Companions Chapter 11: Back to Hipponaur

Story by Evoquus on SoFurry

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#11 of Companions

[Companions Chapter 11]


WARNING! The following text contains explicit adult subject matter. It is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, then you must stop reading now. The author has taken steps to ensure that this story does not appear in any subject-inappropriate or age-inapropriate forum. This version has been posted with the author's permission to





* by Evoquus



* (c) Copyright 2002, Evoquus, All rights reserved.


* Feedback is appreciated: [email protected]



Rating: NC-17 for explicit sex: M/M, Human-Stallion-Mare, Anal, Oral

Chapter 11: Back to Hipponaur

My first night's sleep as a pregnant Hipponaur was entirely restful and rejuvenating. Whether or not peaceful slumber was typical of the species I couldn't say, but it was yet another thing I could easily get used to. Perhaps my blissful snoozing was due to the fact that I had no human burdens left in the world. No job, no mortgage, no taxes, no cops. Psychologically, I continued to fully identify myself as a man - a man inside a mare's body that was impregnated by my own human seed. That sounded so absurd. It meant that I was now both the mother and the father of my son. My equine body felt much more to me than just a shell I was inhabiting, even though that was exactly how I treated it when I occasionally emerged as a virtual human. Inside I felt like a horse, or more precisely, a Hipponaur. It brought me closer to my Companion, though it would be a long time before I would consider myself equal to him. He carried with him the wisdom of millenia. I had a few years of catching up to do.

I was still in the arms of my mate when the sun came up. No ominous and troubling dreams marred my destiny, so the first morning of my new life started out to be very promising. And then my stomach woke up, cursing the empty void within. When its growl drowned out the snoring of my Companion, I could tolerate it no more, so I nudged Rovaun to let me up. He opened his eyes lazily and half-smiled at me.

"Good morning, Companion" he yawned, and then closed his eyes again. That simply would not do.

"Hello, Lover" I said in my most sultry Zhorelle impression.

His eyes grew wide with horror and he whinnied while scrambling to his feet. I burst out laughing and then immediately apologized for the heinous practical joke. After snorting his ire, he regained his composure and had to admit it was a pretty good one, once I swore to Hipponaur that I would never do it again. Now that we were disentangled, I could finally get up and deal with my angry stomach. Then, of course, it came to my immediate attention that there was nothing for me to eat.

"I'm afraid to ask what's for breakfast."

"You are standing in it," he said, biting into a clump of grass.

What I really wanted was a stack of fifty steaming-hot blueberry pancakes dripping with butter and syrup. Instead, I ate grass. Pretending it was pancakes didn't really work. Rovaun noticed me picking at my breakfast plate.

"Trouble in paradise?"

"Do you like eating this?" I deciding not to end the question with "shit."

"I neither particularly like nor dislike it," he said. "I very much dislike being hungry, though."

I continued chewing my monotonous cud.

"I regret that I am fresh out of cinnamon rolls," he said half sarcastically, apparently still smoldering from his rude awakening.

"What's the best thing you ever ate, aside from cinnamon rolls?"

He thought for a moment. "I believe it was a fruit salad at a human picnic in 1955. I was in a pasture next to a park, and some human children fed me their fruit salad that for some reason, they had no taste for. It was a fascinating blend of exotic flavors. I recall that their parents beat them afterward."

"Do you like hay?"

"I prefer fresh grass to dry."

"Me too."

Given all of my blessings, I felt it was a fair trade to give up one of the little pleasures in life - deep fried everything. And who knows, maybe we'd find a pasture next to a Burger King someday. Until then, I filled up on grass as quickly as possible to extend the amount of time between having to eat it again.

After breakfast, I trotted around the field like a horse. It was a simple pleasure that was just as much fun as it looked like when I had watched Rovaun do it. He soon followed my lead and chased me around, testing my skills, and subtly asserting his dominance. That was a natural thing for him to do and not only did I not mind, I found it flattering. In the end, we were still near-equals, always capping each battle with a horsey hug. Tattoo still wouldn't let the virtual me out very far, but I could manage to give Rovaun a one-handed scritching. That was my subtle way of re-asserting dominance.

"Shall we get going?" he asked. "The clique is four hours away."

"Yeah, but let me unload first."

I pushed out my first huge horse dump and found myself in total awe of the experience. I had never truly enjoyed a big dump until I became Hipponaur.

"Ho - Ly - Shih Tzu! That felt good!"

"Just another of life's simple pleasures," he chuckled, then unloaded his own pile of excess baggage.

He took the lead into the woods and seemed to take pleasure demonstrating that he was so much more coordinated than I was. He wasn't so inconsiderate as to leave me in the dust, but it did take a great deal of effort to keep up with him. After a short while, I found myself getting into the groove by simply following his footing. This worked out well for both of us - he decided the navigable maneuvers, and I just concentrated on emulating him.

Occasionally Tattoo would start up a short conversation. It was a pleasure to reassure him that I was still around and loved him very much. He continued to call me "Daddy" which I decided not to discourage anymore. His mother was gone, and I sensed his feeling on that matter was "good riddance," so me reprising the mommy role would only cause him needless confusion and anxiety, and it was merely a matter of semantics, anyway. If Rovaun didn't want to be the mommy, then Tattoo could have two dads. Lots of kids did.

At one point deep in the woods, a very large bear took an interest in us. I got extremely nervous when it started following, but Rovaun just glared at it and did something to make it halt and run away as fast as possible. He turned to me and said, "Hipponaurs have only one natural enemy," to which I replied, "Humans have the same one."

We came to another large stream and stopped to drink. Rovaun went on ahead to scout for a better place to cross while I stayed behind to relax a bit. Tattoo had been quiet for some time, so I took the opportunity to experiment with more body imaging. With a little effort, I was able to step completely outside of my body again, just as I could do with Rovaun. I could climb on top and sit as a human on a horse, but I couldn't get my horse-self to do anything other than stand still. There were no connections to the pilot's controls from out here, and yet, my horse-self was not completely comatose, either. In order to see things as a human, the horse also had to see them. As I scanned the panorama from left to right, I could see the horse doing the same, minimally turning its head as necessary. But that didn't explain how it was possible for me to be able to see my own face.

I jumped down off my back to investigate. Standing in front, I looked myself straight in the eyes. Every detail looked real, yet none of it could be. I even saw a fly land on my nose. The scenery directly behind me was also perfectly vivid, but it was unquestionably outside of my current equine field of vision. Nevertheless I could still see every tree in the distance, and every ripple in the bubbling stream behind me. How could I virtually see what my physical eyes could not possibly be seeing?

I instructed my equine head to turn around, and as it did so, a vapor trail instantly appeared in the sky. The speed of the aircraft was such that the trail had not been visible a couple of minutes ago. I brought my equine head forward again, out of visual range of the vapor trail, yet my virtual eyes could still see it, and it continued to move along its trajectory.

It was then that I understood what my amazing brain was doing. It was subconsciously logging and mapping the environment, filling in blind spots with logically interpolated data for my virtual senses to perceive. The human brain essentially worked the same way on a much smaller scale with respect to the eye's blind spot. The hole in one's vision is filled in so as not to become a distraction. But to compare that amount of subconscious processing to that of a Hipponaur brain would be like comparing a candle flame to an inferno.

I discovered something else about my developing abilities: I no longer required physical contact with my host. My virtual human body could now exist completely separate from my physical one - not far, perhaps five feet or so at present. Wandering any further produced a dizzy and disconnected feeling. I could think of no explanation as to why this was now possible, except that maybe it was because my brain was all mine now.

I saw my equine ears turn toward the trees and then heard the cautious padding of a small predator. My equine eyes then turned to reveal a coyote watching me from about twenty yards away. He made me uncomfortable, but I knew I was in no danger. He approached cautiously, perhaps wondering if the horse was incapacitated, which it currently was. I tried focussing scary thoughts at the critter, but that produced no change in behavior. Rovaun hadn't explained what he had done to the bear to make it depart. Finally I just picked up some rocks and through them at him. He yelped and ran off when one nailed him in the ribs. I patted my horse's head and absent-mindedly scritched its mane, reassuring myself that everything was okay, and only then did I comprehend the magnitude of the simple act I had just accomplished.

Rovaun returned from his reconnaissance mission, but stopped short as he came around the river bend. From a distance, my human body looked only like a faint haze, but was not completely invisible. I waved at him, and he whinnied and galloped excitedly up to me.

"Companion," he gasped, "I could see you back there! I CAN see you!"

I kissed him on the nose, then said, "Can you see that small flat rock on the ground there?"


"Watch this."

I picked it up and sent it skipping across the river. He turned his whole body to the river and watched in awe as the little rock danced across the surface and then finally drowned. He turned back to me, then back to the river, then back to me.

"Impossible!" he snorted.

"Would you like to see it again?" I picked up another rock and threw it, but this time it just went ker-plunk. "You guys aren't just telepaths," I said.

"It must be an illusion!"

"I don't think so."

He looked around for another rock of HIS choosing this time. "Throw this one," he said, digging up a twenty pound boulder and examining it closely, "but not in the river."

I heaved it into the mud about seven yards away. He ran up to it and examined it again to make sure it was the same boulder - a boulder that had just been levitated by my Hipponaur mind.

He ran back whinnying again, then kicked a large hunk of granite that must have weighed at least three hundred pounds.

"Throw this one," he insisted.

"I can't even move that."

"Yes you can. I can move it, so can you."

"Maybe with practice, Rovaun, but don't you see? It all has to do with body image. I don't envision myself as Hercules so I can't perform Herculean tasks as a virtual human. But I can do something else that I think you'll enjoy."

I reached into my virtual coat pocket and pulled out a virtual brush. I brushed his coat with a few long strokes while he watched and tolerated it, but didn't seem impressed.

"Yes, I enjoy the feel of the brush, Companion, thank you."

"There is more going on here than mere illusion, my friend," I said. "Look at yourself."

He turned to gaze at my handiwork. My own equine eyes confirmed what his eyes were now beholding: a rectangular section of Rovaun's ribs now sparkled. He looked back at me, unsure if he could believe his eyes. I held up the brush and slowly ran my thumb through the bristles.

"See these? They aren't real. See me? I'm not real. My brush and I are not made up of molecules, but we can still exert an external force. And that force is tuned to the virtual object - the brush actually brushes because my brain knows that that is what a brush does! Rovaun, my brain is telekinetic. There is no reason to believe that yours is any different."

My human body image was the key that was unlocking all of these hidden secrets in the Hipponaur brain. Hipponaurs only had a Hipponaur body image, so it was probably more work to imagine stepping out of the body to do something virtually rather than simply doing it physically. Still, it was hard to imagine that none of them knew about this. Even Varyl, who had been laid up for months with a broken leg, must have tried to imagine being able to walk.

I was aware that my body image was also limiting my virtual capabilities. So far, it was not possible to accomplish a task mentally that could not be done physically. Heaving that twenty pound rock was a significant effort. I suspected that this limitation was artificial, and that, in time, I would be able to move mountains.

Rovaun looked back at his smoothed side and shook his coat. He ruffled it up some, but confirmed that he truly had been brushed.

"Do the miracles never cease?" he said warmly.

"Our destiny will always be filled with wonderful surprises," I said, kissing him.

He returned the kiss passionately. Performing miracles for him really turned him on.

"I desire you. Do you desire me?" he moaned, as our tongues tangoed.

"Of course... WHOA!..." I got yanked back into my physical body.

"Hi Daddy!"

"Oh, hi Tattoo."

"Daddy was gone."

"No I was right here. I will never leave you. Daddy loves Tattoo."

"Tattoo loves Daddy."

"Hey Rovaun, guess who's awake."

"His timing could have been better," he said in frustration.

"Sorry about that, big guy. We could continue as Hipponaurs if you want."

"No thank you... The mood is not quite the same anymore."

I didn't take offense. In fact I liked the idea that I still turned him on the most as a human. "In that case, would you like to try to say hi to your son again?"

"Yes, but he still thinks you're the father."

"How about if I'm the Daddy and you're the Poppa?"

"And you believe this solution will be less confusing for him?"

"No, just easier for everyone to deal with right now."

"All right," he said, pressing his forehead into my abdomen. After making his presence known, he heard the tiny voice detect him.


"Hello, Tattoo. I am... Poppa."

"Hi Poppa."

"Poppa loves Tattoo."

"Tattoo loves Poppa."

"Can you let go of Daddy for a while?"


"Please let go of Daddy."


He snorted. "We will commune again soon."

Rovaun raised his head. "Your child needs discipline."

"Give him a break, Rovaun. The poor guy has known nothing but torment until today. I just hope he doesn't develop severe psychological problems because of it."

"He seems fine," he said. "He is just stubborn."

I stuck my equine tongue into his ear and swirled it around. He snorted out of surprise, but let me continue diddling. "Maybe if you keep him occupied," I whispered, "he might loosen his grip a little."

"Hmmm," he said turning his mouth to mine. We kissed again as impassioned horses, and I could tell from his growls that he was heating up nicely. Our tongues curled together and each tried to pull the other into his mouth. On this we were evenly matched, and despite his efforts he could not drag me in, so he gave up and shoved his tongue into mine.

"Cheater," I chuckled, prompting him to snicker as well while we continued our horseplay. Soon, I felt something dripping down my legs. I let go and turned around for him lifting my tail. He mounted and entered without any further provocation, and proceeded to bump and grind. With his dick gently jostling Tattoo, I found myself able to partially escape the confines of my body. My human head and torso emerged from on top and swung around to hold and kiss my Companion while he made love to my lower half. It might have been a nightmarishly bizarre sight for a third party to behold, but it was just the right combination to please my mate. He could see my seductive human expression and hear my passionate human moans, while enjoying the luxury of total sexual immersion inside my adopted vagina. Outside like this, I couldn't feel what he was doing to my horse parts, so I had no idea whether or not I was enjoying it down there, but I didn't care - I was still french kissing a stallion while he fucked me. There was nothing more erotic than that.

After a while he broke off the kiss, hyperventilating as his climax neared. I hugged him and licked his ear with my human tongue while he fucked with some quick shallow thrusts. Then I whispered dirty sweet nothings to him.

"Cum in me, stud." He grunted. "Fill me with horsecum." He grunted and snorted. "Give it to me, Stallion!" Pant - snort - pant - grunt. "Make those stud balls explode!" They did.

"Aaaarrrrrhhhhh!" he grinned lasciviously, injecting into me all of the seed his beleaguered testes had toiled over the night before. "You really are a naughty little thing, aren't you," he snickered as the last of it was deposited.

"Look who's talking," I said, wetly kissing him some more.

"I really like this position."

"I'll make a mental note of it."

We kissed feverishly for a few more minutes, neither of us ever getting enough of it. I sighed deeply and looked into his gorgeous eyes.

"I haven't told you that I love you today, have I?"

"No, and I am deeply hurt."

"How can I possibly make it up to you?"

"You could eat a cinnamon roll."

I laughed. "I could, but what good would that do you now? I'm not in your body anymore."

"Oh... Right."

"Don't worry," I said, hugging him tightly. "You'll have your cinnamon roll in a few hours." I kissed him again, tenderly. "I love you Rovaun, my Companion, and my mate."

"And I love you, dear Companion, forever and always."

Every time he said those words, he always used the same smooth and deep tone of voice that melted my heart.

"Please say that again. It is so sexy the way you say it." I hung on to his neck and made goo-goo eyes while awaiting his silky words.

"I love you, my dear Comp..." The silliness got to him, and he started busting up. "I'm sorry," he said, fearing I would be offended at his blasphemous giggling.

"That's okay, Love. Perhaps it requires spontaneity."

"Yes, that must be it. Shall we continue the never-ending journey to Hipponaur?"

"Yes we shall."

We reluctantly disengaged and resumed the trek. After crossing a wide shallow part of the stream a couple hundred yards ahead, we continued at full gallop toward our destination. All of the detours and fooling around had put us a day behind schedule, but the schedule itself seemed rather arbitrary. I understood the urgency of contacting Hipponaur to tell them that humans were still a dangerous lot, but things progressed so slowly in Hipponaur society, I wondered if it mattered whether they found out now or a year from now.

While following Rovaun, I attempted to reason with my son with respect to letting me out every now and then. I quickly discovered that it was not possible to reason with a two-week-old Hipponaur embryo. However, there were ways to keep him amused and preoccupied. Tattoo particularly liked it when I sang to him the same songs that I sang as a child with my siblings while stuck in a car traveling for hours on end.

There was a farmer, had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-o.

B... I... N-G-O,

B... I... N-G-O,

B... I... N-G-O,

And Bingo was his name-o.

All of the songs had little games that we'd play to make them last longer. With "Row, Row, Row Your Boat," we would repeat the song, singing it all except the last word, and then singing it again up to the last two words, until it ended like this:

Row, row, row your boat...

Row, row, row your...

Row, row, row...

Row, row...


And it always made me giggle as a child. It warmed my heart to hear it affect Tattoo the same way. However, Rovaun questioned the wisdom of singing to him "Ninety-Nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall."

"I see you are teaching our son tavern drinking songs," he said with a note of disapproval.

"Someone has to."

When we had nearly reached our destination, Rovaun stopped and pondered my Hipponaur body, then grinned impishly.

"We are not far from the clique. Would you like to have some fun with them?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"My intense distaste for Zhorelle is no secret to Hipponaur. When they see the two of us together, it will certainly raise a few eyebrows."

I felt myself growing the same impish grin. "What should I do?"

"Just stay next to me as my equal, and keep your head high and proud. Also sneer at everyone you see, but don't say anything."

"Got it," I snickered.

We entered the woods again and I soon recognized the terrain as being close to the amphitheater. We passed a stallion napping under a redwood who opened his eyes and did a double take.

"Salutations Bacchus," said Rovaun, without stopping.


I heard him scramble to his feet behind us, but did not turn to sneer at him. He was not worthy of my contempt. [Hee-hee this was fun.] Soon we had gathered a flabbergasted entourage on either side of us, keeping a respectable distance as we approached the main meeting grounds. The few I did sneer at quickly averted their eyes.

At the amphitheater, the rest of the clique were enjoying the late morning sun. When they saw us together, the simultaneous gasping made my ears pop due to the sudden drop in ambient air pressure.

"I have an important announcement," broadcasted Rovaun to the crowd, all of whom stood up and stopped breathing.

"I have sworn an oath of loyalty to my bond mare. I have come to realize that this beautiful Hipponaur next to me is, always has been, and always will be my true love and mate."

A mare stifled a shocked "Oh!" I sneered at her and she looked down. This gag was pretty good, but I was hoping it would end, soon.

"You are all familiar with my mate, whom I know you will treat with the same love and respect that you would treat me."

I scanned the crowd, who remained dead silent.

Harlok stepped forward, nervously.

"Rov... Rovaun, what has happened to the Wraith?"


"The Wraith - your beloved Companion!! What demon's spell has this wretched beast cast upon you!?"

"How dare you refer to my mate in such a manner," said Rovaun, light-heartedly.

That was my cue. I stepped menacingly toward Harlok. He stood his ground as an Elder must, but quaked inside.

"You mustn't judge a book by its cover," I said.

"I beg your pardon," said the perplexed Elder.

"Or in this case, a Trojan horse."

I stepped out of my body and bowed to Harlok, who stumbled backwards. Whinnies and screams erupted from the gallery.

"Elder, it is so nice to see you again."

"Wraith?" he said, utterly astonished.

"In the flesh, sort of." I waved at the nervous crowd, who were still frightened and confused. Zhorelle apparently had made far more enemies than friends, and practical jokes just didn't seem to work on Hipponaurs.

"Wraith... Rovaun... Zhorelle?"

"Zhorelle," I knocked on my Hipponaur head, "has left the building. But I do appreciate her bequeathing me her very sexy body. Rovaun and I have been thoroughly enjoying it on the way back here."

"What has happened to Zhorelle?"

"Particle physics."

"With all due respect, Wraith, your flippant responses are doing little to clear up this matter."

"Forgive me, Elder, I'm just so jazzed to be here. Zhorelle's soul has passed on, and mine now resides in her body. I assure you that her demise was entirely accidental, and largely of her own doing. Rovaun and I have returned to deliver an urgent warning to you all. As a human I was murdered by politically-motivated men intending to exploit Hipponaur. In short, I was DEAD wrong about mankind. It is still too soon for Hipponaur to reveal itself to Humanity, and we must notify all cliques to continue to keep a very low profile for now."

The other Hipponaurs murmured nervously. Harlok, too, was visibly upset.

"I see," he said. "That is a shame. Our new destiny looked to be so promising."

"I believe it still is," I said. "But we must proceed cautiously. There are many honorable humans that would gladly help us and give their lives to do so. There are many more that would much rather exploit us. Unfortunately, there is often no way to tell the difference until it is too late."

"We do have some good news to deliver," said Rovaun. He looked at me lovingly. "My Companion is pregnant with the first Anthraun."

The crowd once again fell silent.

"You are carrying Tantau?" said Harlok excitedly.

"No," I laughed, "I'm carrying Tattoo. He's Tantau's older brother, assuming he comes out first. Shianna is carrying Tantau... I can see we have a long story to tell."

The mood changed instantly as excited and cheerful whinnies abounded. Then several of them crowded around us to offer congratulations and find out more.

"I look forward to hearing it," grinned Harlok. "And I might add, Wraith, that it is nice to know that Zhorelle's body finally has an equally beautiful soul to do it justice."

"Why Harlok, you dirty old nag, are you flirting with me?"

"Funny," he said, "Zhorelle often said the very same thing."

Then Harlok pulled Rovaun aside, and said, quite out of character, "You are one lucky son-of-a-bitch."

"I am well aware of that, Elder," he chuckled.

"Have you any idea how jealous every Hipponaur stallion and mare will be of you? You had better watch your back."

They both laughed, though I suspected there was some truth to what he said. Rovaun was highly regarded among the clique, and even if there were a tinge of jealousy from some of them, the overwhelming emotion from the crowd was sincere happiness for our good fortune.

We spent the next hour explaining our ordeals with the cops, the Fed and Zhorelle. With regard to the empathetic linking with the highway patrol officers, I omitted the part where I discovered who was actually doing it.

The clique was genuinely excited for the both of us as prospective parents of a new race that represented the future of Hipponaur. We all shared a brief moment of silence for Zhorelle, then no one felt any need to bring her name up again, confirming me as the legal owner of her splendid body.

I demonstrated the tricks I had learned, how I could come and go as a virtual human (Tattoo willing). They were impressed, but it did not seem to register with them that they all had the same hidden talents. In that respect, they were already fully content with their lives, so there was no need to mess with perfection.

Afterwards, Harlok dispatched emissaries to the other nearby cliques to inform them of the Wraith's pseudo-passing, but he was not very concerned about the timing. There had been no mass exodus since my revelation eleven days ago. Hipponaurs were pleased to know that their future with humans was bright, but on a whole, the Hipponaur nation moved at a glacial pace.

Things soon settled down and horses returned to there normal routines of doing nothing and being quite happy about it. Our mission accomplished, Rovaun and I were left alone to cuddle and share a virtual cinnamon roll. While kissing him as a human, I heard someone snort an "ahem" off in the distance. I turned to see the giant Clydesdale looking pensive, wanting to talk, but not wanting to interrupt.

"Azgard!" I said warmly. "It's great to see you again. Come on over."

He approached gratefully, his ever-present erection leading the way.

"I am very pleased to see you again, Wraith." His voice seemed to echo throughout the valley.

"I can tell," I smiled. He lowered his head and blushed.

I don't know why, but I always had a soft spot in my heart for him. He wanted me so badly, but could never have me. Yet he dealt with it with such honor that I felt he should be rewarded.

"Companion," I said to Rovaun, "would it be okay with you if I do a little virtual play-bonding with Azgard - to thank him for not killing me during the multiple bonding ritual?"

"I knew you were going to ask that," he said. "I suppose it might do Azgard some good to let his Primitive out for a while."

"Thanks. You're a treas'."

I caressed Azgard's faced and kissed his nose. "Azgard, would you like to bond with the Wraith?"

He snorted and fired a spurt of precum.

"I'll take that as a yes."

We three Hipponaurs headed for the bonding rock just to continue the theatrics, and also because it was out of the way of prying eyes. Azgard was again fully engorged and dripping by the time we got there. His eyes blazed at me, and I found myself feeling intimidated even though I knew there was no physical danger. I called up the body image I used for Rovaun's Primitive and made a few more modifications: sphincter - gone; skull and spine - high tensile elastic rubber; teeth - just for looks.

I set my Hipponaur body down on the left side of the rock, and Rovaun stood back on the right. Then I stepped naked onto the rock and assumed the position for my mountainous suitor. As the final touch, I conjured up some ropes to hold me down.

"Azgard," I said, looking back at him, "the Wraith eagerly awaits you."

He hopped onto the rock, and pressed his ridiculously huge glans against my tiny anus. His breathing was already furious, and he practically peed precum.

"It is an honor to mate with you, Wraith," his voice quaked. "I shall not harm youuuuaaaAAAAUUUGGGGHHHH..."

My virtual rubber ass yielded to him as he pushed all the way in letting his Primitive out to play. While the Clydesdale thrust into me, my body bulged and distended grotesquely, revealing the massive cockhead's location as it rapidly traveled back and forth my entire length. Azgard grunted violently with each thrust, completely giving into his lust, his intensity far outmatching Rovaun's, as hard as that was to believe.

"Are you all right, Companion," Rovaun asked, genuinely concerned.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm more worried about Azgard."

"He... appears to be enjoying himself."


I tightened my colon around him, causing him to bray and pump faster, deeper and harder. With each thrust, his cock forced my jaw open, his glans repeatedly making a brief external appearance before ducking back inside again. Rovaun was mesmerized by the spectacle, not because he found it erotic, but because it was so horrific. It made him ashamed for himself and for his race to be capable of such violence. I could feel Azgard's tightened balls slamming my ass at the same time that his bloated glans completely emerged from my overstretched mouth. I felt like a skewered pig at a luau, constantly swallowing and regurgitating my apple.

"I think it is time, Companion," said Rovaun nervously.

I allowed my guts to painlessly rip open and lubricate Azgard's cock with warm sacrificial blood. The bloody ritual satisfied his Primitive, and he roared his climax, blasting a firehose of reddish-pink goo out my mouth. I saw the color of his thick, continuous ejaculate and went white with horror. Was that MY blood mixed with his cum!? That didn't happen with Rovaun!

When the climax waned, Azgard stood still for a moment still puffing like a refinery, then quickly pulled out and hopped off the rock.

I stood up and looked at him. His entire cock was bright red with blood, and a small stream of it continued to flow from its end. His climax had been so violent that it had ruptured some of his internal blood vessels. His eyes were equally red, and continued to blaze at me.

"Azgard?... Are you okay?"

He didn't respond. The Primitive was still in charge. I thought it best to disappear, so I merged into my Hipponaur body and got to my feet. He continued to glare at me while his blood trickled into the earth. Then he turned to Rovaun, and without warning, attacked him. Rovaun was knocked to the ground while the larger horse trampled him, challenging him for his mate. I jumped over the rock and collided with Azgard, knocking him over. He hit his head on the ground and remained stunned for a moment. I attended to my mate.

"Rovaun! Are you injured?"

"Superficially," he said, sitting up slowly. "Three cracked ribs. I should be fine by morning."

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Yes. Keep him off me."

Azgard's head shook, then he slowly sat up. I stood between him and Rovaun, ready for a fight, but it would not be necessary. The blood in his eyes had been washed away by tears.

"Forgive me Rovaun," he cried. "Forgive me Wraith."

He broke down and sobbed quietly to himself. I wasn't sure what to do. I wanted to console him, but I was afraid it might revive his Primitive instead. My gut told me he was no longer a threat, so I approached him as a Hipponaur and nuzzled the top of his cowering head.

"Are you all right, Azgard."

He shook his head.

"Rovaun is not seriously injured. We understand what happened. You don't have anything to be ashamed of."

"I am not ashamed," he cried. "I am... devastated."

"It's okay," I said, nuzzling and kissing his forehead.

"No... It is not."

He looked up at me. "Can we speak privately, Wraith?"

I turned to Rovaun. He nodded, then carefully got up and walked back to camp. Azgard got to his feet and I stepped back, not entirely sure of his intentions. He paced, searching for the right words.

"Wraith... Do you... Do you desire me?"

[Oh no.] "Azgard," I said sympathetically, "Rovaun is my mate. I am hopelessly in love with him."

"I have no one," he said, lowering his head, unable to look at me. "I desire you, Wraith. I never knew just how much until now. And I sense that... you desire me, too."


"Is there a chance," he cried, "any chance at all, that you could be my mate?"

It broke my heart to deny him. "I'm sorry."

He sighed deeply, resigned to his lonely fate. "Then I must somehow find a way to live without you."

"Azgard... you will find someone, someday. I... I don't know what else to say."

"Say you will be my mate." He looked up, as if there were still one last chance for it to be so. I lowered my head silently.

"I apologize," he said. "I do not wish to make you uncomfortable. I hope we can remain friends."

"Of course."

We walked back in silence. Rovaun was having difficulty fending off sensitive questions from the others. Azgard walked up to him and apologized again for all to hear.

"It was a simple misunderstanding," Rovaun said to him and for the others. "All is forgiven, Azgard. Please think nothing more of it."

Azgard left, clearly not heeding Rovaun's advice.

"He's in a really bad way, Companion," I said privately to him. "That's the last time I let out some other stallion's Primitive. I'm not even sure about yours anymore."

"I know," he said. "It was ugly."

[End of _COMPANIONS_ Chapter 11: Back to Hipponaur]

[Next in series: Chapter 12: Parceph]