A New Life

Story by zSilver_Fox on SoFurry

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#1 of Aquasys

Wrote this up in about 2 1/2 hours... on and off... hope you enjoy it. It's un-refined, so the flow and such is going to be horrible. Character info: Aquasys. White Tiger, Male, age 17. Tekalah. Timber Wolf, Male, Age 21.

The white tiger tried to relax as he was suspended in the air, completely nude. All four of his paws were tied, and he was blind folded. A large ballgag was in his mouth. All he could remember was going to that bar... that wolf buying him a drink... 'So, my new little pet... Aquasys, I believe?' he heard a firm voice say. All he could do was nod in repl- wait... pet? He had remembered these things from pornos... he was being made into a sex slave! And he wasn't gay! He started to struggle against the leather straps holding him spread out in place, in the air. There had to be a way out of this! 'STOP YOUR STRUGGLING NOW!' he heard the same voice demand, quickly followed by a whoosh of air, a loud SMACK, and a burning pain in his rear. He roared in pain, but was muffled by the gag in his mouth. Knowing that it would save him pain, he forced himself to stop resisting the restraints. God, what had he gotten himself into? He had gone out to drink his life away after being fired from work. He had no one left, and the bills would be too much for him to support. That one last paycheck for a measly $75 would be enough for him to waste himself to death... no one would miss that white tiger named Aquasys anyway. He had downed a shot of Everclear, when a large timber wolf walked up to him, and bought him another shot, this one of whiskey... and the rest was a blur. 'Since it seems you need to be broken in, I'm going to have plenty of fun with you tonight, pet,' the voice sounded, interrupting Aquasys' thoughts. From the origin of the sound, he could tell the speaker was behind him, and a little to his left. What did he mean by fun? 'And I'll start, NOW!' the voice said again. The loud woosh came as well, and Aquasys had no time to brace himself for the impact. He felt a large paddle with a small metal spikes spread over it crash into his ass. The pain was like none he had ever felt before, the spikes barely puncturing his flesh, and leaving small pricks of blood on his rear. The first one was quickly followed by a second, then a third! Four, five, six times the paddle collided with him! The pain was unbearable, and it wasn't stopping! He suffered four more impacts, before the beating ceased. Tears of pain ran down his face, already having soaked the blindfold. It hurt so much! Yet, he felt a strange sort of... pleasure come from it all. His cock slowly pushed out of his sheath, all eight inches of his pink member eventually out. His roars of pain kept going on after the beating ended, though. 'I see you enjoyed that, Aquasys. But that's no longer your name. You're my pet, my slave now, do you understand?' came the voice. Aquasys nodded, his body shaking with pain. 'Good. Now, since you took that so well, it's time for the next part of breaking you in.' The mystery voice stated. Aquasys slowly felt himself lowered to the ground, but his paws remained restricted. His blindfold was removed, and, infront of him stood the same timber wolf as last night! 'My name is Tekalah, but to you, I am Master. Do you understand me?' the wolf questioned. Aquasys nodded, though he was hardly paying attention. The wolf was naked... and... so sexy... Tekalah walked up to him, and removed the ball gag from the tiger's drooling mouth. He looked around his surroundings, and realized the place was a dungeon. It sent a shiver of fear down his spine. 'Why are you do- AHHH!' He screamed in pain, his question cut off as his master dug his sharp claws into one of his abused buttocks. 'Never question your master!' the wolf growled, squeezing tighter. 'Y-yes mast-er!' Aquasys gasped out, pain running through his body. His hard cock throbbed, and a small drop of pre appeared on the end of it though, as the claws sent pain through him. 'I see you like that... well, you'll enjoy this even more then.' his master said. Lowering the tiger down even more, Tekalah stood behind the restrained feline. Aquasys wondered what was going to happen... and then his worst fears were confirmed. He felt a large, hot cock press up against his tailhole. 'No! Don't! I'm not g-' he tried to shout, but a strong paw clamped his mouth shut. 'Did I ask about your orienatation? No. And I think you'll be thinking a bit different afterwards...' Aquasys did nothing, and prepared himself for the pain that was about to be upon him. And it started. Tekalah moved his claws onto his slaves chest, and dug them in deep, smiling sadistically as he heard the gasp of pain from the feline. Unable to wait much longer, he pulled Aquasys close to him with his embedded claws, and shoved his large, hard cock into the virgin tailhole of his new slave. The tiger screamed in pain as his entrance was torn by the massive member of his master. Six inches slid in first... then three more... and another two... he moaned loudly in an agonizing mixture of pain and pleasure. The wolf's knot finally pressed up against his bleeding and over-stretched hole. It hurt so much... but felt so good... Murring in pleasure, the wolf slowly began to pull out of his slave. He smiled as he watched blood cover his retreating cock. As his head was about to exit, Tekalah shoved all the way back into his slave, using the blood as a lubricant. Not bothering to pause this time, he began to pull out, and thrust back in again. He gradually sped up, bringing himself as much pleasure as he could while still giving his slave pain. Aquasys could only moan in pain, the massive cock causing his hole to tear, agony emitted from it with each thrust. But with that pain came a strange sort of pleasure... one that was impossible to deny. 'Use me master, abuse me! Make me your toy!' he found himself moaning out, the mixture of pain and pleasure bringing out previously denied and hidden lusts. Tekalah did nothing in reply, but sped up his thrusts even more. His orgasm was obviously near. With each push, his knot pressed against Aquasys' hole. Then, knowing he couldn't hold it back any longer, the wolf shoved his entire cock, knot and all, into the tight passage of his slave. His massive orgasm hit hard, and he howled in pleasure as he shot rope after rope of extremely hot and sticky seed into his slave's ass. He clamped his teeth in his tiger's neck, filling the feline's anus up with seed, letting a bit leak out. Aquasys screamed in pain as his master's claws ripped through his flesh, leaving gashes on his chest. He then felt another, different pain as the wolf sank his teeth into his neck, and his bleeding ass was filled with seed. It all felt so good... Before he knew what was happening, Aquasys felt his master's strong paw wrap around his cock, and start pleasuring him violently. This was all it took. In a matter of seconds, he moaned loudly, and his own orgasm hit. Several ropes of seed escaped his hard cock, flying up onto his chest and face. This was the first time he had ever felt something like this... and it felt so good. Suddenly, Aquasys felt his paws untied. As his arms were freed, he felt Tekalah's own strong arms wrap around him and carry him to a couch. The wolf finally pulled out of, and layed his exhausted pet tiger on the couch, his seed covered chest and stomach facing up. Wordlessly, Tekalah took his cum covered cock, and wiped it off on his pet's face, a smile coming to his face as a weak purr escaped the tiger, who had his eyes closed in submission. He gently ran his cock over his slave's cheeks, rubbing the seed in. Then, the wolf moved down, and licked his pet's chest clean. Tekalah then picked up the tiger, turned him around, and layed down on the couch, allowing the feline to rest on his chest. He sighed happily... Aquasys was so cute... he could swear he was- 'Master...' the tiger interrupted his master's thoughts. 'Yes, my cute little slave?' 'I think... I love you...' Aquasys whispered. Tekalah felt his heart melt. 'I love you, my pet... you're the best I could wish for.' he replied. A small bit of red appeared through Aquasys' fur, making his master smile. Leaning down, the wolf kissed his pet gently, and pet him. 'Get some sleep my love... we have a busy day tomorrow.' he whispered, thinking of all the things he could do to this beautiful seventeen year old white tiger. With a purr of affection, Aquasys floated off into sleep, dreaming of his new master.