Mind Control Story: Drinking (Drugging) Up

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Another story commissioned by FA: Heru with the naughty rimming and straight to gay antics that he's famous for. Though with a nice little twist in this one, I think.

If you like these little short stories, consider coming in during my weekly streams and getting one for yourself. They're only $10, and customized for your needs.

Drinking (Drugging) Up for Heru by Draconicon

"Hey, Jared!"

The rat turned around, only to grunt as two otters at the bar shoved one of the empty trays nearby into his hand, and then put two open bottles onto it. He blinked before looking up at them, one of the muscled males grinning.

"Take those drinks over to those girls, huh?" the otter said, pointing towards two vixens at a booth on the other side of the room. "We want to make sure that they're having a 'good time' tonight."

"But -"

"Hey, you'll get some too. Just stop by after work, and you'll get allllll you want, rat boy."

The otters high fived each other as the rat walked off, but as soon as they weren't looking, he ducked into one of the employees only spaces. Setting the tray down, he lifted the bottle up, and grimaced at the sight of a fading tablet in the bottom of the drink. A look at the other bottle confirmed that they'd both been dosed.


It wasn't the first time that he'd found someone drugging some drinks and then sending them off to someone else. Not all of the servers bothered to check, and most just went with it for the tip. He was sick and tired of finding people doing this, particularly when there was no way that the ladies could know that they were being drugged up. He sighed, taking the bottles to the sink to pour them out...

Then he paused. He looked at the bottles again, the tablets completed melted into the drink. If they were the sort of drug he was thinking of, they'd still be potent for a good hour. The guys would need something to tide them over. Why not give them a taste of their own medicine, for a change?

Grabbing a couple of glasses, he poured the drinks in over some ice, and threw in a couple of flavored shots to mask any of the cheap flavor. The boss would probably get on his case, but the rat was used to that; if it wasn't something he'd done, it was something that the tiger made up to get him in trouble. This, however, was going to be worth it.

After a couple of minutes, he walked back to the bar, setting the drinks down in front of the otters with a small, forced smile.

"Couple of drinks, on the house, boys."

"Hey, you're alright, Jared."

"Yeah, we should offer you some pussy more often."

Laugh while you can, jerks, he thought as they sucked down their drinks. Knowing that stuff, you'll be laughing out your ass in about ten minutes.


Probably due to their rapid consumption of the drugged alcohol, they were giggling and out of it within five minutes. As he cleaned a table nearby, Jared shook his head at their behavior. They were getting rowdier and rowdier, and he was getting pretty sure that they were going to be thrown out if they didn't tone it down before long.

Not to mention that they were getting more...active. From his angle, he could see them groping at each other's asses. Each one insisted that the other had a better ass, and that they'd love to play with it. Or would, if they were gay. They always went back to that, hiccuping and laughing afterwards, like they were afraid of actually being called that or the other person assuming that they were gay.

He couldn't understand that. Why make such a big deal out of the sex stuff, particularly when they were both...well, rather hot. The rat lowered his head a bit, but kept looking out of the corner of his eyes at the otters' ass cheeks. They were hard looking, but curvy at the same time. The pair of them had some serious muscles in the trunk, making their jeans stretch around their hard asses under those thick rudder tails. He caught himself licking his lips while looking at them, and shook his head a couple of times.

Should be keeping busy...but...

He looked up again, seeing that they were back to the hesitant groping. The pair of them were completely out of it, and both of them were horny as all hell. He knew the signals they were putting off; both of them wanted to fuck or get fucked, but neither of them could go all the way as a top. They were both waiting for it, and if he let them leave now, they were going to get caught by someone that would use them up, and hard.

Jared sighed. Looked like it was up to him to take care of them. It sounded all sorts of altruistic, but the bulge in his pants told the truth. They had a hot pair of asses, and this was his only chance to really get with them. Putting the cleaning rag down, he walked around the table and then up to the otter jocks, putting his hands on their shoulders.

"Hey -"

"Oh look, ish Jared."

"Oh hey, Jared, whatcha doing here?"

Not just drugged, but drunk off their asses...well, it's a good thing they'll have those up in the air before long.

"You guys are really out of it. The way you are, there's no way that you're going to pass any of the breathalyzers on the way home."

"Awww, but Jar - hic - Jared, we gotta get home..."

"I know. How about I drive you back, huh?"

"You'd do that for ush? Shanks."

The two otters grinned, pulling him into a hug that the rat thought would crush his lungs before they finally let him go. Sober, they might not be, but they were still damn strong. He'd have to remember that.

Herding them out of their chairs, he cautiously laid a hand on their asses as they walked out the door. They didn't protest; hell, it felt like they were pushing those cheeks back against him as they made their way out to his car. Jared squeezed them, and the rat couldn't help grinning at how muscley the two of them were.

This was going to be a good night.

It took longer than he expected for the three of them to get back to his place, though that was mostly because the two otters were getting sillier and sillier in the backseat as they worked their way through how much alcohol that they'd taken in. It was ridiculous, dealing with the pair of them. Like fratboys, but worse.

They eventually got there almost an hour after they left the bar, and Jared had to lug them out of the car one by one and drag them up the stairs. By the time that he'd gotten them up to his bed, he was wondering if this was still worth it.

One look at their asses, and he forgot his worries.

Pulling down their pants, the rat licked his lips at the sight of their well-muscled asses, particularly as he was able to rub their cheeks and not have them become a jiggling mass of jello. A good sized ass was great; an ass that was strong as well as big was priceless.

As the two jocks were stripped from the waist down, he heard them start groaning, and paused. Were they waking up? They certainly were aware enough to look over their shoulders at him. He hesitated...then grinned as they started shaking their butts at him.

"'mon Jared...fuck me..."

"No, man...fuck meeeeeeee."

That drug must have done more to them than he thought. The rat chuckled, barely caring which one he started with, and grabbed the one on the right. He spread the otter's ass cheeks as the jock cheered, and stuck his face between the cheeks.

His first sniff brought the smell of hot sweat and a slight bitterness that only came from a good ass to his nose. He chuckled, sticking out his tongue and dragging it from balls to tail base, getting a collection of flavors along his tongue. The otter moaned beneath him, wriggling his ass from side to side, and almost making Jared have to zig-zag his tongue back and forth as he made his way up.

Finally, he got to that hole, and started flicking his tongue over it. Right from the start, he realized he could start tongue-fucking the jock, thanks to that drug. The pucker was so relaxed his tongue just slid right in.

Fuck, what the hell was that thing?

He pulled his head back, reaching over and using a finger to test the other otter's hole. It was just as loose, just as eager as the one he'd been licking. Either these guys were deep in the closet, or that was one hell of a drug. Either way, it meant that they were going to have a very good time.

Jared pulled his head back, and dragged his pants down, revealing his own cock. It wasn't as big as the two otters in front of him, but he figured that it'd be enough to get the job done. Particularly as neither of them looked too picky. The rat got back on the bed, lining up his cock with the otter on the right, and his fingers with the otter on the left. It didn't take him long to ram both in, and both of the otters were moaning from the start.

They were hot, too, he realized as he started fucking them. They were very hot inside, more than he was used to, and what tightness they'd lost at the rim certainly hadn't been lost inside. He could feel them squeezing his cock and his fingers hard, and the two jocks moaning their heads off were particularly hot to listen to.

Panting as he slid his cock in and out, the rat tried to think back to the bar. He tried to think back to how scummy the two of them were, for trying to drug those girls and who knew what else. He tried to think of them was bad people, so he could enjoy doing this to them and having some revenge...but all he could think about were the hot asses that he was getting to play with, and how he'd get to play with them both all night.

The image of having them both under him so many times was enough to bring him over the edge, and Jared moaned loud as he slammed in hard. He curled his fingers out of instinct in the other otter, and he felt them both squeeze down at the same time. The soft splut splut of cum hitting his sheets reached his ears, and he groaned a bit, knowing he'd have to clean up later. Still, with these partners, it would be worth it.

Morning came sooner than he'd like, and Jared groaned as he looked around the small apartment. The two otters were standing at the foot of the bed, still naked, still staring down at him. Now, however, they were clear-eyed, and the rat realized that they were probably sober enough to remember the night before.

"H-hey guys."

"Hey, Jared."

The rat leaned back a bit, looking at the two of them. They were just as hot now as they'd been the night before...and for some reason, they weren't jumping him for what happened. He changed a question.

"So, uh, glad to be out of the closet?"

"We're not gay!"

"Uh -"

"Well, I mean...we're not fags, but -"

"Last night was really fun. And, uh...we'd like to do it again."

Jared blinked.


The otters nodded, and the rat smiled.

"Well then...we got time for another round."

The End