WFS Part 2

Story by danybw on SoFurry

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Now there is this little thing , lets say the time of the story has switched up way way back in the years. In the last part there were mentioned guns but i will probably change it , because the time is being switched to the 13th century. The region the story goes in is some kingdoms ( made up by me , like the characters) in Scotland. Oh also this might seem a lot lot lot longer than usual , and on top of that i am not sure if it is a good part , just tell me what i should edit, also i was writting it in a bit of a hurry and i might have done some or a lot mistakes , so feel free to tell be about atleast one or two of them.

After few seconds of observation and just standing there , the dragon exited , leaving Darien to think about the badge that was on that guy's chest. It looked quite like the badge his father used to have when he was in the army , but unlike his father's bronze badge , the one the dragon had on was completely golden. The cub hugged his knees, shaking that thought off and instead thinking of how his life changed in one day. Now all he had left were his brothers , wich acted a lot nicer than ever to him. Because of their age it was expected that they should understand the situation better than the little wolf.

After a while , giving the boy time to get to know the otter beside him , a black furred shepherd , with some wolf features , entered , holding three rusty collars with leashes attached to them. He walked over to a small rabbit boy and placed the collar around his neck , tugging the chain leash to make him stand up. The sheets he was covered in fell to the ground , and the lapine shivered because his clothes were toren apart and it wasn't the hottest day of the autumn. The shepherd walked over to a fox cub around Darien's age and collared him up aswell. The wolf didn't keep attention to the canine until he heard his rough voice to ring in his ears.

"Stand up" he said , the boy looking up at him silently. "I said stand up you mutt" he growled out after a pause , wrapping the collar around Darien's neck , tugging on the chain leash as he walked to the exit , two voices stopping him.

"No! " one of the twins grabbed his little brother's paw and pulled him back "We won't give you our brother! "

The tone in the shepherd's voice nearly seemed joking as he spoke "What can you two do? " tugs on the leash , the grip on their brother's paw breaking as they grabbed onto him again , holding his brother close "You two are such pain in the ass" growls and takes out his thin long sword.

The last thing the boy saw were his brothers being held back by a guard.

A whole year passed , the memory of the day when the wolf had the only thing he had taken away from him , was still burried deep into his heart. That day he was brang to a big village with a large castle. He was made to work in the horse stables , wich was the first time Darien saw feral horses. He didn't think it was a bad job , in the horse stables worked two men aswell. The boy had to only bring food and water to the horses and clean up whenever a horse makes a mess. But just because he was a small boy he was made to learn from the two men working in the stables. Sometimes he had to even demonstrate what he learned. The hardest part was changing the horseshoes , but he was only just a cub , so he often was helped out , but only when one of the men , a really nice tiger , with an eye patch over his left eye , would test the kid. His other teacher was a grumpy anthromorphic equine, that was once a knight , chosen because it was guessed that he could take care better than the others when it comes to his own kind. He would treat the boy as if he was on his age , so the boy prefered the feline. And so time passed, and an year after , the boy was celebrating his birthday by cleaning up the horse stables. He would admire the horses but they were often taken away for hunting around that time. His favorite horse was a completely black large horse. It seemed quite strong and the rare times the boy could see him being used for hunting , he would get suprised at how fast that creature was. Yes , the boy was taken on huntings aswell , mostly because someone was needed to look after the horses if they have to leave them behind. Anyway, it was a normal day while he was cleaning up the horse stable , only him and few small horses wich were born few months ago and were too small for the men that went on hunting. Darien noticed a figure , looking like the black dragon wich looked like the castle's master , but it was far too small to be even an adult. It was a boy , wearing clothes from smooth leather. He looked at the small wolf , making him look down , continuing to clean , while the small dragon walked over to him.

"Hey! You must be the new boy that came an year ago here. Sorry i didn't greet you then , i was in my father's southern kingdom to do the stupid training he got me into. He wants me to be a knight like him. Anyway , what are you doing? Shouldn't you be with the other workers while they are having lunch? " The dragon said the whole thing as in one breath. He had a bright smile and looked energetic, noticable because of his footpaw that couldn't stop tapping the ground , begging for something to do.

"Well , i usually have work by that time , i only have dinner later on" he looked at the dragon , somewhat glad to have a chat with a boy around his age. Before he could introduce himself he heard steps as the tiger entered , holding a plate with some food for Darien. "Oh , Robert is here. He will help you out if you want to bring the horse out for a ride."

"Darien , i see you have found yourself a new friend..." Robert examined the dragon for a bit " The master's child? I am sorry sir Clei but you need to go to your bedroom , your father is going to get mad if he found you here." the feline said , seeming a little bit worried.

"Yes yes yes. I hear that from each one of the people in the staff. Can't you just leave me be people? Anyway , i wanted to see my new horse , he should understand." The boy said and smiled to the wolf infront of him "See you later !" he said as he ran off to the end of the stables , leaving Robert and Darien alone.

"So..." he walked to the cub and placed the plate down on the corner of the fence , making sure it won't fall "I brang you some food. I figured you would need something to eat. You didn't seem very well this morning. Something the matter?"

"W-well" the boy hesitated before he spoke , but the urge to share it with somebody got over his hesitation "I-it's my birthday today and all i can think of is ... my family"

"D'aaaw" he pulled the wolf into a hug , nuzzling the top of his head "So your birthday is in the same day as sir Clei's birthday" he tried to switch the subject " Even though on the same date , you two are really different. But you know what they say , oposites attract!" he said in a cheerfull tone

"W-what do you mean? " the wolf , looking up at the tiger said

"I mean that when the lord's son gets some of his father's villages , cities and castles he will probably take you with him if you become close friends , and the lord should be nicer to you" he chuckled and patted the wolf's head "Plus this old guy hasn't got a chance to make friends with that energy filled boy. But i heard that the master is looking for kids around the age of his son to play with him. He seemed a bit unsocial to him but the truth is , he doesn't let his son out even for a second unless it is dedicated to meeting other lords or training to become a knight." The boy nodded. It didn't sound bad , maybe there was hope for the cub after all , if he becomes a friend with the dragon he will be able to break free and he will be able to start looking for his brothers and maybe find his grandparents wich long ago traveled to England because they were unsatisfied that their only daughter married for a simple knight , leaving her to deal with life alone. The last time he heard about them he was told that they were really rich but arogant people , but the boy was intouch with few of the laws and knew that if they were gone , everything they owned was going to be separated between the three brothers , if something happens with his parents of course. So the cub saw hopes in this whole thing . It was unusual for a kid on his age to think that way or to plan such things but he was forced to grow up and learned a lot more then things about horses this year. So he decided , that he will try to make friends with the boy , and who knew , they might like eachother after all.

Month after month , the time passed slowly for the wolf , but only for him. The first few months were strange , most of the guardians in the city left , acompanied by the master of the place , Ronald Dark. The father of Clei Dark. From the words of Clei it seemed that his father has been called in his other kingdoms dedicated to recent fights that turned out worst than they seemed. All that Darien learned about that was that there were burned down houses in the end. Few days later , the whole castle seemed to have gotten a lot more quiet. Because of the lord not being there , most of the servants were busy resting , only the cleaners worked hard because they wanted to keep the whole place shinning clean for their master.

"SO father's not here" the dragon looked with the bright smile at the small wolf wich was dressed up in the usual servant clothing but cleaner than his old uniform. "Why don't we have fun around the castle? There are a lot of places we can go to , like for example my father's library. It is really rare to see so much books about our history in one place , but that is because far back when my granpa lived here , he would gather his favorite books. He was obsessed with that and would search for more and different books. He aperently found that interesting , but since he died my father wouldn't leave me enter the library , gladly i know where the key is! " before Darien could even comment he was grabbed by the paw and pulled upstairs , pulled to the master's bedroom. "Wait here for a bit , i will be back in a sec!"

He talks too much sometimes Darien thought to himself , the times the dragon didn't talk were when he was drinking , eating or standing besides his father. While the wolf waited a servant came to him.

"Do you know where sir Clei is , Darien?" it was Kate , the woman from the kitchens wich would be one of the people that were nice to him. "A man is waiting downstairs for him , talking about somekind of training"

Just then Clei got out of the room with a key in his paw , gulping as he hid the key behind his back. The woman spoke "Ah there you are , your uncle is waiting for you downstairs"

"Uncle?!" the dragon's tail suddenly wagged as he grabbed the paw of Darien "Come on lets go! You gotta meet uncle , he is a great warrior and has won a lot of duels! He used to let me ride his awesome horse , it is even faster and buffier than father's! I wonder where they get such , i want one too!" he chuckled as he was confronted by a big mass of scales. He was like a dragon , but with no wings , unlike Clei's father. "Oh and there he is !"

"Hey there little fella" he moved his glare from the small black dragon to the white wolf. "And this is ?"

"My name's Darien sir , Darien Light" he answered

"Son of wich lord?..." the question was followed by a pause

"Grandson sir. Grandson of the lord of ..." he tried to remember the names for a second "Dens and Ielow"

"Your grandfather was a good guy , but was too arogant and too obsessed with his family's tradition. Moon Light was his name , and just like the moon he would change now and then. He was mysterious. So what is my teacher's grandchild doing here?" Darien's ears perked

"Can we talk about this later uncle? " Clei asked, seeming a bit offended that the wolf didn't tell him about his past " What is it so important that you came here all the way from your mansion in England? "

"Ah well i needed to come and take you for your final training to become a knight" the dragons tail suddenly hit the ground , his face showing off mix of excitement and sadness

"But uncle can't Darien come with me too?" the sudden question suprised both the wolf and the big male.

"W-well... Your father will ge-"

"Will get mad. Yes yes , but what if he doesn't know , come on uncle! Father will be busy with the things happening in his lands. Plus you said Darien's father was your teacher right?"

"Yes , he was a great fighter and a close friend to your grandfather , he taught both me and your father. I guess i could take the kid under my arm , but why is he wearing these clothes? "

"Oh , well until now i didn't know he was a grandson of a lord , and he was brought here as a servant that father bought an year ago. I heard that his parents were killed." he whispered the last sentance to his uncle , the wolf frowning as he nudged the dragon , as if telling him to keep quiet

"Well then , it is decided , you are coming with us , but you will have to train aswell , and you got a lot more to learn." he said , looking down at the wolf

"Don't worry uncle , i will help him out!" he chuckled , giving out the bright smile.

To be continued