Uncatchable: Espeon

Story by ookitsu on SoFurry

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#3 of Uncatchable

Here we have a rather mischievous espeon toying with a trainer who is in for more than he bargained for with this pokemon and wishes he never tried to catch it in the first place.

Also uploaded a new story over on my patreon if you'd like to contribute to that and check it out perhaps. https://www.patreon.com/ookitsu Should have another one out soon likely involving my usual and most popular vore type I do but we'll see.

Today was the day, Harey thought to himself as he made his way out of the hotel and continued along his journey. The white rabbit was quite short for someone his age, often mistaken for a teenager. This worked for his advantage at times with other adults often underestimating him but had its downsides as well. Often he'd find himself hating it while in town when trying to get a drink at the bar after losing one too many matches. His bad luck streak surely had to be over by now though and today was going to be different.

Walking down the road, Harey left the town limits and was in the forest in no time. He had spent a few days in the area now, looking for an eevee to catch since according to rumor they could be seen around here. So far he had seen nothing and was beginning to doubt the claims of the surrounding area. Harey was running out of time as well since he needed to beat the last four gyms to qualify for the championship. He didn't want to have to wait an entire year to try to become champion again. So if he was going to find an eevee, he needed to find it today or not at all.

After hours of searching he was starving and about to give up to head back in town to eat when he saw it. Espeon was sitting next to a river, getting a drink and it had yet to see him. Grabbing a pokeball from his belt, he pressed the button on the front of it to release his pokemon. A red light left the pokeball and his houndoom appeared, roaring at the espeon as to challenge it. The espeon merely flicked an ear at the roar and Harey knew he had this fight in the bag, there was nothing this psychic pokemon could do to his dark type. "Houndoom use bite!"

Leaping forward at the command, the houndoom went to bite the espeon still drinking from the river. Both Harey and the houndoom found themselves confused when the pokemon was suddenly returned back to his pokeball. "The hell?" Harey reached down to his belt and grabbed the pokeball, releasing houndoom again. Houndoom then looked back at its trainer as if questioning why he was returned. "Again use bite." Not questioning his trainer, he ran at the espeon again only to get returned back to his ball again. Espeon then turn around a sly grin on its muzzle and making a sound almost as if it was snickering.

"Seriously what the hell is going on?" Again the rabbit had his houndoom come out and ordered him to attack. The houndoom was hesitant to attack this time though as he looked back at his trainer thinking this was some kind of joke. Once more getting returned after he took a step towards the espeon. Harey noticing the espeon's snickering this time as he yelled in frustration. "Stop it and fight me, I have been looking for you, for days!" He wasn't sure if this was the espeon's doing or if it was just damage from the battle yesterday. Dropping his backpack as he started a cycle of releasing his houndoom only for it to get returned moments after. The houndoom growing increasingly annoyed with his trainer each time he was released with the espeon getting more amused as time went on.

Having grown frustrated enough with the situation the rabbit grabbed his long ears and pulled down on them hard. Letting out a frustrated groan and kicking his backpack before running at the espeon himself. This didn't work out that well for him as he was suddenly lifted up into the air by his right footpaw. Looking at his paw he saw a blue aura around it then looked at the espeon whose eyes and gem were glowing blue. "Let me go!" The espeon began shaking him, forcing his pokeballs to fall off of his belt along with a few items from his pockets.

His hopes went up for a moment as all six of his pokemon came out. "Attack the espeon!" He was sure they would attack and five of them almost did until the houndoom started talking to his teammates. They all tilted their head at first but listened and occasionally looked at their trainer before looking back at the houndoom. The espeon even put in their own two cents as he lifted up the balls and crushed them. Getting worried as he watched his pokemon get up and slowly walk away. "Houndoom please it wasn't me I swear, it was all the espeon's doing that made you get returned over and over," Harey begged houndoom only to have the pokemon snort objectionably in his direction and run off. "Come on guys please help me." Shocked as all his pokemon then ran off in various directions.

Espeon twitched its tail tips as he licked over his muzzle thinking about his plans for the rabbit. Harey meanwhile was trying to struggle free of the psychic grip, starting to feel woozy with how long he had been upside down. While the rabbit fought to break free, espeon went ahead with his plan and used a little trick he learned from watching another pokemon. Though his use of it would be quite different than what it was intended for. Shrinking the rabbit down with minimize until the anthropomorphic creature was only as tall as one of his legs. Harey didn't even realize what was happening until it was far too late, and hit the ground hard as he was dropped.

Rubbing his head, Harey felt like the world was spinning for a moment. Looking in the espeon's direction only after a shadow went over him. The espeon was now much larger than himself and he backed up in fear of the pokemon. "Ni... nice espeon. We... we can be friends." Standing up, he slowly went to pet the espeon on the nose only to fall over as he watched the maw open wide.

Harey almost stood up before one of the forepaws stepped down on his body and slide him across the grass, directly under the espeon. He pushed and tried to force the espeon's paw off of his chest, having a hard time breathing with the pressure on top of him. Things only getting worse as the paw tilted forward and went down his body, claws tearing his clothes. Psychic energy grasping him once more as it pulled his clothes away, leaving him naked. His modesty getting to him still at a time like this as his paws darted down to cover up his crotch. Espeon seemed to find this funny as he lowered his head down to slurp along his prey's body. Enjoying the taste of the rabbit as he pulled away to play around with his food for a bit.

It took the rabbit a moment to realize the espeon wasn't doing anything else and opened an eye, looking at the psychic pokemon looming above him. Not wasting this opportunity, Harey got up and made a run for it. He didn't make it out of the espeon's reach before a paw swiped at him and sent him tumbling across the grass. Dizzy from the hit, Harey shakily stood up and was swiped at from the other side. The rabbit found himself stuck in a loop of getting knocked back and forth between the paws. Even if he didn't stand up the espeon would make him with psychic. His body worn out and sore from the beating he was taking, unable to stop the creature. "Please, please let me..." Interrupted as he was batted with a paw again, espeon snickering in his amusement of the rabbit's treatment.

Soon growing bored of his toy, espeon lifted the rabbit into the air by his footpaws and let the rabbit watch as he was slowly lowered down into the maw by the psychic grip. Unable to fight the inevitable, Harey's head passed into the muzzle, tongue slurping along his ears, head and back. Whimpering quietly to himself, feeling the hot breath wash over him with his shoulders and chest slipping into the maw. Powerless to stop the predator from devouring him and wished it was all just some nightmare as his head pressed against the back of the throat. Watching the throat open up for a brief moment allowing him to see down inside with what little light shined down into it from outside the muzzle. His world going dark after the espeon took his first gulp, pulling his head and shoulders into the tight throat. Psychic grasp on his body going away but it was too late for him to fight it. He was far too exhausted by this point and at his current size powerless to do anything to the larger creature. The hot, rippling muscles of the throat tugging him down quickly with the next gulp pulling his chest and belly inside the gullet. Legs weakly kicking outside the espeon's muzzle before those too were slurped up and gulped down. The next few powerful gulps pushed his body down the esophagus before hitting the stomach valve and being forced into the stale open space of the gut.

Curling up in the stomach as the espeon's powerful body claimed him for himself. Sitting in a pool of fluids, a mixture of the espeon's stomach acids, saliva and the water he drank before all this. Only getting worse as he heard muffled gulps in the distance then was hit with more water coming in. Espeon then burped, expelling most of the air inside of its belly. Harey was barely able to keep his head above the fluids inside with very little air left. Accidentally breathing in the stomach acid and water as the stomach shifted wildly, causing him to submerge in the fluids. Scrambling to figure out which way was up as it continued to turn and shift. Coughing up some of the fluids, Harey gasped for air and did his best to stay above it again. It wasn't meant to last though as the air grew thin with his oxygen quickly running out and soon he passed out and sunk beneath the fluid.

Outside the espeon was enjoying himself, laying up against a tree by the river. His gut gurgling and groaning as it began to work over his prey inside. Forepaw reaching down to knead and rub over his belly, barely any bigger than it usually was but completely full. Squishy to the touch, with the rabbit's body softening in his digestive juices and full of water all around his prey. Quite happy with himself that he shrunk the trainer down to just the right size for lunch. Thinking to himself how he probably should of kept one or two of the trainer's pokemon around to eat. With how long they've been in captivity and with there being a good chance that they've never lived in the wild before, they likely wouldn't last that long anyway.

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