Not According to Plan

Story by Taki on SoFurry

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#2 of Biology of Reproduction and Modern Sexuality

Laura is anxious to lose her virginity to Zane, but things don't go the way she expects

_Another long author's note: Sorry this chapter took so long. Real life was kicking by butt for a while. One quick realism note: I try to keep this series realistic, even if some characters are in the 95th percentile in certain attributes and reactions. However, in order to allow for a world where this class is even remotely possible, I had to make a major realism concession in this chapter. You may assume that in this world hormonal birth control is 100% effective, and STDs are not a concern. However, in our world it's more like 92%, and STDs are prevalent, so it's a good idea to wrap it up. ;) I really wanted to so a section on safe sex, but I couldn't make it fit the plot without some severe retconning of chapter 1.

Other than that, everything is accurate to the best of my knowledge and research, again with the obvious exceptions of dragon/anthro anatomy, which is a mix of actual animal attributes and stuff I made up. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this latest installment. I have at least 2 more chapters planned, though I'll probably do some other stories in between to keep from getting burnt out on these characters. Please leave a comment if you liked it. They fuel my imagination and keep me writing. :D Thanks for reading!

Also, thanks to everyone who supplied suggestions for the other members of the class. The final choices were based mostly on my own personal preferences, I'm afraid, but I really appreciate everyone who took the time to share their idea._

"You have fun by yourself tonight," the red panda wished to her husky roommate. "I'll be over at Brendan's until morning."

"All right," Laura called from her desk, "I'll probably just spend the night studying."

The panda laughed. "Oh, I bet I know which class you'll be €˜studying' for."

The husky blushed. "Don't be naughty, Abby."

"Please, you think I don't know what you keep in that box under your bed? You also told me what tomorrow's activity is, and I know you want to make sure you're ready," the russet-furred girl said with a wink.

"Well, maybe," Laura admitted. "You would too if you were partnering with a dragon."

Abby giggled again. "I'll have to meet this mysterious dragon sometime, but right now I've got to run. My man's expecting me, and we've got big plans for tonight." She licked her lips.

The husky waved her off. "Ok, see you tomorrow. Have fun with your wolf."

"You bet I will," the slim red panda said as she departed.

With the other girl gone, Laura stood up and locked the door, grinning slyly as she leaned back against it. In truth, Abby had guessed her plans for the evening exactly right. The previous class had been an introduction to vaginal sex, which included a lesson on common reasons for females to have a negative first experience. Besides the obvious cases of intact hymens, nervousness causing tense muscles and uncomfortable tightness was a big factor. Even just expecting it to hurt could make it so. Since the first reason was no longer a problem for her, tonight she planned on practicing relaxing. The fact that the practice would involve imagining herself with a dragon she was finding increasingly attractive was just a bonus.

Laura bounced happily over to her bed, pulling out the box she kept under it. Nothing in the box had come with her from home. In fact, she would likely be disowned if her family found out she had any of these items, let alone that she was taking a class that taught detailed sex techniques. Nevertheless, over the past few months she had amassed quite the collection of toys, in an array of sizes, shapes, and colors.

She still remembered her first trip to the sex shop, how it had taken her a week to build up her courage and how she had been so amazed at the products people had come up with. Most of her shopping was done online now, but she still appreciated the staff at the shop who had disabused her of the idea that she was doing something wrong, or even all that unusual.

The husky realized that this personal sexual revolution was overcompensating somewhat for her puritanical upbringing, but wasn't that kind of what college was for? Besides, she wasn't going to let people tell her that her behavior was wrong when it didn't hurt anyone. She had realized the foolishness of that long ago, but still had some trouble shaking the occasional lingering doubt. That was part of the reason she was taking Biology of Reproduction and Modern Sexuality. If that class couldn't help her shake her prudish preconceptions, nothing could.

Speaking of shaking, it was about time to do a bit of that. Laura dug through the box and pulled out her largest toy. At seven inches, it was far from the largest available, and in fact was notably smaller than Zane was. The dildo also lacked the interesting bumps and ridges the dragon's cock possessed, but the realistic draconic toys tended to be outside of her budget, as well as too large for her taste. Being rather sensitive, she had never felt the need to go for big toys; a little vibration and a bit of technique was more than enough to get herself off.

She idly recalled the class last week where everyone had been asked to demonstrate their own masturbation technique. The intent had been to get more examples of what the other sex enjoyed for later use, but Laura had been more interested in what the females had done. Most of the guys had done pretty much the same thing, with the exception of the squirrel who had reached around to his rear with a damp finger to do something she couldn't quite see, but could imagine.

The girls had all displayed very different techniques. The British fox who had volunteered to help in the first class had fairly attacked herself, hands moving in a blur on her pussy and clit in almost angry desperation. The powerfully-built tiger girl had been almost as harsh, mauling a breast with one hand as she plunged several fingers into herself with the other, but she had just been rough and intent rather than frantic. The skunk had been the most interesting, caressing parts of herself that Laura wouldn't have even thought of as being erogenous-- the inside of the elbow? Really? --before pulling her tail up between her legs and humping it to a screaming orgasm. In contrast to the others, Laura's technique was almost boring. A few well-placed fingers and a minute of stimulation and she was happily soaking the chair with fresh husky juice.

Shaking her head to clear the memories, she quickly stripped off her clothes, cringing at the dampness on her panties. Just a bit of anticipation was enough to get her dripping. While that was convenient when it came time to play, it could be embarrassing when it happened in public where other furs with sensitive noses could smell her. When she still lived at home she had resorted to doing her own laundry to avoid lectures about the immoral behavior her parents were sure she was engaging in.

The plump husky flopped down onto her bed and spread her legs, taking a moment to rub the damp fur between her thighs. She definitely wouldn't have much need for warmup tonight. The next day's activity had been on her mind all day, and it was more of a wonder that she hadn't dripped a trail between her classes.

Laura sighed softly and summoned her imagination. Zane's familiar form filled her inner vision, already nude, blue scales shining, black cock erect and dripping pre. She imagined him laying on top of her, nuzzling the fluffy fur of her neck, licking across her tight nipples with his long tongue. The toy brushed against the moist lips of her sex, and in her mind it was Zane's thick cock teasing her entrance, preparing to plow deep into her, to spread her wider than anything previous, to finally give her what she'd been craving since she first discovered the pleasures her body was capable of.

She slowly slid the smooth plastic toy inside herself, moaning deeply and doing her best to resist the instinctive urge to clamp down on the invader. Her sensitive walls tugged at the toy as if trying to draw it deeper, milking it like it really belonged to the male ravishing her in her fantasy. Juices trickled down her thighs to the sheets below, collecting into a warm puddle underneath her. She'd have to change her sheets before she went to sleep, but she'd been in too much of a hurry to put down a towel, and it was too late to stop now.

Despite having just begun, the imaginary dragon was about to bring her to a very real climax. Sometimes she wondered whether having such a great capacity for pleasure was a blessing or a curse. After years of living in a house where she had to deny herself, despite the knowledge of what incredible feelings a few simple touches could produce, only now was she discovering what she was truly capable of.

The husky's moans escalated into a cry of rapture as the first orgasm of the night washed over her. She squeezed down tight on the dildo, nearly forcing it back out of her slick pussy. That was exactly what she was testing, and when the bright lights stopped filling her vision she realized it might be uncomfortable on Zane's larger cock.

Undeterred, she resumed thrusting with the toy. A single climax was just getting started for her, and she definitely had more practicing to do. Laura angled the plastic toy upwards, searching for that wonderful spot that nobody had ever told her about, that she had only found by accident during one of her surreptitious self-pleasure sessions that resulted in waking her family with her pleasured screams.

She quickly worked her way toward another intense orgasm, hoping she could maintain her focus through this one and try to dampen the spasms that would accompany it. If not, she'd just have to try again, all night if necessary.

Laura bounced with anxiety as she approached the classroom. She was twenty minutes early, and the first one to arrive. Fortunately, the room was left unlocked, so she was able to enter and claim a seat on the comfortable couch she preferred. She was alone for only a few minutes before Zane entered.

"Hey Laura, you're here early. A bit excited about today's activity, perhaps?" he teased.

The husky laughed. "I could say the same to you. You're usually one of the last to arrive."

Zane blushed slightly. "Well, you know, it would be rude to show up late."

The pair made small talk while the rest of the class trickled in, taking care to avoid discussing what was going to happen in a few minutes. Both were still slightly embarrassed to be engaging in such activities in a public space, but they were nonetheless excited.

Softtail was the last to arrive, quickly taking her position at the front of the class. "Ah, I'm the teacher and you all beat me here. How shameful." She smiled slyly. "I suppose you're all just eager to learn, right?"

The students chuckled lightly. Laura noticed that her leg was bouncing quickly with nervousness, causing her thighs to rub together in a pleasant way. Perhaps "eager" was an understatement.

The brown rabbit continued. "I've taught this course enough times to know it will be useless to try and do a lecture first, so we'll jump right into the activity. Just a few notes first. All the girls are still on birth control, right?" She looked around the room and everyone nodded confirmation. "All right, same rules as usual apply. Nobody has to do anything they don't want to, and do your best to have fun and make sure your partner has fun. Everyone try and remember what you saw people enjoying during the solo sessions last week, especially what the ladies did. Remember, seventy percent of females can't reach orgasm with just vaginal intercourse, so mix it up a bit."

Laura and Zane turned toward each other with wide smiles, preparing to discuss which piece of furniture they should take advantage of, when Softtail interrupted them.

"Oh, one more thing guys. I want you all to switch partners. One of the big things I want you to learn is how to figure out what your partner likes, remember. Working with someone new should help."

Laura's heart sank. She looked to the rabbit with a worried expression. "But, I..."

Softtail, slightly misunderstanding why she was upset, winked at her. "Let someone else have a chance at him. Don't worry, if you choose to do any practicing outside of class, you can do it with whoever you like."

The husky hung her head slightly and nodded. She turned to Zane and sighed. "I'll talk to you after class, ok?"

The dragon nodded and was about to respond when the red vixen rushed up and dragged him away. He shot a confused and slightly worried look back at Laura and shrugged. "Later!"

Laura looked hesitantly around the room. With her plans for the class shattered, her enthusiasm had waned considerably. She wasn't even sure she wanted to do it any more. Of course, she didn't have any formal relationship with Zane yet, but she definitely wanted something more than friendship, and she felt like it would be wrong to be with anyone else. And dammit, she wanted the dragon to be her first. In her distraction, she almost didn't notice the white wolf, Ray, approaching her.

He held out a hand and smiled amiably. "Howdy, you're Laura, right?"

Laura nodded and shook his hand. "Yep."

The wolf spoke with a slight southern accent. "I'm Ray. Since my former partner just stole yours away, I figured maybe we could do this together." He cringed. "That might be the lamest way I've ever asked someone to have sex with me."

The plump female giggled. "Sure, should be fun." Ray seemed nice enough, and she would have to do this anyway. No doubt she could find a way to get some enjoyment out of him. Perhaps she could just think of him as a very versatile toy.

The wolf smiled wider and nodded. "All right. Do you have any preference for how we go about this?"

He no doubt remembered her admitting to being a virgin in the first class, and this was probably his polite way of asking if she still was. She shrugged. "I'm still inexperienced, as well as pretty sensitive in general, which means I'll ask you to be gentle, and I don't really have any favorite positions or anything." Laura paused for a moment, then grinned. "Actually, since we're both canines, I can think of a position that might be appropriate. Is that all right?" She didn't bother telling him that part of the reason for suggesting that was so she could imagine being with someone else.

Ray chuckled. "I'd never turn down such a request from a lady. Shall we begin?"

Laura's ears turned pink with a mild blush and she nodded. She first removed her shirt and bra, exposing her erect nipples to the cool air of the room. Despite her disappointment at not getting a chance at Zane, she was still quite aroused. Her body was built for sex, and she didn't cool down easily. She removed her pants and saw Ray pause his own undressing to sniff at the air as the scent of her arousal reached his nose before cracking a knowing smile. The husky shook her head and peeled her panties off, feeling them cling briefly to her damp sex. The wolf said nothing, and she surprised herself by wishing she could hear one of Zane's gentle teases about her chronic dampness.

Not wanting to waste time, the chubby husky dropped to her hands and knees, thankful the floor in this area was coated with a slightly cushiony rubber material, as her fluffy fur wouldn't provide enough padding on its own. She looked over her shoulder at the nude white wolf, his erection standing proud and red in front of him. He was just slightly smaller than her largest toy, which was reassuring. She at least could get a little more practice before having to deal with Zane's impressive equipment.

Ray still wore his friendly smile as he took his position behind the grey-furred femme. "One thing I should ask you first, do you want me to tie you?"

Laura hesitated. She recalled Softtail's warning about the potential discomfort for inexperienced females, but surely the time she spent with her toys nearly every night counted for something. Then there was the specific practice she did last night. It would be a shame for that effort to go to waste. Taking a knot should be about the same as a thick cock, maybe even easier. And wasn't the rabbit always suggesting they try new things? "Sure, go for it."

The wolf grabbed her by the hips and stroked his claws through her fur. "You, uh, want to let me through?"

The husky looked back quizzically, noting that her tail was drawn between her legs. She flagged her tail to the side, looking back away slightly embarrassed. Apparently she was still a bit nervous.

Ray decided that Laura's obvious signs of excitement meant no preparatory work was required, and quickly lined up and buried himself deep in the husky's eager snatch.

Having looked away, Laura had only the brief signal of the wolf's tip nudging at her gates to warn her that he was about to enter. Thus, she was somewhat surprised to feel the entirety of his canine length slip easily into her, the copious lubrication easily offsetting her anxious tightness. She let out a soft "Uhn" of mixed shock and pleasure at the sudden fullness.

Her first thought was that this was a lot like her toys, only warmer. Her next was that she kind of wished she could control his angle a bit more. The feeling of the wolf pressed against her back and her pussy clamped tight around the canine shape of his shaft gave her a very primal sort of satisfaction, but if she were on her own she'd be going straight for her g-spot, probably already halfway to her first of many orgasms. She couldn't even use one hand to go for her clit, for fear that a single arm wouldn't support her when a climax hit.

Ray paused after the initial thrust, being careful with the girl he assumed had little experience with penetration. He leaned down and whispered to her. "You all right?"

Laura held back a laugh. She had successfully avoided the reflexive nervous tightening she'd been afraid of, and was very ready for more vigorous activity. Just like in her experience with Zane in the first class, her shyness faded in the heat of the moment. "I might not have much experience with males, but I've done plenty on my own. Give me what you got, big guy." She wiggled her well-padded rear against the wolf for emphasis.

With new energy, and a touch of relief that he didn't have to worry too much about being gentle with the husky, Ray switched to the technique he used with more experienced girls. Starting slow, but steadily increasing in speed, he thrust with long smooth strokes, lifting up on his toes at the top of every thrust to try and find the angle that would bring his partner the most pleasure.

As soon as she felt the wolf start to withdraw, Laura changed her mind about wanting to be able to control the wolf's movements. When she played with herself, she always knew what was coming, when and where. In much the same way that it's difficult to tickle yourself, the slight unpredictability of her partner's actions added a new level of sensation she hadn't been expecting. That first slow removal came with a long low moan as her sensitive lips clung to every contour of the wolfish cock. It seemed that even a second-choice partner could be fun.

When he started to speed up she regretted ever doubting him. Ray definitely knew what he was doing, each stroke rubbing against her just right, his hands caressing her hips and breasts in turn, tweaking her nipples or occasionally dipping down to flick gently across her clit. In just a couple minutes she was cumming hard, gasping and yipping as her pussy squeezed down on the wolf's cock, her juices splashing around it to soak her thighs and drip to the floor.

Ray halted his movements as he watched the girl shudder through what looked to be a fairly intense orgasm below him. With the way her pussy was pulling him in, he wasn't sure he'd be able to back out anyway. He waited for her to calm slightly and spoke to her. "Already? You flatter me, hon. I guess you weren't kidding about being sensitive. You up for more?"

The husky paused to catch her breath. "Oh yeah. We'll just call that a good start. Keep it up."

"Yes, maam." The white wolf was happy to oblige, at once resuming at a faster pace, driving hard and deep into the gasping, moaning female. His balls slapped wetly against her and her wagging tail beat on his chest in return.

Laura found herself having an unexpectedly amazing time. Ray's treatment pushed her rapidly to another climax, and this time he didn't pause, continuing his energetic fucking through the whole screaming, shaking release. In her solo sessions she usually found herself unable to muster the coordination to continue her actions through an orgasm, and the wolf's unrelenting assault let her reach heights she'd never attained on her own.

But despite the intense pleasure, she still felt like there was something missing. Sure, she was having a lot of fun, but in her fantasies sex was always about more than physical pleasure. While she loved what Ray was doing to her, there was no deeper connection. He really might as well be just a toy for all he meant to her, and that dampened her enjoyment somewhat.

A new sensation intruded on her thoughts. She felt a thickening at the base of Ray's cock, spreading her a bit wider at the bottom of every thrust. She knew from class that it must be his knot, growing in advance of his impending orgasm. Laura steeled herself and tried to relax, as the knot was already slightly uncomfortable as it was forced inside her.

Suddenly, the wolf gripped the fur of her hips tightly and shoved himself forward, plowing deep into the husky as his knot fully inflated, stretching the girl's passage almost painfully and locking them together. He loosed a loud howl and began emptying his balls into his canine partner.

The swollen knot and accompanying ejaculation fulfilled a primal need in Laura that she didn't even know she had. Being mated and tied like her feral ancestors, along with the new and wonderful feeling of the wolf's hot cum spraying across her inner walls sent her soaring into another powerful climax, her pussy greedily milking the wolf for all the seed he could give, her arms nearly giving out under her, and a renewed flood of sweet-scented fluids pouring from her slit, despite the tight plug of the knot.

The two panting canines collapsed to their sides on the floor, slowly catching their breath while they waited for Ray's knot to shrink so they could separate. The wolf was the first to recover enough to speak. "Wow, that was great. A girl as responsive as you is great for a guy's ego."

Laura sighed. "Yeah, best sex I ever had."

Ray squinted. "Wasn't it your first?"

The husky laughed and twisted to look at the wolf. "I'm just messing with you. Yes, it was my first, but it really was amazing. Thank you."

Ray nodded. "I should be thanking you. I love watching a lady have a good time, and you did not disappoint."

They relaxed on the floor for a few minutes until Ray was able to pull out, a trickle of mixed sexual fluids spilling out across Laura's thighs as he did. She cringed. "I'm definitely going to need that shower in the back room today."

Ray nodded. "It's a sign of a good time, at least."

Being the first ones finished, the two canines watched the rest of the room finish up. Laura jealously observed the red vixen thrashing and screaming beneath Zane, and wondered whether being with the dragon was really that good or if that was just another example of the British fox's oddness. She turned her attention elsewhere, the reminder of her failed plans rekindling her disappointment.

She instead killed some time by making use of one of the washcloths that were set out by the sinks to do a preliminary wash so she could at least sit down without leaking. By the time she got back, the rest of the class had finished up as well, most of them returning to their favored pieces of furniture, and Softtail was preparing to continue the class.

The rabbit cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. "Good job everyone. I hope you all had fun. We have some more time left so you guys are going to have to do a bit of learning. I hope you can stay awake for it. You can get dressed if you want, or wait to hit the showers afterward. I'm pretty sure nobody here will mind." She winked, and a few people chuckled, but nobody moved to get dressed.

"Now, from what I saw, nobody here had any trouble completing our activity, but that won't always be the case. Sometimes guys can have trouble, whether because of stress, alcohol, or any number of other reasons. It's more common than you think, and nothing to be ashamed of, especially if it's just a temporary thing as in most cases. Guys, if this happens to you, I suggest doing some other things for your lady. Use your fingers, mouth, or even toys. Often times those other fun activities will be enough to clear your stress and get you going.

"Ladies, if it happens to your man, don't make a big deal of it. Recommend to him that he help you in the other ways I mentioned. Keep in mind that guys aren't the only ones with potential for difficulty; girls can sometimes be hard to please. Some can only get off on a certain type of stimulation, which is another reason I say it's important to be clear with your partner about what you enjoy. I actually know a someone who has never had an orgasm brought on by a partner. She has a good time, but can't get off, though she has no trouble doing it on her own. Nobody feel bad if for whatever reason you don't manage to get your partner over the edge. It may not be your fault at all. And I don't mean that it's their fault; people are built the way they are."

Laura wondered what it would be like to have a problem like that. Considering she could probably orgasm just by wearing a tight pair of panties, the idea of being unable to do so at all was nearly unthinkable.

The rabbit continued her lecture. "In general, it's a bad idea too put too much pressure on your partner. Sex can be wonderful and intimate and amazing, but it's also supposed to be fun. If you expect it to be some transcendental fusing of two souls in perfect everlasting love every single time...well, you're going to be disappointed."

The husky smiled at that reminder. That was a bit more extreme than how she had been feeling about Zane, but the sentiment was similar. Maybe it was good that she was with Ray first and got to hear that bit of advice. She still planned on cornering the dragon at some point, but now she was a bit more relaxed about her expectations.

She listened half-attentively to the rest of the lecture, mostly about what the females should do if they find themselves having difficulty getting off. Since that had never been a problem for Laura, she found her mind wandering back to Zane, and what she would do to him if she got him alone. She felt her nipples tighten and pussy moisten again as she recalled her fantasy from the night before. Even just after the energetic session with Ray, she was feeling ready to go again. She knew exactly what she had to do.

A few minutes later, Softtail wrapped up the class, and Laura rushed to get dressed. She decided not to use the room's shower facilities and just clean up and change at home so she could catch Zane before he left. He was just getting his shirt on as she walked up so she helped him get his wings sorted and walked him to the door. "So, how was it?" she asked.

Zane shrugged and looked around to make sure nobody was within eavesdropping range. "It was fun, but that fox girl is freaking nuts. She nearly tore my clothes off to get to me and once we got going she was jerking around like she was possessed. It was kind of creepy, to be honest. There's no way I'm that good on my own. Kinda put me off a bit. How about you?"

It was Laura's turn to shrug. "I had a good time. Well, I always do; I've told you that. I was just expecting, I don't know, something more. I was really hoping to do it with you, to be honest."

The dragon's cheeks blushed purple. "I, uh, would have preferred to have you as a partner, too." He glanced at his watch and winced. "Ah hell, I need to get to Circuits."

Laura grabbed his arm to keep him from running off. "Hey, come to my room afterward, ok? I want to talk to you about something. Wilson building, room 305."

Zane looked confused, but nodded assent. "Sure thing. See you then," he said before rushing off to his next class.

The chubby girl sighed and turned in the direction opposite the way to her dorm. If she was going to avoid bursting into flame before Zane came to visit she needed to work off some energy. She also wanted a chance to get her thoughts together.

When Zane showed up, she was planning on confessing her feelings for him. She desperately hoped he felt the same way, but she couldn't be sure he saw her as anything more than a close friend. As she walked, her thoughts became darker. Would a sexy dragon really want to be with a ball of chub like her? Yeah, he had said he liked her shape, but he may have just been being polite. In the end, her walk didn't actually help much at all. She did a quick lap around the academic buildings and returned to her dorm for a cold shower. When she got back to her room after washing up, her roommate had returned as well.

The red panda greeted her with a wide smile. "Well? How did it go?" she asked excitedly.

Laura's shoulders slumped as she grabbed clean underwear from her dresser. "Not as I planned. We had to switch partners today, so I got paired with a wolf."

Abby snapped her fingers. "Ah well, that's gotta be disappointing, but wolves are cool too. Did he knot you?"

Laura pulled on a t-shirt to hide her blush. "Yeah, he did. It was...interesting."

The panda giggled. "Oh, I know. I cum so hard when I feel that thing stretching me out, and it's probably even better for you, being a canine. Kinda makes me want it now. You got anything with a knot in your toy box?"

The husky blushed and finished fastening her pants before answering. "You know it embarrasses me when you talk like that. And no, I don't. I'm not sure how I feel about loaning those out, anyway. That's kinda...icky." She shook her head. "Sorry."

The thinner girl waved her off. "I was just kidding, anyway. You're so fun to mess with. So, since you missed your first chance with your dragon, what are you going to do now?"

Laura hesitated. "I...actually invited him over." She looked at the clock. "In fact, I half-expected him to beat me here while I was in the shower. He got out of class half an hour ago. I wonder what's taking him."

Abby clapped her hands. "All right! I get to meet the wonderful dragon who has captured the heart of the fair maiden. Well, ex-maiden now, I suppose."

There was a knock at the door, and the red panda nearly squealed with joy. Laura rolled her eyes and opened the door to greet Zane. "Hey, welcome. The smile with red fur over there is my roommate, Abby."

Zane walked in and waved hello to the red panda. "Nice to meet you." Turning back to Laura, he said, "Sorry I'm a little late. I thought it would be bad form to show up smelling like fox so I took a quick shower."

Abby rushed up and started blatantly inspecting him, poking at his wings and looking very intently at his groin, seemingly disappointed that there wasn't a huge bulge there for her to ogle. "I've heard things about dragons, and Laura refuses to tell me if they're right. So tell me, are the rumors true?"

The dragon laughed. "Well, I don't know what you've heard, but yes. It's all true." He winked at her.

The panda stuck her tongue out at him. "All right, be that way. I'll get the truth out of Laura eventually." She looked over at the husky, saw the other girl's pleading look, and responded with a knowing wink. Making a show of looking at the clock, she turned back to Zane. "Oh, I almost forgot. I have...a thing to that place...not here. I better go. See you later, Zane!" She rushed out the door, pausing briefly to give the husky a thumbs up.

Laura shook her head and muttered. "Real smooth, Abby."

Zane also wore an amused smile. "So what did you want to talk about?"

The girl sighed. "This is hard for me to say. I don't really know how to put this. I've never really told anyone...Ever since that first day of..." She looked at the confused dragon. "Oh, screw it." The husky raised up on her toes and planted her lips against Zane's.

The blue dragon was taken aback for a moment, but soon responded in kind, gripping Laura by the arms and pulling her in tightly, driving his long draconic tongue into her mouth to twist around her own, drawing a satisfied "Mmm" from her.

When he released her after several seconds of passionate kissing, she looked at him with a mixture of delight and relief. "Oh gods, I was so worried you didn't really feel the same way. Why didn't you say anything?"

Zane stifled a laugh. "Same reason as you, I guess. I was shy, and didn't want to risk getting shot down." He paused for a moment, soaking in her happy expression. "So what now?"

Laura was so happy to find out her feelings were returned that she almost forgot what she intended to do with Zane if he felt the same way. Now, though, she intended to get her fill of dragon and wasn't going to let anything stop her. She walked backward, pulling him closer to the bed. "Well, if I'm going to be your girl, you should really make me your girl. You think you're ready to go again?"

He grinned slyly. "I'm a dragon. I'm good to go as long as you are."

The husky poked him on the nose teasingly. "Careful, there. Don't go making claims unless you're sure you can back them up."

Zane gripped her tightly again, pulling her close and pressing his hardness into her soft belly. "You think you can outlast me?"

Laura murred softly as he stroked the fur on her arms. "I bet I can."

"Oh, it's on." The dragon leaned forward and kissed her, again forcing his tongue into her mouth as his hand crept under her shirt to grope her breasts through her bra, her nipples already hard with excitement, pressing insistently against his fingers.

Reluctantly, Laura broke the kiss and pulled away, quickly pulling off the shirt she had donned only minutes earlier, almost tearing it in her haste. Her bra followed the shirt to the floor, leaving her heaving breasts exposed to the dragon's lustful gaze and eager hands. A moment later she was back on the dragon, catching him as he removed his own shirt and was busy with his hands, nuzzling his neck and pressing against his chest, feeling the slightly rough texture of his scales tease her nipples. "Gods, I've been wanting this so bad."

Zane discarded his shirt and leaned in to sniff the husky, catching a hint of her growing heat on the air. He dropped to his knees, sniffing through her chest fur on the way down. Kneading her thighs with one hand, his other unfastened her pants, pulling them down to release more of her intoxicating scent. The dragon pressed his nose into the damp fabric of her panties, the low moan from the girl matching his own as his cock pulsed hard against the tight encasement of his pants.

Laura pulled at her nipples as raw lust overtook her. In the past she always held back on giving in fully to her desires, early on out of fear of getting caught, later because she was afraid of what she'd become if she let it control her, that it would crowd out everything else and make her obsessed with sex like the vixen from class seemed to be. Now, she no longer cared, the fulfillment of her growing attraction to the dragon overruled her logic, telling her to let herself go, to let Zane use her however he desired and fuck him until neither one of them could move.

The dragon forcefully yanked her panties down to join her pants at her ankles and buried his face in her dripping snatch. His tongue danced across her moist lips before darting in, parting her folds and reaching deep within her, sampling her plentiful juices and delighting in the taste.

The husky gasped in sudden ecstasy, the realization of her wishes combining with the dragon's long and agile tongue to force her over her edge. She grabbed Zane's head and pressed him into her crotch as she screamed his name and coated his face with her juices.

Surprised by her rapid orgasm, but perfectly willing to take advantage of it, he stood, pushing the slightly dazed girl back onto her bed so he could pull her pants the rest of the way off. Pausing only briefly to shuck his own pants, he climbed on top of her and kissed her again, letting her taste herself on his lips as he gave her mouth the same treatment he just gave her pussy. One hand reached down to her slit, two fingers dipping in to prepare the way for what was to come.

Laura arched her back, thrusting her hips against Zane's hand as he worked his fingers deep inside. She moaned into his mouth, wordlessly begging for him to stop teasing and fuck her, give her what she's been craving for the past weeks, complete her in a way only someone she truly had feelings for could.

Zane pulled away from her mouth, making her moan slightly in disappointment as he left her behind, only to bring fresh cries of pleasure from her as he moved his attention to her breasts. He nuzzled through her chest fluff to suck on a tight pink nipple, using his long tongue to lick across the aroused nub, unknowingly mirroring the husky's fantasy of the previous night. His fingers continued to work at her warm, soaked pussy, seeking out the spot he had found with his tongue in that first class that brought them together.

She gasped and bucked against him as he found it, instantly going off into her second orgasm, soaking Zane's hand and her bed with a renewed flood of her juices. A small, distracted part of her mind was briefly annoyed that she would have to change her sheets again, but then all rational thought was wiped out under the onslaught of pleasure the dragon was delivering.

When her mind cleared again, she found herself looking into Zane's eyes, his arms on either side of her shoulders, his thick, hard cock pressed lightly against her entrance. It felt even hotter than it had when it had been in her mouth and she was eager to find out how it would feel inside her. She smiled up at him. "You're pretty good at this," she said breathlessly.

He smiled back. "You make it easy." His hips lowered slightly, barely parting her lips. "You ready for more?"

What a silly question. "I told you, I can go as long as you can. Bring it."

"If you insist." Zane slowly lowered himself into the quivering girl, making sure he wasn't hurting her with his impressive size.

Laura groaned as she felt herself stretched around the dragon's large, hot cock, notably warm even against her own hot passage. She could intimately feel every bump and ridge pull at her labia before slipping inside, her plentiful lubrication easing his entry so that any slight discomfort she might experience from his size was easily buried under waves of pleasure. It took several seconds for him to finish filling her, and she loved every moment of the experience, the sensation of being so wonderfully, completely full driving her wild, every square centimeter of her immensely sensitive inner walls screaming pleasure to her brain. When he at last bottomed out inside her, a ridge on the top of his cock pressed firmly against her g-spot, making her yip in surprise and sudden ecstasy.

Zane looked at her with a touch of concern. "What was that? You ok?"

She gasped for breath. "Yes! Keep going. Don't ever stop." His concern touched her. Ray had been polite and careful, but there hadn't been any connection there. Zane truly cared for her, and it was obvious in his words, his actions, and his expression. The fact that they had such feelings for each other made this experience indescribably better than the last for the husky. It almost seemed silly to call them by the same name. She and Ray had just been fucking; with Zane it was...something more. In her mind, she'd always call this her real first time.

His worry faded, and with it any thought of hesitation. The raw, intense need in her voice was unmistakeable. He pulled himself out slowly, still not wanting to go too fast. The husky was much tighter and inexperienced than the fox had been, and he wasn't yet prepared to pound her with the same intensity.

Laura almost hated to feel him withdraw, already missing the ridges that touched her most sensitive places so perfectly, even as they caressed her delightfully on the exit. When he had pulled almost all the way out, only his pointed tip being gripped by her hungry sex, she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him forward, forcing him to drop powerfully into her, a bump at the base of his shaft pressing hard against her clit, his tip tickling against her cervix.

She shouted loud enough that the entire hall must have heard as another climax slammed through her, electrifying her limbs into pulling the dragon even closer, her entire body alive with sensation, from the tips of her curled toes to her thrashing tail to her twitching ears. Every inch of her fur tingled as she immersed herself in the most powerful orgasm she'd ever felt. No toy had ever filled her so perfectly; her fingers could never touch every sensitive spot at the same time.

Yet he didn't stop. Despite her shouts and writhing, despite the torrent of slick juices that poured from around his cock, he started thrusting into her hard and fast, and she found that the amazing orgasm never stopped. Now she understood the erratic behavior of the fox from class earlier. Zane was doing the very same thing to her, never letting the phenomenal pleasure end, just continuing to drive deep into her and making her cum and cum and cum. She suspected he must be doing something more, rubbing her breasts and teasing her clit, but she couldn't sort out the individual touches from the all-over excitement that had hold of her.

Time lost all meaning for Laura. There was only the amazing cock spreading her wide, the mind-melting orgasms that it brought her, and the thought of the wonderful male she was joined with so intimately. She slowly became aware of a voice calling her name. Zane was trying to tell her something. "W-what? Oh fuck yes!" she called as he bottomed out inside her once again.

The dragon slowed slightly, letting her spare enough attention to hear him. "I'm going to cum," he warned.

The best news she'd heard all day. "Do it! Fuck me! Fill me with your cum!" She surprised herself with her language, but there were no other words for her to use. The dragon had fucked away her shyness.

Zane must have been trying to warn her for a while, as only two hard strokes later he bottomed out inside her, pinning her to the bed as he fired shot after shot of burning-hot dragon spunk right against the entrance to her womb, instantly filling the small gaps around his cock and spilling back down her canal to leak from her entrance.

The intense heat of the dragon's emissions and the pressure of what felt like liters of cum being pumped into her tight passage brought Laura to heights of ecstasy she had no idea even existed. She suspected that only her incredible capacity for pleasure allowed her to avoid passing out. Her back arched for several long seconds and her mouth opened in a silent scream as her clawed hands dug scratches into Zane's back.

When at last the dragon deposited the last of his seed within the husky, he collapsed to her side, draping one light blue wing over them like a blanket. "I'm going to assume from your reactions that I did good."

Laura snuggled up against him as his cock softened and retreated from her passage, letting their mixed fluids spill onto her bed. "Better than good. Amazing. I didn't know it could be like that."

Zane hugged her back. "I do what I can. I guess Ms. Softtail was right about dragons having some natural advantages."

Laura sighed deeply. "Yeah. You have no idea. It's going to be even harder to share you in class now."

The dragon nodded. "You think if we tell her we're together we won't have to swap?"

"Probably not, given how big she is on having people switch things up." She kissed him lightly. "I guess we'll just to have to redo everything together after class to make up for it."

Zane smiled wickedly. "Works for me. You know the next activity is anal, right?"

Laura's eyes went wide, and darted down to the dragon's cock. Even as it was softening and retreating into the protective slit, it looked larger than she would want to take in that way. "Uh, I might have to take a pass on that one. You'd split me in two."

He laughed. "I was just messing with you, though I do feel kind of sorry for whoever draws my name for that one. By the way, who wins our little competition?"

The husky murred softly. "Depends. If you're still up for more, then it's you. I don't think I can even stand right now. Good work, I've never really had to stop before."

Zane chuckled. "Call it a tie then. I think I'm down for the count as well." He pulled her tighter. "Gods, you're nice to cuddle."

She scoffed. "Guess the fluff and chub are good for something."

The dragon looked at her seriously. "Hey now, none of that. You're beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you different, especially yourself."

Laura looked at him in surprise. "You mean that? Wouldn't you prefer if I was thinner like that fox?"

Zane rolled his eyes. "Psh, no way. She was way too bony. I think she bruised my hips." He tickled the girl's sides, smiling at her happy laughter. "Now that there is much more pleasant." He glanced at the door. "Hey, how much time do we have before your roommate comes back?"

She thought for a second. "Well, I'm pretty sure she knows what I wanted from you, so she'll give us some time, though I wouldn't be surprised if she was listening at the door."

The dragon blushed. "That would be embarrassing."

Laura raised an eyebrow. "You had sex in front of everyone in class and you call being overheard embarrassing?"

He shrugged. "This was...different. More personal. In class it didn't mean anything. What we just did...I would prefer if it was just between us."

The husky nodded. "I know what you mean. Anyway, we should have some time, and she's smart enough to knock first. Let's just cuddle for a while."


The new couple snuggled together on the small dormitory bed, the dragon hugging the smaller husky to him, both reveling in the physical and emotional closeness. No matter what might happen later, or who they would do things with in class, at least they knew now how they felt about each other, and that was all that really counted.