Companions Chapter 15: Eden

Story by Evoquus on SoFurry

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#15 of Companions

[Companions Chapter 15]


WARNING! The following text contains explicit adult subject matter. It is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, then you must stop reading now. The author has taken steps to ensure that this story does not appear in any subject-inappropriate or age-inapropriate forum. This version has been posted with the author's permission to





* by Evoquus



* (c) Copyright 2002, Evoquus, All rights reserved.


* Feedback is appreciated: [email protected]



Rating: NC-17 for explicit sex: M/M, Human-Stallion-Mare, Anal, Oral

Chapter 15: Eden

"Are we there yet?"


"You've been saying that for an hour. Where the hell are we going?"

"You will see, Companion. It is not much further."

"I don't see anything but brambles... Ouch!"

"Be careful. The thorns are sharp."

"Only the first two inches... Ow! Son-of-a-BITCH!!"

"Let's try going this way."

"Oh yes, let's just waltz through a fortress of poison oak."

"Poison oak is harmless to Hipponaurs, Companion."

"Maybe, but I'll bet my virtual self will be itching for weeks. This had better be worth it, Rovaun."

"I think it will be."

"I hear water. Is that it?"

"Yes, we are nearly there."

Rovaun pushed aside the final wall of thorny shrubs to reveal his secret Garden of Eden: a virgin grassy meadow that was protected on one side by a quarter mile of wooded forest and thick hedges, and on the other by a steep granite cliff rising out of the ground as if cut by a glacier. An impressive waterfall cascaded off of the rocks and carved out a natural swimming pool that lead to a friendly meandering stream. I stepped out of the shadows into the warm inviting sun followed by my Companion.

"By golly, Rovaun, you were right. It is breath-taking."

"Welcome to the honeymoon suite," he whickered proudly.

"Does anyone else know about this place?"

"Not that I am aware of. I discovered it a century ago and made a promise to myself that I would not come back again without my Companion, for that would be the only way to improve upon it's beauty."

"You really are quite the romantic," I said nuzzling him. Then I saw his injuries. "Rovaun, you poor thing, you're covered with thorns."

I plucked them out with my hands, which I was much more adept with than my horse lips. He didn't flinch at all, just smiled lovingly at my attention. I had a couple of thorns in me as well, which he easily removed, then tenderly licked the wounds clean. I did the same to him with my equine tongue, even though both of us knew that the punctures would soon heal on their own. Such were the wonders of the Hipponaur body. We hugged in the sunshine allowing our bodies to heat up a couple of ways.

"I can't believe I married a stallion," I sighed. "I actually married my Little Red Pony."

I felt his body shudder when I said that. He locked his chin over my mane to hold the hug longer, perhaps a little embarrassed by his sudden emotional onset.

"Tears of joy, right?" I asked, just to make sure.

"Yes, my Love," he whickered. "Nothing but from now on."

"Then let's share them."

He let go and smiled when he saw my eyes streaming as well. We kissed deeply for the first time since being pronounced one in marriage for all eternity. He was a sexy, handsome, virile stud that would remain that way potentially forever, and I was a mare of the same species. Against this idyllic backdrop, our destiny certainly looked beautiful from here. Eternity was a long time, though. I had no reason to think that it wouldn't last, except that human marriages rarely lasted as much as a decade, and I was still human where it counted.

If I truly was Rovaun's perfect complement, then there would be nothing to worry about. But how would I know for sure? The only thing I did know was that I wanted to believe it, and Rovaun wouldn't have married me if he didn't feel likewise. At least, I don't think he would have. Anyway, I decided to stop looking my handsome gift horse in the mouth and start getting this honeymoon rolling.

"As I recall," I said, "you made a promise to me about the next time."

"Mmmmm," he twinkled, "I did, didn't I?"

"I don't have a timer with me, but I'd say that if we start now, then you're not allowed to finish until just about sunset."

"If we start now," he cooed, "I expect to be finished just in time for sunset three days from now."

"Oooh, we'd better get cracking then. We have a lot of ground to cover."

"You pick out the ground, and I'll do the covering."

I found a comfy spot in some thick and tasty grass so we could eat in bed if we felt the need, then set down and raised up for him, just like the first time we did it as Hipponaurs. Though he was not erect, he climbed over me and positioned himself on target, then knelt down to support himself on the grass so that I wouldn't have to bear his entire weight. In this position we could easily kiss, and when we did so, I felt him penetrate and grow within me.

"You are so very sexy," he sighed.

"I hope you still think so after a thousand years."

"After a thousand years I will think you are so very VERY sexy."

"Right now I'm just plain very sexy, huh?"

"That's right. It only gets better."

"Better than this? Unbelievable!"

While we kissed, I practiced gripping him with my vaginal muscles. I felt like I was pulling him into me as much as he was expanding on his own. Needless to say it got both our juices flowing. It couldn't possibly get any better than this, yet who was I to argue with a being who could see the future?

"Did you know that we would get married?" I asked, breaking my own cardinal rule of "don't ask, don't tell."

"No, and I am glad that I did not foresee it."

"Because Destiny would have portrayed me as Zhorelle?"

"In all likelihood."

"My God," I snickered, "you probably would have killed yourself."

"In all likelihood."

"Well, Husband, as the cliche goes, today is the first day of the rest of your life."

"Then I shall also celebrate today as my birthday, for I have not truly lived until I exchanged vows with my beautiful Wife... um, do you want me to call you that?"

"I'm not sure; it doesn't quite work for me. Physically, I'm female, but psychologically, I'm still entirely male. If I were human with this condition, I'd be completely miserable. Yet as a Hipponaur, this combination works well for me, mostly because it works so well for you and for us. I miss having your huge dick, but I love having a huge vagina that can eat your huge dick. So I'm kind of stuck somewhere between two worlds, neither as your wife nor as your husband, but simply as your spouse."

"I would be happy to call you 'Spouse,' if you like."

"Ugh, that sounds so bland and impersonal. And it's also too easy to substitute 'Louse' when you get pissy at me."

"There is nothing to prevent me from doing that anyway."

"Yeah, I suppose. The thing is, to me, there is no question in my mind that you are my husband because you're so damn sexy and masculine. I guess what it boils down to is that I'm still your Companion, getting married didn't change that, and I already consider 'Companion' to be your most affectionate pet name for me. What about you? Do you like being called 'Husband?'"

"To be honest, Companion, I really DO. However, I suspect that it might be a novelty at the moment. I am also not quite used to the fact that I am now married. It is an uncanny and awesome feeling."

"And just a little bit scary?"

"It is terrifying."

"I am so glad you said that," I laughed. "We can be terrified together."

We continued kissing after he reached full length within me. Then he held his position and seemed to be a bit pensive. He let go of the kiss and nuzzled my neck and mane, which itself was tender and erotic, but I could tell something was up.

"Are you okay, Husband?"

"Perfectly," he said. "And you?"

"This is nice," I sighed, soothing his nerves. "I love the feeling of you so fat and hard inside me. It makes me feel desirable."

"You need not ever fear being undesirable. Every stallion in Hipponaur finds you desirable."

"But I only care about one of them."

"Fortunately for me," he said nibbling my ears.

He seemed to be okay, but still refused to do much more than hold me down. I supposed he was afraid of cumming too soon.

"You know, Husband, it's okay if this doesn't go on for days. There are lot's of other tasty things we can do to each other to pass the time."

"Are you not enjoying this?"

"Yes, of course I am. It's very sexy and intimate. And I think I'll let today be your lead. You may do with me, your love slave, whatever you please."

"Hmmm," he pondered, "what if I do nothing?"



"Like now?"


"Um... I don't... Uh oh, Rovaun, are you injured?"

"No, I am fine."

"Then, I don't... get it."

"Do you not think my holding you down like this creates erotic tension?"

"Oh... um... do you?"

"I asked you first."

"Okay... Well... I don't know. Let's find out."

We both sat still trying to find the erotic tension in the situation. I was starting to get just the teeniest bit annoyed but was willing to keep an open mind and humor him for a while.

"Am I supposed to be doing anything?" I asked.

"Do whatever you want to become more aroused."

"But I'm already aroused."

He snorted. "Perhaps I am not doing it right."

"You aren't doing anything!"

"I know," he sighed, shaking his head.

Suddenly it dawned on me what he might be up to. "Is this... are you... You've never tried this before, have you."

"No, Companion."

"Did you just think this up? That's great! It is such a turn-on when you abandon Destiny for me. Mmmmmm, I think I like it!"

I tried to push back into him but couldn't get any leverage. It was indeed becoming sexually frustrating, and I found myself getting angrier instead of hornier. I just wanted to feel him sliding around inside me some more, but he was purposely preventing it like some schoolyard bully holding my sack lunch at arm's length. I finally gave up and spoke my mind.

"You know what, Husband? I really love that you're trying something new, but to be honest, right now, 'doing nothing' doesn't do much for me, no pun intended. Certainly after we're done you can do nothing inside me as long as you want."

"So you do not really enjoy this type of sex play?"

"Please don't take this personally, but... no."

He whinnied and rubbed his face against mine. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that," he cried.

"Rovaun, what is this all about? Did you have another vision?"

"No... yes... uh, please, think nothing more of it."

He started up his famous slow grind that I loved so much. My frustration vanished instantly as I felt his tree trunk come to life.

"Oooohhhhh yes, Biggus Dickus... UUuurrrmmmm. Work it all in... Oooyyeahh... What was it we were talking about?... MMMMmmmmmmm."

"Rrrowrrr, rrrowwrrr,..."

"Yeah tiger, stuff those monster balls into in my crack! Ohhhhhh, Mama!!"

"This I can do for hours."

"Please do. Danny likes. I hope your leg and hip muscles don't cramp up."

"Oh they will. That is how I know that I am having a good time."

"I see," I laughed. "You don't plan on being able to walk after this, do you."

"Nope. I plan to go completely lame for a week."

"I'll have to make sure no one mistakes you for an ordinary horse and shoots you."

That was the wrong thing to say. He immediately became pensive again.

"I... am sorry you got shot," he said.

"Forget it. I wish it hadn't happened, but I've put it behind me."


He tried to recapture the mood, but was having trouble, and now it was bothering me, too. I HAD put the shooting incident behind me, but now I couldn't remember why. I remembered being shot and then Nadine dressing my wounds, but nothing in between. And now Rovaun was acting so weird as if he was hiding something. He practically boasted about keeping a secret from me after Varyl had erased Tattoo's memory. Then it occurred to me that I couldn't remember why I had asked Varyl to do that, either.

"Rovaun, should my Hipponaur memory be just as sharp as yours?"

"I believe so, Companion."

"Then why can't I remember how Tattoo became so traumatized?"


"I remember being shackled with you and Parceph, and Tattoo was singing even when Garson was there. And the next thing I remember, I was unlocking our shackles and Tattoo was totally freaking out."

"Companion, please don't think about that. It is our honeymoon."

"Wait... There was something else... Bouceph?"

"Companion, STOP! Please!" he begged.

I turned to him and saw the sad and terrified expression on my mate.

"What's going on, Rovaun?"

"Please, Companion, you must not think about what happened in the desert."

I particular did not like being told what to think, married or not. "What happened, Rovaun!" I demanded to know.

He sighed deeply, then looked at me anxiously. "I will tell you some of it, but you must promise not to dwell on it, for both of our sakes."

His expression told me he was about to reveal one of those awful secrets that I so cavalierly said I would go hunting for. Now I wasn't so sure I wanted to know.

"I... did some terrible things back in the desert in order to rescue us. And I was so ashamed that I asked Varyl to erase those memories from you and Tattoo."

"Husband, whatever you did, I'm sure you did it because you had to, and I'm also sure I would have forgiven you... But I'm not so sure about having my memory erased. THAT makes me feel just as violated as when Varyl had done it the first time."

"Companion, do you remember how you felt the moment when Varyl erased that memory from Tattoo?"

"I do. I felt... completely unburdened. Life was worth living again. Shit, Rovaun, whatever did you do to make me feel like that about you?"

He paused to consider his confession, then looked me in the eye and said, "I killed those two men."

I pulled back, astonished and quite relieved. "That's it? All this fuss over those two scumbags? I would have killed them myself given half a chance!"

"Yes, well, nevertheless, I did it, and my honor has been compromised because of it, and that is why you were so upset."

"Nonsense! Those guys were a danger to everyone, not just to us." Then I smiled somewhat seductively. "You really killed them? Not that I want to encourage a murderous rampage, but, I think that is kind of sexy. You really are my protector. Nobody messes with my Rovaun!"

He looked down, apparently still ashamed, and I figured that there had to be more to justify wiping my memory.

"Did you kill Bouceph, too?"

"No, Companion, I do not know whether he is alive or dead, though my preference is for the latter. Right now, with your memory of these events significantly faded, by your own admission you are a much happier person, and so is Tattoo. And that makes me even MORE happy than the both of you combined. But if you dwell on the memories and try to reconstruct them, I have no doubt that you will eventually succeed. So please, Companion, do this for me, your Husband. Please swear that you will not pursue these memories any further."

I smiled to console him. "Of course, Husband. I'm stuck with you forever. Who needs crappy everlasting memories? I swear to Hipponaur that I will not consciously try to remember these incidents, and I'll go even further. If it comes to pass that I find out or somehow remember them, I will go to Varyl and have them erased again. Will that make you feel better?"

"Very much so," he sighed, nuzzling my neck some more.

"Perhaps you could stand to have the memories erased, too."

"No, I will keep them for now."

"To remind you of what you're capable of doing?"

"To some extent, and also to learn from past mistakes."

"I know where you're coming from. I've done things that I wished others would forget as well. Next time, though, get my permission in writing before messing with my head, okay?"

"Yes, Dear."

"It's a shame I don't remember it. I wish I could have seen you take those guys out. They probably didn't stand a chance."


"I'm sorry. It's just that I think you're so HOT! And compromising your honor for me... Oh GOD you're making me horny!"

I turned to kiss him, but he reached me first and turned up the thermostat.

"Mmmmm, Husband, believe me, I have more than enough sexual tension just being on the same planet with you."

I pressed my clitoris into the base of his cock. He sensed it and growled with his tongue in my mouth, then made some short thrusts to get my juices running down his balls.

"Ohhhrrrrrrmmmmfff, I know this is supposed to last hours, but you keep doing that and I won't be able to hold out any longer."

"In that case...," he said, letting go of my mouth. He raised up and pulled nearly all the way out. Then I felt his glans wetly slide out of my vulva and creep upwards a couple of inches.

"Oh, ho, ho, you nasty boy. Are you about to take my virginity?"

"That is my evil plan."

"Oh dear, help, someone save me from the mad rapist. Whatever you do, don't slowly press your cock into my ass... Eeeeee... Oooohhh, yes!!... don't ever do tha... Urrrrmmmmnnnnggg. And now don't force your way passed my sphinc... AAAAaahhhooooooeeeee. Oh, fuck yessss... And for Pete's sake, don't waste another second shoving that monster ALL THE WAY IN!!... ALL... THE... WAY... FUCKING-A! Rovaun! Ride 'em, cowboy! Woo-HOO!!"

An endless parade of orgasms marched by as I bucked uncontrollably beneath him. Rovaun did everything he could just to stay on, and I could hear him laughing far off in the distance while I went totally nuts with forbidden pleasure. I didn't know what triggered the sudden attack of multiple orgasms and I didn't really care, except that I hoped the recipe was as easy as Rovaun's dick plus my ass equals slow glorious death by orgasm. My very vocal grunts of undeniable sexual ecstasy echoed off the canyon walls making it sound like a herd of rutting beasts at a manic orgy. When he sensed my orgasm frequency waning, he showed no mercy and gently thrust into me, which fired them right back up again.

"Fuck... Rovaun... Fuck... Me... Oh... Dear... Sweet... Geeeez..."

Now I understood how he must have felt when I virtually and relentlessly attacked his prostate. Soon it became too much pleasure to bear.

"Stop... Please... Rovaun..."

He heeded my request, and held me down again to remove the stimulation.

Exhausted, I lowered my head to the ground to catch my breath. It was then that I became aware that my clitoris, on its own, had been vibrating like a hummingbird's wing, and only now did it flutter down to rest.

"Thank you. [Wheeze] I came... A LOT... Sorry. I'm a terrible love slave."

"Yes, Companion," he chuckled, "I see you will need many years of training."

"Years!? I don't think I can last another two minutes. That was amazing. I'm already suffering endorphin withdrawal."

"I am sure I can remedy that."

"No! Please, give me a break."

"Do you wish me to disengage?"

"No, stay inside and do nothing forever. I love it! But just hold me for now, okay?"

He rested on top of me and pressed his cheek against my neck while I recovered.

"I love my Hipponaur brain," I panted. "It amplifies everything I like about life and about you. And I love you, Husband, and it's not just the fantastic sex talking. I can't believe how lucky I am."

"I love you, too, Companion," he whickered warmly. "Forever and always."

There was that incredible voice again, and it triggered another painful orgasm.

"I'll be quiet," he snickered. "You really ARE an ass man."

I laid there overwhelmed with senses and emotion: achy pleasure, love, contentment, security, warmth, bliss... I didn't want to truly comprehend the feelings all at once for fear that if I did, then everything else in my life would become a disappointment when held up next to this unparalleled moment. I was coupled with my handsome adoring husband in Eden. Heaven looked down on us in envy.

He continued to nuzzle and tenderly lick my neck as I regained my strength.

"Would you like to continue, my Love?" he asked.

"Forever and always," I sighed, "but let's take a break for a bit. I'd like to go swimming."

"That sounds like fun."

He carefully pulled out and then stood up.

"Let me take care of that," I said.

"It is not necessary. I can wash off in the stream."

"I want to."

"If you insist," he smiled.

I began licking him clean from base to tip while he whickered with renewed passion.

"It's not that gross, really. Should be even easier to digest the second time."

His whickering turned to soft moans when I changed tactics and started slowly swallowing him whole again. His hind legs trembled when I was halfway to his balls, then completely buckled once I reached them. He collapsed to his haunches and allowed me to orally please him, which apparently I had a natural talent for. Soon he was panting, snorting and undulating with my motion, uprooting the grass with his mighty clenched buttocks. It wasn't long until my belly was warmly rewarded.

"You made me break my promise, you Bitch" he brayed to the sky.

I burst out laughing. "'You Bitch' - I love it! That's what I want you to call me from now on. 'Elder, may I present my mate, You Bitch.' It's perfect!"

He started laughing too. "Danny-Boy is indeed looney tunes."

It was difficult to laugh and breathe at the same time with his cock fully inflated inside my throat. He realized my discomfort and leaned over, nuzzling my neck to calm us both down. Once normal breathing was restored, I was content to remain tied to him for a month. Some guys fell asleep after sex, others attempted to engage their mates with sweetly insipid pillow talk, but for me, moments like this when life was so good often spurred me to contemplate its meaning.

"Do you believe in God?" I asked. "I mean, you talk about it in a 'hallelujah' sort of way, but do you really believe it?"

"Most of us believe in a grand order to the cosmos, which includes destiny. To that extent we believe in God in a philosophical sense, but not necessarily as a being that watches over our every move. What about you?"

"I definitely believe in God. His all mighty dick is down my throat right now."

"You're definitely going to Hell for that one."

"It'll be worth it. I have no regrets."

"Don't worry," he laughed, "I am sure I will be joining you there."

I felt him deflate enough to be able to release him. He slowly emerged squeaky clean from my throat, and I was able to milk a few more ounces of pearly essence which I savored on my tongue after letting him go.

"If there is a God, and he doesn't hate my blasphemous guts, I pray that I never tire of us. In ten thousand years, I dearly hope our passion never fades, that each time is as good as the first."

"Companion," he nuzzled, "I hate to disappoint you. It will never be as good as the first. Remember? It only gets better."

He kissed me tenderly, and I believed him.

[End of _COMPANIONS_ Chapter 15: Eden]

[Next in series: Chapter 16: Chaos]