Bath Time

Story by RubberTapper on SoFurry

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A little something I found digging through my old hard drive. Apparently I wrote it in 2011. Enjoy!

Bath Time

Strictly business. That's what the tiger's job has been since he completed his work in college and his internship. Years of wearing out his eyes and back over books and papers definitely had a toll on his body. The stress was unbearable, but he always managed ways to get through without the need to release himself, which only provided him with a temporary bliss ever since he started masturbating at a younger age. Instead, he found that drinking tea, reading, and taking baths with exotic salts far more relaxing.

He hasn't had the urge in five years.

But now he was looking at himself. 23 years old, still a virgin, and waiting for a call back for job interview next week. Between work, eating, and sleeping he always kept his mind clean and he felt it certainly paid off in the long run as it landed him the ideal job.

But now he faced a dilemma. He sat on his bed contemplating on what to do for the next week until he got a call back. Even then he knew he would have to go through more job interviews as the company narrowed their focus. He sat on his bed, dressed up as if he was going to work or out. Over his striped fur he were a pair of slacks, a dress shirt, and a blue tie to convey his calm personalty for his job interview.

Which wasn't for at least week...

The tiger took in a deep breath and twiddled his thumbs not sure what to do. He had a lot on his mind, but he tried to keep his mind off his work. "Dam, I knew I would need a television set at some point." He moved his eyes about the room looking for something to distract himself with, which was ironic because he had decorated his room without such things to distract him from work and studying.

"Or at least some video games...". He stared at his hands for a bit, "No these hands are for working and not for play..."

Slowly his mind and eyes made their way back to his end table, which held a small white bottle. "I know how much you like taking baths Marty," a gruff voice reiterated. Seemingly out of thin air, he was standing next to his mentor in an office. "You've been working hard on your thesis and I can see it in your analysis of state and federal regulations pertaining to groundwater management."

"Thank you sir..."

"Here," his mentor handling him the white bottle, "Take it"

"What do they do?" he recalled.

"It will make bath time a little more pleasurable. Just pour some in before you take your relaxing dip okay?" a faint smile was the last thing he remembered on his mentor's face. Wait was that a wink in his eye?

He snapped back to reality.

The tiger couldn't think straight. He never had this problem before. His life had been perfect, organized, and focused until his mentor gave him this bottle of bath salts without telling him what they do. With one paw he grabbed the white plastic Pandora's box and gave it a little shake, listening to it intensely.

He was afraid what it might do.

Yet, he was curious what it might do.

"Curiosity killed the cat," remembered the tiger.

Perhaps a regular warm bath will ease this tension away. As he got up he knocked over a small folder he kept on his bed. The contents spilled out into the morning rays that broke through the window shades. He dropped the bottle and was began picking up papers one by one, when the tiger noted his vistor's ID he had gotten for his job interview.

It read, "Martin Lindermann" and was decorated with a security color, expiration date, and his aspiring face looking back at him. He picked it up and examined it more closely. His blue eyes were tinted by the transitional eyeglasses he wore.

"One week," Martin told himself, "One week to stay focused."

He sorted all of the papers back into their respective folder, examining them for any signs of folds or wrinkles. As he placed the folder back to its original place on the stand his eyes locked onto the bottle he had left on the carpet floor, spilling a few salts onto the carpet.

The lid was undone.

Did he open it? When he dropped it was there enough force for the lid to open? It's a medicine bottle, surely the lid couldn't have opened so easily.

Questions swirled in Martin's head, impairing his judgment. He needed to make a straight forward decision right now. He grabbed the bottle and shuffled as much of the spilled contents back into their box. Then he walked to his bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet to put the mysterious bottle away, hoping to forget about them.

Martin took in a deep breath, pushing out his chest and nearly popping a button off his shirt, before breathing out.

Without even realizing it, Martin was staring at himself in the mirror. It felt foreign to him. Somehow the person he saw on the badge was not the person standing before him. The tiger was sweating, his clothing already showing moist spots on his armpits and his tie crinkled up from the heat radiating from his chest.

He took a step closer to examine for more details and noticed his fur was unkempt and his eyes bloodshot.

"I'm just stressed," whispered Martin, "I need to just take a moment and relax."

He turned around, away from his reflection. On the wall opposite he spotted a couple of magazines he kept on a small shelf. Martin flipped though some of their pages, skimming through a variety of topics on science, technology, and the like. "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch", one title read. "Yeah," Martin mumbled to himself, "I already heard about this story way back in high school. Can't believe it took mainstream media this long to do a report on it"

Martin took another deep breath. Unable to find any interesting fresh topics to read up on, he scoured the walls of the bathroom for something to take his mind off. A small analogue clock ticked away the seconds above him.

"Come on Martin, it's just one week. You can stay focused and productive for one week. Just take a relaxing dip..."

He did not hesitate. Martin grabbed a bottle of his most expensive stress-relieving bath salt, set it aside the tub and starting prepping a relaxing soak. He opened the valve and allowed water to gush into the tub. Slowly the room began to fill up with warmth, but still it could not calm Martin's nerves. The tub was filling up, but not as fast as Martin would have liked.

The tiger needed to keep himself focused and busy until the bathtub was ready.

Martin moved back to the sink and saw himself again in the mirror. This time he looked more disheveled. His fur more soaked in stress induced sweat and running his fingers through his fur certainly was messing it up. He opened his mouth to see that plaque was building up on his teeth.

"I'm going to need pearly whites for the interview," he thought to himself. He covered his mouth with his hands to smell his breath, "and fresher breath as well."

Martin opened the cabinet again to grab some toothpaste and slammed it shut. With a shakey paw, he applied a squiggly amount of the jell onto his toothbrush and began brush. Dentists' always say brush for two minutes in slow and small circles on each tooth, but the tiger couldn't wait.

He vigorously brushed his gums and teeth for what seemed like two minutes before putting it down and cleaning himself up. Martin's eyes peered to the bathtub and it was half full. He breathed a sigh of relief and opened the medicine cabinet to put away the toothpaste.

The second he opened it a small white bottle fell out. The tiger paused for a moment, staring at the it. He looked back up to see that the shelf that it was sitting on had broken slightly and was leaning at an angle to one side. With one finger Martin readjusted the shelf and closed the medicine cabinet. Stressed, he slumped over his bathroom sink when he noticed that the small white bottle rested at the bottom of his sink with the cap undone.

"DAMMIT!" shouted Martin. He grabbed the bottle and dumped its contents into the tub, taking in a deep breath to get a whiff of whatever he just added in to the mix.

Moments pasted before he opened his eyes again. Nothing had changed. There was no smell or aroma, just the heat of the moisture filling up the room. He bent down, eying the waves of water and noticed that all of the salts must have already dissolved into the water. Strange. He rolled up his sleeve and put his arm into the water and started mixing it. Still no results.

Martin got up and took in a second deep breath. He thought it was weird that the water had no aroma. His skin certainly didn't feel any salt in the water. He picked up the curious bottle and couldn't find any labels on it. As he ran his fingers on the bottle, he noticed that someone had filed off the name of whoever produced of the bottle. The bumps were faint, but there certainly was something there before.

As he turned around, Martin noticed the tub was ready. He shut off the water and proceeded to undress. He hanged his clothing away and took one step into his soothing bath.

When he had fully settled into the bathtub only then was his mind overcome with bliss. He felt his body unclench, releasing stored years of stress. He had never felt this good about taking a warm bath in a long time. Usually the aroma was enough to help him relax, but this was different. Martin felt as if the water itself had some kind of potent rejuvenative properties. He lowered himself further,closing his eyes and allowing his ears to get soaked in, drowning out sounds from the outside.

Suddenly, the tiger felt an odd cold feeling. It felt slightly pleasurable, but at the same time it hurt. It was like someone was tickling him with a cold feather at his groin.

Martin pulled his head up to see a tiny nub breaking through the water and into the low mist. Upon closer examination, he realized it was his cock, waking up after a five year slumber.

He pulled himself up, eyes transfixed on his fellow friend. It twitched a little bit as if saying hello as it sunk beneath the water. Martin couldn't help it, he released a low grunt at the feel of the warm water against his member.

The tiger tried with all his might to resist the temptation and restrained his hands to the sides of the bathtub. "I can't do this with my hands," he muttered to himself. However his body wanted this even if his mind did not. Without realizing it, the feline's tail slid from underneath him and wrapped itself around the throbbing cock, causing Martin to shudder as an unfamiliar pleasured soared up his spine.

It felt good.

His face was twitching uncontrollably, resisting the temptations of self gratification, but Martin was slowly loosing the battle. Using his feet, Martin unplug the drain and allowed the water to drain away, hoping the cold air would dissuade his cock. Whatever salt he had added, his skin must have already absorbed it all, because Martin could feel his skin tingle, especially around his genitals.

The cold air settled around him, causing him discomfort. Still mentally restraining his arms and upper body to the bathtub floor, Martin's legs turned on the water and set it to shower. Warmth returned to his body, relaxing his muscles. Martin had to give in, there was no other choice. He let his face give way to pleasure and sat upright under the warm rains. Not wanting to ruin the experience, the tiger forcefully commanded his tail to begin moving up and down his shaft.

Blood rushed to both of the tiger's heads, causing them to flush into a deep red color. He let his tongue roll out, panting and gasping for breath, and licked his nose. An old familiar smell touched the predator's nose, it was musk.

"Ooooh...." groaned Martin, letting more of his natural hormones take affect. "More please... more!"

He couldn't quite remember how big he was able to get, but he knew it when he saw it. The tiger's shaft was up and full of attention and waited patiently in front of his chest. Martin didn't hesitate. Using his flexibility, he knew what must be done. Mouth wide open, he let his tongue roll out to begin covering his own cock in thin layer of saliva before closing his lips onto it.

The glands on the head of his shaft felt the warm embodiment of the tigers maw and responded by releasing three shots of pre, straight into the tiger's mouth.

Martin savored the taste. It was just the way he liked his coffee, a little sweet, a little salty, and enough shots to wake him up. His senses were more elevated now. Every drop of warm water that fell on him only served to stimulate him further.

The tiger let his shaft pop free of his mouth, leaving a thin thread of saliva and pre connecting to his mouth. He licked the thread away and repositioned himself away from the shower and turned it off. At first, Martin wasn't sure how to finish himself off, but he let his own wild instincts do it for him.

He bent forward again, warming his mouth with his own throbbing mass and began massaging each of his testicles with his paws. They were swelling up, ready to unleash a load five years in the making. He sent his tongue down and up his shaft, gathering what leftover pre there was.

Without warning, he exploded into bliss. Seed erupted into Martin's mouth. As he gulped it down he could feel the warmth passing through his throat. Barely ten seconds had passed before Martin realized he could not swallow his seed fast enough. He let go of his own cock, allowing whatever remaining seed in his mouth to drool out in threads.

He kept cumming however and would continue sputtering out ropes of cum. He was forcefully push down, as his hips continued thrusting into the open air. The ropes splashed all over his face and body as they were pulled back down by gravity.

Martin struggled for air as years of stress were released. He didn't know how much cum he was releasing, but judging from the warmth on his body, he probably looked like the a pastry drizzled in white sugary cream. When it had finally slowed he used his feet to shut off the shower, wanting to enjoy the warmth from his own seed. He licked his face to clear up his vision and was immediately hit by the new profound saltiness of his own making.

The very taste of himself only served spur his body to continue producing more. It was feedback loop. With each additional lick his genitals were kicked into overdrive. As he cleaned up his face, he could feel his genitals bursting with energy as a strong warmth spread from his stomach, almost putting him into a blissful state. While not in the same vigor as before, he could feel more seed being pushed out of him as he continued to wipe his face clean with his tongue. The rough edges serving their purpose in ensuring every strand of fur is cleaned of whatever seed had hit him the face.

Sitting upright, he realized just how much cum he had produced as it nearly covered every inch of his body. He lifted his arm up with ease, despite being coated in the sticky substance. Taking one look at the hands he viewed as the tools for production and a dirty thought crossed his mind.

Opening is mouth wide open and tongue dolled out, he stuffed the cum coated paw into his face. Warmth spread rapidly from his mouth to his throat and then into his stomach. He felt as if he was drunk as the heat bubbled straight into his head, distorting his vision. But he could feel it. In order to increase production, his body knew he would need an upgrade. His balls and cock were expanding from between his legs. Martin didn't know just how much he was growing, but the heat from the growth was more than enough to get him excited.

Unlike before, as he came, it felt more like a hose that was turned on. For a brief moment he could see clearly just how much he was cumming. One single thick rope was sent flying into the air, twisting, turning, and folding upon itself as it reached the maximum height, before arcing straight down back onto his face.


When Martin woke up, he found himself in a bathtub full of his own seed. He moved his arms through it and found it to be warm and fresh even though he had cummed long ago about an hour ago indicated by the clock. It was like he was at a mud spa, except he was surrounded by a pale white mixture.

He stretched his feet and noticed that the drain was still open partially and was emptying the tub. Curious, Martin used his arms to feel about his genitals in the thick sloppy mess and was impressed by what he found.

"I guess this is permanent," He chuckled to himself.

He took a deep breath and relaxed again. The tiger chuckled to himself. He had a new favorite type of bath salts.