Companions Chapter 17: Order

Story by Evoquus on SoFurry

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#17 of Companions

[Companions Chapter 17]


WARNING! The following text contains explicit adult subject matter. It is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, then you must stop reading now. The author has taken steps to ensure that this story does not appear in any subject-inappropriate or age-inapropriate forum. This version has been posted with the author's permission to





* by Evoquus



* (c) Copyright 2002, Evoquus, All rights reserved.


* Feedback is appreciated: [email protected]



Rating: NC-17 for explicit sex: M/M, Human-Stallion-Mare, Anal, Oral

Chapter 17: Order

I was nearly weightless inside a flickering cobalt blue tunnel that was shaped like the profile of a horse, as if I were actually inside a shell of Varyl that had been stretched into a long corridor. The glowing blue walls swirled with wisps of white light that lead toward the other end of the tunnel and terminated with the bright white outline of the stallion.

"Can you hear me Rovaun?"

"Just barely, Companion."

"Can you see any of this?"

"No. What do you see?

"Just colors and lights."

"Are you in danger?"

"I don't think so. I'm going to continue on through."

I carefully stepped through the corridor feeling no fear. The lights were dazzling, but provided no hint as to where I was about to end up. I reached out and touched the smooth wall that yielded as if it were made of a thin membrane. I felt some resistance, but not much, and when my hand penetrated, it disappeared up to the wrist. Immediately, the manic lights swirled around my virtual amputation as if to say, "Don't go there." I thought it wise to heed their advice, and pulled my hand safely back. When all fingers returned, the lights settled down and continued toward the other end. The floor felt like it was made of the same material as the wall, but it could support my weight because I weighed only a few ounces.

At the tunnel's terminus, close examination of the white equine silhouette revealed that it, too, was comprised of a high concentration of swirling light. My hand passed through it more easily than the wall, but I could not see beyond the boundary. Swishing the living luminance aside did little to improve that situation, though the swirls seemed to be entertained when I did so.

"Still with me, Rovaun?"

"Yes, Companion."

"I think this is it."

"Please be careful."

"Never forget that I love you, Companion."

"Forever and always."

I passed on through.

The lights bedazzled my eyes briefly then quickly faded to reveal a high grassy plateau. There was no sound except that of a cool breeze that gently tossed the tall grass in invisible waves as if being delicately trampled by a herd of running ghosts.

"Misplaced again so soon?"

I turned around to see Varyl standing alone with me on the plain. There were no other creatures in sight. He regarded me curiously, but showed no sign of fear or concern.

"Am I in... I mean, is this... uh,... Are you God?"

The stallion whinnied jovially. "My goodness, no. I am just a simple Hipponaur who also happens to know how things work around here. Could you do me a favor? It has been so long since I last encountered a human. Do you think you could scratch me just below my withers?"

I happily did as he requested.

"Oh... yes... a little lower... THAT'S the spot. Oh, my yes! Wonderful!! Fingers are the only thing I regret not having. Thank you so much. Now, how may I direct you?"

"Direct me?"

"To your destination. Where do you wish to go?"

"I don't know."

"If you are here by accident, I can send you back again."

"It was YOU who helped me return before!"

"You got yourself in quite a pickle, didn't you," he grinned. "That sort of thing doesn't happen very often, fortunately. All of the spatial ulcers on the ground have been repaired, but there are still a few suspended in the air. Unfortunately we cannot find the hole until someone has the atrocious luck to fall into it. Your luck will be much better tomorrow, I hope."

"My luck is just fine today. I got married today!"

"Oh dear, please forgive the unintended offense," he said graciously, "and congratulations."

"Thank you. What are you doing here?"

"I am a Sentinel, like any other."

"Sentinel? There's nothing around for miles. What are you guarding?"

"Do you not know what a Sentinel is? You must have passed through one to get here."

"You mean MY Varyl is a Sentinel?"

The stallion whinnied suddenly, then stuck his nose in my face. "Are you from Varyl's domain!?" he asked excitedly.

"I guess so, he sent me here."

"Impossible... but WONDERFUL!" He jumped up and danced around giddily. "I have been searching for him forever! How is the old coot?"

"He's just fine. I thought YOU were Varyl."

"Ahhh, now I understand your confusion. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mourne."

I gasped. "It is a tremendous honor to meet you, Mourne. I am your Wraith."

"HA! HA! HA!" he whinnied uproariously. "How absolutely MARVELOUS! I am very pleased to meet you, Wraith. Very pleased indeed."

"I think Varyl will be pleased, too. He thinks he killed you."

"Does he now?" he said, sounding bemused. "That is something I had not considered."

"I can't get over how much you two resemble each other."

"The resemblance should not be a surprise when you consider that we are the same Hipponaur."

"Um... what?"

"Varyl is me, that is, an alter ego so to speak. I placed him in charge of a very special domain. Strictly hands off, no visitors allowed. No chance of any cross pollination of worlds, you see, in order to assess the long-term viability of a Hipponaur colony on its own. But for some reason I lost contact with him and the stupid git wouldn't stay put long enough for me to track him down. It's still a big planet, you know. When you see him again, please tell him to get his equine arse back up to Mourne's Rock. Then I'll be able to properly debrief him. Plus, he has several thousand years of overdue Sentinel duty."

"I'll be sure to tell him. What exactly is Sentinel duty?"

"Oh, uh... Normally, I would not reveal that to someone from Varyl's domain, but in your case, Wraith, I am happy to make an exception. My various incarnations provide access to other planets. If you want to go some place, you come to me. Much like what you did just now."

"Planets other than Earth?"

"No, of course not. There isn't much of a tourist trade on Mercury, now is there. The planets are all present-day versions of Earth, but you would be surprised at the diversity."

Suddenly I remembered why I was here.

"There IS a place I want to go. It's a beach where there are lots of Anthrauns."

"I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific."

That statement alone made me jump for joy. It meant that there already existed multiple beaches full of Anthrauns. I played for him the beach in Malaya's dream, but then he frowned.

"Oh. That one," he sighed. "Spring Break at Fort Lauderdale. Why on Earth do you want to go there?"

"Because it's my son's destiny."

"Hmm. Your luck has yet to improve, today," he said, sarcastically.

"Can you send me there or not?"

"Yes I can. Just one moment."

He turned clockwise ninety degrees then took two measured steps forward and three to the right.

"Enter through my left."

"How do I get back?"

"You'll find me."

I stepped into him and entered another horse-shaped tunnel that was green this time. When I came out the other side, I was standing on a short bluff just above the beach. Malaya's and Tantau's beach.

"Welcome to 'For Lotta-Tail'," said the Sentinel behind me.


"Forgive my flippancy," he said. "Is this your first time here?"

"Yes it is," I said, taking a deep breath of sea air. "Would you like me to scratch you below your withers?"

He snorted at the presumptuous offer, then shrugged. "If you like."

I scratched him while observing the beachgoers. Among the Hipponaurs and Humans, the Anthrauns were everywhere. Beautiful young sexy horse-men and horse-women, enjoying the water, enjoying the sun, but mostly enjoying each other a whole lot. In fact, everyone was enjoying everyone. Clothing was most definitely optional, assuming it had ever been invented. However, most private parts remained decently covered up, hidden from view by the back of someone's bobbing head. Neither mouth nor groin seemed to be very choosy about the other, and both tended to have short attention spans. I saw one fellow suck the seed out of his buddy and then turn to deposit it into the first thing that happened by. Without giving it a second thought, a passing female bent over and lifted her tail just long enough to receive the potent tonguing, then caught up with her pregnant human girlfriend and kissed her like I never kissed my mother.

"Is it always like this? The rampant anonymous group sex on a public beach?"

"Wait until an hour or two after dusk," said the Sentinel. "Then things should pick up a bit."

"Oh my God," I laughed, shaking my head. "There's no way I'm letting my son come here."

"Like most parents who have children with gonads, there isn't much you can do about it."

He smiled all-knowingly to me, and I returned his smile giving him a quick hug and a pat.

"I am not allowed to fraternize while on duty," he said, misinterpreting my intentions.

"I met nothing by that. I'm just very fond of you back where I come from."

"Is that so?" he said, cheerfully, "Then you are more than welcome to visit anytime. Any friend of mine is a friend of mine. Souvenir?"

He offered me a tacky cowry shell that had been polished and etched with the image of two amorous seahorses. Underneath them was a terse label, "Ft. Lauderdale, FL."

"Thank you, but how do I take it back with me?"

"In your hand?" he said, wondering what the trick was to the question.

"Okay, if you say so. Can you send me back to Mourne, please?"

"Certainly. Step in through my right. And thank you for the pleasant, mostly platonic company."

The tunnel back to Mourne was the same cobalt blue as the first, and I emerged on the grassy plateau again with souvenir in hand.

"That didn't take long," said Mourne.

"No, it didn't," I said, shaking my head in disgust. "I should have known. Destiny never turns out to be what you expect."

"If you are looking for a more appropriate place to honeymoon, I can recommend a few nice locales. It is the least I can do to thank you for finding Varyl for me."

I examined the cowry shell that had made it through the portal unscathed. A real physical artifact from another world.

"Mourne, may I ask an additional favor - there's one other place I'd like to visit..."

Because I had remained coherent throughout my worldly travels, I had completely forgotten to maintain contact with Rovaun. When I emerged from Varyl's body, my poor husband was desperately trying to re-establish a link. He had been joined by several other despondent Hipponaurs, none of whom knew what to do other than worry.

"He's back!" cheered Malaya.

Rovaun looked up and whinnied joyously as I hugged him. The other Hipponaurs heaved a collective sigh of relief.

"It's all real, dear Husband. I saw the beach. I saw the Anthrauns. Look."

I showed him the souvenir shell which elicited gasps from the others. I handed it to Malaya, whose eyes doubled in size when she saw the precious gift.

"For you, Sweetie. It's from the beach where you and Tantau will visit someday... briefly."

"Thank you!" she squeaked.

"I also brought back one other souvenir," I said, merging into my body so as not to steal the thunder.

A hiking boot reached out of Varyl's belly, and felt around for solid footing. Then the rest of the human emerged. He looked around nervously at the silent equines staring at him - all silent, that is, but one.

"Com... Compan... Companion?... COMPANION!!"


The man ran to the stallion who whinnied and cried and kissed him, then cried and whinnied and kissed him some more. Rovaun and I reveled in the spectacle of our Best Stallion reuniting with his long dead Companion. Parceph was all over him, licking his face and smelling his hair, neck, armpits, and lower. The man, in turn, nuzzled his stallion and scritched specific areas that I suspected only he and his lover knew about. Parceph raised his head up high and bellowed mournfully, long and loud, unloading two hundred years of angst. When he came back down, he hugged him and looked at us with tears streaming down his face. His expression was that of untold gratitude but also carried a hint of skepticism, as if deep down he did not believe this miracle was truly happening.

I smiled tearfully at my empathetic Rovaun, whose face was just as drenched as Parceph's, having ridden a similar roller coaster of emotions today. The contagious rain of joyous tears soon infected every Hipponaur in the clique, who all knew and loved Parceph, and were very familiar with his pain. Now with his spirits so lifted, they wept for his joy, yet none of them dared question the authenticity of the perfectly healthy human who had risen from the grave, no worse for two centuries of wear.

"Rovaun, Danny," choked the stallion, "Today was supposed to be all yours..." He whinnied again, still unable to speak. The man he held sobbed into his stallion's shoulder, and Parceph whickered softly to console him.

Shianna came up to us, sniffling. "Just look at him. I've never seen him so happy."

She broke down on my shoulder and cried to herself. I hugged her, but suspected I wasn't helping much, for her tears for Parceph were also borne of her own loneliness. I motioned for Azgard to come over, who looked like he could use a shoulder, too. He approached, but found it difficult to squeeze in.

"Have you two met?" I asked of them. They had, of course, but they blushed anyway. "I think you two make a cute couple."

Shianna and Azgard looked at each other, then both snorted at me.

"God, Danny, sometimes you can be unfathomably crass."


"What makes you 'Ms. Matchmaker' all of a sudden!? You're acting just like an Elder!"

"I'm not..."

"Wake up, it's a new world order! I'll choose my own mate, thank you very much!"

She turned and stormed off.

"With all due respect, Wraith, mind your own fucking business."


He followed her to apologize, then whispered something that made her look back at me and guffaw with disparaging amusement. Then they wandered off to share more laughs at my expense. Mission accomplished.

"Do not alienate her too much," said Rovaun. "She is still the mother of our child."

"I know," I said, feeling rather smug.

Parceph brought his Companion over to officially introduce us.

"Rovaun and Daniel, meet my Companion, Jeremiah."

"Jerry to my friends," he said.

"And please call me Danny," I bowed. "What's the verdict, Parceph?"

Parceph beamed at him. "He looks like my Companion, talks like my Companion, smells like my Companion, and the parts I've licked so far, taste like my Companion."

Jeremiah hid his blushing face in Parceph's ribs.

"How the hell did you manage this miracle, Danny? Is this another virtual trick?"

"No trick, my friend. He's as real as you are."

"Okay, Companion," he said to the man. "How do you explain yourself? I buried you two hundred years ago."

"And I buried YOU three years ago, Parceph. I've been mourning you ever since until ten minutes ago when Danny told me you were alive."

"You don't look older than thirty-five," I said.

"I'm two hundred and thirty-eight, I think. What year is it?"

"I'm still clueless," said Parceph.

"Jeremiah is real, but he isn't from our timeline. This Jeremiah came from a timeline in which you never turned him in to Varyl."

"But I DID turn him in."

"In THIS timeline, but there exists an alternate timeline where you didn't. In that one, you two became one, which is why he stopped aging. I asked Mourne if he could find a living and unattached version of your Companion. A quick search came up with a couple hundred. But just like you, this Jeremiah stayed with the clique after your passing, to pay respect to your memory. Oh yeah, and for some reason, the Hipponaurs all referred to him by some empty meaningless title that I don't quite recall, something like 'Waif' or 'Wrath' or 'Riffraff' or some other such nonsense."

I winked at Jeremiah, who chuckled and shook his head modestly, while Parceph smiled at him with ten times the pride that his Companion shunned.

"It took some convincing of Mourne to let me bring him here because it was pretty much a one-way trip for him..."

"But I didn't need to be asked twice," he said, patting his stallion's flank.

"...And when I explained to Mourne the circumstances of Jeremiah's death, well, he pretended to look the other way when we stepped into him."

Rovaun interjected, "You will likely find that he is not the same person you remember, but it is up to you whether or not to accept him as he is now. I recommend you take it slow, but I also believe that you and he have an excellent chance for a happy future."

Parceph nodded. "Thank you, Rovaun." Then he kissed me politely. "And you, Danny. I'll never forget this. In fact, just STOP it, will you? I am up to my eyeballs in debt to the both of you. You're going to ruin my credit rating."

"You've got plenty of collateral, Parceph. I'm still waiting on those stories of yours."

He glanced at his partner and smiled, "Okay, but let me update a few of them, first." He turned to leave, and his Companion hopped expertly onto his back. "Let's go, Wraith. We have two hundred years of lovin' to catch up with."

"Yeow," Jeremiah grimaced, "my butt's hemorrhaging just thinking about it." As they departed, the man turned to us wearing a huge grin, gave us a thumb's up and mouthed, "THANK YOU!"

"Who's next?" chuckled Rovaun.

"That's enough meddling for now."

"That was quite thoughtful of you, Wraith," said Varyl. "It does not exonerate what I did to Parceph, but it certainly will help heal the wounds he and Kronan have suffered as a result."

"How are you doing, Varyl? Mourne claims you are a Sentinel."

"Yes, that is true. I had erased that from my own memory, but linking with Mourne has restored some of it. I must thank you for that as well."

"Why would you erase your own memory?"

The moment I asked the question, I already knew the answer: to keep a very big secret. I was about to withdraw the question, but Varyl seemed content to answer it.

"When Hipponaurs first appeared, their populations were unchecked, causing their numbers to quickly overwhelm their environment. The suffering that resulted from massive starvation was unimaginable. Entire worlds were dying.

"Then we discovered an almost limitless supply of other planets, other Earths, on which to offload much of the starving population. Life was good again, and when the population inevitably grew too large, most would be moved to yet another unpopulated world.

"The trouble Mourne discovered was that the supply of Earths is actually finite. At some point, we are going to run out. So he placed me as the only Sentinel on this world and denied access to and from any other world outside of my domain. My job was to see to it that the Hipponaur population remained stable, to see if we could come up with a formula for long term survival.

"But I took my job too seriously. I felt that as long as there was an easy way to contact Mourne, then there would be temptation for some of us to leave and for others to visit. You just proved my point, by the way. So I erased and reprogrammed my own memories of him. It was the only way to truly isolate us from outside contact. I expected he would find me, eventually, standing on his mountain, but in the meantime the experiment would run its course uncontaminated.

"Now I realize what an arrogant act that was. Had I not been so foolish, I am certain Mourne would have lifted the forced bonding decree centuries ago. And now it is too late; the experiment has failed. Humans dominate this world, and our integration with them will likely never come to pass."

"You did what you thought was best, Varyl. And there are at least two humans I know of who integrate with Hipponaur just fine. There are bound to be more. I think the experiment is far from over, and certainly not a failure. The world is alive, and life at least for now, is pretty darn good."

"Do you plan to resume your role as a Sentinel?" asked Rovaun.

"I would if I knew how, but I erased that part as well. I don't know where to stand anymore. I even lost my sense of direction."

"Mourne gave me some pointers," I said. "Try turning about thirty degrees clockwise."

Varyl silently questioned my intentions, but still turned as requested.

"What are you doing?" asked Rovaun.

"You'll see. Now step backwards two strides... Good, and a half stride to your left... Perfect."

I turned to my husband. "Care to go on kick-ass honeymoon compliments of Varyl's Grandpa?"

Varyl chuckled. "Enjoy yourselves."

"We will. Oh yeah, Mourne says to go stand on his rock, pronto."

"I will do so, Wraith. Thank you."

It was a tight squeeze for two full grown Hipponaurs, but Rovaun and I managed to successfully navigate the tunnel side-by-side. The lights directed us by swirling against an alternating orange, magenta and purple background, which was an appropriate prelude to Wonderland, I thought. When we reached the white boundary of our destination, I turned to my mate.

"This is it, Husband, we jump through together, and no hesitating this time, got it?"

"Got it," he said, nervously.

We both crouched in preparation for our leap into the unknown.

"On the count of three... Ready?... One... Two..."


[End of _COMPANIONS_ Chapter 17: Order]

[This concludes Part 6 of the series. Take a break.]

[Next in series: Chapter 18: Another World]