the shoulder.

"You know," Chris chuckled, "If you would have told me that we would be having this conversation yesterday. I probably would have laughed in your face."

Brutus raised an eyebrow as Chris's chuckle turned into a sigh.

"I, uh," Chris rubbed his arm and looked out over the spacious back lawn, "I thought you hated me."

Brutus bit his lip.

"I remember when I first came back to school from the break," Chris sighed, "I went over at Mitch's you know, for date night."

Chris chuckled and wiped a tear from his eye.

"I spoiled that date night from my stupidity," Chris continued, "The second I got into bed. I started crying. I was holding in all the bad feelings from our breakup, the car accident, the fights we had, everything. Mitch told you forgave me, and I just, well, I didn't believe him."

"I thought you hated me too," Brutus replied, "I was so hurt and mad. I lashed out and acted like a huge dick. I let you go, I shouldn't have been mad at you for trying to live your life."

Chris put a hand on the Dog's shoulder and smiled.

"It's in the past now," Chris began, "There's nothing we can do now but move on."

"I couldn't agree more," Brutus chuckled, "You know Mitch and Owen arranged this right?"

Chris smirked.

"I know," Chris replied, "He called Owen when he thought I was asleep last night."

Brutus laughed.

"I figured it out as soon as they both left to get their drinks," The Dalmatian shook his head, "I hope Owen brings me a soda or something. I can't drink at all with the new meds I'm on."

"Oh yeah," Chris put a hand on the Dog's shoulder, "Everything alright in that department?"

Brutus nodded.

"Undetectable viral load for the past 6 months," Brutus chuckled, "The deterioration of the blood vessels down in my kidneys slowed way down as well. They added another 5 years to my life expectancy. If it stays like this for another 6 months, I'll get another 5 years."

"I'm glad to hear it," Chris smiled, "That's great news."

The pair shared a comfortable silence.

"Did you get Thomas's wedding invitation?" Chris asked, "I know he sent you one."

Brutus chuckled and nodded.

"I did," Brutus replied, "I just wasn't sure if I was allowed to go. I was pretty sure you didn't want me there."

"You and Owen are more than welcome to come," Chris began, "It's really exciting. He and Barry are just so happy."

"Speaking of your family," Brutus smirked, "You're a big brother now aren't you?"

"Yep," Chris chuckled, "Ariana and Dario. Mitch and I got to see them over spring break. They are just the cutest little kids. They absolutely adored Mitch. I had no idea that he was so amazing with kids. "

"That's so awesome," The Dalmatian replied with a chuckle, "Hopefully I'll get to meet them at the wedding."

"My mother is so sad that they aren't old enough to be ring bearer and flower girl," Chris smiled, "Oh well, I'm sure they'll still steal the show. If there's one thing that my extended family loves, it's babies. Speaking of families, how are things with yours?"

"This is going to sound terrible," Brutus chuckled, "But so much better since my great grandma died. I finally have a family again."

Mitch and Owen walked out onto the porch with three red solo cups and a can of ginger ale. The Dalmatian smiled as Owen handed his soda to him with a kiss.

"Have you two been playing nice?" Mitch chuckled and handed Chris his drink, "Natalie made Jager Bombs, so Owen and I got a little sidetracked."

"How many did you guys have?" Chris asked with a smirk, "Are we going to have to cart your drunk asses home?"

Owen and Mitch laughed.

"We didn't have any," Owen replied, "We were busy trying to pry Scotty off of that twinky little Bat from the GSA. You know, the one who makes those dynamite Norwegian cookies for their bake sales."

Brutus snickered.

"Wasn't that the guy who freaked out when you came out of the closet Owen?" Brutus asked, "Sounds like he came to terms with gay Furs just fine."

Mitch chuckled.

"The funny thing was that neither of them had that much to drink," Mitch began, "Scotty told me not to worry about him going gay as he carried that Bat up the stairs over his shoulder. He said he was doing this to prove that he was ok with everything about gay Furs."

"The real funny thing," Owen chuckled, "Is that we went up to check on him a few minutes later, and found him taking it in the ass."

"He's not going to be too happy about that," Chris sighed, "You guys should have stepped in. He's not going to think the same thing in the morning. I hope he doesn't hurt that poor guy."

Chris had become a pretty vocal member of the campus GSA. As such, he had gotten very close to many of the members. Adam, the Bat that was currently having sex with Scotty, was a new member, one who was still kind of in the closet. Chris wasn't very experienced in being gay, but he felt that he was more comfortable and smarter about it than those in the club who came out in college. For that reason, Chris had appointed himself as the unofficial protector of these vulnerable young LGBT students. Mitch put his arms around the human and kissed his cheek.

"It's not the first time Chris," Mitch began, "A lot of the guys on the team are a lot more heteroflexible than they care to admit."

Chris rubbed his arm.

"Well, ok," Chris sighed, "I'll take your word on it."

Owen stood up on tip toe and whispered into Brutus's ear.

"How'd it go?" Owen asked, "Did you guys make up?"

Brutus nodded and kissed the Deer on the cheek. Mitch and Chris sat back and watched, sipping their drinks as the couple in front of them got a bit more intimate. Owen looked over at the two and scoffed.

"Come on," Owen shook his head, "Don't you two have anything better to do?"

"Yeah," Brutus lifted his head up from the Deer's neck, "Like each other?"

Mitch chuckled and put an arm around the human.

"Not here," Mitch licked his boyfriend's cheek, "We've got class."

Brutus and Owen broke apart and laughed.

"Says the guy who's famous for butt-chugging a 10 dollar box of Merlot," Owen snickered, "Have you told these guys that story yet?"

Chris looked over at his boyfriend with a raised eyebrow and a frown on his face.

"You did what with box wine?" Chris shook his head, "Please tell me you didn't do that when we were dating."

Mitch whined and bit his lip.

"Sorry," Mitch looked down sheepishly, "But it's true."

"This sounds like a story I want to hear," Brutus chuckled, "Was it a total train wreck?"

The Wolf stuck out his tongue.

"Any story with butt chugging and box wine is going to be a disaster," Mitch replied, "Besides, it can't be as bad as the story where Owen got drunk and started offering people drinks out of one of his old prosthetics."

"That was one of the best Snapchat stories of all time," Owen laughed, "If I were 21 I'd have made the selfie I took while drinking bourbon out of it my profile picture."

Suddenly, people started pouring out of the back of the house. Owen's eyes went wide as he saw a police officer through the open door. Mitch saw it too, and directed the four off of the back porch and into the woods.

"You guys didn't leave anything in there did you?" Mitch asked.

Brutus and Chris shook their heads. They had left their shoes and jackets on.

"Come on," Mitch pulled Chris off of the porch and into the woods beside the house, "We've got to time this just right."

Owen and Brutus followed suit.

"I think they've both got to be in the house by now," Mitch led the group back to the roadside, "Brutus you'll have to drive."

Owen poked his head out of the bushes.

"Looks clear," Owen began, "We've got to do this now."

Mitch nodded and signaled. The four ran, low and fast, to Mitch's car. They got in and managed to start it just as one of the cops, a tall, scary looking blonde woman, stepped out onto the front porch. Brutus gulped and peeled out of there, speeding down the road and deeper into the tangled nest of roads surrounding Natalie's house. Chris let out a shaky breath and laughed.

"Holy shit that was exciting!" Chris reached forward and rubbed Brutus's shoulders, "Nice driving Brutus."

The Dalmatian chuckled and nuzzled the human's hand.

"Yeah it was," Brutus smirked, "I didn't know I had it in me."

Mitch looked over at Chris and moved in closer to him. The touch that Chris and Brutus shared made him nervous for a reason he couldn't put his finger on. Chris smiled and kissed the Wolf's cheek, removing his hand to rest it on the Wolf's chest. Mitch smiled, it looked like his concern was unfounded.

"Well boys," Mitch chuckled, "The night is still young. What should we do? Find another party?"

Owen shook his head.

"I think I'm all partied out," Owen began, "I'm starving."

"I'm exhausted too Mitch," Chris sighed, "I'm ready to go home."

Brutus turned the car around and started to drive the car back to the university.

"The two of us can go to dinner after we drop these two off babe," Brutus began, "Are you guys going back to your place?"

Mitch nodded.

"I suppose so," Mitch rubbed Chris's arm, "I have to keep my man happy."

Chris smiled and nuzzled up into Mitch's neck.

"I am," Chris replied, "Mind if I sleep on the way."

Mitch licked Chris's cheek.

"Go for it hon," Mitch began, "I'll wake you up."

Chris closed his eyes and sighed happily. Owen smiled and looked back at Mitch and Chris.

"Wow," Owen sighed, "What a lucky guy."

"Who?" Mitch chuckled, "Me or him."

Brutus turned onto the highway, hitting a bump and rocking the human back and forth. Chris snorted and groaned in discomfort. The Wolf comforted the human and quieted him down. With a sigh, Brutus looked back at the human in the mirror.

"You," Brutus replied, "It's you."

Brutus lowered his ears and went a little faster. The Dalmatian sped down the mostly empty freeway and drove up to Mitch's place. For the rest of the drive, the car was silent. No one really knew what to say after that. Mitch and Owen were both busy trying to figure out what the Dalmatian's statement meant, while Brutus was far too embarrassed to talk.

"Thanks for the ride," Mitch put a paw on the Dalmatian's shoulder as he stopped in front of the Wolf's place, "We'll see you around."

Brutus nodded as Mitch got out, opened Chris's door, and picked him up. Owen and Brutus waved goodbye as Mitch carried his boyfriend inside.

"So," Owen looked over at Brutus, "Are you ok?"

Brutus shrugged and turned off the car.

"Yeah," Brutus replied as he got out, "Why?"

"Did spending time with Chris do something to you?" Owen sighed and pulled himself out of the car, "Do I have to worry about you doing something you shouldn't do?"

Brutus scoffed.

"Why would you have to worry about me?" Brutus asked, "You can trust me."

"Can I?" Owen asked, "You seemed really weird in there."

"What the hell kind of question is that?" Brutus snapped, "Look, I may harbor feelings for Chris. Fine, I said it, but I'm not about to leave you for him."

Owen huffed.

"I thought it was a fair question," Owen shook his head, "There's no reason you had to get so nasty."

"You asked me if I was going to leave you for someone else," Brutus scoffed, "You're questioning my integrity. That's plenty of reason to get nasty."

"That's bullshit," Owen snapped, "If you had any integrity at all this wouldn't have been an issue."

The pair stared at each other, both clearly upset. Owen sighed and looked down.

"Can we talk about this later?" Owen asked.

"No," Brutus replied, his nostrils flaring, "Let's just go home."

Owen sighed and watched as the Dalmatian walked away. The Deer knew he was lying. Hopefully, Brutus would stay smart. That was all Owen could hope for.


Mitch gently closed the door behind him as he entered his home. He was carrying Chris's sleeping body bridal style, doing his best to keep the human's limp body from rocking too much. As Mitch walked into his living room, Chris yawned and stretched. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at the Wolf with a smirk.

"You were supposed to wake me up," Chris chuckled, "What gives?"

Mitch smiled and walked the pair of them into the bedroom.

"You looked so cute," Mitch began, "I didn't want to wake you up. Besides, I wanted an excuse to carry you."

Chris giggled.

"Here I thought I was getting heavy," Chris replied, "I'm glad to see I'm not a total fatty yet."

Chris had gained a little weight over the winter. It made him look healthier but that didn't keep Chris from feeling self-conscious about it. The weight gain continued when Mitch gave the human a work-out. Now his body was fuller, stronger, and more firm.

"I don't think you'll ever be a total fatty," Mitch chuckled and laid the human down on the bed, "I'll be able to carry you until the day I die. Even if you do get fat, you'll always be perfect in my eyes."

Chris smiled and giggled.

"I like the sound of that," Chris rubbed Mitch's arm, "Are you coming to bed?"

Mitch smiled back briefly, before letting out a sigh.

"Can I ask you something first?" Mitch asked, "I shouldn't even be asking this, but I'm worried it'll eat at me if I don't."

Chris sat up.

"What is it babe?" Chris moved to the edge of the bed, "What's on your mind?"

"You and Brutus really hit it off," Mitch rubbed the back of his neck, "I don't think he's over you yet and it scares me. I don't want to lose you again."

Chris sighed and pat the bed beside him. With a low whine, Mitch sat down beside his boyfriend, his ears plastered against his head and his tail lowered.

"Baby," Chris kissed the Wolf's cheek, "You have nothing to worry about."

Mitch's tail started to wag.

"I love you," Chris gave Mitch a few more kisses, "I just want to be friends with Brutus. I want more than that with you."

"I'm glad to hear it," Mitch smiled and chuckled, "It's such a relief."

"What?" Chris smirked, "Don't you trust me? You know I'd never do anything like that. Not for Brutus. Not for anyone. I want to be with you."

Mitch nuzzled up into Chris's side with a whine. Chris held his boyfriend. There had to have been something else going on, something that the human hadn't really figured out yet. He had been able to read Mitch like a book for a while. It was very easy to tell when something was bothering the Wolf.

"Is everything ok Mitch?" Chris asked, "You've been acting weird all week."

Mitch rubbed his arm.

"Did I ever tell you about my parents?" Mitch asked.

Chris shook his head.

"They are good Furs," Mitch began, "A bit too hard-working for their own good, but all around good people."

Mitch rubbed the back of his neck.

"They want me to go into the military," Mitch sighed, "All the males in my family have. They think I need to continue the legacy."

Chris nodded.

"Do you want to go in the military?" Chris asked after a short pause, "That's the important question here."

Mitch shook his head.

"Not really," Mitch whined, "I want to go to school, I want to play hockey, and I want to be with you."

"So who says you have to do what they want?" Chris asked, "You have a scholarship. You don't need their approval."

Mitch sighed.

"I want to make them happy though," Mitch began, "They really want that for me."

Chris sighed.

"Are you asking for my opinion?" Chris asked.

"No," Mitch shook his head, "I'm trying to see how mad you'll be if I do it."

Chris shook his head and kissed the Wolf's cheek.

"I won't be mad at you," Chris began, "You have to live your life. I won't lie, it's not high on the list of things I want you to do, but I can't stop you."

Mitch sniffled and nuzzled up into Chris more.

"I'm scared," Mitch sobbed, "Not about joining, but about you. What if I get sent somewhere, and you leave me?"

Chris fell silent and looked away from the Wolf.

"I know Brutus and Owen have been having problems," Mitch sighed, "I'm worried he'd snag you up again. That's why I brought it up in the first place."

"I couldn't tell," Chris sighed, "Damn it. Poor guys."

Mitch whined.

"I'm just being a worrywart," Mitch looked up at Chris, "Right?"

"I wouldn't let that happen," Chris squeezed the Wolf's paw, "I've never been happier. You've got nothing to worry about."

Mitch smiled.

"I love you Chris," Mitch chuckled, "I think you and I will be together forever."

Chris held the Wolf tightly.

"I hope you're right baby," Chris kissed Mitch's forehead, "I really do."


8 years later

Chris sighed and slowly rolled out of his queen sized bed at 5 in the morning. It was his day off, but no matter how hard he tried, he could never sleep in. The project he had been working on, curing FHIV strain by strain, had a huge breakthrough. By no accident, the first strain they had cured had been the one Brutus was infected with. The medication had just successfully made it through drug testing and was only waiting for the other common strains to have their cures before going out onto the market.

Chris hadn't heard from the Dalmatian since he married Mitch four years ago. The human knocked out his master's degree while Mitch was on his second tour of duty with the Army, and started working for a biomedical research company. He quickly carved a niche for himself and advanced up the ranks, soon having an entire lab under his command. Chris's life wasn't all work, before the Wolf left for his second tour of duty, the pair got married.

It was a quiet, but wonderful ceremony. Chris's younger brother and sister served as the flower girl and ring bearer. Brutus caught the bouquet, which was nice, seeing as he had been single ever since Owen had dumped him at the end of freshman year. Chris's happiness was short lived. Life was looking good. After his first tour, in active combat. Mitch started teaching soldiers. Chris felt good about that, it was safer and not as stressful of a job. He felt that he didn't need to worry as much about his husband's safety.

Mitch had been on three tours of duty since they had been together, and he had come back from each one, except the last. Mitch was killed in action by religious extremists while training soldiers in the Philippines. This tour was supposed to be the last, when the Wolf returned, Chris and Mitch were going to adopt children and start a family. Chris was crushed, and consumed his life with work. Last Friday, the one year anniversary of Mitch's death, all of that hard work finally paid off. He was part of the leading minds that cured a disease that had plagued the world for too long. It was very likely he and his colleagues would get a Noble Prize.

The underwear clad human walked out into the living room, sadly looking over the folded flag and framed picture of Mitch in uniform. His parents had been very supportive, and helped the human keep his head up. His brother had started his own family, and aside from one phone call, made no attempt to contact the human. That was one of the hardest parts of this last year for Chris, his main source of emotional support had removed himself from the human's life. He learned quickly to be self-reliant.

Chris was stirred out of his musings by the sound of a ringing phone. It was his personal phone, which was usually only called by his parents. Chris walked into his bedroom and pulled the phone off of its charger. It was a number that the human didn't recognize. With a grumble, Chris answered the call.

"Hello this is Chris," The human yawned, "How can I help you?"

"Hey Chris," A familiar voice replied, "It's Brutus."

Chris chuckled.

"Do you have any idea how early it is?" Chris chuckled, "Where are you calling from? How have you been?"

Brutus started spilling the details of his life since the wedding. He had moved to Maine, three hours east of Chris's current home in Seattle. He stayed single and was working as an elementary school teacher. Chris chuckled and told the Dalmatian about his life, where he worked, and filled him in on the details that weren't too depressing.

"I saw your Facebook post," Brutus began after Chris finished talking, "How are you holding up?"

Chris sighed. He had posted something on his Facebook about Mitch's death. It was the first time he had ever acknowledged it publicly. He felt that it was pretty crummy of him to not spread the news, but he couldn't handle all of the people offering him condolences.

"Ok, I suppose," Chris replied after a long pause, "It hasn't been an easy year."

"I really should have done a better job of staying in contact with you," Brutus began, "I feel horrible that I just found out about Mitch this Friday."

"It's alright Brutus," Chris replied, "I'm just happy you called me now. The only people who've been calling me lately have been my parents."

Brutus whined.

"Do you have any friends over there?" Brutus asked, "I don't like thinking of you being in that big city all by yourself."

"It's alright Brutus," Chris sighed, "I've been on my own for the past year anyways."

"Are you free?" Brutus replied, "I just finished up at the school. I can come hang out for a bit if you want."

Chris wasn't sure how he felt about that. He hadn't had visitors here in Seattle before and wasn't sure if he was really up to cleaning the house and preparing for company. On the other hand, he needed someone here. The Dalmatian had been on his mind lately. In one of his latest drunken grief episodes, he entertained the notion of getting back together with him. Chris stopped himself from sighing. It would never work, if he wanted to get back into a relationship, Brutus was probably not an option. He was sure Brutus only liked him as a friend.

"I'd really appreciate that," Chris began, "I've got a little bit of time off. The project I was working on just finished up, and I decided to take some time off to celebrate."

Brutus smiled.

"What project?" Brutus asked, "Something cool and sciencey right?"

Chris chuckled.

"I'll surprise you when you get here," Chris began, "I think that you'll really enjoy it."

"Wonderful," Brutus replied, "When would you like me to come?"

"As soon as possible," Chris smiled, "And stay as long as you like. My house is open to you."

"Alright," Brutus began, "I'll aim for next week. Hang in there Chris. I can't wait to see you again."

"I can't wait to see you too," Chris replied, "Bye Brutus."

The Dalmatian hung up. Chris blushed and set his phone down. It had been a long time since he had smiled this much. He looked around his house. It was cleanish, mainly because the human had spent nearly all of his time at work. It needed work. With a chuckle, Chris started to clean. He wanted everything to be spotless for Brutus's visit.


Brutus sighed and hung up the phone. He was renting a small house, and didn't have a cell phone anymore. Ever since he had found this job, he tried to live within the means his wages provided. He could have always asked his parents for money, but found a simpler life far more appealing than a life of luxury.

He may have been single for the past 7 and a half years, but after leaving college and moving to the small town of Winter Harbor he quickly became one of the most popular males in town. He taught fourth grade in the local elementary school and loved it. Parents loved him, his colleagues loved him, the community loved him, and most importantly, his students loved him. That was the most rewarding part of his life.

He was very happy with his life, and healthy. His disease was very well managed. Brutus ate well, didn't drink or smoke, and exercised regularly. His doctor in Portland was very pleasantly surprised with the Dalmatian's health and was always adding years on to Brutus's life expectancy.

The Dalmatian walked over to his closet and pulled out his red suitcase. The Dog hadn't travelled much since he had moved to Maine. The thick layer of dust that covered his suitcase showcased that. With a groan, Brutus dusted off his suitcase and set it down on his bed. He had enough money to justify a trip. He deserved one at this point. If he could help a friend out along the way, it was all the better.

He was very nervous, and he didn't know why. They had parted on very good terms, and still considered each other friends. At least as far as Brutus knew. He didn't think he still had strong feelings for him. Brutus whined, but what if he did? The Dalmatian shook off the feelings and sighed.

"I'll see you soon Chris," Brutus began as he looked over his suitcase, "Let's see what happens."