Chapter Two: Passion

Story by The Roseblack Dragon on SoFurry

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#3 of Tales of Ippon

Sometimes things do not go as men plan them to...

Aritseru Kajikuro gave a content sigh, smiling to himself. His plan was coming

along nicely. He watched absently as the busty Jyujin vixen he had just taken as a consort a

year before worked her well-trained lips along and over his manhood. Aritseru was thought

of as an oddity among the major peoples of Ippon. His mother was Jirajin, but he had been

told that his father was a Kibajin Ronin from the Far north. The result was rather unique, for

Aritseru's body was lightly covered in hard red scales, but a thick mane of coarse wolf hair

ran along his spine and down his shorter-than-average Jirajin tail. His face was lupine in

structure, but the scales over his body were there too, making him look quite different. He

was in peak condition, and he knew it. He gave a low, soft grumble of pleasure as the

smaller vixen suckled at the impressive length of his shaft. He grinned, the short talons on

his smoothly scaled fingers combing through the girl's hair, "Mmmm. Such a Good girl, Hana-


Hana moaned in response to the praise, slowly savoring the taste of her lord's

shaft, her deft fingers stroking over the soft skin of his sack. Aritseru gently pulled her

farther onto his cock, stuffing her soft mouth with his warmth, but his mind was on his target;

Usuyami Shidomori. For over a year she had carefully evaded him and outwitted his

advances, but his newest plan was flawless. He would have her, and she would yield under

him. As he firmly but lovingly moved Hana around, lining himself up behind her and smoothly

hilting his solid cock in her silken tunnel. Hana cried out lustfully at the intrusion, but Aritseru

did not hear her. Instead his mind altered her moans to those of the Lady Shidomori. His

imagination ran wild as he drove into the vixen hungrily, thinking her to be his true goal as

he drove his harness into her, forcing her snug cunny to fit his still hardening shaft.

"Lord Kajikuro," a voice broke in through the moans and sounds of heavy sex, "I

have news."

Aritseru paused, snapping back to reality, "what?" he grumbled, feeling Hana flex

herself on his shaft, silently begging him to finish her.

The messenger knelt outside the thing shoji door, and both parties could see the

other's silhouette easily. "It's about the Roji, sir. They've sent and envoy to speak with you."

Aritseru growled and gave Hana a quick jabbing thrust, making her yelp in

pleasure, "Damn the Roji, I'll see those offal when I damn well feel like it, what else?"

"The Lady Shidomori has accepted your invitation to your festival," the messenger

responded quickly, his own maleness growing hard and the sound of Aritseru pleasuring one

of his many women.

"Excellent..." Aritseru hissed in glee as he resumed his smooth yet firm pounding

of Hana's sweet pussy. The Messenger waited to be dismissed, as was custom, and Aritseru

only paid him slight attention as he made Hana squeal in delight more. Aritseru spoke

shortly, grunting almost between each word in exertion as he drove the vixen closer to her

peak, fondling her breasts with one hand and her ass with the other, "See to it that she has a

place to stay wherever she wishes when she arrives. I want her to be as comfortable as

possible for the festival, Urgh..."

Hana yelped as Aritseru's knot, part of his Kibajin heritage, popped into her tight

hole and locked them together. As she came around the swelling bulb of flesh, Aritseru

hissed and gripped her hips hard, pulling her to him as he unloaded pulse after hot pulse of

his virile seed into her clutching womb.

The messenger swallowed nervously, his own shaft staining his loincloth, "An-

anything else lord?"

"No. Dismissed," Aritseru sighed contently, laying the shivering Hana out along

side him as he lay on his side, the two of them locked together while his thick knot ensured

that his seed had nowhere to go but inward. He let his mind wander over the details of the

coming festival, and his plans to claim the lady Shidomori as his own. Before he had realized

it, his knot had shrunk down to the point where he could safely leave Hana's soft cunny. He

pulled out of her with a wet sound, and idly watched the remains of his climax seep from her

depths. As he pulled his robe on he stepped to the window and looked out over his city. In

two days, she would be there... as beautiful as ever and ripe for the plucking.

Magura Kibotani was not a wealthy merchant by any means, but what he lacked in

money; he made up for with connections. Across the entirety of Ippon, he was known and

liked. His business savvy was not perfect, but his customers and trading partners liked his

methods and morals, and that made for repeat bargains. He was rich in fame instead of

wealth. Women wanted him, men wanted to be him, but he was simply happy being himself.

He strolled through the market of Eizu, smiling merrily. Eizu was the place to be at the time,

for the Lord Kajikuro had lowered taxes by half the normal rate for the month of his

birthdate. Merchants were raking in gold and rice, the two currencies of Ippon, though rice

was more accepted among farmers. Magura was no exception to this. He had brought with

him a convoy of a thousand bushels of rice, fifty skeins of silk from Kadomatsu in the Far

West of Ippon, and almost seven hundred bard of gold, valued at about five thousand Ryo

each. With all that, he could literally buy a hotel for himself, but the convoy represented his

entire savings, and he was not about to squander it.

Magura was easily noticed. Not many Jyujin carried the snowfox colorings. He was

totally white, save for gray eartips and handfur. His robes were plain for a merchant, but still

finer than most Samurai or any farmer could afford. He looked up from a young Jirajin girl's

jewelry booth and saw that his small caravan had stopped. He pushed past the crowd gently

to see the fuss. At the front of the crowd, his shock was total. From all he could tell, a pair of

foreigners were in an argument with one of Lord Kajikuro's samurai. Somehow they had

offended him. Foreigners were almost unheard of in Ippon, and those that were there were

centered in the west, with the ports and fishing villages. To see two of them in a land like

Eizu was bordering on the impossible. Naturally the pair made a true spectacle of

themselves. The male was Jyujin, but his coloring was muted, being more brown than the

brilliant copper hues of most Jyujin. Atop his head was a strange bowl-shaped hat with a

short brim, while his body was covered in multiple layers of a thick, rough looking fabric. His

eyes were a bright brown, and larger than most Jyujin eyes too.

The woman was even more of a visual assault on the eyes, and likely the cause

of all the ruckus. She seemed to be some kind of rabbit-woman, totally alien in Ippon, and

certainly odd-looking to anyone from the lands there. She was wearing a similar outfit to her

companion, but in blacks and reds instead of browns, and with a large cylinder-shaped hat

with wide brim and a massively grotesque purple feather sticking out of the hatband. Bright

red makeup covered the tops of her eyes, right up to her eyebrows, like a gross parody of a

kabuki dancer.

The Samurai, a Rat clad in the blue-black colors of the Arisou Clan chittered

angrily at the woman about her offensive appearance and lack of manners. On the other

side, the foreign man yapped angry incoherent strings of what Magura recognized as English,

idly picking out simple words about not understanding, and a few choice insults about the

rat's attitude as well. Not wanting to see bloodshed, Magura stepped forward, but the Rat's

sword came out. The foreign Jyujin yanked a strange device from his pocket, but the

Samurai was in motion, and before anyone could react, the rat slashed, leaving a thin slice

across the foreigner's chest.

It took a moment for the crowd to start clearing out as fast as they could manage,

for Samurai that drew blood were usually dangerous. This was further proved as he stepped

over the wailing man, intent on killing the girl. With a wild shriek of righteous rage, he

brought the katana down, but a glimmering shaft of white steel interposed. The Rat's eyes

adjusted, focusing on the new intruder. A rather massive spear, with a long, wide blade on

the end, and a big white silk length of cloth tied to the haft just after the blade.

"Honor is not found in killing innocent, unarmed Women Friend," the spear's

owner spoke calmly. He was a tall, even for a Jirajin, and his thick scales were a brilliant

blue, like the color of deep sky. White hair was puled back into a ponytail from under the

wide-brimmed straw hat. His outfit was that of any travelling samurai, done in the white and

teal colors of the Rokkotsu clan. At his waist were his swords, though he obviously favored

the spear. He was an experienced fighter, for despite the tension in the air, he was calm like

a sleeping butterfly.

"Look at her! She is ugly, and I will not tolerate her presence!" the Rat howled at

the new Samurai, enraged by the interruption, and worked up from his attack on the man.

The Jirajin spoke calmly, "Perhaps. But she is Foreign, and that allows for

consideration on our half."

The Nezujin samurai would not hear of it. "I will kill her and resolve the issue!

Now stand aside before I cut you down as well!"

The Jirajin bristled, his scales rattling against each other in the shiver of controlled rage. He

exhaled and shifted his weight; "I am Shuji Yarimoto. You will not touch her."

The Nezujin hissed, "Kuji Morisa. You will die before her." The Rat wasted no time

and lunged, but the stroke was expertly deflected by the blade of the spear. Shuji Yarimoto

spun sideways and whipped the spear around, bring the last half-meter of the pole into sharp

contact with Kuji Morisa's rump, making the smaller Rat yowl in pain and stumble headlong

toward a nearby wall. The Nezujin roared and returned the attack, but again, the spear

turned the blade aside with no effort and this time the bad end of the spear connected with

the back of Kuji Morisa's head, sending him to the ground in a heap. Shuji righted the spear

and sighed. He looked to the girl who was worrying over the fallen man, whimpering "James?

James?" at him. Shuji looked around and saw that Magura was still there.

"You there, Merchant!" he smiled, motioning Magura over, "you speak their


Magura nodded a bit and stepped closer, having the merchant's natural distrust of

samurai, "Y-yes... a little."

Shuji smiled, "please convey my apologies for Morisa-san's actions, and tell her

that I will take her companion to my suite nearby to have his injury treated."

Magura took a moment to decipher the words in his head, then carefully spoke to

the girl who looked up at the shattered English. She responded slowly and looked to Shuji,

blushing as she spoke directly to him in equally broken Ipponese.

"Please forgive, I speak little your words. Not have many words, but if talk small,

I understand."

Shuji nodded and slowed his speech, making sure to use hand gestures to help

convey the message, "I'm taking him to be healed. To remove the cut."

The Girl nodded and blushed, "My Thanks to you, Samurai-sama." The reply was

astoundingly well spoken and her manners were rather polite. Shuji hefted the now

unconscious fox easily and carried him, motioning for her to follow.

"I will get you some clean things to wear, and we will make sure your friend is

healed," Shuji moved down the street and into an inn.

Magura looked on, then shrugged the escapade off and got his convoy moving

again, needing to reach the booth he had reserved for his trading.

Shuji nodded and pressed a pouch of coins into the surgeon's hand, "thank you."

"He will live, but he lost a lot of blood, don't expect him to wake up for a few

days, or have the energy to move for a week or more."

Shuji nodded, "I will tell her." He sent the doctor on his way and turned back to

see the foreign girl. He blinked and smiled, "how does it feel?"

She blushed and nodded timidly, her ears set back along her hair all of it carefully

tied with silk ribbons. Her makeup was gone, replaced by a less striking eyeshadow, and

vibrant lip-gloss. She wore a fine teal kimono with bamboo patterns on it, and white Tabi

socks on her feet. "Feel... naked."

Shuji blinked, then remembered that foreign women wore close-fitting clothes

under their clothing, unlike Ipponese women, who didn't wear such things under their

kimonos. "I see.... Well, I didn't get to see, but I'm certain that even without the kimono you

are stunning."

She blinked, not really understanding, "what you say?"

Shuji nodded, setting his hat aside and smiling at her with his deep turquoise

eyes, "I said that I think you would be beautiful naked too."

She blushed hotly at that and fidgeted in place.

"I am sorry, I did not mean to offend," Shuji caught himself, shaking his head. He

did not want the girl to think him crude.

She smiled a little and shook her head, "I thinking... same."

He blinked, confused, "say again?"

She blushed and looked down, "not have word for man and woman together..."

The idea hit Shuji like a thrown rock. The foreigner wanted to sleep with him? He

instantly ran over all the possible reasons for this. Perhaps the girl was curious about him.

Maybe her companion was her lover and she needed the attention. He shook his head and

stared at her, "you are wanting to... be with me?"

She blushed and looked away a bit, "you save me. Even James not save me

much times."

He nodded. She wanted to repay his kindness, "I see... Well, if you are certain."

She took a moment to translate his words and then gave a shy nod. Shuji nodded

back and set his swords aside, moving to the door and whispering orders to the maids. He

moves back into the collection of rooms and nodded to the girl, leading her toward the

sleeping area. The sun was setting slowly and it cast an orange light about the room. She

blushed and looked around, "walls are paper?"

Shuji nodded, "the walls are only paper in mind... if you think wall is brick, or tree,

or ocean, the wall becomes such." He nodded, smiling and pulling moving over to the corner

of the room, pulling his hakama off and his gi top, pulling a plain white sleeping robe on. The

girl watched him, eyeing his muscled back, and admiring the way his scales shimmered. She

noticed that his chest and belly and under his jaw were not scaled, but covered by a smooth

white skin that looked leathery. She carefully reached back and tugged at the obi on her

waist, untying the wide sash carefully, and undoing the work that the maids had gone

through to get her in the kimono. The under kimono was enough to sleep in, but she

imagined that once things got moving, she'd be sleeping in less.

Shuji nodded to her and pulled back the cover on the futon. The night was cool,

as they were still high in the mountains, but it was not chilly. As the Girl carefully sat on the

futon, Shuji put his hand on hers and nodded, "Name... what is your name?"

She nodded and smiled blushing as she wiggled her fingers under his much larger

hand, "S-Summer Moonlake..."

Shuji blinked curiously and licked his lips, his purple forked tongue flicking a little

as he tried the odd-sounding name, "Samurr Moonraek?"

She laughed and nodded, smiling as her ears moved a little.

Shuji smiled in return and bowed his head; "I am Shuji Yarimoto."

Summer furrowed her eyebrows and wrinkled her nose, "Shoojee?"

He nodded and reached up, running his fingers through her hair gently, "That is


She smiled and nodded a little, leaning into his hand a bit. For all she knew about

reptiles, they were cold-blooded, cool to the touch for the most part, but Shuji's hand was

quite warm. In fact, it was warmer than she was. She blushed and wondered if she was doing

things she shouldn't, but Shuji didn't give her time to think, as he pulled her in close and

pressed his lips to her forehead gently, smiling. "Sleep for now. Perhaps more later..."

She nodded and blushed; watching him lay on his back and close his eyes.

Summer chewed her lip a little then squirmed into the futon a little, nuzzling up against her

new guardian, and lettign sleep claim her.

Shuji awoke to the feeling of motion. Someone was shaking him. He moved to sit

up, but someone was resting on his chest, straddling him as it were, and his manhood was

surrounded by wet warmth that his sleep-fogged mind registered dimly as someone's mouth.

He groaned and the feeling pulled off of his member slowly, followed by a giggle.

"Awake?" Summer asked him playfully, her syntax off, but he understood.

"Mmmm... I am now... how long have you been at that?" He grinned, idly rubbing

her smooth leg, the soft fur shifting under his fingertips.

She blinked, "Eh? Please say again?"

He shook his head, "not important..." with a soft hand he pushed the fabric of her

sleeping kimono away from her rear, showing off her puff of a tail and the soft, sweet petals

of her sex just within reach. He licked his tongue out, flicking the tips over the short fur of

her legs. The taste of her arousal was thick in the air and he groaned, feeling his shaft

harden anew, "Nnnggg..."

"Ooh..." Summer giggled, feeling his shaft in her fingers, "I think someone wants

to, Ahhh..."

Shuji smirked as he slipped his tongue into her folds, both tips poking at her clit

gently before travelling farther in with the rest of his long tongue. He felt her shiver and

convulse, and smiled to himself at how sensitive she was. He wormed his tongue around

inside her, taking the time to fully appreciate her taste, which was totally different from the

courtesans he knew

Summer nearly lost herself on his tongue. He was much better than James had

ever been, possibly due to a genuine interest in her, but the thoughts were only there for a

moment as another wave of pleasure rippled through her pores, leaving her squirming and

gripping Shuji's shaft like some kind of handle.

With some degree of control, he pulled his tongue from her cunny and have her

smaller hips a push, moving her down his chest and holding her waist over his heavy, erect

length. Summer looked back and gave him a worried look and a babble of concerned

English. But Shuji gave her a gentle squeeze of reassurance and nodded a little pulling her

down gently to where her petals split over the spear-like tip of his shaft.

Summer squealed as she felt herself get penetrated by the steel-hard cock, the

head of him alone stretching her tunnel nicely. Then as she felt him pull her down more, she

noticed the key difference between Shuji and James. Where James, like most foxes, had a

knot at his base, Shuji's member was thickly ridged. The ridges were uneven, but they

tickled her nerves as nothing she had felt before. With gasping breaths, she felt him pull her

onto his cock more, each tug shoving another inch or more of his length into her tight

confines. She gave a pleasured whimper as her rump met his hips and she felt his tip tickle

the very deepest ends of her pussy.

Shuji growled in pure delight at the girl now fully impaled on his shaft. She was so

tight he was afraid that if he let himself indulge, he would tear the poor girl in half. He

grunted and lifted her gently, and smiled as she moved herself under his guidance, sliding up

his pole and then easing back onto him with a stifled moan. No words were exchanged as

She started to ride him gently, each movement pulling both of them ever closer to the

summit of ecstasy.

After a moment, however, Shuji sat up and squirmed out from under her, his cock

leaving her pussy with a wet 'plop' and it bounced off of her soft rump once as he moved out

from under her, waiting for her to turn over. But, she merely smiled and raised her rear,

looking over her shoulder at him with a blush in her ears and nodded, eyes begging him to

take her again. Shuji shrugged and gripped her hips, pulling her to him and expertly sinking

his hardness back into her depths again, making her squeal and grip the tatami as he started

to thrust into her with firm, caring strokes. Five strokes he kept himself from hilting in her,

but then on the next three after, he drove completely into her and even pushed a little more,

his tip mashing against her cervix slightly. He kept this pattern up for almost half an hour,

the smaller bunny under him climaxing over his cock twice before he doubled his pace.

"Ahhh!" she screamed at the sudden increase to vigorous, pounding thrusts that

made her breasts bounce under her. Another orgasm was building inside her again, thrust by

delicious thrust, the ridges and bumps on Shuji's throbbing member causing areas of her

pussy that she never knew she had to be stimulated. Then with a grunt from Shuji, she felt

him grip her hips and drive into her deeply and hold there. She absently wondered what he

was stopping for when the surge of warmth inside her hit her like a horse kick to the chest.

She couldn't contain the wild orgasm that rippled across her being and wailed her pleasure

through the paper walls and into the moonless midnight. The last thought she had as her

mind drifted to exhausted planes was that a man had just cum inside her for the first time in

her life.

Shuji felt her pass out and caught her in his arms, holding her to him as the last

few shots of his own orgasm wracked his lower body, making him wince. He'd never came so

hard before, and he was surprised. He lay her out next to him as he lay down again, his cock

still firm and buried in her snug hole, loving the feel of her around him. Sleep came easily

after that, and unlike the rest of his nights, Shuji Yarimoto slept soundly, without nightmares.
