Wonderful, but Evil

Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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#2 of Trell / Aunara


Aunara uncurled herself and got to her feet. "Yes, still... Trell, you need to stop worrying about this. Making eggs takes time; we're not like humans, who can pop out offspring every year. My mother said when she was raising me that it took five years of trying for her and my father to conceive, and we've only been trying for a few months. You can't expect things to happen so quickly."

He growled. "But we've been mates for eight years now."

"And we didn't start trying for eggs until recently." She nuzzled his throat. "Besides, both of us are still so young... We have hundreds of years until we'll even be considered old. Don't get discouraged."

"All right..."

"And it's not like you don't enjoy trying."

He returned her nuzzle, chuckling. "True."

"Now I thought of something new for us to try today." She uncurled, stretched, then walked over to the two mats of bondage gear. "I was thinking we could start off fighting each other, until one can get the other to submit, or until the other can't fight any longer... During the fight you can take any of this and try to put it on me, to slow me down and make it harder for me to fight. Or you can just fight traditionally and try to get me to submit; your choice, but keep in mind that what you try to do will affect how I'll be fighting back."

He grinned. "And what happens next?"

"When there's a winner we'll start role-playing, as if the winner is capturing and raping the loser. But since we'll be acting, we need a few safety catches, so... The word will be 'orange,' and if whoever loses is bridled, the catch will be humming that song Marcus' daughter was singing when I took you down to his home last week. You remember that?"

Trell hummed the first few notes of the melody.

"Good. Now let's just get things ready..." Aunara moved the mat with his gear to one side of the cave, while he dragged hers to the other. Then she took all but one of the keys and put them next to their hoard, declared them off limits, and put the sole remaining one between them, off to the side--but in play, if necessary.

"There. Now prepare to start... You don't have to choose all the chains you want to use beforehand, and we'll start at the mats anyway, so we can hide our strategies until we begin." She turned her back on him to consider all her equipment, and he watched her for a moment before looking over his own.

Anything he chose would get in his way no matter how he tried to carry it, but bringing something along would be risky: if he tried to close a shackle, missed, and was unable to get to the key to open it again, the equipment would be useless until the end of the fight. A chain had no locks, so it wouldn't bind permanently, but if he wrapped it tight enough it could slow her down for a little while... Or he could just go for something that would win the fight for him as soon as he got it on her, but he'd have to be careful.

"Ready?" she called across the cave. He turned to see one pair of shackles in her claws, and he reached onto the mat with his tail and curled it around the center of a set of four shackles linked in a small cross.

He struggled to keep down a slowly building erection; it would get in the way. "Yes."

"Then go!" He took a few careful steps forward, watching to see if she took anything in her tail as he had, but it came off the mat bare. Then he moved forward more quickly, locking eyes with her to try and read how she would attack.

She came in range, then bent her body and struck from her hindquarters, kicking at him with a hind paw, missing, then whipping her tail around and striking his snout, just below his eyes. He growled and backed up, shaking his head back and forth to clear his vision, then blocked with a foreleg when she tried to hit him again. She curled her tail around his leg and tried to pull him towards her and the shackles she held ready to bind him with, and he held back for a moment, then bulled forward to throw her off balance.

He lunged for her and missed, as she dodged in the direction of her attacks and barely got herself out of the way in time. But his lunge left him exposed, and she managed to get one shackle closed around the ankle of his right hind paw before he jumped out of her reach.

He paused and closed the loose shackle to make sure she couldn't get it on one of his other paws, and she took the opportunity to hurry back towards her mat for another piece of gear. He snarled, leapt after her and managed to land the pounce this time, coming down with his full weight on her shoulders and stopping her well short of her mat. She shook her wings out and tried to keep him back with them so he couldn't get to her more vulnerable belly, but he moved forward instead of backing off, to get between her and the remaining gear.

He flicked his tail forward to glance at the shackles held there and confirmed that none of them had been closed while they fought. Then he transferred them to his front paws and advanced on her sideways, so his attack could come from his head, tail, or either of his right legs. He feinted with his head, then struck with his right hind leg, getting past her flank and catching her just under her rib cage. She snarled at the pain and pounced at him, a move he was ready for, and he rolled onto his back and managed to close shackles around both of her forepaws even though she landed on his chest and forced the air from his lungs.

He didn't give her time to fiddle with her restraints and kicked at her with his hind legs--claws pulled back to avoid drawing blood--even as he gasped for breath, then got his head past her slowed forepaws and managed to flip her off him and onto her back. He pressed his advantage, rolled on top of her and forced her paws together, closing the remaining shackles on her hind paws.

He jumped clear as soon as they were on to watch her kick and struggle, but the gear was well-made and didn't give at her efforts. She quickly realized she couldn't escape and tried to at least get back to her feet, to somehow continue the fight, but the chains gave her barely any room to move her paws and she couldn't get them under her.

Trell hurried to where she had left the key and unlocked the shackle from his hind paw, then went to his mat, picked up her bridle and ran back over to where she had dragged herself, trying to reach something she could pick up with her jaws or tail to fight him off with. He caught up, forced her neck to the ground and pressed the bit against her teeth, but she didn't open up for him.

"Yield," he growled, putting a claw against the soft spot under her jaw; she struggled a moment longer, then gave up, whined, and opened her mouth for him.

He slipped in the bit, then buckled the bridle tightly shut. "That's right, my new toy," he snarled, getting into character, "obey your master."

Aunara growled back and tried to headbutt him. "Feisty," he laughed, baring his teeth and pressing her head back against the ground. "I think I'm going to enjoy using you. Now, just how to do this..."

He pushed her over to where he had left all her gear, then turned to the mat and looked over his options, finally letting his arousal build properly now that the fighting was over with. After some consideration, he took the blindfold and reins for her bridle, along with the thickest chains he had and two locks, and returned to where he had left her. He pushed her over to the wall of the cave, where the ceiling was lower, took one end of the each chain and looped them through a metal circlet in the ceiling--one of several Marcus had installed in the cave at their request--then used locks to secure them. The other ends of the chains went around the center of the short chains linking her shackles together, and he heaved on them, lifting her so she hung by her paws from the ceiling, upside-down, only the very center of her back still touching the ground. He locked that end of the chains, too, then went back over to her head.

"Comfortable?" he grinned, and watched her struggle fruitlessly against her bonds; now that she was fighting gravity as well, she could barely move her legs at all. "Too bad," he tickled her chin when she growled in complaint, and slipped the blindfold under her bridle before setting it in place over her eyes. He attached the reins as well, then threaded them through the chains that hung her from the ceiling and tied them there, forcing her to hold her head up near her paws.

She tugged against the reins, couldn't budge them, then said something made incomprehensible by her bridle--but not an attempt to end the session--and lashed her tail back and forth, either trying to draw his attention to her hindquarters or trying to hit him without knowing for certain where he was.

Trell went back to the mat, took two more chains and some more locks, then returned and set them down by her tail. "Can't have you causing any trouble with this," he said, then he braided her tail in with the chains, setting locks to hold them in place, and locked both tail and chains into a metal loop sticking out of the ground about as far away as her tail could reach. She pulled with her tail in every possible direction, growling furiously at him, but it didn't come away from the chains and she couldn't use it, or any other part of her body, to fight him any longer.

He sniffed at her exposed vent and stroked his fully erect penis with one paw, starting to pant in anticipation. "Is my new toy ready for use?"

Aunara bucked and thrashed in her chains, howling her supposed rage as loudly as the bridle would let her, but all it did was make him even more aroused. "Unwilling and unable to stop me... Just how I like my toys." He growled again, then reared up onto his hind legs and stepped forward, holding onto the chains suspending her from the ceiling with his front paws for balance and reaching around with his head to press the tip of his snout against her throat. She whined helplessly at him, then again, claws clenching against the air as she waited helplessly for the inevitable. He paused one last time, rubbed the head of his cock all around her sex, then snarled and plunged into her.

She stiffened, moaned once, then howled and began to struggle against him, trying to pull away from him somehow even though she had nothing free to push with. He didn't give her a chance to move, keeping his snout at her throat so she couldn't swing her head in his direction, putting one hind paw up against her flanks to give himself a better angle, and curling his tail around to make sure she kept her wings out of the way.

"That's a good toy," he purred, nuzzling at her throat and beginning to thrust, slowly for now. "See how nice this feels? There's no need to fight against such unstoppable pleasure, so just give in and enjoy it."

She growled, baring her teeth even though she couldn't use them against him.

"Fine, then. I don't need you to enjoy yourself to get what I want from you." He parted his jaws and put his fangs around her throat, squeezing lightly, and she sagged in her bonds with a defeated groan. He started to increase his speed then, grunting at the effort, and despite her acting Aunara began to flex and moan whenever he was fully inside her. He pressed harder, forced himself in deeper with each thrust, then slowed the tiniest bit as he felt himself grow close to orgasm.

But that thought gave him a stroke of inspiration and went right back to full speed, then stiffened, tightened his hold on her throat, and came, growling softly as he filled her with his seed. He held himself still after that, feeling her clenched tightly against him--she had yet to orgasm, but was very close--then pulled out and stepped away, walking around to nuzzle the top of her head. "Such a beautiful new toy I have," he purred.

Aunara howled and humped at the air furiously, struggling and hoping desperately that something would give, that somehow she would be able to break free and get herself off without his help, but once again she was unable to escape. She tried to reach her head around, but the reins were tied too short, and he laughed.

"Calm down, my toy, I'm not done with you yet," he stroked her chin with a claw. "Only remember your poor behavior during capture, if you wonder how I could leave you like this. But don't worry, I won't be leaving you alone, oh no." He walked over to his mat and returned with something clenched in his tail. "I need some time to prepare for the next time I want use you, so you'll be staying like this for a while. Maybe an hour, maybe a day... We'll see."

Trell grinned when she howled at him again, but clearly she was still having fun, because the string of enraged gibberish that followed wasn't a safety catch. "Here's something to keep you entertained until I return," he said, and pressed the object, a ribbed steel dildo, as far into her vent as he could.

She moaned, humped at the air, then struggled to see if she could move the toy around on her own enough to reach orgasm; she couldn't, and sagged to the ground with a desperate, pleading whine.

"I'll be back later," he said, then dropped his head close and said more softly, "I won't leave the cave; flap your wings if there's an emergency."

She growled at him; he had left out the information she cared most about: when he'd be back. He pulled his head away again and got back into character with laugh, said, "have fun," then walked backwards towards the cave entrance, watching as she grunted and thrashed in her bonds, trying to escape, trying to find a way to move the toy stuck inside her, but nothing worked despite all her struggling. Then he turned and stepped onto the ledge outside their cave, looked at the sky and valley outside, and sniffed around there for a little while, making sure there were no intruders nearby before he crept back to his mate as quietly as he could.

Aunara showed no knowledge of his presence. She twitched occasionally, or shifted to try to get more comfortable, but she seemed to have given up trying to use the dildo he'd left inside her to pleasure herself. He sat and watched her struggle, smiling as his arousal began to build yet again, then stroked himself slowly, softly for a few more minutes until he was sure he was ready to mate a second time.

"Hello again, my beautiful toy," he said, standing up and stepping over to her. She jerked visibly, surprised to hear him so close, and waggled her hindquarters eagerly at him. "I told you you'd find yourself happy to be my sex-toy eventually," he laughed, and pushed the dildo in and out of her a few times before he pulled it out altogether and returned it to the mat. "Ready for another round?"

She bobbed her head up and down as much as she was able to and shook her hindquarters again.

"That's what I thought." He mounted her, starting out slowly once again and drawing a desperate whine from his bound mate. "If you want a climax you'd better make sure to get it in quickly this time," he growled, and doubled the speed of his thrusts. She moaned at him, then grunted, leaning into him at each thrust and hoping this time he wouldn't stop so soon.

He stayed constant for her, to her relief, and before long she clenched down on his cock, then howled through her gag and came, bucking and wrenching at her chains, spasming so strongly she nearly threw him off despite all her restraints. He worked through her climax, then thrust harder, feeling the pressure build inside him before he released himself again, pressing hard against her and emptying himself a second time, roaring once at the incredible feeling.

Then it was over and he stepped away, walking around to nuzzle at her forehead and purring softly. "Such a beautiful mate I have, and even better that she would let me do this to her," he said, then untied the reins and removed her bridle and blindfold. "I love you," Trell said.

"I love you too... My mate, that was incredible."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. I'm almost not sure we're ready to finish."

She growled and tugged at her chains. "You'd better go and get the key right now! I thought I was mad enough to kill you when you left me alone and desperate and unable to use the toy you put in me. If I'd had the chance... Well, no, I would have used you to get that orgasm you kept from me, then I would have killed you."

He retrieved the key and let her down. "But you have to admit being forced to wait made it so much better."

"I certainly didn't think that while I was waiting!" she growled, but then she purred and nuzzled him happily. "I still had fun, though." She helped him put away all the gear, and they curled up together next to their hoard.

"I'm not going to wake up in chains, am I?" Trell chuckled as he laid down.

"I've half a mind to do that to you after that trick you pulled, but the other half of me is too worn out to try it," she murmured, laying her head down next to his. "Though now that it's your turn to be chained up, I have all sorts of possibilities to think through..."

He closed his eyes, groaning in mock distress. "I can't wait to find out."

Worth the Trouble

Trell growled and twitched the ankle of his left hind leg as the human Marcus attempted to wrap a string around it, knocking the little creature onto his backside. "You know I don't like humans," he grumbled in dragonspeak to his mate, Aunara. "Why do...

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