Love Your Squad Mates

Story by Cerith on SoFurry

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Warning, this story contains adult scenes of homosexual acts between gryphons. Do not read if such material offends you. By reading this story you agree that you have no moral, religious, or legal obligation not to do so, and release the author and provider(s) of this story from liability on any damages you may incur as a direct or indirect result of reading this story.

Note: The gryphons presented in this story are morphic. A soft inner layer of flesh covers the inside of the beak, making a blowjob possible, with sufficient practice. Also, the term 'wing brother' is used to denote a special fondness for someone, and calling each other wing brother, while it may not denote exclusive sexual contact, may be a precursor to a deeper relationship.

Love Your Squad Mates

By Cerith

Inspired in part by the story Griff-Borne by Leslie Rashana

The members of the 66th infantry unit tensed at the sound of sticks breaking, a signal they'd been waiting for. The squad crouched in unison, then leapt in different directions, all six spreading their wings and beating at the air to clear the wall in front of them. As they soared over it, the six morphic gryphons found themselves looking down at a column of unsuspecting humans, and as one, they trained their rifles on targets and opened fire.

The loud snap hiss of particle rifle discharges echoed in the still morning air as humans began to scream. The column below the squad panicked running from the road in an attempt to hide from their aggressors amidst the trees. Unfortunately the trees provided no protection from the gryphons' keen eyes and powerful rifles, and soon the human squads were reduced to charred remains.

The gryphons' squad quickly flew from the scene, knowing that the attack would swiftly bring human troops pouring in from all over the region. With luck, the human commanders wouldn't think that a hunt for a rogue gryphon's squad would lead them to a trap, and their platoon would fall on the searching humans like eagles among helpless rabbits.

Corporal Trenor Camson led the squad, diving through the treetops and weaving among the branches. He thought the eagle analogy fit him the best, as he was a white and black patterned eagle morph with broad shoulders and a deep chest. Off his left wing was his wing brother Lieutenant Shane Dunalc, a swift and lean brown peregrine falcon morph, who looked fragile but was really whipcord over bone, and to his left was Sergeant Senshon Naiuness, a gray goshawk who lived up to his races reputation of being slightly mad and most definitely dangerous. Behind Trenor in the diamond's rear was Private Jackson Norse, another eagle like himself, though slightly smaller and mostly brown. Flying out to the side for now were the other to privates in the unit, though they would be returning to their platoon now that Trenor's mission was over.

Within five minutes of hard, silent, flying, the squad of now four morphs landed near an abandoned mine shaft and peeled away camouflaging scrub and rock to enter. Once inside they traveled down a dark corridor to turn sharply left before a yawning chasm and enter a hidden stronghold. They would not take part in the trap today, in the hopes that the humans would continue to search for them if they used the holographs installed in the area over the last months to keep them confused.

It was only after they had secured the cavern that the gryphons joined together in quiet celebration.

"Nice work people, you should all be proud of yourselves." Trenor paused to look at each of them. "Our part in ths isn't over yet though, so keep an ear out for anything out of the ordinary." He and the rest were unbuckling combat harnesses that held ammunition, supplies, weapons, and sat uplinks, as well as clip on armor plates and camo screens for protection and stealth.

"What do ya mean by out of the ordinary Corporal," ventured Senshon, "your dick not being in Shane's beak?"

This brought a laugh and a mock admonition from the corporal "Stow that you cocksucker, my or my dick'll be up your ass"

Shane chuckled, then caressed his Trenor's crotch, "That belongs in me wing brother, mine goes in him." He said, lewdly licking the edges of his beak.

The gryphons shared another private chuckle and turned to set up the holograph program. It was no secret among them or other troops that all four were gay and shared each other's beds. Homosexuality, and even sharing a bed with another trooper of lesser rank were accepted lifestyles in gryphon society. Females were in heat for only part of the year, so homosexual male relations were formed to ease sexual tension amongst the ever-horny gryphon males. Some small parts of the population even took males as mates instead of females, and when the urge to have children came, a surrogate was asked to birth for the pair. While this loose system of sexuality was long accepted by other races in the allied forces, but the humans had used it as one more one more political excuse to attempt a war of enslavement on all aliens.

As they worked Private Jackson turned speaking to Trenor, "Would it really be safe to do something now Corporal? I mean, what if command needs us in the fighting?" the younger eagle looked to his boss for direction, especially on terms of sexuality, which Trenor had first introduced him to.

Trenor snorted, amused at the Private's worry, and admiring his ass. "If four Gryphons are gonna make a difference in a battle, we probably should reevaluate who's winning this war Jackson."

"Besides that," spoke Senshon "I owe you all for leaving me out after the last mission." Senshon had been wounded in the last mission, and had been hospitalized for part of the week, during which his squad mates had found the time to have evenings of satisfying sex.

"Give us a break Sarge!" Shane exclaimed, "The medic said you needed rest, and what we did was hardly restful."

"No but I bet it certainly would have been more fun than lying on a hospital bed." Senshon replied wistfully. "Are we all set up? I haven't had my cock in anyone for a week and I'm dying for a fuck!" his sheath, unnoticeable until now, was swelling, with a pink button of flesh showing at the tip.

"Well, why didn't you say so Sergeant?" Trenor said evilly, "I'd have done something much sooner about it in that case!" all four gryphons were now becoming aroused, and Trenor's cock was hanging partially stiff from its sheath.

He moved over to the Senshon and they pressed their beaks together, tongues twining in between them, struggling for dominance as they caressed each other's chests and their cocks hardened and began to rub against each other's bodies. Trenor moaned softly and pushed the Senshon to his knees caressing the sensitive ear tufts as he did so. "All right cocksucker, let's make up for lost time."

Senshon looked at the engorged cock before him. Of the four, Trenor cock was the largest overall, though the sergeant knew he was thicker and Shane was slightly longer, but thinner. He ignored the dick for a moment though, inhaling the rich scent of an aroused male and moving to take Trenor's sizable balls into his mouth. He rolled them around on his tongue, savoring the taste. He heard Trenor moan above him, then grunt as a small spurt of pre shot from his cock. Senshon grinned around his mouthful then reluctantly gave up the globes and turned his attention to the waiting cock.

He took a moment to lick his tongue delicately up the veined length and around the head, catching a drool of precome that started to ooze out, then he quickly wrapped his tongue around the shaft and plunged almost all of his into his beak, easily maneuvering the cock down his throat. He slowly pulled it out, dragging his tongue around the retreating length, before plunging it once more into his craw. He quickly established a rhythm, alternating quick thrusts of his head with long and slow licks along the entirety of Trenor's cock.

Shane and Jackson had been looking on passively, teasing each other's cocks as they watched the scene unfold. As things got more serious though, they shared a knowing glance and silently decided on a plan. With a nod and a cock squeeze, they moved to join in.

Trenor groaned hoarsely at the attention he was receiving, and felt a pair of hands caressing his wings and ass. He turned slightly and saw Jackson behind him, who smiled and reached around with one hand to tease his nipples as the other stayed behind to toy with his ass.

Senshon felt in his element now, but he was gently and firmly pulled from the now sopping genitals and turned to face Shane's waiting ass. "I told you that goes in here," the flacon stated, indicating his puckered opening. "But as soon as you get that ready I'll give you a new toy to play with." Happily Senshon pressed his open beak to the falcon's ass crack, and extended his tongue to lick at his anus. Shane shuddered at the feeling of being rimmed, then moaned as the thin tongue penetrated his now moist ring and began to lick his insides.

Trenor moaned, first in frustration at losing the warm mouth around his dick, then in pleasure as Jackson sank to his knees and began to lick at his ass. The hand that had been teasing his nipples now jacked his cock firmly, and he felt himself tensing as his pleasure began to grow. His fists flexed as he caressed himself, and he watched as Senshon prepared his wing brother Shane with predatory anticipation.

Jackson had never rimmed a guy before, and was pleasantly surprised to find that if your subject kept himself clean, there was little odor besides that of arousal and the taste was not unpleasant. He spent time depositing saliva all around the ring before touching it, then oh-so-slowly pushed his tongue deeper inside. Through some odd fluke eagles had slightly longer than average tongues and he was easily able to slip his tongue deep into the Corporal.

Shane grinned as he heard Trenor moan, and slowly pulled away from the pleasant tongue wriggling inside his ass. Turning to face the expectant goshawk behind him he said, "Well done sir, now you get a reward." As Senshon smirked at the joke, he walked over to Trenor and moved Jackson's hand away. Trenor looked at him lovingly, and Shane turned away, then backed up into Trenor's embrace, aiming his ass and hoping very much that the Corporal's aim was true.

Trenor stopped just short of entering the approaching falcon, holding him back as he teased Shane's opening with his head. Shane growled a little, frustrated at the foreplay, and Trenor gave into both their desires. He sunk his cock into Shane in one easy motion, pushing it in to the hilt. Both gryphons groaned in pleasure at the penetration, and Shane clenched his muscles a little to milk his leader's cock. Trenor sighed as his balls lightly hit Shane's ass, holding himself there for a moment. Then with another moan of pleasure at the feeling of a silky ass grasping his retreating cock, he pulled out, sinking back to the expectant beak of Private Jackson.

Senshon watched as Trenor and Shane got into a rhythm of fucking, then he moved forward and sat in front of them, opening his beak to receive Shane's gift. Shane groaned at the feeling of his leader's thick cock penetrating him and rubbing against his prostate, and then he growled as he felt his cock plunge into a warm and wet beak. He was in heaven now and felt his loins stir with unreleased seed.

Jackson was at something of a loss, not finding enough stimulation with only his hand. He was used to having the dick inside his ass, and missed the feeling. Then he saw that the sergeant was scooting his lower half between Shane and Trenor's legs, giving him access. With a happy chirp Jackson caught a bead of his precome on his hand and spread it around his ass. He then hopped forward while still rimming Trenor, and sank himself gratefully onto the stiff rod with a groan. He began to slowly ride the thick shaft, feeling its girth fill him and rub against him was so incredible. He felt Senshon's hand begin to help him ride, and so he used one to jack himself off and the other to steady himself against Trenor as he continued to eat out his ass.

Trenor grunted, aware of his increasing passions. The sheer sexual tension in the room was such a turn on, he was soon going to blow his wad, and he increased his pace. The silken depths of Shane's ass gripped his cock lovingly, and he began to growl loudly as orgasm approached.

Shane was constantly groaning in pleasure now, a thick cock invading his ass and battering his prostate, and a warm and tender craw sucking at him. He knew he wouldn't last much longer, and held back as much as he could, milking at the cock invading him.

Senshon groaned around the cock in his mouth, ecstasy fogging his mind. The private was such a tight fuck, so pleasurable. And the feeling of a cock in his mouth again, the taste, the smell, he wished it would never end. But he felt himself approaching the brink, knew that orgasm was barreling towards him and only tried to hold to it long enough.

Jackson was the first to shoot off. His body convulsed as the thick cock invading him sent him spiraling over the edge of self-control into the bliss of orgasm. His growl approached a shout of pleasure as his cock twitched wildly, spraying semen high above into the crotches of Shane and Trenor. His ass convulsed along with the rest of him milking the thick cock that was being shoved in his ass

Senshon felt Jackson's ass tighten around him and groaned hoarsely as it pulled an orgasm from his depths. He continued to bob his head on the cock in his craw, breathing though his nares, as he wildly corkscrewed his head around the cock, then he began to purr, adding an unbelievable vibration to his expert blowjob

The vibration was all it took to send Shane over the edge; in fact it was what sent him off every time. He shouted out in ecstasy as his cock began to shoot off jet after jet of semen into the sergeant craw. He caressed Senshon ear tuffs wildly, interchanging it with fondling his own balls milking them for a few more drops of precious seed. His ass tightened around his wing brother's enormous cock, and he had to concentrate to relax it and make it convulse around his leaders penis.

With a groan of bliss, Trenor was the last to let off. Feeling Jackson's semen shoot into the juncture of his and Shane's body, watching them all go off one by one, and feeling his lover's ass convulse around him as Jackson still tongued at his ass was more than enough. Trenor's, cock sent a rush of white fire deep into Shane's ass as he slammed himself in to the hilt. Rivulets of semen began t seep out around his member as Shane filled, and Trenor simply tensed an shook in total release. The collective orgasm held them all in its grasp f pure and total ecstasy for what seemed an eternity.

Then slowly the pure bliss of golden orgasm faded leaving soft afterglow of release. Trenor didn't pull his cock from his wing brother, simply stepping to the side of Jackson and Senshon and pulling them both to the pillowed floor. They watched as Jackson rearranged himself to spoon with Senshon, and the two worked themselves over to caress Trenor and Shane.

As they lay in a nest of pillows basking in the afterglow of an intense orgy, they heard the sound of the Gryphon armies advancing on human positions, pushing the humans from the gryphon's world.

Trenor looked at the others n contentment, a sigh of love escaping him. "You think that since they've left they'll send us home?" he asked.

Senshon smiled as he held a dozing Jackson in his arms " No, I think there'll be more for us to do, but I heard that we all get to choose where we get to go for a month's leave time to rest form the campaign."

Shane, who was nearly asleep, looked at them with love "I think that we could arrange to go somewhere together yes?"

Trenor smiled as they all began to doze, feeling his softening cocks begin to slip from his lover's depths, and said "definitely."

And as the sounds of war faded and humans were driven from their world, four gryphons fell o blissful slumber

To be continued? We'll see.