Sexual Adventures Of Jordan

Story by Devil_Cat on SoFurry

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#1 of Sexual Adventures Of Jordan

This story contains self pleasure and WILL contain sex in the future. If you dont not approve of sex or self pleasure dont read this story. It all started about three in a half years ago I had finally worked up the courage to tell my parents I was dating another girl instead of a guy. I always knew that I liked girls just as much as I liked guys. Though the problem was the girl I was dating was 25 and I was only 16. I guess Ill just start there. "Mama, daddy I need to talk to you about something important" She looks at them a hint of fear in her eyes. Her father was a big bear with a gruff outside but he had the kindest eyes ever. He had short graying brown fur 75 percent of his fur was gray he stood about 7 feet even and weighed about 550 pounds. It was gray to his navel where it stopped suddenly like the lower part of his body stopped it there. At the time he was only wearing a pair of navy blue sweats because he couldnt find many shirts to fit him though he always tried too. Her mother on the other hand was a small blood red colored vixen. She stood about 5'3" she had a exceptionally huge breasts and weighed aroung 250-300 pounds. "Can, um, we go to your room to talk I dont want everyone to hear what im going to tell you guys." "Sure Jordan you know you can talk to us about anything sweety." Her father looked over his daughter with a eyebrow cocked with a questioning look then nodded. He knew that she had to tell them something since she got back from her grandmothers. His two daughters where spending there sophmore year with his mates mother. So that the two of them could have a somewhat normal school year. He runs his gaze over her. She was already taller then her mother she stood about 5' 8" already at her full height. She pure black everywhere except for her stomach which was the same blood red as her mothers. The tip of her ears where red as was the tip of her tail. Her sister looked exactly like her almost. There was only one way to tell the two apart. Jordans wore glasses and her right eye had a patch of red on it she tried to hide by her hair. Her bangs where a lot longer then the back of her hair which was short and usually spiked. Her mother sighed and grumbled something as she logged off the computer she was playing the game she was addicted to and talking to the other male who had caught her gaze. She gets away from the computer and goes back to her bedroom with the two of them following her. As she gets there she sits on the bed the box spring groaning slightly as her mate sits down next to her. "Mama, daddy... I really need to talk to you about something thats bothering me. I think that the both of you should know." She takes in a deep breath before sitting down the ground and leaning against a wall like she usually did while talking to her parents about something important. "Im dating a girl!" She closes her eyes and waits expectantly for her mother to start yelling and cursing at her like she did every time she did something her mother didnt like. She was waiting to be told to get the hell out of the house and to never come back. Thats what she was expecting not what came next. "Alright and? Its probably just a phase Jordan theres nothing really we can do about it. Is there?" Shelia her mother asks with a sarcastic tone in her voice. Her father studies her for a second knowing what she was going to expect. "Jordan, honey, come here." He pats her knee for her to sit on it like she did when she was a cub. Jordan slowly pulls herself to her footpaws and sits softly on her fathers knee resting her cheek against his chest fur. "Daddy are you disappointed in me?" She nuzzles her cheek lightly on the fur of his chest. Her father wraps a arm around her waiste smilling a little. "Baby girl no im not disappointed in you. Id rather have you dating a girl then going out there and getting yourself knocked up. A beatiful girl like you needs to finish school." Jordan giggles softly. "Daddy youve got to say im beatiful cause I'm your daughter." At this point in time they where both ingnoring Shelia. Her mother starts to talk. "Jo how old is this girl your dating?" Shes sitting on the bed cross legged with her arms folded under her breasts. "Well mama shes 25." She looks down at her lap waiting to be reprimaned "Jo you cant be dating someone that age its illegal and besides shes probably just using you" She glares at her daughter not the least bit happy about the other girls age or that it was another female for that fact. Jordan jumps out of her fathers lap with a outraged look on her face. "Mama your just saying that because you dont want me happy. You want me to be miserable just like you are! I hate you!" She throws open her parents room door and nearly smacks her little sister in the muzzle. Tears streaming down her face she runs into her bedroom not seeing the evil gaze her father was giving to her mother. She throws herself face down onto the bed crying. She feels her bed tilt down as someone sits on the bed next to her. She sniffs slightly smell her sisters unique smell from the shampoo she uses. "Go away Andria I dont want you to bother me right now." "Jordan you told mam and dad about you and Bi didnt you? I told you not too." She places her paw lightly on her older sisters shoulder. "What did they say hon?" She sits up and rubs at her eyes. "Mama got mad at me. Daddy just said hed rather me be dating a girl so I didnt get knocked up. Mama's a evil little bitch. I hate her Andy. She doesnt understand me. All she can do is critisize me and put me down." She rubs her upper left arm lightly where the bruise was when she first got there from her Grandmothers room. * * *

Three Years Later And Many Problems And Break-Ups Later Jordan sat at her computer desk wondering what she should do. She knew what she should be doing. She should be out looking for a job. But she hadnt been able to see her father or sister or little brother for over a year. She conquered drug and alchol abuse problems she developed after her mother and father broke up there mateship. Her mother ended up running off with Jared her little brother and Andria her little sister. She got kicked out of her dads house after his latest ex came back and took over her old job taking care of her disabled father. She had to drop out of school and move in with her mother. There relationship never got any better. Her mothers new man in her life was a bastard who she hated and wanted to hurt badly. All he did was sit on his ass and play computer games just like her mother did. They had lived off of Jordan for close to four months. Till one day her mothers boyfriend started to hit on her because her mother was being a bitch and wouldnt let him touch her. So that next day she talked to a friend and ended up movin a few states away. She lived there for a while and got a job then got fired from that said job and ended up moving in with her grandmother. She knew she was supposed to be looking for a job but she tried and wasnt able to find one because of the lack of her finishing her education. She broke up with her boyfriend and was getting really sexually frustrated. She knew that she did it for a bogus reason to other but to her it was a good reason. She spent most of her time alone. She thinks for a few moments and then types in in the search bar. She glared at her computer after a minute of it taking to get to the page she wanted to get too. "Finally!" She mutters to herself as she gets there. She clicks onto the females searching for females link. She starts to read a few of them before sighing quietly to herself and making out a profile for herself saying that she needed some sex badly and was tired of guys and just wanting to try some girl on girl stuff for a while. It was about two am when she posted a picture of herself. She now had a lip ring and a tongue piercing. She had her ears posted a few times as well. She wore her hair up now a days it no longer being short so she didnt even have to brush it. She stopped trying to hide the fur around her right eye. She figured that someone she met and the one she was meant for wouldnt care about it. She sighed as she got up from the computer not bothering to shut it off since she was home alone during the week and it was only a wednesday. She headed towards the bathroom stripping her clothes off as she does. Dropping her tank top in the hall along with her bra. Her breast bouncing free as she does. As she gets into the bathroom she stops at the mirror and glares at her reflection. She sucks in her stomach and her chubby cheeks. She had started gaining weight again. She slowly brings up a paw and presses her stomach further into herself trying to make herself skinnier that way. She huffs as she pulls away her paw and her stomach bounces back out. "Stupid body! Why cant it look like the ones the models have. Oh forget it. Ill never be able to look like them anyways. My body shapes not meant for that type of look." She walks over to the shower and turning the water so that its as hot as it can be before she turn on the cold water to cool it a little before stepping into the shower. She sighs softly as she the water casades down her body wetting her fur. She shoves her head beneith the shower head to get her head fur wet. After her whole bodies throughly wet she picks up her favorite fur wash and smells at it appercaitivly. "Mm I love the scent of vanilla. Its so delicious." She starts to work the furwash into her fur quickly working it all over her body before rinsing it out. After she washes the fur wash out she bring her paws to her neck fur and slowly runs them down the front of her body to make sure it was all out. She stops at her breasts and gently plays with her nipples making them pebble slightly from the feeling of her fingers playing with them. After they finish pebbling she gently pinchs them moaning softly as she exerts more pressure slightly. Her tail wrapping around her thigh. She leaves one of her left paw to play with her nipples as she slowly drags her nails along her stomach to slowly slip between her nether lips and gently starts to caress her clit. She spreads her legs farther apart as she does, the paw that was playing with her nipples going to rest on the wall in front of her without her realizing it. She starts to harshly caress her clit pinching and pulling at it. She whimpers softly as she feels her juices furtherly wet her paw. She stops pinching and pulling at her clit as she starts to slowly rub it gently as she does the sudden change of pressure and pleasure send her over the edge. She yips loudly then groans lightly. Her toes stretching out her tail unwinding itself from her leg and pointing straight back. She shudders softly her eyes fluttering open having closed at some point in time of her pleasuring herself. "Oh god I needed that." She turns off the shower water after rinsing herself off once more. She shakes herself off getting as much water off of her fur as she does. She steps over the ledge of the bathtub and grabbing up the towel. She starts to work the towel along her fur drying it off the rest of the way. She drops her towel onto the bathroom floor ontop of her pants. She walks into her bedroom and grabs up the clothes she laid out that morning and slips them on forgoing the jeans and just putting on the overly large shirt she wears. She quietly slips into bed not noticing the beeping from the computer in the living room indicating she had a e-mail. She slowly falls asleep drifting off into the nightmares she has nightly. She curls herself around her tail in her sleep and whimpers quietly as she does. Her dreams terrifying her a tear slipping through her eyelid as she sleeps and trails down her cheek. Four hours later she slowly wakes up sitting up in bed as she does. She shudders harshly remembering her terrifying nightmares. She can hardly sleep now a days without the nightmares haunting her while she sleeps. She rubs at her eyes before slowly getting out of bed. She grabs the heavy wood cane resting next to her bed and slowly walks through the house making sure nothings missing and that theres not any unwelcome company. After she finish her morning scan of the house. She quietly puts the cane back from where she got it. She heads to the bathroom and quickly takes care of her business. Going pee then washing her hands and brushing her teeth. She picks up her fur brush and strips so that she can brush all of her fur. She slowly works the brush through her fur making it all soft and shiny before she puts back on her clothes. She heads into her room slipping on her jeans. She walks bare footed to the computer in the living room. She wiggles the mouse around turning the computer screen back on. She walks into the kitchen and grabs a package of pop tarts. Opening them back up as she heads to the computer again. She quickly signs into her e-mail and clicks onto the inbox. She gasps slightly as she sees how many replies she got from the ad she posted. She quickly goes through them deleting all the fake looks ones and replying to the ones she assumes that are real. She sits there for a few moments before she gets a reply from a few of them. She rolls her eyes. "Jesus these fucking computer responses. If they wanted to seem real they wouldnt have them reply so soon." She goes back through them deleting them automatically she comes to one from some girl named Ley. She clicks on it and quickly scans the e-mail before replying timidly. "Maybe this one is real.. I got a picture from her.." She studies the picture for a moment then smiles a little. "Shes kinda pretty." She reachs for her pack of smokes standing up she hits send and walks outside to check the mail. The e-mail from Ley stickin to her mind as she lights up her smoke she takes a slow drag from it. As she continues to think of Ley and what questions she should ask her. She puts out her smoke as she heads back into the house quickly closing the door and looking out as she does making sure she wasnt followed though it wasnt more then 50 feet to the mailbox and back. She locks the door and heads back to the computer preparing for another day of veggin out in front of the computer screen. Well thats the begining of the story for now. This is the only first chapter so just the begining of it. Continue to read along through Jordans adventures to see where they lead her.