Wolfie Steel

Story by Wolf Seeker on SoFurry

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#4 of Character Bios

Here is Wolfies bio for Seekers tale. This was written by the very talented Wolfie Steel who has graciously allowed me the continued use of his character in my story.

Wolfie Bio

Species:Timber Wolf

Age: 31

Height: 6 feet 2 inches


Birth Name:Wolfern Steel

Father: Hero

Mother: Kera


Back Story.

Wolfie was born to two Wolves, a Golden furred male Wolf standing at 6'8 by the name of Hero, and a female light grey furred Wolf standing at 5'8 by the name of Kera. Wolfie also has a brother; standing at 7' a pitch black furred Wolf by the name of Wolverine.

Hero was an Alpha at the time of Wolfie's birth but his drinking had made his pack turn against him, the pack including Hero, Kera, Wolverine and Wolfie were then defeated by Harandoom's pack, those who survived were allowed to live but only as lower order Wolves. Out of sight of the pack, Hero would regularly get drunk and take out his frustrations on his family.

On Wolfie's sixth birthday he had tripped while playing with some of the other pups of the pack and had ruined his new loin cloth which had been a gift from his family, Kera had taken pity on the young pup and was tending to his injuries and then repairing his loin cloth when a very drunk Hero walked in, he had seen what had happened to the gift and then went into a rage, Kera feared for Wolfie's safety and tried to defend him, but Hero being much stronger, hit Kera, the force of the blow was enough to smash her body against the wall of the cave that they were living in, killing her.

Another pack member named Julius had heard the commotion and had entered the cave, upon seeing the devastation for himself he quickly called his partner to take both Wolfie and Wolverine back to their cave and take care of them.

With the two pups out of sight, Julius set about paying Hero back for all the years of beatings that Hero had dealt out, eventually banishing Hero from the pack with a threat that if he ever returned the pack elders would make sure that he did not survive.

With Hero out of the pups lives Julius raised them as his own family and both Wolverine and Wolfie flourished, deep down inside though both Wolfie and Wolverine still had the desire to repay their father for the booze riddled murder of their mother.

Some years later Wolfie and Wolverine left the pack with only one goal in mind, to find and kill Hero; they would have their revenge and would then be able to go on with their lives knowing that Hero would never again be able to hurt them.

They eventually found the town in which Hero was now based and set about trying to find him, but whilst in the town both Wolfie and Wolverine get separated. Wolfie was taken in and used as a sex toy for those who would pay handsomely to have fun with a Wolf like him.

Wolverine based himself in the town for he now had two missions, first to find his brother, second to find his father. Though things did not go as planned though and it was Wolfie who found Hero first. It would be a day that Wolfie would remember for the rest of his life.

One day another abuser was led into Wolfie's room, the door was locked and the abuser begins to get himself ready. Wolfie turns to face his next abuser and finds his father Hero, as soon as Hero realises that he is now in a locked room with Wolfie he tries to escape by banging hard on the locked door. But to no avail though as Wolfie now had the object of his bloodthirsty desires within his grasp.

During the time that Wolfie had spent trapped in this place he had built up quite a bit of muscle and he knew that he could have broken through the locked door at any time. But where he once hated being used as a sex toy he now saw it as a possible way to get even with Hero. So he had stayed in the hopes that he would one day get his chance and that day had finally come. The ensuing fight did not last very long and soon Hero's lifeless body was lying on the floor of the room.

With his revenge now satisfied Wolfie breaks out of his prison room and with the knowledge that his captors would no longer try to re-take him he heads back into town. A coincidental turn of events finds Wolfie again joining up with Wolverine.

With Hero now out of the picture both Wolfie and Wolverine head back to the pack that they had once called home, upon arrival they find that the pack has become a pack where the members are all fighting amongst themselves thanks to the leader Harandoom being possessed by an evil spirit.

Wolfie slowly earns the trust of some of the pack members and they begin to follow him, including Wolverine.

Eventually the spirit inside Harandoom is exorcised when there is a big fight between Harandoom's pack and Seeker's pack, by this time the trust that Harandoom's pack had in Wolfie was almost complete allowing him to take unchallenged command of the remaining members of the pack.

Seekers Tale Part 33

Part 33 "Left.... Right.... Block.... Dodge...." I bark out attack commands while pacing back and forth in front of my pack, members of Wolfie's pack, all four of my new guardians, and several villagers who have all come to receive some training....

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Rick The smell of smoke and heat of a fire assaults my senses making it hard to know what is going on. I sit huddled under the table my younger brother pressed close to my side shaking with fear. Jasper has a tight grip on my arm that gets tighter...

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Harandoom I look out on the light of another day through the eye that has not been my own for many years. For over three decades now I have been a prisoner in my own body, forced to watch in silence as another has walked with my feet, heard with my...

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