I Will Protect You - Part 6 - Hero of the Day

Story by Komatose on SoFurry

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#6 of I Will Protect You

Disclaimer: This is a fictional, adult-orientated furry story and is not appropriate for readers under the age of 18. If you do not like M/M, furry, or any kind of sex, do not read this. I do not own the rights for brand names used in the story, but the characters, town names, and story titles belong to me and me only.

Thanks for choosing to read my adult furry story! Please enjoy it. If you have any comments, feel free to post them or e-mail me at [email protected]

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Hero of the Day - I Will Protect You - Part 6

By Komatose © 2009

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"This is disgusting!"

Bill places his hand over his snout, trying not to vomit as he looking into the darkened stall of the toilets at the campus gym.

Drew merely shrugged as he slipped a green tank top over his head.

"They usually are clean...I guess the janitor is lazy or something."

Bill shivered and ran over to the hyena, as if an army of germs was flying at him, trying to coat him with their filth.

"I am not using the bathroom here..."

Drew chuckled and shook his head.

"Suit yourself, babe, looks like you will have to wait until we get home."

Just then, a cougar with a basketball uniform and sweatband walked past them and over to the stalls. Bill reached out to him, his fingers spread out as to warn him of impending danger.

"Wait! Don't go in there! It's dirty!"

The cougar merely turned to him, his face remaining emotionless, and turned back to the stall and entered, slamming the door behind him.

Bill sighed and turned back to Drew.

"I tried..."

Drew rolled his eyes and patted Bill on the back.

"Yeah...well, come on, I'll show you around!"

Drew was excited to finally get Bill to come to the gym, Bill never was the gym type, even though he did have some pretty decent musculature, it was merely the natural bulk that bulls have, he had girth, but no definition.

The campus gym was quite large, the biggest building on campus due to the two swimming pools and three basketball courts, indoor track, boxing ring, and, of course, tons of equipment to use.

Membership at the gym was free to students, but non-students had to pay a membership fee if they wished to join. Not many outsiders did, since the gym was constantly packed full of loud students.

The gym was two floors and a completed basement level. The first floor housed the changing rooms and showers, basketball courts and pools, lobby, as well as the registration and medical office. The basement housed the boxing ring and all the weight lifting equipment. Lastly, the top floor had the aerobics classes, indoor track, treadmills, and a few classrooms as well as the laundry and janitorial areas.

The gym overall was pretty well kept, despite Bill's first impression of the changing room's toilets.

Drew pulled Bill down to the basement level to the weight lifting equipment. Bill nervously scratches his arm, he did not really like wearing tank tops, at least he found one in a good color. Bill's ears perked as he hear the guttural grunts and loud chatter of the students all ready participating in weight lifting.

Bill looked around the large underground room with eyes wide and ears perked, he remembered his secret mission of this gym experience.

Drew told him that morning the truth about his cousin, Marcos, and how he had revealed the fact that he his gay. Bill had a feeling he was, his senses at homosexuality detection are almost perfect. And now, at the gym, he was going to be helping Marcos but trying to find a potential date for him.

Drew suddenly turned around he was smiling quite wide as he grasped Bill's hand and helped guide him.

"Come on! My lifting buddies are waiting to meet you!"

Bill gasped as he was pulled along. He had never met Drew's lifting partners, but he has heard nothing but good things from them.

It was when Drew waved at two furs standing next to a bench that Bill realized they must have been the two in question when they waved back.

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late, I hope you weren't waiting too long."

Bill got a good look of the two up close, one of them was just massive, the other smaller in body but still taller than Drew.

The shorter of the two was a Pit Bull Terrier, standing around six feet and grinning wide, sharp white teeth protruding as they approached. He had a similar body to Drew, well built and decently defined. His fur pattern was all black except for a thin stripe of white that ran in-between his eyes and came down to cover his entire muzzle and down his neck and chest. He had the cropped ear style, both ears were pierced, each having a large diamond encased in gold. He had on a green gym shirt and matching shorts, a single white stripe running down the right side of both pieces, his foot paws covered by crew cut socks and lime green and black running shoes.

The bigger one was a wolf, but he had a very strange fur coloration, it appeared to be a shade of blue, but it was actually more of a middle grey. He was about as tall as Wes, just below seven feet, but he was not as thick him, more definition and less bulk. He had on a black tank top that showed of his tight, bulging biceps and a pair of dark blue gym shorts, at his foot paws were short cut socks and all white running shoes. He had a piercing on his left eyebrow, a single gold loop, as well as a tight-fitting gold chain around his thick neck. His eyes were a very intense, almost luminescent amber, but he had a warm smile, comforting for his large stature. A large, bushy tail wagged behind him as the two got closer.

Drew stopped a few feet in front of the two and pulled Bill to his side as he smiled at them.

"Bill, these are my gym buddies, Jason and Adrian."

The Pit stepped forward and offered a paw to Bill.

"Hey there, I'm Adrian, if you were guessing who is who."

Bill smiled shyly and took the paw of the Pit, he had a very soft paw shake, his voice was slightly high pitched for someone of his size.

Adrian stepped back and the wolf stepped forward, looked down at Bill, grinned wide and bent down and wrapped his arms around him, lifting him up with ease and giving him a tight hug. Bill's eyes bulged from his head as he was not expecting to be lifted so easily.

Drew sighed and placed a paw on his fore head.

"Jason...put my boyfriend down...I think you are scaring him."

Jason's chest rumbled low as he nuzzled the side of Bill's snout, who was now feeling a mix of embracement and comfort from the surprising hug. The wolf spoke in a slow, booming deep tone.

"...Sorry, Drew...he is just so cute..."

Bill was officially blushing as the hulking wolf let him back down, the bull almost barley able to catch himself on his hooves as he stumbled back.

Bill regained his composer and giggled as he placed his hands behind his back.

"Wow, sweetie! Your gym friends really are as cool as you described."

Drew nodded and placed a paw on Bill's shoulder.

"Yup, it's real lucky to come across other fags here at the gym."

Bill nodded, remembering that detail as well, but not the fact if they were single or not, a perfect chance to find a potential date for Marcos! He grinned wide at the two beefy canines.

"Say, you two hunks wouldn't happen to be single, would you?"

Adrian chuckled and reached into the pocket of his gym shorts, took out his cell phone, flipped it open, and pointed the screen toward Bill. Bill tilted his head and blinked in confusion.

"That's...a girl...oh wait...wait! I get it!"

Adrian nodded as he turned the phone back to him, grinning at the scantly clad 'female' cheetah lounging in a leather armchair with a seductive facial expression.

"Yep, that's my boy...his name is Chris, but he goes by Crystal...fuck...it is so hot when he strips for me..."

Drew and Jason both started to snicker as Adrian put his phone away.

"Adrian, you should see Bill dress up, I doubt you could resist a lap dance from him."

Bill snapped his head at Drew as Adrian whistled loudly, a few other furs in the room looking at the source of the shrill noise.

"Damn! That is hot! You and Crystal should exchange fashion tips."

Bill shook his head, he was not feeling very comfortable already.

"No, no, goodness...I just do it for fun..."

With a quick arm movement, he slapped Drew on his rump, making him yelp and grabbed his now aching cheek.

"C'mon, Billy, I as only playing around..."

Bill smiled at him and winked.

"Next time, I better be the one being spanked."

Adrian and Jason could not help but chuckle. Bill looked back to the two canines, this time focusing on Jason.

"How about you, big wolf?"

Jason shook his head, his low voice rumbling in his chest.

"...No, I'm single right now..."

Bill smiled and opened his mouth to ask, but Drew grabbed his arm.

"Don't bother, I already asked."

Bill looked at Drew and back to Jason.

"Aww, not even one date?"

Drew chuckled and let go of Bill's arm.

"That's what they are doing! I just need to tell Marcos he has a blind date now."

Bill's eye widened as he shook his head, if Marcos already had a date now, why was he here?

"Drew! You tricky little hyena...You didn't need me to look for guys..."

Drew smiled and wrapped his arm around Bill.

"Nope, I just wanted you to come and watch me pump."

Adrian and Jason grinned wide as they looked at the two. Adrian clapped his paws together to get their attention.

"Come on, lets start our workout!"

A good hour passed, most of the time was for Drew to show Bill how to use the machines and proper lifting techniques. They all had a decent sweat going on, especially Bill, who was huffing and puffing after doing only half of the things Drew had done.

Jason and Adrian took a break and headed upstairs to refill their water bottles and use the bathroom, to which they received a warning from Bill about the germ invasion. Drew also departed, but only to refill his water along with the others, taking Bill's to fill it for him, to which he received a peck on the cheek.

Bill was all alone in the weight room for the moment, and looking straight up at a bar behind held by the weight bench he was laying on. He exhaled deeply and grasped the cold, metal bar as he pondered if he would be able to lift it, since it had only around two hundred pounds on it. He didn't think about having someone to spot him in case something where to happen, he figured this would be easy. He exhaled, pushed up on the bar and it lifted out of the arms of the bench, it made his arms burn already as he held it up. Slowly, he brought it down to his chest and went to push it back up...but it would not move...as pushed up...and it would not go up, but was coming back down and now laying on his chest, pushing hard onto him as he started to panic.

As he began to kick his legs around, Drew came around the corner and saw what was happening and immediately ran to his assistance, dropping the plastic water bottles on the ground and running around the other side of the bench, grabbing the bar and pulling it up and into the arms of the bench, Bill taking in a deep breath and panting heavily.

"Bill! What were you doing? You could have gotten hurt!"

Just then, Drew heard some snickering. He looked across the room to see some familiar jocks pointing in his direction, grins on their faces as the found Bill's attempt to solo lift quite entertaining.

"I'm sorry, Drew! I thought it would be easy."

Drew squinted his eyes at the jocks, showing his pointed teeth as he gritted them.

"Bill, spot me, I need to do something..."

Bill looked up at him and nodded, sliding of the bench and standing behind it as he watched Drew start add weights to the bar, clanking them one by one, his focus still on the group of jocks as they watched him add more and more weight. Drew stopped when four hundred and twenty pounds were stacked onto the bar.

Bill had a panicked look in his eyes as he watched Drew slip onto the bench.

"Drew! This looks really heavy! Can you do this? I mean..."

Drew shook his head and grasped the bar.

"Don't worry, Bill, I will be fine, just spot me."

Bill nodded and got ready to help him as Drew took a few deep breaths and with the last one, pushed up on the bar. It came off the arms and down to Drew's chest, Bill's eyes wide and hands shaking as he watched his boyfriend hold the heavy bar above him. With a loud grunt and forceful exertion of energy, the bar lifted off of Drew's chest and into the air as his arms came up, his biceps bulging, the veins popping out, back down, and up once more to click the bar onto the arms of the bench.

Drew sat up and looked at the jocks. They had their mouths open wide and soon turned away and walked over to a different part of the weight room after Drew's feat of strength. Bill squealed and came around to hug Drew around the neck and kiss his cheek.

"Oh my God! That was amazing! You are so strong!"

Drew nodded and rubbed his left arm.

"Yeah...that kinda hurt...but it was worth it..."

Jason and Adrian returned to the lower level and made their way back to the bench they were using.

"Drew...did you put all those weights on there? Trying to beat your old record?"

Drew smirked and winked at the Pit.

"Already did, and you guys missed it."

After finishing some last lifts, they all called it a day and were back in the changing room. Adrian took his shirt off and tossed it into his duffle back.

"Hey Drew, you going to shower here?"

Drew shook his head.

"Nah, Bill won't let me, since the showers are too filthy, he says."

Bill nodded as he washed his hands in a nearby sink. Jason was standing in the next and looked down at Bill and smiled as he peeled his sweaty tank top off, showing off his solid eight-pack abdominals and tight chest. Bill could not help but gasp.

"Oh wow! Your body is a work of art, Jason!"

Bill took a moment to look him over, Marcos would be sure to like him. He then noticed Jason's navel, it was sticking out like a sore thumb since it was a total outie. Bill giggled and pointed at it.

"Oh my! Your bellybutton is adorable! Does it always stick out like that?"

Jason looked down at his abdomen and at his button.

"...Yeah...It kinda popped out when my abs got real tight..."

Adrian padded over to the sinks and smiled as he looked at the reflections in the mirror.

"Yeah, he loves having it played with, check this out."

Before Jason could react, Adrian reached over and grasped Jason's bellybutton and pinched down, twisting it as the big wolf huffed deeply and grunted.

"...God damn it, Adrian...now you made me hard..."

Sure enough, a tent was forming in Jason's gym shorts as he covered it with his sweaty tank top, the Pit could not help but let out a hearty laugh and walk away.

Bill was completely dumbfounded, not to mention this would be something he would have to tell Marcos.


Friday, October 10th. Another sunny day it was in Quincy, and it was also time for some Rhetoric and Composition with everyone's favorite hardly-on-tine border collie, Mrs. Toriello.

To Malcolm's relief, Nate was in class that day, he looked fine as well, no visible bumps or bruises, but he still seemed quite bummed, like something always was weighing him down.

Malcolm figured he would muster the courage to ask on a date of sorts for the weekend, maybe he could get to know him better than over the phone or daily class meetings.

The class ended, and Malcolm quickly ran up to Nate to catch him before he exited the building.

"Hey Nate! Wait up!"

The Doberman's ears perked as he turned his head and grinned wide to see the smaller Dalmatian run over to him.

"Hey cute stuff, what's up?"

Malcolm wrapped his arms around the book he was holding, his cheeks already coming to a blush as he was starting to fidget nervously.

"Umm...I have a question..."

Nate turned to face him, grasping the straps of his backpack and looking into the spectacled eyes of the Dal.

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

Malcolm could feel his heart racing as he mustered the courage to ask another guy out on a date, this would be the first time he had ever done so.

"Well, I was wondering if you are doing anything on the weekend...maybe we could...do something together?"

He quickly shied away, turning his head to the side and biting his lower lip. Nate could not help but grin wide and put a paw on his shoulder, making him blush even more, the white cheeks behind the black freckles turning red.

"I'm free Saturday night, want to get something to eat for dinner?"

Malcolm's tail started to wag as his first date was accepted.

"Really? I mean...sure! That sounds great! Um, come to complex B, unit thirty-two of Cherryvale Estates, the private housing complex, seven sound alright?"

Nate nodded and pulled his visor out of this backpack and fitted it onto his head.

"Sounds good, cutie, I will see you then, I know exactly where that is."

Malcolm's eyes seemed to sparkle as he panted lightly.

"Alright! I will be waiting for you! I need to head to my next class, see you then, Nate!"

The Doberman nodded and winked.

"Sure will, babe, have a good time in your class."

As Nate left the L building, he had a horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach. He would have to ask his brother something...and he knew what the answer would be.

Nate arrived to the house, the car was in the garage, as usual, and Phil was in the house. He took a deep breath and tried to muster up the courage to enter the door. He padded into the living room to find his brother in his usual spot, on the armchair watching television.

"Hey, Nate."

Nate blinked...he called him by his name this time...

"Hi Phil..."

Phil turned to his brother, his huge foot paws relaxing on the ottoman and a protein shake in his paw.

"This show sucks...what the hell are you doing?"

Nate walked into the living room and leaned onto the back of the empty sofa.

"Phil, uh, I have something to ask..."

Phil blinked, it was an annoyed blink as he finished the last gulp of his shake.


Nate took a deep breath.

"Can I borrow the car this weekend?"

Phil growled and set his cup on the end table.

"Fuck you."

Nate growled back at him, showing his teeth.

"Why the fuck not, it's not even your car, mom and dad bought it for you and said I could use it whenever I wanted."

Phil stood up from the chair, his arms flexing, making him look bigger.

"And I said no, you wanna fight? Ill kick your ass again."

Nate stepped back from the sofa.

"Fuck you, Phil, how about I call mom and dad and tell them their 'perfect' son is abusing his brother and needs some serious anger management classes."

Phil growled low and kicked the ottoman over and started pacing toward his brother.

"You better fucking not, fag. I'll beat your ass."

Nate balled his fists and growled back.

"God...damn it, Phil...why are you such a fucking asshole...why can't you be a cool brother like so many I know...what the fuck did I do to you!"

Phil inched closer, the only thing separating he and his brother was the sofa.

"You were born. I worked my ass off in life to be the best...and you come along and slack off and still get the same treatment...they weren't even disgusted when you told them you were a fag..."

Nate let his arms sink to the side...Phil was so stupid for being so intelligent.

"Phil...mom and dad just love their children no matter what...that's a shitty reason...how come it did not piss you off when Owen knocked up that bitch, the one that got an abortion...he was only eighteen...mom and dad were not pissed because he claimed to have used a condom, but I know he lied...he did something a lot worse and mom and dad still love him...so what the fuck is wrong with you?"

Phil balled his fists, he wanted to punch something...but not his brother this time...he had him in a tough spot...but there was no way he would be telling him the real reason...

Phil relaxed his muscles and looked his brother dead in the eyes.

"Take the fucking car...I'll be in the garage...stay out of my sight..."

He padded around the couch and right past Nate and into the garage. Nate was dumbfounded, he had no idea what just happened, but it was strange and relieving at the same time, now he had something to pick up Malcolm with.

Phil bounded into the garage and flipped on the stereo, Metallica blared out of the boom box and filled the room with heavy music. He loaded his weight bench with weights and sat down, only to feel his cell phone vibrate. He pulled it out to see his girlfriend calling. He gripped the phone hard and growled, pressing the cancel button and then holding it to turn it off. He muttered to himself before laying on the bench.

"That bitch is the last person I want to talk to right now..."

Malcolm could not be happier as he skipped to his evening computer class, he was going in his fist date ever, and it was with a great guy. Maybe they could become actual boyfriends soon...but would he be satisfied with his choice? Sure, Nate is a great guy and all...but what if he is pressured into sex too soon and Nate gets bored of waiting. Malcolm knew in his mind he wanted to wait until he was good and ready, and Nate would have to accept that.

Malcolm sat down at the table and greeted Tim as he had done every class period, Tim was smiling wide was the big bear turned to the small Dalmatian.

"Heya, Malcolm! You ready for some class?"

Malcolm took out his book and grinned at the bear.

"Yep! I think this will be a great class tonight! Not worried about the quiz are you?"

Tim shook his head, he was more worried about what he wanted to ask Malcolm, but he would wait for class to end.

Riley burst out of the computer storeroom once again, getting the classes attention as she brought the computer CPU she was holding to her desk.

"Alright everyone! As you know, today we will be taking a quiz. What is it over? Well..."

She gave the CPU a push and it fell off of the desk, hitting the floor with a loud crash as some of the students gasped, pieces of technology flying about.

"The quiz today is over repairing a computer that died from impact with the floor. You will have one hour to fix it and free access to spare parts in the store room, use your knowledge and your handbooks are free to use as well, good luck!"

One by one, the computers topped off of the counter tops, leaving the groups to pick up the pieces and try to put them back together and get them to work again.

After a half hour of piece retrieving and troubleshooting, Malcolm and Tim were the first group to finish, Riley giving them both her satisfaction and letting them go early while the rest of the class worked on their broken machines.

The two gathered their bags and headed out of the door and into the brightly lit hallway, covered in technology posters and other related decor.

Tim turned to Malcolm, a big grin on his wide face as he looked down to him.

"That was pretty fun, I am glad we got it done before everyone else! What are you going to do now, Malcolm?"

Malcolm giggled and hiked his backpack up.

"I am probably going to go home and get ready to enjoy my weekend."

This was Tim's big moment, he and Malcolm had chatted plenty of times online, and now was the time to muster up the courage to ask him for some personal time. He had Malcolm over at his apartments a few times just to hang out and play around with computers, but he wanted something a little more...intimate.

"Well...are you free Saturday? I was wondering if we could maybe...get something to eat for dinner...the two of us."

Malcolm's eyes almost popped from his skull. Tim just asked him out on a date...not hours after he had asked Nate on one...what the hell was he going to do now...he had to think quick.

"Sorry Tim, I have plans for Saturday...how about Sunday?"

A small frown came to Tim's face as he shook his head.

"Well, I have plans for a visit from my mom on Sunday...so my whole day is going to be...yeah, taken up."

Tim tried to not feel crushed, this was kind of all of the sudden anyway, maybe next time? Malcolm felt bad as well, Tim was such a sweet guy, he did not want to let him down. He reached out and grabbed Tim by the paw.

"Lets hang out tonight! We can order a pizza and have our own personal LAN party, just the two of us!"

A smiled came back to Tim's face.

"Sounds good, lets get going!"

As Malcolm exited the building, he felt a bit relieved that he did not entirely crush Tim's heart, too bad he had no idea how many times it had been crushed before. Tim had some deep scars, scars that he just wanted to bury and never bring up again.


Wednesday, October 16th, a joyous day indeed, the weather seemed to agree as it was clear skies, a bit cold, but very calm.

The duplex was filled with the delightful scent of a chocolate cake baking, Drew's favorite flavor. The house was decorated with streamers, banners, and all sorts of whimsical decorations as the hyena was about to celebrate his birthday party that evening.

Macros came over early, being greeted with a big hug from Bill and a rather awkward hug from Drew. He had gone on the blind date with Jason the night before, and Bill was just dying to hear every detail.

The three were seated in the kitchen, enchanted by the smell of baking cake, and ready to hear the details.

"Umm...he is nice...but..."

Bill leaned in close to him.

"But what! He is a huge muscled wolf with a sensitive bellybutton and probably well hung! What more could you want!?"

Marcos turned his head away and sighed.

"...He only listens to techno and rap...I hate rap with a passion...I can't be in love with someone who can't appreciate the same kind of music I do..."

Bill groaned and smacked his forehead, leaning back in his chair and shaking his head in shame. Drew patted his cousin on the back.

"Don't worry, cuz, there are plenty of nice guys out there, just gotta keep searching."

Bill relaxed himself and nodded.

"Oh, believe me, honey, I have done a lot of searching, and Drew has as been the best so far! My longest relationship...and hopefully will not end."

Drew grinned and took Bill's hand, taking it to his muzzle and kissing it, making the bull giggle like his air headed sister. Marcos smiled, but became a little curious.

"Hey Bill...how many guys have you been with?"

Drew snapped his head to his cousin as Bill gasped at the question.

"Marcos, that's kinda personal...you can't go asking..."


Both of the hyenas turned to Bill as he turned his head and blushed.

"Wow...that's a lot of guys...umm...how big was biggest..."

"...MARCOS! Bad!"

"...sixteen inches."

Drew snapped his head toward Bill.

"Bill! How in the hell did you fit that inside of you..."

Marcos turned his head toward Drew and back to Bill as he blushed even harder.

"He was a rhino...they are naturally big...kind of like my voluptuous rump..."

Drew smacked his forehead and sighed.

"Good thing he wasn't an elephant...yikes."

Marcos bit his lip and shifted in his chair, all this cock talk was making him fidgety.

A few hours went by and the cake was finished and decorated, three layers tall and covered in vanilla frosting with green trim and a big pink heart on the top with 'Drew' in the middle of it, nineteen candles around the heart, all ready to be lit.

The guests slowly arrived. Travis came over from across the wall, Laura and Justin, Haley, Drew's gym buddies, Adrian, his boyfriend, Crystal, and Jason, the big wolf tried talking to Marcos as much as he could, but Marcos kept playing uninterested. Also attending were Marcos's bassist, a fruit bat named Lester, and the lead guitarist, a black western dragon named Gavin. Also attending were two of Bill's design buddies, a female elf named Caroline and a very flamboyant goat named Elliot. The guest of honor for the night was Drew's own mother, Ophelia, who had taken the night off from work to celebrate with her son.

It was very fortunate that it was a clear day, since the house would have been packed with bodies, from the seven and a half foot Gavin to the five foot Laura. A small bonfire was being set up, plenty of lawn chairs to go around and the folding table stuffed with delicious edibles. Of course, there was a cooler full of beer for the band and anyone else who wanted one.

Caroline gasped as she looked around the inside of the house, her long elfin ears bobbing about as she picked up every decoration to look at it, studying it meticulously. Elliot did the same, the presumably male goat shrieking at the decor and clopping his hooves on the floor and waving his hands about as Bill joined them to go over the house.

All of the others were outside, except for Drew and his mother, who were standing in the kitchen.

"Happy birthday, my darling son."

With a mother's kiss on the cheek, she handed him an envelope with his name on it. He grinned and opened it, a nice card is what he saw as he looked to his mother, she grinning back and urging him to open it.

When he did, he almost passed out. He fell down to sit in a chair, taking out the check to look at it to make sure it was real.

"Mom...is this real? Five thousand dollars? You must be joking..."

She shook her head and placed a paw on his knee.

"This is the money we, your father and I, had been saving for a car for you, and now it is the time for you to get one."

He shook his head.

"But mom, you already pay my rent and utility bills...not to mention my tuition...I don't know if I can take this..."

She nodded her head.

"It's yours, your father and I saved up plenty of money for you to live comfortably and go to college, and with his life insurance, there is no sweating this. Bill's dad pays for his tuition, so he helps too. It is just the best I want for my son."

Drew grinned, he didn't want to cry, he hated crying.

"Thanks mom...I love you so much."

Ophelia leaned in and embraced her son, the two hugged for a good minute just as Bill came into the kitchen, stopping at the door to watch them and smile wide. It made him wonder what it would be like is his mother was still here...He could barely remember her voice, her scent, her face...He remembered when Drew told Mark he felt like a father to him, maybe someday he could call Ophelia...mom.

The party went on as the sun began to set, Drew received plenty of phone calls of well wishes from Blake, Wes, Carla, Amy, Heather, Adriana, and even Mark and the cows. Ophelia would be the first to leave, since she would have to wake up early the next day for a morning shift. With a final kiss and hug from her son, she departed back home, contented that her son would hopefully get himself a nice vehicle of his own.

The real party began now that the only real adult was gone. Beers cracked open and food was passed around as everyone chatted happily. Marcos's band sat to themselves, except for the fact that Haley was totally crushing on Lester, telling him how much she loved his name. Caroline, Elliot, and Bill were just the flamboyant group of chatterboxes as they went on about fashion, celebrities, and decor. Jason kept to himself, not really bothering with Marcos since he realized that the hyena did not seem to interested in him, he hang around the birthday boy and Adrian most of the time.

Things got awkward for Laura as she asked Drew about his friends.

"Your gym buddies are huge! Too bad that Adrian guy has a girlfriend...he makes Justin look like a twig."

The squirrel flicker her ear and made her laugh and punch his shoulder. Drew only shook his head.

"Adrian is gay, that girl you see him making out with is a guy."

Laura's jaw dropper and her glasses almost fell of her face, Justin was just as shocked.

"O-M-F-G, well, holy crap, never saw that coming."

Drew could not help but laugh at her confusion.

Caroline and Elliot were the next to leave, since they had class the next day. They took some leftovers and made sure to give Drew and Bill ample hugs as they departed. Laura, Justin, and Haley left next, since Haley had a longer distance to travel back to Freeton. Haley ended up getting Lester's cell number, so all was not lost for her. All that remained were Marcos's band, Drew's gym buddies, Bill, and the birthday boy.

It was now dark outside, the bonfire in the backyard and lights from the house illuminating the yard. Things got pretty awkward in a discussion between the band members.

"Dude, Marcos..."

Gavin leaned in closer to the group, his scales reflecting the dancing flames.

"I know your cousin is gay and all...but there sure were a lot of them here tonight!"

Marco's bit his lip.

"What? You got a problem with that?"

The dragon shook his head, but glanced over to Drew and the others.

"Nah...it's just...all the chicks are gone now...kind of boring..."

Travis, who had already had a few beers, chuckled and slapped Marcos on the back.

"Ha! Good thing Marcos don't care for them..."

Marcos turned his head to Travis, the wolf instantly covered his muzzle and uttered an obscenity under his paw.

Lester and Gavin leaned in closer, the fire casting an ominous glow on them.

"What? What the fuck does that mean?"

Marcos seriously wanted to choke Travis, he had told him the truth about him being gay a day after he told Drew, Travis was fine with it, but the wolf has been known to let important things out sometimes. Marcos remembered the truth was always best...hopefully it would not tear the band apart.

"Lester...Gavin...I have been hiding something from you...something about me..."

The two leaned in closer.

"What? You're not a fag like your cousin, are you?"

Marcos was not too surprised they guessed that, too bad Travis hinted it.

"Yeah...I am...that's why me and Sammy broke up...see that big wolf by Drew? He and I went on a date yesterday...I like guys..."

Lester and Gavin leaned back in their lawn chairs, both of the cracking open another beer.

"So? Just don't start lisping or we will have to find a new singer."

Marcos leaned back in his chair, a wave of relief coming over him.

"Don't worry, I don't really plan on developing one."

The night went on, but unfortunately, it had to come to an end. Jason had to look for Adrian, only to find he had locked himself in the bathroom with Crystal, who was probably doing a little more than touching up his make-up. They took off and left the band, who took the beers into Marco's side of the duplex to continue enjoying the night.

Drew was sitting on the sofa next to Bill, who was leaning on him and looking over the birthday cards he had gotten.

"Wow, sweetie, a lot of people remembered you! That was so nice of your mom to give you all of that money...I bet you are excited to get a car!"

Drew grinned and nodded, setting the cards on the coffee table in front of them.

"Yeah, I'm going to take my time with it, got to find the right car at a good price, maybe Jason or Adrian know a good dealership around here."

Bill scooted his body closer to Drew, his hand coming up to his chest and rubbing in a circular motion.

"Drew...I still need to give you my present..."

Drew reached around the back of the bull and rested a paw on his shoulder.

"Oh really? What did you buy me?"

Bill jumped off of the sofa, leaving Drew's arm empty as he ran up the stairs, long tail swishing behind him. After a minuet or so, he came back down stairs, a small box wrapped in colorful paper and nicely tied bow in hands. He stood in front of Drew and handed him the gift, grinning wide.

"Happy birthday, my darling hyena."

Drew smiled wide and took the gift, giving it a shake for a quick listen test.

"What is it?"

Bill giggled and stomped his hoof.

"Open it, silly goose!"

Drew tore into the paper and tossed it to the side, looking at the small box in hand as his eyes opened wide and grin grew on his muzzle.

"An iPod Touch! No way! I've wanted one of these for a while now...how did you know?"

Bill put his hands behind his back and turned his head to the side.

"I got a little help from someone special..."

Drew knew it was his mother who told him, since she told him he would get one for his birthday and when he did not get one, he figured the money would be more than enough anyway.

"This is such a great gift, Billy...you really didn't have to spend that much money on me..."

Bill leaned in front of Drew and put his hands on the hyena's knees.

"But I wanted to, I wanted to give you an extra special birthday, hon."

Drew grinned wide and grabbed Bill's hand, setting the iPod on his lap.

"You already did, just by being here with me. Thanks, Billy, I love you."

Bill's lips quivered just a bit as he felt a tear of joy coming on.

"That's all I ever want to hear...I love you too, Drew. Now...I have an extra special gift for you as well."

Drew perked a brow as he squeezed Bill's hands.

"What? You already did so much for me today...what more could you do?"

Bill slowly kneeled before him and his hands slip up his thighs and up to the waist of his pants, coming together at the button. Drew looked down, instantly understanding what he meant as he looked into Bill's big blue eyes.

"Ooooh...I get it...I could really use some extra special lovin' from you..."

Bill undid the button and pulled the zipper down, pulling back the flaps of the front of Drew's pants to see the bulge his sheath made in his orange underwear.

"You are wearing orange today! I love this pair...reminds me of Halloween..."

Drew smirked and put a paw onto Bill's head, ruffling his blonde head fur.

"I like this pair, too....why don't you reach in and get a nice treat?"

Bill giggles and leaned down, nuzzling Drew's bulge with his wide snout.

"I hope it's not a trick..."

Bill nonchalantly yanked down the orange boxer-briefs, letting Drew's sheath and ball sac out into the open, a little pink tip already poking through the sheath as Bill licked his wide lips and grinned.

"Nope, no trick, just a treat...for me."

He leaned in close as Drew shifted on the sofa, his paws coming to his pants and underwear to pull them down further to let the bull have easier access to his growing sheath. Bill's thick tongue leapt from his snout and poked the growing cock on the tip, making Drew gasp sink into the cushions of the sofa. Bill, with his extremely skilled tongue, started to lick all around the growing cock, wetting it up as more and more exited the fuzzy sheath, the veins starting to bulge and pop up as he prodded them as they grew.

Drew clenched his teeth together and sucked in a long breath as he could feel the cold air of the room touch his cock as it grew and grew, finally reaching its pinnacle as Bill urged its ascent with his encouraging licks. Bill's tongue paid the most attention to the tip, licking the swollen head in a circular pattern and flicking it with the end of his tongue, catching any pre that slowly started to ooze out.

One hand came to the base of the cock where the sheath was pushed back, gripping it tightly and stroking ever so gently in his large hand as his other pushed into Drew's shirt, rubbing over his tight abdominals and grazing his navel, Drew started to lightly buck into his hand as subtle moans escaped his muzzle.

Bill tilted his head to the side of Drew's member and let his long tongue come out further, wrapping around as he started to bob left and right, wetting every inch of the shaft with ample bovine saliva.

Bill pulled back and opened wide to take the thick head into his snout, closing his lips around the tip and tickling it on the inside of his mouth with his powerful tongue, gulping down any salty pre that gushed out. Drew's legs started to kick and his toes curled as he bit down on his lower lip, his hips started to buck into Bill's hand as it still grasped him about the base.

With little effort, Bill gulped down the rest of Drew's cock, the thick shift sliding into his equally wide mouth, poking the back of his throat and filling it quite well as he deep throated the swollen member. Bill's now free hands went up to explore Drew's sculpted torso, tracing over his abs and coming to his pecs, pushing hard into them and fingers resting on the pink nips, pinching them hard and adding a loving twist as Drew threw his head back and moaned lustfully.

Drew took the opportunity, looking down at Bill with a smirk and grabbing him but the horns. Bill opened his eyes wide as Drew thrusted into his snout, making him gag as he tried to brace himself for a brutal face-fuck with Drew's paws holding his horns in a tight grip. Bill gulped and sucked as well as he could as his snout was fucked by the hyena, Drew growling lightly and moaning as Bill's tongue worked around the underside of his cock inside of Bill's muzzle.

Bill kept twisting and teasing Drew's now-erect nipples, he knew how much the hyena loved having them played with and he took it to his advantage as he could start to feel the base of Drew's cock grow as his knot was forming. Drew started to pant heavily, his tongue falling to the side of his mouth as drool ran down the corner of his lips, dripping down onto his shirt, his knot now slamming into Bill's lips as the bull grabbed his paws gripping his horns, meaning he need to lighten up. Drew let go and Bill pulled his head back, taking a big gasp of air as a line of pre connected his snout to the swollen tip of Drew's cock, slowly dripping down onto his pants. With a great breath and a wide open mouth, Bill went down again, stretching his jaw painfully, but surely enough, able to wrap his lips around Drew's fully formed knot, Drew looking down and biting his lips with anticipation as he panted heavily.

With Drew's cock in a false tie, he slowly bucked his hips into Bill's mouth, since the bulls wide teeth were scraping against the sensitive tissue, a bit painful, but delightful at the same time. Bill flexed his powerful lips around the knot to give it a slight massage, urging on Drew to release is seed as he squirmed, legs kicking and panting heavily.

Drew's paws reached out, one grasping the arm of the sofa and the other on Bill's shoulder as he grunted heavily.

"Oh Billy...here it comes...Oh shit..."

With that, Drew threw his head back, his brown head fur flaying around as he gave one last thrust into Bill's snout, a load holler escaping his muzzle as his cock throbbed and balls tingled with ecstasy. Bill pulled his head back just in time to take a quick breath and let Drew's heavily veined knot out as his mouth started to flood with hot, potent seed. He moaned happily and closed his eyes to enjoy the flavor of his mate, sucking back every drop as rope after rope shot into the back of his throat.

Drew's grip on the sofa and Bill relaxed as he looked back down to the bull, a grin coming to his muzzle as he placed the paw on his shoulder on his cheek, his cock still in Bill's mouth.

"Best birthday gift ever..."

The corners of Bill's mouth came to a grin as the nodded slightly, milking Drew for every drop as he slurped on the spent hyena cock. Bill let the softening cock flop out of his snout as he licked his lips over and over, delighting in the sweet and salty flavor of his mate as Drew leaned down to plant a kiss on Bill's nose. The bull giggled and rubbed Drew's thighs lovingly.

"I knew you would like it...best part is, I didn't even have to wrap it."


Friday, October 18th. Malcolm seemed extra happy to be in class that day.

Wes noted a wide grin on his muzzle, his short, skinny tail wagging happily as the Dalmatian had his head resting on top of his propped up arms resting on his desk.

"Yuh look mighty happy, Malcolm, got some good news?"

Malcolm snapped out of his daydream and turned to Wes, giggling lightly as he re-adjusted his round glasses.

"Oh...remember about the date I went on with Nate last Saturday? We are doing it again tomorrow!"

Wes grinned wide and gave him a nod.

"That's good tuh hear. He's a good fella, by the look on yur face, I'm guess yuh got to see all of him last week, I reckon?"

Malcolm blushed lightly and shook his head, his ears flopping about.

"Oh no! No! We didn't do anything like that...it was just a simple dinner followed by a trip to the mall...the only thing we did really was...hold paws...it was so sweet..."

Wes smirked and scratched his chin.

"Yur tellin' meh yuh didn't even get a goodnight kiss?"

Malcolm blushed harder and covered his mouth, shaking his head even more.

"Oh no! I am...too shy...Nate wanted to, I think...maybe another time..."

Wes rapped his paw-fingertips on his desk and grinned.

"Well, it's always nice tuh go slow. Me 'n' Blake went kinda quick, but it sure was worth it. He's the love of muh life..."

Malcolm grinned wide, his tail wagging again.

"That's so sweet...maybe things will go well with Nate...but I feel bad..."

Before Malcolm could finish, Nate walked into the room, the Doberman paused to look at Malcolm, a frown coming to his muzzle as he slowly walked over to the desk on front of the excited Dalmatian.

He plopped into the seat...how could he tell him...hopefully he would understand, but...seeing him sad would hurt too much...he turned to Malcolm.

"Hey cutie...how are you?"

Malcolm grinned and leaned in closer.

"Just great now that you are here!"

Nate bit his lip and turned away, and turned back.

"I have...some news...I won't be able to...go out with you tomorrow..."

Malcolm's smile waned as he blinked.

"Oh...is everything alright? I hope nothing bad came up..."

There it was, Nate felt terrible already, all because of Phil...damn him. He wasn't going to let him ruin their night.

"Yeah...something did come up...I'll tell you after class..."

With that, Mrs. Toriello burst into the room, dropping some of her papers as she complained about how she spilled her coffee and had to clean her mess.

Nate waited for Malcolm outside of the room, both of them walking towards the door as Nate tried to explain the situation.

"You see, cutie, I lied to you...that car is not mine, it's my brother's car. He said I can't use it tomorrow..."

Malcolm tilted his head to the side.

"Your brother? Well, he can't be that bad...why won't he let you borrow it again?"

Nate bit his lower lip and shook his head.

"Well...my brother and I...don't really get along too well."

Malcolm stopped as they reached the door.

"Well, you two live together, right? Are things really that bad between you two?"

Nate nodded his head, a frown on his brown muzzle.

"Yeah...tell you what, I am going to go home and try to reason with him...I will give you a call if things turn out alright."

Malcolm grinned again, Nate loved seeing him smile.

"Alright! Well, I need to get going, and you do too!"

Nate smiled wide and bent down slightly, wrapping his arms around Malcolm and giving him a hug, the Dal let out a gasp and then murred happily as his tail wagged...Nate's arms were so strong...comforting...he did not want him to let go.

Nate arrived back from, setting his book bag into the kitchen and walking into the living room, sure enough, to find his hulking brother sitting there.

"Phil, I really need the car again this weekend."

The larger Doberman slowly turned his head, an unamused expression upon his face.

"I thought I told you no...I am taking my girlfriend out for lunch."

Nate walked over to the sofa and gripped it, his claws digging deep into the leather seat.

"I will only need it for the night, you will be done with it by the time I need it."

Phil stood out of his chair, his arms and chest flexing as he walked over to his smaller brother.

"What the fuck don't you understand by no? Are you seeing some little faggot friend? Another little queer for you to fuck? You make me sick."

Nate growled defensively.

"Shut your muzzle, you jealous motherfucker. At least I am not like you, I bet you beat your girlfriend, she deserves someone so much better than an asshole like you."

Phil lunged forward, pushing Nate back into the hallway.

"Say that again, fag, I dare you."

Nate growled low, his arms flexing and fists balling as he prepared to fight again.

"You are an asshole, Phil. You always have been, and always will be. Go fuck yourself."

Phil threw a punch at Nate, who ducked past the low blow and retaliated, upper cutting his brother in the chin. Phil did not even budge, he simply looked down at his brother, grabbed him by his shirt, and threw him down the hallway, Nate flew all the way into the kitchen, hitting the tiled floor and skidding into the stove, hitting it with a dull, metallic 'clang'.

Nate tried to stand, but before he could get up, Phil was on top of him, a powerful kick landing right into his abdomen, knocking the wind out of him as he groaned in pain. A second kick landed, followed by a third that hit him in the muzzle, the dull pain surging through his face has he was grasped by the shirt and lifted to his foot paws.

"Listen, fag, there is no way you can beat me, don't even try..."

He let go of Nate, who fell to the floor, unable to hold himself up from the brutal kicks. Phil left the scene, padding into the garage, slamming on his music, and over the bench, adding more weights than usual as be began to pump, loud guttural grunts echoing in the garage, and all he could think about was Nate and what he did to him.

His blood pumped was pumping red hot, his arms burning, and in the corner of his eyes, tears started to form. He clinked the bar onto the arms of the bench as his paws came to his eyes, gentle sobs escaping his muzzle.

"God damn it, Nate...why do I keep hurting you like this...What is my fucking problem..."

It was just past nine that night. Malcolm was in his bedroom at the computer, typing away with friends while writing a program for one of his classes. He looked at the time on the computer and rested his head on his paw, wondering where Nate was...there was no call yet, so he wondered if everything was alright.

Little did he know, that just outside of his apartment, the Doberman was standing outside, looking up at the door that lead to the small patio from the bedroom of Malcolm's apartment. He wanted to just knock and go in that way, but he had an idea. He walked over to the small, black, iron twisting staircase that led up between two of the patios of the complex, clearly meant as a fire escape. The stairs were very narrow and not meant for everyday use, it hurt his sides as he climbed up the cramped staircase, a large bruise covered by his shirt on the inside.

He arrived to the top, and noticed on both sides guardrails that lined the two patios a small gate had to be pushed open to gain access to the stairs. He reached over to the gate and pulled it down, letting it fall in place gently as to not clang too loud to let Malcolm know he had arrived. He walked over the gate and onto the cold iron porch, looking through the large glass door into Malcolm's room. Malcolm was smart, the door was covered with a curtain, he could not see what the Dalmatian was doing.

Nate feared he would scare Malcolm too much by knocking, so he reached into his pocket and opened his phone, finding Malcolm's number and calling it.

Malcolm jumped as his phone started ringing, his heart raced as he hoped it would be Nate, and when it was, a grin grew wide on his face.

"Hello? Nate?"

Nate grinned even wider, he could hear Malcolm say it in his room through the door.

"Hey cutie, can you do something for me?"

Malcolm blinked, a confused look coming to his face.

"What's that?"

Nate smiled even wider.

"Look out the door of your bedroom."

Malcolm turned his head to the door, puzzled as to why he would need to. He stood from the chair, and grasped the curtain, slowly peeling it back, the light from the room illuminated the Doberman on the other side, Malcolm dropped his phone and threw the door open.

"Nate! What are you doing here! Come inside!"

Nate closed his phone and walked in as Malcolm retrieved his own, putting it back into his pocket.

"Hey, Malcolm, I'm sorry I came on such short notice."

Malcolm sat back in the computer chair, saving the program and exiting it as he turned back to Nate.

"No! That's alright! I am happy you are here, I was not expecting to see you on the porch! Did you use the fire escape?"

Nate sat down on Malcolm's bed and nodded.

"Yeah, I did. I came here because...there are some things I haven't been telling you."

Minutes passed as they turned into hours, Nate told Malcolm everything, all about Phil, the bruises and wounds he had, the times he missed class, everything. Malcolm had moved to the bed, they both ended up lying down next to each other as eleven was slowly approaching.

"Nate...what are you going to do? You are sure your parents can't help you?"

Nate sighed and nodded.

"Yeah...Phil would just want to kill me if I told them what he was doing, I don't know if they would really do anything about it, though."

Malcolm quickly sat up on the bed.

"Want to spend the night with me? It's the weekend, after all."

A grin came to Nate's face, more of a playful grin rather than gratitude.

"Can I sleep with you in your bed?"

Malcolm gasped lightly, his cheeks turning red.

"Umm, well...my couch is a sofa sleeper...I was going to have you sleep on that..."

Nate sat up and placed a paw on the small of Malcolm's back.

"I get what you mean, cutie. I'd be a little intimidated to sleep in the same bed with me..."

Malcolm turned away, feeling rather shy.

"Nate...just...not yet."

Nate's paw traced up and down Malcolm's back, gently caressing and calming him.

"That's alright. I gotta say...you are the first guy not trying to rip my pants off to see what I got."

Nate pushed himself off of the bed, a smirk coming to his face and turning to face Malcolm, looking down into his cute face as he hooked his thumbs into the waistline of his pants.

"Wanna see?"

Malcolm blushed deeper than ever, covering his muzzle as his glasses almost fell of off his muzzle, Nate could not help but chuckle at his reaction.

"I'm just playing with you. Damn...you sure are cute, Malcolm..."

Malcolm relaxed and let out a contented sigh.

"Nate, you are quite the suave charmer...but I am just so shy..."

Nate crossed his arms and winked at the Dal.

"I understand. I'll try to behave until you are more comfortable, alright?"

Malcolm nodded. Nate was such a tease...but he was so caring, as well. And so very attractive...but there was still so much he did not know about him...and now hearing about his situation with his brother...he had an idea.

"Nate...umm. I think I have an idea..."

Nate sat down in Malcolm's desk chair and rolled it to the bed.

"What's on your mind?"

Malcolm scooted closer the Nate, a smile growing on his face.

"Well, my apartment is kind of small, it's one bedroom and all...but...maybe you could...move in with me...and kinda be my roommate. I mean, I don't want you to live with your brother and let him hurt you..."

Nate's stubby tail started to wag, the chair meeting the side of the bed, spectacled eyes deeply gazing into the other pair.

"You would really want me living with you, cutie? Like I mentioned, my parents don't need to pay my rent since I currently live in the house they own, how do you pay for this place?"

Malcolm blinked at the question, being a bit off topic.

"Umm...my grandmother pays for my tuition and living expenses, she is pretty wealthy and since my mom is poor and my dad avoids paying child support...she made it her goal to put me and my little brother through college."

Nate grinned and switched positions in the chair, sitting in it backwards and placing his paws on the backrest, relaxing his chin onto his paws.

"Just you and your brother? I am the youngest of six children, four brothers and one sister."

Malcolm frowned when he mentioned 'sister'.

"I...had a sister too...she was older than me...she died when she was only sixteen...She had her license for only two months, drunk diver hit her on the passenger side...the car burst into flames...she..."

Nate reached out and grasped his paw.

"Don't go on, baby cakes. That must have been real hard on your family..."

Malcolm nodded, sniffling back a tear.

"Yeah...it was...my dad sunk into depression, was stressed always, and when I came out to him...he snapped...divorced my mom and I never heard from him since."

Nate grasped Malcolm's other paw, holding them tightly.

"And I though I had it bad...God damn...that sucks. I can't imagine what that would be like...Shit..."

Malcolm squeezed on the paws grasping his.

"Yeah...I don't like to look back too much, it's nothing but bad memories, so I just...look forward."

Nate felt like wanting to give him a kiss...but the little guy would probably shy away...might as well wait for him to make the first move.

"Malcolm, I think I will move in with you. I don't mind the small space, I don't really get to do much at my brother's house, anyway. I would much rather live with you. You don't mind if I walk around naked, do you?"

Malcolm chuckled and turned his head.

"Not really...as long as you are comfortable."

Nate grinned wide and let go of Malcolm's paws.

"I thought you said you were shy, cutie."

Malcolm pushed his glasses up and giggled.

"I may be to most things, but I will get used to it."

Nate reached across the bed and ruffled the Dal's head fur.

"I want out as soon as possible, can I move in this weekend? Phil won't care since he hates me, he will be glad I am gone. I don't have much in my room. Just some clothes, sports equipment, my laptop, and a whole bunch of other junk. You're room is pretty big, I think we can fit my bed into here as well and share it."

Malcolm's tail wagged happily, this was going to be quite exciting.

"Sounds great! I have a friend with a truck and I am sure he will help us!"

Nate stood from the chair and flopped back into Malcolm's bed, looking deep into his eyes.

"Thanks, cutie, for everything. You are my hero of the day."

With that he closed the gap in-between the two, Malcolm could feel panic coming on, he did not want to turn away...luckily Nate's lips contacted his cheek, pecking him quickly and making his cheek burn red as he giggled playfully.


Monday, October 28th, a cold, rainy, depressing day.

Marcos was sitting alone in an empty classroom, it was getting late, most of the students were home and not many were willing to come practice on a day with such dearly weather. He plucked a string of his guitar, the sound seemed to echo through the hallow room, even though the guitar was not plugged into one of the many amplifiers around the room. He looked over the music he had written, he just felt uninspired to bother playing it out.

He sighed loudly, shoving the papers into a folder and into his backpack, putting his guitar into its case and slinging the strap over his shoulder, slowly exiting the room, shutting off the light and closing the door after him.

"Mr. Evans!"

Marcos turned around to see a stout beaver catch up to him from down the hall. He blinked at him, face emotionless.

"Yeah, what's up Mr. Brunswick?"

The beavers stopped in front of him, huffing and puffing as if he had jogged a mile.

"I just wanted to...whew! Thank you for shutting the room for me, I was just coming to do that. Also, I've noticed you are not practicing as much! Not feeling the inspiration?"

Marcos's eyes closed halfway as he slightly shook his head. The beaver nodded and pressed his glasses up.

"Well, all musicians go through a period like that, just give it some time and you will feel the flow again."

The beaver patted Marcos on the back and nodded.

"Take care, Marcos! Don't forget about that test Friday, I am sure you will do great on it, as always!"

With a chuckle, Mr. Brunswick waddled off to his classroom down the hall. Marcos turned to look at the exit, it was still raining. He let out a discontented sigh and hung his head low and closing his eyes.

He wasn't sure if it was in his mind, but he heard something. It was very faint, unnoticeable if classes were in session and students in the halls, but it was the melodic tune of a piano. The listened close, his pierced, rounded ears flicking as the tune entered...it sounded all too familiar.

His eyes opened wide...it was one of his songs...he remembered writing it last year, it hadn't even been played yet...but he remembered it. He needed to find out where this was coming from.

He knew the pianos were in the piano teaching classroom, that would be the first place to look. He followed the notes, the song playing in his mind as the tune got louder. He was in a full on jog as he rushed to the door of the classroom, the light was on and the door open just a crack, the melody of the piano pouring out into his ears.

He gulped and gripped the doorknob, slowly pushing the door open as not to disturb who was playing his music, he enjoyed how it sounded on piano. The light hit his eyes, making him focus from the darkened hallway as he looked in.

There, at one of the pianos, was the source of the melody. Marcos gasped lightly as his eyes sparkled from the vision of the pianist.

It was definitely a male, and from the view he had, he was a horse. The stallion was all black, from the tip of his ears down to his hooves. Marcos could only see him from the back, but he was wearing a black tank top, his jacket drooped over his book bag on the floor...Marco's eyes danced over his arms...his back...his frame was quite athletic. A long haired tail swished below the bench, long dark brown khaki pants covered the equine's legs. He did not have the traditional mane as most horses kept, his mane was kept very shortly cut, it seemed. On ear diamond shaped ear was a gold loop earring, every once and a while, the left ear would flick.

Marcos slowly entered the room, padding softly as he inched closer. His song...it was his song being played by this stallion...it sounded so beautiful. He could tell where the horse was in the song, he was near the end. He waited...the end trailed off slowly until the last note was hit...the last key echoing off and fading as the horse sighed deeply, nodding his head.

"That was beautiful."

The stallion gasped loudly and turned quickly, his shocked eyes meeting the source of the voice. His amber colored eyes focusing into Marcos's dark brown. He placed a hand on his chest and took a deep breath.

"You...scared me half to death...but, thank you."

Marcos smiled and walked closer.

"Where did you get that music from? It was really nice."

Marcos was trying to find out just how he got a hold of his song. The horse's ears flicked as he turned to the music and back to Marcos.

"Oh, well...Mr. Brunswick gave me some guitar music to convert into piano...I was trying this one out...umm, the writer is Marcos Evans...he is in a local band and...w-wait...are you?"

Marcos could not have grinned wider.

"Yeah, I'm Marcos."

The stallion's long face came to a grin just as wide.

"No...way...this song was just amazing! You really wrote this? By yourself?"

Marcos nodded and stepped closer to the stallion.

"Yep, took me a couple days, but I liked what I ended up with."

The horse's eyes widened.

"A couple of days? This sounds like it took weeks to write! My God...you have amazing talent!"

The horse lifted his legs over the bench and planted his hooves back on the ground and stood up tall. He was quite tall, as most horses are, standing at about six and half feet. He had the body to match...Marcos could see the outline of his strong chest under his black shirt. The stallion offered a hand out to Marcos.

"I'm Ben, it's a pleasure to meet you, Marcos!"

Marcos shyly reached toward the hand offered to him and took it, Ben had a firm shake, his hands were very soft, quite comforting.

"Thanks, nice to meet you, too. How long have you been playing the piano? It sounded great."

Ben put a hand behind his head and scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, since I was just a colt...so for most of my life, I would say."

Marcos's eyes widened from the thought of his extensive experience.

"Wow, I've been playing guitar since I was thirteen...I guess you have me beat with experience."

Ben chuckled and turned around to grab the sheet music from the piano, along with some other papers and place them into his book bag.

"You are in a band, right? What is the name of it, might refresh my memory."

Marcos grinned and rubbed his right shoulder.

"Our name is Spiteful Redemption, we play at a few local venues and bars and stuff, nothing really big yet, but we plan on touring this next summer to some other states."

Ben stroked his chin as his brow furrowed, but quickly snapped his fingers.

"Oh yeah! I remember now, you played at Morris Park last summer, during the Addison Festival! I didn't get to see you up close, but I remember listening and hearing your band's name announced! Pretty good stuff! Your voice...sounds like a mix between M. Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold and Adam Gontier of Three Day's Grace...you have a good voice, man."

Marcos turned his head to the side and rubbed his neck, trying not to blush from the compliment.

"Wow...no one has ever said that before...I've heard things like...too screamish or too raspy or whatever, everything has to have a critic, I suppose."

Ben threw his jacket over his shoulders and slipped his arms into it, hiking his backpack over his shoulder as he nodded to Marcos.

"Yeah, I have heard my share of criticism...I need to get going, I would love to talk again, maybe go over some of your music. Oh, here..."

Ben reached into his book bag and after a quiet ripping noise and some rustling around, he produced a small corner of a piece of paper with some scribbling on it.

"This is my cell phone number, just call me anytime after six, I should be free."

Marcos took the paper, looking down at the number. Ben had such nice handwriting...

"Alright, that sounds good to me...um...It was nice to meet you...I think I will give you a call sometime."

Ben grinned and nodded as he made his way to the door, Marcos following behind and exiting the room as the horse turned off the light and shut the door.

"Alright, take care, Marcos. See you later!"

With that, Marcos watched the Stallion disappear down the hall and take a corner, out of sight. He looked down at the paper in his paw, the neatly written number meaning so much to him right now.

"I definitely will call you..."

He stuffed the paper into the pocket of his hoodie and made his way to the exit, a wide grin on his muzzle as he came to the door. He pushed it open, walking out onto the sidewalk and looking high into the sky.

"Wow, it finally stopped raining..."


Wednesday, October 30th, the day before Halloween. Surprisingly, no one had any major party plans, but there were those who dressed up everyday.

Buttercup was sitting on a bench under a shedding tree on the campus grounds. Her camcorder was held up high in her gloved paw, focusing on any random person she saw walking by that day. Her view came onto a couple holding paws as they walked down the sidewalks.

"...Here we have a young couple...the seem to love each other...will their love last an eternity like a diamond or falter and drag them down into a sinkhole of hatred and sorry...fools they are..."

The collie got bored of them and focused onto a human smoking a cigarette outside of a building.

"...Ah, a human being. There he is, killing himself slowly in order to give himself a moment of bliss...each puff taking seconds from his most likely already shortened life...When his jaw and lungs rot away he will have wished he never would have taken the first drag...fool..."

Her camera changed direction once more. This time focusing on a very familiar face.

"...And here we have the huggable bear himself, Tim...what is he doing on that computer of his...wasting his life away inside the second world of the internet...Can he truly acquire himself a love interest from staring into a flat screen? Come with me, let us go ask him."

Buttercup turned off her camera and placed it into her sidebar, standing from the bench and opening her parasol over her as her heels clopped their way over to Tim sitting at a picnic table. Slow, she came up behind him, he did not notice her as she creped even closer.


Tim quickly turned around and gasped, his eyes widening as they relaxed to see it was only the Gothic Lolita collie.

"Buttercup...you scared me...I am surprised you did not record that..."

She stared blankly at him.

"I have too many moments like that captured...what are you doing...losing yourself in a false reality?"

Tim sighed and shook his head.

"No, I'm just working on a project for one of my computer classes. It's a joint project I need to do with my lab partner, but he has been kind of busy lately, have not been able to get with him lately."

Buttercup twirled her parasol as she merely blinked once.

"Unfortunate...that is why I always work alone, no need to rely on others...if falter, which is unlikely, I have myself to blame, which I will not do."

Tim rolled his eyes.

"You never make sense, but then again, it would not be entertaining if you did...Oh look! Here they come!"

Buttercup turned around to scoff as Tim waved happily. Steph and Garrett approached paw-in-paw. They were dressed casually, no top hats, canes, leather jackets, or strange hair-dos. Buttercup eyed them with a deathly gaze.

"You two appear so...normal...what the fuck..."

Garrett chuckled heartily, his accent was gone.

"Well, Steph and I are taking a jump start to Halloween and dressing up as normal as possible. We look like...freekin' morons..."

Steph let out a guffaw and punched Garrett in the side.

"I think this looks fine, we should do this more often! Isn't it nice to fit in?"

Simultaneously, Tim, Garrett, and Buttercup answered with a loud "no!" Steph grinned and winked.

"You're damn right! This sucks ass! I hate Halloween..."

Everyone but Buttercup laughed as Steph sat down next to Tim on the bench, Garrett going over to ask Buttercup about her moments she recorded for the day.

"Who you talking to, Timmy? Found any cutie pies that want a big bear to cuddle with?"

Time turned his head away shyly.

"I don't know...I don't even know if I should keep looking..."

Steph places a paw on his back, lightly rubbing up and down.

"Hon, I know some major shit happened to you in the past...but you need to move on, its been a year already, you can't go on alone forever."

Tim slowly turned back to her, eyes full of sadness and guilt.

"I should just stay alone...then my heart wont break again..."

Steph leaned onto him, hugging him tightly.

"Don't say things like that, relationships come and go, you just need to keep trying until you find one that sticks. No one wants to be alone forever, kiddo, even if they say they want to."

Tim sighed and lowered his head...remember the ones he once said he loved...and then the love ending...He just wanted this conversation to end.

"I guess..."

Steph patted him on his wide back.

"Good! Now, lets go meet our little Pom-pom girl at the cafeteria and get some lunch!"

Across town, Phil looked into Nate's room.


No brother, no bed, no clothes or laptop, just a few odds and ends he left behind. He walked into the room, his brother's scent still lingered even though he had been gone for a well over a week.

He remembered when Nate left, he found a note saying he moved out, he did not see it happen because he was out. The things in his room, gone, he had no idea where he was, sure he could call, but he was just too mad to. The brother he hated so much...was now gone. One would think he would be so happy.

But that day, after he realized he was gone, he threw himself down onto the green carpeted floor of Nate's bedroom...and cried.

He cried because he knew this was his fault, if only he had been just a normal brother, but he let his anger, his frustration, his jealousy get in the way. Deep down, despite all of the bad things he had said to Nate, despite all of the pain he caused him, he loved him. He loved his brother deeply, but was just unable to show it.

He walked into the room again, looking around as he did every day after Nate left. He picked up a shirt he left, the front stained with some spots of blood...blood he knew he made spill. He brought the shirt to his muzzle and sniffed it, inhaling his brothers scent as he sobbed lightly.

"Nate...I'm so sorry..."

Just then, he felt his pocket vibrate, he dropped the shirt and quickly reached in, pulling his phone out and hoping to see Nate's number show up on the screen. He growled and saw when it was just his girlfriend's number.

He flipped it open and held it to his head.


"Umm, what do you mean 'Yeah?', where is my hello?"

"Sorry...I am just not in a good mood right now..."

"Well don't take it out on me! You have been acting up lately, want me to come over and make you feel better?"

That was the last thing he needed right now.

"No, I just need some alone time, I think. How about you come over for dinner."

"...Alright. I will see you later."


He hung up the phone, glad to end the conversation. Ever since the school year started and Nate moved in, he felt like he was drifting further and further away from her. Maybe it was because he knew he was living up to something he did not want to be. How long would he continue to put on this mask and try to always live up to mom and dad, and not really be who he wanted even though there would be nothing to worry about.

He walked over the window, looking out at the other houses, wondering where his brother is and wanting nothing more than to find him, embrace him, and ask for his forgiveness.

Back at the college's private apartments, Wes was playing dress up again.

"Blake...does this here singlet make muh butt look big?"

Blake let out a hearty laugh and rolled onto his chest on the bed, watching the massive bull terrier try on his old high school wrestling uniforms. Why he had brought them with him to the apartment was just a question best to be answered with a memory of the time he wore it to give Blake a Valentine's day surprise.

"Yuh know what, sugar, I think I am gonna try out for the Cherryvale University wrasslin' team, what yuh think?"

Blake rolled again, now onto his back as he looked at the now upside-down Wes.

"That sounds like a good idea. The college wrestling tuff starts in spring and not fall for high school, that is weird, you think they would match."

Wes, to Blake's delight, re-adjusted his crotch in the tight singlet.

"Yeah, lots of schools start at diff'rent time, I rekon. No big deal, least I'll get to wrassle and show that I am the best, yuh remember all muh trophies."

Blake looked at the medals, trophies, photographs, and other decorations that adorned the wall of the bedroom.

"Yeah! This might be different, there are a lot of other big students here, we need to make sure you are in your best physical condition."

Wes chuckled and inched toward the bed, Blake's eyes widened as the upside-down bulge got closer to his muzzle.

"Yup, need yuh tuh feed meh lots of good food tuh make meh get stronger, sugar."

Blake licked his lips and nodded.

"Yeah, lots of good food...to make you big..."

Wes chuckled and grabbed his bulge again.

"Yuh like things big, don't yuh, sugar?"

Blake gulped as Wes got even closer.

"I...do...Oh! I wonder what your new uniform will look like for the wrestling team..."

Wes chuckled again, putting his paws behind his head and stretching, letting out a low grunt.

"I rekon I will be wearin' it for yur enjoyment sometimes, love."

With that, he closed the gap between himself and the bed, shoving his bulge into Blake's face and pinning him down to the bed, laughing as he watched the Sheppie's legs and arms kick and squirm as he moaned and yelled muffled screams beneath Wes's hefty sac. Wes laughed heartily and stepped back, letting Blake take a big gasp of air.

He sat up and gasped.

"If I had to die of suffocation...that would be the best way..."

Wes leaned down and grabbed him about the waist and lifted Blake effortlessly into the air, bringing him into his arms and pressing him against his chest, nuzzling his face against the other.

"I would never suffocate yuh, unless it was an accident..."

Blake brought a paw up and caressed Wes's wide cheek, kissing his nose.

"Like that one time you rolled onto me when we were sleeping?

Wes chuckled and firmly kissed his mate, Blake letting out a low moan and melting in his arms.

"I think yuh liked that more than anything, sugar."

Blake could not help but kiss him once again.

"I did...I love everything about you, and I am sure you are going to whoop ass on this years wrestling team."

Wes grinned wide, his sharp teeth sticking out as his lips came to a smirk.

"Yur damn right, sugar...now how 'bout yuh help meh take this wrasslin' singlet off..."

Blake's tail started to wag as he panted happily.

"I would be more than glad to!"


Friday, November 7th. With October down, November was slowly taking over as it the temperature got cooler, signaling that winter was about to being again and Thanksgiving was just around the corner.

It was another day the gym as Drew grunted and placed the weight-loaded back onto the arms of the bench with Jason spotting him.

He sat up, wiping his brow and turning to the wolf.

"Have you been dating anyone else, dude? It's too bad my cousin didn't work out with you, I figured you would be perfect for him!"

The big wolf shook his head, a deep rumble in his chest as he spoke.

"...Yeah, he was kind of cute, too...oh well..."

Drew stood and stretched his back, grabbing the bottle of water that Adrian offered him.

"Too bad you can't find someone as sexy as my Crystal, God...does he know how to give head..."

Drew almost choked on his water as he shook his head.

"Yeah, nice thing to say in front of poor lonely Jason, all he has is his paw."

Jason crossed his arms, a low growl in his chest.

"...You guys suck..."

Drew ended the day at the gym and returned home, walking through the door only to be tackled by his favorite bovine.

"About time you got home! I was going to call you, I got some amazing news!"

Drew blinked as he threw his duffle bag to the floor.

"News? What's up, babe?

Bill giggled, he loved it when Drew called him that...

"I think Marcos has a love interest! Elliot told me he saw him talking with a guy the other day, they were eating lunch at Taco Bell and he said they were chatting up a storm! Isn't that great?"

Drew grinned and nodded.

"I suppose that is good, he should have told me at least, I might have set him up with another blind date!"

Bill embraced Drew again, resting his head on his shoulder and rubbing his back.

"Yeah, Jason is a nice guy, and quite the eye candy! But I suppose they did not click."

Drew patted Bill on his back, his paws lowering to cup his large buttocks.

"Yeah, he is a good guy, might need to help him with blind dates now..."

Bill inhaled deeply, licking Drew's exposed shoulder with his broad tongue and making the hyena grunt.

"My God...I love the way you smell after gym...All sweaty and musky..."

Drew smirked and squeezed the bull's butt, making him groan.

"For someone who is so sanitary...you like the strangest things, you know, Billy?"

Bill giggled and pulled back a bit, looking down at his love, their eyes coming together.

"What do you say we go take a shower?"

Drew made no objection to the idea

Marcos, on the other paw, was busy chatting to his new friend on the phone, laying on his bed and running up his cell phone bill.

"Yeah, I totally agree with you, I prefer Gibson over Fender as well. I mean, you cant go wrong with the Flying V, I would so love to get my paws on one of those, though the Jackson King V is pretty hot as well, I mean, if it was used by Hetfield, it's definitely hot."

"Oh yeah! I would have to say Metallica definitely tops my favorite band list. I have learned to play just about every song on piano, 'One', 'Nothing Else Matters', 'Master of Puppets', even 'Whiskey in the Jar', I love that song so much!"

"Yeah! I do too. I think that Metallica's older stuff is better than the new stuff, like Saint Anger, that was just God awful."

"Really? I kind of like the newer stuff, Death Magnetic really a good album, but yeah, Saint Anger did suck a bit."

"Holy crap, have you ever heard Avril Lavigne sing 'Fuel'? It is just hilariously horrible. The band was laughing the entire time she sang."

"No way! I have not seen that! I will need to YouTube that and check it out!"

Marcos was more than happy, he found someone he could actually talk and relate with when it came to music. And to think it all began that one day he heard a tune and followed where it came from, it gained him a good friend. Ben was thinking the exact same thing. Marcos was one of the most interesting guys he had met at the university.

Marcos knew deep inside that he was really attracted to him...but how would he get to find out if Ben thought the same way or not? Maybe he should take his time with this, get to know him better and maybe look for a hint. He figured the moment would come along eventually.


Saturday, November 8th. The night was wearing down as time ticked away ever so slowly. Rain drops pitter-patted onto the window of Malcolm's apartment to match the ticking of the clock.

They were both seated on the couch, Malcolm at one end and Nate at the other, just casually watching television.

"Oh no...look in the corner...it says out county has a sever thunderstorm warning...I hate storms!"

Nate turned to him and chuckled.

"Why are you afraid of storms? I think they are kind cool."

Malcolm shivered and pulled his legs up to the couch, pulling a blanket over his foot paws.

"You think the storms would stop in November...I just don't like lightning...its loud and bright and the noise is so scary...and it can zap my computer, so I have to unplug it when the storm starts."

Nate reached down to Malcolm's foot paw, ticking it and making the Dal pull it away.

"Isn't that what a surge protector is for? You really should not need to worry so much."

Malcolm just shook his head.

"I don't like storms...plain and simple."

Nate stood from the sofa and stretched, yawning wide and turning his head to the side, his neck popping and making Malcolm cringe.

"I am going to head to bed...It's getting pretty late."

Malcolm smiled and nodded to him.

"Alright, I think I will stay up for just a bit longer."

Nate walked in front of Malcolm's line of vision and leaned down to kiss him on the forehead, the Dalmatian did not pull away this time, but grinned at the sign of affection.

"Goodnight, cutie. See you in the morning."

With that, he padded into the bedroom and closed the door behind him.

Malcolm let out a contented sigh and continued to watch the television, thinking how interesting things had gotten the past few weeks after Nate moved in.

Sure, everything was more cramped, since the apartment was meant for one person, the bedroom stuffed with so much furniture that it was a little hard to get around in, but they were managing just fine.

Malcolm was having mixed feelings about Nate. He really did like him, but Nate and he did not share the same passions. Malcolm was all about technology, whereas Nate was into the arts, mainly drawing and writing. Most of the art he did was all erotic, but was quite talented when it came to his passions.

Tim was on the other side of his mind. The bear was just so sweet, so huggable, and they had a lot in common, they would talk for hours just about computers. Tim was a lot more shy than Nate, the Doberman was not afraid to meet new people and open up wide to them. Malcolm and Tim were very similar when it came to being timid.

He just had no idea what he was going to pick...he would have to come a decision sometime.

After the lights were off and Malcolm tucked himself into bed, all he could hear and see was the thunder and lightning of the passing storm, Nate sound asleep and breathing quietly the whole time. He covered his head and tried to ignore the storm, but it was just no use as he tossed and turned in the bed.

He whimpered to himself, only to hear something besides the crash of thunder.

"Can't sleep, hon?"

Malcolm quickly turned to face Nate's bed, the Dobie, who he thought was asleep, staring right at him.

"...No...I can't...I hope I did not wake you up with my tossing and turning, Nate...I'm sorry..."

Nate sat up a bit and shook his head.

"No...you didn't wake me up, I kinda just fell out of sleep...I have an idea."

Malcolm watched Nate get out of his bed and grab his pillow. Nate was wearing nothing but the tight fitting designer boxer briefs he always wore. Even though Malcolm was not wearing his glasses, he could count each ab on Nate's tosro...and tell just where his fur was brown within the faded image of his friend.

"What are you doing, Nate?"

Nate sat onto the side of Malcolm's bed, looking down at him and stroking his cheek softly.

"I am going to make you feel comfortable until the storm passes. I...can't stand seeing you scared like this."

Malcolm understood what he was going to do, his cheeks flushing red ever so slightly as he allowed the Doberman to crawl over him and come over behind him in the bed, throwing his pillow next to Malcolm's and peeling back the sheets of the twin size bed and covering himself and the Dal back over with the sheet.

Slowly, Nate scooted his body closer to Malcolm, making him gasp as their bodies touched, Nate felt so warm...his muscles pressed into his back, it was so comforting...more than anything. Malcolm's cheeks burned as he could feel Nate's crotch press against this butt and tail, the Dobie's legs wrapping around his and then his strong arms coming over and around, wrapping around Malcolm and holding him tight. Nate finished the cuddling by resting his chin on the Dal's shoulder, a hot breath of air escaping his muzzle and caressing Malcolm's already burning hot blushing cheek. Malcolm inhaled Nate's scent, it was more comforting than ever as he felt the Doberman wrap around him with more comfort than he could ever have imagined getting. The storm had completely left his mind.

"Thank you, Nate...I feel so...safe now."

Nate grinned and squeezed him tight, nuzzling into his cheek.

"Good, I feel safe now too...let's get some sleep...forget all about this storm, alright? I am here, I will hold you until you fall asleep."

Malcolm could almost feel a tear forming, this was the closest he had ever been to another guy, and it was the most amazing thing he had ever felt so far. He wondered what other things would feel like...other things to experience...and as he pondered about Nate, his eyes closed and he eventually drifted off into a comforted sleep. Nate held him the entire time, not letting go until he knew that Malcolm was asleep.


Meanwhile, across the state border and in the furnished basement of a rather large house tucked away in a subdivision of Addison...

The basement had a big fireplace, the mantle topped with religious relics and the walls covered with photographs and images of Christ. In front of the roaring fire was a coffee table, three cream colored leather sofas with end tables and expensive glass-shaded lamps. The true piece of the room was the LCD screen television that hung ominously above the fireplace.

Upon the coffee table was an open briefcase, many papers strewn about, pens, pencils, envelopes, a knife, and, naturally, the Bible.

The fire reflected a strange image in the room as the figure in front of it stood tall, the cracking flames adding an eerie facade.

He paced back and forth in front of the fire, holding a gold cross in his paw and rubbing a pad onto the image of Christ. The storm could be vaguely heard under the ground, it did not matter to them that the power had gone out with just the fire to illuminate the room.

He stopped in front of the table, and looked over the four people in front of him sitting onto the sofas.

"I just want to give you my thanks for joining me tonight..."

The four nodded at him, grinning as if he was their fearless leader.

The figure brought a paw to his muzzle, pushing his thick black framed glasses up onto his face as his lips came to an emotionless rest.

"As you may know, the Club's popularity has been growing rapidly, the shepherd is calling his flock home..."

He picked up a flier and looked over it.

"...but there are still some black sheep out there..."

The four nodded as he crossed his arms, an evil grin coming to his muzzle.

"We shall glorify His name by delivering salvation to these sheep...and if they refuse..."

He unfolded his arms and crumpled up the sheet, tossing it into the fire behind him.

"...then we will lead them to slaughter and give ourselves something warm to wear..."

The four chucked as they rubbed their hands together.

"I, Victor Roberts, will not accept insults from this...abomination! The Gay Pride Club...how blandly named and ridiculous..."

He lifted the Bible from the table and held it to his chest.

"You four will be my four horsemen of the apocalypse..."

One by one, he looked them over.

At the rightmost was Matt. Matt was a thing, lanky opossum, his head fur a shade of red as a pair of yellow tinted goggles rested on his forehead. He had a brilliant mind, an expert strategist, and perfect spy, as his goal would be infiltration and information gathering. Matt's nickname was 'Famine'.

Next to him was Marcus. Marcus was a brute, if words could be put best to describe him. Big solid body, tough grey skin, thick chain with wooden crucifix around his neck. The rhinoceros was the perfect for intimidation or perhaps even assault. His was nicknamed 'War'.

On the middle sofa was Luca. The smallest of the group, and by far the most talented. The small bodied, glasses clad, Asiatic human was adept in the computer language. His most powerful ability was using the internet and his own knowledge to either create viruses, hack into any account, and create scandalous false information about anyone. Luca as aptly named 'Pestilence'.

The last alone of the final sofa seemed even for intimidating than the others, even though his name sounded tame, Johnny. The black feathered gryphon had an appearance of danger about him, like he would strike at any moment. He always wore sunglasses to hide his ominous red colored eyes, his talons kept sharp, his black beak ending with a deadly curved point. Though he had never needed to kill before, he claimed that he was not afraid to kill or be killed, Johnny was left with the name 'Death'.

"We shall ride on, oh yes we shall, in His name...Let us pray"

All five brought their hands together and began the prayer.

"Dear heavenly Father, bless us as we go to collect for sheep for You to watch over with Your ever-loving gaze. May you give us the power to bring the wicked to justice and to keep the faithful secure. In Your name...Amen."

They ended the prayer and grinned wide, rubbing their hands together with thoughts of divine justice running through their brains.

"We shall bring justice down upon the wicked...we shall do God's work and he will smile upon us for the job he is doing! We will make them...beg for mercy...in the name of GOD!!!"

With that statement, he threw his arms open and let out a maniacal cackle, his mane swaying, the gold cross shaking with each laugh, his eyes burning with a righteous fire.

Just then, the television and the lights in the room came to life, granting power back to the house as he gasped loudly.

"Do you see? And God said, 'Let there be light!' This is a sign that he wants us to this for him!"

Outside in the pouring rain, Father Trent was just finishing turning the generator on to give the house back some temporary electricity.

He wiped his brow and placed his gloved paws on his hips, his yellow raincoat being bombarded by heavy rain.

"Thank God for modern technology!"

******* ******* *******


What a thrilling ending, yes? Oh my! I wonder how bad that storm really is...

I know Blake and Wes had a smaller part...really small...but don't worry, things will REALLY be heating up soon! Oh...you just wait!

Will Victor bring justice upon the wicked?

Will Phil tell his brother the truth?

Will Malcolm eventually fall in love?

Will Marcos find out if Ben is available?

Will Jason find someone to play with his outie?

Will Tim try dating again?

Will Carla even find a date?

Will Spiteful Redemption make it big?

Will this storm end up being more than just a simple thundershower?

Oh my! Going to need to wait to find out! Hehe.

Until then, stay tuned for the next part of I Will Protect You...PART 7!!!