A Brief Report on Dragons
Contains: dragon information referring to American Dragon: Jake Long.
Created out of inspiration from this piece by Roo-meisterhttp://www.furaffinity.net/view/13978048/
As far as I know, there is no solid report on how dragons in American Dragon: Jake Long operated. Anyways, this is my own birthday gift to myself. Late, I know, but oh well.
A Brief Report on DragonsTo start, all dragons are assigned a territory. Typically, this territory is their place of birth. Territory is shared between dragons if it happens to be their place of birth. They must defend it from magical threats and keep collateral damage to a minimum to prevent exposing the magical world to the human world. If the magical world ever became public knowledge, well... Dragon powers can skip a generation for unknown reasons.A dragon's mentor is someone not related to them, barring the technical relation and special cases. Their mentor is an experienced dragon who instructs them in their duties and has been approved by the council. The primary role of a dragon is to defend their territory and the magical community from any threats, including the community itself. They cannot tell anyone about their double life, for this puts them, the people they tell, and the magical community at risk.As protectors of the magical world, dragons face many threats. They range from other magical creatures of varying shapes and sizes to humans chasing after what was supposed to be a myth. A while ago, there used to be a group of humans known as the Huntsclan that hunted magical creatures. They were one of the top threats to the magical world, and were known to be especially dangerous to dragons. While they have been eliminated for the most part, save two mostly harmless recruits that avoided extinction through a loophole, their technology still exists and can be dangerous.As there are many variants of dragon physiology, this will only cover general things. All dragons possess the ability to fly, whether they have wings or not. Their bodies are extremely tough thanks to their scales or fur. They can switch between a four-legged and a two-legged stance. Possessing claws that few barriers can stand against, a very flexible tail, sharp eyes capable of tracking targets, and sharp teeth, taking on a dragon is ill-advised. Whether their frame shows it or not, they are incredibly strong.Dragons can manipulate their own chi. This gives them access to several magic techniques, namely shapeshifting and the creation of copies of themselves. Shapeshifting is likely the first technique a new dragon will discover, and allows them to take on the form (and possibly the voice) of someone else. A doppelganger, or copy, allows a dragon to be in several places at once, but each copy will cost them a portion of their strength. Fortunately, they can be reabsorbed to regain it. Potions can be used to enhance their abilities or make them more accessible for inexperienced dragons. Along with chi manipulation, all of them can naturally utilize elements such as fire and ice. Dragons can use other elements with some assistance, but all of them have a primary element and are identified by it. Elements are not limited to manifesting in just their mouth. For example, a drop of sweat from a fire dragon will provide instant heat to whatever it touches, whereas people who pass by an ice dragon might feel a sudden shiver. As a side note, elements and morality do not coexist. Puberty is a very complicated stage for everyone, and dragons are no exception. During puberty, a dragon may experience bad breath that cannot be suppressed. While bad for social events, it means that their elemental powers are maturing. Another awkward scenario they're in for is molting, and it is not confined to puberty. Their scales will become dull and loose, and they will appear to have pimples all over their body. Their human form is not spared, gaining wrinkly, dull, and saggy skin that loosely hangs off of their body.Dragons are not invincible, in spite of popular belief. While it is possible for one to be defeated by a more skilled or defensively stronger opponent, they have other weaknesses. The hair from a sphinx will drain them of their strength and weaken them. The longer the exposure, the more harm it will do to them, but it is not lethal on its own. Despite their tough exterior, they have a weakness in an obscure spot on the left side of their head. A strike there could prove fatal.