A New Brother - Part 18

Story by XtigerX on SoFurry

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#20 of A New Brother

A New Brother

IMPORTANT: Please do not read if you are under 18/21 (local law). This story contains gay sex, M/M stuff, if you don't like this sort of thing, please leave. If you are underage, leave, but don't blame me if you stay and get caught reading this, don't say I didn't warn you. . . .

Also, these characters, the story, they are mine, if you want to use my characters, please ask me.

Part 18: Nerves

The schedule was laid out bare before them, a reminder of the storm that was to come. As the teacher down in front instructed their students, he could feel his eyes trailing over to the notes being scribbled down by a scaled hand.

"You okay?" Drake whispered, averting his eyes away from his notebook for a moment.

"No." Was the reply Troy decided to give. "I'm fucking shitting it."

"You've gotten through them before, you'll do it again."

"It will be different this year." A sigh escaped his muzzle and he could only do his best to keep his nerves from getting the better of him. However the sense of dread only intensified when the teacher began to speak.

"Now everyone. I hope you're all keeping on top of your homework, things will be wrapping up now. I don't need to remind you that it will be the end of year exam period next month. I should hope all of you revise plenty and pass. Then your final year of high school will begin after the summer."

Internally, all Troy could think of was the phrase 'Shut up!' not wanting to hear another word about exams or finals of anything. The exam period was like the previous years, it would start roughly during the last two weeks of May and finish up in June. The last week or two would be spent handing in any last minute assignments before the summer vacation started. But for the feline himself, the exam period was a time of stress and many meltdowns. It was only due to Drake's handling of his revision schedule and plans that Troy believed he was never held back a year or two.

It would have seemed that his self-doubt was enough to make time flash by in an instant as Drake had to break him out of his stupor. "Troy, come on."

"I'm coming."

"Are you getting nervous again? Troy you'll be fine, you've passed your exams before and you'll do it again."

"I don't know. I come out with average grades in all the main subjects. If its P.E., fine, I can handle that . . . but the rest . . . I'll fucking bomb English."

"You won't. We'll do what we always do, we'll make a ten point plan for English of the key areas to revise. And before you ask, I have notes. And other classes, we'll do the same."

Troy let out a sigh of relief. That would be a most welcome start when it came to revising the subjects. "You know I love you right?"

"Of course I do." Drake told him with a broad grin on his face. "Now stop worrying. You'll get grey hairs."

"If I do, I'll just dye them black."

A short moment of laughter seemed to ease the feline, it didn't matter however brief it was, but it was most certainly welcome. Through the halls of his school, Troy could pick out similar students like him who were dreading the oncoming exams. Faces of dread, panic and despair. Tests were a pain in the ass, even continual assessments became a thorn in ones side. But exams became an hour or two of hell. To hope he wouldn't ever forget an area he was meant to cover and lose points in the process. But then there were those who were like Drake. They didn't even seemed bothered at first glance. They were the ones who strived to achieve the grades they wanted.

"Something else on your mind?" Drake asked him, heading for his locker.

"Nah, nothing."

"Okay. Heard anything about the car situation?"

Another aspect that made him tense up. "Nope. We've uh . . . we've looked at a few cars, me and dad. But um . . . it's just the prices and . . . well . . ."


Troy looked at Drake square in the eyes. He wanted to laugh it off as joke, but he couldn't even muster a smirk. He remembered the salesman at the dealership asking him if he wanted to take a car for a test drive. His body froze as soon as he sat down in the driver's seat. The memory may have been lost, but he couldn't deny that it still terrified him.

". . . Yeah. Yeah, I'm scared."

Drake closed his locker door and took Troy's hand into his own. "Don't worry about it so much. You know how to drive, you just have to take it small steps at a time."

"I guess so. There were some really nice looking cars."

"Well that's an incentive to get back to driving again isn't it?"

Troy couldn't help but show a smile. Drake always knew how to make the situation better to him. If there was less people around, he would show his appreciation to his dragon. "It is."

"So what were you saying about Mark earlier?"

"Oh!" Troy had completely forgotten. He wasn't much for gossiping, but Mark's words the other day had peaked his curiosity. "Yeah, Mark said he made plans. He was all dressed up too. Meeting someone I guess."

"Didn't you ask him if he was?"

"No. It slipped my mind. Every teacher is talking about the damn exams and I just forgot. Plus I can't speak to him when we're in the middle of class."

"Well maybe you can ask him later on? If it's bothering you that much. Otherwise, I'd say just let him tell us in his own time. . .or we hear it through the grapevine here in the hallway."

"So what class we got next?"

"English. Your favourite."

A sigh escaped his lips. "Oh just kill me now." With a chuckle from Drake, he followed the dragon close and took his seat. He was praying that the teacher wouldn't say a word about the exams to every god that he could think of. But as soon as he sat down, the words on the board _Exam Revision: Key Notes_made him slump down into his chair and groan. "Oh fuck off. . ." His actions also prevented him from seeing Mark talk to someone just outside the door before he joined them inside.

Max lay on the bed in the late afternoon, face buried into the sheets. Both his body and mind ached. His body from the mass of activities during the P.E. class. He put it down to the cross country running that they did followed by games of hockey and football. Something in his mind made him wonder if their gym teacher was a bit of a sadist. Or that he was just a bit out of shape. Drawing wasn't exactly a demanding exercise.

"Hey, shower's free if you want it." Jamie said as he walked in, wrapped in only a towel. But as soon as he reached the bed, he flopped down and groaned. "Ahhh. . .my legs feel like they're gonna drop off."

"Same here." Max said, grinning. "Still, might give you muscles."

"Muscles on me? I'm scrawny as hell. If I want muscles, I'd be better asking Troy for a protein shake or something. But you better grab the shower while you can."

"Okay. You wanna do anything when I come back?"

Jamie shrugged. "I dunno. You wanna play a game or something? We can see about ordering Chinese?"

"Chinese food sounds so good right now."

"I'll ask once I'm properly dry."

With that, Max pushed himself off the bed and headed towards the bathroom. He could hear Drake typing away on his computer while Lily was downstairs, watching a game show from the sounds of it. He knew Aaron would still be at work for at least another hour which gave him time to think on some matters. Closing the door, Max removed his clothes and stepped into the shower, letting the water hit his body. It came as a welcome relief to his tired and sore limbs but as he scrubbed himself, he began to ponder on all the reasons on why he found Aaron so damn attractive.

Am I losing interest in Jamie? No, I can't be. It's weird to picture things without him. He's so cute and adorable . . . we fight over silly things . . . then again . . . we did jump into the deep end of this whole relationship. No romance like I pictured before but . . . when I say that, I want Aaron so badly . . . should I just tell Jamie? He might flip out at me. Maybe . . . Maybe I'm just grateful because Aaron took me in? And I'm misplacing those feelings? That . . . That must be it. It won't be like Jamie finds him attractive. Maybe it's just a fantasy. Maybe I have a thing for older guys . . . maybe . . .

Shaking his head, Max grabbed the shampoo and started to work it into his fur. The more he tried to think of a reason, the more he felt his stomach twist into knots. He wondered if he had commitment issues, but he still wanted to cuddle up to Jamie and enjoy their private times of passion. With the water rinsing over him, Max hoped that these feelings would be like the running water, staying momentarily before leaving him.

"Max? You about done in there?"

He looked over to the door. The voice belonged to Lily. "Yeah Lily, I'm just about to come out."

"Alright sweety. You want Chinese? Jamie asked and Aaron's going to be running late so I'm not going to bother starting something and letting the food get cold."

"Yes please." As Lily's footsteps became quieter, Max took in those words. "Aaron's going to be running late?" Part of him could feel disappointment building up but he remembered a vital aspect that made him feel incredibly guilty.

Aaron is fucking married! It's not like Lily's invisible, she's basically a second mom to me! How the fuck . . . how the actual fuck can I start feeling like this?!

With the shower being turned off, Max grabbed a towel and started to dry himself off as best as he could. He still needed a trim but it still couldn't distract him from the gut wrenching guilt he was feeling. Wrapping the towel around his waist, Max headed back for the bedroom and saw Jamie in fresh clothes and pulling out a few games.

"You know." Jamie started, turning around. "We have a bit of time before dinner. Want to lose the towel and play a different game?"

Closing the door, Max let the towel drop to the floor and walked over to his fox. Reflecting on the fact that Aaron would be arriving late, the snow leopard decided he would be better to distance himself from the adult dragon and focus more on the person he had in front of him.

"Jamie. I really do love you."

"I love you too silly."

A kiss locked them together. For now, Max was going to forget about everything that was related to Aaron and focus simply of Jamie just now. He gazed into the Jamie's eyes and held him tighter. The intimacy they were sharing was enough to get the pair of them hard and Max pressed his lips against Jamie's again. Embraced, the two of them made their way back to the bed.

"How long you think we have?" Max asked. His heart was pounding and he made sure his hands were keeping Jamie firmly against him.

"Hmm . . . maybe fifteen minutes?"

With a grin, Max kneeled down and licked Jamie's exposed cock slowly, dragging his tongue upwards from the base and over the tip. Feeling his boyfriend tense up ever so slightly, Max enveloped the member in his maw, wrapping his tongue around the pulsing cock.

"Oh fuck. . ."

He heard each and every one of Jamie's soft moans and it only served to turn him something fierce. Sucking harder, Max pushed himself down towards the base of Jamie's cock, eagerly swallowing any of the pre that leaked from the tip. Cupping those soft orbs in his paw, Max gently rolled them in his palm, pulling his head back and teasingly licking the tip of Jamie's cock.

"Oh damn Max . . . don't tease . . ." Jamie said to him, laying back on the bed while his cock throbbed.

"Aww, but it's fun."

"I'll give you the same treatment."

Grinning, Max squeezed Jamie's forming knot, loving the moan that he let out. "Well . . . guess I'll just have to tease you until the food arrives."

"That's . . . . That's just . . . ohhhh . . ."

"You were saying?" Max said, having licked the growing knot and giving it another firm squeeze. As soon as he took the cock back into his muzzle, Jamie lost the ability to form any sentences, let alone two words. Max worked his muzzle and tongue all over Jamie's cock, paying special attention to the knot. Any pre that leaked from the tip, the snow leopard wasted no time in lapping it up. His own cock throbbed with need but he was sure Jamie would return the favour.

"M-Max. . ." Looking up, he could see Jamie digging his hands into the sheets. With extra vigour, Max sucked harder and pushed himself down deeper, trying to take the knot into his maw. He could tell that Jamie was incredibly close to his climax and the more intense he could make Jamie's climax, the better. With those short breaths Jamie was letting out, as well as his jaw starting to ache, Max pulled back and left the head of Jamie's cock in his maw, lapping at it furiously. With a restrained moan coming from the fox's maw, Max's maw was flooded with the familiar taste of the canid's seed in his maw. He waited until Jamie gave him every last drop before he swallowed it.

"Good?" Max asked, panting and trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah. You really know how to tease me."

"What can I say? I like your knot."

Grinning, Jamie pulled the snow leopard to his feet. "Oh just you wait until I get your co-"

Jamie would have finished the sentence, but the sound of Lily's voice from downstairs caused them to freeze. "Boys, food is here!"

"Guess you'll have to wait until after dinner." Max said, sniggering. "We better get dressed before your mom calls on us again." Grabbing his clothes, Max could only burst out into a fit of laughter once he heard Jamie speak.

"I can't believe I just got cock blocked by takeout food."

Rei had once again tossed his bag next to his bed once he returned from school. His legs ached from the vigorous exercise during P.E class and he had a feeling he was not the only one to feel tired. He was just thankful that Mark was able to drive him home so he could give his legs a rest.

"You must be out of shape a bit Rei." Mark said, glancing in at him as he walked by.

"You'd be dying too if you went through what I did earlier. It was non-stop!"

"Sure, sure."

While Mark gave him some peace, Rei turned towards his collection of games. He felt like playing something to pass the time and wait for dinner. Pulling out his choice, Rei was about to switch on the game before Mark stood at the doorway again. He didn't even hear his older sibling approach

"Need something Mark?" Rei asked, putting the disc in to the tray. He wondered what Mark was doing just standing there. Perhaps pry him with questions again about his actions of late. But as Rei looked over his elder brother, he couldn't make out the expression on Mark's face. He didn't look upset, angry or even happy. Expressionless would be the best word to use in the situation he felt.

"Just . . . if you'd be okay if I made you something now for dinner?"

"Now?" Rei looked at him quizzically. Mark had rarely ever cooked dinner early, there was always a schedule in place or at least a rough time for dinner. So an event like this was rare in the household. Not to mention there was also a reason behind it that much Rei knew.

"Yeah. Something with pasta? Or . . . chicken?" That expressionless face Mark was wearing was slowly beginning to crack. A small smile crept on to his face and all it did was make Rei sigh. "What are you doing later then?"

"Well . . . you know I went out the other day? I uh . . . I'm going out again. You can invite Jamie and Max around again. Keep you company?"

"I'm not a little kid Mark. And where exactly are you going?"

"Out with a friend."

Rei couldn't quite believe the response he received. Hardly a substantial answer that only served to generate more questions. But it irked him and he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"A friend?"


"And I don't even get a name? What, is it Drake or Troy?"

"No, not them. Look Rei, we're in our home economics class together, we've been having a good time and some good laughs so we agreed to meet up again. Look, I just want this to be for me right now. I'll fill you in later, okay?"

Rei debated now if it was worth trying to probe further for any information. Questions were appearing in his mind, one after the other. He wanted to know who this person was, was it a girl or a boy? Was this person someone close to Mark already? As close as he was to Jamie and Max already? It was hard to picture Mark with someone else while he was dealing with those conflicting feelings deep down inside him. But seeing a happy smile on Mark's face, he decided to just leave matters be.

"Alright. I'll just play some of my games or text Jamie and Max later. As for dinner . . . just whatever."

"Great." That smile on Mark's face grew bigger. "How about I make you some kind of pasta?"

"Just whatever. I'll eat it regardless."

And with that, Mark made his way downstairs to prepare the food. Rei on the other hand followed him as far as the doorway and stood there, watching his older brother heading downstairs until he was hidden from view. The otter wanted to know badly who this person was and how they were making his brother so happy.

"Fuck it all." Heading back to his bed, Rei snatched up the controller and started playing through his game, taking out his enemies with the highest damage and combo's he could do. He felt angry, he wanted to know why Mark wouldn't say a word to him, of all people, he couldn't say a single word to his brother. Rei even bit down gently on his tongue, his fingers mashing the buttons furiously while his mind pondered about confronting Mark over the issue or just even doing something ridiculous like kissing him outright.

"Fuck!" Rei shouted. He looked at the door, wondering if Mark may have heard him from downstairs. But when no response came, Rei simply paused the game and sat up on the bed. He did feel angry, but those conflicting feelings told him he should be happy for Mark. "I really shouldn't be thinking about that stuff. . ."

Laying back on the bed, Rei decided to just leave his brother alone for now. He would wait until Mark decided to speak to him. For all the otter knew, this person, whoever he or she may be, could simply be a friend and nothing more. There was no reason to feel any sense of unease just yet. The situation would be a whole lot better if the conflicting feelings in the pit of his stomach would just vanish.

Picking up the controller again, Rei felt it would be best to try and immerse himself in the game as much as possible until Mark called him for dinner. He would try and speak to Jamie and Max later about this issue and with luck, hope that it would all be resolved as soon as possible.

Mark never liked keeping Rei in the dark about anything, but he felt that this was something that he had to deal with on his own first. Rei didn't seem like he minded much about the events that unfolded earlier at the house, nor did he seem to mind about being home alone for a while. Mark even assumed that Rei would be relishing his time alone for once.

"Alright . . . got my wallet . . . keys . . . phone . . ." Mark said to himself, patting each of his pockets that held the specific item. He had just left his car not five minutes ago after finding a parking space, waiting outside the restaurant and looking around for the familiar face. For the umpteenth time, he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and checked the time or if he had received any messages or missed a call. He wasn't late, but even so he felt himself becoming more nervous as the minutes ticked by. Glancing in to the restaurant, he could see the table he booked earlier, the warm ambience he pictured was making knots form in his stomach and it took a few moments to calm himself.

"Mark!" He looked over to opposite side of the street and he just chuckled. Troy was standing at the edge of the curb, waiting for the signal to allow him to cross. Truthfully, Mark was hoping he'd have no interruptions but he concluded that a quick chat with Troy may help to calm his nerves.

"Hey." Was his simple greeting once Troy had managed to walk over to him. The feline was wearing a pair of red shorts and a navy shirt and judging from the amount of darkened patches, Mark could tell that Troy had just finished a run. "Exercising?"

"Yeah. What about you, you're all dressed up and snazzy." Troy asked, grinning.

"Ah, I'm . . . meeting someone."

Immediately he could see Troy's eyes light up, making Mark wonder if he knew what he was up to. "Really? Again? You sure it's not me?"

Mark chuckled. "Definitely not you Troy, sorry. And if it was you, I'd suggest you'd go for a shower and get dressed properly for a restaurant."

"Ah, I'll shower once I get home. I'm just a little curious . . . who you're meeting."

Mark blushed. "It's not like it's a date. Just. . ."

"Really? All dressed up, fancy restaurant. Sounds like a date to me." Troy kept his grin plastered on to his face and Mark could feel himself start to get nervous again. He felt like he could have told Troy, but for now he wanted to be selfish and just enjoy himself and tell others about who he was seeing afterwards. "Oh okay, I can tell. I'm bugging you. I'm gonna head off and grab a shower."

"Um, okay Troy. See you at class tomorrow." With a simple wave, Troy started jogging down the path, leaving Mark alone outside the restaurant.

"Troy certainly likes to work out doesn't he? I hope he wasn't trying to chat you up." Mark turned and looked at the source of the voice, taking a moment to catch his breath.

"No, Troy's just being himself. And I have to say Robyn, you look . . . wow."

In front of Mark was Robyn Basford, a border collie with azure eyes and the trademark black and white fur. She may have been outside his species and even if she looked stunning, what Mark found the most enticing about her was the attitude she had. Confident, calm and sweet. The first time they spent together in Home Economics, discussing recipes, the otter was hooked.

"Thanks Mark. Have to say you look good too. Do you want to head inside?"


Grasping the door handle and holding it open, Mark let his Robyn in first and followed, the pair waiting in the warmth of the building before being taken to their table. Sitting down, Mark smiled as he gazed upon her face again. One word only came to his mind. Stunning.