The Alpha in the Forest

Story by Noxious Photon on SoFurry

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Hey all! To anyone still interested in my uploads I suppose after a break and well, many many things happening, I'm back into writing for now! I'm a tad bit fickle with it I think but for now you can expect a continuation of my In The Wilds story as well as maybe a few lewd stories, like this one.

This story is actually a bit of a spiritual successor to a previous work of mine, though the previous story isn't required to understand it. But either way simple gay sex between two pokemon, and to anyone to lazy to even read the backstory there's even a marker to skip most of it; either way enjoy!

I wiped a bead of sweat off of my forehead as I continued looking through the dense forest I had found myself in for about a day now, the trees were sprouted out as far as the eye could see with only some vague looking paths, nothing I hadn't experienced before but always jarring from the bustling cities I'm used to.

Since I was a Pichu I had always known the city over the forest really. From practically the minute I was born I got picked from a lab I hardly remember as the life of a trainers first Pokémon. We both learned about the world around us and were always after the goal of becoming stronger. We worked and fought hard together, picking up a few other strong Pokémon along the way.

After many years of doing this we had even reached the point that we had become one of the strongest Pokémon teams in the continent, though were not #1 yet. As I am now I'm still a semi-young but strong and battle hardened Raichu. But as to why I'm in the forest is a very different story.

Not too long ago I had been left at the daycare center for a couple of days as my trainer wanted to do some specialized training with his other Pokémon as he felt I was stronger than all the rest of them. And through my brief but relaxing time at this day care center I had met a younger Pikachu, just as someone fun to chat with while I stayed there.

However despite this Pikachu's young age I was able to learn quite a few things from him, as well as the calling of the forest. Apparently his trainer during what he called mating season would let him out all by himself in the forest sometimes to find someone to have sex with, for practically half a week; and apparently that was how he found his Zangoose mate.

Somehow I hadn't really learned about this before meeting him. I knew about sex obviously but I was always too busy to really look for any, I've always been more focused on training rather than sex. But what he said about mating season really interested me as I did notice during certain periods of time I felt abnormally heated, and I could tell these past 3 days or so was yet another season like that.

If I really was able to get the time then in that situation I could test out my loins and have sex without any worry sense it's just in the forest. With how relaxing the day care center was and the heat from the season really pushing my thoughts more so than usual, I decided It was time I take a break from my work and seek out some sex!

It took a bit of bargaining as my trainer had also not heard of doing this either, but inevitably he was forced to agree as he couldn't defend the fact I had never even gotten a chance to be with anyone before; we were a very busy team after all. And so now I found myself here, looking anywhere for a female Pokémon to fuck like no tomorrow, I didn't know the nitty gritty details about t but instinct would surely take over and I'd just role with it.

But just as I was searching through the forest, I heard a heavy stomping of running not too far in the distance. And before even thinking much of it a Rhydon appeared right before me, looking at me right in the eyes. I paused for a moment looking back as there was a small moment of silence "Can I.. help you?" The Rhydon only laughed at my response.

"Finally, I had been waiting for an excuse to fight someone. Today's been a shitty day, but I promise not to kill you alright." And without even the slightest bit of hesitation his locked eye's narrowed and he bolted towards me. I relied on my own highly trained instincts and to the Rhydon surprise dodged his sudden attack, though he himself did not stop.

He just as quickly bolted toward the tree I jumped on and was fiercely running all over trying to get a swipe on me. I used this opportunity to think... but it wasn't looking good. My honed electric attacks would be utterly useless on a ground type.. And it's clear this Rhydon was abnormally strong, not as fast as me but bigger and stronger. Relying only on physical combat in this situation it was obvious that I would lose, even if I managed to get some good damage on him.

"My my this is a surprise, I can't remember the last time anyone has been able to keep up with me let alone fight, so let's see your counter attack!" despite my speed escaping from this situation seemed very unlikely.. Shit, I can't afford to be looking beat up when finding a mate, or coming back to my trainer bloodied up and never getting a chance for sex.. What the hell do I do?

And suddenly almost out a nowhere, a pair of leaf blades came swiftly from the tree's cutting the Rhydon and knocking him over to the ground. Almost like a hero appearing in the nick of time, a tall and strong looking Sceptile popped out crossing his arms and looking over at the Rhydon.

"Harassing and beating up Pokémon again are we?" the Rhydon growled in annoyance, now with some decently deep wounds from the grass attack he was clearly weak to. "Stay the hell out of this Scott, I have no quarrel with you." The Sceptile named Scott apparently only laughed in response much like Rhydon had done to me. "That's only because you know you can't beat me, you only pick on the ones you know you can beat or can't hurt you very well like this electric type. Now how about you get the hell out of here like a good boy."

The Rhydon growled in anger at the Sceptile, but didn't bother moving and only looked at him with fierce eyes. But it seemed to be an empty threat as he laid his guard down and without saying anything backed off and quickly ran off... Phew.

The Sceptile in a much more friendly mood then before walked up over to me and gave me a bit of a surprised look after looking at me. "Wow, you don't have a single scratch or bruise on you; you must be quiet fast." I brushed off some dirt I had on my arms before responding. "Well I was just at a tactical disadvantage is all.. your no push over yourself though huh?"

The Sceptile smiled brightly at me and suddenly sat down next to me, seeming a bit interested in talking with me. It would be rather rude of me to just try and leave after this Pokémon saved me, so I indulged in his interest and sat down with him, I still had 3 or 4 days to find a mate anyways.

"So you must be from the city huh?" I was taken back from his rather astute assumption, or perhaps I was just that obvious when in the forest. "Ah... how could you tell, am I that obvious?" Sceptile shook his head. "Well not at first glance but any Pokémon living here, especially one weak against ground types like you would have memorized to stay away from his territory, he always takes out his personal problems on the weaker Pokémon who go near it."

I sighed a little bit at his explanation. "So I just got unlucky huh... but, lucky enough to be saved I guess." The Sceptile giggled lightly. "You can call me Scott by the way" "Alright than Scott, you can just call me Alex." Scott smiled in response. "So then Alex, if you're here, I take it your here for mating season right?" Well, I think almost anyone could have guessed that one, so I nodded not bothering to hide the fact.

"It's a little bit embarrassing to say but until now I've never gotten a chance to go out and have fun during mating season, I was always so busy at home and wasn't even aware of this being a thing. So I'm trying my best to find a good female mate to be with." Scott looked at me a bit curiously. "Female huh, even though you've never had sex, don't tell me your looking to make kids out here or something?"

I shook my head furiously at even the prospect. "God no, I have no interest in that ever! I have my own life, I don't care what species really I just want to experience sex you know, with my first time possibly around the corner and mating season affecting my body I'm more than ready for some rutting." To think this whole time I was pleasing myself during these seasons for so long, It may not be easy in the city but out here everyone's just doing the same.

The Sceptile still seemed kind of confused from my response. "Hmmm.. I don't get it. Then why are you specifically looking for a female?" What kind of question was that? "Uh because I'm a male? Males have sex with females, jeez what are you even asking." Scott snickered at my answer for some reason. "Why does it even mater, any gender can fuck any other gender they want you know."

I wasn't even sure how to respond to that.. "But males being with females are just how it is.. why would a male be with another male." Scott laughed more at my response, making me a little upset. "I don't know the rules of humans and cities Alex, but out here you fuck anything you want. Nobody here cares if it's male or female, sex is sex, and It's mating season my friend; your limiting yourself for no reason."

"They do? But I mean.. well.. your saying that even females.. have sex with other females out here? But... mmm." Somehow the prospect didn't even come to my mind, I assumed that was just how it was.. my trainer doesn't seem very good at talking and teaching us this stuff. "Well sure, think about it; what exactly is stopping them? Two males can use their mouth for pleasuring, and even do it anally. Even with other females they find many ways to put stuff in there you know."

At least I was smart enough to understand what he was talking about here, I wasn't completely oblivious. But still, I myself had even thought about anal stuff with a female.. but there's nothing stopping a male from being able to do that to me... but would that even work?" Scott looked over at me with a smile. "I can tell your deep in thought about what I said, but you also can't rebuttal anything I said right?"

Also true.. I think it might be best to say there's a lot I do and don't know, and clearly this is one of those things. Some people stick to their conventions on certain topics, but I have no problems changing my view point If I literally don't know anything about it. "I.. Well.. your right, I guess. But still doing it with another male, how does that even work?"

"Hmm well, how about instead of explaining it I show you? What do you think about exploring it with me." "Huh?" was all I could think to say flabbergasted from his sudden proposal. "Both male and females are options, and doing it with one or the other is a different experience, but far from a less pleasurable one. I myself am actually one of the top alpha males in this forest and have had sex with many different species, male or female, I know my stuff." Scott suddenly reached out a hand to me standing up. "so how about it, want to try it with me for your first time cutie."

Somehow I ended up following the Sceptile all the way to his home base from this strange meeting. It was all very sudden, now going with a strong male to have.. sex with. But to be quiet honest I could hardly even say no anyways, I was apprehensive but he said If I didn't like it he'd be willing to stop even in the middle of it, plus I kind of owed him for saving my life.. In a way this was a little bit of payment.

But I myself just didn't know how this would turn out. Heat and lust was all throughout the forest as well as in my own body, I wasn't showing it off right now but I already knew I was pent up, and Scott here could be just as much as me. I just have to see how I'm going to feel once the time comes in the end.

After only a few more minutes we seemed to arrive at what looked like his cave, a rather large looking one if he's the only one living there. It was a tad bit dark at first but eventually as we entered further we could see some dim lights in the distance. We eventually entered into what appeared a widening in the cave to his rather astonishing looking place he had here.

There were various assortments of decent to slightly worn furniture, a few coaches, a large bed, multiple colored carpets covering up a majority of the otherwise rocky floor, and many more basic things. There were all kinds of strange but nice looking ornaments on a few tables and hanging up around the wall, accompanied by a large amount of candles of all sizes that seem to stay on almost the entire time; needless to say for a place in the forest it was amazing.

Scott smiled back at me for a second as he continued further in arranging a few things. "I see you like my place." "Well of course, this place looks amazing!" But in my astonishment I couldn't help but realize something. "Hey Scott.. your like, the big alpha male of the forest right. It's been mating season for a while now I think, why would you choose me? Surely you could have had many others in your cave by now."

"Hmm quiet astute of you, well the answer is pretty simple really. It's because as the alpha male here I started over time becoming.. picky. For a while almost any species or gender would do but I had a lot of options and to many people wanting my attention, so I came to a point where I could myself choose only the perfect candidates." Scott seemed to smile slyly to himself a bit. "In fact I found it worth it over time to find just one amazing Pokémon to fuck the whole season, even when it ended up taking me many days to find; I wouldn't even bother touching myself until I found that perfect looking Pokémon, releasing all my pent up pleasure onto them~"

This guy is quiet a pervert it seems.. but a very strong fighting pervert that seems to have the lap of luxury. But if he was saying that.. "So wait.. you, consider me somehow this almost perfect good looking candidate?" Scott did another small and sly giggle at me, something he seemed to quiet like doing.

"It sounds like you don't believe me but it's true. Saving you was just a coincidence, but once I saw your cute and sexy body I knew you were the one." And suddenly as the Sceptile turned around with no warning at all, his full erection was already sporting out!

He went a little closer to my position and sat down on the couch in front of me, giving me quiet the view of his member. "I've never actually seen your species before as they don't exist around here, but other than your strong personality I immediately fell in love with that short little body of yours, never have I seen both a body and species that have turned me on so much~"

I only half heard what Scott had to say to me, all my attention was put towards this erection suddenly a few feet in front of me. I had only ever seen my cock and my trainers before.. but never anyone else's, and certainly not erect! Even for the already much taller than me Pokémon the cock was definitely of good size and width, silky smooth with a large base and slightly smaller tip as the cock went towards the head, throbbing a lot and leaking pre all over it.

I had to admit I was intoxicated by it, and I knew only a few seconds after examining it that gender was not a determinate for me. I could practically smell the lust and heat emitting from that thing, even looking at his eye's it became obvious. And my body had reacted right away, my own erection was out and leaking just tad by getting a full view of the Sceptile's manhood; I can't even remember the last time I had felt this horny and wanting.

It seemed Scott had quickly caught on to my own reaction though and let out a slightly lustful smile. "See what did I tell yah cutie, when mating season is around male or not all you can think about is sex and pleasure. Now I think if I wait any longer to test out that cute body of yours I'm going to lose all control, so how about we start off right away."

His words egged me on to get closer and I was certainly very very eager, but as I got closer to the point my face was only a few inches away from it, I became a bit intimidated by the size, as well as embarrassed from my own in-experiencing..

Scott giggled at me again. "You certainly weren't lying when saying you're a virgin huh? Don't worry ill guide you the whole way through. You should hopefully at least know what a blowjob is right?" Jeez I wasn't that dumb you know! I felt a bit like wanting to say that but I was still a bit intimidated and simply nodded at him and started off slow. At first I simply stuck my tongue out and started licking all over his shaft. From the base close to his balls to the tip and everywhere else, I was almost eager to just explore it and get a feel for I really.

I got some good moans out of Scott but he seemed to be mostly suppressing his moans and urges before suddenly putting a hand around my head. "I-I can't handle just teasing right now, I need to feel your whole mouth~" And right after finishing his sentence he suddenly shoved a good half of his cock right into my mouth, letting out a shiver and moan of pleasure.

"Oohh yah~ That's what I was looking for." Still grabbing a hold of my head he started to roughly bob my head back and forth against his cock, not giving me much of an option but to stop myself from gagging and continue using my tongue.

He was at least nice enough to give me a little bit of leeway though, not shoving the whole thing down my throat. And while it wasn't easy for me, there was no denying even being able to suck him off was really turning me on, my own cock was starting to throb more just from pleasing him like this.

After about a good couple of minutes or so of the blowjob it seemed Scott was reaching his limit already. He quickly used his other hand to grab the other side of my head. "haaa, s-sorry about this Alex, but I can't control it any longer!" and with one quick motion he pushed at least over ¾'ths of his shaft right down my throat causing me to gag yet again. I had gotten used to half of his cock but going past that became much harder than earlier, and this time he was using the full force of both his hands and his hips leaving me no control.

But despite the difficulty I only found myself getting turned on even more, I didn't think I would be so into stuff like this. I had to actually stop from jerking myself off from how horny I was getting, but I wanted to save every second of my first orgasm I could for the main course, even I knew where this would end up.

After a short amount of time from Scott's rapid and practically manic thrusting and moaning, it came to a climax and he suddenly pushed his hands down and thrusted his dick into my mouth as far as my reflex was willing to go, releasing his hot and pent up cum right into my mouth and down my throat. "Aaahh~ That's it, keep drinking it all down~"

It felt like his orgasm was lasting forever, so much of his cum was racing down my throat that I had to try my hardest to keep swallowing it so I wouldn't end up coughing. Luckily his rather intense orgasm eventually started to die down as he took it out of my mouth; the last few spurts going on my tongue and a little bit on my face.

He seemed to have quite a devilish smile as he looked at admiring his own work. "Mmm that was amazing~ Not bad for a beginner though you'll need to work on that gag reflex, luckily that super cute face of yours made up for it." All his praise and compliments were starting to make me blush a bit, I never really even thought of myself as highly attractive before. "W-Well, I'm glad my looks gave me this opportunity with you. But uhm.." My cock was throbbing a bit uncontrollably at this point, making Scott do his trademark giggle.

"Well normally I'd be my turn to suck you off and give you what you want, but well I have a better idea." Scott got off the couch and suddenly sat down right behind me, his cock still as stiff and eager as before I had even blown him. "Other than perhaps my over eagerness to take that sexy virgin ass of yours, for your first time I think I can make you cum hands free."

My in-experience and slight embarrassment had crawled back onto my face again. "Well.. I've never even had anything up there before, and even though I'm a guy, will it feel good?" Scott did a nod towards me. "In fact males get a lot more pleasure than females do! But well let's not bother with the details, I'll show you first hand."

Without much warning the Sceptile picked me up with ease and aligned my hole right up with the tip of his cock. I could already feel his warm pre as well as cum from his last orgasm against it, giving me a little bit of a shiver. "I'll try my best to take it easy and ease you in for your first time, but considering the situation there won't be any promises~"

I took a few shaky breaths to calm myself down a bit and then gave him a little nod to say it was okay to go. And with that he carefully started to push the tip of his cock into my entrance, slowly but surely widening it more and more as it stretched around his length. It elected moans from both of us as I started getting filled for my first time, but a little more wincing of pain from my part. It wasn't too bad at first but the further we got the more painful it became.

But unfortunately for me the all to horny Scott was reaching his limit of patience. Around the time his cock got pushed almost half way inside of me, he started pushing down on me faster and a bit rougher, causing me to moan out in more pain from the stretching." Gaah! W-Wait you're going a too fast!" "haaa~ S-Sorry, It's becoming too much for me, you feel too damn tight an good~" Scott then proceeded to push me down even farther on his eager cock as I was being forced to bear with the tremendous pain.

But yet despite this tremendous pain I was feeling, I noticed something else alongside it. A strange burning feeling around my groan and cock was coming up strong. A burning that actually felt good, really good, every time he moved my cock ended up twitching and being pleasured somehow. Plus I couldn't lie that I was taking a lot of enjoyment out of this situation as well, his cock buried deeply within in me right now as he held me tight, and his moaning and breathing right above my head made me feel more excited than I ever have before.

Even though I wanted him to go a bit slower, I ended up being unable to complain; instead all I did was moan and whine more as he went further and further into me. Eventually I felt a sudden thrust and halt as his entire cock somehow entered me to the hilt, his panting above my ears more wild than before. "haa..haa, t-there, I'm all the way inside you~ How do you feel sexy." He then bent his head down a little proceeding to lick my head a little.

"I-I feel.. really full, b-but also really good at the same time, haaa.. I've never been so horny in my life~" Scott giggled and licked my head again. "Just wait a bit longer before releasing Alex, once I start moving then you can cum ok~" Without hesitation from his last statement Scott than grabbed my hips a lot tighter, proceeding to slowly pull me up half way at his cock, then suddenly thrusting and pushing me back down right on it, starting a bit of a rhythm with it.

And with his first thrusting came back the burning feeling in my groin stronger than before, each little movement had unfamiliar waves of pleasuring going straight to my cock and throughout my body, and that combined with our heat was making my senses go crazy. I started to finally moan loudly alongside the equally horny Sceptile behind as he started pumping in and out of me.

But just like before this was bound not to last too long. The pleasure we were both receiving was growing exponentially with every passing thrust and second. Eventually the Sceptile started to increase both the speed and roughness of his thrusts. He stopped his usual speed he was going and instead started gaining momentum fast.

His once shallow thrusts soon turned into pushing me all the way to his tip right down to his balls. His speed went from decent and steady to fast and wild, and his roughness went from a bit eager to almost out of control and full strength. After only 4 or 5 minutes he was pounding me with almost all of his might, and I myself was at the pinnacle of pleasure alongside him. The things he was shouting out and saying to me became quieter as I had gotten more lost in the feeling.

I was trying my best to use what little will power I had left to hold my orgasm for as long as possible; But I could tell my resistance was futile. Reaching the end of my rope I was forced to let it all go; allowing a torrent of my very pent up semen to start spurting all over myself and slightly on the floor while letting out on last loud moan. And at the same time this seemed to spur on the Sceptile behind that was facing the same dilemma.

As my first orgasm commenced I involuntarily clamped down tightly onto Scott's dick as a result, the rather sudden and pleasurable reaction causing Scott's eye's to widen up in surprise as all his willpower disappeared in that instant. His orgasm came right away as he pushed me down as hard as he could onto his cock, roughly bucking his hips and twitching as his cock shot up his hot seed right inside of me, filling me up practically to the brim with his cum while staying balls deep inside of me.

By the time both of our orgasms ended we felt like we were in a haze. I looked down at my belly almost expecting to somehow be bloated from his orgasm but it was surprisingly normal. But even so, we were both far from satisfied.

Scott pulled his still perfectly hard cock out of me putting me down on the floor as he breathed heavily, my own cock also still hard despite my own intense orgasm. "haaa.. let's keep the momentum going Alex. Before I start fucking you again, I want you to go to that wall over there, raise your tail, and bend your ass towards me ok~"

I carefully got up from the floor, my legs a tad bit shaky and without hesitating did as he asked of me. I put my hands against the wall and bent over towards it, spreading my legs a bit and raising my tail up looking back at him, a bit of his cum leaking out of me. "L-Like this?" Scott elicited both a shiver and sound of joy as he got a little closer, staring right at me. "Yah just like that~ You know your almost too good looking for your own good, I just can't help myself around a butt like that~"

Scott then quickly positioned his cock right behind my ass, rubbing up against it moaning just a little bit before grabbing my hips again and thrusting almost his full length right away. He actually had to lift me up just a little bit because of our height difference in order to be fully inside of me, also pushing me slightly against the wall for leverage as he started to roughly fuck me like there was no tomorrow.

There was no easing up like last time, any pain from before had already disappeared and all that was left was extreme lust, we didn't even bother to hold back anymore. He gave me his full strength and speed right away and I simply let the feeling from it overtake my entire body, only moans and words of lust filling the air as we went at it.

By the end of it all we had somehow spent practically half of the entire day having sex. He fucked and came into me as well as on top of me in almost every position one could think of. Up against the wall, thrusting into my mouth against the wall, fucking me missionary position on the floor, bent over pounding my ass on the couch, he even once hung me up in the air tying my arms to his ornaments!

By the end of it the sun had already gone down and his room looked like a mess, almost too much of a mess for only two people to make. We both wound up on the bed with Scott hugging me tightly from behind finally exhausted. I was the first one to break the silence between us.

"You know I have to say.. I don't think I have any regrets on waiting for sex this whole time." "Oh? And why is that?" "Hmm well, If I did have sex, I may not have met you or had this amazing experience with you." Scott smiled. "My how awfully sweet of you, but be careful with those words, you might unexpectedly end up waking my beast within again." I giggled a little. "Hey I can say whatever I please, I'm not afraid of any beast." The Sceptile giggled back and went silent for a moment before speaking up again.

"Well, I don't think I can convince you to stay here, so I'll just say this instead. how about I join you and your trainer?" I was a bit caught off guard from his now second proposal to me. "Join us? That's unexpected to hear, is 3 more days of this just not enough for you, have you completely fallen for me?"

Scott giggled again "Well I think a better way to put it is I have completely fallen in love with that body of yours, I've meet all kinds of species but its only after seeing and doing it with you that I know you're the perfect type for my sexual interests, every aspect of you~"

"hmm Is that so huh? I guess you got lucky than, and as for your request to stay, you realize I got strong because of my busy life style right? I think your strong enough to join, but we won't be able to come back here or be 100% free until we beat the elite four at best."

Sceptile let out an obvious humming noise contemplating what I said. "Elite four huh, that sounds tough indeed. But let's see, work hard for a few years, occasionally get to fuck you once and awhile, go crazy again in the forest during mating season?" Scott hugged me closer and put his head closer to mine. "I think that's worth it in my book, It would take a lot to pry me from you at this point~"

It seemed like I was indeed dealing with one of the biggest pervert I had yet to encounter; Not that I'm totally complaining. I'd be lying if I said that's not what I wanted to a lesser extent. "hmm well, I'm not sure if-" Suddenly before finishing my sentence I felt a very familiar rod starting to poke and rub up against my entrance.

"If you don't comply I'm afraid I may have to take action this very second you know~" "H-Hey wait a second, I'm seriously to sore for another session here!" "Then in that case, you better accept my proposal right?" Jeez, now he's even threatening me with that thing of his. "Alright ok you can come along with.. Jeez, I was going to say it was fine anyways I was just teasing."

The Sceptile giggled yet again at my statement "You should know better than to tease me. Now how about we get some sleep, we have a very long day ahead of us after all~" If at any point in time I had thought of someone as too much of a pervert or too insatiable for their own good, I realize now that nobody will ever be able to amount to that title as long as this man is around. I had a feeling these next 3 days were going to be a lot longer than I had expected..