Give and Give

Story by ZatieLunaVulpe on SoFurry

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#13 of Early Transformation Works

A story that involved a lot of things I'm interested in, and that's pretty much it x3 Hope you enjoy :3

Give and Give

By Zatarra L. Vulpe

"Smuggling a little red in there?" Trevor asked.

"A ha ha ha." The wolf replied.

The chair hissed a bit when Trevor took his seat next to the wolf. He was probably about a head shorter than she was, but he was nearly spilling over into her seat. His hands were in his hoodie pockets and his blond mop was tied back. His eyes were a little squinty. This wasn't an uncommon situation. They'd probably known each other a good five years now. Trevor seemed to smile a lot more when she was around.

"So what's up Min? Is this working out?"

"Uh huh, I'm kind of used to the morning sickness by now."

"Wow, I'd hope so, you don't need any help around the house or anything do ya? I heard Markus was out till next week."

"Well not... Hmm... Actually, maybe I could use a little help, if you weren't troubled."

"Nah, I don't have work tomorrow or anything, they've been cutting me back a bit."

"Aw, well I can put you to work if you'd like."

"Oh thanks."

Minerva chuckled at him. She stretched a little around her belly. She had iron grey fur and a red maternity dress on. She had a pair of purple glasses sans lenses on her muzzle and her gentle, yellow eyes. She gently adjusted herself and frowned.

"The straps are rubbing."

"Oh, sorry Min, can I...?"

"Hmm... Just rub here, if you don't mind."

She grasped his hand and placed it on the dress where her belly button would be. Trevor blushed a little. It felt so real, it pushed out against his hand a bit. He tried to be careful though, his palm soft and fingers just brushing against the gentle slope of her body.


He rubbed in small, slow circles over the rounded curve of her belly. She made a little sound and rest her head against his shoulder.

"Mm, that's really nice Trev, have you done this before?"


She chuckled again. "It's okay, you're doing a great job."


"Oh yeah, I remember something suddenly."


"I remember you used to say 'I wish I could start over' a lot."

Trevor blinked. "Uh... Did I?"

"I'm pretty sure it was you. Do you still think that?"

Trevor looked at her in a funny way. "Uh, well, sorta, I mean, who doesn't?"

The silence stretched a little. Minerva glanced out of the window behind him before she patted his head. "This is our stop Trev, you think you can hold my bags?"

He nodded in a vacant way and carried her purse and a few shopping bags. She placed her hands under her belly and very gently stood to nearly her full height. She lead the way, smiling down to Trevor as she got the door open.

"Got enough shoes in here Min?"

"Just one pair! And I took them off because my paws were achy."

Trevor laughed as she led him to her apartment, room one oh five, on the ground floor. She took her purse and helped him arrange some of the packages on her couch. She wandered off after asking him to make her a pickle and specifically re-heated salmon sandwich, but about halfway into the microwave being finished Trevor heard a soft noise.

"Min? You okay?"


Trevor's eyes widened and he all but ran down the hall to her room. The door was ajar.

Minerva was on her bed, her hair wavy, fresh, tangling a little with her fur. She had a rather embarrassed expression on her face when Trevor glanced inside. Her chest and stomach were covered in what looked like a thick gel, hairless and plastic in appearance. A series of straps wrapped around her to secure it to her body.

"Umm... Could you help me with this? Please?"

Trevor's mental processes ground to a halt. He nodded.

"Thank you Trev, you're so good to me."

She turned around on the bed. His hands were a little clumsy with the tightly drawn stuff. She shifted a little when he reached her waist, but he was delicate, a little tightly drawn clip above her tail was unfastened. She breathed a little sigh of relief as the heavily weighted bust came off of her, exposing her flat chest and her... well, her male parts. Trevor didn't look down at it once, simply removed the bust and slid open her mirrored, closet door to stow it inside.

When Trevor turned around, she was nearly on him. Her arms drew around him and held him close to her. She nuzzled into his hair.

"Thank you Trev."

"N-no problem Min."

She drew him to the bed, her arms guiding him gently to the pillows. She curled up next to him and held him in her arms. She was so strong, but careful, never once did Trevor feel discomforted, only nervous.




"Mmm, dunno, just had an idea."

"I-I mean I've never... uh..."


"I've never... You know... "

"Oh... is.. this okay? I mean I know you don't usually see me... Well..."

"No no no, that's not it at all, it's just... I mean... We're friends, you know? I mean this is a little sudden, that and what's Markus going to think?"

Minerva laughed gently at him. "Aw, silly boy, I'm not interested in that."

"Oh, uh, okay."

Trevor lay in her arms, against her warm fur. She was humming something, a weird little lullaby that had him asleep very shortly.


He was in a grassy field. He was up against something warm and soft. He looked up to see Minerva, she was smiling warmly to him, her hands resting somewhere on his chest.

He glanced down. Or her belly. Or both.

Where Trev's flesh ended hers began. It looked like he was simply dissolving into her skin, fur overtaking him and her flesh swelling a little in response. Trevor tried to move his legs and only felt a gentle tug, his arms felt weak and were sticking out of the sides of her growing tummy. His mouth opened gently and he felt her belly shift.

"M-Min, what's happening to me?"

"Trev, do you remember what you used to say to me when we first met?"


"When you found out I was male, you used to say 'Oh I understand, I wish I could start over too.'"

"I-I did?"

"Mmhmm, I didn't know how true that was until you started sending me links to those stories you like so much."

Trev blushed. He did send her links to a few sites where he posted stuff, though she'd never made mention of them before. Stories about being taken back to childhood, being raised differently, even becoming someone else's genetic child, drawn into someone's womb and held safely, developing into someone or something different. "Oh."


Trev was quiet for a moment. His legs were just small patches of bare skin now, he felt her strong muscles as she tightened them around her swelling tummy. He could feel her heart pounding in spite of her outer calm.


"Yes Trev?"

"C-can I c-call you... M-m-mommy?"

She blinked a little at that, giving a sniff. "Of course baby, of course you can."

He smiled and snuggled with what was left of his head up against her chest. He could feel it swelling against him as his face was receding into her. Minerva's eyes were closed, the fur around her eyes stained gently.

"Th-thank you mommy, I... I can't wait to be your cub."

"I can't either baby, it'll be sooner than you think. M-mommy will be with you the whole time."

"I can already hear it..."

His head slipped into her skin. She could see small impressions of his face, but simply held him until she felt her dome belly becoming uniform, full of fluid, heavy roundness that hinted at coming life. Minerva simply held her belly and wept as she felt it stir gently, her child, hers, borne of her body. She felt a tinge of new physical sensations mixing with the cocktail of hormones flowing through her. Body and soul were truly together now. She would be what she'd always wanted.

Her eyes opened.

She sat up from the bed. Her chest bounced. She saw her new bust. Her hands ran under them for a moment. She felt between her legs. It was flat. Her eyes were even a little wet. She looked at her closet mirrors. A female stared back at her. No one else was in the bed.

She jumped up in an instant and ran for her dresser. She found the little white pen shape and sprinted for her bathroom. A few moments later she stepped out and was waiting for it to show.

"Please please please oh dear god please."

She had to set it down and look away as her hands ran over her stomach. She did feel a little pudgier than before. She found the book the old woman had sold her, glancing through to see if she'd done anything wrong about three or four times. The spell was simple, it just involved a little marking that was still visible on her fur from a little concoction she'd been given. The old woman seemed so nice, she didn't seem like she would lead her astray.

She looked back to the test.

A cross.

For the second time that day Minerva wept openly. She held the test and hugged herself. In nine months she would have a baby, her baby. She would have to work hard to raise her child, but she would do everything she could to assure her baby had a wonderful, loving household to live in and any opportunities she could give. Markus would be a good father, he was always so understanding, so kind. He'd been her rock, supportive of everything she'd done thus far. He would support her child, he'd be there for them both.

For the first time, Minerva felt whole. Life had given her exactly what she'd wanted, and she would give it something in return. Something beautiful.

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