A Gooey Thanksgiving

Story by ookitsu on SoFurry

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#20 of Vore Thursday Quickies

Galileo is a naughty lucario and has terrible plans for his friend and trainer.

Will be coming back to fix things in this sometime soon. Wanted to get this out today for the holiday and finished it but didn't have time to proofread as much as I usually do.

Galileo is wyvernsage08 on FA

Mekuto is mekuto on FA

Skunkhase is forceswerwolf on FA

Galileo danced a little as he made the final preparations for tonight's dinner. Luckily the wolfish lucario didn't have to cook as much since Skunkhase and Mekuto were bringing a few things themselves. Though unfortunately for the two of them, Galileo had other plans for them tonight besides just eating turkey for Thanksgiving. The thought of what he was going to do to them made him chuckles a little to himself and sway his hips some more as he danced slightly while cooking.

Hearing the doorbell, Galileo took off his apron and opened the door seeing Mekuto standing outside. "Wahsune," Galileo shouted as he hugged the purple and black kitsune, red panda hybrid. "Glad you could make it."

Mekuto hugged the lucario back and was glad Galileo was careful about his chest spike since that isn't very fun to get poked by. "Thanks for having me," the wahsune replied as he broke the hug and made his way inside, sitting down on the couch.

The lucario had to chuckle at that last bit, considering what he had planned for Mekuto today. Looking at Mekuto as seriously as he possibly could as he said, "No eating my babies while I'm finishing up in the kitchen, Mekuto."

"I doubt if you'd even notice if one of your fish were to disappear with how many you have, Gali." Chuckling as he relaxed on the couch and watched Galileo's expression get a bit grumpy. "I won't eat any of them though Gali, you have my word especially since I failed to bring any sides for tonight."

"I'm watching you wahsune, I know how tricky you kitsune types can be." Backing up slowly and watching the wahsune as he made his way around the corner and back into the kitchen. "Take off your shoes as well silly wahsune, you don't need them in the house."

Grumbling to himself, Mekuto took off his skate shoes and socks, setting them by the door. Browsing through tv channels as he tried to find something interesting to watch but so far they all bored him. Leaving it on a channel that was reporting on micros fighting for their rights and proclaiming that they were people too. This amused him at least and would be something to watch until Galileo was done with his cooking.

Just as he started to nod off Galileo returned and flopped on the couch next to the wahsune. "Want to play some smash while we wait for Trainer to arrive?"

Mekuto chuckled lightly and got an idea. "How about if I beat you in a lucario on lucario match, I get to eat you?"

"You will lose dear wahsune, I am a lucario after all so I know my stuff." Grabbing the controllers and turning on the wii u, he loaded up the game. "Though if I win I'm going to eat you myself." This definitely wasn't part of his plan but it should work to his advantage and he'd still have the wahsune tonight.

After a few rounds of Galileo winning, Mekuto turned to the lucario and chuckled nervously. "Best five out of nine?"

"I won fair and square dear wahsune, you'll just have to accept being my meal today," Galileo said playfully. "It's getting late though and I'm sure we're both hungry so why don't we just start eating. Trainer is running late it seems but I'm sure he'll be joining you later once he arrives. I'm going to go check something really quick, so feel free to start eating without me."

Getting up Mekuto walked into the dining room and sat down in a chair, looking over the dishes on the table. Having to cut the turkey himself to get some, though he was just tempted to eat as much of it as he could since it might make Galileo not eat him if he was fat enough. After a few slices he went on to put mash potatoes, corn bread and a few other things on his plate.

Unfortunately for Mekuto though, he wouldn't be able to enjoy his dinner as Galileo had other plans. Having removed his pants, the now naked lucario made his way over to his guest with a big grin on his face. The seat along with the wahsune's height left his head at just the right spot for what Galileo had planned. Walking up behind Mekuto, he grabbed hold of the ears just as the wahsune took his first bite. Pressing his groin against the back of Mekuto's head, grinding his large hefty sheath and balls against him.

"I think I'll be having my meal before Trainer gets here, dear wahsune." Mekuto unable to reply properly with his mouth still full of food. He wouldn't get much of a chance to reply either as the lucario's groin started to soften as he shifted into a gooier state. Pressing the wahsune's head right into his balls while his shaft started to come out of his sheath. "You're going to be my cock food to stuff my trainer with later."

By the time he swallowed his food, Mekuto watched as the blue goo of the lucario's balls went over his face. His head quickly pulled inside the space inside the lucario's orbs with cum sloshing about within. Bringing his paws to the lucario's hips, trying to pull himself free from the gooey groin, feeling the rest of the lucario was still solid since there was still furr there. The attempts to pull himself free failed as the groin held firmly on his head and Galileo grabbed his paws.

"I'm not letting you go free dear wahsune." With his friend's paws in his grasp, he brought them to his shaft and had them sink right into the gooey flesh as it started to droop and envelope him. Grabbing onto the wahsune's sides, Galileo lifted him out of his chair and laid him out on the floor as he sat down. The new position making things much easier for the bother of them. Pink gooey flesh of his shaft wrapped the shoulders and chest of the wahsune.

Mekuto wasn't going to give up too easily though especially since he was denied having dinner before Galileo decided to claim him for himself. Wiggling and trying to pull away as he was getting pulled into the gooey flesh. The mountain dew voltage musk of the lucario starting to get to him as it filled his sense of smell. Keeping his mouth closed, not wanting to taste or eat any of the cum sloshing around him.

The struggling only excited Galileo further as he grabbed onto the wahsune's hips and lifted him up into the air. Holding him very loosely, allowing gravity to slowly sink into the gooey cock and balls. "You'll make lovely lucario spunk, Mekuto. Might even convert my cum into code red with your cherry flavor."

Pressing his paws out against the gooey flesh inside the balls, Mekuto felt the gooey flesh stretch out as far as he could reach but unable to break out of it. Mekuto only able to think about how his hoodie was going to be ruined from the lucario's cum and goo. Huffing as he started to give into the lucario, feeling the warm goo and cum around his body as he sunk in. His wiggling starting back up as he felt the lucario's paws work on his pants and pull them off.

Teasing the wahsune slightly as he felt Mekuto squirm at the touch to his groin. Galileo enjoying his friends squirms as he started to re solidify his balls just enough to squeeze on his sack with his legs and smush the wahsune within a little. Suddenly reminded of the wahsune's five tails as they whapped against him in an attempt to stop the teasing. Grinning to himself as he bit down on one of those tails then grabbed onto the others with his paws. Pushing the large tails down into his gooey balls to hold the tails in place and pacify them.

Licking over the wahsune's last free tail as he enjoyed the black cherry flavor of his friend. Watching the hips disappear into his gooey groin. With just the legs left, Galileo started to resolidified himself completely. Mekuto's leg and tail soon feeling the tight embrace of the lucario's shaft around him. Keeping the tail in his muzzle, Galileo relaxed as he felt his shaft slowly claim the rest of the wahsune. Soon letting the tail go as he felt a tug from his shaft working on slurping up that long noodly tail.

Leaning back, Galileo pushed down on the paws and pressed them into his shaft. Rubbing along the underside of his shaft as he felt the wahsune disappear down his cock and into his orbs. A big grin on his face as the tail was slurped down into the shaft, making Mekuto completely his. Squeezing over the sides of his large bulging sack with his legs and footpaws while he kneaded over the top of it with his paws.

Inside Mekuto was already feeling the effects of the cum on his body as it clung to his body and started to melt his fur down, turning him into it. Wiggling and pushing at the paws kneading at him as he tried to resist it even though he knew it was useless to as he would be turned into lucario cum knowing his friend. Pool of cum slowly rising around him as his body softened, more and more of his body turned into the lucario's spunk. Surprised as he felt his hoodie unaffected by the lucario's cum.

Humming to himself as he kneaded over the bulges in his sack for a short time. Getting up once he felt his friend start to soften out with his orbs getting rounder in shape. Walking to the other side of the table just to have an excuse to slosh the cum in his sack along with Mekuto to tease him some more. Sitting down in his chair, Galileo started putting things on his own plate to eat while he continued to use his legs to slosh his sack.

Mekuto would grumble if he could but his voice was all but gone with how far he had come along in the process of turning into the lucario's cum. The sloshing not helping at all as he was pushed up against one side of the sack then the other. His wiggling doing nothing but helping slosh the cum in the sack more, not even able to make much of a bulge now. It wasn't long until he felt his consciousness start to slip and sunk below the cum completely as he became a part of it.

Leaning back in his chair once he finished his plate, Galileo rubbed over his belly as it swelled slightly from all the food he ate. Reaching a bit further down, he rubbed over his balls feeling the wahsune all but gone minus the hoodie still inside. Gooifying his balls just enough to reach in and grab the hoodie inside, pulling it out. Chuckling as he looked over it, seeing it soaked in his cum. Giving it a lick he did indeed taste a more code red esque cum with the wahsune's flavor mixing right in. "Mmhmm tasty wahsune, will have to wash your hoodie before I bring you back."

Getting up, Galileo made his way to the laundry room to toss it in the dirty clothes. Feeling his balls slowly shrink as the air inside escaped and the cum condensed leaving him with basketball sized balls. Grabbing the rest of the wahsune's clothes and shoes, he set them aside while he cleaned up the mess. Skunkhase should be arriving soon and he should have his place looking nice for his trainer after all.

Perking his ears up as he heard the doorbell, Galileo rushed over to the door and opened it. Hugging the skunk bunny tightly, giving him a lick on the cheek. "Hello trainer, hope your trip over was good and didn't run into much trouble. Had another guest over but he's a bit melted down at the moment." Galileo chuckled a bit and pressed his still naked groin against his trainer's hip.

Closing the door, Galileo led him inside and pinned his trainer down on the couch. "Galileo I just got here, can we eat first?"

"No my dear trainer, you're a tasty thing and I need you in me." Galileo said as he grinded against the skunk bunny's rear and start to soften his body into a gooey state. "You know this is where you would of ended up by the end of the night anyways dear trainer." Once he was completely in a gooey state, Galileo was partially see through for most of his body objects on the other side were just a blueish blur.

Before his trainer could reply or try and stop the pokemon, Galileo opened his jaws then closed them over his head. Trapping Skunkhase's head inside the goo of his own, he could feel the skunk wiggle a bit as he tried to pull his head free from the goo. Tearing the clothes off of with his goo and throwing them off to the side. Galileo wanted to fill his trainer inside out with his goo to quicken the process, allowing him to absorb him faster. Pressing his gooey shaft against his trainers pucker before pushing it inside.

With each thrust, he was so much pulling out as he was pushing more goo inside, filling the skunk bunny slowly but surely. Forcing him to swallow the goo around his head and he forced it down his throat. His limbs enveloping Skunkhase's own as he filled the skunk bunny, soon leaving him trapped completely within his goo. Form changing from that of an anthro to more of a blob as he forced the skunk to curl up within him. Telepathically soothing his trainer to sleep, filling his head with images of him as pudge on his gut.

Once he was completely curled up and relaxing, Galileo slowly started to pull himself together back into anthro form. Inside him, his trainer was slowly becoming his goo as he melted the skunk bunny down into it. Sitting upright once his legs and arms were formed, the goo lucario rubbed over his gut. "That's a good, yummy trainer."

Reaching into his gut, Galileo poked his trainer and felt how close the skunk bunny was to being his. Inside Galileo could feel his trainer was almost completely in a gooey state now and soon he would absorb him into his goo. Black, white and red blur of the skunk bunny inside slowly faded away into the blue of the lucario as he resolidified completely. Fur and other coloration returning to him after a few minutes.

Laying down on the couch, Galileo looked down at his belly of which was nice and round from his meal. Reaching down, the lucario rubbed over his gut enjoying the feeling of being ful as his stomach worked on absorbing the gooey remains of his trainer. Yawning as he started to feel tired from all of the excitement today. It wasn't long until his eyes felt heavy and started to nod off on his couch to rest off his meals.

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