Need a Story Written?

Story by Beluinus on SoFurry

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Have you wanted a story written? Have you been turned down for an odd fetish, or overused character? Look no further! I will do any story, as long as it does not contain cross-overs.

Hello everyone! I do free commissions. Feel free to look through my submissions, everything I have is on this site. I posted them all on as well, since they all have Pokemon in them, but I am not limited to Pokemon, that just happens to be all I have done so far. I take all fetishes. Scatophilia, watersports, tentacles, and all relationships, whether it be gay, straight, or contains a futa somewhere in it. I will do any type too, clean, adult, or extreme. I only have one rule though. If you request a story with a pre-existing character from a TV series, book, or movie etc, I do not do cross-overs. Please leave characters in their own respective stories. If you want to request a story, shoot me a PM. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions as well, and I will answer them to the best of my abilities.

Finding Shadow

"Ugh, I'm so fucking hungry! Where's that bush I always get my berries from?" My stomach growls even louder, a muffled, wet grumbling coming from my midsection. "If I don't find any food soon, I'm going to wither away." I keep up my frantic searching,...

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Meal Time Fun (Extreme Version)

**\*\*\* Warning, the story you are about to read, is a much more vicious and bloody version of the "Meal Time Fun" story. If this is not your cup of tea, do not proceed. You have been warned.\*\*\*** **\*** **\*** **\*** **\*** **\*** A slight...

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The Leafeon and the Girl- chapter 2

The little girl sits up, yawning and stretching, to find another pile of berries on the floor, and the leafeon nowhere to be found. She assumes the berries are for her, so she reaches over, grabbing a few and popping them into her mouth. Again, she...

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