Trade: Taming the Wolf

Story by dracologist on SoFurry

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Aria's win/loss ratio against the massively muscular white wolf was not the best, in fact to this date she had never won a single match against him. Now is her chance to redeem herself. This is a match that she's been training for, been studying for, been looking forward to, and tonight she is going to put her full self into making sure that this canine howls for her. Can she accomplish her goal? Will she end up falling once more for that towering beast? Read and find out.

Aria (c) dragonwaffle;

Wolf (c) icondracologist:

This is my very first trade commission ever. I hope that the artist likes the work that I put into this as well as the content. It took a bit of work and a sleepless night to finish, but it is now done and ready for Dragonwaffle to check it out. Great story, lots of fun writing it. I'd give the picture that this was inspired by for the Trade, but that would spoil the ending. So instead please check it out.

Taming the Wolf

She'd been waiting for this for a while now, her mind had been focused on it through meals, matches, through training, and now that she stood at the entryway looking out into the crowds that were starting to gather the lynx knew that it was her chance to finally achieve the one thing that she hadn't been able to do since joining the Nation Sex Fighters and Wrestlers. In the time that she had been feeding around the bottom, winning and losing her matches down at the lower level fighters, this girl had watched her rival, the person that she continued to strive to find a way to win against so many times without ever being able to come out on top , rise to not only being a top ranked fighter in her group, but also be labeled as being a tournament champion. The very idea ate away at her like locusts and now that she had a chance to meet him in the ring once again this girl wasn't holding back anything. She was going to see this titan fall at her feet, she was going to drive him into the ground and tame him just like so many before had failed to do. This might not be a championship match, but it was absolutely going to be a brawl to remember, one that she was going to be looking back on for the rest of her life.

The lime furred lynx moved a hand up and easily brushed the dual colored hand out of her face, the lower strands coming along at an aqua green while the others hold themselves as a forest toned green, this pattern, this rhythm of colors continued down her long braid that wrapped the length of her back with this two colored style. This braid shifted with her movement as she turned herself, almost pacing in anticipation to the idea of getting a chance to take down this towering beast, this raging winner that had lorded over her every single time she'd fought him. To her this was an all time personal goal, to always strive and better herself, but ultimately to take down this white canine once and for all. She didn't wear clothing, she knew better than to try and enter the ring with Wolf wearing something like that, anything at all really. The monster was a genius at turning a person's clothing against them, to create weaknesses from things like modesty, and while she traditionally fought nude this only gave her more reason to do so. The crowd usually got behind the fighter that was able to put on a little strip show, kept on a bit of a thong or a bra in order to keep some things to the imagination until those bits were torn off later in the fight. It was tantalizing for the audience, and a way to put on a great show behind of giving the people that paid to get in a very well trained fight between two warriors looking to dominate one another. Arianna was there to fight Wolf, to take him down for the first time in her fighting career, and force him to grunt and cream for her. She wanted to see that face, she wanted to hear those groans, and she was going to push everything to make sure that it happened.

Wolf wasn't near Aria, not yet, he knew that in a fight like this that he could be giving her the space that she needed. Wolf was a massively muscular monster of a canine, a wolf who's strong body was covered in thick, stark white fur that did little to hide the figure that he'd worked a very long time on developing and even longer on maintaining. Despite his very one note color scheme the massive beast had a very interesting point about him. Despite his white body the canine had a pair of pitch black eyes that covered the entirety of the eye itself. Not just the whites, not just the iris, but the entire eye was covered in a dark void to a point that they didn't even reflect light back, no gleams, no reflection, just blackness. Wolf had faced Aria a number of times before, three if he remembered, and each time she was down and out in only a matter of seconds. This time, however, was different, she wasn't looking to enter that ring for some friendly cross of knuckles, the towering canine could clearly see that this girl was obviously taking this match very seriously, and that was why he gave her the space that she clearly wanted. Wolf was a number of things, a massive beast of a fighter, a ruthless warrior in that ring, but above all he was the NSFW's big puppy, he was one of the most gentle people there outside of the ring, and despite everything about him he didn't even have that much of an ego and was willing to help others become stronger whenever he could. Helpful, friendly, kind, Wolf was all of these things to the people of his fighting group, but when he was in that ring the large canine was a completely different creature, he changed into this snarling monster who's entire purpose was to fight and win. He didn't hold back, he didn't step down, and he didn't stop the fight until it was over.

With the crowd settling in sound of the speaking drew into a hush, the man standing in the middle of the ring speaking into a microphone that echoed his voice amongst the crowd so that all could hear him, the sound was deep, authoritative, and above all inspiring as a key note to how these main events tended to sound off. Aria had worked hard to reach this point, and as the clock ticked down she was going to prove that she deserved to be here.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," the announcer started off, his body turning to look through at all of them, "Tonight we have a special treat for each of you. Tonight we bring back a fan favorite, a monster in the ring, and we also bring back a delicate flower with thorns long enough to bite back. Tonight the National Sex Fighters and Wrestlers presents the main event, a fighter who against all odds, all defeats, has risen time and time again to return to this very ring. Her fury in these matches are the things of legends. A lynx ready to show us once again why she is a true fighter, and an impressive lover. Tonight, I bring you Arianna!"

The crowd cheered loud for the girl as she stepped out, her eyes focused on that ring as she stepped towards it and soon gripped down on the ropes to pull herself in, sliding under and bouncing a bit with her nude body to make a few strikes at the air just as she went to approach her corner.

"For your viewing pleasure this feline will be facing an NSFW Champion in a non-title match, a rivaled fight between these two warriors ready to tear one another down. You've seen him fight his way through one fighter after another, you've seen him take on the toughest and come out on top, and here you will see this pure white warrior take on this woman once again. Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight we present to you... Wolf!" Again the sound of the crowd called out seeing him step out into the spotlight as he made his way to this ring, those eyes locked onto the girl there, fighting the urge to smile and wave to her as he knew this was a professional fight, but as he gripped the top rope thanks to his just over eight foot tall size this beast would climb his way over and into the ring to join her, his hand quickly gripping onto that corner while his entire demeanor began to change.


The bell rang immediately to start the match and the lynx girl was already making her way towards the towering beast that she'd lost to a few times now. She was a wrestler by trade and that gave her a huge disadvantage where she would have been wrestling a monster that could not only pick her up single-handed, but also was at least three feet taller than her from the start. There was nothing that she could to do Wolf using the skills and talents that she'd learned that would make any kind of impact, and that was why she was going to strive for another range of attack, another method of fighting this beast so that she can hope to surprise him and this time beat him down enough to win their fight. She'd gone out of her way to try and study the wolf, watch his fights, learn his tactics and more importantly his weak points so that she could make sure that she knew everything that she needed to in order to plan out her own method of fighting him, something that very few people had ever done. She had learned that Wolf may be large, but he was actually pretty quick, this was something that she knew from experience, but what she learned about him by watching was that he was only fast for a very short time and was pretty bad at changing directions once she was trying to close that distance, that was why when the bell rang and she heard the soundless snarl of the canine across from her, watched his lips curl up to show the teeth and even saw those eyes narrow down quickly, she was prepared for his charge. The quick and fast movement of that white body closing the distance across the ring wasn't met with a charge of her own head on, that was a foolish tactic to use against an opponent Wolf's size as a fighter of her build, instead she avoided that initial attack by quickly diving to the side, coming to roll back to her feet and face him. It was something that very few people had ever done in this ring. Usually when Wolf charged he hit his mark head on, something about the people in this league having more bravery than clarity.

When she dodged she made sure to continue facing him, seeing him reach his hands up to grip the ropes in order to stop himself in mid charge instead of driving his own body into that corner. It helped, but he was no completely exposed and she could see that. Another thing that Aria learned about Wolf was that his body was strong, but it was also tough. Despite his figure that was presented by the massive beast his fighting style was mostly defensive, only becoming offensive when he had a clear lead on the opponent, the muscles that made up his form helped with his strength for the most part, but were much more designed to take hits than deal them. Wolf's body was built to withstand hard attacks and allow people to wear themselves out on him. This meant that making an attack at all was falling into his strategy, but there were weak points, breaks in the armor where solid attacks could get in, and thankfully this girl was a wrestler so she knew how the body worked, how it bent, how it moved. The feline came in for an attack against the canine, but she didn't do so in order to land a hit against his back or his body, or anywhere else. She went for the back of his knee, crashing her shin into it hard with a heavy swing of her leg. The body was designed to move in a very specific way and thanks to her kick he could feel his knees bending down until his own weight forced his knees into the canvas, leaving him grunting out deeply from the strike. This was the opening that Aria needed, this was her time to shine and now that he was at her level, finally, she moved in quick, lifting herself into the air in an almost excited leap in order to bring down those knuckles hard with a nicely placed punch right into the side of his face.

The attack knocked his head to the side, forcing him to grunt out even while his lip started to bleed from the attack, the clear snarl of his voice calling easily into the air thanks to the stinging feeling of that hard punch that had crossed his face. The fact that her attack had worked so well left the feline smiling outwardly, watching him in pain while she excitedly watched on until his hand reached out for this girl, moving to wrap his hand around her neck quickly, those long fingers about to wrap around her thin neck a few times, but once was enough for now. The tight grip instantly cut off her breath, forcing her hands to take hold of his wrist while she tried to finally back away, wanting to pull that hand off of her in some hope of trying to escape this hold. Aria had done well so far, having noticed a couple of very key weaknesses about his body, but she had gotten overconfident after landing that hard strike and forgot to keep her defenses up. As Wolf twisted he wasn't about to choke the girl out, that simply wasn't his way given that they were in a sex fighting group, and instead drew his twist into a nice, well placed, throw into her corner, releasing her, but forcing her there hard enough to jerk her body and forcing a deep grunt from her smaller figure.

The throw into the corner was powerful, but not nearly as scary as the fact that she was now in this corner with the massive beast of a canine towering over her. The sight of him made her ears fold back, her gaze narrow, and her breath snarl from her lips. She'd done well so far, she'd really gotten him a few well placed times, and she hadn't wanted for this fight to end so quickly. Wolf's tactic here was clear, she'd seen it a number of times. If she tried to escape then he'd just throw her back into that corner, but if she stayed here then she was going to receive a nicely placed beating and then once she was worn down enough for him to take her, to start dominating her, it was all over. There had to be a way for her to get out, though and as he lifted his knee directly towards that stomach her hands came down, pushing against the tip of his leg so that as he pushed against her the force of his attack would lift her into the air, her shoulders dropping down onto the turnbuckle of the top rope and without even a though, without any plan at all her hands gripped that rope, holding onto it for dear life while her legs moved to curl up at her stomach and launch hard against the canine's body, this girl performing a hard double kick that not only drive a deep wave of breath from the towering wolf, but also forced him backwards off of her, leaving him stumbling and giving this girl as the time that she needed to get away from him and that corner.

Aria wasn't really all the strong, not very durable, especially against a weight class like the massive monster of a canine, but what she did have was smarts. This feline was clearly not the dumbest of fighters and between instinct and raw guts she was able to not only drive that beast back, but drive the very wind out of his lungs. While Wolf was left gasping for air it was finally this lynx's turn to make her strike back, to show this massive wolf what kind of true skills that she had. As this girl charged in she came in lower than before, wanting to make sure to avoid any grabbing hands this time, and when she rose up her legs flexed, feeding strength up the length of her body and down the length of her arm so that when those knuckles connected into the stomach it would be in a full force that drove him back further and into those ropes. Just after she'd felt her powerful knuckle impact the white canine's body her feet lept up, bringing her elbow into the air only so that way she could bring it back down against the top of his chest forcing this massive beast down once again, but this time onto his white rump that bounced against the canvas, leaving him taking quite the beating. Before Wolf could even make a counter attack she was already on him, pressing her foot down onto his shoulder while she gripped both ropes, twisting the middle one and locking it around his wrist in order to pin him in this exact spot before doing the same to the other. Already Wolf barked out, trying to pull himself free with strength alone, but while she gritted her teeth at the view of him trapped, Aria wanted to make sure that he stayed that way and once again punched him clearly across the side of the cheek, jerking his head to the side. With Wolf working to try and recover as quickly as he could it didn't look well for the canine, his arms still tugging on the stretchy rope, trying to free at least one hand so that he could release the other, but it seemed that the more he tried to fight this the more it was going to continue holding him in place. Muscles tensed, but with the girl already sitting in his lap it was clear that she was going to try and get that win out of him while he was helpless and unable to defend himself, something he'd done to her plenty of times in their careers together.


Wolf felt her already grinding against his body, the feeling of those hips moving along his own, rubbing her juicy slit over his already quickly building shaft. The red tip even coming to poke out easily in order to see what was going on, but in seeing it's situation with this dominating girl striving to coax more of it out the movement of it's slithering body continued to climb out through it's sheath slit, spreading the skin more and more the longer it pulled free. Wolf grunted, groaned, but despite any attempts he might even want to make here there was nothing to stop that canine cock from rising it's way free from it's hiding place. The display of it between their bodies drove her, helped her to continue, made her strive to finally see that come out and know for once that it wasn't under the large beast's control. Instead she was in charge, she was making it rise, but this girl had a lot more planned than just getting Wolf erect, she was planning to punish him a bit, to make him feel a touch of the humiliation and domination that he'd caused on her a number of times now. Was it a revenge match? Maybe a little bit, but it was a long time coming and she was absolutely going to make it last as long as she could so that he could remember this time together, remember the day that she won over this colossal creature and turned him into a drooling pup in the ring in front of this large crowd of people. Aria had it in her to do that, to drive him that far, and she was going to make sure that beyond any reason that was the exact state that she left him in.

The more determined this girl got the harder her rocking hips ground down on the canine's lap, and it was only a matter of time before she was lifting herself up, that lime colored hand wrapping it's fingers around the red spear shaped doggy dick. He was huge down stairs, just like he was everywhere else and while she moved to lower herself more and more around his fat and juicy cock she felt those inches sink into her figure, more and more of it vanishing into her body, first just six, and then a full foot, and then before he knew it she was sitting on his lap once again with two feet of hot cock driving its way inside of her, the feeling of it's pulsating meat finding some location inside of her to nestle. The size alone was enough to force her to forfeit the match right here, but that snarling beast tugging at the ropes once again forced the girl to reawaken and start to lift her hips only to drop them back down. The was smaller than Wolf and even though she was able to take him in thanks to quite a bit of practice and the past matches that had left him driving it into her, the girl knew that she could handle the full length. Those hips came to crush down over and over against his own, smashing his balls between his thighs and her rump while she nearly purred to the feeling of it, loving the size, but loving more the feeling of this being taken her way for once. That movement sped up, the well stretched walls of her deep cunny crushed back down against the massive canine's equally massive member, forcing a loud bark from his body while his struggling finally stopped and his hips began to lift right back into her completely outside of his will. Wolf didn't know how much longer he could hold on, but knew far too well that if he could just wait it out then he would have this match once anyway where Arianna's body would give out first forcing her into the same deep orgasm that she was starting to build up in his body.

Aria had him on the ropes, literally, and while Wolf tried to resist, tried to fight back, all of his attempts were starting to fail. As she lifted up and down the length of his towering shaft the canine's breaths drew to a stagger and the feeling of that hard cock inside of her only stiffened more at his bodies fight to resist started to fail slowly more and more. He could get used to the single motion of up and down, he could withstand it in it's repetition, but then she changed everything, no longer lifting and instead rolling her hips in circles while a hand reached out to grip the top of his head, forcing his eyes directly into her own while she watched his face. She wanted to see him at that breaking point, at the moment when he knew he couldn't win this match. The eyes that locked onto his body watched him waited to witness his expressions, and while he gritted his teeth that white mouth slowly opened up, his breath shaking, his tongue rolling to the side of his mouth and finally the entirety of his body tensed up, gripping the ropes that he was bound to in order to feel those eyes shut tight, his now scrunch, and even his teeth chenched all over again just as the feeling of his hot and thick cum shot from his body and directly into hers with a fast and immediately spurt, the first of many that were to come, the leader of that pack that quickly shot into her body and left him throwing his head back and howling out loudly like the wolf that he was as his body finally released, finally gave in, and the heavy waves of hot bubbling seed washed through her body as those heavy and massive balls grew smaller by the second with so much of that seamen jetting from his dick and into her delicate insides.

The sound of the bell ringing told this towering beast that the match was over, the crowd themselves clapped and applauded while the feline smiled and looked around. It had been a hard match, but the large wolf had finally been brought down by this lynx, her revenge had finally been completed, but she didn't lift from his lap, instead still grinding against him and even leaned in for a deep kiss directly into his lips. "Good puppy."

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