Poetry for (Message deleted) XD
I usually release poems in my journals, but i want to make this one a "story" to test which gets a better response/viewing. Also im not good at serious titles soooo... PS: dont be an asshole (ie rags) You know who you are :3 (come back soon, and...
Time For A Change Of Pace-Chapter 1: The Meeting Of New Friends
Once he could focus he could see it was a smiling, shirtless bear; looking over him with a slight questioning air to him. what the fox didn't realise was that he had drooled a bit as he awoke, once again craving those enticing patties.
Look! Look! Look!
**Look! Look! Look!** by Winter "Hey daddy! I'm home!" "Hmm?" Martin glanced up from his desk as his daughter bounced into his study, smiling as she hugged him around the neck and climbed into his lap. "Welcome home, baby girl. So how was...
Infinite Experiences: Soul
**Soul** **Al Abraq, Umm al Qaywayn, United Arab Emirates, October 24th, 2012** **Time: 1434** A female Arabian wolf sat at a table, staring at the phone in her paws. It was just over a year since the Libyan...
Easing the Tension
With tense, worried eyes, Darius looked up and down the street. Hoping to see anyone else outside on this grey day as he stood nigh paralyzed in front of the parlor. A small sign placed on the cobblestone trying to welcome any passersby that might...
Kinktober Day 4: Breasts
It wasn't long before scout was laying back on the couch, topless, letting her mind wander in the smoke. as relaxed and content as she felt though, it was nothing compared to how happy the blazed skunk was.
Open Season Chapter 34: A Shift In Alignment
Chapter 34 **A Shift In Alignment** Kel awoke on the first morning of her new life with an overwhelming feeling of contentment. Not since her near death experience of "_That Night_" had she known this amount of satisfaction with the direction of her...
Into the Green Jungle
shirtless was the one that grabbed his scruff and forced the worgen's face against the ground.
Working Hard
Another quiet Sunday afternoon at Pawlor General, the rush of people getting out from church having already passed as the employees straighten their workplace up and begin to get ready to leave fairly soon. The three on shift are the Store...
Orion’s beatdown
Cloud left the scene with the shirtless tortured hyena... the end.
Setting Sail
The topless thing..." isabel mentioned first. "so if we call ourselves the topless pirates, then everyone in our crew must be topless? i never show my lazy breasts to anyone." "right." mickeyila nodded.
A Very Messy Story (draft?)
The feline's cock throbbed at the thought of the shirtless pink bunny rubbing and nuzzling his feet. he halfheartedly nodded, nervous and horny simultaneously.