Camera Angles. Three Parts of Insanity.

Story by Donrocs1 on SoFurry

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WARNING- Not full story or Chapter! This is only three paragraphs of Chapter 10.  ****  It had taken Phillip longer to get on the freeway to his

neighborhood than he had anticipated nor wanted, and sweat ran down his brow

briefly before he snagged a tissue from the glove box and swiped it away.

Now that the sun was beaming down in its morning brightness

onto the roof of his car, Foxy was out like an old tree log, and she was

utterly silent, still, and idle in a slumped lean on the window of the

passenger side, her jaw slacked open.

Even though he'd gotten the gist these creatures... Her

KIND, if that, weren't entirely robotic, he still found it immaculately odd

that small wheezes of sleep hissed from the inside of her throat.

In broad daylight, it gave the same effect onto her as

alcohol did to a drunken person knocked out on the side of the road, so the

animatronic wasn't going anywhere soon without his aid. Phillip sighed at that,

scratched his hair, and focused on the road.

"Well... I can't say this will be... Entirely

normal," He muttered, giving a brief rub of his palm on the fur of her

shoulder. "But it's safer than staying in the dump."

He gave a 'Figures' face for that statement.

Fragging killer mental patients.

Never a good thing when they weren't human on top of that


Phillip grumbled, suddenly aware of an elongated intake of

air from the back seat, and checking the rear-view mirror, he started with an

annoyed grunt as a widely splayed set of jaws opened back there.

The Mangle yawned much like a housecat would, except, she

ended it with a girlish '-eeEEEEEeeekkk!' as her mouth snapped shut with a

clang of metal, and her chops smacked a few times to confirm an end.

She looked about with a curious eye, a glint of playful

explorative desire in it to the interior of the car, so, naturally, instead of

doing what any logical being would do in a moving vehicle, with no recollection

of GETTING in said vehicle, she enacted opposite.

In fact, Phillip went so far as to say she pulled a... Well,


The animatronic let her tongue droop out a bit as she

wrapped her pipe limbs about the edges of the right rear mirror, tapped and

slapped her digits about until locating the OPEN/CLOSE switch. She clicked it,

and a light, morning breeze hissed into the car from the fastness of the


"Mangle! Are you serious?" He wasn't sure whether

to be amused or annoyed as he snapped at her.

She said nothing, and stuck her head into the air outside,

her tongue swishing in the gravitational force, and her one good eye pressing

back into its socket. She held onto the rim of the ajar opening, and just

looked ahead with a big, splayed grin.

Nervously, he looked about the highway around him, and noted

that there was only one car driving behind them, too the left inner lane.

Nobody would see if he let the little weirdy get some air.

Whatever, it worked for him.

He sniggered and kept vision on the road, noting exit 89

passing by, only two more lay between it and his turn.

That was some comfort then, so he really didn't notice when

the Mangle's head had jerked to stare at the sky above, and her tentacles began

to swing about outside the window. There was a thud in the passenger rear of

the car, and he checked the view in his mirror, and shrugged...

Then his eyes darted back wildly.

Oh yes, somebody would indeed see THAT.

"M-Mangle! MANGLE! Stop it, get in here! NOW!"

There was a dulled 'Weeeeeeee!' above his head as the only

thing that remained inside the passenger area was two feet-capped pipes that

draped over the seats, the rest of the Mangle had vanished to angle at the top

of his car.

Bravely, Phillip took a last look around his Ford, grunted,

and reached behind the seat.

Her car-surfing ended with a cut off, dramatic shriek, and

Phillip snatched hold of the two pipes, and tugged the animatronic from the

roof of his ride.

There was a clank, and tumbling metal contact, and the

yelping Mangle rolled and flailed back into her seat with a series of clacks

and loud reports. She stood there, quiet, and sniffed at the window as it shut

via his front-seat control.

"Are you INSANE?!" He barked. "What if

someone SAW YOU?! What would you do? HUH?!"

She cocked her head at him, sniffed the air, and waved to

her human friend with one of her hand-caped pipes.

"Me would wave!"

"Ugh... I forgot... You ARE insane... How stupid of




"Can I turn dial?"

He glanced as she leaned on the cupholders that divided the

two front seats, and reached excitedly to the tuning wheel on the radio


"You listen to music?"

Mangle gasped dramatically.


"Alright... Knock yourself out..."

She looked at him funny, then the radio, sniffed, and

grabbed hold of something behind his seat.

He went slack jawed, turned away from his driving briefly to

gape in complete awe as the Mangle reared back with the fixing jack he forgot

to lock back in his trunk, towards her own head.

"N-NO!" He snatched it from her quickly, grumbled,

and laid it by his legs. "That means, you can use the God-damned radio!



The radio coughed static and garbled conglomerates of

cut-off lyrics and words as the Mangle twisted the dial with an astonished

expression of wonder. He bit his lip and snarled.

"What this?"

She left a station on that was playing Green Day.

For awhile, she sat there, staring at the thing as lyrics of

the lonely road echoed about.

"-Philly? Why does he walk alone?"

"Its just the lyrics, Mangle..."

"But being alone is stupid!"

He shrugged as response.

The Mangle chattered incomprehensibly, and twisted the dial

once more.

She stopped at a station with America singing a Horse with

No Name.

"But the horsey has to have name!"

"Well it doesn't here-"

"MADNESS!" The Mangle shrieked defiantly.

"-Horsey has to have name!"

"Tell that to the group, not me..."

There was a thud as the Mangle flicked the radio with one of

her feet.

"Name the horsey Bill Jenkins."

"Mangle its not that big of a deal-"

"But what if they meet Policeman! And they have

identificationz and the horsey don't?"

"That's just..." He chuckled. "-I dunno,

that's just funny."

"Well me has nickel!" A clink of metallic

disturbance, and she gestured the coin that she STILL had from the whole

driveway fiasco, at the radio, and pushed the dial to silence the song.

"-Pay your own toll, horsey meanies!"


What was surprising about the entire trip, was that after

the near trainwreck, Mangle was actually calm and collected, and Foxy just...

Sat there and looked pretty. You know, pretty unconscious.

Phillip Linn had never felt this comfortable around things

he didn't know before, especially with such adjacent space between them and

him. It was odd, kind of freaky, but after a mere week, Foxy had now grown on

him with the fact she was just a troubled creature looking for someone to at

least talk too.

At first their relationship had been one of interest, she

found want in chatting with the only human in her lifecycle she could have full

hours of conversations with, and he was intrigued with a talking robotic



Then of course, Foxy's absence from such gifts excelled her

growing desire to expand on just being acquaintances.

Phillip couldn't even touch her fur without getting a little


Yet it was clear the animatronic had a thing for him that

even SHE couldn't shake off.

 Whatever that THING

was, Phillip felt himself feeling horrible for being a tad... Repulsed. As nasty

and cruel as that word sounded for basically rejecting someone, especially

someone that was experiencing such a rough life, it was the only he could think


He knew it was wrong to look at that way, but how else was

he supposed to react? She was a living, breathing and talking robotic

contraption in a children's pizzeria? Kind of awkward to just go along with it

as a normal human being.

What's that my furry, partially mechanical, dusty smelling

automated friend? You think I'm hot? I think your hot too!

Not exactly acceptable on modern day Earth.

Phil actually was grumbling beneath his own breath when the

Ford bucked from his brake and fixture to PARK.

His daylights brightened the white paint of his garage door

briefly, they went dark when the key slipped from the ignition in his clenched

palm. Sighing, he looked behind him to see the Mangle preoccupied with burying

her face behind the passenger seats towards the trunk.

"What are you doing?" He asked tiredly, rubbing

his temple.

"'E ike cottn


"The heck-?"

 Phillip swung his

door open, not minding when Foxy jolted awake with a startled, exacerbated

gasp, and catapulted himself to the side of his car. The passenger side was

yanked ajar, and before the security guard could even snap for the animatronic

too stop, his mouth just jerked to stillness, and his brow twitched.

The same loose flap of leather that had been torn behind the

leftwards passenger seat, many months ago from when he lifted a recently

purchase lawn weedwhacker from the trunk, the dude at Home Depot forgot to

mention it still had batteries.

So, Phillip pressed the button dumbly, screamed like a woman

when it buzzed in his car, and threw it onto the lawn as it powered down.

The damage had already been done, so, Mangle made it worse. Of


He just bit his tongue when Mangle's head jerked away from

the tear, a quite noticeable bulge clamped within her mouth, and her one eye

wide like a platter.

"Iiiii iLLLLYYY!"

She muffled.

Phillip looked between her and the absent puff of foam-interior

from the bitemark torn into the seat, the prior weedwhacker damage peeled away

by eager Mangle-teeth.

The Ford shuffled as Foxy clambered from the front seat to

open the door.

Phillip stared at the smiling Mangle with an emotionless

expression, and held his hand out for her to spit it out.

His fingers flexed in his direction when she sniffed at them


"What that for, Philly?" She giggled.

Again, seeing the bulge absent from her chops and...

Anywhere else, told him all he needed to know about the deranged animatronic's

consumption abilities.

All he could muster was a quick twitch of his eye. Nothing


"Foxy? You alright?"

Phillip lost all conception of the fact his car was slowly

being mangled by a freakshow with the same name, and hurried over to the front

door of the Ford, where the tall, furred vulpine creature stood, eyes locked to

the front of the house.

Foxy rocked a bit in her stand, shook the car as the

daylight sucked her energy away, and forced her to balance on the doorframe


Phil hurried over, and slung her hook-baring arm over

himself again.

"-P-Phillip-?!" She squeaked.

"Hold on there, wobbles, let me help you..."

Foxy said nothing, hissed as the light bore on her from her

helped trots beneath the overhang of his porch.

The second the rays of the sun weren't touching her, she

quaked oddly, in a quivering sort, and snaked away from the human with a slip

of motion, reforming that urge to enwrap her chest with her arms. Foxy kept her

gaze to the floor as he retrieved Mangle from the backseat, came back to the

porch with said weirdy over his shoulders, and put his front key to work.

"Phillip..." Foxy muttered. "-I'm like...

Really..." She huffed.

"Don't worry pals-o mine, I'll close the shades and



He yipped, the key clattered to the wooden floor, and the

Mangle had a wide eye peek over his hairline again.

"Holy frag! Why are you yelling?"

"Phillip I'm... I'm really overwhelmed right


He scratched his head, picked the key up and unlocked the

front door.

"I've NEVER been outside... I've never had a friend too

INVITE me in their HOME..."

"Well then I guess I'm the first!" He arched the

door open, looked around his mostly woodland-block to make sure no one was

active in the area, and gestured for her to enter after him.

Foxy watched him like he was crazy, and the Mangle flew

inside the house with a triumphant cry. The chandelier in Phillip's dining room

squeaked noisily whilst it was used as a swing.

Shaking his head, he waved her inside.

Foxy couldn't move when he did that, or when he stepped back

out to take hold of her paw again.

The sudden contact he had kept initiating was one of a

puzzle here, a puzzle that would combine into the basic panic-attack she was

getting at the moment.

Twenty some-odd years of being alone, never communicating

largely with any others than those she hated and likewise, fighting evenly

strong monsters in turn, sitting in silence and dark in a dusty, forgotten


All that ended with the sudden appearance of this stupid

little human.

She now had someone to talk with, laugh with, understand

things from and debate. He helped her fight the evils, offered assistance

during the dreadful nights and finally, gave her sanctuary in his home.

Yet to display such gratitude, Foxy only garbled

unintelligently, allowed her facial features to hue terribly, and stepped

inside the doorway quickly and wordlessly, her paw draping away from the young


Seeing the current situation, he wasn't offended, he just

nodded, grinned and followed to close the door behind himself.

In fact, he'd have been worried if she DIDN'T react that



"She left, you say?"

"Mmmhmm. Up with that meatbag, got in his little driver

and-VROOM! Gone! Gone..."

"Interesting. You see this is why I like the human, yes?"

The response was no less a dismissive wave of a paw than any

other solution, surely, because insanity drowned him and everything he touched

every waking moment of existence, but also, because that insanity worked

through the cracks of chance.

Who was anyone but HE too call himself crazy? Anyone still

alive? Quite few.

That only meant that he succeeded with insanity at his beck

and call, with madness ready to lash out and consume his foes on his command.

Freddy was always out of his mind, he preferred it that way,

never hadn't. The world was a giant tinderbox in the grand scheme, there was so

much mystery, confusion and disagreement, that fires were something to brew

over years and erupt in a storm in a brief second.

All it took was a maniac to light the fuse, and by the end

of the arson, the maniac usually left more scarred by only HIS own hand

alone... If the cards were dealt to the right sides of the table.

However, no amount of material, no promises other than

chances for carnage, could win over the lesser of his kind. For certainly,

Chica was a freak, an unstable packdog that despite the childish deception, was

capable of atrocity, was willing to put those capabilities in use for his word.

She just gawked a minute, her multiple sets of jaws within

her fake, plastic beak splayed in silent shock.

"B-But the human IS meat! He is prey! PREY!"

"No doubt to such, my girl," Freddy grumbled.

"This is why I LIKE him, I appreciate his ability to cloud our foe's mind,

hmm? Look at it in a higher perspective, chance this with me..."

Stepping away from the darkened stage, Freddy's feet thudded

the ground in a rumble only a massive beast could make, he waved his arm in the

direction of the hall to the Cove. Chica kept an eye on him, minding to give

glances to the hunched shadow in the back of the stage too.

"Foxy! Darling lass, once as prim as the gears

come," He smiled. "Just as strong as you, me, faster than us and just

as so... To ole' 'B..."

Freddy's paw fell a digit to each of them in turn with his

words,  he waved blandly to the ball of

darkness scrunched up in the stage's back, upper level, snickered when it

pulsed in a heavy grunt.

"Foxy, the one animatronic to resist, to remain

PEACEFUL to the people here, will now be undone by one of those people."

Chica garbled, her eye-lids gave a repeated spasm.

"I can't WAIT to taste the blood... Really. I can't....


Freddy actually deflated inaudibly with knowing, he grunted

to Chica's lack of comprehension, angled his chin to the stage again.

"Alright, 'B... At least keep YOUR head on its

sprockets for this escapade, Hmmm?"

"Blood is blood," The misted response came dreary

from the shadows as Bonnie nodded briefly to the quaking asylum captive.

"-I'll spill it when I think I can."

"That's all I needed to hear!" Freddy clapped his

paws. "See? Self control is the lady tonight. It can be every night, if we

finally END this."

"If we can kill her, we'll kill her," Bonnie

snapped, the sound of a clanging wrench echoing. "That isn't the

definitive outcome here, butchering the guard IS."

Freddy frowned, lacked comment when Bonnie readjusted his

jaw, and threw a small toolbox back to its place somewhere among all the

instruments up there.

Tapping his hip with drumming claws, the bear tried to push

a button, for kicks.

"What say you with the guard? Anxious for everyday


"If YOU could control this frigging bloodlust the FREAK

has been petrified with, you'd understand."

"Chica, go... Somewhere else..." Freddy grinned to

realize he had just dismissed air, angled a brow at the ajar door into the

kitchens, and stepped to the foot of the stage.

"Alright, bloodlust. That's your reason?"

"I said my fact, not how you could see it..."

"I'll take it for now. Don't stress, 'B."

"Stress? For the pile? Just dumb, Fredd... That's a

stupid thing to say."

"Facts can be perceived STUPID by many... Especially

when they're shit out of a venomous orifice."

Bonnie straightened himself back there, angled to stare with

beaming, white-glowing eyes to the bear. He looked utterly hateful, and Freddy mentally

cackled to the taste of this delicious little game he was torturing the rabbit


It was actually disappointing that Bonnie was learning,

because this time, he didn't bite like he had before.

Nay, the purple killer just smiled with his newly fixed


"Get a dictionary from the janitor closet you bow-tied

little bitch." He chuckled.

Freddy's teething grimace faded for a masque of a devilish


Bare your teeth to it... The teeth take the brunt of the

tide here, it allowed self-control, it allowed him to buy time, and end all

around him.
