The Alpha: Chapter One

Story by Raevocrei on SoFurry

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#1 of The Alpha

Regardless of the possibly misleading title, this story will not be about Jurassic World or raptors. Sorry about the poor timing with that. .-.

Anyways... I did a thing with the writing. After a month out of school, I've finally sat my ass down and done something productive. As always, I hope to continue this story and eventually finish it. But with my current record, it seems like I have a better chance winning the lottery.

This story contains content I wouldn't normally write. There is a detailed scene that can only be described as 'rape', and I will mark it for those who wish to avoid it. Other than that, there is plenty of consensually intimate moments.

Please read and enjoy! ^-^ As always, feel free to leave a comment if you liked/disliked it, as well as point out any errors or inconsistencies you noticed. =) I'm always looking for some friendly aid.

Reesa walked along the lake's edge, admiring the beautiful scenery laid before her. It was a large lake that covered the expanse of a mile to the other side. The warm, sandy beaches were comfortable to walk and lay on. The sand felt soft beneath her paws. She stepped into the cool water, wetting her red scales. There was a gradual incline that led the dragoness deeper into the water. It rose past her white underbelly scales to her bright, red hide. She looked around and saw no one. Koru had said to meet him here near dusk, so she waited patiently for him to arrive while the sun continued to set.

Reesa thought it was nice to get away from the clan. Without having to worry about her appearance or attitude, she could finally relax by herself, and soon with her best-friend Koru. He was a blue-scaled male, a timid and kind dragon, unlike the other males who were constantly in the throes of competition to find a mate. Because he was smaller and gentler, he was often picked on and harassed by the bigger, brutish male's that were after Reesa, especially the Alpha.

The Alpha was the biggest and toughest dragon. Tyrand was his name, and he was more or less a bully. If he wanted something--females, treasure, or a den--it was his with no questions asked. He had menacing red scales that matched the color of blood. His eyes were the same intimidating, piercing color of crimson that made Reesa cringe. Despite his malevolence the females of the clan flocked to him like birds, chirping and singing their praises of him. They wanted to mate with him and sire a clutch from his seed. They were shameless whores, flaunting and presenting what was beneath their tails; anything to get his attention.

It was sickening.

Reesa was the only female uninterested in the Alpha as far as she knew. Because of that, he often tried to impress her instead of the others and show off his strength by fighting the other males. Thankfully, Koru was never around when he was. She always turned her head and ignored him. And because Tyrand showed interest in her, the other females were jealous. They sneered at her and made her an outcast. The males were all too scared to even approach Reesa for fear of being targeted by the Alpha. She was alienated from the clan, but there was nothing else for her, so she stayed in the territory to find a sense of belonging.

Koru was the only male who wasn't afraid to approach Reesa. He enjoyed being with her and was glad to talk to someone who shared an apathy toward Tyrand. The blue dragon flew down from the orange sky, meeting up with Reesa as he landed on the beach.

"There you are!" he called. "I was looking everywhere for you."

Reesa greeted him by nudging his snout with her own. "You said to meet at the lake, Koru!"

"That I did, but you must not have listened to me clearly enough," he teased and nipped at her neck. "You were supposed to meet me on the west side, not the east!"

Reesa stomped her foot on the ground in protest. "You said no such thing!"

He shook his head in disbelief and sighed. "No matter. I have a surprise for you," he said cheerfully.

"And where is it?" Reesa asked, looking around expectantly.

"On the west side, silly," he answered patronizingly. Reesa playfully whapped him on his flank with her tail. He snickered with a big grin across his muzzle. "Come, come!"

They took off and flew to the other side of the lake. The sun was setting in front of them, slowly descending below the orange-painted horizon.

"What is the surprise?" Reesa asked curiously and impatiently.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you!" Koru retorted. "But when we get to it, we will have to make sure we are completely alone. No one else can know about it."

They passed the lake's western edge and continued on over the forest. "Where is it?"

Koru slowed down and paused, flying in place for a moment as he looked around. "Here," he said and dropped down. They landed in the midst of the thick forest, dodging and breaking tree limbs they couldn't avoid on their way down. Koru trotted forward, beckoning Reesa to keep following. They arrived at a strange rock formation hidden underneath the cool canopy of trees. What appeared to be an entrance was roughly cut into the large, white rock, leading to blackness. Again, Koru made sure they were not followed and then led Reesa through the entrance.

There was a slope they had to descend blindly. It was almost completely dark inside, except where holes in the cave's ceiling gave way to small beams of light that seemed to penetrate through the rock. Koru breathed fire over a pit filled with logs when they had entered an open space. The logs caught fire and illuminated the cave with dancing flames. It was a small alcove, but inside it was filled with glistening, golden treasure lining the walls. There were weapons made by humans strewn about with jewels, coins of silver and gold, and small statues surrounding them. It was a fortune only fit for a dragon.

"Koru..." Reesa was left nearly speechless. She turned and turned, admiring the vast amount of treasure. "This is amazing! How did you find this?"

"I was exploring around the lake and stumbled across those strange rocks. The entrance was hidden, covered by plants and smaller rocks until I dug it out. Whoever hid this here had to have been a human or even a group of humans. I brought my own collection here, too, but there is so much treasure that I can't believe someone would leave it behind."

"You have more gold than the Alpha," she commented, pawing through some of it.

"It's ours," he stated. Koru nuzzled her happily and showed her some bedding at the end of the cave. He sat down on his hind end next to Reesa. "This can be our den. It's away from the clan, filled with treasure, and no one but us knows about it!"

The dragoness looked at Koru with an amused expression. "Our den?"

"Well... erhm... yes? You wanted one after all..." He looked away, embarrassed for assuming she wanted to live with him.

"You do realize that this will make us mates, right?" Reesa moved closer to him and rubbed her side against him as he remained sitting.

"What?" Koru tensed up and as her red scales brushed against his blue hide.

"Only mates share a den," she said as she circled him, showing off her gracile body.

"W- We don't have to be! I'm fine with being friends..." Reesa looked him in the eyes, staring into his sapphire gems. As if she stared directly into his soul, she could see what he really wanted. With a smile curled at her lips, she nuzzled him affectionately, a gesture that caught Koru off guard. Her tongue darted out and kissed the soft scales behind his cheek. Koru inhaled deeply and exposed his neck to her, lifting and cocking his head so she could continue to caress those sensitive spots. Reesa sensually traced her tongue from his chin to the base of his neck, slathering her saliva on his smooth, blue scales. He groaned gleefully and closed his eyes.

With the tip of her tail, Reesa stroked his slit. The female surprised him and he lifted his forelegs to look. He unexpectedly lost his balance as she gently pushed him and fell over onto his back. Reesa giggled after seeing the red tapered tip of his length peeking out of his slit. His underbelly was a slightly lighter and softer shade of blue from his hide.

"Hey!" Koru blushed and quickly turned onto his side. He turned his head away, trying to hide his shame and embarrassment.

"You silly male," Reesa said and lifted his rear leg to expose him. Koru protested but was immediately silenced when the female drew her paw up his slit. He gasped and watched her knead at his crotch. His penis quickly became erect, throbbing as her forepaw gently played with it. It was larger than she had expected.

"Reesa..." Koru bit his tongue, watching the red-scaled beauty work her paws between his legs. "That feels so good..."

Reesa grinned at him and stepped forward. Her body was now between his legs as the male lay on his back with his hind-legs spread. She laid herself down on top of him, pressing her smooth, white underbelly against his blue scales. His hard length pressed firmly against her warm crotch.

"I want to be with you," Reesa stated. She nuzzled him gently and licked beneath his chin. "All of the other males are too terrified to talk to me. You are not. I want you, Koru." Her hips grinded against his, promoting pleasure between them. She inhaled sharply, feeling arousal filling and clouding her mind in a blissful haze.

Koru grunted and held her tightly. "I want to be with you, too, but are you sure about this? I am not strong nor am I a worthy mate for you. " His twinkling blue eyes said it all. "You are too beautiful for a dragon like me."

"So I move on and mate with the Alpha? I don't think so!" Reesa stood up and turned around. "I decide who is and who isn't worthy enough for me." She thrust her rear into the air and lowered her torso. She lifted her tail and presented herself to Koru, her hind-end in full view. Her hips were painted red while her undertail and inner thighs were white. "And you are the only one."

She looked at him expectantly as the blue-scaled male stood up. His eyes were huge and his maw hung open. He stared at her swollen slit, seeing a female's sex like this for the first time. Koru climbed onto her hips and held firmly to the base of her tail. He pulled himself upward and forward until his length met her crotch. Reesa unfurled her wings as his weight shifted over her back. The inexperienced male prodded for her entrance, soon finding her warmth, and he pressed in.

Reesa moaned and gasped, clawing at the ground as his large length nestled inside of her vent. Koru's low growls and grunts joined her moans and groans as they began their first mating together. Koru's slit met hers as he filled her with his flesh, and they fully joined together at the hips.

"Oh... Koru!" Reesa moaned. She winced as pressure pushed against her virgin muscles that tightened around his shaft. Reesa craned her neck around and watched him with a lust-filled expression. Koru nuzzled the base of her neck and began to slowly pull out. Reesa elicited another gasp as his member tugged against her inner walls.

Koru shifted and pressed back in with more speed. His rear legs rubbed and pushed against Reesa's hind-end as he thrust forward. She curled her tail around him and lowered her head, submitting to the male. Pleased, Koru rutted her eagerly. His length slid in and out of her sex continually, never giving a break in their mating. Reesa's slick lubrications made it easy for him to fluidly slip in and out of her. The female moaned and cooed happily, feeling her loins warming with pleasure.

Koru's thrusts began to pick up more speed, and his hips were slapping against her rear-end. He rutted her, lifting her hind-end with every drive of his hips. Reesa shifted and spread her legs a little more, so she could take his rough play. Every moment was pure bliss for her. Feeling a male fill her with his length was satisfying, and it felt amazing when he pressed inside of her depths. Her muscles finally loosened, relaxing and allowing the male to slip effortlessly in and out of her sex.

Pleasure coursed up Reesa's spine like lightning. She moaned huskily as her walls began to undulate around his shaft, leading up to her orgasm. Her loins burned with desire. She wanted his seed to fill her and course through her reproductive organs. Instincts were beginning to drive her mad with lust as she took thrust after thrust. Koru's moans and grunts were more numerous, and his humping was coming in erratic bursts. He, too, was losing his edge, being driven purely by instinctual desire.

Reesa was suddenly pushed forward as Koru penetrated her as deeply as he could. She gasped and cried out as his large member spread her deepest silken folds. He nearly toppled over her as he roared loudly and clenched her body. He made one more thrust like that and erupted inside of her. His hot seed spewed from his throbbing length, splattering against Reesa's inner walls. That was enough to make the female reach her orgasm. Reesa cried out, feeling her sex pulsating around Koru's spewing length, milking him for his seed. Its warmth rushed through her loins, filling her with his liquid while rope after rope ejaculated from his tapered tip. Reesa's claws scraped the ground as the muscles in her body tensed. Feeling the completion of their mating sent her head reeling with rapture while her orgasm brought blissful pleasure for her body.

Koru moaned huskily as the last spurts of his seed entered Reesa's body. He climbed off of the dragoness, letting his softening length slip out of her with a slosh of liquid. The female collapsed on her back and splayed herself out on the ground, panting heavily as she came down from the apex of her pleasure. She spread her legs and relieved her sex of some discomfort. She felt satisfyingly sore. Koru laid himself down next to her and licked her muzzle happily.

"You were amazing, Koru," Reesa said between breaths.

"I could say the same to you," he replied, licking the tip of her nose. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked with concern in his eyes.

Reesa looked at him with an adoring expression. "No, you did not."

Koru stared at her body, eyeing it up and down as she lay there completely exposed. Between her white-scaled thighs was her soft vent, engorged with blood and glistening with liquid. "You are beautiful."

Reesa smiled gently at him, unashamed of her bare body. "And you are very handsome, especially with that big cock of yours."

He blushed and turned his head away. "You think it's big?" he asked shyly.

"I know it is," she answered definitely.

Koru smiled and nuzzled her in response.

Koru and Reesa spent the entire next day together from dawn until dusk. Nothing had really changed between them other than the fact that they could now mate and make more suggestive remarks. Reesa was enthralled with making Koru uncomfortable, and she made use of every opportunity.

Then, the day finally came when the clan's monthly gathering would take place at the festival grounds, which were located next to beautiful waterfall where the Alpha's den resided. Reesa was appalled by the entire thing, but it was necessary and attendance was required. Koru didn't mind it as much because he could meet with his friends and chat with them.

The gathering was a two-day celebration put in place during the early stages of the clan. The first Alpha designated it to be a celebration of life, and that tradition has continued for generations. Dragons of the clan would gather at the waterfall to enjoy each other's company and to revel in the beauties of life. Food, drinks, and activities were prepared for everyone in the clan. A few hundred dragons made up Reesa's clan, enough to make her feel uneasy. Not everyone disliked her or thought ill of her, but it was enough for her to want to avoid any other dragon besides Koru.

Usually, Reesa spent the holiday separated from everyone else, watching from afar. But this time around, Koru had her join him regardless of her protests. They walked around the area together, seeing dragons of all colors and ages participating in the events. There were a few competitions set up for anyone to compete in, but it was carried out mostly by males trying to impress the females. They were displays of strength, agility, and virility.

Reesa could recognize most of the dragons she walked by, but never said a word to them. Some of the younger dragons approached her, offering a friendly invitation, but she declined them and stuck with Koru the entire time. Reesa didn't want it to be obvious that she was mated to Koru, for fear of the Alpha noticing, but no one seemed to care. They were just another mated pair, walking like ghosts, almost invisible.

During the celebration, dragons ate plentiful foods, drank specially brewed intoxicants, and mated for everyone to see. The act of mating was shameless and encouraged for couples at the gathering. Reesa watched one couple for a few minutes, admiring how kind and delicate they were to one another. It was an act of love, pure and innocent. But some of the mates disgusted her. She hated it when the females flaunted their hind-ends around, begging for a male to mount her. Then the male would rut the female ruthlessly, driving his length into her like a feral animal. Those were the acts she refused to watch.

Her favorite mates at the gathering were two females. Regardless of the fact that they were the same sex, they loved each other and affectionately mated the best they could. They stimulated and pleased each other with tender acts of affection, uncaring to the world around them. Quite a crowd gathered for that one, and Reesa soon saw two males trying to do the same thing.

After being encouraged and aroused by what she witnessed, Reesa took Koru aside and pushed him against a tree. "Reesa?" he asked nervously, looking around and seeing prying eyes. "I thought you didn't want to be noticed!"

Reesa made him sit down with his back against the tree and spread his legs apart. Koru tried to resist, but lost to her greater will. He blushed as a small crowd turned their attention toward them and watched them curiously. His flesh was already hard and exposed between his legs. "We can have a little fun," she said seductively, moving her hips over his body. She groped his large length and then held it as she lowered her hips. His tapered tip pressed against her entrance and slid into her as she sat down. She moaned and blushed, holding him closely.

Koru couldn't help but to groan as his length penetrated his mate and spread her apart. "But you're not the one seeing all of these dragons watching us!"

Reesa grinned and repeated the same motion with her hips. "Let them watch!" Her forepaws held his shoulders firmly as she moved her hips provocatively up and down. She nuzzled his neck lovingly and sensually licked the sensitive spots near his jaw. Koru gasped and groped her swiveling hips with his paws, holding her as she mated him against the tree.

"You are very persuasive," he remarked, giving in and closing his eyes.

Reesa didn't care that there were others watching them. She was in her own blissful world, feeling and controlling the large cock between her legs with her motions. Her smooth, white-scaled underbelly rubbed against his soft-blue scales. Reesa pressed her snout to his; their breaths joined together in intimacy. Their bodies fit together perfectly. Koru licked beneath her jaw, tracing his tongue down her long neck to her chest. The dragoness inhaled sharply and lightly moaned.

Koru's length slipped in and out of Reesa, pushing apart her velvety folds each time she sat on him. The dragoness' hind-paws clenched the ground tightly with her claws, keeping her balance as she pounded her hips against his. Wet smacks came from between their legs with every thrust. Reesa's wings fluttered and her tail twitched sporadically as the ecstatic pressure in her loins felt like it would burst.

With a euphoric moan of pleasure, the dragoness climaxed, her vent clamping down tightly on Koru's member. She winced, feeling her sex pulsating and undulating around her mate's cock. Koru began eagerly thrusting into her, trying to hit his orgasm with his mate. With all inhibitions lost, the male turned Reesa onto her side, taking the dominant position. He gripped her hind-leg, spread her, and thrust into her. She moaned and rode out the apex of her pleasure in the new position, laying back and taking his strong thrusts. The extra secretions from her orgasm made it easy for him to push into her and slide out. He moaned and licked her hind-paw, slathering his saliva on her rough pads and talons.

Koru growled and moaned, hitting his orgasm after she had finished. His warm seed spilled into her, ejaculating from his tip as he pressed it deep into her. Reesa groaned with delight and clenched her toes as he continued to lick them. She felt his liquid fill her, his warmth spreading through her sex. Then she noticed the crowd that had gathered to watch them, their gazing eyes perversely staring at the two as they finished mating. An unsettling feeling passed through her body when she came down from her blissful high.

Koru noticed this and lay down next to her, spreading a wing protectively over his mate. His light-blue membranes covered her vision and shielded them from prying eyes. Reesa looked at him thoughtfully, realizing what they had done.

"Everything is fine," Koru consoled and huddled close to her. "It's just us, now. No one cares what we did; we only took part in the celebration." He smiled warmly at her, reassuring his mate. "We had a good time, and that's all that matters."

Reesa nuzzled him lovingly and replied, "I love you, Koru."

He returned the gesture. "And I, you."

The celebration settled down toward the evening. Most of the clan gathered next the river, waiting for the Alpha to speak. Koru and Reesa lay together beneath a tree on top of a mound. From the waterfall, a large dragon with beaming red scales appeared and climbed on top of a large rock that acted as a platform. All attention was focused on him, the Alpha. He looked magnificent and noble as he stood higher than everyone, looking down at them. Four white horns arced from the back of his head like a crown fit for a king. His pristine scales glistened in the fading light, shining like ruby gems.

When he spoke, his deep voice boomed and echoed in the crowded area. "My fellow dragons and clan mates, I welcome you to this month's celebration with open wings. It is at this time of the month when the moon is full and we celebrate our livelihood, rejoicing because we have a tomorrow. We don't have to live in fear nor do we go hungry. May our prosperity continue another month and last until we are all long dead!" He smiled with his teeth bared in a proud grin. Dragons roared and cheered with excitement.

Reesa was unimpressed. It was the speech he always gave, with a few changes. She scoffed at it disapprovingly. She said to Koru, "I can't believe that people listen to him."

"He is our leader. I know neither of us like it, but we have been successful as a clan since Tyrand became the Alpha."

"Successful in what?" Reesa asked with annoyance. "There is nothing to measure our success by." Tyrand continued his speech, his voice becoming background noise.

Koru sighed and looked at her seriously. "Our numbers have increased and no one is dying. The elders are well taken care of and everyone is happy. Like it or not, that is success. And it's happening because of him."

Reesa sighed. "I can't believe you're siding with that beast." She stood up and began walking angrily away, her tail twitching irately.

"Reesa!" Koru called after her. "Wait!" Reesa trotted away, slinking between the trees. Koru followed her close behind. "I don't mean to side with him! I'm just looking--" He ducked beneath a tree branch that Reesa tried to hit him with. "--at the facts!"

The dragoness suddenly whirled around and stared Koru down, her intimidating green eyes looking straight through him. "That dragon is more beast than he is a leader," she said with distaste.

"I completely agree with that statement," he said. "But he has statistically shown his prowess. I don't like him either, Reesa. Have you forgotten that he is the reason we met and became mates? Because he exists--that foul, rotten creature--lives become connected and fates spin into motion. Destinies intertwine and the future is born. It's not him that drives us forward; it's the backbones of everyone else."

Reesa's expression softened as she calmed down. "I hate it when you're right..."

Koru smiled and nuzzled her tenderly. She returned the gesture and grinned.

The next day the celebration continued. Koru went off with his friends and Reesa explored the area confidently by herself. It wasn't as bad as she thought it would be, and she actually spoke to a few friendly individuals. The females that used to pester her were kinder, but they still irked her. Males were unafraid to approach her and were friendly to her. They didn't try to get under her tail or anything like they used to. Since she mated Koru yesterday, everyone seemed to accept her. Reesa smiled happily and experienced what she never had before: a community to call home.

At noon, Reesa decided that she was spent. She lay on a rock by herself, watching the others have fun. The sun felt pleasant on her red scales, warming her comfortably. She lay there contentedly for well over an hour, dozing off and waking up several times.

Toward midday, a pair of mates stumbled over in her area, laughing and playing with each other. Reesa had never seen them before and didn't recognize them from the clan. They were wrestling without a care for anyone watching them. Reesa was almost sure that they never even noticed her. The black-scaled male's hard, red member was protruding from between his legs nearly the entire time. When they had finally stopped tussling, the black-scaled female put the male on his back and spread his legs. Reesa could see them plainly, even the female's bright, red eyes. She watched the female pawing at his hard length, massaging him up and down. Then, she went down on the male with her maw and shocked Reesa, causing her to blush and her eyes to grow wide.

Reesa looked away from the ebony-scaled pair, but couldn't help but return her attention to them. The female's tongue coiled around his cock as she bobbed her head up and down. He moaned happily, encouraging her to continue. She suckled on him for a few minutes before the male bucked his hips, growling with ecstasy. Reesa blushed and felt her loins warming from the visual stimulation. When the female removed her maw, white spurts of his seed ejaculated from his tapered tip, spraying strings of his liquid onto her snout and himself.

Reesa knew she would have to do that with Koru later. The black-scaled mates then licked each other clean and walked off, most likely to find somewhere a bit more secluded. Reesa laid her head down again, imagining herself orally pleasing Koru. She smiled and soon fell asleep again.

When Reesa woke, she saw the Alpha with a group of females herding around him. She scoffed and looked away, but her attention soon reverted back to the Alpha. He was muscular, thick-chested, and had a bulbous rear-end with a thick tail. His claws and horns were pure-white like the snow, and his scales were always void of any filth. Tyrand turned and his red, piercing eyes met hers. Fear and panic struck a dissonant chord in her heart. She looked away and pretended not to notice, dreading his presence.

But it was too late for Reesa. The Alpha sent away the other females and walked toward the red-scaled beauty that he set his eyes on. Reesa gulped, trying to swallow her anxiety. There was no way that he didn't know about her and Koru.

"There you are," he said casually. "You're just as elusive as always, but I caught you this time!" He grinned pleasantly and lay down next to her.

"Go away, Tyrand," Reesa grumbled. His powerful scent was already wafting into her nostrils.

She hated it.

"Unfriendly as always, too."

"I want to be left alone," she stated firmly. "I don't want you here."

"You're not being polite to your company," he pestered. "I know you're reclusive, but you could give me a chance."

Reesa stood up and growled, "I don't want to give you a chance! You're a senseless fool that thinks with his cock!" The sudden burst of anger surprised her. Her face flushed, and she started to walk away, but Tyrand stopped her by stepping in front of her path.

"Stay," he snarled. His abrupt intimidating presence caught Reesa off-guard.

She slightly backed away with her teeth bared fiercely. "I am not your pet. Leave me alone, Tyrand!" She continued to walk away from him, but he pounced on her and pushed her to the ground. Reesa yelped and vainly struggled to push him off. His larger body and weight was too much for her; he was nearly twice her size.

"I am sick of your defiance, bitch!" His tongue lewdly slathered against the base of her neck. "You're mine."

Reesa cried out, thrashing beneath him. "Tyrand!" she hissed. "GET OFF NOW!"

The Alpha bit her neck, forcing her silence as his weight shifted. She tried to move again, but his strength was too much. The male forced her hind-legs apart, spreading her as they splayed out behind her body. Reesa growled and hissed, thrashing and battering against him with all of the strength she had. Tyrand lifted her tail, exposing her vent. Reesa's fears and terrors became realized. Tears filled her eyes as she cried out, filled with emotional hysteria. She resisted, but she knew it was over. The Alpha was going to mate her, no matter what she did.

"I will kill you!" she shouted.

His stench filled her nostrils. Something thick and warm touched her rear-end and slid down beneath her tail. Again, she struggled and fought him. Her strength waned, but she continued to use every last ounce of energy. The thick tip of his member pressed into her slit. Its girth was large, almost too large for her to take. Tyrand pressed fully against her, forcing it into her entrance. Reesa howled as it spread her vent open and pushed its way inside. It stretched her more than she could take at once.

Pain shot through Reesa as the Alpha penetrated her. It was unlike any pain she had ever felt before. Tears streamed down her face as inch by inch squeezed into her tight hole. She winced and elicited a blood-curdling roar, clawing at the ground as he filled her. The beast's length was nearly pressing against her cervix, and she had no idea how much more was left. Her muscles burned with agony as they tried to make room for the beast's thick cock.

Tyrand grumbled satisfyingly, tightening his hold on Reesa's neck. Blood ran down her red scales, dripping to the ground. The penetration finally stopped as his tip was pressing firmly against her cervix. Reesa knew that wasn't the end to his length and that there was more to come later. The thought made her resign fighting it. Fighting against him would only cause more pain. There was no energy left in her filthy, tainted body. She used every last bit of it and was unable to do anything against him. All that remained was pure misery and suffering.

Through her tear-filled, green eyes, she saw a few dragons watching them. She swallowed her pride and hopelessly croaked at them, hoping that someone would save her. She was foolish to think anyone would save her. They just sat and watched her being mated by the beast. She prayed to the Gods that Koru wouldn't see her like this. If he did, he would try to stop it, and he would certainly die.

Reesa groaned painfully as Tyrand pulled his heavy cock out of her. Her entire body ached as she lay there hopelessly. The Alpha penetrated her again. The pain was ceaseless. Reesa's body went completely limp as he mated her. Tyrand noticed her lack of energy and removed his maw from her bloody neck.

"You're mine, Reesa." He moaned obscenely and growled lustfully. "I have been waiting for this moment for so long..." Pain shot up Reesa's spine again and coursed through her body like fiery lightning. Tyrand was humping her, forcefully jouncing her frozen body. Her loins were burning sorely; it felt like a fire was lit on her rear and tiny swords were piercing her hide. The aching only grew as the Alpha rutted her ruthlessly. His vicious growls and groans filled her ears.

Despite the torture Reesa was going through, her body was reacting to him. She hated it, crying profusely. Every thrust sent her mind reeling with pain while her sex was pulsating around his thick length. Her body wanted him, and that's what pissed her off the most. She couldn't keep herself from feeling that pressure building, that sensation that used to be pleasure. It was coming faster than before, driven by pure instincts. Every fiber in her mind screamed at her body. If she had an orgasm, she would never forgive herself. If the beast could bring her to climax, then what sanctity did she have left?

Reesa cried out, feeling her cheeks flush with warmth. The timbre of her screams slowly changed from painful to a mixture of pain and pleasure. Tyrand could hear that. "Yes! Scream your lusts, whore!" By now, it looked like a crowd had gathered to watch this profane act. Reesa looked at their faces. Seething hatred poured out of her body, and she cursed every single one of them. They watched her with peering eyes, judging and mocking the bitch beneath the Alpha. Every shred of dignity that remained was torn away from her. After losing every last bit of her composure, she screamed and roared as loudly as she could, submitting her body to the Alpha.

Tyrand's tip pushed into her cervix as he pounded his hips against her hind-end. She could feel his disgusting seed leaking into her sex. Her vent suddenly seized and clenched around his member, pulsating wildly as her climax hit. Reesa cried out, unable to control herself. She breathed in rapid, deep breaths, screaming and moaning with every exhale. She blacked out as her instincts apprehended her thought. The Alpha roared his victory as the first thick rope of his virile seed ejaculated into her. His tip penetrated her cervix as it continued to spew his hot liquid inside of her.

The Alpha bred Reesa. What was only a minute seemed like an agonizing hour to her. The dragoness' sex undulated around the beast's throbbing length, milking him for his seed. Every pulse sent liquid coursing through her reproductive organs, his warmth filled her loins. The excess oozed out of her soiled, stretched vent. Reesa couldn't stop her orgasm, and it continued until the male was done. Tyrand sighed with relief and pulled his thick, soaked member out of her. Liquid poured out of her stretched and gaping entrance. Reesa gasped and groaned as she felt his fat length leave her. She lay there motionless as Tyrand began lapping at her expanded slit. The lewd sounds that came from her crotch didn't even faze her. She couldn't even feel it.

"You taste wonderful, Reesa," he said, nuzzling her crotch. "And you smell better with my scent buried inside of you." Tyrand rolled her over onto her back. Reesa's limbs limply followed the rest of her body. Her green eyes were completely void. The Alpha spread her and continued to lap at her soaked sex. Reesa didn't move or react; she only stared blankly at the crowd still gathered. They watched the Alpha continuing to abuse her like it was normal.

Tyrand moved forward and his erecting length hovered between her legs. He smirked down at her. "You are such a tight fit. I thought your mate would have broken you in." His tongue slathered against the white scales on the base of her neck. He looked between their legs and guided his hard member into her slit.

"No..." Reesa muttered, feeling the beast penetrating her again. Tyrand was going to stop at nothing to take every last bit of her life away. He slid into her with ease compared to the first time, but it was still excruciatingly painful. Reesa winced and groaned, shifting and spreading herself to take his length again. She submitted to him immediately, allowing him to take her body and use it as he wanted.

"Yes, that's right," he cooed as he nipped her neck. "Don't resist, my beautiful queen. It will be much easier." His large cock filled her again, stretching the female's vent to fit its girth. She held onto him as he began to rut her. She cried out agonizingly as her body was rocked back and forth. Her legs limply bounced back and forth with his thrusts. There was nothing she could do but satisfy the Alpha once more.

"NO!" Koru shrieked at the top of his lungs. He dived down from the sky and tackled Tyrand, removing him from Reesa as their bodies rolled several yards away.

Reesa tried to stand but collapsed before she could. Her limbs trembled and couldn't move. "No..." she weakly muttered. "Koru..."

The blue-scaled male quickly rolled back up and took a stance, facing the Alpha fearlessly. His icy blue eyes stared Tyrand down with a piercing, stormy gaze. "Stay away from her!" he growled. "I will rip you to shreds!" Koru's screaming voice was full of wrathful emotion. With whatever it took, he would kill that monster and tear him apart.

The red-scaled Alpha grinned deviously. He was much larger, stronger, and faster than Koru. "I will rip your limbs apart, whelp!" Tyrand charged the smaller, blue dragon. Koru jumped into the air and flew into the sky, barely dodging the Alpha's menacing claws. Tyrand growled and gave chase. Koru ducked, dived, and flipped, barely avoiding his foes onslaught of attacks each time. Then, a single claw caught him, rendering his hide with one slash. Blood sprayed from the wound and Koru howled. He kicked Tyrand with his good leg and pushed him away.

Still, the Alpha chased Koru. There was nothing he could do. Breathing fire over him was useless because a dragon's hide was impervious to it. He wasn't as agile as Tyrand, so he couldn't out maneuver him. Even in the air, the larger dragon was quicker than him. Tyrand rose above Koru and dived down on top of him. Koru rolled, folding his wings to avoid the blow. But he was not quick enough. A paw unexpectedly grabbed his wing and ripped it forcefully open. Tyrand descended upon him, and he was now in the perfect range for his swipes to strike Koru. Koru did his best to fight back, leaving a few marks on the red dragon. Despite his best effort, Koru was torn apart. Each swipe of the Alpha's claws rendered his blue hide, leaving bleeding gouges in his body.

They were falling, plummeting to the earth. Koru realized it and tried to fly away, but Tyrand held him in place with malevolent grin across his muzzle. He was going to send Koru straight into the ground. Koru flailed and clawed at him, unable to break his powerful grasp. He saw the ground coming faster and faster to meet him. His last thoughts were of Reesa. Tyrand gave the final, forceful push before slowing his own descent. His large wings spread out and caught the wind, ripping him back as Koru plunged to the cold, hard ground.

Before Koru hit the earth, another force from another body propelled him sideways. It hurt terribly and broke his wing on contact. He was sent flying over the ground. He landed and rolled until he stopped, motionless. His entire body ached and complained, making him unable to move. Koru tried to stand, but his limbs gave out each time. His left wing was broken, hanging limply at his side, and his body was bleeding where the Alpha struck him. But he was miraculously still alive.

To his side was his good friend, Tahlik, the green-scaled dragon who somehow manage to save him. He rushed over to Koru.

"Koru!" he shouted.

Koru groaned and hissed. "It hurts!"

"I know, buddy. We have to go now!" he said frantically. The Alpha noticed that Koru was still alive and was coming after them.

"I can't move! Leave me!"

"Not after I just saved you!"

Tyrand landed heavily behind them, chuckling wickedly. "You both dare to defy me? How quaint..."

Koru's eyes flashed angrily at him. He stood up and fought to stand his ground. With Tahlik next to him, they stared down the Alpha. Blood dripped from Koru's wounds, splashing against the ground, and his wing continued to hang limply at his side. "I will kill you, Tyrand. You will die by my claws!" he growled savagely.

"Oh, really? That's what your mate said before I bred her." A cruel, wicked smile curled at his lips.

Koru's blood boiled and his pupils turned into slits. Every fiber of his being was dead set on killing Tyrand. He felt energy returning to him, being driven by adrenaline. He roared deafeningly and feebly charged the Alpha.

"Koru!" Tahlik yelled, watching his friends charge into death.

Tyrand avoided Koru with ease and clawed his flank as he passed. Before Koru could react, the Alpha pounced on him and forced him to the ground. His teeth sank into his blue-scaled neck, penetrating his thick hide with ease. Koru howled and saw stars and blood filling his vision. Tyrand's teeth were hastily removed as Tahlik tackled Tyrand, pulling him off of Koru.

Tyrand turned his attention to the smaller, green-scaled dragon. He ripped open his hide with one swipe, wounding him as he continued with another attack. Tahlik was forced to collapse. Tyrand stood over him and lunged to bite his neck. His teeth found their mark and sank into Tahlik's exposed neck.

"NO!" Koru shouted, falling to the ground, unable to move. Tyrand twisted his neck powerfully and ripped Tahlik's scales apart. He grabbed the base of his head, just below his jaw, with his claws, clenching it tightly until Tahlik's screams ceased and his flailing limbs fell lifelessly. Tears streamed down Koru's face as he watched his friend die. Blood coated Tyrand's red scales. His eyes were fierce, wicked, and filled with intimidation. Koru froze and watched helplessly as Tyrand walked up to him with crimson drops falling from his bloody maw.

"I was going to kill Reesa for defying me, but I think I'll just continue mating her until she does it herself," he mocked heartlessly. "And you can blame yourself for that."

A shrill shriek pierced the sky, and a black blur descended at lightning speeds. It struck Tyrand with its claws, rending the hide on his back. Blood sprayed from where the claws found their mark. The red dragon toppled over and rolled to a stop. His wounds were deep, deeper than Koru's. The Alpha roared and watched as the black-scaled dragon descended again. He growled and clawed at it. The dragon dodged his swipe with a godlike reaction time, and clawed his leg before ascending again. Tyrand limped on his bleeding leg, hissing with malice. He took off and flew away, back to the clan.

Koru sighed with relief and lay his head down, passing out as his mind filled with a black void.

Reesa lay frozen on the ground where she was left, helpless and emotional. No one approached her or tried to help; she was alone. Anguish dragged her heavy heart down, keeping her anchored to the earth. Her once beautiful body was soiled. The Alpha had devastated her.

She saw four black paws approaching her, stepping forward until they stopped at her unresponsive body. Then, an ebony-scaled snout met hers, and a pair of bright, crimson eyes stared her back. She looked into them, losing herself in the dragoness' beautiful eyes. It was the black-scaled female she saw earlier; she had no doubt about it. She spoke but Reesa could not hear her. She couldn't feel anything either.

"Leave me to die," she meekly whispered.

Reesa was picked up by another, larger force and placed on a sheet with thick ropes. She hung limply as she was dragged into the sky. She saw the confused expressions on her clan mates' faces and briefly wondered where she was being taken before she lost interest and fell fast asleep.

Thanks for reading! Part two will be posted as soon as I finish. =)