Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #5

Story by The Astonishing Antman on SoFurry

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#5 of Eeveelutions of Time

I must say I'm always excited when I can post a new chapter of this story. There's lots of interesting things taking place in the chapters to come. This chapter was very fun to type, as it can lead to many exciting events taking place! Hope you enjoy the story!

The two Eeveelutions took their time as they went through the entrance to the café. It was much larger than anticipated, and there were lots of paintings on the walls. It looked much fancier than anything they've ever seen--and it didn't stop there. A plethora of people walked around the café, some of which sat down on the many chairs scattered around the main section. There were tables to hold up the food that was brought to the trainers. Often people would walk around with a cup in their hand, steam coming out of the top; the rich coffee scent emanated across the café. It wasn't something they were accustomed to, so Jolty and Umbra slowly gazed around as they strolled on through.

One thing that stood out above the rest, was the lack of Pokémon in the café. It seemed other than the Meinshao who carried the orders to their customers. While there were a large amount of trainers around, there was lots of space for the Pokémon to move around. The carpet was firm to the ground, and it gave a weird feel to them as they walked on it. It was unfamiliar terrain for them, and they took their time in placing their paws. The Jolteon was excited to explore a new place; however the Umbreon looked with curiosity and uncertainty as he was in an unfamiliar setting.

"Hurry up, short stuff!" Jolty brushed his hind leg against the dark type's face. "Catch up if you can!" he said, picking up his pace. The electric type didn't move too fast to repeat what happened earlier today, but kept a reasonable speed as he maneuvered around the people. Everyone was chatting with one another, and he could barely make out what any of them were saying. Some questioned about the two Pokémon walking on the carpet, but all they could do was shrug; there were no laws about prohibiting Pokémon from the café, so most didn't pay attention.

The dark type tried to move as fast as he could, but even with Jolty's average speed he found it difficult to maintain himself close to him. Umbra fumbled occasionally, tripping against himself as he fell with his face smacking the dark orange carpet. He always picked himself up, however, and continued on his way to wherever Jolty was leading him. He was a bit curious, as he knew neither of them had any clue of what was inside the building.

The Jolteon went from dashing to a sudden halt in a split second. The sudden stop caused the Umbreon to clash against Jolty's rump; his body shook as he fell down once again. This time he wouldn't be getting up himself, as the electric type turned around in confusion to spot the dark type laid helpless on the carpet; he nudged the Umbreon up onto his legs with his paws. "Be careful, my butt isn't going anywhere!" he teased, playfully sticking out his tongue.

"S-Shush, I just wasn't expecting you to make a sudden stop!" he insisted, face growing red from embarrassment. He still wasn't used to these emotions, and often times had nothing to say in response to these new feelings in his body. Umbra often wondered what about Jolty triggered these unique emotions, but couldn't find the right words to describe it. Whatever the case was, he enjoyed the company.

"Why aren't we walking?" Umbra questioned, unable to see what was so important about this particular spot.

"Shh! Stay right here!" the electric type replied, as he rushed himself forward. His body swiftly maneuvered itself from the carpet onto a nearby table; it seemed vacant, however Jolty knew that it was already taken. The trainer had just gone to the bathroom, and he took that chance to rush himself over to his plate--firmly grabbing onto the rim of the cup with his maw before softly working his way down towards the Umbreon. The dark type's eyes locked onto the Jolteon with a faceless expression as he realized just what the electric type's intentions were.

"What do you think you're doing?! That's not for you!" he lectured, unamused by what the Jolteon had just done. "Do you think we can just get away with this?"

"Course we can," Jolty mumbled, before turning around-- "as long as we move!" He darted through the area, making his way to the exit. The Umbreon barely able to keep up as he tried his best to steer away from any onlookers. He felt ashamed at what was going on, however he wanted to catch up with Jolty and find out why he felt the need to steal something in the first place.

It didn't take long for them to reach the exit, as the Pokémon made a sharp turn once outside onto a secluded alleyway--free from any others. Once they stopped, Jolty gently released the cup onto the concrete; his rump sitting down as he then picked it back up with his paws.

"Well, time to dig in!" He had an excited expression on his face, happy to finally have this mysterious drink. He wasted no time in tilting the cup over his maw, taking in the hot fluid as it slithered itself down his throat. He noticed some trainers inside were drinking it this way, so he gave it a shot himself. The 8 oz. cup didn't take too long to empty itself, and the Jolteon slowly placed it down as he patted his belly in relief. "That tasted amazing, short stuff!"

Umbra was still in shock from everything, new questions popping up in his head as his previous question was now answered. He remembered that Jolty wanted to try and learn about this one drink; however the dark type was unaware that the Jolteon would actually drink it. Something about the smell that came off from the Jolteon told him that the beverage wasn't tailored for Pokémon.

"Are you alright?" he asked, curious as ever. "I think you shouldn't have had that."

"Huh?" Jolty looked back over at Umbra, lost in thought as he felt a rumble let loose in his stomach. "Oh, I'm fine! You worry too much." He genuinely assured Umbra, happy to find a new favorite drink.

Mere seconds after the assurance to the dark type, Jolty felt something wash up over his body. The electricity in his body went mildly erratic, sometimes coming out of nowhere. He could feel a rush come over him, and to him it felt great. He suddenly leaped himself onto his four legs, and rushed himself over to Umbra, tackling him into a big hug--front legs wrapped around the dark type's waist as the Umbreon had his back against the concrete. They were both body-to-body with each other, but that's what the Jolteon wanted.

"You're a good friend there short stuff, now gimme a hug!" he exclaimed, squeezing the Umbreon tighter. The dark type was barely able to breathe from the force of the hug, it almost seemed as if he was more unstable--yet stronger as well. Whatever the case, he wrapped his own front legs around Jolty, taking the moment to give him a big hug.

This lasted for a good five seconds, before Jolty let go of his grip on the Umbreon. He stood firmly on four legs, electric shockwaves being sent all over the place; the electric type was unable to control the amount of electricity in his body, however he wasn't focused on what he was doing either. His mind raced with thoughts, he had things he wanted to do and places to be. He suddenly darted towards Umbra again, but made a quick halt to speak.

"Come on! Let's get out of here! I wanna explore the world around us!" he eagerly stated, itsy all over. "I feel like I could run miles!"

"I-I don't think I can keep up with you, big stuff." Umbra replied, unsure as to how he felt about exploring unknown territory. It was difficult enough he was in a crowded town, but to explore the unknown--that was just as unsettling. "Promise you'll watch out for me?"

Jolty playfully nudged his head to the side, with his eyes closed. "Nope! I don't make or accept promises!" He quickly opened his eyes to notice that Umbra didn't seem too thrilled from that response, so he placed a paw up into the air--just like he did days ago. "Of course I'll watch out for you, Umbra." he assured, with a warm smile on his face.

The Umbreon slowly took his own paw up, pressing it against Jolty's in symmetry with one another; his worries went away faster than ever as he felt he grew close to the Jolteon already. He knew he could trust him, and he got closer to the electric type. "Thank you, big stu--" he said, before the electricity around Jolty shocked Umbra. It made him jump in surprise, however his defenses shrugged most of it away. "OUCH!" he yelped, before gaining back control of himself. "That hurt!"

Jolty let out a laugh as he saw Umbra jump up, his energetic body was ready to go explore a bit outside the normal boundaries. "So, you ready to go?"

Umbra gave out a nod, before sticking close once again to the Jolteon. He could tell that the electric type was trying to channel his electric energy from within him to prevent any unnecessary shocks, which was a pleasant surprise. The dark type was planning on getting shocked hundreds of times before the effects of the drink wore off, but he was proven wrong.

They began walking out of the alleyway, and to the nearest exit of Brynx. It was opposite from where Umbra's habitat was located; right off the bat he was curious as to what he'd find once he continued on with the other Pokémon. It had reached the middle of the afternoon judging by the sun's location, and the two finally took their final steps in Brynx--ready for whatever takes place in the route just outside of town.

Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #6

Umbra currently wasn't aware, but Jolty had every bit of an idea where they were heading. With each step, the town of Brynx slowly faded into the distance, and the dark type's nerves grew tense. He tried to remain strong under the circumstances, so he...

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Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #4

The forest grew silent as the hours went by; the sound of bushes and trees slowly came to a halt. Night dwellers were all falling asleep as the sun slowly peeked itself over the horizon. The town close by was starting to blossom as the lights shined...

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Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #3

The Pokémon gritted his sharp fangs, grabbing the Umbreon up by the ear; he tossed the smaller Pokémon to his right--bashing his face up against a tree. The force shook the leaves, covering the ground in green as the tree trembled against the friction...

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