
Story by TBren on SoFurry

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#4 of Don't Leave Me - Seasons One & Two

Samson finds himself confronting some of his deepest fears.Authors Note

DLM is currently undergoing revisions so please excuse the mess.

Next Episode to be Revised: Episode Four

Scheduled Rerelease Date of Next Episode: 11/6/15

Days Ahead of Schedule: 4

Notice: Episode Three is still pending a final proofread, but I need to start moving Episodes along the waiting list. Id rather not have a writing schedule booked through next March.

The rest of our Saturday went by quickly, and I spent most of Sunday getting to know Chris and Lina, Brandon's mom. I barely know them, but for the first time ever I actual felt like I belong somewhere. Even the wounds on my cheek were already healing, something I can probably thank my ancestry for, hybrid vigor I think it's called. Though the thought of feeling more at home with his family than my own did make me feel sad. Not that I would ever let them know that.

It's probably around seven or so. I could still hear Brandon in the shower. I still could hear Chris on the phone with one of her girlfriends. They're talking about how she dumped her last boyfriend. I don't blame her, he seemed like a jerk from what I can heard.

I was sitting on the living room couch drawling on a piece of printer paper. I was never good with getting the body shapes of different animals and furs down, but I was fairly good with plants and inanimate objects and things like that.

"What a beautiful lily." I looked up to see Brandon's mother walking into the room and taking note of my picture.

"Thanks!" I said to her, "I can never get the stem right though. On lilies at least. Always too fat, or with strange shaped leaves."

I continued drawing as she sat next to me with a quiet smile on her face.

"Samson, do your parents know you're here?" she said. She sounded concerned in a way only a mother could sound.

I placed my pencil down on the table and said, "I don't tell my mother where I go any more..."

This time she sounded more like she was stunned and disappointed in me, "Don't you think they might be worried about you?"

I took a deep breath before responding, "My mother stopped caring about me a while ago... I... stopped telling her where I go shortly after she stopped caring."

She let out a breath that said it all, that her heart was breaking, at the thought of a mother not caring about her child. I let out another deep breath as I pushed the thoughts of her back, deeper into my mind, as I maintained my composure.

"When did you... leave?"

"I haven't been home since Friday morning. If... that's what you're asking."

"And how long where you planning on... staying away?" she asked.

It was getting harder and harder to find my focus. I looked almost distraught, with the way my ears folded down as I stared at the floor frowning. She looked at me and knew instantly.

"You were running away." She said, "Weren't you, Samson? I found the food and clothes in your bag, you weren't planning on going back were you?"

This time my face was washed over by a look of shame avoiding all eye contact with the gentle lioness beside me. I fought back the tears while my lower lip began to move uncontrollably as I made pathetic whining noises. She began to stroke my mane and I lost all control of myself, falling into her lap crying like I never have before and letting out all of my pent up emotions from yesterday. I was completely pathetic, lying on her lap, sniveling uncontrollably while she stroked my mane and was singing some leonine lullaby. I remember the tune. It's like a dream almost, something I remember my father and grandmother singing to me when I was younger.

She spoke to me in her gentle motherly voice again, "It's okay. Let it out."

Her calming sound and subtle purring helped bring me back to reality. I sat up wiping the tears from my eyes. Trying to regain my composure.

"I'm sorry... I..." I tried.

"Don't be sorry. It's fine. Just tell me what's wrong." She said.

I built up the courage to look her in the eyes when I spoke to her. I just began to spill my life story on her. I told her about my father, about me coming out to my mother, about how my mom would beat me, about the scratches on my face and the events leading up to me running away. She looked utterly disgusted.

"It's been over twenty years and I still don't understand how a parent could harm their child!"

"What do you mean?"

"When I was your age I was in the same situation." she said, "My father... My father would beat too, sometimes until I was a bloody mess. I've still got the scars..."

This time she was the one that began to tear up. I placed my hand on her back, letting her know I was there.

"That's awful!" I said.

"When I got pregnant with Chris he kicked me out on the street. I swore to myself I would never treat my children like that. I spoiled them, rotten at times."

She continued to tell me about her child hood and how she and her husband raised two children alone. Little did we know that a certain eaves dropping lioness was standing in the door way listening to everything we were saying.

"Samson... you can't just run away from this." She finally said.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked her.

"You, your mom, and I will have a long talk. I'll tell her what I just told you and you'll tell her what you've told me"

I felt my eyes watering again sounding positively distressed, "What if she rejects me again? What if she kicks me out like your father did? What if... What if..."

I was standing now flailing my arms around pacing across the room. I began to go into a complete panic. She grabbed my paws holding me up and I made terrible, painful sounds as my entire body went limp.

"Samson!" she yelled at me, "Samson, you need to look at me. Look at me!"

I struggled to lift my head up looking her in the eyes as my head jerked around uncontrollably, I was a complete wreck unable to do anything. '

"Samson!" she yelled again, "You don't need to worry about that right now! If she won't accept you, you can stay here." Slowly, she led me down to the floor, she sat down next to me as I laid there next to her hyperventilating unable to do much else. "It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Just try to breathe normally. In and out. In and out."

I felt like I could finally breathe again, as I calmed down. I can't even remember the last few minutes after that. I managed to eek out faint, "Thank you." as I sat up.

"Don't worry about it. You should've seen me, when my father kicked me out. And I didn't have anyone to go to... Well I did have Todd, my boyfriend at the time and Chris' and Brandon's father, but it's not the same, when they haven't gone through it too. You can come here whenever you want, I'll always be here for you." She took a deep breath before continuing, "Tomorrow you can stay here and not go to school, I'll take off work, so we can go see to your mother."

"Thanks. I can't thank you enough."

"Should I leave you alone until then?" she began stroking my mane.

"I would appreciate it. Thank you." I said.

And with that, she planted a soft motherly kiss on my forehead before walking out of the room. It wasn't long before I fell asleep curled up on the floor.


I stepped out of the shower reaching for the towel hanging on the hook. I meticulously dried my fur paying special attention to my legs and mane, to make sure they were extra dry. Wrapping the towel around my waist I slid into my room. I took some fresh clothes out of my dresser and slipped them on.

I opened my door to be greeted by Chris leaning against the door frame. Something seemed strange about the way she was acting, she seemed almost depressed. I could see that her arms were crossed, with her paws dangling down on either side. Her tail was as still as a mountain, and her ears were folded back. Something is clearly on her mind. Might as well find out what it is.

I called out her name, "Chris?"

She let out a deep sigh, "Yeah?"

I walked over to her placing my paw on her shoulder and asked, "What's wrong?"

I could tell that she was avoiding eye contact with me as she talked, "It's nothing. I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine..." I told her.

"I better get to bed I've just got a lot on my mind right now..." she said.

I watched as she walked up the stairs turning toward her room.

Now I know something's wrong. Chris, going to bed at 7 seven forty-five. AT NIGHT! I started to head up the stairs to go after her. Something was in my way. I ran right into my mother.

"Hey... mom. What's with Chris?" I asked her.

She seemed forlorn for some reason. I really hope that this isn't becoming a trend. First with Chris and now my mother.

"I don't know." She said, "It's hard to tell what exactly goes on in her mind sometimes..."

"Err... have you seen Samson?" I asked her.

She let out a little sigh, "Let's... just give Samson a little space tonight honey. Okay?"

I didn't quite know how to respond to her. But now I know something is up.

"Sure mom." I finally managed to say.

"I'm going to take off work tomorrow I'll drive you to school." She began, "Samson's going to stay here tomorrow, he's... not feeling well."

I don't quite understand what she's trying to tell me. But now Samson is involved in all this and I can't even comfort him! But, how would my boyfriend becoming sick make Chris depressed and my mother act so strangely? Girls make no sense. First they're all happy and cheerful then one little thing happens and the whole world just seems to go to hell.

Well, guys aren't without our drama though. We just bury it beneath layers upon layers of sports jerseys and masculinity. But even so I wouldn't jump off the deep end if Chris' boyfriend stubbed his paw on the coffee table.

"Okay... I understand." I said.

"Thanks sweetie." She said, "See you in the morning?"

"Sure mom. Thanks."

I got the message that time clearly and it said, "Go to bed Brandon." I turned around and started down the stairs. What could possibly have happened between them while I was in the shower? What was happening to my family? What was wrong with my mate? Why are they all acting so strange and not telling me anything? I mean, I've bred Samson and he's bred me. Doesn't that entitle me to something, at least?

I slid myself underneath my covers and just tried to push any bad thoughts out of my mind.


I'd be lying if I said I slept soundly. All the thoughts in my head just seem to snowball into more and more doubt and fear and... and questions. I quickly got ready for school throwing on my day clothes and book bag as I walked out the front door and into the car. The car ride to school was pretty uneventful mostly the usual morning banter, "good morning." And, "have a great day at school." There was one interesting thing though. Chris was still sulking from the night before. Maybe her break up was affecting her more than she had led on? I don't know, but it's very disconcerting.

I took my seat in first period, my economics class. I guess I should sit next to Amy. Amy and I aren't great friends, to say the least. In fact, she considered me a little untrustworthy at times. A completely undeserved reputation I assure you! I quickly scrawled out a note, asking her to meet me after class behind the vending machine, and discretely slid it onto her desk.

The minutes slipped by as I stared at the clock, thinking of what I was going to tell her. Especially now since Samson wasn't here and I had no idea what was going on with him. I guess I could always ask my sister to back me up. She never really had any problems with Amy but of course she was in her strange mood. Damn it Chris why is it every time that I need you, you're never there?

The ringing of the class bell brought me back to reality. Amy gave me that look as she stood up and left the room. I followed shortly behind her, after packing up my things and collecting my thoughts.

When I met up with her by the cafeteria she came at me with that damned superiority complex and untrusting tone, "What do you want?"

"Amy I have to tell you." I said. "Something... something very important."

She folded her arms giving me her bet annoyed expression, "I'm waiting."

"Amy Samson and I..." not wanting anyone to hear I took her by the arm and pulled her into the cafeteria closing the door behind us.

You can probably guess that she wasn't all that thrilled as she started yelling, "Hey! What do you think you're doing? Let go of me!"

When I did let go of her arm I found the other one clocking me across the face.

"First of all!" I yelled at her, "Oww... And second! Please just hear me out!"

"Why should I?" she said with a smug look.

"Because you need to hear this and I don't know who else to tell right now and... Samson would have wanted you to know first." I explained.

"Wait Samson?" she started, "What the fuck have you done with him, you basterd! I couldn't find him anywhere and his mother wasn't much help."

Why would she even accuse me of doing anything to him? It's not like I ever bullied him nor were we ever great friends or anything. I tried to continue but she stopped me

"No." she said, "I don't want to hear another word from you!"

She started to the door and I called out to her, "Amy... Amy I'm gay!"

Yup, that's the best I could come up with. Just giving it to her straight. Giving off a laugh she slowly turned around

"And I guess that makes me the tooth fairy?" she said.

"Look." I told her, "If you don't want to believe me that's fine. And if you never want to talk to me again after today that's fine too. I'm in love with him Amy!"

She leaned in looking into my eyes trying to see if she could sense anything from them. She whispered to me, "You've gone completely mad haven't you?" she had her cynical face on.

"I can prove it!" I had no idea where I was going with this how are you supposed to prove you love somebody when they aren't even there with you?

"I'm waiting."

"Come over to my house today after school and I'll show you there."

"I swear Brandon if this is some kind of trick..."

"It's not a trick Amy." I cut her off, "Please just trust me. Just once, please..."


It felt like the butterflies in my stomach were doing summersaults as I collected my composure. I had absolutely no idea what was about to happen or how I'd come away from it. I just wanted it to end to have finally conquered the demons inside me.

I heard a familiar gentle voice, "Are you ready?"

I only gave her a nod and then I followedher out the door andtookmy seat in the car. We drove for around fifteen minutes in silence before we finally pulled up at my house. I could see my mother's car in the drive way. The same voice called to me again. My heart was pounding out of my chest.

"Just let me know when you want to do this." She said.

"I'm ready." I responded almost immediately. I opened the car door slowly getting out and closing it behind me.

We walked up to the doortogether. She was a few paces behind me. My face lacked all emotion as I firmly knocked on the door, completely forgetting that I had a key in my book bag.It felt like days before the door finally swung open and we were greeted by the drunken face of my mother. And her not so pleasant voice... hell it was downright rude.

"Where the hell have you been?" My mother said, "Who's this bitch?"

The warm lioness behind me put on a fake smile as she introduced herself, "I'm Mrs. Carrie. Brandon's mom. Our children go to school together."

I guess that's as much of an explanation my mother really need right now.

"What the hell have you done this time!" she yelled, "I'm sorry for whatever he's done. SAM! Get your fucking ass inside."

"Mom..." I growled and bared my teeth at her.

"Actually we're here to talk to you." The lioness placed her hand on my chest holding me back, "Samson told me about how you two were having... problems and I... "

She was cut off by the tigress' yelling, "What the fuck have YOU told her!"

"Only the truth!" I yelled pointing my finger, "About dad and about how you harass and beat me"

I was clenching my fists at her.

"Like she hasn't had to punish her children." My mother said.

"Punishment!" I scoffed, "Is that what we're calling it now?" my tone turned sarcastic growing into a higher pitch as I continued, "Tell me mother, what exactly did I do to deserve... punishment!"

"Calm down Samson we can talk about this calmly..." Ms. Carrie said to me.

"Shut up bitch!" the tigress continued, "Don't you tell me how to deal with my kids!"

"Excuse me?" the lioness said, "But when your kid collapses on my living room floor after having a panic attack because of you... don't you think there is something wrong with that?"

I could tell Brandon's mother was getting angrier and more agitated by the second.

"And what exactly was my kid doing at your house?"

"He was escaping from you! As I understand it." Brandon's mother said.

"And what would you know about him?" My mother asked.

"STOP IT!!!" I yelled as loud as I could, "Just listen to me for once in your fucking life bitch!"

I felt her paw come across my face knocking me into the hand rail, "Don't you dare talk back to me!"

The lioness tried to help me up but I pushed her away holding myself up by the rail as I began yelling.

"NO!" I yelled, "Now you listen to me you bitch! YOU are the reason I've been on the FUCKING doorstep of suicide for the past two years! YOU are the reason why I feel worthless, defeated, like I don't even deserve to continue breathing! YOU!" I was yelling so loud my eyes were watering, "Did you even know I play the piano, mother? DID YOU? Well I do THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I'd bet you didn't even know that I liked to sing or draw or act! What cat got your tongue, bitch? What... You... Bet YOU didn't expect your biggest disgrace in life to sand up and fight for its self. Did you? Well now IT is! Is that all I am to you? A THING? An it? Your filthy crossbred mongrel fag child? IS THAT IT! IS THAT WHAT I AM? Answer me! IS THAT ALL I AM?" I gave her no time to respond, "Well. I'll tell you what. I AM PROUD to be a filthy crossbred mongrel fag. AND I AM PROUD to be in love with such an amazing guy. And guess what. You can't kick me out because I'M LEAVING YOU. YOU are the one who drove away daddy! And now you're driving away me. Do you feel proud? ACOMPLISHED? FREE? Cause' I do! And I LOVE it! I'll be gone... out of your life forever. How exactly does that feel mom? Knowing your child hates your guts? KNOWING YOU WON'T HAVE ANYONE TO BEAT SENSELESS! I can't believe I lasted this long with you... I don't know what kept me from... from ending it. Take a few too many pills before bed and you don't wake up in the morning. It's that simple! Isn't it? You'd probably like that though. You've wanted me dead ever since daddy left you! I'm NOT going to give you the satisfaction though. I'm going to live and I'm going to love and one day I may come back if only to shove how good I'm doing down your throat! This is goodbye mom! I'm leaving you!"

She looked so mortified at what I just said, like it tore her apart inside out. She seemed so... small now, insignificant. When she finally opened her mouth to speak, she only managed to let out a, "Samson..." before I cut her off again.

"I. DON'T. HAVE. ANYTHING. LEFT. TO. HEAR. FROM. YOU!" I yelled again being extra careful to annunciate every word, "I'll be back to collect my things later. It's in your best interests if we don't cross paths when I do."

And with my parting sentiment, I stomped back to the car wrinkling my nose with Brandon's mother treading softly behind me.