Jurassic World

Story by Triller on SoFurry

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With the park in ruins and the ferocious Indominus Rex taken down, Raptor, T-rex, and Mosasaur decide on the fate of the terrible monster that caused so much destruction at Jurassic World...

This goes with Sar's picture over here. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/17036752/

Saruuk https://www.furaffinity.net/user/saruuk saw Jurassic World and, like any good scalie, knew there was something he had to do about it: draw smut of sex-shifted, anthropomorphized dinos rutting like goddamn beasts.

I was obliged to pen a story along with Saruuk's grand vision and it involves a delicious amount of scalie bodies grinding on each other.

Saruuk and I worked very hard, but could not think of any puns for the title- shit dino-SORE! Of COURSE!

"So what do we do with her?" the tyrannosaurus rex grunted, thumbing his nose as he looked down at the securely bound dino.

"Teach her a lesson, 'course!" the raptor chittered angrily, "You saw the carnage she caused. She's a menace! Wrecked the whole park! She doesn't even respect the natural order!"

"Wasn't entirely her fault, way I see it..." the Mosasaur yawned, scratching his rounded belly as he regarded the downed dinosaur with a lazy gaze.

Squirming and gnashing her teeth in utter displeasure at her position, the indominus rex glared up at her captors. Her body coiled and squirmed, talons hacking at the ruined pavement underneath her as she struggled to burst the metal cords tying her wrists under her back and ankles to her tail. Her eyes flashed with undirected rage at being restrained once again (though this time a bit more closely) and her muzzle tested the band of metal locking her muzzle shut to no avail.

Around the group, the main street of the Jurassic World amusement park lay in ruins. Gift shops crumbled under themselves as shot glasses, refrigerator magnets, shattered mugs, and all assortments of stuffed replicas of different dinos splayed across the cracked and divot-laden pavement like a fresh kill. One of the restaurants had caught on fire to a full blaze, casting light from down the street on the scene of the battered, bruised, and bloodied dinos glancing among themselves.

"Mosasaur has a point... I don't think we need to do anything rash..." T-rex muttered.

Raptor hissed and gave an angry, trumpeting snort at the taller male.

"You're one to talk. Nearly wreck the place when you first get out. Got to the fight late and decided to try to take it easy on her. Wouldn't have been so soft if you'd seen what she did to the rest of the park." he snapped, giving a glare straight to T-rex's equally furious eyes.

"Watch your tone. I know exactly how badly she's messed things up. The humans had to get me." T-rex gave a warning growl back.

"Excuse me." Mosasaur cleared his throat, "I'm pretty sure I get a say in this, too. Both of you weren't doing too hot, from what I saw."

The three looked back from each other down to the restrained I-rex. Her powerful, muscle-bulging body had been testing her bindings for the last hour, making her powerful form swell and rock at the effort. She was a ferocious sight, restrained as she was, almost towering over T-rex during the fight and dealing with even the coordinated attacks of Raptor and his siblings. Her body sported thick, corded muscle like her large cousin, but with a hint of lean, flexing power in her legs more akin to her raptor heritage. Of course what all three males eventually settled on was what was between the I-rex's scaly thighs.

She was as naked as the rest of dinos but the way she had been tied down left her legs splayed open on quite a lewd display before the males. Raptor had been openly ignoring the tempting female slit, but Mosasaur had his eye firmly on either I-rex's crotch or her heaving chest. T-rex also had to admit the view was inviting. The males each noticed each others' gaze and a small round of cleared throats and posturing passed as a silent discussion.

"I want first..." Mosasaur shrugged, making the other two males blink over at him in confusion at first, then disapproval.

"I fought the longest! I lost my pack! I get first!" Raptor snarled, puffing up his chest to the aquatic dino despite barely coming up to his chest.

"S'matter? Don't like sloppy seconds? Or just afraid you won't feel anything when I'm through with her?" Mosasaur smirked and hefted the sizeable maleness resting against his thighs, giving it a bit of a wag at Raptor's direction and making the smaller dino grimace, "Besides, need I remind you, I'm pretty sure I finished the fight. And I haven't exactly had any other mosa's to keep me company. You know what I'm saying, 'rex?"

T-rex huffed, but gave a dismissive shrug.

"I downed her. I get her first." Mosasaur shrugged back.

"You got a lucky shot in on her when WE were doing most of the work!" Raptor shrieked, "She took my pack! I take her first!"

"You keep yammerin' about your poor, sorry pack, but you know what? All I can hear is the sound of a big, empty fish bowl with me beating my dick blue every god damned night." Mosasaur actually took a step up to Raptor at this point and snorted down at the smaller, wiry dino, "I didn't have the luxury of a pack for whatever circle-jerk, dick-suckin' you all were doing."

Raptor clicked his killing talon into the pavement and tensed to pounce when T-rex gave a sharp, concise roar, stopping both males in their place. A tense silence rose between the three males, punctuated only by the soft scraping of I-rex's claws on the pavement and a muted growl every now and then.

"As much as I appreciate the three of us agreeing not to kill her-" T-rex began.

"For now." Raptor snapped sharply, taking the time to step away from Mosasaur.

"For now..." T-rex hummed and stared intensely at Raptor, "I think we should leave it up to the captive herself."

Mosasaur raised an eyeridge in amusement while Raptor simply rolled his eyes. T-rex smiled and continued regardless of their reactions.

"It's the least we owe to her. She did put up a hell of a fight, and if her pussy's going to take a beating tonight she can at least decide how she gets it."

The other males made grumblings of disappointment, reiterating their cases under their breaths but neither one challenging T-rex's stance.

"Fine. Do whatever." Raptor hissed out of mild respect.

"S'pose I can wait." Mosasaur leered down at I-rex, his hand going back to his crotch.

T-rex smiled congenially between the two of them then glanced down to I-rex.

"Hey. You smart enough to know what we're talking about, big gal?" he snorted, giving her side a light nudge with his foot.

A muffled snarl came from the restrained female's clenched muzzle through her nose and her eyes flared fire up toward T-rex.

"I think she does..." he chuckled before looking back down, "Forgive me for being forward, but... who would like first?"

T-rex motioned toward the other males one at a time and watched her eyes go to both of them in turn. When he pointed toward Raptor, glaring right back at her with equal hatred, she shook her head sharply. When T-rex motioned over to Mosasaur casually stroking his already erect and slowly leaking cock I-rex's eyes widened at the thick thing struggling against its own weight to point out from the aquatic dino's hips. He gave her a less than reassuring wink and sent her head thrashing back and forth in a definite negative.

"Seems clear to me." T-rex offered, placing his hands on his hips.

"Good." Raptor sneered at Mosasaur as he strolled cockily toward the prone dino.

"Try to make it last longer than five minutes, pedicure." Mosasaur rumbled, still pumping his length in one hand as he watched Raptor straddle I-rex.

The smaller male took a long look at the slab of muscle and fury bound underneath him and snorted, I-rex glaring back up at him and waiting to see what he would do. He carefully looked over her scarred, bruised hide and took note of the smaller scratch marks that littered her midsection and chest. Finally he smirked and plopped himself down directly on the I-rex's middle, making the female grunt angrily before his hands found her breasts. I-rex's eyes winced and her muzzle tensed as Raptor firmly pinched and tugged her soft nipples, steadily stiffening them until his palms could cup each soft mound up to where his fingers mercilessly pinched and tugged them. Smaller, more recognizable growls began rumbling in I-rex's muzzle as her tits were roughly treated to the angry raptor's manipulation.

"You think you can be the big bad alpha? You're nothing." Raptor snarled, starting to move the I-rex's tits together around his stiffening length, "You're just a mouth and hunger with no brain."

I-rex fumed silently behind her muzzle and winced as she watched Raptor's cock slide between her breasts, pressing against her smooth, scaly mounds and peeking out up under her chin with an increasingly wet nudge. If it weren't for the sturdy binding around her jaws I-rex would have surely snapped at the presented flesh in a heartbeat and this did not go unnoticed by T-rex, standing off to the side and rubbing his chin in thought. Mosasaur kept quiet as well, watching the increasingly horny Raptor grind his cock between I-rex's tits as they began to slicken with his pre, making for wet, sloppy smacks every time his erection popped up between the perky mounds.

"Teach you..." Raptor snarled between eager, labored breath, "Teach you where you stand... Teach you who the alpha is around h-here!"

The raptor gave both of I-rex's nipples a harsh pinch and a long, stretching tug as he delighted in the larger dino's thrashing. Murder raged behind her eyes but Raptor simply smirked, let her breasts jiggle back when he released her nipples, and moved his hands back to guiding the heaving mounds of soft flesh back around his cock. Mosasaur smirked and looked over to T-rex to comment but blinked when he noticed the other carnivore had wandered off. He shrugged and turned his attention back to the heavy panting of Raptor thrusting himself between I-rex's tits as bigger, wetter splatters of precum began to fling up toward her face.

I-rex twisted her head as best she could to avoid further coats of wet raptor pre squirting up from between her tits and hitting her face but only managed to spread the slippery stuff further around her snout and neck. Raptor watched gleefully from his perch on her chest at her attempts to avoid his tip popping out from between her breasts, his breath coming out in short, grunting huffs as he savored the softer, smoother scales lining I-rex's front. He gave her nipples another rough twist and felt the large dino arch up from the ground with a grunt of protest as her body began to betray her. Up until this point she had only thrilled at the death of others, giving only second thoughts to self preservation and occasionally hunger. Now as the smaller male toyed with her tits and splattered her face with his scent a new craving began to well up in the pit of her stomach, only half-noticed by the enraged I-rex as a flush of red began to work its way across her muzzle and between her thighs.

"Close..." Raptor hissed to nobody in particular, "Wish I could... make you drink my seed. Make you really submit!"

The smaller male glanced up at I-rex peering back up at him and found himself smiling, fingers still occasionally rolling her sore, erect nipples between them.

"Y-You wanted to be the big bad bitch? Let's see how bad you are covered in my cum..."

I-rex's breasts smooshed together around Raptor's cock under his tight grip and the male let out a trumpeting snort as he ground his hips into the wet, slippery crevice. The large female glanced down with a look of almost confusion at the twitching raptor tip pointing out from between her breasts before she watched a long arc of thick, milky fluid shoot out and splatter right on top of her snout. She roared with renewed outrage, but couldn't thrash Raptor off of her as more gooey ropes of semen blasted her face. She turned her head too late from the erupting raptor and felt the first hot globs of his cum run slowly down her face, several more hot blasts tracing up her neck to the final mess of cum pooling around her breasts. White, sticky seed trickled slowly down her scaly chest and small strands stretched from her chin to her tits as Raptor tugged his hips back and released her breasts, letting the drenched tits jiggle off to the sides as Raptor smirked and admired his handiwork.

For a second Raptor felt something leering over his shoulder and when he glanced to the side he let a out a startled yelp and tumbled off, nearly coming directly in contact with Mosasaur's long, girthy dick. The larger male shot Raptor a grin and light scratched his scaly belly again as he let his member drool his own pre onto the pavement in wet, heavy drops.

"Not bad, little guy. Really iced her cake, so to speak." he let out an approving growl down at I-rex who are busy staring wide-eyed at the forearm of a cock pulsing over her, "Thanks for leaving her pussy for me."

Raptor snorted and moved back to his rump, sitting upright with his eyes watching I-rex as the large, aquatic dino took full stock of the wriggling female. He let out a low whistle as he soaked in her appearance again and knelt down with an audible thud next to I-rex's hip, letting his log of a cock smack across her ripped stomach.

"Didn't get a chance to really appreciate your form, miss rex." Mosasaur commented, his hand running up along her muscular thigh as she quietly wriggled in her bonds, "You are quite the powerhouse."

"Where's T-rex?" Raptor suddenly spoke up, glancing around.

"Who cares? He obviously didn't want the next turn." Mosasaur replied curtly, his conversation with the muzzled female rudely interrupted.

I-rex gave a defiant glare to the stocky dino and firmly pinned her knees together as his hand traced further upward making him simply chuckle as he adjusted himself.

"Heard you were all cooped up in your own enclosure. I can relate to that. Sure, the food's good, but there's some amenities that just aren't on the menu." Mosasaur's growl deepened as he worked his fingers firmly between her thighs, heavily rubbing her crotch with an appreciative growl as he watched I-rex snarl and thrash a bit.

He let her have her tantrum in silence, slowly massaging the outer folds of the carnivore's pussy as his tongue traced over his long, crocodile-like face. It was Raptor's turn to watch as his attention slowly dragged from I-rex's face down to where Mosasaur was now fully fingering her lips, spreading them as best he could with her legs locked up around his fist and growling deeply at her ever-growing wetness. His hand pulled free from the restrained female's thighs with a glistening strand of feminine juices clinging to his digits, making the aquatic carnivore grin broadly and bring them to his lips to be licked clean.

"Mmnn I knew you'd taste just perfect, darlin'." he loudly smacked his lips and hefted himself up, that girthy length of Mosasaur cock lifting up as well with a wet slide as it had already left a cock-shaped puddle of pre across I-rex's belly from one hip to the other.

I-rex heard a snapping pop but before she could react Mosasaur's hands caught each of her ankles and slid her forward across the pavement. She hadn't noticed the blush that had started to cross her cum-splattered cheeks but did her best to glare past it and offer a challenging snarl to the heavyset male positioning himself between her legs, straddling her thick tail. He simply smiled back at her and watched her expression twitch as he ground the underside of his massive erection against her lips, reaching deeply up her muscular torso and ending at a semi-blunt tip that oozed thick pre just under her tits. Mosasaur cast a quick glance over to Raptor who hadn't moved his gaze from the aquatic dino's cock poised above I-rex's midsection and quietly smirked to himself before looking back down to the female herself.

"I don't mind a struggle... " he cooed almost threateningly, "In fact I love it when my prey squirms."

I-rex snarled at that and when Mosasaur moved his hand from her ankle to grab the base of his cock she swiftly pulled her leg back and gave him a kick square to his stomach. He grunted heavily but the smirk never left his hips as he twisted I-rex's hips and put her sideways on the pavement. His legs straddled one thrashing leg and the other was snatched by his hand and held upright as he nuzzled the broad tip of his gargantuan cock at her wet entrance. Raptor suddenly felt self-conscious as the female had been twisted to face him but gazed on with throbbing interest as he watched his load shift and drool down her breasts in another direction as Mosasaur slowly worked his tip between her nether folds.

"N-Now take it... easy, girl..." the male grunted as she bucked back against him, making a few of his strokes glance off from their target, "O-Or I might forget I'm a gentleman here..."

Despite I-rex's wriggling Mosasaur's tip finally found purchase between her wet, scaly lips and with a shit-eating grin the larger male drove his hips forward. I-rex's eyes widened and her pupil's constricted to pinpoints as her inner walls stretched heavily to accommodate the curved, throbbing erection that had only just poked into her entrance. Mosasaur's own eyes closed half way and the dinosaur let out a heavy groan of shuddering ecstasy as he hugged I-rex's leg over his shoulder.

"Da-ha-ha-haaamn, woman... now that is a tight, proper pussy!" he snarled, urging his hips forward and pushing another desperate moan from I-rex's muzzled lips.

Raptor was all too aware of renewed erection throbbing up from his lap as he watched Mosasaur grind inch after inch of his own thick rod into the female's pussy but refused to pleasure himself at the display. He wasn't supposed to be enjoying her punishment like this. It looked nearly impossible but the larger male seemed determined to sink every inch of his flexing length into the wriggling female that he could manage. Halfway down, I-rex let out a sudden grunt and tensed against Mosasaur's grip, the male also muttering a small curse as something impeded his progress.

"Ah, come on now, don't give up on me that easily..." the muscle-bellied dino wiped the bit of drool from his large grin as he started to lean forward, "Relax that pussy. You'll have plenty of time to squeeze my big dick when I've seen how 'indomitable' your little hole really is."

I-rex thrashed and snarled through her muzzle, glaring death up at Mosasaur but powerless to stop the male from grinding against the second roadblock in her pussy with a few more lusty growls.

"Come on, now! Let me in. I've got a big, heavy load in these pent up balls that only a fiery Indominus rex womb can handle!"

Raptor hadn't remembered when he had begun jerking off, or when T-rex had gotten back and stood next to him; his attention was glued to how much closer Mosasaur's hips could get to I-rex before she went limp. Mosasaur's eyes closed tight and his hips suddenly rotated upward a little, his muzzle slacking open and a few short growls leaking from his throat.

"That's... it.... darlin'... right... about... there."

There was a wet, slurping smack and in a split-second a good portion of Mosasaur's cock disappeared into I-rex's pussy. Another several inches still hung out from the I-rex's stretched entrance but the majority of Mosasaur's cock had fully stuffed the squirming I-rex. Given the muffled scream of rage and discomfort coming from I-rex's muzzled face it appeared that the large male had finally bottomed out inside of the restrained female's snug hole. Mosasaur let out a deep, shuddering snarl and tested the limits of I-rex pussy desperately clinging to his log of a dick, his blunted tip nudging her deepest areas with no chance of fully hilting his massive cock completely inside of her. He let out a short huff and a slow sigh of resignation as he glanced over at Raptor, then up in surprise at T-rex.

"H-Hey 'rex... sorry we didn't w-wait for ya." the crocodile-like dino smirked.

"I didn't want to hear you grumbling the whole time I had her. Besides, that thing looked ready to fuck about anything and I feared for Raptor." T-rex gave a smirking grin down to the seated dino and watched him utter a short curse as he tried to focus on the show once more.

"You're too kind..." Mosasaur growled and pulled his hips back carefully.

Both males watched as I-rex's pussy clung desperately to the thick shaft pulling out of her. The powerful female groaned heavily through her nose, hissing out through clenched teeth as she felt Mosasaur's thickness pull back from her womb with a heavy, internal pop before the dino pressed his hips forward again and reentered the squirming female's depths. I-rex constantly grit her teeth as her cervix was repeatedly stretched to fit the aquatic dino's thick length, her legs flexing in his grasp when he pried his thickness into her again and again as the pace steadily picked up. The night air steadily swelled with the wet, slurping sound of the larger carnivore's cock getting lubricated with the I-rex's own juices and the steady flow of heavy pre that ever flowed from the heavy, lurching cock.

"Ahhh, yeah, this is great... never felt anything so tight around my dick..." the male grunted as he began leaning into his motions, "And if you keep squeezin' me like that, darlin', you just might get what you're askin' for..."

He slowly licked his lips as I-rex shot him a hateful glare, even though her cheeks were drenched in red (and raptor cum) and her internal muscles did what they could to eagerly squeeze the dino's large member. Her mind reeled with forced pleasure as her sore pussy began to acclimate to the thick mosasaur cock and her hunger for carnage was slowly being edged out by something else equally as primal in nature. She felt her hips rock toward Mosasaur's thrusts and began snorting in desperate pleasure as her walls desperately clung around him. The only thing louder at this point than the crescendo of grunts from the male's open jaws was the wet slap of his hips as his thrusts grew ever bolder.

T-rex took a curious glance down at Raptor who had been steadily stroking himself as soon as Mosasaur bottomed out into the female's pussy and couldn't help but notice the look of jealous regret on his face. He shifted his feet and watched how I-rex arched and ground her hips up toward the thrusting male on top of her as her snarls, while still ferocious, were beginning to take on a needier tone with her entire pussy stretched by Mosasaur cock. T-rex smirked a bit as he lightly toyed with something in his hand and patiently waited his turn.

With a sharp grunt Mosasaur finally sat upright, shifting I-rex onto her back with a heavy smack and holding each of her thrashing legs in his hands. Her cunt leaked with mixed dino juices every time the male's hips pulled back to give her another thrust as he watched her body bounce against his hips. The two locked eyes and Mosasaur grinned as he saw a fierce flash of lust behind her glaring expression and the layer of raptor cum sticking to her scales. Slowly, he licked his muzzle again and leaned forward, letting her legs go as he firmly braced his hands against the pavement above her shoulders. Feeling her legs free from his grip, I-rex immediately tried to pull them back to kick the male off of her, only to stop short when he slammed into the back of her pussy once again. The motion was stronger, heavier at this angle and pressured her walls in toe-curling ways, leaving the wriggling female no choice but to hug her thighs around Mosasaur's hips as he plowed her gripping pussy.

It didn't take long in that position for Mosasaur to quickly approach release, his clawed fingers digging into the pavement and his hips reeling back for one more shove into I-rex's hot, squeezing cunt. As he felt her legs lock suddenly around him the aquatic predator let a nice, big grin curl across his face before his hips crammed as much Mosasaur cock that he could fit into the female's waiting womb and flooded her in an instant. Thick, intensely hot ropes of cum filled I-rex to her core, making the load she had taken from Raptor to her face feel like a mild splash compared to the dense shots she felt flooding her insides. Her muscular legs twitched every time she felt the thick Mosasaur cock throb inside of her and her walls couldn't help but urge the male's orgasm onward until her pussy was overflowing with thick, hot pools of the stuff.

Both males on the sideline stared as every time Mosasaur's hips slowly pressed back into I-rex's crotch another seemingly endless gush of sticky cum bubbled out from around his massive shaft, leaving the female's lower regions just as much of a mess as her face and chest. Mosasaur finished with a triumphant snort, eyes opening and glancing down at his work with a satisfied smirk as more and more dino cum just poured out of the dino's stretched pussy.

"Damn, if you weren't the best lay I've ever had, darlin'." he couldn't help but chuckle as he slowly began pulling out, "S'not saying much for my personal history, but you sure as hell set the bar high for the next one."

As inch after agonizing inch of thick dino meat pulled from the I-rex's pussy it appeared that there was plenty more of the thick, gooey load stuck behind the prodigious girth. When his tip finally popped free from I-rex's clenching hole the female let out a noise like a sigh of relief with just a bit of impatience quickly growling through her nose afterward. Mosasaur took a moment to relax back on his haunches, using one hand to thumb I-rex's sore, reddened pussy and watch the torrent of thick dino icing drool down the female's backside and tail. He took a look over to T-rex and smiled with pleasure.

"You're up, rex."

T-rex only smiled as he walked forward to the squirming female. Mosasaur's romp left her shivering on the ground as white cum continued to pour from her nethers, her unbound legs clenching together desperately on the ground to try and hold in some of the hot, sticky load. I-rex looked up and blinked at the figure looming over her, the male unable to hide his smirk, or his erection.The partially-bound dino gave him a weak but defiant growl as she slowly moved to stand, only just barely managing to sit up before a hand pressed against her head.

"I've got a bit of a proposition for you..." T-rex growled, stepping around to let the I-rex face his front, "We've all had a damn rough day, and you're obviously not used to playing nice with others."

Mosasuar snorted a short laugh from his seat next to Raptor whose hand had slowed in curiosity.

"However, I think you're smart enough to know what your body's telling you. First time around males and you get your muzzle blasted and your pussy stretched. Not exactly a slow introduction." T-rex's grip tightened and I-rex looked up, unaware that she had been staring at the dino's thick length, "But I think you're starting to get the idea that there's other things to do with every creature you meet other than kill em..."

Something jingled in T-rex's hand and a few thick lengths of kevlar canvas attached to a few metallic bars and teeth-shaped caps dangled from his fingers. I-rex's brow furrowed before her eyes flashed in recognition. It was a harness designed to keep a dinosaur's muzzle open in case of medical emergencies or otherwise unruly behavior. She had become familiar with it when she was younger and remembered despising her time being "hand-fed". T-rex grinned as he noticed her look of hesitation.

"So here's the deal. You can keep up your struggling for dominance and this little beauty slips into your muzzle, uncomfortably I might add. Or..." T-rex growled and cupped the base of his cock as he pressed the underside right up against I-rex's snout, "You can quit acting like a hatchling and all of us can start having some real... fun."

I-rex took in a deep inhale of the standing dino's scent. Even with Raptor's spunk still sticking to her muzzle and Mosasaur's heavy seed still dripping between her thighs she could clearly make out the third male's potency. She lightly snuffled at his dick, watching the straps hanging from T-rex's pinky as he slowly guided his pre-leaking length down to her lips. Mosasaur couldn't help but smirk, glancing at Raptor.

"Fool's gonna get bit." he murmured.

"No..." Raptor hissed, a glint of recognition in his eyes, "She's finally getting it..."

I-rex looked up at T-rex for a moment and she could feel his tip spread just a bit of his warm pre over her lips. As she gently sucked in and got her first taste of the male her powerful thighs clenched tightly together. Her internal muscles squeezed for the feel of this male's shaft buried into her, causing another gooey gush of mosasaur spooge to wet her thighs. Carefully she nodded and gave T-rex's cock a small nuzzle, making the male grin as he let the muzzle-spreader drop to the pavement. His hands worked the metal bindings off of her muzzle and she finally stretched her aching jaw for a moment before glancing at T-rex patiently holding out his member. A tense moment of motionless silence passed but eventually the female dino shifted more comfortably on her knees, perked herself fully upright and took T-rex's erect cock into her lips.

"Good girl." T-rex moaned and watched the horny dino steadily go to town on his twitching cock.

"I'll be damned..." Mosasaur chuckled, watching the female glide down T-rex's length without a wince of discomfort from the standing male.

Her lips pressed warmly around T-rex's shaft and she drank in his taste, mixing with the hot scent of male that was already beginning to affect her mood. I-rex could feel her thighs slowly soak again with Mosasaur's load, its long sticky, trails leaving a sensation of humid warmth on her scales. Her tongue lapped over T-rex's member slowly, making him growl and lightly grip her head as she worked her way around his member. Even Raptor's smell was starting to get to her as stronger desires overruled her rage and pride. She felt her snout point upward a little at T-rex's insistence and she blinked as she watched the male's cock suddenly sink right back into her throat with a careful nudge of his hips against her snout. Being used to gobbling her meals whole, she barely winced at the intrusion, but still wriggled in a bit of distress at the male dino taking the lead.

"What did we talk about?" T-rex glared, a deep rumble in his throat as he met I-rex's challenge.

She glared at him, albeit comically with her muzzle full, but relented and let him enjoy a few deep strokes into her throat before the hand left her head and left her to her own pace. To T-rex's delight she continued slurping and suckling his length on her own, even burying her muzzle deep into his lap a few times with some deep, needy slurps before tugging back and making a show of swirling her tongue around T-rex's exposed cock. Mosasaur let out a surprised whistle and watched the female gleefully deep throat T-rex's cock as Raptor watched on with an ever increasing pace along his own member.

"Takes to it like a natural... damn, T-rex knew this all along." he grumbled not in jealousy, but genuine amazement, "Bastard let us get our turns first so he could enjoy the sweet stuff."

Raptor curtly nodded and was dimly aware that the large aquatic dino was beginning to plump his impressive length once again in one hand as the sound of I-rex's drooling muzzle sliding along a hard, thick length began dominating the area. T-rex smirked to the two jacking dinos and lightly edged I-rex's muzzle back to his tip, holding her there with one finger on her forehead as he cleared his throat.

"You two can join in any time you want... I think she's still hungry." T-rex growled, popping his tip free from I-rex's lips and making her snarl.

"Yes!" she hissed immediately, glaring at the other two males, "More. Now!"

Both seated dinos exchanged surprised glances before slowly scrambling up to their feet. I-rex watched as she was suddenly surrounded by three varying cocks, three hefty scents, and one overwhelming feeling of need deep in the pit of her stomach. T-rex leaned over and undid the manacles on her wrists and both of her hands immediately came forward and grasped Raptor and Mosasaur's cocks greedily in her palms. Her tongue lashed across her muzzle as she eyed each one individually, giving each male's length a quick taste a warm suck on the tip as she growled in appraisal. Her lips easily traced around the tip of Raptor's leaking flesh, but it took a bit of effort to fully wrap her muzzle around the throbbing thickness that was Mosasaur's gargantuan dick. T-rex flashed a grin to the other males and made a small motion with his hips.

"Dibs on her pussy..." he growled.

"What? No! Me first!" Raptor barked, far too horny to even provide an argument.

"Only one dick's gonna fill that stretched pussy anymore and neither of you got the-" Mosasaur began before I-rex snorted sharply.

"Quiet!" she looked up at Mosasaur, "You, underneath," she turned to T-rex next, "You, between my legs," finally she gave Raptor's cock a heavy lick, "You, in my muzzle."

The three males shared a stunned silence before T-rex grinned.

"You heard the lady."

The group of dinos moved together with surprising efficiency, Mosasaur quick to make himself comfortable on the pavement as I-rex backed herself up into his lap facing his legs. She pressed his length up against her taut, scaly ass and growled at the warmth that snuck up under her tail. Mosasaur's hands grabbed at I-rex's hips as T-rex pressed himself against her front with a growl, kneeling between both her and Mosasaur's legs with his slick erection waiting at her cum-slathered entrance. Finally the monstrous female laid herself back against Mosasaur's inviting body and tilted her head up to peer at Raptor standing above the pile. She gave him an alluring smirk from her upside-down view of his leaking member before leading it into her maw with her tongue.

"G-Guhhh!" Raptor shuddered and shuffled forward, the female taking him to the root quickly and giving his shaft a heavy slurp that pulled at every inch of his malehood.

Not to be outdone, both T-rex and Mosasaur went about lining up with their assigned holes as T-rex spread I-rex's legs and Mosasaur reached up to wrap his arms completely around the female dino. Raptor even braced his hands on I-rex's shoulders for a moment as her warm tongue hugged his length to the roof of her mouth. There was a simultaneous grunt between the group as T-rex nudged his cock between I-rex's folds and Mosasaur just managed to prod his thick length into her ass. I-rex flinched at both of her holes being stretched out, but when she started to thrash all three males kept a firm grip on her, making sure she stayed still as all three cocks eased into her body.

Raptor was naturally the first to bottom out against I-rex's lips and the sensation of that muzzle around his cock made the predator inch forward a bit on his toes, hands moving once again to fondle I-rex's cum-stained chest. T-rex was next, his body grinding down against I-rex's pelvis as he watched her hungry, cum-leaking pussy engulf his thickness whole. Mosasaur wasn't far behind and murmured a deep, rumbling groan against the back of I-rex's neck, hips raising sharply at the last few inches of his length not yet gripped by the squirming female's hot insides to finally get his entire massive length squeezed by a hot hole. All three males held their position for a moment before Mosasaur pulled back and let his rear end smack the pavement.

"Shit, darlin'... shoulda called this hole in the first place!" he groaned, feeling her anal walls grab his thick cock as T-rex pulled himself back.

"A-ahh, see? Work with us and everybody'll get what they want..." he smirked, watching her body flex when he and Mosasaur worked their shafts into her.

Raptor simply hissed in pleasure, working on his second orgasm since Mosasaur had his turn and struggling between keeping his pace with the other males and reacting to the slow, sensual slurps I-rex's muzzle was giving him. The three moved chaotically around her, but each with a rhythm that seemed to suit the position. Mosasaur was slow and deep, making sure the I-rex remembered how good it felt to be stretched around his massive shaft. T-rex kept up a steady rhythm of his own, watching her pussy continue to gush with the other male's cum as he slid into her hot, tight depths. Raptor varied from quick, balls-deep thrusts that peppered I-rex's nose almost annoyingly with his scent to pulling himself back to the tip to let the female circle his leaking cock with her thick, hot tongue.

"You doin... all right there, Raptor?" T-rex grinned, watching the expressions cross the smaller male's face as his tail stood out straight and his hips wiggled tentatively.

"Sh... Shut... up..." Raptor snarled back, his cock twitching noitceably as he tugged back once again with an insistent slurp from I-rex's muzzle.

T-rex snorted and turned his attention down to Mosasaur as his rhythm started to pick up. He paused momentarily, his hips grinding against the female's red and swollen pussy before tugging back in time with Mosasaur's quick retreat. A muffled growl came from I-rex's occupied muzzle as the two males slammed her holes in unison, pressuring her insides all at once and making her writhe at the pleasure that was shooting through her. She reached a free hand up and cupped Raptor's backside, making the dino perk up in surprise before she hugged him right down against her lips, throbbing length smearing her tasting tongue with his pre. Raptor cried out and gripped his hands tight against I-rex's chest, his eyes clenching shut and his teeth baring in a hiss.

"Hurry... up!" the smaller dino shuddered as I-rex's tongue danced over his shaft, even coiling around his base to milk upward toward her throat as his hips pulled back.

T-rex didn't chuckle this time as he switched to alternating his rhythm with Mosasaur. The extra pressure from the larger male's cock pushing up underneath him squeezed his length along with the female's own muscular contraction and he soon found himself abandoning his original rhythm for a much faster, needier pace. Mosasaur just grinned as he listened to the sound of cocks slurping in and out of eager holes, balls forcefully slapping against scales, and most importantly the hungry grunts and squeals coming from I-rex's filled muzzle as he rocked his hips up into her. His pace had picked up as well, but the dino still felt the need to take things slower than his two companions, really savoring the way I-rex's ass kneaded and pulled at his cock when he tugged it back but still working himself up to a peak.

I-rex couldn't remember ever feeling the sensations rippling through her as the three males stuffed her body. Each one had their own technique and sensation as they buried themselves into her, grinding and groping her muscled body as she rode out every last bubble of pleasure she could from each cock. Her eyes had remained closed the entire time but clenched as she felt Mosasaur push down on her hip, guiding her right to the base of his hefty length and bringing a surprised cough from around Raptor's length as a volt of delight shot through her system. The other males took note of her sudden tension and pulled back for one more deep thrust as well.

The air around the park rang out with the sound of multiple climaxing dinos, T-rex's roar the most prevalent as each male flooded their respective holes with their hot, thick seed. Raptor glazed I-rex's muzzle with his seed, still potent and thick for his second load and the female got to fully taste it before gulping the warm, syrupy stuff down her throat in deep, messy gulps. T-rex kept his head craned to the sky as his thick cock pulsed even more dino cum deep into the female's womb. His cock couldn't press quite as deep as Mosasaur's but it was still able to ensure every ropy gush would splash against the female's deepest parts first before sloshing out with the rest of Mosasaur's first load. The aquatic dino's bellow was deep and vibrating, his second load also not slacking as he filled the squirming female from behind with his viscous cum. Her anal ring clenched around him at every heavy splash against her insides and in a matter of moments her backside was just as sticky and cum-slathered as the rest of her body was becoming.

Each male slowed his motions and came to a stop, the sound of hot, heavy panting heating the air as the group steadied themselves against each other. Raptor, once again, was the first to tug back, his cock sliding from I-rex's lips following a slight trail of cum across her snout as he planted his rump back onto the pavement and sighed. T-rex slowly extracted himself from I-rex's still-clenching pussy and the larger dino found himself biting his lip as his tip popped from her reddened entrance with a similar gooey gush of dino jizz. Mosasaur was content to lay back across the ground, cock still firmly lodged in I-rex's rump as he had no need or want to extract himself from the tight, clenching hole hugging his shaft and slowly oozing his load down over his lap.

As each male relaxed and recovered, I-rex slowly rose to a sitting position on top of Mosasaur, hissing deeply and bracing herself up with a shudder as her eyes snapped open toward T-rex. The other monarch raised an eyeridge cautiously, reading I-rex's posture and slowly frowning as the female rolled her hips into Mosasaur's lap. The largest dino let out a happy, gurgling groan that spread a toothy grin across I-rex's face and she leaned her hands forward to brace against his knees.

"Again." she hissed, but then gave the fellow rex a wink as she straightened herself and gave resigned and impatient snort, "When you're ready..."

T-rex felt his muzzle curl in a smirk and glanced over at Raptor.

"Need a minute there, 'Blue'?" he teased.

"And give you the satisfaction, 'Rexy'?" Raptor was quick to snap back, getting back to his feet with a bounce and glaring at the larger dino, "I'm ready whenever fatso is."

"Girls, girls..." Mosasaur threateningly, growled without sitting up, "There's more than enough Mosa to go 'round whether you want it or not..."

The Indominus Rex smirked at the new power struggle going on within the group and had to admit this would prove much more entertaining (as well as repeatable) than mauling the small mammal things could ever be.