Life... Chapter 1

Story by Lingo The Fox on SoFurry


Chapter One: BirthSorry for the shortness, couldnt think of enough to write/not enough time.Lingo: 10 inches. Clara: 9 inches. Bard: 10 inches.My entrance upon the world was highly unpleasant. Being groped by hands wrapped tight in plastic, the light pounding my eyelids, I did not display emotion, unlike my brothers and sisters. I was cut from my mother and siblings, slightly painful, the people above me, talking about my siblings and I. They placed us on a table, removing the warm and slimy stuff covering our barely grown fur. We were placed in a glass container with carpeting on the floor, mom was set in a chair, and the cover was replaced. My sister whines at mom, requesting milk, mom brushes her away, clearly tired from the effort of birthing us upon the world. Meanwhile my brother is curling into the fetal position and napping.

Life... Chapter 2

Chapter Two: Growing UpI made it slightly longer, still getting into this creative vibe thing.Lingo: 1 foot 2. Clara: 1 foot. Bard: 1 foot 1.It has been about 4 months, and my siblings and I have learned to speak, we have found out where we are, and...
