Commission: Uninvited Tournament Part 3

Story by dracologist on SoFurry

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The third part in the Uninvited Tournament where Aria takes on Shadow. Who will step up and claim this match? Let's find out.

Aria (c) DragonWaffle

Shadow (c) cataras

Uninvited Tournament Part 3

The blue island queen had to chuckle a bit at the fact that two fights were already finished. The easy smirk that rolled over her lips even showed that while they were steaming along she could absolutely fit a few more fights into this day and started back to the other ladies that were still seated at the stands of this ruined structure. It would be easy to just have the rest of the fights take place here alone, but that wasn't what this busty woman wanted. They'd all come to her island, they'd come here to fight, to find out who among them was the best, and for that reason alone Sumethil wasn't going to just keep them in one spot. Her island had many beauties and mysteries about it, so there was no way at all that she could keep them here and rob them of the chance to really experience what she had to show this group. So as she rose from her seat to look out over these fighters, both furry and scaled, she'd turn her eyed start to look for the next match, the next epic bout that would rattle the earth that this island sat upon. Of course, she wasn't just thinking about the fighters, either, she was thinking about the area that they could fight in, but if she was going to have two of these ladies take one another, then she was going to have it done as felines in the depths of the harsh jungle, a fight that utilizes the trees as much as the ground itself. Those eyes adjusted, though, and while she looked for the perfect match-up a certain someone caught her eyes in this. The sight of a slightly smaller fighter than the rest, but one that was absolutely going to surprise everyone if she was let out to fight these girls. The idea of it drew an easy grin across those blue lips and finally as she was selecting the fighters the choice would be made.

Aria could feel those eyes resting on her, those yellow gleams turning back up towards her with a slight lift of an eyebrow that quickly followed by a very well paced grin across her lips. It was instantly clear that this shorter lynx was being given the chance to put herself out there, to be able to fight others, to be able to tear down someone's defense and ravage their amazing bodies. Hers wasn't as impressive with not as much of a chest to speak of, but clearly she was ready to show these ladies that curves weren't everything. Aria was always looking for the next big challenge, the next grand fight that she could either come out on top of or crush down into the ground. Aria was known, she wasn't some slacker fighter with large tits that expected others to give her wins only because of a burning desire to do her, this girl got real fighting experience because she didn't even step into a ring unless the fight that was happening was going to be a challenge to her. She didn't just look for pretty boys, she didn't just reach out for hard and strong men or soft and curvy women. This girl, despite her size disadvantage was known for taking on some of the stronger and more skilled fighters around here and occasionally even besting them at times. Aria was a real fighter, always looking to become stronger, always aiming to be better. This tournament was just another of those and she was going to show these busty bitches what it meant for her to be here, and why they should all be afraid. So her first victim was going to have to be someone good, someone skilled, and someone capable in order for her to show off on, or get showed off, either way she was going to get a very well placed fight.

Seeing this girl that had been selected, this small lynx, it became quickly obvious that they needed another feline to fight her, someone with the power and compassion to handle a brutal fight that this small, but feisty fighter was willing to out out. At that time those eyes shifted slowly, spotting the sight of the dark panthress that was standing to the side. Clearly, she'd be able to settle into the shadows of the trees with ease, something that would happily compliment with the spotted fur pattern of the lynx for the purpose of camouflage. The sight of this panther, this dark feline, this Shadow, was one of beauty, despite her darker figure the girl still boasted a nicely rounded set of breasts, curves that best helped to keep those eyes downward where her attacks could strike out quickly. Shadow was a well know fighter, having grown into a well developed fighter along with Tassia in the underground fighting rings, but her name, though common, was well associated with this feline. Shadow wasn't about to back down from any fight, having been trained that running was never an option and with eyes following Sumethil's line of sight this feline would step forward, looking over her opponent as if she were going to fight her right here and now on the steps of this fighting arena, able to do combat anyplace, anywhere, and under any rules. It was only fortunate for the both of them that the rules of this fighting tournament were easy to follow. Fight until the opponent is worn down and then bring them to climax, that was the method for this tournament, it was it's rule, and once that was complete the two would be released from their bout with one moving on.

"Hold on, you two." Their hostess spoke up before things got started, "I have an area prepared for you to fight in."

"I'm good here." The panthress said, keeping those golden eyes locked on her fellow feline that was already lifting a boxing stance against her.

Aria narrowed her gaze, a fast lick across her lips to wet them just before speaking easily to the girl. "Yeah, we're good right here. Just introduce us and let's get this party started."

Sumethil was a bit taken back by this, though, she hadn't figured that people wouldn't follow her to the other places, but if they wanted to fight here on the steps of the arena, the bleachers that made up the seating area, then she was going to give that to them. It wasn't always her place to control, sometimes it was just as effective to adjust and these two clearly wanted to cut into one another. "Ladies! Please back away from the fighters and give them space. Today we're going to witness a very strong and well placed fight between two very determined fighters. The fast and skilled grappling stylings of the always fierce Aria will be taking on the focused and ferocious feline fighter, Shadow. Begin."


This panthress didn't need Sumethil's permission to start the attack, the second they were both introduced was when she started the attack, and the "begin" was just icing to show that she didn't even bother to wait that long in order to ope up this strike. Fighting in a forest would be interesting, it would give this panthress a rather clear advantage, but she wasn't looking to win because someone didn't understand their feline climates. If Shadow was going to take on Aria then she was going to do so in a way that gave them both equal ground, she wanted to face Aria without advantages or disadvantages. This feline didn't want to listen to the excuses later about how this was fair, or that was unfair, and about how she could never have beaten her if some reason or another was adjusted. No, this feline was going to make this fight count and she was going to tear this lynx girl down in a hurry. The fast rush of the panthress took her up a few steps, wanting to come in from above in order to have gravity itself on her side, and to get Aria into the position that she really wanted her in. Just as she came within range, Shadow jumped upward, using that height to her advantage when she'd bring her leg forward, aiming a nice solid and hard kick in the middle of her jumping movement. The lynx girl lifted her guard quickly, bringing it into the path of the strike and feeling that leg connect against her well. Aria wasn't one of the strongest fighters and when she felt that hit land against her guard it drove her backwards and caused her foot to slide just off of the bleacher seat that she had been forced to fight on, driving her body to fall backwards as she looked for something to step down on. It was only her misfortune, and the clever planning of that dark feline, that Aria's body would tumble, unable to catch itself before dropping down from the stands and into the combat field below. A twelve foot drop awaited her, leaving her to fall the length of it before her back hit against the padded sand covered dirt and forcing a deep grunt from her body while she moved to try and slowly push past the pain from that drop and climb back to her feet once again.

Shadow wasn't going to just let her prey get away from her, even as Aria dropped down her curvy body dropped as well, jumping downward towards the arena below, but keeping herself facing that lynx the entire time. An easy predatory growl lifted from her lips while Aria worked to try and turn herself, tried to grow back onto her feet again, and shrug off the already pain sunken drive that was forced into her body from the fall alone. Shadow wasn't the kind of person to give her a moment to breath, though, and passed in quickly, pushing at the lynx in an attempt to slam her into the wall behind her, but as she drew closer to that feline the panthress fell into what amounted to Aria's territory, the feeling of the hands pressing to her shoulder gave this girl every movement she needed in order to take hold of that grip, driving the hands into the air and giving this smaller lynx time to duck around behind the slightly taller panther, pulling one of those arms along with her so that as she wrenched that arm behind Shadow's body and lifted at the limb to force a painful roar from that dark cat that busty body would quickly be forced into that wall that the panthress had been trying to force Aria into, pinning her down quickly and giving this lynx the moment she needed to lift her other hand, her free hand, in order to aim a nice solid and hard fist right against the back of Shadow's skull, forcing that face into the wall before that panthress body dropped slowly to the ground with a deep groan. Shadow was still awake, still standing, but while she kept herself propped up and worked to regain her head Aria backed away, giving both of them space from that wall so that it could no longer be used as a weapon between either of them.

The harsh growl the filled the panthress's lifted her figure up with a harsh grunt, a turning to face towards the lynx that had scored a very well placed strike against her during that first attempt at attacking helped the dark girl to face her opponent, seeing her backing away and knew that she was trying to guide her away from this wall, something that Shadow had to agree was likely better for the both of them, but while she did want Aria to gain some distance so that the head smashing she'd just suffered couldn't happen again, the panthress knew that she had to keep that attack on, had to make sure that she kept this lynx off balanced and under pressure enough that the force of Shadow's attacks would eventually wear this girl out and get her making those mistakes that would eventually cost her this match. Shadow barged in, watching the smaller feline closely, this time, and charging in a hard and fast pace with those claws extending immediately from her hands, the finger tips spreading with the nails extending well across the tips so that when she caught up with her opponent Aria could feel the sharp claws dragging across her arms leaving cuts along the surface. This fellow feline wasn't without her own claws, however, and when she felt those fingers drag bleeding lines along her defensive arms Aria would reach back out towards her, wrapping her hands around the back of Shadow's neck, hooking her own claws into the panthress's skin before lifting a knee quickly in order to deliver a well placed close ranged strike right into that dark gut. The blow wasn't much to really worry about, just a good solid hit, but it was the feeling of the claws dragging forward from that strike that made the Panthress know that she had to act back, had to defend more.

It was too late to defend now, not while Aria was so close in. Where Shadow had been trained as an underground fighter the lynx had been trained just the opposite. She didn't need to know the cut throat and easy going world of underground fighting, because where she had learned to fight people were far sneakier about breaking rules and trying to find ways around them in order to deal real damage in a way that they wouldn't be penalized for. In an underground fight you knew where you stood, in above ground you had to really watch yourself and your opponent to make sure that they weren't trying to get away with something. Aria had a different advantage here, though, having the benefit of actual training in both boxing and wrestling, and when Shadow came in once more with those claws the fast ducking motion of the smaller feline left her just out of the way of those arms that were now crossing from the missed grab, but left Aria to lift up quickly with a fast upper strike bringing those furred knuckles directly into the soft texture of those large breasts that shook at her impact driving a loud and needy mrowl from the panthress as the shock of the blow left her large tits shaking hard. They were soon collected, though, hands wrapping around them just before those lynx claws sunk into the flesh forcing a cry of pain from the deep cuts that were leaking along those perfectly designed tits and leaving Shadow to back away, trying to get some distance just for the sake of trying to recollect herself for a second, it was only then that the panther found this to be a bad idea when the cold wall of the arena once again connected against her back, widening her eyes in realization as to her mistake.

Aria was back on her quickly, closing that distance in a near instant and not willing to let Shadow get away from her. The panthress did her best to put up any defense at all, but it was already well too late and with the lynx coming in hot the feeling of that shoulder crushing down against the dark stomach of the panthress left her coughing loudly at the feeling of her lungs being emptied suddenly with her back against this wall being the only thing that was currently keeping this girl upright, that weakened stance gave this lighter feline all the time she needed, though, to spring up quickly, wrapping her arm around the back of that black neck and then lean backwards, forcing the panthress to drop to the ground under her own weight, and crashing that head straight into the sand so that she could roll Shadow to the side quickly, keeping the pressure on just as this dark feline had been trying before. It was time to finally bring this match to a close, to start putting this panther down and out of the tournament. Aria was prepared to take this as long as they needed, but it was quickly becoming clear that Shadow, after her beating, was having a bit of a hard time keeping up. She'd done well in the start, but after taking such a thorough attack that never seemed to let up, her body was giving in, her figure was needing a slow moment to recover, a moment that this lynx simply wasn't willing to give her. After this dark feline was rolled onto her back Aria moved quickly, slipping down between those legs and using her wrestling skills to finally work at presenting that dark cunny high into the air by folding those legs up into Shadow's own chest and then pinning them there, placing this girl into a into a classic schoolboy pin, one that would trap down those large dark breasts and crush them against a chest that would start to have a hard time taking in as much air as Shadow clearly needed, just a further way of trying to weaken this panther girl. The dark tail flipped side to side, her legs wiggled a bit while Shadow tried to recover, tried to break free of this from the clearly smaller and physically weaker lynx, but with her spine bent the way that it was this panthress simply couldn't manage to, she was stick, trapped, and even as she lifted those arms to try and force that grip off the underside of those knees the weight pushing down was simply too much for her worn out body to be able to manage.


Shadow was left panting, growling down at her opponent while she felt her knees crushing against those sizable breasts, her body pinned down like this and leaving that dark cunny on full display to those looking down at her from the stands. Anyone of them right now could see the sight of that exposed and dripping pussy, see it glistening it's need up into the air while she was being crushed over her own strong thighs. The cunny that was soon, finally, attacked all on it's own with sharp feline teeth wrapping their tips around that very sensitive nub right at the entrance of her depths. That clit was something of a weakness for most ladies, the feeling of the start tips of the teeth scratching, chewing, the nub between them and sending this panthress into a deep cry of pleasure. Her face tensed, trying to hold off making any sound, any expression, but there was only so much she could really hold back, and while she felt her breath stagger with the harsh treatment of her delicate little button that body tried harder in vain to struggle out from under this girl. The movements fell fruitless only leaving that wiggling black but propped more in the air and finally allowing Aria to deliver a well place and very skilled lick with the rough feline tongue to run along those sensitive lips driving the mouth of Shadow open in a half silent cry of both pleasure and pain.

"NO!" She called out, pushing, pulling, rolling her hips, trying anything to get that juicy slit away from the attacking movement of the lynx that had her pinned down.

It was only when those hands came up around either side of that feline head, holding her down against that slit and giving Shadow the chance to crush her thunder thighs together that she'd be able to roll herself to the side, getting into a sideways resting position even as Aria pulled her head free with ease. Shadow quickly tried to get back to her feet, but even as her knees came in contact with the ground the not nearly as curvy lynx was already pressed against her back. The panther was made to look back at her over that shoulder, but where those hands took hold of her nipples, piercing her clawed finger tips against the feeders Shadow's ears rolled backwards, pressing down over the back of her head just as her own large tits were crushed up against her chest and that feline milk started to flow easily from those well pinched tips. The trails of white that leaked down along her black fur were more than just a little obvious, and while she delivered a deep groan at the feeling of it, her body continued to try and struggle even while her large breasts were being tortured. That wasn't the only thing that was looking to be tortured, though, she wasn't going to focus this entire fight on squeezing milk from a pair of tits. While she gripped those big melons the lynx pulled back quickly on the panther, forcing her to sit up on her knees, exposing this beautiful body to those that wished to look upon it just before those clawed fingers moved down, traced their sharp lengths along the well toned abs and the finally she'd grip hold of that firm and already well aroused clit in order to do better than just bit it, she would trade her claws along the nerve ending filled flesh, pinching it, rubbing it, fingering it while she smiled into the laid back ears rested over Shadow's head.

The deep and staggering pants that rolled from that dark body drove this girl to continue to struggle at pulling away, but even now she knew that she was stuck. if she pulled then those claws would sink in, if she stayed there then she was done for. Those easy scratches with the razor-like feline claws draw against the clit, tracing either side of it and occasionally twisting enough to flick that nub to the side forcing that black body to jerk with the shock of pleasure that beat into her like a drum. The dark hand slowly lowered down to that lynx wrist, taking hold of it only for the claws to grip at that clit, loosening the hold that Shadow had on her just before the loud roaring call of pain came when those same claws were used to twist the clit entirely. Her panting breath reaching upward, calling out her already well claimed defeat, despite her body having already surrendered, this panthress would never give up. There was only one way that this fight was going to be able to end, and with the final stroking pet of that nub her hips shook, her body quaked, and her mind crashed into a mewling call of drooling pleasure as she felt that near clear fluid of fem-cum wash out of her figure and into the dirt and sand below her, the feeling of it running down her legs, drenching the area under her just before Shadow was finally released and allowed to drop forward, just barely able to catch herself with her hands between heavy breathing. As Aria lifted away those eyes turned to the lynx, seeing the easy smirk that she returned down to her, those dark fingers gripping down on the sand from her loss, but she'd get her back soon, show her what happens when you cross Shadow.

Sumethil came in clapping slowly, the soft smile that she wore was clearly genuine to the both of them. "Well done, ladies. You both put on quite a show. It's going to be good to see where you take your fights next." The dragoness wasn't here to lecture, she wasn't here to try and tell people what they did right or wrong, she was a host and nothing else, and she wasn't going to try and be anything else either. Still Shadows eyes kept on Aria, she knew that she couldn't attack her while she was still in the tournament, but when the time came that this girl was out, she was going to be there to "pick up the pieces".

Commission: Uninvited Tournament Part 4

**Uninvited Tournament Part 4** It had been quite the day, and was soon going to be quite the night as well. What had started with sixteen guests and several days of free time had turned into a second tournament of another sixteen guests leaving her...

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