A Slayer’s Turning Point

Story by AstroSecant on SoFurry

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Stories about dragonslayers have been used in legends to exemplify feats of great bravery and heroism. Typically, all I could think about was "why are the dragons the bad guys?" I happened to like dragons a lot from a very early age, and consequently the people who considered it their job or duty to kill them never were my favorite. Years later, revenge! In the form of smut, obviously.

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: This story contains sexual acts between males, rough sex with size difference, magic and mind control, and atypical fantasy settings.

The bar was quite busy that night, it seemed like everyone was there. That was perfect, Taph wanted a lot of people to hear about his most recent feat. It had been a rough battle, but he had been triumphant, and if he had his way all of Devony would know about him.

Granted, that was the dream of lots of people, to be renowned and famous for whatever they were after. He'd been to more than a few bars where adventurers or knights or what have you came in, bragging about their latest exploits. Some of them were even impressive. Most of the time, in a place like this, it was just them talking about the latest beast they had slain that was threatening the village, and that was enough to get some free drinks and a fair bit of eyes your way. But Taph was aiming for renown for bigger - he purported to be a dragonslayer, and tonight was a night to celebrate a kill.

Dragonslaying was far from what it once was. In older days it was something that had every man both fear and admire you, and big money was guaranteed as kings would pay heartily from their coffers to ensure their security. But times had changed, kings and kingdoms were giving way to public leadership, and the art or war was being replaced with the art of diplomacy. In many lands, humans had non-aggression pacts with the nonhuman races, and even trade agreements. No doubt it was of benefit to all of them, but it didn't do Taph any favors - his business was in hunting these nonhumans, especially the dragons, and it was getting harder and harder to find places where he could do his work unhindered. It was a definite damper in business when the people he was trying to save were telling him to leave because they didn't want their allies and trade partners threatened - as if letting those things into their town wasn't a threat in itself.

Fortunately for him, Devony didn't have any such accords in place, and while no one was demanding his services, he was free to make a splash with a big kill. And that's just what he had done, slaying the red dragon Charad in a fierce battle that was sure to resonate well beyond Devony once he got the word out. That would drum up business without a doubt, ensuring he would be working for a profit the next time he came around.

He walked up to the bartender, grinning ear-to-ear. "A round for everyone, my good man! I just got back from a fearsome battle and I'm in the mood to celebrate!"

"You too, huh?" The bartender seemed nonplussed, which didn't phase Taph - no doubt the older man had heard such boasts before. "So, what did you bring down then? Cockatrice? Manticore?"

"Pah, those are child's play. More impressive to run through a wolfling or lizardman, they may be smaller but they have cunning. But no, I've done what I've heard was the unthinkable! I slew Charad!"

That did indeed get the attention of dozens of patrons, all of whom clamored around him. It was mere seconds before he was basking in the most adulation he'd gotten in months, perhaps years.

"No way! Charad's one of the strongest dragons in the land!"

"He's driven away more fools than most dragons have! Even killed some of them!"

"I don't blame you for your skepticism, he certainly was a fierce fight! But I can show you this trophy I took from him!" He reached into his bag and pulled out a flap of skin from around the dragon's ear, red and bloody from being lopped off of Charad's head. Gasps of shock and amazement rushed through the crowd, and suddenly the clamor was ten times louder, the throngs all trying to get close to hear about his wild tale.

He told them all, repeatedly throughout the night. How he had dodged a multitude of traps to get through to the great dragon's lair. How he had seen the bodies of other victims, laying strewn around the caves as a warning. How he had met face to face with the great beast, which had used so much of its magic to try to destroy him, its efforts blunted by the many protective items and charms he employed. How he had struggled to do harm until finding the rare weak points, the major blood vessels in its limbs and neck, severing them with his sword to bring Charad down for good. He played things up as any tale-teller would, but it needed little embellishment; Taph had gone through most of it as he said. Without a doubt, it had been his hardest fight ever, but that made coming out on top all the sweeter.

The night wore on, and his voice became a bit hoarse from regaling captivated bargoers over and over again. The fight and the party had both been draining, and he was needing rest...and attention of a different sort. The swell of pride and recognition of his newfound popularity had gotten him interested in some personal comforts, and as he laid eyes on one particular fellow, he knew exactly how he wanted to get them.

The man had been quieter, less clamorous than most, but had been watching and listening with obvious interest. He was smaller than Taph, clearly not a warrior but seeming to have an air of confidence about him that told Taph he was more than a simple citizen - perhaps trained in magic, or having some special skill that made him quite useful around town. Something about him was definitely drawing Taph's attention. He wasn't typically the type to bed someone he'd just met, but he'd done so after big kills before - it seemed like the perfect way to dispel all that extra energy he had. The man seemed more than interested, and the tingle of desire he felt was convincing enough that he decided to go for it. He walked right up and flashed a cocky grin. "Perhaps you'd like to share a bed with a dragonslayer tonight?"

"But of course...who would refuse?" The man's voice was deeper than he expected, smooth and sensual, a clear hint of desire laid fully within. Oh, Taph was gonna have fun with him. He took the man's arm and brought him upstairs, a clear air of swagger and control in his actions that the other man did nothing to undermine. In Taph's eyes, it was obvious how much he wanted to feel a dragonslayer's strength.

Closing and locking the door behind him, he watched the man rather speedily disrobe, shucking off his clothes with practiced speed...he'd clearly done things like this before, and that had Taph really interested. Not too many males in his experience laid with other males regularly, and he was more experienced with those who stuttered and explained that this was the first time they'd done something like this. It would be more fun to have someone who knew what they were doing, for sure.

As his guest sat on the bed, dressed only in his undergarments and looking quite luscious, Taph got to work taking off his own gear. His protective armor came off first, lightweight but charmed to the ends of the earth with protective magic to protect especially against dragons. The followed his boots and pants, as well as the charms around his ankles. His shirt followed, accompanied by more accessories, bracelets and rings and amulets...the protection was so potent that he could almost feel it fading from him, as every charm was stripped off of his body. Last were his pants and undergarments, his hard cock standing well at attention already, eliciting a grin from his guest. "My my, Taph, you've got a nice sword there."

Taph grinned back. "I'm glad you think so! I'm sure you'll have plenty of chance to enjoy it."

"I don't doubt it." The man stood, stretching and eyeing the dragonslayer, beckoning him over to the bed. "It's been some time since I've met such an eager fellow...you'll be most enjoyable. I'll have to give you a show to remember me by...entice you to return for more."

Taph stepped over, taking the other man's place. "You can bet your life on it! But come, you know my name, and I don't know yours. I think it would only be fair to let me know who I'm having the pleasure of laying with."

The man chuckled, a sudden sharpness in his eyes. "Oh, Taph...you already know my name."

The man's body was enveloped in light, and Taph's eyes bugged out as his form rapidly changed, growing far taller, much broader, taking on powerful claws, wings, and horns in a matter of a few seconds. Suddenly, what had been his planned lay for the night was none other than a wickedly-powerful red dragon, standing in a more humanoid format...and a not-unfamiliar one at that.

"Ch-Charad!" He exhaled like a bolt from a crossbow in his shock and horror. "It can't be! You're dead!"

Charad laughed, sounding more amused than angry. "Did you really think I would be so foolish as to face a purported dragonslayer face-to-face right off the bat? Any dragon these days would have to be brain-dead to do that, what with all the magical items to protect even a human...no, all you faced was a construct, a fake I created to act like me, something I could use to test you, see whether something needed to be done about you..."

Taph's eyes widened, and he started to move, trying to get to his equipment, but a bolt of energy from the dragon caught him before he even got close. He cried out in pain, all too vulnerable to the powerful magic without his charms, and though the pain quickly faded he found his movements weak and sluggish, in no shape to put up a fight. From there it was a simple matter for Charad to step over to the bed and lay him out on his back, grinning down at the immobilized human.

"Now now, Taph...where are you going in such a hurry? You deserve a little bit of a celebration...after all, you did successfully disable my construct. Sure, it's only temporary, but that's more than most who've gone up against it. I think you need a little reward after such a feat, hm?"

"What are you..." Taph went white as he suddenly registered the dragon's words, remembering how he'd originally planned to celebrate...his worst fears were confirmed as he beheld the dragon's nude body, a dark red erection growing out from a slit at his groin. "Ngh! N-no! Not...you can't..."

"I'd say I can...you're certainly not going to stop me now." Charad climbed onto the bed, placing himself over Taph, he chuckled as the human feebly tried to push at him, and only succeeded in gently working his chest. It was no trouble for him to push apart Taph's legs, leaving him fully exposed and open for what he wanted.

"Urk...can't..." Taph tried to protest desperately. The flesh hanging towards his hole was enormous, he could scarcely believe one could be that size, and he was terrified of what would happen to him when the dragon tried to enter.

"Oh, don't you worry, I've got plenty of tricks ready for you...killing you isn't on my agenda, that wouldn't be satisfying at all. Don't worry...after a while, you'll start to like it!"

He didn't wait for a response before slamming himself into the human, letting out a satisfied growl as his gigantic cock was enveloped in the tightness of a much underused ass. Taph jerked, even with the immobilizing spell in place, as he was pierced by that pointed cock, spread apart ruthlessly around the intense force of the entry. Yet, despite the force and the size, it failed to surmount the horrors of his imagination. Certainly, there was pain, but much less than anticipated, certainly less then there should have been...now he knew, Charad's magic was easing the way. He could only imagine it was in order to prolong his torture of Taph, to increase the humiliation, yet he hadn't a hope of stopping it.

"Rrr, yesss...nice and tight, just as it should be..." Charad wasn't shutting up, either, forcing him to hear his glee at having the hunter in such a compromising position. Fully buried inside in such short order, he didn't seem to be willing to wait long to get to the main event, pulling himself out slowly. "Don't worry...you may feel a little LESS than pleasant now..." he punctuated the sentence by thrusting back in hard, Taph jerking again, though less than before. "But that will go away rather QUICKLY..." the third full thrust had much less motion, the entry easing and painless. "And then you will start to really ENJOY it!"

Now Charad started in earnest, thrusting in hard and fast, never letting up on the hunter for a second. Though there was an ulterior purpose to the act, he was focusing now on the pleasure it gave to him - Taph was a great fucktoy, as much for the strength in his body as the delicious reversal of his typical role. And he knew that the magic was ensuring that Taph wasn't in agony, forcing him to feel substantial pleasure as well - Charad wouldn't have it any other way.

Now Taph thought he knew the real torture, the forced sensations of pleasure coursing through his body, being driven wild by a dragon's cock...he'd heard of dragonslayers casting away their weapons out of a love for one of the beasts they had once been tasked to slay, but never forcibly claimed by one. This had to be the humiliation Charad was going for, and so far he had gotten his way without much resistance. How could he, laid low like he was...Taph didn't even realize he had regained his movement, so focused on the feel of the dragon inside him.

"Oh, yes, there's one more thing you should know..." Taph's eyes widened as he felt a sudden thickness at the base of the dragon's cock. "I've got a particularly satisfying way of finishing off...once you've felt this, you'll never forget it." He started to thrust in harder, speeding up and using his superior strength to keep Taph pinned down as his magic started to work harder on the human's body.

Taph could feel that magic as well, and despite not knowing its purpose he knew it was up to no good in him. But he felt that bulge pounding at him, threatening to intrude and wreck his hole, and it made him desperate enough to forget about that and focus on not giving in. He tried to gather up everything he had, all his remaining energy into denying Charad that last triumph...he may have already lost the fight to keep the dragon out of his body entirely but he still had one last chance to bar him from that final pleasure and victory. Charad wasn't letting up, his thrusts getting more insistent, Taph trying all he could to prevent it...

But it was not to be for him. The pleasure forced through him was too much, and before he was ready for it, he came, crying out as his essence fired out of him freely, the first shots with enough energy to splash against the dragon's stomach. Racked by his orgasm, his body finally surrendered to Charad's will; Taph felt his hole split wide on the knot, burning with pain but not enough of it, then finally embedding fully within him. The dragon let out a loud growl, almost a half-roar as he erupted into Taph, blazing seed blasting deep into him, that bulge tight enough to ensure that every bit of his conquest would be locked within the human. It was too much for Taph to handle, and even despite the large presence still shooting within him, he passed out.

Groggily, Taph came to. His body felt sore, used, though not particularly damaged, thankfully. He was draped over the red dragon, both of them laying on the bed, as if they'd spent the night as lovers...

The memory of the previous night flooded back to him, making him feel sick. Lovers, indeed! The dragon had raped him, and he would have his revenge for sure! Though, it was difficult to move...every motion felt like aching a hundred times over, but he powered through it, stumbling off the bed and staggering over to his gear. He could feel dried dragon spunk around his ass, making him even more determined to get back at Charad. He heard Charad stir on the bed, but he wasn't pursuing Taph as he knelt down, trying to find his protective charms.

"I wouldn't go for those if I were you."

"Shut up!" Taph grabbed for one of his amulets, then yelled out as it touched his fingertips - it burned, as if fiery-hot, and he dropped it almost immediately on the ground, certain his fingers were charred. Yet, as he looked at them, they were unmarred.

"I did warn you," Charad said, still grinning as he laid on the bed, making no move to get up and stop Taph. This made the slayer burn; Charad wasn't taking him seriously just because he'd managed to fuck him once? He'd make sure it was the last time...he grabbed his sword, finding it burn-free, and tried to charge forward and impale the beast.

Yet, he found it was difficult to even take a few steps. He persisted, but each step was harder, especially on his arm, almost as if his body was weighed down by the sword's presence. He was still well out of range when he could move forward no further with the blade; as it slipped from his hand, the weight lifted, and he fell forward. "Wh...what's going on?"

"A well-placed dose of special magic, if I do say so myself." Taph glared up at the dragon, who had shifted to a sitting position during his struggles. "You've been a terror to nonhumans for a long time, Taph...they'll rest easier knowing you can't hurt them anymore."

"Like hell!" Taph scrambled to his feet, stepping towards Charad again, intent on taking the dragon with his bare hands if necessary...but as he neared, he couldn't raise his fists, something in him was blocking him from that aggressive act. And then, with horror, he realized that one part of him was responding, as his dick started to twitch against his will.

Charad looked immensely satisfied; the magic was working like a dream. Looking Taph directly in the eye, he decided it was time to test test it further. "Get down on your knees."

The words almost reverberated in Taph's brain, pounding at him relentlessly. Despite knowing he didn't want to, he felt growing pressure as he attempted to resist, and soon gave in, sinking to his knees in front of Charad, now at eye level with the dragon's intimidating shaft. As he finished, the echoing of the words ceased, the pressure released, and his arousal grew stronger.

"You'd better get used to this type of thing, because you're going to get it a lot," Charad stated bluntly. "This magic will keep you from attacking any nonhuman of any kind...instead, you're just going to feel lust for them. And you will obey their commands, especially those that take advantage of those lusts. And don't think they won't find out...I've made sure you project this little spell to them, so they'll easily be able to get you if they want."

"Wh...but...no...that's..." Taph was stunned, he couldn't believe it, it had to be a trick, the dragon had pulled some kind of momentary mind-magic on him...yet, as he tried to fight the feelings, part of him knew that this was no bluff. Charad could have done anything to him while he was out, and the dragon had no reason to lie about this. "They'll...just kill me..."

"Oh, don't you worry about that...the spell will make sure that they don't kill you, whatever they do...they won't even be able to harm you. After all, I'm no sadist, I want you to enjoy everything they're going to do to you."

"What? How could I possibly enjoy this?!"

Charad grinned as he leaned down towards Taph, the human shrinking away slightly. "I think you'll do so rather easily...all this magic requires is a little bit of my seed in you to bind the spell so it can't be removed, but it works so much more rapidly when the victim already has desires to build off of...and it worked exceedingly quickly on you. I could almost see the images your mind conjured up as it was working, it took all I had in me not to fuck you again while you were out."

Taph tried to protest, but it came out incoherently, less words that sounds. It had to be ridiculous...sure, he had had dreams about such relations with nonhumans...many dreams, in fact...but dreams meant nothing, just the wild ramblings of a delirious mind caught in the thrall of sleep, inciting a fire against the creatures he was sworn to kill. Except now, with his mind conjuring up the relevant images, he wasn't feeling any fire...though something in him was burning.

"Lick my cock, hunter."

Distracted by his confusion, his response was almost automatic, his lack of preparation to resist leaving him immediately compliant. He brought his hands up to rub the large dragon staff, his mouth opening and tongue running along the tip without hesitation. Once he was there, his mind rejected any effort to hold back, his face burning as he realized how eager he looked...and how close he actually was to being so. His tongue lapped up dollops of pre appearing from that shaft, thick, heavily male, not entirely pleasant on one hand but viscerally desired on the other. His own arousal was painfully obvious, his much less potent fluids dripping onto the floor underneath him as he serviced Charad.

"Enough." Suddenly he pulled away, and shamefully Taph felt a disappointment rather than a relief. Charad pointed to the bed. "Bend over on it, legs spread."

Taph did as ordered, fast enough that it was clear he wasn't capable of fighting off Charad's orders anymore. Vestiges of dread mixed with excitement as he leaned over the bed, exposing his hole to the dragon. The thoughts of what he could do, what he would do, he was trying to use them to push back but they were only fueling his own lust. Even though he wasn't asked to, he couldn't stop himself from crying out as he felt the presence of Charad step up behind him. "Charad...please...fuck me hard, fill me with that huge cock until I can't take it anymore!" He turned red even as he said it, not knowing why he would give the dragon the pleasure of such submission. Maybe those dreams weren't just inventions of a bored and unsatisfied mind after all...

And Charad was only too eager to confirm that, as he pressed himself against the human for the second time. "You see? No one who didn't secretly want it would be that responsive so quickly...I'd need to go through a lot of effort to implant those desires. That just proves what you've really been looking for all this time..."

With that he slammed in, holding nothing back with his domination of the former hunter. Taph cried out as it surged into him, spreading him as wide as before with even less effort. Unlike the night before, there wasn't the slightest sign of pain, just blinding pleasure as Charad's cock plowed into him...this time he could have fought it, but didn't, allowing Charad to claim him as he pleased. The dragon, one of the creatures he was sworn to eliminate...but even memory of his task failed to quell the feelings, in fact they only seemed to amplify them, the knowledge of his complete and utter reversal spurring his desires. Perhaps that was a component of the spell too...or perhaps his own repressed desires coming out now that they could.

Unconsciously he spread his arms on the bed, and within moments Charad's hands came down on them, gripping them tight as he ravaged Taph's ass. The positioning felt even better to Taph, even more powerless under the dragon as he was filled, emptied, filled again in less than a second, relishing the feeling of that bulge slapping against his hole. Pre flowed freely from his dick, on the verge of climax but being held back, no doubt by more magic as Charad was controlling him on every level.

And Charad could hardly deny his own pleasure, lustful growls emerging from his throat at a constant rate. He'd had dalliances with humans before, but always at their behest, some people just unable to quell their sexual curiosities about great beasts like himself. Those, however, had never taken the flavor of this one...he took a great deal of satisfaction in converting this infamous human, a scourge of the races all over for his disregard for treaties and peace and his animosity towards them, and wiping all of that out overnight. He had to admit, there was a thrill in it, probably why so many dragons did carelessly use their powers over humans. As he started to brutally hammer Taph's ass, striving to push that knot inside the now much more willing hole, he had to remind himself to not fall victim to temptation like this too often.

Taph's moans and cries were amplifying as he felt the push of that knot at his ass, this time outright wanting it to split him and fill him. Charad was plunging in harder and harder, and the abuse was causing his ass to quiver, weakening in its resistance to the intrusion. His body was desperate, it needed him to climax, the tension becoming unbearable, only one thing would get it over the edge...

And then Charad nearly roared as he pulled Taph back onto his cock as he thrust in, finally overcoming that tight ring as it spread wide and popped shut around his knot, sending him over the edge. Finally, Taph felt his body release, an orgasm like no other tearing through him as his seed splattered onto the ground and the bed. He could feel the surge of magic through him as the dragon's seed pumped into him, helping to strengthen and stabilize the effects he was already under, his own orgasm wiping away any resistance he could have offered. He couldn't believe how good it felt this time, the same loss as before but now much more desired, even demanded by his mind.

As they came down from their highs, he felt Charad lift him up and hold him next to his body. "That may have been a disturbance...perhaps we're better off finishing this at my place. A few days of this and the magic's hold will be unbreakable...of course, I might keep you around for a bit longer than that, have plenty of fun with you while I can."

Exhausted, Taph could barely nod in assent; at this point he couldn't refuse anything Charad wanted, nor did he want to. "And...and then what?"

"After I'm done stabilizing the spell, you're going to go back to those areas where you've caused the most trouble for nonhumans...and you're going to let them do what they wish with you to pay them back for your crimes against them. It will take quite some time, I'm sure, but you will do so until you have satisfied your obligations. After that, you will return to me, and I will figure out arrangements from there."

Taph nodded absently, his mind flooded with thoughts of the creatures he had once sworn to destroy using him like a little bitch, only able to beg for their use and abuse...the twinges of revulsion he felt from his original attitudes only enhanced the pleasure of the idea, no doubt why Charad had allowed them to remain. The dragon was right, it was going to be a lot of visits with a lot of creatures with revenge on their minds...and now he couldn't do anything but look forward to it.