The Guy in Charge: Chapter I - An Agreement

Story by JJthePup on SoFurry

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#2 of The Guy in Charge

EDIT: _ I added another scene to the end of this chapter. It's not particularly important to the story, but it helps fill out the blip in events between what was the end of this chapter and how the next chapter will begin. 420 blaze it, yo. _

Standard warnings: diapers, general faggotry, pissy antics, quasi-ab/dl themes, and plenty of crinklemurring. Oh, and weed, I guess.

Character roster:

  • Lucas Albermann - a German shepherd; sexy, athletic, and looooves him some diapz; closeted gay; 25 years old
  • Karl "Kay" Braff - a stoner hare and Lucas's co-worker and roommate; blazed more often than sober; bisexual; 26 years old
  • Casper Ranquist - a blond corgi; newly-appointed supervisor of some as-of-yet unnamed call-center; gay; 20 years old

For the more story-minded among you, the prologue can be found here.

Enjoy~ :3

Last night was rough.

Bleary-eyed and still shaken from his fated online encounter with the corgi fuckwad, Lucas rummaged blindly through his work mailbox and, as was promised, pulled a single piece of paper titled in bold, conspicuous lettering: Disciplinary Notice.

He skimmed it briefly, not entirely all that interested in Casper's love for hearing himself talk. Blah, blah, bad employee, blah; sign here. He brought it back with him to the cubicle, where Kay greeted him with a couple of mugs of black coffee.

"Dude, I couldn't find the sugar or anything, man. I think Casper's cuttin' back on our amenities."

"'S'alright, dude. I drink it black anyways, remember?"

"Well I meant for me, mostly." He pulled his headset--which drew with it a mass of tangled cords, courtesy of the night shift--out from under his computer. "They freakin' partied last night. Why do they even use these?"

Lucas took small sips of his coffee and rolled his neck. "It's a shame Cas doesn't supervise nights. Things might actually get done around here."

Kay nodded absently, his eyes tracing the lengths of the many cords. He was gone to the world.

The shepherd turned his attention to the write-up again, if only to appreciate bullshit at its most official:

Name(s) of Individual(s) Involved:

Lucas Albermann


[X] Failure to comply with script provided

[X] Insubordination

Administrator's Comments:

It disappoints me that one of our employees of almost 5 years can't seem to follow a simple script. You are a veteran next to most people that work here. As such, you are expected to set an example for your fellow employees by not only doing the job described in your contract, but obeying your superiors without question. This is your one and only warning, Mr. Albermann. Make no mistake: future infractions will result in your suspension, and beyond that, termination. For your sake and for my own sanity, just follow the rules.

Administrator Signature:

Name: Casper Ranquist Date: 12/2/14

Employee Signature:

I, _______________, on the date of 12/3/14, have read and understood the conditions of this write-up and will endeavor to modify my behavior in compliance with the terms of my contract. I am fully aware that future violations may result in disciplinary action.

He snorted.

"The fuck is this,_ _an FBI confession?" In the blank space provided, Lucas signed his name in crude, sprawling letters. "There. Another soul for Satan."

As he glowered at the name of his most hated rival, the shepherd couldn't help but feel a distant memory calling to him from the ether of his mind. Ranquist... he pondered. What a strange name, but one he was sure he had heard before. Ranquist... The district manager?

"Kay--what was the name of our DM? Wasn't it like... Fred? Fredrick Ranquist? He was just here for October inspection. Dude, the guy's corgi, too."

To his left, the hare was still busy unraveling the headset from the spaghetti-like disaster that consumed his desk. There was an unfamiliar distance to him, as if his life had lost its meaning. His movements were sluggish, disinterested; his focus seemed to lie elsewhere. The guy just wasn't the same without his beanie.

Lucas gave him a forceful, brotherly whack on the shoulder-blade. "Need some help there, Kay?"

"Nah, dude. I'm fine." He mumbled. Between his white paws, he held a wad of cords of varying sizes and colors, teasing what he believed to be the cable to his headset from out of the knotted mess. "'T'sgettin' me in the mood, anyways."

"The mood?" Lucas chuckled. "The mood for what, exactly?"

The hare squinted at the cords, following the grays and the blacks in whichever way they wended. "The mood... ya know? For hard stuff. The mood." His tongue poked itself out of the corner of his maw in his intense concentration.

"Are you high, man?" Lucas laughed, stretching his arms out to the ceiling. "Or is that just your way of saying you're horny?"

The white hare lifted his green eyes at him--which were, perhaps, glassier than most--and frowned with a seriousness that Lucas had never seen before. "No man, I'm not horny. I'm just trying to do this."

He held his paws in surrender, stung by Kay's sudden hostility. "Alright, alright. Damn, dude. I was just kidding."

An awkward silence ensued.

"...You do seem kinda stoned, though."

The hare dropped the mass of cords into his lap and collapsed into his arms on the desk. "I can't do anything without my hat, man. All my memories are in that thing. I can't even think without it."

Lucas scratched the back of his head, unsure of how to respond. "I mean... It's just a hat, bro..."

"Yeah, well... Not to me."

A sudden knock on the gray partition panel turned their heads.

"Good morning, gentlemen. Having a good time following the rules, right?"

It was Casper, dressed, as usual, in a gray cardigan. His blue tie--which he never seemed to be seen without--showed prominently through the sharp folds of his white shirt collar. To Lucas, he looked especially cute today. Last night may have had something to do with it, and that thought disturbed him to no end.

"Er... Sure. Here's that write-up."

"Good! Let's make it your last, yeah?" He snapped the page into his clipboard and glanced over Lucas's signature. "Terrible handwriting, by the way."

"Yeh-ha." He rolled his eyes and turned in his chair to face his computer monitor, which displayed an empty log-in bar. He was brought back to the night before, where his dick oozed over his boss--the same guy standing just behind him.

It sparked a reckless idea.

"Oh, and, uh--Casper, I'd like to talk to you in private at some point today, if possible."


"Well... er, it's kind of personal. 'S'nothing bad, of course. Just need to kind of touch base with you on something."

The corgi consulted the schedule on his clipboard. "Let's see... Be at my office at 2. Do not be late."

"2 o' clock sharp--gotcha."

Before the words left Lucas's mouth, Casper was already holding his head out of the side of the cubicle. "--Lisa! 'eeeey, Lisa! I thought I told you about that hat--" As quickly as he came, he was gone.

"Another hat fallen to the corgi usurper." Kay groaned, pulling his ears over each other in frustration. "I can't take it anymore, Luke."

"Hey, don't worry about it. I think I've got the little fucker."


"Dude, remember how Chet told us they're making him resign?"

"Uh. Yeah... I think? Actually -- no?"

"Look, dude: the DM's name is something Ranquist--Fredrick, I think--I'm sure of it. And Cas's last name is also Ranquist."

The hare threw his paws up. "Okay? So?"

"Dude, I think Fred has something to do with Cas being here."

"Uhh..." Kay squinted at him incredulously. He leaned his head forward, awaiting some further explanation. "So... That's it? You're gonna tell him you think the DM gave him his job?"

"Pretty much. On top of all the HR complaints this guy's gonna get, he doesn't need an investigation into nepotism."

"Yeah! Totally! Or, you'll just piss him off and he'll fire you." He went back to his attempts at freeing his headset, shaking his head in obvious annoyance. "Sounds pretty weak to me, dude. I'm blazed as fuck right now and I know this is a bad idea."

The shepherd smiled to himself. That's alright, Kay. You have no idea.

"I have a feeling I can twist his arm. Just wait, man. That hat'll be back on your bunny ears in no time."

"Okay, whatever, dude... but I'm not paying rent by myself if you fuck up."

Lucas stopped himself just outside the door of Casper's office and took in a deep breath. It occurred to him that maybe 3 cups of coffee wasn't such a great idea, especially considering how nerve-racking the thought of a one-on-one conversation with the little shit was. 2 o' clock is 2 o' clock, though, so he was just gonna have to hold it.

This was a gamble, and one that had to go flawlessly, at that. Failure meant Kay really would be the one paying the bills this month. Something about a stoner rabbit being financially responsible for more than just his share of rent was decidedly disconcerting to him.

He shook his arms and straightened his shoulders. With a level gaze and an affected confidence, he rapped on the white panels of Casper's office door.

"2 o' clock already?" Came a muted voice from within the office. "Come in."

The plush carpet inside crackled under his footpads as he stepped gingerly through the threshold. Inside, he closed the door behind him with an aggravating creak.

"I do need to get those hinges looked at." The corgi, sat in a chair far too big for his lithe body, stared blankly through Lucas at the offending door frame.

Lucas stood with his back to the door, noting the changes the office had undergone since Casper moved in. It had always been somewhat of a cramped room, filled with filing cabinets and mountains of paperwork and a maddening network of machines of all classes when Chet was supervisor. Under Cas's care, however, the office felt bigger, cleaner, and certainly more organized. The furniture seemed to him to have been painstakingly chosen on an individual basis, from the merest lampshade to the very color and make of the filing cabinets themselves. Even the air felt lighter, and carried with it a whiff of vanilla. How strange that somebody so detestable could create such an inviting atmosphere.

"You can actually come in, you know."

The German shepherd hesitated, back to the door, with his paw on the handle. He kept his eyes on Casper as a click sounded from behind him, regarding him with a certain predatory intent.

"Well, there's no need to lock it, now."

"I'd like this to be a private meeting, if that doesn't land me another write-up, too."

Casper sighed and placed his paws on the desk in front of him. "You have an outstanding problem with authority, don't you, Lucas? Whatever. If it makes you feel more comfortable, I guess. I can't imagine what could possibly be so important." He rolled his eyes and rested his chin on the back of a paw. "But I'm sure you're going to tell me anyway."

Lucas took his seat in front of the desk, evaluating the sheer barrenness of Cas's workspace compared to that of his predecessor; it held no photos of beloved family members or friends, no little figurines that distinguished one fur's tastes from another, no coffee stains with wild stories to tell of hectic work days. There was only a simple, metal pen holder at the corner, filled with pens that appeared to be uniformly black and all of the same brand. Anything that could have indicated that Casper was, in fact, a living, breathing fur with an actual personality was distinctly absent from this office. This kid, the German shepherd thought, is OCD as fuck.

"Soo... I, uh... like what you've done to the place, Cas."

"It's Casper, Mr. Albermann."

Lucas raised his eyebrows. Yikes. Maybe another approach? "Chet definitely coulda learned a thing or two from you about office, uh... keeping?"

"It's definitely a more efficient way of doing things." The corgi leaned into his chair and crossed his arms, his eyes heavy with incredulity. "But I'm not one for small talk, if you haven't noticed. What do you want?"

A part of Lucas couldn't help but relish the fact that, with both furs seated, he was now the taller of the two--and considerably so. At equal level, he would always come out the alpha.

"I have a couple of concerns about how things have gone since Chet resigned."

"You think I'm a douchebag, huh?"

"Er--" The shepherd lowered his ears. This guy didn't mince words. "Well, uh... It's just that, maybe it would be better if you eased up a little on us. This job can be hard, man. I mean, we've lost 3 people already--" He held his paws down and grimaced, hoping not to offend, "--and I know that you're new and everything, but--"

"Oh, dear me, I almost forgot! Thank you for reminding me!" Without warning, the kid-made-supervisor ducked down under his desk. "I've been meaning to set this up for a while, now..."

Lucas craned his neck over the desk in genuine curiosity.

Casper reappeared from under the table and grinned broadly, sweeping a loose strand of blond headfur back over his ear. From below, he produced a metal-framed wastebasket, which he carefully placed, both paws at its side, in between him and the shepherd.

"Here we go! If you have any comments or complaints, feel free to put them in this box." He gestured to the inside of the basket from above. "I'll be sure to not read them."

Lucas brushed the trash receptacle away and slammed a fist down on the desk. "I can't fucking stand you, you know that?" He barked.

"How shocking."

"You're a sarcastic little prick with this gigantic pole up your ass. Everybody hates you."

"Oh, I do enjoy people like you."

"You--and only you--are the reason we're losing employees so quickly, and you can bet your ass we're going to lose more if you keep up this shitty attitude."

Casper stared blankly and began slowly, unfazed: "Well... I can appreciate your honesty." He returned the basket under his desk and brushed the place it sat with a paw. "It certainly speaks to your character. You're still wrong, of course."

"You think our turnover since you got here is a coincidence?"

With the air of one considering the best utensil with which to kill an annoying insect, he straightened his blue tie and laid his paws in his lap, elbows resting at each arm of the chair. "There's something you need to understand, Albermann: It's your job to diagnose customer problems and fix them in a timely manner. It's my job to make sure that you and your co-workers are doing your jobs efficiently and properly."


"Ah-ba-ba-bahp." He held a finger to his snout and smiled. "Nowhere in that relationship is it implied that I should be the nice guy." As Lucas motioned to speak, he raised a paw and projected his voice more powerfully: "Now, since it seems that you're the type of fur that isn't satisfied with a simple answer, allow me to expand on that point: this business is, frankly, stagnating from top to bottom. I plan to weed out the weak employees to make room for the ones who actually deserve the job. And I would be more careful with how you speak to me, Albermann; I'm becoming more and more convinced that you are far more trouble than you're worth."

Lucas crossed his arms and threw a leg up over the other, sighing heavily. He had to remind himself that he had this fucker by the balls--and the guy didn't even know it yet. "You can think whatever you want to, but I have some of the lowest times in the company and the highest caller satisfaction by far."

"By breaking the rules, of course." Casper sniffed nonchalantly. "You have a script. Use it."

A low growl rumbled in Lucas's throat.

"Oh, don't. It's a miracle you aren't fired yet. Don't push your luck."

The shepherd's brown eyes darted furtively to the doorknob and back to Casper. It seems he needed to be more aggressive.

"I need you to tell me something, Cas."


He leaned forward onto the desk, resting himself on his elbows. "So, don't you find it a little weird that our district manager's last name is also Ranquist? Nice guy, and everything. It's just weird that he shares your last name and is also corgi."

Casper shook his head in bewilderment. "He's my uncle. And my dad is the DO, since we're dragging my family into this. I don't see what you're getting at."

"Scandalous. Your daddy is the director of operations?" Lucas smiled coolly; the kid was just handing him material! "Nepotism isn't exactly a good business practice, you know."

"Tch." He turned in his chair, away from Lucas, as though he were hiding a part of himself. "Like I needed his help landing this piss-ant job. No, I got it on my own merit." His voice smacked of a certain vulnerability. He struck a nerve, somewhere.

"What merit? Graduating kindergarten?"

"What's the point of this, again?" He hissed. "You're wasting company time--and more importantly, you're wasting my time."

He moved in on his prey with bestial poise. "As far as I'm aware, Chet didn't want to resign. As a matter of fact, I've heard rumors that he was threatened with termination if he refused. Kinda strange that there he went, and here you are, huh? It's even stranger that you're a district manager's nephew and _the DO's kid, and now you're the supervisor of one of their branches without _any. prior. experience." He allowed the weight of his words to hang for a moment, taking in the genius of his own trap. "Now... what do you think HR would make of that?"

Casper stood abruptly and hunched himself on his paws. He stared Lucas down with a gaze that appeared laughably like an attempt to menace. "Are you threatening me, Mr. Albermann?"


Lucas's heart rate quickened, his prize so close at hand. He had only to choose his next words carefully, and it could be well and truly his: "No, actually. I'm just proposing an agreement to something."

"I don't make deals with underlings." Casper spat. "In fact, I'm going to sign your termination today--right now!--so you can leave my office and... and...!"

The German shepherd rose from his chair, towering, once again, over the little corgi. He leaned so far across the desk that his snout was practically at the kid's ear and whispered: "'Friendly ghost,' huh?"

A palpable transformation overtook the young supervisor at the mention of that name. His powerful business front melted away from him, leaving a small, tail-tucked puppy in its place. He was almost unrecognizable.

With cheeks flushed a deep red under his golden fur, he addressed his brash accuser with all the meager confidence the discovered diaperbutt could muster: "What are you talking about?" He pushed Lucas back to his side of the table, flustered to the point of tears.

"Is it, like, Casper the Friendly Ghost? Because I think that's just adorable."

The corgi gawked at his taller counterpart, his eyes misty with profound embarrassment. "I have no idea--"

"Livefurs?" He sneered at Casper's predicament; a little humiliation'll do him some good. "Hey, it might even rhyme with something you wear!"

The pup dropped into his chair, staring vacantly at some corner of the room. He shook his head in utter defeat. Sniffing back tears, he muttered: "How the fuck--"

"Welp, you're lucky that I'm not such a bad guy. I think we can both get a little something out of what I'm offering." The German shepherd sashayed around the desk, dragging his fingers along the way. He stopped at the corgi's chair, who merely looked up at him with big, pitiful eyes.


"Shh. Hear me out." He whispered, kneeling down and placing both of his paws on the arm of Casper's fancy, leather office chair. It was Lucas's role as dominant to make sure that his bitch felt safe, comfortable, and pleasured, even before he did. With well-masked timidity, he reached his paw out and scritched the li'l corgi behind the ear. The pup offered no resistance to his affection. "You're going to be my little piddle-puppy, awright? -- And that means you need to hop off my fucking nuts, first of all."

"I-I... fuck you." He scowled, both ears folded in. His face was burning with humiliation.

"A-a-ah. That's a bad word, puppy..." He squeezed the kid's surprisingly slender thigh with a strong, wide paw and tapped him on the snout with the other. "We don't say words like that."

Tears streamed down Casper's face as he nodded silently.

How obedient. How wonderfully subordinate!

"What you get out of this is, well, a number of things, actually." He began, rubbing the boy's leg a little more tenderly. "Firstly, you get to keep your job as it is and _the privilege to keep crinklin' around without anybody else's knowledge. I bet you'd like that, huh?" His voice had taken on the quality of a parent crooning over their pup. "And secondly--and I _really think you'll like this--you get whatever it is you were obviously looking for on that site: recognition, a loving daddy, or maybe just a good, strong fuck in the ass. Any combination of the three, really."

Casper giggled through his tears. He actually giggled--and by fucking god was it adorable. Lucas was amazed at how little it took bring out that 'friendlygh0st' he fapped to just last night.

"So... What I want is for you to quit being such a god-damned Napoleon about things, at least where it concerns me--oh, and Karl--and you get a new playtime buddy." With a thumb, he wiped a tear that rolled down the corgi's face. A small part of him actually felt bad for what had just transpired; the rest was positively thrilled to see him suffer. "Deal?"

Casper nodded silently.

"We gotta shake on it, you know."

"What?" He sniffled.

"We gotta shake paws. Or, if you prefer, I'll take a hug. Either way, this is legally binding." The German shepherd teased.

The pup extended his paw hesitantly. Despite all of his own assholishness, this guy was being an even bigger ass. How could he trust him?

Lucas took his paw into his own, shook it for a moment, and pulled him out of his chair and into a hug in his muscular arms. The kid was tiny, only coming up to his chest at full height; he loved that. It was no small feat pushing his growing erection against himself so that Cas wouldn't notice. Too early for that.

"That's a good boy, Cas." He cooed. His paws ran up and down the length of Casper's back, straying further downward with each stroke. The kid buried his snotty muzzle into Lucas's black polo as his paws neared his bottom. The cat was out of the bag, now, and it was only inevitable that--

Lucas cupped the boy's rump, feeling that familiar crunch even under his expensive slacks. He lowered his head, lifting Casper's chin up in his hooked finger, and grinned knowingly at him. "Uh-ohs. I guessed as much. Kinda explains why you walk so weird, huh?"

Casper nestled his head between the German shepherd's firm pecs, his nose pointed, wiggling, straight up at him. He licked his nostrils and wagged his tail feebly, his ears folded in, and let out a low, precious "Aouruwr!"

"Good boy!" He praised, rubbing his diapered butt under a flagging tail. "Dassa good boy. And, hey--I think I just solved another problem!"

The pup headtilted and yiped as the shepherd went to work undoing his belt.

"No, no, no! We're at work, you idiot!"

"Hey!" Lucas growled, giving him a swift smack on his ass. "You don't talk to me that way!"

If it were possible, the corgi's ears fanned even lower at the sides of his head. He dipped his nose and tucked his tail between his legs, allowing himself to be undone. The shepherd's paws were much larger than his own, but they unfastened his belt and zipper with such fluidity that he couldn't help but feel as if this were some kind of urgent--

"...You're gonna need to get on your knees for this one, kiddo." Lucas unzipped his own fly and mussed the boy's headfur. "Quick-like, too."

Cheeks burning, 'Cas' knelt down, suddenly and painfully aware of what was about to happen. He dropped his pants and pulled out the fabric of his baby-print pampers, to allow even the most violent of golden torrents easy access. His soft, blue eyes had fallen to the opening in his diapers, noting sheepishly that they were already a tad soggy from his rounds around the office, when a stream of piss--with a force he thought only bronies were capable of voiding--splashed noisily into its gaping pocket. It gurgled and pooled into the opening, filling the pup's padding with the pungent perfume of his alpha; he was, now and forever, the property of Lucas Albermann. With nowhere to go but up, the sudden flood of shepherd piss ballooned his rear out briefly before settling into a puffed, yellow state.

Casper whimpered longingly as the stream died down, resting his head into his new owner's washboard of a stomach. Beads of urine dribbled out from his leg-gathers and pattered onto the carpet.

Lucas chuckled. "I was gonna be in some deep shit if it turned out you weren't actually such a friendly ghost, huh? In more than one way, too. Fuck did I have to piss!"

The puppy could only blush. With wavering courage, he smooched the shepherd's tummy through his black polo and cupped his heavy diaper with his little paw. It was warm, full, and squished delightfully with every movement. His eyes rolled back in pleasure as he reached under himself, rubbing the low-slung curvature of his drooping taint. He squeezed the swollen bulk and moaned quietly into Lucas's stomach as a mixture of their piss dribbled into his drawers.

"Puppy likes that, huh?" He grinned, his huge paw splayed between the little corgi's ears. "C'mere, you."

Without a word, the shepherd lifted the pup over his shoulder so that his well-piddled ass stuck out into the open. He gave it a firm smack, eliciting a quiet whimper from behind. In the warm soggies of his freshly-marked puppy's diaper, he could feel something standing at attention--and digging into his shoulder. Perhaps it was time to give him something to remember him by.

Lucas kicked the chair in front of the desk aside and sat down on the floor, a single knee bent upward. He couched the pissy pup along the slant of his shin, nestling his soft, doughy crotch against its firm incline.

"Hey, buddy," He kissed his ear, whispering: "Show me how much you love your diapers."

Casper didn't need much encouragement beyond that. He leaned forward, his snout meeting Lucas's, and kissed him deeply. The pup moaned into the shepherd's maw, grinding his soaked padding into his knee. He shivered ecstatically as his potty-pants squished with every thrust.

Lucas ran his paw through Cas's hair as they kissed, placing the other squarely on the back of the pup's pisslogged pampers to give him that little 'push' with each squelch-inducing thrust. "Mmmh... What a cutie!" He whispered, massaging the bloated padding just above the boy's sweet crack.

Casper whimpered into his master's shoulder, humping his leg like some common house pet. The shepherd lowered his knee, to the younger's dismay, but quickly replaced it with his paw--he wanted to feel his baby spooge himself. As the boy picked up his pace, grinding his puppy dick into the slick, yellowed gel inside the diaper cupped firmly in Lucas's broad paw, his whimpering grew to a frantic, lustful crescendo.

The shepherd suddenly remembered that they were not alone in the office. He didn't want others to discover their escapades, but neither did he want to dampen the kid's hump-party. He looked about himself quickly and spotted the corgi's blue tie, bouncing with each thrust just as he imagined, and stuffed it into his mewling maw.

"I don't have your paci this time, kiddo, so we're just gonna hafta make do with that..."

He whined desperately behind his tie-gag.

"--Just in time, too, huh?"

The boy bucked into his daddy's paw, loosing a muffled moan as he coated the inside of his swollen huggies with rope after rope of his hot canine jizz. Lucas squeezed the mushy contour of the little guy's cock, counting every twitch and pulse as he rode out his orgasm. With a final, exhausted gasp, Casper let the tie fall from his maw and collapsed into his sheppy's arms.

"Didja have fun?" Lucas grinned.

"Nnnh-hnn..." He nodded weakly.

"Good." He pulled the corgi into him, his little rear exposed between his significantly longer legs. With fatherly care, he lifted Casper's curled tail and landed a solid smack right on his puffy ass. It left a sizable imprint of his paw in the gel just below the warm plastic, further marking him as his own. "Man, that feels good."

Casper blushed and brought himself to his knees, turning himself at the waist to admire the fullness of his baby briefs. "Uhm... I should probably change. I still have so much to do--"

"Nope!" Lucas booped his nose with a finger and smiled. "I'm in charge of that, now. And just to break you in, I think we should keep you in that for the night. Consider it punishment for your douchiness."

The corgi whined in protest. "Are you kidding me? I have a fucking job to--"

A squish rang out through the spacious office as the shepherd spanked him again.

"Watch it. I'm not such a nice guy when you don't follow the rules. Puppies don't use bad words, remember?"

"But somebody might notice...!"

Lucas shrugged. "Leave through the back. It's not like anybody likes you enough to care when you leave."

Casper dipped his snout and went quiet for a moment. The usually untouchable corgi was exposed for the fur he really was; with the layers of his ego stripped back, he was actually a pretty sorry person.

"Look," The shepherd began, pulling the corgi into a hug, "Don't change tonight. Bring a couple spares tomorrow and I'll take care of it for you in the morning."

"A couple?"

"Ohh, yeah. Trust me, piddle-pup; you're gonna need 'em."

Casper rubbed his heavy bottom, ears flattened. "Yes, sir..."

"I mean it, Cas." Lucas hopped to his footpaws and smoothed his headfur back. "I better still be able to smell myself on you in the morning."

The bowl crackled in the presence of the lighter flame, igniting its green contents to a brilliant red. Blue tendrils of curling smoke wafted up from underneath the herbs, like an incense to some Vedic deity.

"Dude--" Kay pushed the bowl at Lucas, his chest inflated with pot-smoke: "'S'cherried, mo'erfuck'r!" A series of gag-like coughs escaped his nose as he struggled to keep it in.

The shepherd took up the pipe and inhaled quickly, tapping his thumb over the carb to keep the herbs alight. Hot, sour smoke filled his lungs.

The hare released his monster-hit with in an impressive stream and hung his head, which now proudly sported his green beanie once more. He chuckled and clapped his paws together.

"Man, I don't know how you did it. I really don't."

Lucas retched noisily as flecks of ash spewed from his maw. He beat his chest with a fist and sputtered between coughs: "Guess I--cough--can tell you--HACK!--I toldja so, huh?" He turned his eyes, glassy and red as the weed in the pipe, to his roommate. They both smirked.

"So... How did ya do it?"


"Did he really take the whole DM thing seriously?"

Lucas nodded emphatically as he drew again from the pipe. That last hit wasn't so satisfying. "Mm-hm!"

"On the sneak, I'm surprised it worked. Is the DM really the reason he's here?"

Again, the shepherd nodded. He held up a finger as he exhaled a plume of smoke. "He's his uncle, and the DO is his dad."

"Whaaat, dude?"

"Yeah, man. I couldn't believe it either." He crushed the herbs with the end of his lighter and blew out the ashes. "They're practically begging for an investigation."

"Man..." Kay leaned back on his paws and looked up at the stars. The sky was clear tonight. "Wish my dad could give me whatever I wanted."

"I don't think that's how it went, dude."


"He's a hard worker. I mean, sure, he's a fuckface, but you can't deny he knows what he's doing." He tapped his lighter against the glass rim of the pipe. What a delightful sound it made! "If he could maybe stop being such an asshole, I think I'd say he deserves it."

Kay squinted at Lucas from under his beanie. The gears in his head, though perhaps dulled by his THC intake, began to turn, slowly and steadily. Just this morning, there was talk of overthrowing the corgi overlord and unionizing against 'the man.' At least, that's how he remembered it, anyway. The details aren't that important. The point is, something about that meeting changed his tune. The shepherd's unquenchable hatred for the midget tyrant was completely reversed in the course of a single day.

That could only mean one thing.

His bloodshot eyes widened. He gasped: "Now you like him, too?"

Lucas's eyes snapped to Kay. He smiled coyly and looked down at his feet, rubbing the back of his neck with a paw. "Nah, man... It's not like that..."

"Uh-huh. Now you're all, uh..." The hare stared blankly at the patio for a moment before bursting into a fit of laughter. "Fuck, man... I dunno what I was--OH YEAH! You wanna bone his ass, don't you?"

Lucas fell silent. It wasn't something he could say out loud yet.

"Yeahhp. I admit, I'd tap that too." Kay poked his toes together and stuck his paws into the pockets of his hoodie. "D'ya think he's legal?"

The shepherd arched an eyebrow.

"Like, dude, kosher. 18+? You know. He's obviously not a fuckin' chihuahua."

"Uh-duhhh. How do you think he's working here?"

"Sure doesn't look it." He grinned. "So... you really gonna go after him?"

Lucas shrugged, pinching the blackened buds of marijuana between his fingers. "Maybe, dude. I dunno. Probably. ...I think so."

"Awww. Lucas, I'm so proud of you, man." The rabbit slapped the shepherd on his shoulder. "Just nut it and go, though. Like, ferreal." He frowned. "Not worth it in the long run. Don't catch any feelings for 'im."

"I never knew you were such a shallow fuck, dude." He nudged his roommate playfully.

"Eh. Relationships aren't natural." Kay sat up, paw extended to Lucas: "Now gimme dat pipe, you child predator."

_ be continued. _

The Guy in Charge: Prologue

As it seems that caveats are _une chose __ __ de rigueur_ on this site, be admonished, yo: HERE BE DIAPERS, M/M tomfoolery, and probably some _really_ weird shit. I mean, _REALLY_ weird shit--and each installment is only going to get more and more...

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