Interlude 2: Dead!!!!!

Story by Tessler on SoFurry

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Going back into the kitchen to explain everything, Hilda had made a coffee as Nathan and Cheren took a seat. Having a sip of some morning caffeine, she sat down with her husband and son as she asked "I know you and Ethan learned about this back in history classes, but how familiar are you with Unova's history Nathan?""I still remember most of it....granted I can't recite the legends like Ethan possibly could; given that it's Ethan, but I know the gist of it." Nathan responded. Taking a deep breath, he began to monologue "Back when there was no Unova, there were two brothers that had created the region of Unova with the help of a powerful dragon Pokémon at their sides. In Unova's past, it was peaceful for the three with the older brother ruling over the northern half, while the younger ruled over the southern; the two being titled kings by the people.Time had passed, and the two slowly grew distant from each other, the older wanting to create a world of truth where everyone knew right from wrong. And the younger envisioned an ideal world where everyone could be happy and hopeful for the future. Eventually their differences slowly turned into arguments, with the two arguing over and over again as to whether they should follow the path of truth or ideals.It wasn't long before they turned to the same dragon that helped with Unova's creation. The both of them questioned what they should truly follow, and because the dragon believed in taking a neutral side, even the dragon itself could not choose which side to take. But the dragon got an idea. Telling the two to back up, it unleashed its full power on itself as they saw nothing but blasts of fire and lightning, followed by an explosion of white light.When the light subsided, the two brothers had seen two dragons, born of the original. The first was known as Reshiram; with feathers white as snow, and power over fire who sided with the older brother. The other was called Zekrom; possessing skin as black as the night sky, and power over lightning who sided with the younger. With the two dragons at their sides, they challenged each other in a Pokémon battle to see who the more powerful Legendary was, and what path was stronger. But Reshiram and Zekrom were equal in power, and the conviction of the two brothers was equally strong.No matter how long the two dragons fought, be it a few minutes, or even an entire day, neither dragon could seek to beat the other, nor did they prove more successful in wearing themselves out. Realizing that equality and balance was the key in making a better future in Unova, the two kings reconciled and went back to their respective kingdoms, with Reshiram staying in the north, and Zekrom in the south. Their sons however, didn't share the same view as their fathers of how Unova should be.After the kings had passed away, the sons had inherited the twin

dragons, and restarted the war their fathers ended. Disgusted by their actions, Reshiram and Zekrom turned against them, and combined their powers to destroy all of Unova, while protecting the few innocent people that opposed the actions of the two boys. After helping the survivors rebuild Unova, the two dragons had vanished, leaving behind two respective stones. And it is said that the two stones were waiting for a new generation of heroes to find them when the time came for the two dragons to lend their powers."Proud of what her son remembered, Hilda acknowledged as she took another sip, "Nice work, Nathan on remembering all of that."Half-smiling, Nathan responded "Thanks Mom. My only question is; how does that legend correlate to us, and Ethan's electrokinetic abilities, along with yours...." His eyes widened when he put the two pieces together. Looking back up at his mother he asked "Are you saying that we're descendants to the titled Hero of Ideals?""In a manner of speaking, you are correct." Cheren chimed in, familiar with the legends himself.Realizing an error, Nathan exclaimed "Wait a minute. It's said in the legends that the sons of the two kings were wiped out after Reshiram and Zekrom destroyed and rebuilt Unova. So it makes no sense for us to be related to even the two kings of Unova."Ready to resolve the confusion, Hilda explained "Now is the time to explain my story. As well as what is never told in the history books." Taking a deep breath, Hilda began to tell him the further details of the Unovian legends..."What is said about the legend of the duo is indeed true, Nathan. What they don't tell you is that after the birth of Reshiram and Zekrom, the two kings had the DNA of their respective dragons embedded into theirs, which had granted them abilities not to different from the dragons.Now this is where things get interesting, Nathan. After Unova was destroyed and rebuilt, Reshiram and Zekrom found two new heroes that proved themselves worthy of the former's power. What is also not known is that the two heroes had respectively developed a relationship that turned romantic, even producing offspring with the legendary duo. I should mention that this was in a time where the entire world accepted the idea of humans and Pokémon producing offspring together.Not that gender matters, but when Reshiram and Zekrom were first created, they were said to have been born female, almost as if the original was anticipating the two to find mates and conceive children with them. Unsurprisingly, many of their children were Pokémon like their mothers. But once in a blue moon, one of the two would produce children that looked exactly like their human fathers, but still have the powers of their mothers.It's unknown what would cause this

phenomenon, but many believed that the birth of a human with the power of a legendary was the sign of a disaster that was about to happen, and that birth would be what would avert said disaster. That quickly became nothing more than a legend, and as time passed, humanity slowly became more and more disgusted by the idea of humans that had a Pokémon as their mother or father. The few people that had Pokémon given powers were titled Half-Breeds, and humans made it their mission to find and wipe out every one of them.The few sons or daughters of Reshiram and Zekrom that survived went into hiding, vanishing into other regions as they made new lives for themselves. Unfortunately, as those children married and consummated with other humans, the bloodline diluted, and many of the future generations would possess weaker and weaker powers."Taking all of the information in, Nathan couldn't help but be astounded. Legendary Pokémon, potentially female, mating with humans, and producing human children with them. And most, if not all of those children, having been wiped out from years of being hunted down. "So this means that we're the last of a long forgotten bloodline?" he insinuated.Nodding, Hilda replied "That sort of correct. It wasn't until my brother had awakened a new incarnation of Zekrom twenty five years ago that he had created a new bloodline with Ethan's birth.""So you're saying that Ethan's mother is a Pokémon, let alone a Legendary?" Nathan had asked, surprised by the concept.Smirking, she replied "Precisely."Scratching his head, he questioned "That reminds me. Back in high school I had read a few comics involving guys that had Pokémon DNA in their bodies, and they were capable of transforming into those Pokémon. Does this mean that Ethan could transform into a Zekrom?"Face-palming, Hilda looked back at her son, explaining "First off, that is the stupidest idea I have ever heard of. Second, I want to find the douchebag that came up with that idea, and beat the ever living snot out of him or her. And third, his own mother told me that the ability to transform into a Pokémon is not possible for Ethan. AT ALL.....okay, not unless Ethan's mother was a Mew, then I suppose that it'd be possible for him to transform into a Pokémon at will. However, that would mean that he would've been born as a Mew, and trained to take a human disguise. But do you get my point?!"Not wanting her to rant further, Nathan said a straightforward yes. Suddenly remembering something from high school, he asked "But what about Unova? All I've known at school was that a nuclear explosion went off, causing a major evacuation, and the entire region has been uninhabitable for the last twenty years from radiation."Knowing what really happened Hilda couldn't help but shed a tear as memories flooded

her mind. Wiping the tears away, she explained "That was all government propaganda from the other regions. The real story is that Unova is dead!"After Ethan was brought back to bed to rest, his girls along with Christine decided to stay upstairs while Nathan had learned of Unova's history, and check on Ethan. Phosphora hadn't left Ethan's side, sleeping next to him, waiting for him to wake up. Christine and Beleza however continued their chat about what they were going to do when the former began hearing a telepathic voice in her head. "Christine, I'm terribly sorry to intrude, but I need you to check on something for me."Noticing her jackal companion sigh, Beleza had curiously "What is it?""I'm sorry, but Nathan's teacher is contacting me via telepathy." She explained. "I got to go." Before Beleza could ask further, their friend had run out of the bedroom. "Strange. Must be that urgent."Showing more concern for her trainer, Phosphora replied "I'm sure it's nothing too major. I can still hear Ethan breathing, but I'm worried of him not waking up. He's been the only eyes I've had ." Understanding, Beleza proceeded to wrap herself around the young Ampharos in an attempt to comfort her. Feeling better, Phosphora couldn't help but acknowledge "You really know how to make someone feel better, don't you?"Beleza couldn't help but giggle at her friend's remark. "In all honesty, I just do what I can." Hugging back, the adorable little sheep responded with a smile "Don't be so modest. You've been my oldest friend, not including Ethan.""Well, thank you for the compliment."Turning to Ethan, Phosphora had said "Now I only wish that I could see his face. Sure, I can use my electricity to create an idea of what his face looks like, but it isn't the same as being able to use my own eyes. I've wished for as long as I can remember that I wasn't born with this blindness, and I was just a normal Ampharos."Unsure of what to say, Beleza innocently kissed Phosphora on the forehead, the same way a mother kisses her own child on the forehead to let them know that everything is going to be alright.Having head into Nathan's room, Christine had taken a pose of meditation, and asked the familiar voice "What is it now Andrea?""I hope I wasn't interrupting anything, was I Christine?" The voice responded.Shrugging her shoulders, the jackal replied "Well, I was just having a chat with a friend of mine until I began hearing you speak."Possibly understanding, she heard in response "I'm terribly sorry, but I sensed a disturbance in New Bark Town. And I was wondering if you or Nathan sensed it.""Ever since Nathan and I came back here, I haven't sensed anything. But with the

disturbance....." Christine's eyes widened with fear as she asked "Are you saying that there is a user of dark aura hiding somewhere?""Possibly..." The feminine voice replied. "If I was in the same room as you, I'd be able to see exactly where the servant of dark aura was hiding. All I can say is to be careful you two. Now that I think about it, where's Nathan?" "Let's just say that something came up. And his parents have been telling him about a historical lineage he and his cousin are a part of." Christine had explained to the trainer that had been her oldest friend long before they met Nathan."I see....I've got to go. My Mom is calling for me." And with that, Christine no longer heard whom she knew as Andrea Lucia of Kalos. "A dark aura manipulator is hiding somewhere? We need to stop this person." She thought to herself. Closing her eyes, she saw the auras of the rest of the family, but proceeded to ignore them as she tried to search the entire town for the individual that possessed the one with the destructive power.Ending the telepathic communication, Andrea took a deep breath at the raw amount of power she had unleashed just to pull off the means of long distance communication. A pupil that was still studying in the knowledge of aura would've easilypassed out from using that much owner at once. For the young Ms. Lucia on the other hand, she was already sensitive to its power at birth, and thanks to her parents being aura sensitive, she was able to train with them. Standing at a balcony roof, she couldn't help but smile at the city of Shalour that she had looked over. The council, led by by none other than her own mother, appointed aura guardians to watch over each city in a region. Most likely for her own protection, Andrea stayed in Shalour where she trained almost constantly in the art of aura. Looking up at the rising sun, she could only watch with anticipation as the sun rose. "Fancy seeing you up early, Andi." She heard from behind her. Turning around, she noticed her human mother. The one that led the council, the one that used to be a gym leader before retiring. To continue serving as the council leader. The one the Kalosians knew as Korrina. Smiling, she walked up to her mother, and the two shared a hug. "Morning, Mom.""Something up? It's not like you to be up this early?" Her mother asked with curiosity. Andrea's expression frowned.Looking back at the sun as it rose, she explained "While I was sleeping, I began sensing some kind of disturbance in Johto. And I used my telepathy to try to contact Nathan."Impressed at what her daughter's capable of, she asked "Couldn't you just use your phone to call him?"Laughing, Andrea explained "I actually tried that , but he didn't respond. And when I

tried to use telepathy, he kept trying to block me. Our good friend Christine was another story.""Okay then...." Getting back to the main subject, Korrina asked her only child "What was this disturbance you sensed?"Her smile disappearing, Andrea explained "I think I was sensing a user with the power of dark aura in New Bark Town of Johto. I just hope I'm wrong. But I could almost see him or her right in front of me."Showing concern for what these dark aura manipulator  are capable of, her Mom asked "Was the aura a solid black?""That's the weird part. It was a jet black yes, but I could also see a hue of sorts all around it. I swear I saw a hue of either a dark blue or a dark purple wrapped around the black aura.""What do you mean Unova's dead?" Nathan asked. "A region can't just die unless...are you saying that someone had the power to wipe out an entire population, let alone an entire region?!""I still have nightmares about it. As much as I hate to do this, you have to see all of it for yourself....just hold still, please?" Hilda replied. Not sure what his mother was about to do, he responded with a silent nod. Hating what she was going to do, she walked up to her own son, and gently pressed her hands onto his head, before firing a weak pulse of electricity.Nathan's PovAs my Mother put her hands onto my head, I couldn't help but cringe a bit as I felt a hint of pain as my vision blacked out. Then I began seeing things....horrific things....I swore I saw the apocalypse as I looked around what looked like fire, charred corpses of people lying around. I looked up and I saw the sky, blood red with color as the city burned. I soon noticed that lava was pouring everywhere, with the few surviving humans drowning in the molten rock as others ran away in fear. Hearing a roar to my left, I looked and saw what looked like a man standing as tall as a skyscraper, his eyes red with fire, and his skin as black as volcanic rock, with small cracks of what looked like lava seeping from his body with every step he took.Stretching from his back was a fiery aura, resembling the wings of an aviary Pokémon as he summoned what looked like brimstone from the sky as the very city fell apart, as well as its inhabitants....Soon pulled back into reality, Nathan found the arms of his mother wrapped around him, the poor woman feeling awful about what she had done. Knowing what she was thinking, he hugged her back as he assumed the memories were too painful for her to remember. Despite how many unanswered questions he had, he knew that now wasn't the time to ask her. Believing the two would like some privacy, Cheren had quietly walked out as he went to check on Ethan._____________________________________________________________________________________________________Ethan had woken up sometime after Hilda had explained Nathan and Ethan's past, and the poor Aunt had apologized profusely for her actions. Her nephew refused to hear her apologized as he tried to comfort her. Eventually, she calmed down, and proceeded to retell him of his past. Having finally heard about most of his past, Ethan couldn't help but feel awful about what had happened back then, feeling his own birth was the cause of everything. Like his younger cousin he could sense that his Aunt wasn't telling him everything, but he was sure she would tell him in time. And he knew that right now she needed him, as he was the last living connection that she had to her younger brother. Far off where no one could hear her, a silhouette was hovering in the midst of the thunderstorm. She had heard everything that was going on in the residence of the Black family, and she couldn't help but smile at the outcome. As she much as she wanted to think about the past, her mate, the human child they had together, stopping a group known as Team Plasma long ago, and then things changed. When the people of Unova learned of the heroes they looked up to having raised a child together, many didn't know what to make of it.  Some sided with their hero, while others thought he had committed a crime punishable by death. Putting the past to the side, the mysterious figure had said to herself "Hilda, thank you...for protecting my son. And Ethan, a time will come where we will meet, but only when the time's right." Smiling to herself if sadly, she turned around and flew off, the sonic boom left in her wake shattering the thunder clouds, leaving a clear afternoon sky.  

Interlude 1: Resgatar

Her vision was fuzzy; her head banged against a metal wall as she regained consciousness. She would've grabbed something to support herself, were her hands able to move freely. Seeing a pair of cuffs on her wrists, everything clicked. Her name was...

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Chapter 5: “In some ways, I think it’s for the better.”

Feeling the blast of lightning, Ethan was jolted awake as he found himself back in the same bedroom he had fallen asleep in, and not on a street far away his home. He noticed Beleza looking at him in concern, while Phosphora had hugged him, her body...

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And another update. Whoopie!

Evening, my fans. I just wanted to say that chapter 5 to The Calm is in development. And right now, it's been going well. Something that I feel is a bit surprising to me. Then again, I came up with a better way for me to write longer chapters. And I...
