While Parents Are Away...

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***AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello, everybody. Sorry it took so long to finally post a story. I was wanting to post something other then a yiffy thing, but I finally said "screw that noise," and wrote this to buy me time to work on the others. Hope you enjoy the read, and constructive criticism is always encouraged!***

**Warning: If you are under the age of 18, leave this page. Otherwise, this story contains the sexual relations between a brother and his younger sister. If Incest, Cub matters, or other assorted things including young love and sex offend you, I have no idea why you clicked this story. Or why you're even on this site. Please leave if this applies to you.**

The series of sloppy wet kisses dragged the young fox into consciousness. "Do you kiss your brother with that mouth?" Tristan mumbled groggily.

"Of course, silly!" Amber giggled, bouncing about on the bed as she was accustom to. Most mornings went this way; Tristan sleeping till ten, Amber awake at seven and waiting till she no longer could withstand her childish energy, until she finally gave in and woke her favorite (and only,) brother the same way she always did. With kisses and unbridled love. Once upon a time, he had complained and even locked his door in an attempt to keep her out. Not that it ever mattered. Somehow the door unlocked, and neither Amber or their parents cared. Neither did he, anymore. After five years, one just got used to it. At least she waited till ten now, instead of whenever she woke up like she had at first, when she was three.

Now, Tristan was fourteen instead of nine. Amber was eight. And their parents still didn't care. They just thought it was cute. And plenty of blackmail video's had been taken over the years. "Do you know what day it is?" Amber jumped about his bed, narrowly avoiding stepping on him before she fell off, head first into the pile of dirty laundry at the foot of his bed with a decently loud thump.

"Saturday. Y'alright?" He crawled to the edge and peered over, just in time to get blasted in the face with a wad of dirty socks.

"No, silly! Not the day of the week," The little fox femme stole another peck on her brother's cheek, "I meant what _day_is it!"

"Date night?" He yawned.

"DATE NIGHT!!!" And she was gone, racing out of the room and down the hall, the sound of pounding footpaws on the bare wood floor receding away, leaving the elder fox in blessed peace and silence.

Groaning, he collected his incoherent mind and pulled himself to a sitting position. Rubbing the crap out of his eyes, Tristan decided against taking his time and risking his sister returning in fifteen minuets to ensure he was awake. And the headache that usually came with it. Ignoring his morning erection, which thankfully his sister never seemed to notice, he gathered his favorite ratty Grey t-shirt and black basketball shorts. Ignoring his boxers and socks as he had no intentions of leaving the house today, he made the quick jaunt across the narrow hallway and into the bathroom to continue his morning ritual.

Depositing his clothes on the marbled sink, Tristan gave himself a once over in the stand mirror as he always did. His slim yet slightly flabby body a testament to his ridiculously high metabolism and fondness for outdoors, the fox still didn't care to see himself. He was short for his age, and his formally light tan fur had bled out its color due to constant sunlight and an accident with a bottle of bleach as a younger child. No harm had been done, but his fur was now forever the shade of freshly fallen snow, a lack of color that he truly detested. Sighing, he shrugged out of his pajama pants and turned on the shower, leaving the cold water knob untouched.

Waiting for the water to heat up, he stood sideways and looked at himself in the mirror once more. His maleness, having stubbornly stuck around as it always did, still didn't look like anything special to him. Comfortable enough in his own skin and not inquisitive enough to question, he always wondered if he was too small. He had never measured it, nor had he gotten on the internet to check even what was considered average. And seeing as he had never taken the time to get a girlfriend, he had absolutely no idea whether he was right or wrong. And only a very small part of his mind cared, seeing as he had never even had sex. Mainly because he wanted his first time to happen without a condom and he didn't wish to risk getting a girl pregnant at such an early stage in his life.

Noticing the edge of the mirror beginning to fog up, Tristan slid open the frosted glass bath door and stepped into the near scalding water. Sighing comfortably, he washed himself quickly, soaping up his entire body before inducing himself to the water once more. Halfway through the rinsing process, the door squealed open and Tristan quickly covered his now sheathed member and turned away. "Amber, what the fuck!"

"I gotta use the bathroom!"

"Use Mom and Dad's!"

"They're gone and their bedroom door is locked!" The young fox whined. Tristan could just imagine the little dance she was doing right now.

"Fine, just hurry it up, and don't flush!"

"No peeking."

"I should say the same to you!" Tristan just shook his head exasperatedly. The sound of the toilet seat hitting the back of the toilet and skivvies being dropped heralded what happened next, and Tristan just rolled his eyes. "You know, you could have just waited for, like, a minuet. I'm almost done."

"But I had to go!"


"Meanie." Tristan just scoffed and reclined his head backwards to wash the soap from his hair. Shortly, the toilet seat fell back again and he heard his sister redress herself. "Sorry, and thanks."

"No problem, sister."

After the shower and half-dressing himself, Tristan wandered down the hallway with his shirt in hand and the towel draped across his head. Scrubbing the wetness away, and hopefully some of the dreaded white, He stumbled down the stairs and into the living room where Amber sat on the couch eating a bowl of plain cereal and watching cartoons. "Note f'you in tha kitchen." She mumbled around a mouthful of said sustenance.

"How you eat that crap is beyond me." Tristan tossed his towel on one of the two vacant recliners and slung his shirt over his shoulder as he passed through the nearby doorway into the kitchen.

Grabbing a bag of bagels off of the pantry rack as he passed into the kitchen, he split it and popped it into the toaster. Walking around the kitchen's island, and to the fridge, he opened the doors and grabbed the cream cheese, removing the flash card stuck to the door by a magnet with his mother's scrawling hand all over it.

Dear Tristan,

We left early and are going to a concert that lasts till Sunday night. We left some money behind the family portrait, so you could order pizza or walk your sister to get some food if you wanted. Call if you need anything else. See you when you wake up Monday morning.

Love you,


Crunching into his now toasted and cream-cheese covered bagel, Tristan meandered past his sister once more who was bouncing excitedly on the couch as an old episode of "Tom & Jerry," came on. Taking the stairs two at a time, he reached the top landing just in time to hear his phone going off.

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground,

Try this trick,

Spin it, yeah,

Your head will collapse,

And there's nothing in,

So ask yourself,

Where is my mind?

Where is my min-

"What, Will?" Tristan crunched the last bite of his bagel.

"Bagel with cream-cheese?"


"One day, just one day, you should change your morning ritual. Change my ring tone yet?"

"Nope, on both accounts."

"Why the Sucker punch version?"

"Because I like it better."

"Better then The Exies? Blasphemer."

"Ambivalent asshole. What you callin' for?"

"Wanted to see if you could come over and crash my sister's party. You know, asshole things."

"Can't. Parents are gone and I have to watch my sister."

"Tap that yet?"

"Sick fuck."

"You call me sick? I'm not the one who get's french'd every morning."

"Not my fault your sister puts out to everyone on the football team except you."

"Ha. Ha. So, can you get away tomorrow?"

"Parent's went to a two day concert, and they won't be back till Monday."

"Damn. And I can't get out of here either."

"Sorry man. Maybe you can convince your sister to drop trou' anyway."

"And let my dick drop off? No thanks. Anyway, I'll talk to ya' later man."

"Yeah, take care of yourself." Tristan chuckled and ended the call with his best friend, pocketed his phone, and returned back to the living room.


Character Change


"You make a bad teenager." She said to her big brother.

"Only because I chose Chinese food instead of pizza?" He paused the walking just long enough to get a better grip on Amber who he carted piggy-back style, while she held onto the diaphanous plastic bag that held enough take-out to feed a small army. Or a teenager and his younger sister for two days. It bounced against his chest for a moment before he continued the twenty-minuet walk back to their house. Music played off of her brother's phone, and the game continued as well. "You gonna guess the band?"


"Yup, hopefully the next song will be a little harder then 'Come Together'." He joked, pinching her ankle playfully.

Suddenly the tingly feeling was back again, the one that had started a few months ago. It was very similar to what she had felt as a younger girl, the warm fuzzy feeling she knew to be love. Particularly the love she felt for her brother. But this was... Different. First the warm fuzzy feeling had changed ever so slightly into a full tingle that went through her whole body. In the past three weeks it had changed again, going from her whole body to... down there. The change had happened on one night, actually. She hadn't been able to sleep.

Creeping down the stairs quietly, making sure to miss the creaky step dead in the center. The dim light in the living room just enough to see the shape of her father laying atop her mother. The scent in the air was... strange. Intoxicating. Her mind had clouded, and creeping ever so slightly forward she could see that they were moving ever so slightly, forward and then back again. "Quiet," Amber's mother had whispered, "Don't wake th-"

"Amber? You there?"


"Name the band?"

"Oh, uhmm..."

"Been over, Been over, Been over this, before..." Tristan sang along; the piano coming in as the singers, both alive and recorded, fell silent.

"Tool?" She shifted, attempting to find a more comfortable position.

"Close, it's a side project of Tool's lead singer."

"Mmm..." Amber murmured, returning to her thoughts. She had fled the scene shortly afterward, seeing as she was not supposed to see what had occurred. After that night, the tingling had stayed within her lower regions, but it hadn't been until today that she had quit ignoring it.

In the past three weeks after seeing her parents doing... whatever it was they did, Amber had spent hours just sitting in Tristan's room, watching him sleep. Most of the time there was something... different, about her brother. She didn't mention it, as it looked awkward, standing upright between his legs, tenting the bedding, or his pajamas if he had thrown off the covers. But today, after sitting in his room for an hour, she had grown bold enough to touch it through his P.J.'s. It was hard, and... big. It must hurt him, she had thought. It sprang back if she bent it one way or the other, and when she touched it, it throbbed slightly.

He had begun to waken at that moment, so she had jumped upon his bed and kissed him as she usually did, yet she had fled his room for more then just mischievous reasons. For the first time ever, she felt... damp. At first she had thought she had wet herself, but after going to her room and lifting up the skirt of her sundress, she had discovered otherwise. Her panties were indeed; damp, but the smell was familiar. Very close to that of the night three weeks earlier, but slightly different. She had removed the thin fabric and touched herself, just enough to get some of the liquid on her finger and taste it. But just that faint touch had set her on fire, and tasting it had only stoked the flames higher. Frantically she had rubbed herself, trying to appease the itching that she had ignored for what felt like so long now, but it wasn't enough. Ignorant of how to please herself, she had kept on attempting to please herself until the faint sounds of the shower running called to her. Her lust crazed mind driving her to steal a glimpse of what was between her brother's legs, she had attempted to quietly open the door and watch him shower, but he had heard her. So she faked needing to go, and attempted to scrub the wetness from between her legs, while watching her brother's cute rump and lean frame. The tingling had died quickly after getting yelled at, and she succeeded in cleaning most of the stickiness from between her legs, but deep inside the itch remained.

And it was still there! Even right now, just thinking about touching herself, she could feel herself growing damp again. "What's that smell?" Tristan raised his muzzle and sniffed at the air, his mouth cracking open just slightly.

"I- I dunno, but it's making me hungry!" Amber lied, reaching for whatever excuse she could to cover how uncomfortable she was growing. And with every step she could feel the muscles of her brother's back moving, rubbing her secret place in what felt like just the right way.

"Me too." He said as they turned the corner onto their own block. As they reached the white picket fence that surrounded their house Tristan knelt and set her down. Taking the food and opening the gate, he held it open for her. "After you, mademoiselle." Amber just stuck her tongue out at him and snatched the house key from his waist. She ran to the door and unlocked it, just in time to get grabbed by the waist and thrown over his shoulder as he went indoors.

Rump high in the air and head hanging low, she began pounding on his lower back with both fists. "Put me down!" And suddenly she was on her feet again, directly in front of her brother who was staring at her strangely with his nose wrinkled. "What, do I stink?" She joked, hoping that it wasn't because of what she thought.

"Nothing, Ah- let's eat. I'm starving." And so they did, with all the styrofoam and cardboard boxes set about the coffee table like some great feast. And with the typical movie choice.

"Billy Madison?" Amber asked rhetorically as she loaded her plate with orange chicken and rice.

"I was thinking Happy Gilmore."

"Adam Sandler Vs. Adam Sandler. Hmm..." She joked as she took a big mouthful of the tasty food. Tristan only chuckled and popped in the movie, fast forwarding through the opening credits and straight into the movie.

It wasn't long before just over half of the food was gone, and the two plates were stacked, along with two incredibly stuffed foxes, one leaning on the other. With her legs folded beneath her and her head resting on Tristan's chest, she could easily have fallen asleep as she usually did. Except for one thing... "Tristan?"

"Hmm?" He looked down at her sleepily.

"N-Nothing..." She choked, unable to ask the question that she desperately wished too. After all, how was she supposed to ask a question and show her brother something that their mother told her never to show anybody?

"Where ya' goin'?" Tristan mumbled when she got up and stretched.

"To potty, be right back." Amber murred quietly, trying to let him fall asleep. Creeping up stairs as she had down them three weeks prior, she ignored the bathroom and went to her own room. Shucking off her dress, she slowly slid off her sopping wet panties and threw them at the wall, where the hit with a wet smack. The scent of herself was stronger now then it had been that morning, and it fogged up her thoughts almost as much as it had when she had watched her parents. But the scent was still slightly off, something was still missing that would have made it irresistible. But she couldn't guess on what. Nor did she care to.

Now completely naked and ridiculously hot, Amber flopped on her bed and spread her legs, reaching down and rubbing the lips of her cunny as frantically as she had earlier. Nothing she did could help, and all she felt like she was doing was teasing herself and making it worse. Groaning in frustration, she put her legs through the wrought iron foot boards and began grinding against the cool metal. Up and down she slid, back and forth she ground the metal bar until it began to hurt. But she didn't care, it felt soooo_good! Instinct took over, and she began to hump the bedpost, the mattress creaking and the bed shifting as she did so. But it still wasn't enough. She needed something more. She needed... "_BIG BROTHER!!!"




After Amber left, Tristan paused the movie and stood up, groaning and stretching much as his sister just had. Speaking of which, she had been acting weird lately today. Besides, the questions that she had been about to ask and then told him to forget, the looks she kept giving him throughout the day, and she had lied to him. Not that it was a big one, but she was definitely hiding something. Her telltale stutter giving it away on the walk back from getting food. And that smell... Something in Tristan's mind tickled him, something he should have caught, he knew, but it stayed just beyond his grasp. Condensing the leftover food and smashing the empty boxes, he balanced the plates and full boxes in his right hand and carried the trash in his left. Tossing the trash into the garbage can and placing the boxes into the fridge, he turned to place the dishes into the sink...

"BIG BROTHER!!!" The shriek sounded throughout the house, scaring the shit out of the male fox who dropped the plates on the floor where they shattered into hundreds of pewter pieces. He didn't even stop to think. Running across the sharp pieces, he was out of the kitchen and up the stairs in three heart beats. Following the light past the bathroom, he blasted into her bedroom which was lit bright as day.

"Amber! What's wr-" The scent he couldn't quite place his finger on all day hit him in the face like a well placed right hook. The sight of his baby sister stark naked and grinding against the bedpost, however, was like a swift kick in the groin. "What in the fuck are you doing?!" His sister's eyes shot open and the small smile on her face turned into a full on grin that Tristan would have described as shit-eating.

"I was hoping you could tell me..." She pulled herself back into a sitting position and she stared at him as if he were a choice piece of meat.

His white fur must have shown the heat rising to his cheeks as he whirled away. Whatever was going on, it must have been some kind of joke. Will must be watching in the closet. "Amber, I-"

"I need help!" She whined.

"Do you even know what you're asking?" He growled.

"I can't help it!

"You seem to be helping yourself plenty fine."


"Amber..." Tristan couldn't believe himself. He should have just walked away, ignored his little sister. But he was never good at ignoring anybody. And he hated hearing anybody sound as sad as she was about to be if he rejected her. But how could he not? This was his sister, the little girl he swore he would never hurt. The little girl who he would kill for. The little girl who sat naked and was pleading for him to take her like a woman should be taken.

"I promise I won't tell Mom!"


"Please?" She was at his heels now, tugging on his shirt. He could just imagine her, lying on the bed as he made her squeal in pleasure. Not just tonight, but every chance he got... He couldn't believe himself as the words came out of his mouth.

"We need a bigger bed."

"You mean..." He whirled about and grabbed his sister by the waist and threw her over his shoulder as he had when he lugged her inside just hours ago.

"I mean if you tell anybody, I'm going to jail and you'll never see me again. Otherwise, I'll... Help you."

Amber's shout of victory quickly turned into giggles as Tristan paddled her behind the whole way to his room. The scent of her was intoxicating, and he basked in the glorious scent. Forgetting himself in his lust, he kicked open his door, sending the metal door jamb flying across the room. He tossed her onto his bed, and she squealed as she went flying through the air. Reigning himself in, he grabbed the chair at his computer desk and sat himself in it, taking only enough time to take his shirt off but leave his shorts on. "I thought you said you'd help me..." Amber whined as she returned to the position she knew best, laying on her back and spreading her legs, giving him a wonderful view of his sister's virgin pussy.

"I will. I just want to know what you know."

"What do you mean?"

"Show me what you know." He said, taking his turn to look at his sister like a choice steak.

If her fur wasn't already a flaming red, the blush would have set her face on fire. She couldn't believe this was really happening! And all it took was three weeks! Smiling sheepishly as her big brother and laying back on his pillows, she grabbed one and inhaled as she began to rub herself as she knew how. After a few seconds, the sounds of repressed laughter came from her brother. "What?" Amber launched the pillow at him.

"I see why you need help!"Suddenly he was laying beside her, his head resting on his arm as he came in close enough. The tent in his shorts back from the dead.

"Does that hurt?"


"That." She gestured at his shorts.

"We'll get to that in a moment." Suddenly his hand was on her leg, sending shivers up her spine. "You're sure about this?" His gaze was filled with concern, and suddenly Amber knew that she didn't want to do this with anybody else other then the greatest love of her life, her big brother.

"I won't tell if you don't." She joked in a breathless whisper, eliciting a warm hearted smile from him.

And his hand was there, tracing around the edges of where pleasure began. "Relax. Breathe." He whispered into her ear. And so she did. In through her nose...

"It smells right, now..." She murmured quietly. It wasn't exactly like three weeks ago, but it was close. And it felt... Right.


"I'll tell you later. Just please..." She whimpered.

And so he quit teasing her, and gave up his inhibitions. It was too late now, and he truly wished this with his whole heart. Finally he touched the outer lips of her cunny, retrieving a gasp from his beautiful little sister. Taking two of his fingers, he began to recreate what she had just been doing, rubbing her in the most rudimentary fashion he had ever seen. "This is all you know?" He whispered into her ear, getting nothing more then a lusty whimper of affirmation. "Then let me show you..." And he crooked a finger, sliding it into the moist folds of his baby sister. Being careful, as he had never really done this before, he began stroking her velvety folds in search for the little nub he knew he needed to find...

As soon as his finger sank into her, she couldn't believe she had never thought of it before. It was like he knew exactly what to do, and it wasn't long before his finger hit a spot that made her gasp and moan, her walls clenching down hard on his fingers. "Found it!" Tristan chuckled as he began making slow circuits inside of her, all the way around her sopping sex and back to that spot of molten pleasure that made her feel like she was going to float away on a tide of ecstasy. And all she could do was lay there, at the mercy of his whims as he teased and touched his way closer to a feeling she simply couldn't describe. It was like a pressure, building at the base of her spine that felt immensely wonderful. And something inside of her couldn't wait for that pressure to go beyond what she could handle. "Brother..." She moaned, finally finding the words to speak as she felt it becoming too much to handle.

"Shh..." He kissed her, on the mouth as they never had before, his tongue working it's way into her mouth to dance with her's. And then it happened. After what felt like an eternity of him teaching her everything she had been doing wrong, of his touches and pleasures, of having that special place touched and waves of electric wonder coursing through her body. The dam broke, and she felt her walls clamp down on his fingers in a vice grip, drawing them ever inward until they hit the barrier of her innocence. And the juices she had tasted for the first time earlier that day came flooding out, soaking his hand and drenching the sheets of his bed as she moaned and wriggled her way through her first ever climax.

Tristan smiled as he watched the eyes of his baby sister roll back in her head, and felt the flood of her covering his hand. After what felt like an eternity to the now roaring and ready to go male fox, her cunny finally released it's grip and her orgasm subsided. Bringing his hand to his mouth, he began licking it clean, enjoying the taste of her unspoiled innocence. He had been worried when he felt his fingers hit her hymen, but he had managed to resist the pull and not break it. He wanted the pleasure of doing that with a different form of penetration. Sucking on each finger loudly, his sister slowly came back to the world of the living, her eyes fluttering open and a smile spreading across her face. "That was amazing!" She whispered, seemingly having lost her childish energy for the first time he could remember as she snuggled in close and closed her eyes..

"That wasn't even the best part."

"Really?!" Suddenly her eyes were open and the energy was back. This was the little girl he loved, and he only loved her more now, if that was possible. Her legs covered in her own sticky wetness and beautiful as she would ever be, bedraggled and with the gleam of sexual afterglow in her deep blue eyes. "What's the best part?" She bounced about on his bed, making sure to bounce on him as well.

"This." And his shorts were off, finally releasing his aching and erect member from it's confines. Her eyes grew wide, making him feel much better about himself for once.

"It's huge!" She giggled, reaching out and touching the tip before grabbing on and running her hand down his entire length, pushing his sheathe down even further. He groaned as she unwittingly gave him a hand job as she explored the foreign territory of his maleness. "So... What do I do?" She gazed at him curiously, squeezing him a little roughly, causing him to gasp in slight pain.

"Gentle! That's why it hurts when you kick a boy between the legs!" He groaned, kind've liking the small amount of pain she was causing. "Just do what comes naturally. Use your hands. And your mouth, if you want. Just figure it out." He said as he wrapped his hand around hers. He gently showed her the motions, up and down his length before he leaned back and let her run the show at her own pace.

Slowly she figured it out, running her hand up and down, stroking him slow at first, then faster, then slower again. As she did so, she used her other hand to reach down and fondle his furry sac, feeling him and figuring things out as her brother told her to. Before long, she noticed a bead of fluid at his tip. Curious, she let go of his length and got her face close to his member, sniffing at it and deciding that it was the male scent that had been missing from her earlier escapades. Mustering her courage, she licked the tip of his cock, and was rewarded with the salty taste of his pre, which she found much to her liking. And so she began to bather his length with her tongue, kissing here and there, licking up and down his length, even his furry sac once, though she didn't like the fur in her mouth.

Tristan groaned as she began to lap at him, all over she worked at him, his tip, the base, and everywhere in between. The sensation of having his balls licked was strange, and he wasn't entirely sure if he liked it, but she didn't go back down that far so it didn't seem to matter. But what she was doing was only teasing him. After all, five years of masturbation and his penchant for orgasm denial did wonders on making sure he lasted long enough. "Try doing it like a Popsicle, just don't bite down." He suggested, hoping she would take the hint. And she did, wonderfully smart girl that she was. The little fox femme just took the tip of him into her mouth, still licking, thankfully. But slowly she figured out how to mimic the motions of the hand job, and more and more of his length disappeared into her mouth. The very sight of his little sister sucking on his length brought him ever closer, and the cute way she kept looking at his face to make sure she was doing it right only made it worse. Slowly but surely, the small jets of precum began to flow steadier, and the throbbing strengthened as he felt himself grow ever closer to blowing his load down his sister's throat.

Eventually his knot began to form, and he could see the questioning look on her face as she continued to suckle on his length. Groaning, and thumping the bed with his fists as he fought the urge to flood her mouth already, he watched as she finally bottomed out. Three-fourth's of his member was deep inside of her muzzle, and any more she would have gagged. Staring eye-to-eye with the growing orb at the bast of his cock, he could feel her trepidation at going any further. "It's just my knot. It happens when I'm getting close to the edge." Suddenly he was out of her mouth and she was staring at him curiously.

"Will it taste weird?"

"Has it tasted weird before now?"


"If you're scared, just take the tip into your mouth and lick at it while you use your hands like you did before, if it's too much, it's okay." She nodded her ascent and went back to work, doing exactly as he said. But she fondled his sac again, which only made the sensation feel better. Within moments he could feel himself back at the edge again, groaning with his pleasure as he fought his release. "Ready?" She murred her acquiescence, and that was all it took for him to let go.

The sudden flood of his thick cum within her mouth, surprised her, and a great deal of it escaped her mouth and spattered onto both Tristan and her, but she was determined not to be beat by the flow. Latching back on, she swallowed gulp after glorious gulp of his sperm, reveling in the salty, yet wonderful taste of her brother. But she had to come back up for air, and he still wasn't done. So she let him spatter her face and upper body with his warm seed, giggling playfully as she continually lapped at his member until the sperm ceased to flow. And then she began cleaning her brother lovingly, licking every little drop of his cum from him.

Normally Tristan closed his eyes when he came, but he just couldn't bring himself to, even if this was the best orgasm he had ever had. Watching his sister try and guzzle down every last bit, and then playing in it, and then lapping him clean, was enough of a reward for doing so. She was so cute, with something in her mouth, or cum spattered as she was now, or at any moment of the day during any occasion. "Did I do good?" Amber asked as she began to use her fingers to swipe the cum away from her eyes and into her mouth before she turned her attention to everything else that had escaped.

"You did amazing!" He groaned in pleasure as he watched her clean herself, collecting it with her finger before sucking it clean and going back for more until everything she could possibly get was gone.

"So does it ever go away?" Amber asked as she finished, poking his still hard erection.

"Yes, when I'm not aroused. Which is that smell you were talking about, I assume."

"Makes sense. So was that the best part?"

"Still no."

"Why do you keep teasing me? Get on with it!" She joked, snuggling up close with her brother and hugging him emphatically.

"Sure you want to say that?" He kissed her again, tasting himself on her lips.


"Remember when I stuck my finger in you and there was a wall at the end?"


"That's not the end. That's your hymen. And it hurts when it gets broken and you bleed a little. The best part means I have to break it."



"I wanna try it." The words brought a smile to his face.


"As sure as before. But how much does it hurt?" She asked, a momentary look of distress crossing her feature.

"I'm not sure, but I hear it's quick, and afterwards it will feel better then when I used my fingers. And you never have to go through it again." He kissed her on the cheek this time, scratching her behind the ears comfortingly as he did so. She just nodded her head in response.

"So, what do we do?" Amber asked tremulously.

"Just lay back and let me do the work, okay?" Amber nodded yet again, trusting in the judgment of her lover of a brother. She did as she was bid, and relaxed as she had been told to do before. Tristan maneuvered his way behind her and lifted her so that she was laying on her side. Working his way between her legs, he lined himself up with her still technically virgin entrance. "Ready?" He asked for the last time tonight.

"Ready." Amber replied, determination to see things through to the end keeping her resolve strong.

And so he began to push his way into his sister, taking his time and allowing her to adjust to him. At first it felt wonderful to Amber, having him pushing his way into her cunny. The tip of his maleness pushed it's way in first, causing the most profound sense of completeness and pleasure she had ever felt in her life. But slowly more and more of him entered, and only a third of him was inside of her before she felt the sharp pain of him hitting her hymen. "Ow!" She gasped, and her brother stopped, letting her grow accustomed to having him inside her. Not that he didn't want to just shove his way through her and take her virginity once and for all. It took all of his restraint not to, as this was the most intense feeling of pleasure he had ever felt. He let minuets pass by as he lay there, the both of them glorying in their own sense of completeness, but they both wanted more. "Here we go..." And he gave a quick thrust into his sister's cunny, taking her virginity in one fell swoop.

The pain caught her by surprise, as she had been preparing for it but had never felt anything quite like this. It hurt. Like hell. And the location of the pain just made it twice as uncomfortable and thrice as painful. Tears rolled down her cheeks as Tristan murmured soft words of comfort, apologizing for causing her pain. He rubbed her sides and held her still, somehow keeping himself from sinking deeper into her tunnel as she writhed in pain. "Make it stop!" She sobbed.

"Shh... It'll be over soon. And then it will feel much better." He whispered into her ear, nipping at it playfully and kissing her cheek. It wasn't long before the sharpness of the pain subsided, and it became replaced with a dull ache deep in her nether regions. Slowly her tears stopped, and wiggled back into her brother's loving embrace.

"I-It doesn't h-hurt so bad anymore." She sniffled, nuzzling her brother's head as best she could in the position they were in.

"Can I start again? I'll go slow, I promise."

"Mhm." She sniffled again, clenching her sore muscles to give his length a squeeze. Kissing her again and again, he began to nip at her ears and neck as he began pushing himself deeper into her, stretching her to the limit of her underage frame. His girth felt like he was going to rip her apart, and she hadn't even gotten to the knot yet! Let alone that he still had just under half of his length to go. But somehow he managed to sink deeper and deeper into her bruised cunny, filling her to the brim with his wonderful flesh. The pain had graduated to pleasure again, despite the feeling of being filled to the utmost. Finally he hilted himself within her, the tip of his cock pressing against the entrance to her womb.

Giggling as she felt a spurt of his pre splash against her walls, she wiggled her body and clenched down on him, feeling the exquisite sensation of being filled to the brim. She knew getting the knot in would be a problem, but she wanted it, needed it. Some primal urge in the back of her mind wanted to feel her walls tear as he forced it within her already abused pussy. And they still had a long while to go, if how long it had taken to get him to blow his load in his mouth was any indicator on length of time. "Like it?" Tristan groaned, resisting the urge to pull back out and start slamming his shaft home again and again until his knot formed and he forced it into her already filled cunny.

"I love it!" She murred, writhing about to show her brother that she was ready for whatever happened.

Taking the sign for what it was, he slowly drew himself back out till only a third of his length was in her before he slid himself back in to the base of his length, the both of them sounding their pleasure as he did so. Amber clenched down, trying to get her brother to stay deep inside of her, but to no avail. Regardless of the pleasure brought on by his humping. The empty feeling of him withdrawing left her wanting more, and brought even more pleasure as he slowly slid back in, his cock keeping her walls stretched to their limits without hurting her. Slowly but surely, he began to pick up the pace, sending himself deep into her cunny and the both of them climbing towards that wonderful edge that meant pleasure and ecstasy in it's purest form. Moaning their pleasure, along with the wet squelching noises of their incestuous coupling, Tristan picked up the pace until he was slamming himself home just short of forcefully, making Amber writhe and clench her walls in a vice grip that felt like pure bliss on his length. She began wiggling her rump teasingly, making him come in at just slightly different angles and forcing her sore and abused walls even further apart.

Remembering the flood of his cum in her mouth only made her want him to slam himself home, harder and harder until it hurt so bad that she couldn't stand it anymore. She needed that warmth, the sense of being filled with his sperm as well as his hot flesh as his knot sunk home. "Harder, big brother, harder..." She moaned. And he didn't need to be told twice. Inhibitions of hurting his little sister long gone, he slammed himself home again and again, forcing himself deep into her with loud wet smacks as he hilted himself within her again and again.

And the wall of pleasure hit Amber like a truck, and she was suddenly over the edge. Shrieking her pleasure for all the world to hear as she came long and hard on her brother's cock. The second orgasm of her life was far better then the first, with him deep inside of her, taking her so forcefully it neared on pain. The second was quickly followed by the third, and then the fourth. And with her cumming on his length time and time again, over and over again, Tristan felt his knot begin to form yet again, slapping against her entrance as it attempted to force itself inside of the small and already filled female.

Feeling the knot bashing against her entrance was like a gift from God to Amber, and she began wiggling backwards, frantically trying to force him further into her, regardless of the pain it caused. And then, with a wet plop, it was in. Feeling herself tear slightly, she didn't care. He was in, fully and completely. There was no taking him away from her now. He was hers. And with a growl, he affirmed that she was his too, As the food of sperm filled her underage womb. It wasn't long before his sperm began leaking out of the seal made of his knot and her walls, as she was already full of his maleness and now full of his cum as well. It squelched out audibly, and dripped down Amber's navel and onto the bed where it mingle with the juices of their sexual escapades.

Feeling her tummy with her hands, she could see where her brother was embedded within her, and feel him twitching and firing jet after creamy jet of his thick spunk with her hands, regardless of the sensations coming from her filled and sore pussy. "You were right. This is the best part." She giggled as she squirmed, making the both of them gasp out another moan of pleasure.

"Do I lie?" He chuckled, nipping at her ear playfully yet again as he kissed her head.

"No, you never lie to me, big brother." She murred pleasantly, wiggling about yet again as she tried to find a more comfortable position. "So how long are we gonna be stuck together?"

"Not sure. Why? Tired of me already?"

"No, just tired. And sticky." She giggled yet again as she stole a dollop of his escaped cum from her leg and took it in her mouth yet again.

"Well, I can't fix the sticky part, but we can sleep." Tristan yawned, looking over at his clock which read to be 1:30 in the morning. "Since it's past your bed time and all." He joked.

"Can we go to my room so we don't sleep on wet sheets?" Amber complained, picking at the sheets in question. Tristan just chuckled and worked his arm beneath his baby sister and lifted her up till they were both in a sitting position at the edge of the bed.

"One...Two...Three!" He groaned, feeling his cock moving around on her insides as he carted her at an awkward position into her bedroom, where they laid down and snuggled even closer, if such a thing could be believed when your knotted to a person. And in the dark, Tristan kissed his sister for the last time, a passionately as he could. "I love you, little sister.

"I love you too, big brother. We should do this again."

"Definitely." He chuckled, hugging her tightly as he rested his head on hers. "Sleep well..."