Lagomorphs -- Chapter 14: Cloudy

Story by furrywurry on SoFurry

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#15 of Lagomorphs

Jeff and Sky's sister have a heart-to-heart conversation, then get extremely intimate.

__________________________________ Lagomorphs Copyright © July, 2015, FurryWurry All rights reserved

Chapter 14 -- Cloudy __________________________________

He'd just started to doze off when there was another scratch at the main entrance. This time it was Cloudy, alone.

"Can we talk for a while? Flower thinks there are some things I should discuss with you. She can't come herself."

"Of course. I don't think I managed to say just how sorry I am about what happened today. Jumper and Runner were obviously very close friends with Sky. And you."

"Yes. The three of them were inseparable. Except when mating. And sometimes not even then." She smiled briefly, maybe at some memory, then sobered.

"Thanks for helping Sky get back. Without you, we probably would have Lost him, too. Some of the worst predators hunt after dark."

"I didn't do much. Mostly Sky led the way."

"You were with him, though. Gave him someone to help. Encouraged him. Alone in the dark, he'd be paralyzed by fear. He'd be easy prey." She poked Jeff's bare shoulder with one clawed forefinger. "Don't minimize what you did. He's the Sire for our snugrow. He's also my favorite brother, but don't tell Rainy that." She put a warm arm around his shoulders and rubbed her chin on the nearest one.

She suddenly looked concerned. "You're chilled. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. My people just aren't as warm-blooded as yours."

"Are you sure? When one of us gets as cold as you are, they're really, really sick." She pulled back, her warm, soft hand squeezing the shoulder where she'd chinned him. Her dark blue eyes examined his face closely. "Are you telling the truth? It's OK if you're not feeling well. One of our deasil cousins is a really good doctor. She can fix just about anything and she's very discreet." Deasil? Yet another clan, maybe?

"I'm fine. Really. Although your arm was nice and warm. It does feel rather chilly in here." He smiled at her, at his fib. It wasn't chill at all.

"Silly!" She put it back and chinned him again.

"We all have to help one another here. Now you have to help us take care of Sky, especially if you go out hunting Runner with him. You understand? He's going to be really depressed at times. Being busy searching might help, or it might make things worse. We don't want him to get sick. Or Taken. We want him back. We need him here."

"Uh, yeah, I understand. I guess." Chin rubs. Two of them. That was a dominance thing with rabbits, right? Scent marking him so everybody would know he was hers? Should he object?

"No guessing. You're family, now. Saving a life does that. I saw how he hugged you out there. And rubbed your chest. You didn't stop him. You trust him. Almost like a brother. Right?"

"Sure." He nodded. Although it had been more like a pat than a rub. And maybe he'd like to be something closer than a brother. And maybe it was too late to object to the chinning.

"Good." She was quiet for a while. Now she was leaning against him, with her arm still around his shoulders. Warm. Muscular but soft. Her smell was tantalizing, too. Maybe he should have put his jeans back on before inviting her in. Briefs could be a little too revealing. Maybe she wouldn't notice.

"You're not really our brother. I understand that. Still... He was close with Jumper and Runner. They weren't his brothers, either. Cousins. Mine, too."

She paused again. Then, "Together they kept Gran'Sir out of our snugrow. I'm not sure what'll happen now, especially if you all go hunting. He's really aggressive and Rainy's still too young to stand up to him. Gran'Sir wants to sire all of the kits in the warren. 'A strong sire makes strong kits,' he says. He fucks every doe he can as soon as they've kindled, and it's almost Flower and Garland's time. They'll both have their kits in a couple of weeks. I think he's lying, though. Most kits are still Lost. He just likes to fuck." She spat. The floor immediately absorbed it.

"Maybe I could help. When we get back."

"No, I don't think so. You're not a Rab. Not of our warren...his warren. He'd probably just ignore you. Or maybe have his flunkies throw you out, even if you bring back some lost Rabs. Especially if you bring some back, I fear. They'd be beholden to you and Sky both. He certainly wouldn't want you and Sky causing trouble.

"I'll miss Jumper." A tear trickled down her cheek. "He'll never see his new kits." She rubbed her belly with her free hand. Then, more quietly, "They'll never know their sire."

Oh. A different kind of weight than he'd thought earlier: gravid like the other does, just not nearly as far along.

"I'm sorry," he said gently. "Maybe we'll find him, too, and bring him back."

"That won't happen," she choked out. "Sky saw one of the Raptors carry him off. He's already dinner for their chicks. He'll be bird poop in the morning."

With a sob, she turned and clutched Jeff tightly with both arms, burying her head against his neck, pushing him back down onto the padded platform, a warm, quivering weight. He gently scratched the base of her ears, holding her close against his side, her head on his chest.

Gradually her sobbing faded and the quivering subsided into more specific movements as she rubbed against him.

"Make me feel better? I know you like me." She pulled back slightly so she could lick his cheek.

"It's that obvious, huh?"

She giggled. "Oh, yes. It's very obvious." While one hand pushed the medallion aside and rubbed his chest, a thigh pressed firmly on the hard bulge in his briefs. He got goosebumps when sharp claws replaced her warm palm, tracing a gentle path down his chest and abdomen.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt the kits you're carrying."

"A little sex won't hurt them. Especially with you. After all, you're not a Rab, right? You can't make me pregnant again. Even when that happens, both sets of kits usually come out OK. Usually." She seemed to be trying to convince herself.

"No, I'm certainly not a Rab." Jeff smiled briefly. "I'm really not. So why do you want to do it with me? I must look really strange to you: tiny ears, flat face and no fur. My feet are small, too." Way to go, Jeff. Make sure she knows how ugly you are. Like she couldn't see it already.

"Your looks don't matter. You smell too good. Friendly. I've never smelled anybody like you before, but that's what it is. Like I can trust you. A lot. More than some Rabs I know." She seemed to snuggle closer, although that'd be hard to do. "Just as you trust me: lying on your back, all exposed the way you are. I couldn't do that, even with you. Maybe someday. You didn't even flinch when I scratched you. Just some tiny bumps."

That made him wonder: why did he trust her? Why did he trust all the Rabs he'd met? Well, other than Gran'Sir, who he hadn't actually met personally. Everything that had been happening was so much like wish fulfillment, maybe it was making him foolhardy. Still, even though Sky and his friends were almost complete strangers to him, with unknown motivations, he liked and trusted them all. They had the claws and strength to do serious, even fatal, damage if they wanted, but they hadn't. He just knew they were trustworthy. Not to mention beautiful. All of them. Even Diver.

"Please? Are you going to make me beg? More than I am now?"

He looked at her seriously. "I'm very sorry, but there are a couple of things we need to get out of the way first." Her instant dismay made him quickly whisper "Our clothes."

She giggled. He liked the way her giggle felt against him. All that fur tickled. More goosebumps.

"You're too silly. Lift up." She knelt over him and pulled his briefs off, careful they didn't catch on his rock-hard erection.

"There's another difference you didn't mention. A Rab's dick is much more pointed." She gently stroked his.

"Careful. We don't want things to happen too soon. Now it's your turn to show me."

Still kneeling, she undid her loincloth and let it fall. All he could see was soft fur between her thighs.

"Um. So what do I do? Just rub against you? That isn't quite what I was expecting, but I'm sure it'll feel just fine."

"You really are silly, aren't you?" This time she laughed loudly.

She turned away on the platform and bent over again. When she pressed two fingers up between her legs, a bright pink protrusion appeared. Slitted, it had to be her vulva.

"See that? I think we'll both enjoy what happens if you push yourself into it." It looked like it'd be a tight fit, but if kits came out of it, obviously it could stretch enough for him to get in. It disappeared back under her fur when she released the pressure.

"Ooh, kaay. So I'm supposed to search for it, am I?" He couldn't help thinking about Easter egg hunts: hidden delights provided by a very attractive rabbit.

Down on her elbows now, with her rump in the air, she wiggled her tail. "Come on, you can find it. I know you've got the right tool for that."

She was right. His tool found it quickly. One of his own private thoughts had been right, too: it was tight. It also was soft, hot and slick. Not like an Easter egg at all. It was much more welcoming.

And somehow the lack of privacy didn't bother him at all.