Caring For Done Right

Story by DemonKing on SoFurry

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Loving wife treats her hard working husband well...

Jimmy and I had been an item for a little over a month now. What started out as simple lunches between friends, turned into a surprisingly satisfactory relationship? We fucked wildly every time we could and when we couldn't, he did all that sweet boyfriend stuff us girls dream about. Jim was pretty perfect for me and we seemed to fit together as if we were always meant to be that way.

Lately, poor Jim has been having some trouble at work. He works in the accounting department for a marketing company and they were being audited. Jim would come home and just collapse in the couch. He had been given the task of balancing company related expenses such as lunches, taxis, and air fare. This wasn't easy considering how big the company was. He was swimming in receipts and had a constant migraine trying to keep up with it. On top of that, his boss was being a real jerk about everything.

I hated seeing him so torn and battered, but I had come up with a plan. The audit finalized Monday and whatever he didn't get done wouldn't matter due to the weekend, so it was the perfect evening to relax and celebrate a little. He let me know that he'd probably be home much later than usual and it was going to work out perfectly for my plan.

Jimmy was good to me, but I hadn't pulled out all the stops yet. There were some things that I wanted to ease into our sex life one at a time, giving him little treats now and then to spice things up. One thing I had kept from him was oral. I'd given him some hand jobs, sure, but I never sucked him dry. It's not that I didn't want to. I was just saving it and now seemed like a good time.

He called me around six when I was leaving my office. "Hey, Meg. How's my baby doing?" His voice was tired and worn causing my heart to hurt for him. I wanted to make things better.

"I'm fine, Jim. How you holding up?" I tried to be as sensitive and understanding as I could.

"Well. It'll all be over tonight and that's the thought that's been getting me through most of the day." He sighed. I could hear him scratching his head a little. "Did you want me to come over tonight? I don't know if I'll be up for much, but I could keep you company."

I knew what he was thinking. Even though he was dead tired, he was still planning on watching some tv and giving me any attention I needed before retiring for the night. He was so sweet and the thought of him trying to stay awake for me made me ache to hold him. I wasn't going to stop my plan though. I continued knowing just what to say. "Jim, you're so good to me, but I know you're tired, so you don't have to."

I could hear him smile through the phone. "How about we just take it easy? Tomorrow is Saturday, so we can order in tonight and sleep in super late tomorrow. I'll get all the rest I need and still get to wake up beside you."

"That sounds great Jim. You take such good care of me." I sighed, letting him know I was happy with his decision and that was the beginning of my cunning plan.

In a nutshell, I wanted to give him release. All that tension and frustration I knew he had been harboring all week, I wanted to see it gone. I planned on making him a nice, heavy meal, stuffing him full of carbs that would surely make him sleepy. Then I would ease him into bed with a back rub, then a blow job, and finally a much needed sleep. If all went as planned he was going to wake up rejuvenated and very thankful he had such a loving girlfriend.

With my plan already in motion, I hurried home to cook dinner. It took me about an hour. I boiled, peeled, and mashed potatoes. I seared and braised his favorite cut of beef to perfection then snapped all the fresh green beans. I had everything keeping warm and ready until he got home, so I hopped in the shower real fast.

Thoughts of Jim raced through my head. I remembered all the little grunts and groans he made while we were getting busy. I immediately got excited. I couldn't wait till he was completely under my control, losing every bit of tension he had been holding on to due to my touch. A silly smile was plastered on my face in anticipation while I fumbled around the bedroom trying to decide what to wear. I wanted to be sexy for him, but not in a way where he would expect anything. I decided on a super short pair of track shorts and a tight white shirt with no bra.

I looked in the mirror and wondered why he loved me. Everything I always felt so insecure about, he was completely smitten with. I'm a bit fluffy and plumper then most women and my size 14 butt cheeks were visible. I saw a fat butt, but Jim always saw his favorite play thing. He would knead it with his hands, squeeze it, and bite it until he had his fill. As my fur dried it looked a bit wild. The almond colored locks were long, voluminous, and a tad wavy. I saw frizz but he always loved burying his hands and face into my furry head hair for long, dramatic whiffs of my shampoo.....giggles.

I do have pretty awesome tits though and my 34Ds were already aching for Jim. My nipples were hard from the thought of him and they begged for attention through the thin white fabric. I knew he'd get one look, and as always, I'd be on my back giggling as he licked, kissed, and nipped every centimeter of their goodness. I was still in front of the mirror dreaming of Jim when I heard his car pull in the drive. I ran to the kitchen and tried to hide how horny I was but my stupid tail wouldn't quit flicking back and forth.

I heard his briefcase hit the ground and he called out as he took his shoes off. "Megan, babe? Where are you?"

"In the kitchen, lover." It took all I had to stay in the kitchen and not pounce him right there in the hallway. I had really gotten myself worked up, but tonight was about Jimmy.

He walked in came over to embrace me, all the while moaning and rubbing his stomach."God, it smells good in here, but I thought we agreed to order out?"

"You complaining?" I dipped my finger in the gravy and brought it to his lips to taste.

He eagerly took it in and exaggerated his moans as his eyes closed and he lapped at my finger. Upon releasing it, he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. "Can I dip you in that and spend the rest of the evening licking it off?"

I laughed. "I think we'd better save that for another day. Why don't you change into some bed clothes and I'll make you a plate." I eased around to him and kissed his forehead, sending him off into the bedroom to change.

He came out in a fresh pair of boxers and a clean grey undershirt. I knew he was tired and didn't really care what he was wearing, but he couldn't have looked more perfect to me. Jim's a good five inches taller than I am, making him the perfect height to cuddle with. I could see how he had stretched the shirt to fir over his broad chest and it made me crazy. His thick, wavy mess of brown hair had a way of tempting my fingers and I was about to give in, but I didn't. I had to stay focused.

I watched him eat fighting my own personal urges. He told me about all the trouble he had gone through today and it reminded me not to be selfish. My poor Jim. He needed the love and attention tonight, so I saved my lustful desires for another time. I got up to take his plate, but he grabbed my arms and pulled me onto his lap.

_"You know what you're wearing?"_he whispered into my ear. His hot breath gave me chills as his lips lingered against me.

_"Just some shorts and a shirt."_I innocently replied. I knew what he was thinking and it was hard not to give in. I looked at his face and saw the dark circles under his eyes. I needed to keep a clear head and go through with my plan.

He nuzzled into my shoulder and rested there for a bit. He was dead tired, but his need for release was obvious. "I can see your entire butt when you lean over and you're stretching that shirt out in all the right places." He smiled against my neck. "Why must you tease me?"

I turned into him, moving his head to rest into my bosom. He sighed and closed his eyes as I wiggled my fingers into his hair and massaged his scalp. I kissed his head as I moved towards the second stage of my plan. "I have an idea, baby."

He looked up and gave me a regretful look."Babe I really don't think I can. You look irresistible and I'm sure to ravish you properly tomorrow, but I think I just need cuddles tonight."

I got up and pulled him towards the bed. "That's not what I had in mind, silly. You think I would expend you after the week you've had?" Once in the bedroom I removed his shirt and kissed his shoulders, leaving him in his boxers. "Baby, tonight is about me taking care of you. Now lay down on your stomach."

I knew he was a little nervous as to what I was planning, but he trusted me and did as I told. I walked to my side of the bed and pulled out a vile of massage oil. His head turned to watch my every move, though he couldn't see much from that angle. I sat beside his on the bed and threw my shirt on the floor where I knew he could see it. "Meg?"_he questioned, _"what are you up to?"

"Just trying to keep from staining my clothes." I warmed to bottle in my palms before squirting some on his back. I began to rub it in and his vocalizations were super cute. Moan after moan and his deep, heavy breaths gave me a physical sign that his tension was already beginning to release.

"How on earth did I get so lucky?" he asked with a lazy voice.

"Haven't the foggiest." I smirked and continued to rub. I tried to keep him talking to me and I let my paw pads knead all the knots out. I didn't want him to fall asleep quite yet. I started at his back and rubbed up to his shoulders. I took my time as my touch fell down his arms and to his legs. I sat between them and went all the way down to his feet, making sure there wasn't an inch of him that escaped my touch. He held a bit of a conversation, but most of his words were out of pleasure. Needless to say, I was very pleased.

I was finished with his back and stepped off the bed. "Roll over, lover. Time for the other side."

"You might have to help me with that one, Meg. I feel like a limp noodle." He tried to roll over, but each attempt failed. I laughed, watching my Jim flop like a fish on our bed. I pushed hard and had rolled him over and straddled his lap within seconds.

Our burst of laughter was quickly taken over by lust and I could tell by the look on his face that he had forgotten I was topless. He stared at me with hungry eyes. I reached for the bottle of oil, this time squirting some on his front. I made sure to get a little on my furry chest as I did. "Whoops." I pretend to try and clean myself up, but purposely spread the oil around my breasts, lifting them up and letting them fall down for his enjoyment. I could feel his cock twitch beneath my hips and I looked down at my glistening orbs playing innocent. "Oh well."

He nearly went crazy as I ignored myself and continued on with the massage. I leaned over to get the top of his chest and shoulders, letting my fur covered breasts and nipples slide across his greased chest. He let out a deep growl and instinctively grabbed my hips. I knew I had to move faster or he'd take things into his own hands. I shimmied down the length of him until I had gotten to the hem of his boxers.

_"Ready for the finale, baby?"_I asked looked up at him with a mischievous grin. I bit the hem of his boxers and started pulling them down.

"Oh god!" he yelped, raising his hips to allow me access. "Are you serious Meg?"

"I said I was going to take care of you. Now sit back and relax, Jim."

I flicked the boxers over his feet and threw them across the room. I stared at him and licked my lips. Jim was on the large side and his eight inch member stood for me, greeting me. I reached my paw out and barely stroked him with my tips. He had been holding his breath and it barreled out of him, releasing with my touch.

"My poor Jim." I cooed and kissed around his hip bones and navel, careful to avoid his pleasure center. "My poor, poor Jim."

"Megan, dear." His breathing was labored. "I'm going to have a heart attack if you keep this up."

I raked my claws along his chest and looked up at him. I pouted and shook my head in disagreement. I was going for an innocent school girl kind of vibe. "Not a heart attack." I replied, smirking as I continued with the torture.

After a while I grew impatient. I grabbed the base of his cock and gently squeezed my way up to the head. I paused to admire the smooth skin that was solid in my grasp. I looked him in the eyes and realized he was holding his breath again. His stomach muscles were clenched in tight and his face bore a look of complete anticipation. Everything was going according to plan.

"You want me to?" I teased, inching my muzzle closer to the head.

He was leaning up on his elbows, intently watching me, shaking his head up and down desperately. I leaned in further still and opened my jaw. I was so close and I knew he could feel the warmth of my breath. It must've felt like ages for him, watching me with my tongue resting on my bottom lip, ready to take him in. It was very exciting, but I wanted to taste him now.

I enveloped the head of his cock and lapped at it with my tongue. I could taste his salty pre cum ease itself into my mouth and I greedily devoured it. His head dropped back into the pillow and he clutched the sheets in both fists. "Oh god, Meg!" he gasped.

He looked back up at me and I decided to put on a show. I raised my lips for a mere moment then came back down and took everything that I could. I wrapped my lips around his rock hard manhood and sucked feverishly. He tasted so good and each little gasp and whimper he released made me all the more eager to get him off. I toyed with his balls with one hand and used the other to rub up and down his chest. His muscled began to tighten as his hips started to thrust forward. I knew that meant he was close, but I wasn't done yet.

I lifted my head, but continued the stimulation with slow strokes of my hand. I kissed my way up to his lips. "How you doing there, handsome?" I sneered and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"You're killing me, babe. This is so fucking hot!" His breathing was erratic and I could feel his chest heave beneath me. I couldn't help but smile as I lowered myself back down.

I licked him up and down, eyes closed, moaning with each lap of my tongue. I wanted him to see how much I was enjoying it. I had bent down and stuck my ass out in the air, making sure he could see my fluffy tail and ass he so loves wiggle. I slipped one hand down my chest and started pinching my nipples. He released a load groan and reached down to sweep some hair from my face.

I bent over him and took him once more. This time I started slow, bobbing my head up and down and tracing the veins in his shaft with my tongue. His hand rested on the back of my head and he continued to let out noises of pure pleasure. I picked up the speed and sucked a little harder.

"Oooh, fuck" he growled. "Faster baby, please!" He spoke with such urgency and I couldn't possibly deny him.

It wasn't playtime anymore. I used one hand to steady myself against his hip and the other to cup and massage his balls. I was taking this seriously now. He was beginning to sweat and I could tell he was trying to control himself and not thrust his hips into my face. I figured by now he knew that this wasn't the first time I'd done this, but his gentle touches could convince me otherwise.

I could feel the beginning signs of his orgasm under my fingertips. His balls got tight and the muscles along is stomach started to twitch a little. He started panting. "Fuck, Meg!" he gasped. "Stop, babe. I'm going to cum."

I glared up at him and used my hands to stroke his cock tight and fast. "Not a chance. I'm not wasting a drop."

While my paws were working their magic, gripping and sliding down the length of him, I sucked the head of his cock. I swirled my tongue around and lapped at him in anticipation. Knowing he was close and I wanted to push him over the edge. I locked my lips around his head, sucking with all I had, and started to hum. It didn't take long before his hot and salty cum coated the back of my throat. He grunted with each jolt and I eagerly swallowed all of it.

He was recovering and I slid up to his mouth, planting kissing along my journey. His eyes were still closed and his was breathing heavily. I stole a couple kisses and rolled out of the bed, reaching for my shirt. As I bent over he reached round and playfully slapped my bottom sending a quick jolt into me. "What the hell are you doing out of this bed, Megan? Get your ass back in here."

"I was just going to let you rest, babe. I've got a kitchen to tend to." I slipped my shirt on and walked back over to the bed to give him a goodnight kiss.

"Leave it." He grabbed my wrist and slowly tugged me back down into the bed. I curled into him and he nuzzled his face into my shoulder. "It wouldn't be a proper rest without you." I could feel his breathing slow and grip loosened as he drifted off to sleep. I relished the thought of being in his arms, and before I knew it, I was asleep too.