Is love enough?

Story by catsithx on SoFurry

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#4 of Bonds

Disclaimer : I do not own Pokemon as they are owned by Gamefreak/Nintendo. Only the story is mine they are characters I use in it.

Also some adult scenes not much but if it is not your thing please leave now and read another story. Without further ado here is the story

Edited by: Cedricdream

What is love really? Is it something you can achieve by working for it? Is love something that happens? Why does anyone love someone? Many fall in love daily, and at the same time many fall out of love. Can two who are not of the same species find that love they see around them? Can they achieve what they want when the world tells them no?

A lone liepard lays on her back looking at the ceiling thinking about her life to this moment. Not that she hated being owned by her love... yet, was it love after all this time? Her body rises and falls as she lays there thinking of what just happened. She didn't want to admit it, but maybe she went to far this time. She had loved her human, and had no doubt in her mind that he loved her as well.

...And then that bitch had made moves on her Jeff, thinking he would fall for her. Jeff kept telling her she was the only one he loved, that she was overreacting. The female meant nothing. The liepard's fur bristled thinking about that human. Her claws came out and she dug them into the sheets of the bed. This didn't help suppress those feelings of jealousy, even though she knew he loved her... right?

She felt that way until she came into the room one day and caught her lover lip-locked with that bitch. He looked surprised by the female kissing him as he was trying to push her away.

That scrawny bitch was trying take him from her! Reava showed that scrawny bitch who was his true mate. What she did to prove that was the only action a pokémon does to prove her loyalty to her mate. Things went bad from there. She used a slash attack that had cut her foe badly. Luckily for the human female, Lily was there. She was able to teleport the human to a nearby hospital. Jeff lost it yelling at Reava. Link the lucario actually ran from the kitchen in fear, startled from hearing his best friend lose it like that.

She didn't know why he was yelling at her. She was protecting her mate from a rival that was trying to take Jeff from her. After a few more harsh words reached her, she began to cry. Jeff suddenly stopped himself when he realized what he was doing, but by then it was too late. Those harsh words did more damage to her than any pokemon attack could do to her. Before he could apologize, Reava ran upstairs crying. She didn't understand why he was being so mean to her when all she did was protect what was hers. He belonged to her, not that whore of a human.

The words Gale once told her came to mind as she laid on the bed she shared with her lover.

"Our trainer belongs to you, but you must know it is taboo for you to be together. Humans will shun other humans who have us as a mate. As pokémon, we don't care if our mate is not a pokémon, for all we care about is love. However, human society treats human-pokémon courtship as a sin. To make things worse, their society believes such humans are forcing themselves onto us pokemon."

Reava had laughed at that. As strong as Jeff was, she could take whatever he gave her. Her sex drive was so strong when they mated, and she wanted a lot of love. He could do her raw and she would crave more from him. Unlike humans, pokémon have a strong sex drive and strong bodies to go with it. She could understand if she was a purrloin he could, in a sense, hurt her. However, she was a liepard, and a battle-hardened one at that, having taken hits from notable foes like nidoking and blaziken. Whatever Jeff did to Reava in bed drove her on, and she wanted it rough. Yes, she loved it when he made passionate love to her, slowly making her know he loved her, but sometimes she wanted it rough and hard, to feel it when she was mated by him. She would ask him at times to bite her neck when he mated her so she could feel him dominate her. She loved that. It confused him when she first asked but it seemed to drive her on as she would yowl for more.

Reava began to forget why she was mad as her tail snaked between her legs. The liepard was not one to hold grudges, but something about what she did was different. The human female was not as strong as a pokémon. Maybe I did go a bit too far, she reasoned as she stopped rubbing herself down below. She directed the tip of her tail to penetrate her folds and began to play with herself. She loved doing this before Jeff would come in for it made her extremely horny. She mewled a bit as she brushed against a sensitive spot. As she continued, she became lost in memory, the physical stimulation going unnoticed as she spaced out.

It was the largest room in the house. All of Jeff's pokémon lived here in this home they rented. They lived off money from the pokémon battles they won and the videos Jeff did with his loyal lucario, who seem to do whatever Jeff asked without question. Reava recalled, in a fit of amusement, that he had the lucario push him down the nearby snowy hill in a trash can. She paused to laugh to herself as she remembered how Link imitated his foolish trainer and went down the same hill on a table, subsequently crashing into a tree. Kai the alakazam filmed it all, laughing at the fools all the while. Returning to the present, she thought back to everyone's current status. Yes, she battled, but those times were rare as he had others in the group of pokemon he owned.

Link the lucario and his mate Lily the gardevoir... Gale the umbreon and her mate Kai the alakazam... Saber the zangoose and his mate the Seviper Queen, a rather unusual couple... To this day, she could not understand how they even got together as their species are known to be mortal enemies in the wild. She giggled a bit as she pondered how foolish they looked as Saber would walk around with the seviper wrapped around him as if it was nothing.

Last but not least is Lin the mienshao and her lover Lyon the luxray. She was more possessive of him than Reava was of Jeff. Reava remembers when she first arrived here knowing how Lin felt for the luxray. Reava played a joke on her that almost ended horribly for the liepard, but after a while they became close family members. Even though the family here accepted her, she was never their equal. She could never defeat any of them in battle. She had trained hard but has yet to best any of them in battle.Yes, she was a dark type, and both Kai and Lily were weak to her abilities, but in the end they were able to overwhelm her through skill and cunning.

Her tail roughly hit a sweet spot, bringing her back to the present with a slight hiss. Reava arched her back as she came on her tail and the bed. She purrs loudly as she slowly comes down from the high she received from her playing. The feeling was short-lived as she reminded herself that Jeff wouldn't be coming through the door. He was mad at her about what she did to that human. The depression returned with a vengeance as her tail moved to her mouth and she tasted her sweet juices.

Jeff always coddled her and made sure she was always taken care of. Despite her lack of strength she brought to his team. Why is he still with me? she wondered, thinking back to when they first met.

~Some time ago~

She was born into this harsh world among a litter of purrloin, brothers and sisters in the back alley of a city she never wants to remember. Her mother had cared for them as long as she could but life is not so kind to those who live on the streets and she died less than a few months after giving birth to her children. As time went on, one by one her family slowly vanished, leaving the area of the alley permanently. She hoped they found homes or someone to take care of them. Once she was on her own, Reava quickly learned to fend for herself. She learned to steal what she wanted from anyone she could, and knowing Snatch and Fake Out helped her a lot.

The purrloin had no real concept of right or wrong, focusing purely on survival. She wasn't born bad. No one is born bad. Simply put, her life left her with few choices. When the world and fate are against you, you tend to do what is necessary to live. She had become a pokémon criminal. Like many others like her, she was a low-priority target, but at times it seemed as if Officer Jenny and her arcanine were always looking for her. She never wanted this life, yet she had no alternatives.

No human wanted her. Admittedly, she was a mangy-looking pokémon. Her fur was disheveled, and the smell from her was humbling. She had nothing but the alley she was born in, and the old cardboard box she used to live in with her brothers and sisters. She missed them dearly, to the point where she had looked for them to no avail before giving up. They didn't even seem to care about her, she realized, and after a while she grew to look out for herself and not care for anyone. Heck, it wasn't like the world cared about her, so why should she care about anyone else.

Then he came along... That human with his pokémon... He seemed to be an ordinary trainer like many others she encountered. She would use her charms and then rob his ass blind. He had six poké balls attached to his belt, which meant that he was loaded. Only trainers with a lot of supplies could afford to have that many pokémon with them.

As they came down the street she saw a gardevoir among the pokémon traveling with him. She would be worthless as she could not read her mind. She moved into his path and rolled on her back, making cute little noises such as mewls and soft purrs, just like she did so many times in the past. So many trainers and other humans have fallen for her and he was no different was no different. As he reached down to pet her, she saw the bulge in his side pocket. Reava figured he would pet her, giving her an opportunity to cut his pocket, take his wallet and run off. Then she would have that green stuff that humans had and use it to buy things.

Many pokémon bought stuff with this green stuff for their humans, and it was not seen as a negative thing due to how commonplace the activity was. As a result, no one would catch on. Most of human society assumed pokémon just followed what their human masters told them to do, paying little heed to the thought that a pokémon would figure things out on their own. She needed the money as she had little to eat as of late due to the humans' recent practice of locking the garbages cans. This made it harder for stray pokémon like herself to raid them and get any prime food.

Now was her chance to get something to eat. Before she could do anything, however, the human did something unexpected. He picked her up and cradled her in his arms. The purrloin was taken aback by this.

"You look a bit thin for a purrloin. I guess I can feed you," the human said kindly. The lucario looked mad at this.

"(Hey, I am hungry too! I am your pokemon. Feed me!)" He flails a bit. The gardevoir looked at the lucario with a reprimanding glare. To the purrloin, he was a mutt in her eyes, acting as entitled as any other. She hated him already as she hated most canines. Must be genetic, she mused. The gardevoir hit the back of the lucario's head and said something to him. Whatever it was caused him to look apologetic, and she reasoned the gardevoir must have used her powers to berate him. A luxray walked up and sniffed her, pulling back with a scrunched-up face.

"(Bathe much little one?)"

"(I am sorry I don't smell as clean as you, dolt. It is hard to do that as my home is that alley.)" She pointed to said alley with her tail. The human holding her looked at the luxray.

"Leave her alone, Lyon. She is a stray. It is hard to bathe when you have the rainwater as your only water source." The purrloin looked at him in surprise as he seemed to understand what they were saying. He smiled down at her. "Yes little one," he continued, "I do understand. No, Lily isn't helping me." The lucario was about to poke her when the gardevoir swatted his paw away, silently telling him off as his ears drooped a bit.

Lyon laughed at the lucario as he tried to get his trainer to make her stop. "No, she is your mate and she seems to keep you in line. You will live. Hell, you crashed into a tree on that bike and you wanted to do it again. You'll survive the hits Lily gives you. Geez, you act like Saber when it comes to food." The human smiled as the lucario begins to flail like a child.

Reava smiled a bit as they headed towards a shop. He bought some food products as he carried her. This was very different from how anyone treated her up to this point. Usually most would just give her scraps or ignore her, yet he was willing to buy her stuff. They head to a strange building with many humans and pokémon lined up to go inside it. It was later that Reava was told it was a newer hotel that served pokémon and humans alike and allowed them to be out of their poké balls.

Jeff paid for the room as Lyon and Lilly tried their best to keep Link in line, who acted much like a kid in an unwatched candy store. They dragged the upset lucario with them to a large room unlike anything Reava had ever seen. Jeff placed the food on the table in the room and Reava look at it hungrily. To her dismay, he kept her close and took her to another room that was white and very bright.

Something was different about this room. She wanted to run but being in his arms made her feel safe. She should have trusted her senses as water erupted from some strange thing on the wall and fell into a large bowl (well, it looked like a bowl to her). She never knew what a sink was until she was placed into it and he began to wash her.

Reava freaked out as she began to flail and claw at Jeff. Being clean like this felt foreign to her. Despite her struggling, Jeff did not once get mad at her, a fact that brought a calming force to soothe her feelings of panic. She began to calm down fully when she saw the scratches on his arm and hand from her and she began to cry out of guilt. Jeff panicked a bit thinking he got soap in her eyes.

Both of them heard laughing as Lily gilded in. The gardevoir was very graceful as she helped Jeff clean the feline. After Jeff went to dry off, Lily took this time to talk to her.

"(I don't like to speak as I can speak with my mind)," she said, "(but you and your fellow dark types don't allow me to do that. Some of you can use telepathy like a zoroark, yet none of you can receive it unless you allow it. You have your mind shut to anything. I can also see you are not used to this.)" This made Reava blush a bit, but she stayed still as she was dried off. Lily put a collar on Reava, and at first the little purrloin thought she was going to be caught like any other pokémon.

"(Calm down little dark feline this is to keep those fleas off of you)," Lily explained. "(He bought it for you to keep you clean, in a sense. It's surprising since he lets Link go days without a bath. He seems to have a soft spot for you.)" Lily finished drying her off and stepped back, allowing Reava to look into the mirror.

For the first time in a long time, she saw her true fur color. She looked so different from when she looked into the muddy water in the alley. She began to cry as Jeff walked in.

"What happened Lily?" Jeff asked, surprised. Lily tapped the left side of her own head, telling him to put in his ear piece. It was a device Jeff had won in a tournament that translates the pokemon language. Reava watched him as he placed the small blue device in his ear. "Ok girls, you can go ahead."

"(I've never seen my fur color like this for a long time. I thank you...) She lowered head in shame, feeling truly guilty that she intended to rob such a charitable soul earlier. Here he was doing so much for her, yet all she had ever thought about was herself. It was never her fault that she was a pokémon raised by the human streets to live like that. No one had ever shown her this type of kindness before now.

Once more she felt his arms around her as she was in his embrace. Feeling his warmth surround her made her purr. His scent drove her wild for some reason. It was unlike anything she had smelled before, and for once in her life she was at peace.

The next day he gave her a choice as she was eating breakfast. He could let her go and be free again or she could come with him, be his pokémon. For some reason that had a different meaning to her as she felt that it meant more than that, that she would be his as Link was Lily's.

"(Yes, I will be yours.)"

Jeff smiled as he gave her the name Reava. It was from a story he read when he was younger and seemed to fit her. She smiled up at him with a sense of joy that radiated from her. Lily eyed her knowingly, the translator failing to convey the true emotion of her words.

The purrloin quickly learned that she had little to no battle ability. Try as he might to train her she could not battle and she had yet to evolve. It seemed to frustrate Jeff as he wanted her to battle. He was going to use her for a contest or two but never had the patience for those things. Reava was the one who was more frustrated than Jeff as she wanted to prove herself to him. It drove her insane as she could not win anything and led her to believe that she was worthless and that she was not worth his time or to even be with him. She started to have feelings for the human yet she could do nothing to show this love as she was a pokémon and he was a human.

Lily found her crying one night in the bathroom as she seem to appear behind Reava.

"(Why are you sad little kitten?)" Her voice was full of sadness and compassion. Reava always enjoyed being around the gardevoir, but her appearance wasn't lifting her mood this time.

"(I am worthless. I cannot even win a battle. How can he stand to keep someone like me here? I am surprised he has not let me go. I am so worthless.)" She began to cry as she tried to curl up in a ball. Lily kneels down and picks her up and holds her close.

"(You do know he does not battle with you much. He fears for your safety. He cares for you a lot more than you realize,)" she said. "(We may be his pokemon but you hold a special place in his heart. I sensed it in him when he picked you up that day. Jeff has a connection with you even if you can not feel it. You are failing to win because you are trying too hard to impress him. He likes you the way you are. I heard you talking to a liepard another trainer had. When the time is right you will grow in strength and power.)" She set Reava down and petted her head before heading off to where her love was.

Reava reflected on what Lily said as she headed towards the window. She basked in the moonlight as Lily's words soon hit home in her mind. She needed to think of winning simply instead of in a flashy way. She turned to look at her sleeping trainer on the bed.

The purrloin would always sleep next to him. She felt content and secure knowing he was there. She was afraid that one day he would let her go if she was not worth his time, since she had little to give him. The fears she had returned as she curled up in the moonlight and let her body succumb to sleep she badly needed. She failed to notice a light engulf her.

She awakened the next day feeling bigger as the others gather around her. Lyon just smiled as Link was trying to pull on her longer tail only to be deterred by Lily. Reava looked at her body in the mirror, now seeing that she had evolved into a liepard. Lyon stood by her, telling her about the time he got bigger after becoming a luxray. She ignored the luxray as she saw her sleek purple fur with a few yellow spots on it. She noticed her muscles were more visible, despite looking slimmer. She assumed, as she had seen a male of her kind, it was because she was female. The new liepard looked like any other female of her kind, barring, of course, the shiny ones whose fur color was black instead of purple.

Jeff's reaction was the best as he just smiled then hugged her tightly around her neck.

"I guess you won't be able to ride on my head anymore my kitten." He held her tightly as she heard Link complain that he was never allowed to be on his head. Link was countered by Lyon, who mentioned his weight, and a room-destroying fight almost ensued, only stopped thanks to Lily.

After that, she rarely lost a battle. She had speed and grace that was matched by few and she had a little more power to back them up, though her power was nowhere near what Lily and Link had. Of course, she could train with Lyon better as she had something to fight the electric pokémon with. She felt happy, but now she started taking notice of the many females hanging around Jeff. This was something new and confusing in her thoughts as she always thought of him as a friend or her trainer, not her possession.

Now, however, she felt he belonged to her and he just didn't know it yet. Now, she had this feeling of possessiveness. Reava did not want him near any other female, for he was hers. Lyon had to stop her once from actually attacking another trainer as she was trying to get Jeff's number. It didn't help that the potential rival honestly had no romantic feelings towards him and was only interested in a future battle.

Her evolution also got many males to notice her. She ignored them all, especially one overly cocky persian who believed he was Arceus's gift to females. He learned very fast how powerful she had become and vicious she was becoming, for as soon as he tried to rub against her, she attacked with a vicious slash attack. Link had to pull her off before she nearly turned the persian's fur color to blood red.

Jeff wanted to know why she was acting like this, but the translator never really gave the whole story due to the difference between pokémon and humans. It only gave basic information and could never convey the true, hidden emotions that the pokémon had. It was virtually useless when it came to body language. Most humans overlooked this key trait, and Jeff was especially clueless when it came to this.

Pokémon tend to mate for life. As she saw it, he was hers already since he shared his bed with her. Even if it was her simply sleeping on his bed, in Reava's mind they were already mates. Lily quickly caught wind of this and pulled her aside to discuss this privately. Reava tried to say he belonged to her and he only needed to see her as more than a pokémon. Lily told her that the world of pokémon and humans does not work out that way as pokémon are typically seen as animals to be tamed and used as pets or warriors in battles.

"(Some become friends)," the gardevoir explained, "(and in some cases, they become more than that. They become mates. Those who do that dare to defy the norm in society, as bedding a pokémon is seen as a sin)." Reava scoffed at that.

"(I see no issue. He is a male and I am a female. What is the problem? I want him as my mate)." She wanted him to take her as her instinct demanded. Lily hugged the foolish liepard.

"(Dear, the world does not work that way. Even if he saw you that way... I will tell you this: if you do ask him it's likely that he will say yes to you. The way I and the boys see it, he doesn't care that you are a pokémon. Over the past weeks he has grown attached to you more than he should have. It is not a bad thing but for his life it might be. Other humans might shun him and take you from him saying he was trying to take advantage of you.)"

Reava scoffed again. "(Yeah, right! I could take him down like nothing! I may not be as strong as Link or even Lyon but I am stronger than him. Why do these humans think we pokémon are so weak willed that we could easily get raped by them)?"

Lily shakes her head as she pets Reava between her ears, making her purr a bit.

"(Listen to me, dear. I know you want to tell him, but do not use me as a translator or use his device that allows him to understand you as it won't convey your true intentions to him. I know you can copy my abilities to an extent. If you use that ability you can link with him and show him how much you want him and find out once and for all if he feels the same way.)"

Reava thinks about that weird ability it seems her kind have called Assist. She can copy a move that a friend on her team can use. To use it as Lily had explained seemed a bit hard as she had yet to stop the randomness of the attack. For the moment, as hesitant as she was, she would try and control it since Lily told her that the boys were getting Jeff prepped for her.

For the longest time Reava had tried to get assist to work for her. Yet the attack would do what it wanted. She recalled one battle where her allies had been Lyon and a blaziken. Her intent was to get Hi Jump Kick, but Flare Blitz showed up instead. Unused to the destructive attack, she quickly lost control, hitting the luxray with it instead. Recently, she used one of Lyon's electric-type attacks and it left her fur standing on end for a day.

She was very apprehensive to use Assist. What if she ended up unleashing a move like Aura Sphere on her trainer? And yet... if she could use Lily's power for a short time frame, she could explain to Jeff how she felt about him. They would be going to their home--no, her new home. It was so strange to think that way as she always thought of the alley as her home, but it was only a month ago she lived there. It seemed like a lifetime ago she lived there. Now she wanted him, this strange human who she had fallen for. She wanted him more than anything. Even if she didn't even know what his feelings were.

He wasn't even a pokémon, yet she still desired him. It was strange to feel this way. She had been offered several chances to mate with other males, and many have vied for her affection. None of them seemed to make her feel anything, but with Jeff, she felt a connection, one she had never had felt before. Now she wanted to share these feelings with him. She prayed to Arceus that Assist works just this once.

Jeff was frustrated by Link and Lyon blocking his attempts to leave the room. He tried to roll past Link, only for the lucario to catch his oldest friend with no effort.

'Just stay here. Lily and I will go shopping for us ok. Don't worry.' Link smiled at his trainer. Lyon scoffed at the lucario.

"(You mean she will shop and you will be her pet doggy and carry the stuff)," he said snidely. Link growled at him as Lily motioned for them to leave the room.

'Listen dear, we will be outside the room for a bit. Reava wants to talk to you. Don't worry, she won't do something bad... well, just keep an open mind, my friend. Come on, you two.' She dragged them out of the room, with Link flailing and Lyon sighing from the act.

Jeff sighed as the door closed. He thought about how weird they had been acting as of late. It had only been a few weeks since he picked up a new purrloin who has evolved into a sexy looking...whoa, whoa. He had to stop these thoughts. He didn't want to be like so many fellow trainers he had known over the years, the ones who had fallen in love with and even bedded their pokémon.

He remembered an old friend from his high school days named Cara. She was his first love, and a short one at that. She had told him the storied phrase of it being her and not him and left it at that. They did not speak again until he met her at a tournament, where he learned the real reason. Cara had been having sex with her family's ninetales, who seemed able to please her in ways he could not. He promptly excused himself, disappointed that it was a pokémon that turned her from him.

Jeff was not against poképhilia, but the thought of a pokémon stealing his girlfriend left a worse taste in his mouth than the thought of another human male doing the same. Now, however, the concept of seeing a pokémon as more than a friend was becoming welcomed, if not hesitantly approved. He saw how Reava would look at him with a wistful look in her eyes at times, as if the liepard wanted to say something. Recently, the use of his translator came to upset her, and she became silent in response to it.

Her rudeness to any female who would come near him had been causing him to worry. He tried his best to calm her whenever it happened, only to be met with her frustration for doing so. Now, Link had told him that she had something to tell him and not to use his translator. In retrospect, it was a double-edged sword. He loved to have it since it allowed him to hear what his pokémon were saying, but the voice that played was monotone. It seemed to lose a lot in translation as it seem to leave him wondering he had heard things right from his pokémon. Kai had said he could link him to his pokemon so he could hear their thoughts, but it proved to be too taxing.

Suddenly, Reava, who shined from the moonlight, entered his thoughts. The light seemed to enhance her beauty. Her eyes were narrowed, not entirely closed, and she appeared to be enticing him to come closer. The sight made his heart skip a beat as Jeff tried to push those thoughts away, knowing where they would lead. And yet... he could not help but feel this way. He was seeing her in more than just the moonlight.

Before he could speak Reava closed her eyes completely and she glowed a bit. He thought she was going to attack him until he realized what she was doing. She was using that move of hers again (Assist, if he remembered correctly) that was unique to some feline pokémon like skitty. Because of its random nature, he hated to use it as it seemed to have a mind of it's own. Why was she using it now?

(Reava's Pov)

The liepard looked at Jeff, noticing he wanted to say something. Now was her chance. She closed her eyes and prayed it worked like Lily said it would. She poured all her power into the move to make it work, to copy Lily's power so she can have Jeff hear her thoughts. Lily would have set up a link between them, but Reava's dark typing made it impossible. If this worked, she would finally be able to say the words she had been wanting to tell him. She felt the power within her grow as she tried to reach out for it to work for her. She said a silent prayer to the gods above that they hear her wish to have her feelings be heard in the words that can't be spoken, words whose origins come from her soul.

'Please hear me, Jeff. I want to know what you mean to me more than anything. The words that your little toy is unable to convey... Please hear my true feelings, that I love you more than a friend... more than love for a trainer. I love you as my mate. I have claimed you, yet you do not know it. You belong to me as you have claimed my heart. You are mine as I belong to you. None of the others matter but you. You confuse my attacks on other females as anger, but it is hatred for those who dare try to touch you. I will let no other lay claim to you, but I need you to understand my feelings are true. I am not some lovesick mon. My words are those of a true lover who will do anything to have you say it... say that you love me...'

She opened her eyes and looked at him. For a long time neither human nor pokémon spoke, though Jeff appeared surprised by her words. Reava assumed it was unsuccessful due to his silence and began to cry. 'I knew it wouldn't work. I knew it. This isn't fair! I wanted him to know what my true feelings are without that stupid machine of his.' Just then the liepard felt something wrap around her body and hold her. A gasp left her mouth as she heard Jeff's voice.

"I am sorry. I never knew you felt that for me, Reava. I was wondering why you had been so violent towards others... and now I understand." He looked away sheepishly. She cried harder, this time out of joy, as her true words were finally heard by Jeff. Her feelings were finally heard by her love!

(might not be needed - marked for possible deletion) [(Jeff's POV)

Jeff is about to say something yet he hears a voice . At first he thinks it Lily wanting a progress report about what is happening . Yet it was a different than her voice as Lily's voice was light hearted tone to it. Even when she was mad it always had a light tone to it this was deep and rich and feminine. He looks at Reava who looks at him with sadness in her eyes. Her words carried much weight as he listen to her plea. It was one of fear as he could see her body shake in fear something he never saw in her. Yes she show sometimes fear in battle but she always fought through it yet here it was different. Something about her body language he never paid attention to until this moment.]

For some strange reason he thinks about a conversation he had with Kai a year after they moved to there new home. xxx

Jeff had just come home from another failed date. His alakazam Kai was the only one awake in the household, typing away on that laptop of his. He was the real reason that they had money as he had a site where he uploaded Link and Jeff's videos of them doing stupid stuff. Amazingly enough he got tons of hits and requests on doing said dumb stuff. Jeff flopped onto the recliner and went largely ignored by Kai for the moment.

'Another failure?' Jeff only responded with a sour look as he knows he could save all this small talk by just reading his mind.

'But then we couldn't have this nice conservation. Despite how close you are to your loyal lucario, we are still friends. I do care about you like a brother. Of course, I will not do as our foolish brother does with you, and before you ask I know better.' Kai took a sip of his tea, then resumed his typing.

Jeff gives him an odd look with that as he has never really call him his brother.

'No, you let it fail again,' the alakazam continued. 'You're afraid of finding out if some of the females you fall for find love in pokémon instead of you. That makes the rejection worse if they tell you. It makes you feel inferior.'

Jeff is about to say something but is interrupted again by Kai.

'Yes you do. Those that do try and love you fail, as your heart is closed. No, do not blame Link or the others. Your heart is closed to pain. You hate feeling loss and you shield yourself from pain by usings us as an excuse to try and run from any chance of feeling. I am not saying it is a bad thing as you seem to attract those females who just want to use you as their safety net with their family so they don't find out about their lifestyle.'

Jeff looks at Kai, not sure what to make of the things he was saying. The alakazam powered down his laptop.

'Look Jeff I do treasure our bond,' he began. 'You want someone that wants you as you are. Maybe you should look outside your own kind, as I have. Before you say anything, Gale and I have come to terms over the lack of a child born of our unison, but we are happy with our adopted children. Despite all the trouble we still love each other. Many have told us it would never work Mind you I believed them, yet I look at her when she sleeps and think there would be no one I would rather be with. Fear is what's keeping you from finding that one, be it human or pokémon, and no, it will not be rape despite the foolish notions others have told you. She is out there Jeff. When she tells you she loves you, tell her back. Don't turn away from that love you or you will never find it again.'

Jeff sits there looking at Kai as he shuts down the laptop and closes it. He is about to open his mouth to say something.

'Well, it's been fun as always talking to you, Jeff. Let's do it again sometime. Also, we are low on milk and some berries. That zangoose you have is eating twice of what we eat altogether. Good night, Jeff.' With that, Kai teleported to his room.

"Uh, yeah Kai it was a nice talk...?" He grumbled to himself. He hated whenever he had these one-sided conversations with him, though his anger was currently over the headache from Kai's telepathy.


This is what Kai was talking about! This moment... Someone loved him for being himself. Too many females have tried to like him but his fear of rejection kept him from actually loving back. His track record of encountering girlfriends whose hearts were elsewhere made him fearful of commitment, yet here was one who wanted him and she was a pokémon. He heard they made the best mates because they remained loyal to you to a fault.

He saw her crying and finally realized that his silence caused her to think he was rejecting her. He kneeled before her and hesitated briefly before hearing Link, of all voices, shout for him to go for it. This was just like one of those stunts they did together, only this was not for entertainment. In fact, this was the biggest leap forward in his life. Jeff hated seeing her like this, but to go forward with this would mean a hard life for both. Love always had a lot of hardships and was such a complex thing. Perhaps the reason he was like this was because he hated things hard. He wanted things simple, but life never was such a simple thing. He hugged the liepard, drawing a surprised gasp from her and causing her to stop crying.

"I am sorry. I never knew you felt that way for me, Reava. I was wondering why you had been so violent towards others, and now I understand." He pulled away from the hug as he looked into her eyes. They seemed to sparkle from the tears that also matted her fur. "Forgive me, I never meant to hurt you ... I lov.." A loud crash behind them interrupted him before he could finish.

Reava's POV

Reava was shocked by this. Jeff said it... he...he heard her plea. She shook in anxiety, knowing now she has a chance with him. Maybe he could see her more as a mate after all. Her remaining tears matted her fur, but at this point she could care less about it. He understood her, and that was all that mattered. She heard him speak his piece. She hung on to every word until a loud crash is heard.

Link, Lyon, and Lily fell through the door, interrupting the moment. They had been hoping to hear them talking or having sex. Of course, this did not sit well with Reava, who was now pissed that they ruined it. She was about to launch herself at them when Jeff grabbed her and whispered in her ear.

"It's not worth it," he said. "I love you, and I would hate if you got hurt trying to injure Link." Reava shuddered and smiled from hearing him finally say it. She turned to him, licked his face, and nuzzled him, knowing there would be more time to consummate their love. They tuned out the argument going on between the lucario and the luxray, seeing only each other.

~Present day ~

Reava lied on the bed as she licked her tail tip clean of her juices. She reasoned that maybe she did go too far. The world had yet to approve of their kind of unison, after all. Still, that bitch should have known her place. She looked out the window. Now Jeff would have to cover up what she did. Would he... would he have to get rid of her? Worse, would he have her put down? She had heard the stories about some out of control pokemon that had to be put down for public safety. Tears once more welled up in her eyes as she sat up and thought about leaving. Maybe it would be for the best if she was on her own.

She sat up on the bed, walked over to the window, and attempted to open it.

"It's hard to open it like that."

She stopped and turned her head to see her love leaning against the door to the room.

"You do know we are connected, right? I knew when you were getting mad about her being so close to me. She was only here because of my family and hers saying that I need a female in my life. I do have one, but she seems to always overreact like most females."

Reava hissed a bit at Jeff as her fur stood on its end. 'I do not! I... I just protect my love, that's all.'

"Yes, well, don't worry. Lily is taking care of it. She and Kai have to cover up many things that happen here anyway, especially when those things involve Link and I breaking into places to film our stunts. Look, I can't say I am happy with what you did but... Reava, you belong to me as I belong to you. Never doubt that."

She looked away, her tail curling around her as she slightly shied away from him. Jeff sighed, walked over to her, and picked her up. He carried her to their bed and placed her gently onto it.

"Reava, I know you are possessive of me, but you have to know that human females will try to hit on me. Why they never did before I will never know."

'It's because you have a female who can be more than those bitches could ever be,' she said nonchalantly.

"Reava you know me well. We are linked because of that bond you formed to speak to me. I can not lie to you as you know. You should know that my love for you won't ever change."

'But I saw you looking at those females with those large jugs you seem to drool over them.'

"I am human. You can't say you wouldn't look sexy with them, can you?" She shook her head, knowing he had a fetish for those big sacks that look like they belonged on a miltank.

'You are foolish... my love.'

"Yes I am, but I am your fool." He made her face him and look into her eyes, letting her see and feel through the link they share that he is telling the truth. He does love her. He would do anything for her, and went as far as having Lily do her magic to make the female forget. He did it all to protect her. The liepard leaned forward to kiss Jeff and closed her eyes. Needless to say, she was surprised by Jeff pulling her close and kissing her passionately. The past quickly faded from her mind, the thoughts of her leaving fading with it. He is all that mattered, she thought with a purr.


Saber was eating popcorn and watching a movie with Queen and Link. Link, of course, was pouting because he had to be here without Lily or his best friend.

'I am bored,' he droned with a pout. Queen was playing with her little eevee brother, and laughed a bit when he got a hold of her tail blade. She shook it, careful to make sure he did not cut himself on it.

"(Link, your friend is going to get his groove on tonight. He's about to get some makeup sex. That is always the best sex. Right, Saber?)" Queen asked the zangoose knowingly. Saber looked at her from the corner of his eye and blushed a bit but said nothing and continued to stuff his mouth with popcorn. "(Link just let them have the night, ok? I will let you choose the next movie, even if it is that movie 'The Chosen One'.)" She frowned slightly since it was Link's favorite movie. The main character was a lucario who was the savior of the world, but what made little sense to her was the fact that it could talk. No aura speech or telepathy, just regular English like many humans she knew. Queen was about to say something when there was a loud banging on the door.

"(Take-out is here. Your turn to pay for it Link.)" Saber shoved the money into Link's paws and went back to eating. Link grumbles as he got up and walked to the door, calling Saber a grumpig under his breath. He looked at the fifty dollars as he remembered to make sure to tip the delivery person. Last time, he just gave the driver a roll of pennies, thinking that was enough. The lucario opened the door and quickly noticed two things. For one, there was no human on the other side, but a pokémon, another lucario of all things. Judging from its scent, it was female. The second thing was the unmistakable desire for something in her eyes that told him this was more than a business call. She cast him an angry glare. Somewhat unsettled, he poked his head out a bit and looked around for the food before looking back at her.

'Uh you're not the delivery man.' It was then he got a good look at her. The lucario looked wild with her fur appearing a bit unkempt but the glare from her eyes made Link back up a bit. She then did something Link had only heard one other lucario do.

"Where is my trainer... no, my love? Where is Carter?" she growled.

Link looks at her blankly before recollecting himself. He then looked over his shoulder. 'It's for you Saber!'

End notes.: Yeah cliff hanger I finally got around to attaching this to the other stories and now I will be writing a sequel to Love Loss you can blame Tamati for this. I never wanted to do a sequel to Love loss but he pushed me into it so two more chapters to this grand story line and it will be done.

As always comment rate and fave. Also cookies!!!!