Tale 5-4 - A Different Kind of Hike

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#25 of Treetop Shorts Collection

Smokey and Brian rarely got to spend any time alone together. It wasn't that they didn't enjoy one another's company, but more they each had a significant other who liked to hog them both. Thankfully, there were precious few instances where the dragon and kitsune could get away from everyone and have a chat... or pass the time in some other way.

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The mountain road stretched on, winding this way and that amidst the peaks and valleys. It was a terribly lovely view, and the pair strolling away along the side drank it all in. The air had turned just a little chilly and the smell of rain was in the air. Summer this high up usually brought with it a shower or two. The blue dragon and the grey fox at his side had walked through a couple of little sprinklings already.

"I'm so glad we decided to walk. Driving or flying would have been far too boring. You zip through the area too quickly, or you're too far above it to appreciate it." Brian remarked, gazing out over the far edge of the road, the drop of providing quite a lovely vista of the surrounding mountains.

Smokey nodded, keeping his arm and a single wing wrapped around the two-tailed vulpine. He had insisted they take the slow route. Sure it would take a few days to get through the pass, and they would need to camp a couple of nights, but it would be so pretty. And he knew a shortcut or two where the road folded over close to itself where they could save a bit of time.

"Yes it is. It's a shame Alex wasn't interested in the walk." He chuckled, his free hand roaming over the ample domed swell of his middle. He thrummed softly as he felt the other fox, hidden away under his scales, press out gently against his palm.

Brian grinned, moving a hand to give the dragon's belly an appreciative caress, "His loss. But something tells me you're enjoying it more than you're willing to let on."

The blue fellow chuckled a bit, giving the kitsune a firm, tender squeeze, "Maybe I do. What can I say... feels nice having someone in there."

The grey fox leaned in and gave his traveling companion a kiss on the cheek, "I know what you mean. And I'll be sure to keep that in mind in the future."

The two kept close to one another, enjoying the warmth their contact brought. Every now and again, they would stop to take a photo of an especially beautiful view across the landscape. Eventually, they turned off the edge of the road and pushed on along a path through the trees, well-worn and used frequently by other hikers. It led a bit higher up along the hillside, lifting them up above the road below. It made them feel like they were miles away from any sign of civilization. And they enjoyed it greatly. "Sirius would love this. We'll have to drag him along next time." Brian sighed, resting his head against the dragon's shoulder.

Smokey nodded, "Yeah. He would." As they walked, a familiar sound began to waft through the trees. A breeze made the branches rustle, masking the sound of raindrops until the rain was so close it overwhelmed everything else.

The dragon lifted his wing a little higher, moving to cover more of the fox at his side. They both assumed it would last only a few moments and then fade like it had been doing all day. It refused to do so. In fact, it began to grow steadily harder. What had been a light sprinkle was now a proper shower and the boys were going to get soaked if they stayed out in it too much longer. The sound of heavier precipitation drew near, telling them how bad it was about to get.

"Okay, I think it's time we took a break," Smokey tugged the vulpine along as he spotted a refuge, "This way, under the outcrop." He huddled down in a small patch of grass protected by the natural slope of the mountain, not a cave, but just deep enough to get them out of the rain.

Brian was thankful for the shelter and he pressed in close against the dragon. Already his fur had been pretty well dampened, giving him a bit of a chill. He shivered softly and tried to shake the loose moisture off, but it could only warm him so much.

"Well, looks like we're waiting this one out. A few minutes and it'll be gone I'm sure," He reached into his pocket and retrieved his phone. A few swipes and taps brought up a screen with the local radar. His ears drooped a bit, "Or not. It's a big cell. Not severe, but it's going to be like this for hours."

Smokey frowned, "Well rats. I know you don't like traveling in this. I guess we could just sit here until it passes. It'll make us late getting into town, but I'm not gonna drag you through this."

Brian shook his head, "I don't want us to be late. Everyone's already waiting on us, and it'll hold up the rest of the trip."

The dragon tilted his head a bit, "So what do you want to do?"

A grin spread slowly across the fox's lips. He leaned in and offered the blue-scaled beast a delicate kiss, holding it softly for a moment. It seemed he had an idea.

"Got room for two? I know how you just love being big and heavy." The fox's paws began to roam over the gravid swell housing the other vulpine.

Smokey chuckled with a blush, having enjoyed the kiss, "I suppose I could let you slip in. Might slow me down a bit, but I think we'd still get there on time."

"Then it settled. I get out of the nasty, cold rain. You get an even bigger belly. Everybody wins." Brian pressed forward, kissing the dragon again, this time more passionately. Smokey returned his affection without hesitation. The fox hidden away inside him stirred, sensing the activity and hearing their plan. The movement brought a rumble from the blue fellow. A swell began to form in his shorts from thinking about the sudden change of plans, among other things. It didn't go unnoticed.

Brian chuckled as he brushed across the rigid stretching of the dragon's shorts. Something would need to be done about that. Deftly, he began to unfasten the clasp and pull down the zipper, exposing what lay beneath. It seemed Smokey felt like going commando for the hike. The kitsune wasn't about to complain. A hand reached into the open trousers and began stroking over the smooth, pulsing spire. His palm pressed up against its underside, mashing the heated rod into the wriggling swell that filled the dragon's lap.

"Think I should help take care of this first. It would only be polite to show appreciation to my host." The fox smirked, pulling his shirt over his head. The garment was tossed onto his backpack, set aside for later, and his own shorts were slipped off in short order. The silvery-grey vulpine, now completely nude, settled between his friend's legs, massaging the great, round dome before him. He slowly moved down along the curve, leaning in to give the aching shaft a teasing little lick. The warm lap made the dragon arch his back, his groan of pleasure informing Brian he was doing something good.

His lips slowly pushed down across the impressive rod, consuming it right to the base. Smokey spread his legs for the fox, shivering here and there as he felt tongue and teeth graze over his flesh. Oh Brian was so very skilled. The fox's head began to bob away slowly, very slowly. So gradually it left the dragon whimpering a bit, wanting him to go on and hurry up. The kitsune wasn't about to get ahead of himself. One hand cupped against the pregnant swell the blue fellow had been relishing so far. The other fondled and squeezed the two orbs just below, each one just about too large to hold in his palm. He'd definitely get a good drink from there.

The rain continued to pour away, gentle rumbles of thunder breaking through the white noise, but it was all easily ignored. The dragon's moans were all Brian needed to hear. His jaws worked tirelessly, sampling the musky flesh his scaled friend granted him access to. Thin trickles of clear ooze smeared across his tongue, tasting strongly of the release yet to come. It only drove the fox onward. His efforts hastened, his neck craning, his head bobbing, picking up speed. His tongue circled this way and that around the throbbing member locked in his lips. He wanted it so very badly. And Smokey wanted to give it to him.

Slowly, a pair of fingers began to trace along the underside of the dragon's scrotum, finding the hidden, rather delicate folds concealed just behind them. Brian grinned as Smokey tensed suddenly from just a soft stroke across them. That was all he needed to do, give them a little attention, and he'd have his treat. Mercilessly, he plunged his fingers into the warm, moist cleft, spreading the dragon's nethers. Smokey cried out, his eyes opening wide. His back arched and his entire form stiffened. Immediately, a mighty gush of hot, thick, sticky masculine resin flooded Brian's muzzle.

The fox slurped and gulped away vigorously. His nose mashed in against the dragon's crotch, making sure to keep every inch of the bucking monster aimed down his throat. The two fingers below twisted gently, pressing against the slick, supple walls within to keep the dragon producing. And produce he did. Smokey groaned loudly and writhed about, unable to believe the fox could keep him going for so long. Minutes passed. Five, then ten, then fifteen. And then at last, he felt the downward slope of his climax. The dragon huffed and fell limp, panting gently for breath. Brian continued to lap away at the still pulsing rod in his mouth, slowing his movements to let the beastie finally settle. He grinned around the member and eventually pulled himself free, a thin string of seed connecting the end of the dragon's shaft to the vulpine's lower lip. His tongue snaked out and collected it greedily. Brian sat up and sighed in satisfaction, giving his stomach a pat. It had grown quite a bit, sloshing gently and audibly as he jostled it. He wasn't nearly as heavily rounded as the dragon, but he could certainly be mistaken for carrying a passenger of his own. Or a litter for that matter.

"Mmm, never get tired of that. I love I can make you do that so easily." The fox leaned in, giving Smokey's tummy a loving kiss. The other vulpine inside pressed up against the sign of affection, eager for company.

The spent blue nodded with a tired grin, "I'm happy to let you. Go again? Or ready to go in?"

Brian snickered, delighted that Smokey was happy to let him take another long drink, but he was satisfied... for the moment.

"I think I'm ready to head in. Thanks for the snack, love." He crawled up over the pregnant dragon, his own bloated gut spilling across the surface like a water balloon. Their lips met and Smokey wrapped his arms around the fox, holding him there. The taste of his own release was heavy in Brian's breath. He didn't care.

Eventually, the kiss was broken and the fox slipped back down across the curved belly he would soon be inside. He licked it lovingly, adoring how the dragon's red vest couldn't even begin to cover it. Another quick lick passed down over the well-used shaft, making its owner shudder. From there, Brian nuzzled into the ample scrotum he'd drunk from, wiggling and pressing up under the weighty package until his nose bumped against those rather soaked folds. That skilled tongue slowly traced up the sensitive gash, eliciting a gasp of elation from the dragon. He giggled and licked again, not taking his time like he did with the shaft above. Moans came anew as the kitsune began to sample the blue beast's folds, pressing his way into them firmly.

Smokey's breath caught in his throat as he felt his friend's head lodge itself between his folds, his hips forced to bow outward to accommodate his second guest. His claws reached down and began to dig into the soil on either side of him. The fox, not caring that he was getting more soaked than the rain had made him, pushed forward again, his neck giving way to his shoulders. Two expert hands wiggled their fingers this way and that way, coaxing the dragon's petals to part further and let him in. Wrists and chest came in only a short while, leaving the dragon completely breathless. He could scarcely contain himself. The blue legs, gateway to the inner world beyond, spread even further; tensing, flexing, the toes at their ends splaying and curling.

And then that gurgling belly full of dragon seed made its presence known. The typically slender fox had provided Smokey with a rather tantalizing obstacle, one that promised to leave him hoarse afterwards. A puddle had formed beneath the two of them, seeping into the grass and dirt. No doubt the local wildlife would be able to smell their passion for a good long while after they were gone. The dragon's shaft twitched away, threatening to explode all over again. He clenched his jaws and held his breath, trying to maintain his composure. And then there came a 'gulp'. Smokey's passage convulsed softly, relaxing and stretching out along the fox's sloshing belly before clenching up again, dragging him forward into the warm, dark, inviting environs of his interior.

Smokey gasped and threw his head back, letting loose a roar of climax. His aching spire bucked away, gushing forth with more of the creamy stuff Brian had taken so much of already. It splattered across his steadily growing belly. The convulsions continued, his canal steadily swallowing the kitsune of its own accord. A pair of hips passed out of sight, as did the thighs connected to them. It was clear Brian was enjoying himself, his own similarly swollen length mashing into the silky walls devouring him. As soon as that heated rod slipped in out of sight, the fox began to roll his hips, thrusting against his friend's passage. All it served to do was hasten his entry.

The dragon cried out again and again, feeling every last inch of his two tailed companion glide effortlessly into his stretching middle. Knees were kissed by those hungry petals, then the calves beyond. In only moments, the blue's nethers hugged tightly around Brian's ankles, holding there for the time being. Smokey panted, his hands moving to his gut, holding it as he waited for the last little bit to pass. With a wet squelch, and firm tense, the fox's toes slipped in and the dragon's greedy womanhood closed back up, looking as though nothing had ever happened.

Movement filled the dragon's womb, the two foxes inside turning about to find the best posture to enjoy his hospitality. Soon, both Brian and Alex had managed to find an amicable position, cuddled up against one another, arms tangled up together, legs bent and encircling each other. It was a deep, passionate, affectionate snuggle between all three. The dragon, still struggling to catch his breath shivered, running his hands over the enormous dome. He did so very much love carrying people like this. Maybe the rain was a fortunate turn of events.

It took the blue dragon a good half hour to settle down and regain his strength after it all. He pulled his shorts back up the little ways they'd been removed, managing to fasten them but only by keeping the clasp well beneath the heavy gut he now sported. Brian's shirt and shorts were folded and tucked into his backpack, which was added to Smokey's pack. With a loud, long grunt, the dragon hoisted himself up, still holding his enormous belly. It sagged down to his knees at this point, sticking out far enough to keep his arms from reaching all the way around, and it was heavy, pressing down against his pelvis. Oh how he loved it.

"Alright boys... enjoy your stay. The bus is heading out." He chuckled and turned with another grunt, easing his way down the gentle slope of the hill under the rock outcrop. As soon as he stepped out of the protective shelter, the rain washed over him. The smear on his tummy from the intensity of their fun was quickly rinsed off. Three days and two nights of this, waddling through the woods all by himself. Well, not necessarily by himself. He had his two boys, and they were happy enough to stay put, even if the rain eventually let up.

This was a kind of camping Smokey could definitely get used to. Especially if he could get Sirius to join them next time.