A Fox Behind Bars part 15

Story by Wip on SoFurry

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#15 of A Fox Behind Bars

Part 15! Drama, sex and character development!

I think this is one one the better parts so far. I know improvement is an ongoing process, with many backslides, but this part just seemed to come out better than I feared it would. And I got to practice interactions with more than two characters at a time (add that to the list of things I need to work on).

Thank you for reading, and, as always, criticisms, comments, suggestions, etc, etc, etc, are all helpful

Hope you enjoy!


It took me two days of frantic work to get Dimitri to bend his usually intransigent will and allow Jake to sit with us during lunch. That was two days of letting the tiger use me as the best pet I could be. Two days of utter humiliation and biting my tongue. Two days of coaxing Jake out of hiding. Two days of half meals as I snuck as much as my pockets could hold back to the damaged fox. It might have been the lack of sleep and food talking, but it felt like the most honest work I'd ever done.

I got the impression that Dimitri was humoring me in my gentle approach to Jake, that his solution wasn't to build trust and confidence in the poor fox, but to finish the process of breaking him. It was everything I could do to keep Jake from getting turned into a hollow shell, fit only to be filled with cum, then sold off when he became too pathetic and disgusting for Vince to make enough money off of him.

I wasn't alone in my quest of course. I had Hash. My coyote friend was always there for me. And even if he thought I was on a fool's errand, he never tried to talk me out of it or make fun of me. He did everything he could to help. His modesty made him blush when I told him my plan to save Jake's sanity was barely more complicated than bringing Jake and him together for one of his uplifting talks. Hash promised me he would do what he could. Unfortunately aside from getting Vince to lighten my workload today, a majority of the work was still my responsibility.

I was in my corner, gnawing my nails, when the PA system blared its grating klaxxon. I lept to my feet while Dimitri grumbled and got off his bunk.

He took one look at me in my excited state and shook his head. "Don't get to worked up about this. If it doesn't work, I don't want to have to deal with a depressed pet."

"No, sir. I would never. But, I really think if Jake can just see you the way I do, he'll see how lucky he is and do everything he can to please you," I twisted bashfully, "like me." I sold the half-truth with soft whimper that I knew turned Dimitri on.

He smiled, his eyes flickering with lust, and put his hand on my shoulder. His thumb swirled circles between my neck and collarbone. "Such a good boy," he murmured.

The doors ratcheted open giving me a welcome reprieve from the inevitable order to pleasure him. I waited for Dimitri's nodded permission before dashing out the cell to make sure Jake was ready. The red fox was perched on the edge of his bunk, holding his knees against his chest.


He shrugged.

I held my arm out. "C'mon," I said with a smile. "I took care of everything. Dimitri's gonna protect you in the cafeteria."

Jake shrugged again at some internal dialogue he must have been having and came to his cell door. With a deep sigh he exited. I glanced back. Dimitri was keeping his distance so he wouldn't spook Jake. The doors clanged shut with a reverberating finality and I started talking, hoping to keep Jake's mind from dwelling on any one thing for too long.

"This is great timing, you know?" I said to him. "It's taco thursday. I would have had a hard time sneaking you one of those."

Jake smiled, but didn't laugh. He was not a very talkative fox. Aside from polite thank yous, or questions that demanded more than a yes or no answer, it was hard to get anything out of him.

I stood to the side, telling Jake about how I was thinking about getting a haircut, until Dimitri caught up with us. We fell in behind the tiger as he lead us to the cafeteria. I kept looking at Jake for any clue as to how he was dealing with it. So far so good.

Jake was unaccustomed to strolling right into the food line. A lot of the weaker furs chose to wait until there was less of a line. There was a nasty epidemic of dessert snatching if you weren't under someone's protection. I smiled at another of the fringe benefits that came with the big tiger.

A gap opened up between us as I asked the kitchen staff for extra lettuce and the rat behind the counter asked if I wanted it crammed down my throat of shoved up my ass. I told him to go fuck himself and scurried to catch up with Dimitri.

Waiting at the end of the queue was Piter. I stopped so suddenly, Jake nearly rammed his taco into my back.

"Jake," Piter said. "Haven't seen you in a while."

"Leave us alone," I said.

Max and another wolf were backing Piter up. They laughed. "Regal, you remember what I told you, right? Tomorrow's friday and I better find your pussy-ass tight and clean."

I shrank back. "Th-the Alphas said you can't do that anymore," I tried for authoritative, but it sounded scared and plaintive in my own ears.

It sounded that way to Piter judging by the husky's smirk. "Let's go, Jake. We saved you a spot under the table."

I glanced at Jake in time to see him give a firm shake of the head. It steeled my resolve to know Jake wasn't running back to the abusive husky. I clenched my fists and said, "he's with us now."

Piter made a show of looking around. "Us?"

Damn Dimitri! He was halfway across the cafeteria now, lost in his own thoughts. "We're going," I announced, but as I made a move Max stepped to block my way. I was debating if this was the appropriate moment to scream for help when I heard another familiar voice.

"Regal, come on, Dimitri's gonna be pissed if he finds you caught fleas from Piter."

Sanders! The lion put his arm around me, balancing his tray. His other hand rested on Jake's shoulder. He guided us quickly past the husky, not giving him enough time to decide if this was worth a fight.

"See you tomorrow," I heard Piter growl after me.

I looked up at my rescuer. "Thanks, sir." My heart was beating so fast I wondered if it made my voice was shaking.

"I told you, you don't have to call me 'sir'. Is Jake with Dimitri now, too?" He was walking fast, arms still forcing us to keep up.

"Yes. But don't worry, Dimitri said he would sit with us at a neutral table until Vince finds some place safe for him to sit."

"Nonsense," Sanders said jovially. "He can sit at our usual table. I know it's not normal, but having you guys there really seems to piss off the other asshole dogs. No offence."

Dimitri was standing by a table a few rows from where we usually sat, scowling at our approach. His face demanded I give him an explanation. I was about to offer the best excuse I could think of, but Sanders beat me to it.

"Piter was messing with your boys. I took care of it before Regal started kicking his ass."

Dimitri's anger cracked with a sharp laugh. I didn't care if it was kind of at my expense.

Dimitri stood close to me, I tensed, assuming he was going to strike me for almost getting in trouble but all he did was flick my nose. I yelped out of surprise rather than pain. "You need to keep up, pet. Or maybe I should look into getting a leash," he said with a smile.

Sanders watched Dmitri motion me and Jake to sit. "Come sit at your usual spot. Everyone's gotten used to Regal, and one more fox won't make a difference."

"Don't need your charity. I'm fine here," Dimitri grumbled.

"It's not charity. Us felines stick together," Sanders insisted.

While Sanders hammered away at Dimitri's stubbornness, I leaned over to Jake. "Dimitri thought you might be a little uncomfortable sitting with the felines, but you can see, some of them are pretty cool." Jake nodded at the lie. The truth was Dimitri had to be willing to fight just to let me sit at their table, and he just didn't think it would be worth the hassle of another fight if things didn't work out with Jake.

"Fine." Dimitri picked up his tray and stormed off toward his usual seat, finally relenting to Sanders' insistence.

Sanders turned to me. "He's friendlier since you became his cellie. Good work, Regal." He patted my head and followed after Dimitri.

Don't wag, I silently screamed to my tail.

Me and Jake ate our tacos, sides and scraped the trays with our plastic spoons. Neither of us had had a full meal in several days. Dimitri kept up his air of aloofness, only asking a few short questions, to which Jake would shake his head yes or no. The conversation would be less than lively with these two, I thought with a sigh.

Jake understood his role would not change much from when he worked for Piter, except Vince would be getting him more jobs. But on the plus side, Dimitri wasn't as interested in using him as his personal servant and fuck-toy. He had me for that.

Jake had heard of Vince, according to his nods, but when Dimitri asked his opinion on what he'd heard, Jake only shrugged and they both seemed content to let the subject drop.

When Dimitri decided we were done the three of us left for the Yard.


It was warming up, I thought as I settled on only buttoning my coat halfway. I looked over at Jake to tell him but he had this distant look in his eyes and was taking deep breaths. He saw me staring.

"Piter hates the cold. We only went out in summer."

"Oh." That was the most he'd said voluntarily all day. "Do you like the cold," I asked, immediately thinking it was a stupid question.

"No. But it's nice to get outside, anyways."

I searched for a follow up, just to keep him talking, but Dimitri was through the open doors so we took off after him.

Vince and his pack had taken to congregating near our exit. It was nice neutral ground and Dimitri wasn't the type to meet anyone halfway across the Yard. "You fix the problem?" the tiger asked.

Vince rolled his eyes. "It's never, 'hello, buddy, how are you?' It's always business. I'm starting to think you don't like me."

"I don't," said Dimitri. "Did you fix the problem?"

The problem was Blake's new snitch. The fix, I assumed, was to aerate the loose-lipped panda with something pointy. The less I knew, the better.

"He's in solitary. You need to give him some time to make some enemies. We don't want this tied back to Ellie."

Not happy, but satisfied with the answer, Dimitri nodded and relaxed his stance.

Vince turned his attention to me and Jake, "There's my newest aqua- akwer-," he glanced at Hash.

"Acquisition," the coyote helped.

"Right. Come here," Vince motioned to Jake.

Vince could be kind of creepy at the best of times. With what Jake had gone through in the last week, he was understandably skittish towards the wolf. I felt his hand grasp the back of my coat. "It's ok," I whispered. "I'll go with you."

I walked slowly to Vince, Jake dragged behind me like a trailer. Hash flashed a quick thumbs up. It must have been odd for him to see me as the one with more confidence. It was weird to me too.

"Don't be afraid." Vince looked over at Dimitri, "is he always this timid?"

I took a chance and spoke up. "Piter is a fucking asshole. Of course Jake has some trust issues. Let's give him a break."

"Pet," Dimitri said.

"Sorry, sir." I'd probably pay for that outburst later, but it felt so good to be defending someone who wasn't myself. My guilt over what Dimitri, and to a lesser extent, I, did to Jake would take a long time to atone for.

"He's right," Vince said. " Piter is an asshole. I want you to know I'm a lot better to work for. You've got my word that I'll do what I can to make sure you don't get hurt. And if you do, you've got me, Greg and Dimitri to settle the score."

Jake's grip on my coat loosened.

Vince and Greg closed in on him. "Fucking beautiful," Vince muttered under his breath, running his hands through Jakes fur. "Natural red too. How the fuck could Piter not be making money?"

Greg reached out his grubby hand and felt Jake too. "Red foxes are fun."

I snorted at that. I wasn't bitter exactly, but as a gray fox I've had to deal with this bullshit my whole life. Everyone ooh's and ahh's over a fucking red fox. It's just a fucking fur color. With modern dye-jobs any fur could ditch their earthtones and become a fucking rainbow if they wanted. And I don't see anyone grabbing Dimitri's ass. Now his fur is beautiful... even if it does clash garishly with the more bland colors of the prison.

As they fawned over Jake's oh-so-awesome genetic make up, I managed to back away to sulk. Before I knew it, Hash was next to me.

"Well, I like your fur," he seemed to be reading my thoughts.

"Thank you," I stopped frowning. "And I like yours." I liked more than his fur, but that wasn't something I'd say unless I thought it was mutual. The last thing I needed was for things to get awkward with my only friend.

"Dimitri's headphones came in this morning. I'm going to try to get them to you tomorrow so you can be the one that gives them to him." The envy and jealousy I felt towards Jake melted away. Jake might have bright red fur, but even if it was for only a few hours a day, I had Hash.

"We should probably rescue him before Vince starts stripping him," I commented.

My brief retreat did not go unnoticed. Jake glared accusingly at me as Greg fondled his ear. "Ok," I said, "now that we all know each other, can me and Hash talk with him? I'm sure you and Dimitri have other business to discuss."

"What's the hurry, Ellie? I haven't taken Jake for a test spin yet," Vince said.

Fuck. I'd repressed that part. Jake looked at me, eyes wide. "It's his first day with you, can't you give him time to acclimate?" I asked.

Vince laughed. "His first day was when I talked to the Alphas. From what I hear, he's been hiding in his cell since then. And I do like the initiative you showed in covering for him, but it's time he earns his keep."

I looked to Hash, but he's been too cowed by Vince to make standing up to him a regular occurrence. I turn to Dimitri, silently pleading for him to back me up. Dimitri's face twists in momentary indecision.

"I fucked him," Dimitri tells Vince. "I'll vouch for him being able to whore it up."

Jake winces at the memory, but both of us foxes are looking at Vince as if to say "see? No need to do this."

Vince's ear twitched, "you fucked him? I figured you wouldn't be interested, what with living with Ellie. It's the red fur, isn't it?" Dimitri rolled his eyes. "See," Vince complained, "it's like we don't even know each other."

"Let's keep it that way," Dimitri rumbled. "Besides, it's not like you can just fuck him out here, in front of all these furs."

"I've got an arrangement with the guards. We'll use the shed. Did you want to join us?"

Jake grabbed the back my coat again like I was a shield. I was blowing the trust I'd built with Jake. "Please, Vince? Give him another day."

Vince shook his head. "You know I'll be gentle. It's just how I work. Now. come along Jake."

Jake whined, grabbing my arm with his free hand, firmly digging in.

"Don't make this difficult," Vince said. "I can have Greg join us, if you don't want to be cooperative."

Jake whimpered.

"How about Dimitri?" Vince asked. "Would you feel more comfortable if he was with you when we fuck?"

Jake's whimper grew to a pitiful wailing. If it wasn't obvious that was a bad idea, Dimitri add, "I'm not gonna watch you screw him." I was kind of surprised Dimitri was still there. Typically, he'll discuss business with Vince and get a list of who needs to pay what over Cellblock-H's gambling debts, then he'd leave me and spend his Yard time working out in the feline territory.

"W-what if I went along?" I asked Jake and Vince.

Vince laughed, but I felt Jake's death-grip on my coat and arm loosen slightly. "I can go a-and make sure Vince doesn't hurt you," I offered Jake.

"For fucks sake, Ellie! You know I'm not like that," Vince said loudly.

"But Jake doesn't know that," I countered. I felt Jake release my arm.

Vince was about to speak but Dimitri cut him off. "You dogs over complicate everything. Jake, do you want Regal to supervise?" Jake nodded. "Any objections, Vince?"


"Done." Dimitri started to walk off towards the feline territory. "How many dogs does it take to screw in a light bulb?" he asked himself. "I dunno, but they'll get a twenty member committee together to explore their fuckin' options for a week before doing anything!"

"Heh," laughed Vince once Dimitri was out of earshot. "Cats."


Jake didn't let go of my coat on the walk to the shed, but he didn't need to be dragged kicking and screaming either. I tried to cheer him up, telling him what happened to me when Vince took me to audition for him. Vince made that incredibly awkward by being right there, bragging about his performance. Hash remained silent. I knew he was observing everything, but I wished he could have done something to help, even if it would have been futile.

Vince left us at the door to one of the Yard's maintenance sheds to fetch one of the guards on the Pack's payroll. Greg kept a keen eye on me, Jake and Hash. Jake seemed to be struggling with whether or not to say something.

"What?" I prompted.

Jake looked at Greg and Hash. He leaned in close to me and whispered, "promise you won't let it go too far."

His airy whisper made it impossible to tell if it was a question, demand or prayer. It stung my guilty conscience like he was asking me to fulfill the unspoken debt I accrued by being a spineless bystander. "I promise," I told him. I searched for more to say but came up with nothing. The oppressive silence of waiting for the inevitable drained away the realness of it all, casting the scene in a hazy gray when I'd look back on it.

Vince's boisterous voice heralded his return, giving me his half of the conversation with the more discreet guard.

"Both of them put on leave?... Any idea who squealed?... I'll put some feelers out, but Blake is a cunning cunt."

They could only be talking about one thing: Herb's snitching had an impact. This also meant Blake wasn't working for the Pack. It was hard to believe that that same son of a bitch who was determined to make my life as hellish as he could before snuffing it out, wouldn't be caught up in the endemic corruption of the prison. Maybe he was working for one of the other factions, I wondered. It was something I'd have to ask Hash about when I had time.

The guard looked at our little crowd with distaste. "You having an orgy?"

"No, no," assured Vince. "Greg, take Hash for a walk."

I glared at Vince for ordering my friend around like that. Hash, always the better fur, looked more worried to be leaving me alone with Vince and Jake, than looking submissive. I heard the snapping and unsnapping of his coat button, a nervous habit, as Greg gave him a shove to start the pair off towards the cluster of tables at the core of Pack territory.

"You know the drill," the guard said.

Vince did, and by the looks of it his attention had shifted full to his newest whore. His eyes burned with a wanting that I remembered fondly from my time with Tox. Did Vince look that way at me when he took me here? And why was I so quick to jealousy with Jake?

We entered, Jake's hand immediately found the light. He'd been here before. I guess it shouldn't have surprised me, Jake and Piter, and Vince, and even me, were ostensibly part of the same greater Pack, sharing its resources.

"Who the hell keeps moving these?" Vince grumbled as he crafted a crude couch out of bags of fertilizer and pest poison. A fitting metaphor for this place. "Ellie, why don't you sit next to me and relax a little?"

Jake's hand had to have been getting sore, he still had an iron grip on the back of my coat, and it just tightened. "I'm fine here."

Vince cracked a smile. "You act like you have a choice. Jake, get naked. Ellie, sit!" He patted the stacked bags next to him.

I sighed. "You gotta let go. I- I'll be here with you the whole time. Just do what he says and it'll go fast," I told the scared fox.

"Was that a dig at my stamina?" Vince laughed. "I didn't hear any complaints from you before."

Jake let my coat slip from his fingers.

"You might recall, I was too concerned with the hypothermia that was setting in." I turned to Jake to tell him how Vince made me do this when it was at least thirty degrees colder, but Jake wasn't hesitating like I did. He was shirtless, his hands were fumbling at his pants. I sat next to the leering, one-eared wolf as he salivated to the red fox shimmying out of his prison uniform. Inwardly I shook my head at seeing a fellow fox degraded like this, yet again. It was bad enough when I let myself get debased, watching Jake was utterly demoralizing.

"That's it," Vince whistled. "Fuckin' pro," he declared with a slap on my arm.

I crossed my arms and looked away. Determined not to add to Jake's embarrassment. I tried to keep the stolen glances to a minimum, but got a sudden need to cross my legs after seeing Jake bend over, twirling his tail to give a us tantalizing show of his ass, dancing to the music in his head.

"Get hard now," Vince called.

Jake had the same glazed look to him as the day I first met him. It was one of the few images of that day that didn't turn me into an emotional bundle of nerves. Jake kept an enigmatic smile, his half-lidded eyes focused somewhere behind us. He was getting through this on pure survival instinct, distancing his feelings from the harsh reality. Soft, theatrical moans with every agonizingly slow tug down his stiffening cock.

Vince's pants were tented, a slick spot of precum soon to appear. He stretched his arms out, one of them coming to rest casual around my shoulders, like I was his cheap date he brought to the strip club. I shrugged him off. He beckoned Jake closer for a hands on lap dance. Jake straddled Vince's legs, grinding into the wolf's barely contained erection.

Vince held the fox still, then took over the rhythmic stroking of Jake's member. The moans became less for show and more a cry for release. Vince abruptly and sadisticly stopped. Jake and I both groaned, making me realize I'd been mesmerized by the sexual display. I tugged my shirt over my knees and leaned forward in an all too obvious attempt to hide the evidence of my enjoyment.

Jake attempted to thrust into Vince's hand, always kept a few inches too distant. The whimpering fox's frustration was bring him close to tears. Vince stood, holding Jake still while moving behind him. Vince's pants dropped, followed by a surprised yelp from Jake.

Jake was becoming lust-crazed, attempting to back into the wolf with the wicked grin.

"You want to cum, don't you, baby?"

Jake nodded fervently.

I wanted to, too.

"Ellie, do you want to help us out?" Vince had to practically restrain Jake to keep him from shooting his load.

My raging hardon answered for me. "Yes," anything, just let me cum too!

Vince orchestrated me and Jake like sex crazed puppets, ordering me to give him a wet blow job while he held tightly to Jake, making him watch. I knelt there, slavering over the wolf's cock, Vince's hand beginning to probe Jake's hole, adding shrill moaning to Vince's increasingly breathless, hollow platitudes. I felt the contraction in his balls and was pushed away before finishing him. I watched, dismayed, as he pulled Jake back into him, impaling the red fox on the cock I'd lubed. Jake howled at the first push. Pain demanding he run, but I saw the change in his face as his body yielded to promised pleasure if could just hold out a while longer.

I felt cheated. Where was my promise of pleasure? I listened to the aural torture of the two of them, the grunts, the heavy breathing, the nonsensical exultations. Jake could barely stand, leaning forward and seemingly held on his feet by Vince. My despairing whimpers joined their symphony.

"Ellie," Vince huffed out between pumps. "Suck him off."

Shedding what remained of my dignity, I leapt at the chance to join back in, ducking under Jake's hunched form. He held onto me for support. Amazingly, he was still present enough when his hands began steering my head, not to use my ears as handle bars. Strange that my thoughts went there, instead of the leaking cock pushing to the back of my throat, but it was like my conscience wanted to stab me in the dick with how thoughtful Jake could be and how self absorbed I always was. Before my racing mind could process what it all meant, Jake erupted, startling me and filling my mouth with sweet and salty strands of fox cum.

Jake's orgasm caused him to clench, exactly the desired effect Vince was after. His shouts of ecstasy no doubt traveled well beyond the flimsy walls of the cold maintenance shed. I could not contain myself a moment longer, opening my fly, still sucking Jake's softening and tender cock as I jerked off, unceremoniously jizzing over Jake's shoes. Not that he seemed to notice. The haze he had been in morphed to a spent intrinsic need to sleep.

With a rude sucking sound, Vince pulled out, leaving me to support the fading fox. Vince paced and ranted, invigorated by his latest act of dominance. It took a moment to register that he wasn't talking to himself, but rather to me and Jake. Jake could no longer seem to even make a halfhearted attempt at standing so I did what I could to prop him against the improvised couch as he collapsed. I joined him when my own bout of fatigue washed over me.

"Seriously," Vince said in a voice far more business like than was proper given the circumstances. "You two work well together. I think it'll work."

"Wait," I waved away the postcoital fog. "What?"

"Weren't you listening?" Vince laughed, stopping his pacing. "I said I've got a date for the two of you."

"You mean, together?" I was still catching my breath, and Jake looked dead to the world. This was not the time to talk business.

"Yeah," his tone rose with mild annoyance. "This big fucker, I mean, Dimitri-big," he spread his arms to underline his point. "I know I dropped the ball with the Herb set up, but this guy, a grizzly, I think the two of you could handle him."

I had a bad feeling about this.