September 03, 2017 Day 03

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#2 of Paranormal Activity

September 3, 2017 (32 Days After the Death of Boris Bailey)


R's Camera Log for 09-02-17

Bedroom Cam 01

Found- Nothing


10:42 am

"It's day three of filming. I haven't exactly found anything yet. But, still can't help but have a feeling that I'm being watched." Rodger states to the camera he has on his desk. James is sitting on his bed.

"Of course you're being watched... by your own phone, Rodger." James says.

"Look, I understand you don't want to help, but must you joke about it?"

"Yes, I must." James grins.

"Do you any advice or are you just going to make fun of me all day?" Rodger sounds demanding.

"Well, you've been setting up your phone to record all night, right?"


"So, get about three or four more and set them up around the house. You're bound to find something. If not, then blow this whole thing over and we can get on with our lives."

"Fine. I will." Rodger goes under his bed and pulls out a remote camera he got for christmas one year. "You think this'll work?"

"Maybe. The screen might be a bit fuzzy, but you'll be able to see."

12:22 pm

The camera turns on, but the screen's a bit fuzzy. "How's that?" Rodger asks.

"That'll do, I guess." The view is of the entire kitchen. Roder managed to set it so that it'll record until around 6 in the morning. He still hoped to find whatever is going on in the house.

12:23 pm

Rodger turns back on his phone and goes into the living room and sits down on the couch. James sits next to him.

"I'm getting hungry." Rodger says.

"Me too. Go make me something." James teases him.

"I'm not your bitch. Go get the food yourself."

"Fine..." James whines and goes back into the kitchen. Rodger gets up and walks up the stairs. When he reaches the top, he hears something. A bang? it sounded like it was coming from his parent's room.

"That' weird. Mom doesn't usually get home for a while." Rodger hurries up and goes into his mother's room. When he opens the door, he doesn't see anything different, until he walks around to the other side of the bed and almost screams.

2:30 pm

"Mom, I didn't do it. I swear." Rodger pleads with his mother. He adjusts his phone on the vase on the bedroom nightstand. His mother scowls at him. The vase isn't completely broken, but it has a huge piece of glass chipped off of it.

"Then how'd it happen?" she asks.

"I don't know. I was coming up the stairs and out of nowhere, I heard a noise and when I came in here, I saw the vase on the floor with a bit broken off of it." Rodger explains.

"I'll believe that when I see it."

"I have it right here on my phone."

"Yeah. He's been recording everything." James's voice is of screen, but he's in the room.

"Why?" Rodger's mom asks.

"He's still hunting for ghosts." James says the last word with an obvious teasing tone.

"Rodger, I thought we agreed you'd stop filming if we didn't find anything."

"I was about to throw in the towel, but then this happened." Rodger says.

"Alright. If you have so-called proof, show me." she says.

2:41 pm

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you." Rodger's mom says.

"Now you believe that something's up?"

"Yes. I do understand."

"This morning, James said something about getting more cameras set up around the house. Then to stop the whole project if nothing was found." Rodger explains what James said this morning.

"Ok, well, I'll go out tomorrow and take care of that."

"Alright. In the meantime, just so you know, there's a camera that's been recording in the kitchen."


"James suggested I test out using just one before I do anything drastic."

"I guess that makes sense." she says.

9:01 pm

"Night little one." Rodger said as he put Sidney to bed.


"What's up, Sid?"

"Is this house haunted?"

"I don't know, yet. But I assure you, nothing bad is going to happen." Rodger kissed his sister on the forehead and he climbed into bed, turning off the light.


R's Camera Log for 09-03-2017

Bedroom Cam 01

Found- Nothing

Remote Cam (Kitchen)

Found- Chair moved about an inch. Maybe 2? 01:32:47am

Chapter 13 (Wendell)

I'm getting worried. Who knows where Todd is? I look at my phone. Still no word from Todd and it's 4:36. The party's already started, there's a lot of furs here in Jodi's house, and the music's cranked up too high for me to even think. "What's...

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September 01, 2017 Day 01

September 1, 2017 (30 Days After the Death of Boris Bailey) Day 8:37 am "Did you get the camera turned on yet?" A voice said. "Yep. The red light's blinking." Another said. "So then point it at me." The camera pans and it points at an orange...

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Chapter 12 (Todd)

The next three days flew by fast. Next thing I know, it's thursday. Me and Wendell have barely left the house since last weekend. I was hoping we could go on another date soon, but I don't want to rush anything. Wendell comes back into my room from...

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